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Issue 1, June 2018
3 Driselbia now a kingdom
“Monarchy is
the one system
5 Join the Army
of government
where power
News from abroad
8 is exercised for
the good of all.”
10 Interview with His Majesty - Aristotle

14 Roleplay news
By Editor-In-Chief Qandaristania

DRISELBIA - The Driselbian government some particular nations who have tried to
has announced that it will go through what is called harm the stability of the seven-month old
a major reform, effectively turning the region into region. Another citizen told Slavme mag-
a kingdom with HM Trigori as king of the region. azine that the reform ‘actually didn’t do
After a long time of administrational confusion, much but change the name of positions and
inefficient governance and relative inactivity in change the council a bit’. Some nations how-
the government, this announcement has been wel- ever are against the recent developments,
comed by some who see this as a great way of fur- with some being against some parts of the
ther solidifying a unique Driselbian identity. This reform, like the issue of overlapping powers
decision has not been rushed but has rather been between the Chancellor and the new Pres-
at vote for quite a while, with the latest constitu- ident position, while others are completely
tional referendum splitting the population into a against the whole thing. One nation told
pro-monarchist and an anti-monarchist camp with Slavme magazine that the reform has been
the pro-monarchist camp winning the referendum ‘senseless’ and ‘useless’ and ‘should not have
and subsequently bringing about the government been done in the first place’. That particu-
reform. One particular citizen told us that the re- lar nation also pointed out that Driselbia’s
forms have been good because it ‘brought stabili- democratic institution is now at stake and
ty’ to Driselbia, which is known for several small, might even be at the brink of dissolution.
insignificant but nontheless unstable clashes be- Whatever the case, this reform has certainly
tween the government and divided the people of this precious region.
After a long time of humili- The DRA has since then em-
ation, the blessed merge has barked on various journeys to
brought with it precious fruit capture and liberate, tag and
that are waiting to be harvest- detag the regions around the
ed by the people of the great NS world. The army is the pride
Driselbian nation, fruits that of the nation and are the legs
have to be protected at all costs that support the region when it
so no bandits can take them needs it the most.
away. These fruits consist of
the fruit of prosperity, the fruit So for the patriots of Driselbia,
of justice and the fruit of prog- it only makes sense to strength-
ress, fruits that are necessary en the legs of their region and to
in order to ensure the surviv- bolster the ranks of their times
al of the Driselbian nation and of need and in times of glory.
in order to prevent its doom at
the hands of its enemies, both
domestic and abroad. There-
fore, the Driselbian Republi-
can Army, which subsequently
became the Driselbian Roy-
al Army, was established in
March 2018 in order to pro-
tect Driselbia from its enemies
and to expand its virtues and
its borders and make it greater
than ever seen before in time.
Soldiers of the nation performing the honorous duty

The Driselbian Royal Army is like a loyal shield the enemies, and join the glorious historical
protecting the wearer from sustaining damag- legacy of six regions, and as more mergers are
es during battle. Like a shield, the DRA shields to come, the army will be stocked with even
the region from foreign and domestic attacks more great legacies. Join the army in gruesome
and seeks to expand Driselbia beyond its current battles and set an example for future nations
borders. The DRA is proudly and fearlessly serv- like the collapse and invasion of the Union of
ing the interests of the Driselbian nation and the Confederate Regions, of which Driselbia par-
Driselbian nation only and seeks to destroy and took in as the true successor to the now dis-
regularly weakens those who are against the re- graced former Conventian Empire. Bolster
gion and its precious and holy values. In order the ranks of the protectors of honor and rain
to strengthen the shield, it’s necessary to give the hell upon enemies that seek to destroy Drisel-
shield upgrades and make it harder. Similarly, the bia and undermine it, seeing it as simply as
DRA can only be stronger by bolstering its ranks a potential merger. Fight for what’s right but
through volunteers and patriots seeking to fight don’t transgress, for transgressors won’t gain
for their nation and for “Slavme slavne slavu”. By anything and karma will eventually bite them.
bolstering the ranks of the fighters of the nation, Join the army and perform tag raids on small
the army will act like a strengthened shield, being dead regions, likewise you can detag them as
able to withstand more damage and being more well and set the stage for a potential revival of
durable. So go forth, oh patriot, and join the army said region. Invade regions and make them
and support the pride of the region and protect its subserviant to the Driselbian nation and like-
precious values against enemies who wish to spit wise liberate them and give them back their
on them. Join the army and envoke great hell on freedom. The opportunities are endless.
Islamic State of Iraq and Sham The General Director of roleplay in the region of
Kaiserreich has resigned from his position due to
The region of ‘Islamic State of Iraq and Sham’, finals and will be away for approximately a month
which at its peak used to control over 52 re- and a half.
gions and which has been shut down due to
multiing has announced on its Discord serv-
er that it will officially shut down after a time Szabor
of inactivity. The region of Szabor has recently held chancel-
lor elections, whereby the people of Szabor have
chosen Taylor Riese as their chancellor.
Union of Confederate Regions
Screenshots have been leaked from the Dis-
cord server of the former regime previously The VALTIC/Confederacy of Layem
ruling the region that shows continued wide-
The region of The VALTIC has just cancelled a peace
spread practice of sexual assault towards mi-
treaty with the region of Confederacy of Layem. A
nors, the main reason why the former regime
peace treaty was signed a few days prior after high
of Langor fell in the first place.
tensions between the regions.


