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St German’s Church
17 June 2018 - Trinity 3 (OT 11)

The parable in this Sunday’s gospel reading

makes a comparison between small This week:
beginnings and the final flowering or Sun 17 Trinity 3
flourishing of a project. The same is often 9:30 Sung Mass (St S)
11am Sung Mass (St G)
true in our own lives and in the lives of faith
Mon 18:
communities: small acts of love, kindness,
6:00pm Mass (St G)
hospitality and inclusion can have long
St Barnabas
lasting impact and produce great results. As
Tues 19:
we pray today we might approach this story 10am Mass (St S)
from either the time of sowing a little seed, a Wed 20:
time of enormous potential, or we can look 10am Mass (St G)
back from a time of full growth, and with Sts Alban, Julius &
deep gratitude, ponder our small beginning. Aaron (Martyrs
Thur 21:
5:45pm Mass (St S)
Parish Notes: St Aloysius Gonzaga
Evensong and Benediction - This evening 17 June 2018 at 6pm. Fri 22:
Messy Church - We hope to launch Messy Church this coming Autumn and are 6pm Mass (St S)
looking for volunteers. More information on this in coming weeks and months. Sts Thomas More &
John Fisher
Social Events - Summer Fete on Sat 14 July from 12noon to 3pm.
Sat 23:
Foodbank Members of St German’s gave 47.1kg of food to the Cardiff Food Bank.
11am Mass (St S)
Data Protection - Please take time to read our Privacy Notice displayed on the
Sun 24: Trinity 4
Notice Board and the Consent forms that will be distributed in due course.
St Saviour’s:
Readers & Intercessions - rota to be revised in July. If you’d like to be included 9:30 Sung Mass;
please speak to Angela Parry. If you are unsure, please speak to me someone who St German’s:
already does it, as it is a very rewarding ministry. 11:00 am Sung Mass
PCC - The next PCC Meeting is on Monday 16 July. 11:00 am Sung Mass
Memorial Garden Tidy - Saturday 23 June from 11:30 until lunch. Some cold wine
might be available!
Parish Priest:
Baptisms & Weddings - If you would like to book a baptism (or weddings) please Fr Phelim O’Hare,
speak to Fr Phelim after one of our services to arrange an initial meeting. 02922 411229,
Llandaff Festival of Prayer - 14 July 2018 at St Teilo’s CinW school. Information
and booking forms available at the back of the Church and on our website. (Day off - Friday)
Confirmation Classes - Next meets on Thurs 28 June at 6:20pm in St Saviour’s.
Recently Departed: Doreen Michael, Doreen Finn, Matt Harken, Gareth Phillips Churchwardens:

Peter Lovitt
02920 763754
Richard Hill
Job 38:1, 8-11 It is good to give you
Ezek 17:22-24
Ps 107:23-24, 25-26, www.saintgermanwith
Ps 92:2-3, 13-14, 15-16 thanks, O Lord. (3vv)
28-29, 30-31
2 Cor 5:6-10
2 Cor 5:14-17
Mark 4:26-34
Mark 4:35-41


Today’s Hymns: 636 - The Church’s One Foundation; 428 - Love Divine; 13 - All
for Jesus; 238 - Go Forth and Tell. (Mass setting: Rizza 955) 

living in the body or exiled from
it, we are intent on pleasing him.
COLLECT: For all the truth about us will be
Almighty God, you have broken
RESPONSORIAL PSALM brought out in the law court of
Christ, and each of us will get
the tyranny of sin and have sent It is good to give you thanks,
what he deserves for the things
the Spirit of your Son into our O Lord. he did in the body, good or bad.
hearts whereby we call you
Father: give us grace to dedicate It is good to give thanks This is the word of the Lord.
our freedom to your service, that to the Lord, 2 Cor 5
we and all creation may be to make music
brought to the glorious liberty of to your name, O Most High,
the children of God; through
to proclaim your love
Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, in the morning A reading from the Holy Gospel
who is alive and reigns with you and your truth according to St Mark.
and the Holy Spirit, one God, in the watches of the night. R/
now and for ever. Amen. He also said, ‘The kingdom of
The just will flourish like the God is as if someone would
palm tree and grow like a scatter seed on the ground, and
FIRST READING Lebanon cedar. R/ would sleep and rise night and
The First reading is from the day, and the seed would sprout
prophet Ezekiel. Planted in the house of the Lord and grow, he does not know how.
they will flourish The earth produces of itself, first
The Lord says this: ‘From the top in the courts of our God, the stalk, then the head, then the
of the cedar, from the highest still bearing fruit full grain in the head. But when
branch I will take a shoot when they are old, the grain is ripe, at once he goes
and plant it myself on a very still full of sap, still green, in with his sickle, because the
high mountain. I will plant it to proclaim that the Lord is just. harvest has come.’ He also said,
on the high mountain of Israel. In him, my rock, ‘With what can we compare the
It will sprout branches and bear there is no wrong. R/ kingdom of God, or what parable
fruit, and become a noble cedar. Psalm 92 will we use for it? It is like a
Every kind of bird will live mustard seed, which, when sown
beneath it, every winged creature upon the ground, is the smallest
rest in the shade of its branches. SECOND READING of all the seeds on earth; yet
And every tree of the field will when it is sown it grows up and
A reading from the second letter
learn that I, the Lord, am the one becomes the greatest of all
of St Paul to the Corinthians.
who stunts tall trees and makes shrubs, and puts forth large
the low ones grow, who withers branches, so that the birds of the
We are always full of confidence
green trees and makes the air can make nests in its shade.’
when we remember that to live
withered green. I, the Lord, have With many such parables he
in the body means to be exiled
spoken, and I will do it.’ spoke the word to them, as they
from the Lord, going as we do by
were able to hear it; he did not
faith and not by sight – we are
This is the word of the Lord. speak to them except in parables,
full of confidence, I say, and
Ezek 17 but he explained everything in
actually want to be exiled from
private to his disciples.
the body and make our home
with the Lord. Whether we are
This is the Gospel of the Lord.
Mark 4

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