His Majesty Trigori has, amid confus-
ing times as a result of the great reform,
made himself available to the public in
order to assist the President, His Ex-
cellency Qandaristania, and the rest of
the government in order to make sure
that the government is efficiently and
unconditionally serving the citizens
that are everso loyal to it. HM Trigori
therefore has made himself available
to the citizens of Driselbia by opening
himself up for an honorable interview
with Slavme magazine.
What was the reasoning behind
this reform that has drastically
changed Driselbia’s outlook?
HM TRIGORI: Driselbia ended up as a diarchy.
Having two ambitious people of the same rank didn’t
work out in the past, as proven by the situation in
the early Atlas Federation, where a guy named Sovi-
etSparta (we were both the principes of the region)
tried to coup me. I’m not saying Qandy would be the
one to do such a thing, he would never do such thing
as he is a hardworking and loyal person, but I’d rath-
er not have doors open for instability and destruc-
tion. So first I talked with Qandy about this situation
and we reached an agreement: I like to sit high and
say “mango” a lot and Qandy did plenty of work. So
we agreed that I would have mostly ceremonial pow-
ers, while Qandy could continue to do his thing. We
then presented it to you guys to decide if you like
that or not.

What are the benefits of such

reform? Would you recommend
monarchism to other regions?
HM TRIGORI: Yeah, so now we have a proper hi-
erarchy, so there’s no need to drown the other guy
His Majesty in all his glory politically and very likely take the region with them.
I do my stuff and Qandy does his stuff. In addition to
Foreword that, I have anchored my policy of political neutrality
as a head of state in the constitution, which should
help unite the region since people get riled up about
HM TRIGORI: Greetings to all mangos. In this new system
politics a lot and if the guy at the top just smiles ner-
that you have voted for, we are fixing some stability issues
vously, it makes you feel better. To your second ques-
that could have bitten us in the back later and giving Drisel-
tion, I say — to each region their own. Whatever fits
bia a whole new aesthetic. I would also like to use this space
their culture. But I believe having a neutral head of
to explain that a monarchy does not automatically equal an
state is essential to a functioning region and while
absolutist monarchy or an evil empire. We are a democratic
you’re at it, why not give it some flair as well? Just
and parliamentary monarchy, similar to the likes of United
don’t slip into the Palpatine meme. Do a king George
Kingdom, Sweden or Spain. Every citizen has the right to
or something instead. He had a cool beard and his
vote and sit in the Diet, our legislative assembly. We have
country had a parliament.
system of checks and balances and in the spirit of a “peo-
ple’s king,” I have the right to act on the basis of a popular How has the region responded
petition, to name a few highlights of our governments. So
I would also like to ask of you: PLEASE participate in the so far to these reforms?
government. The country is in your hands. Create bills, HM TRIGORI: I think that most people are okay
vote in the Diet, procesute corrupt politicans, help make with it, especially when we count the referendum,
Driselbia a better place by your effort (for which you then which has brought us here anyway. There are some
gain bragging rights, so go for it.) This was the foreword, that protest this, but as long as they’re not trying to
now for some questions. break the region, I don’t mind, it’s their opinion.
How will this affect the region’s What will these changes send
various services it provides and to regions across nearby re-
its foreign policy? gions?

HM TRIGORI: Everyone can vote That we’re ready to do diploma-

now, ministers are appointed and cy with them. Our position will
the hierarchy means that there is mostly remain the same but we
always someone to fall back on, may favor fellow monarchists.
so we don’t have vacant posts that
Thank you for your time, Your
contribute nothing. Overall, I’d
say that services work better now.
The foreign policy stays the same, Ye.
but we may seek closer ties with
other monarchist regions.

Are there any future plans for

Driselbia? What are you plan-
ning to do?

HM TRIGORI: Have some

good infrastructure for growth
(like good RP), get that growth,
turn Driselbia into a big and
known region. I hope to make
us known as a neutral hoster
of diplomatic conferences, but
while keeping a core of friend-
ly and connected regions. Do-
mestically, keep it a happy place
using what I can and also mak-
ing sure that Driselbia and its
government is as stable and
rock solid as ever possible.
Modern RP map as of 16-06-2018

BRITISH-GEFREUSZO WAR: War EGYPT: Egyptian emperor urges co-
concludes with Gefreuszo defeat as lonial powers at the summit to release
both sides sign a peace treaty where- colonial possessions throughout the
by Geufreuszo cedes all lands on the world, especially in the continent of
British isles to the British Empire, Africa, all but Eldurgoth refuse to dis-
British citiziens rejoice at the news. cuss this matter,
clear devices has been detonated in
a city, Eldurgothic king Gunnolf III
reaffirms that Eldurgoth does not
have any nuclear devices of the type
detonated in the area.


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