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Teacher’s Book

Anna Cole

Gateway 2TB cover.indd 1 12-05-30 14:13

2 Criminal records Paðstwo i spoîeczeðstwo przestÙpczoĂÉ


1 Work with a partner and match the pictures with these words.

burglary mugging murder piracy

robbery shoplifting theft vandalism
d burglary
2 1.11 Listen and repeat.
b d

f FR h

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs. Criminals
You can use one word three times.
6 Try to complete the table without using a
burgle kill mug pirate rob steal vandalise dictionary. Then use your dictionary to check and

complete the table.

1 A murder is when somebody kills another person.
2 A burglary is when somebody burgles a house and Crime Criminal

steals things from it. burglary 1 burglar

3 A robbery is when somebody robs a bank or a person.
murder 2 murderer
4 Vandalism is when somebody vandalises public property
and damages it. robbery 3 robber
5 Shoplifting is when somebody steals things from a shop. shoplifting 4 shoplifter

6 Piracy is when somebody pirates software such as CDs

and DVDs by copying them illegally. theft 5 thief
7 Mugging is when somebody mugs another person and vandalism 6 vandal

takes their money using violence.

piracy 7 pirate
8 A theft is when somebody steals something.
mugging 8 mugger
4 What is the difference between rob and steal? Use your dictionary
to check your answer.
7a SPEAKING All of these crimes are serious. Put them
STUDY SKILLS in order of how serious you think they are, from 8
(very serious) to 1 (not so serious).

Czy wiesz, dlaczego dobrze jest starać się odgadnąć znaczenie wyrazu,
zanim sprawdzi się je w słowniku? 7b Work with a partner. Compare your ideas.
I think murder is very serious. I give it an 8.
5 LISTENING 1.12 Listen to four radio news items. What are
the crimes?

I agree. What do you

1 robbery 3 piracy
think about mugging?
2 vandalism 4 shoplifting

18 Unit 2

Gateway_2_PL.indb 18
Gateway 2 TB.indb 44 12-04-03
12-05-30 19:03
Unit 2 Lesson 1

Vocabulary Crimes Criminals


In pairs, students discuss the meaning of the unit title Criminal To rob means to take money or property from someone illegally.
records and what they think the unit is going to be about. Elicit To steal means to take something that belongs to someone else
ideas from the class. without permission.

Suggested answer

A criminal record is an official list of crimes that someone has Extra practice
committed. This record of a person’s criminal history can be Write these extra example sentences on the board and give
investigated by banks and employers to find out if someone is further explanations:
trustworthy. It can include traffic offences such as speeding. He robbed a bank. (He took things from the bank; he didn’t take

the bank.)
She robbed an old man. (She took things from the man; she did
not take him.)
Word stress and part of speech She stole food from the supermarket. (She took food.)
Drill the pronunciation of record. Remind students that in
English there are many words that change stress depending
on the part of speech, e.g. when it is a verb, the stress moves Study skills
to the second syllable: record. Ask students for reasons why it is a good study skill to guess

information about words before looking them up in the
dictionary. Direct students to page 157 (Vocabulary: Using
Crimes a dictionary) to compare their answers.

1 In pairs, students match the pictures with the words. Draw 5 LISTENING 1.12 Play the CD for students to listen to the four
attention to the example. radio news items and name the crimes. Tell students to note

Audioscript and Key

1.11 Play the CD for students to listen, check and repeat.
down key words which help them decide on their answer as
they listen.

burglary (picture d) 1 Three men entered the National Bank in Bristol last night
mugging (picture g) and took over a million pounds. Police do not know how
the criminals entered the bank, but they are looking to trace
murder (picture b) a white van which was parked outside the bank yesterday
piracy (picture f ) afternoon.
robbery (picture c) 2 Police arrested six young men in Brighton city centre yesterday.
shoplifting (picture e) The men broke the windows of several shops and damaged
theft (picture a) a number of cars parked there.

vandalism (picture h) 3 In entertainment news, pop star Pink has a new album out
this week, but the artist is unhappy because there are already
thousands of illegal copies on sale. The singer is asking her fans

Extra activity not to buy these illegal copies.

Play the CD again and ask students to underline the stressed 4 Supermarket chain Bestco said yesterday that they are very
syllables and circle the schwa /ə/ sounds (see the Key in 2 for worried about the number of thefts in their supermarkets.
answers). Bestco lose millions of pounds each year because of the theft
of all kinds of products, from milk to perfume.


The /ɵ/ sound
Some students may have difficulty pronouncing the /ɵ/ 6 First, students complete the table without using a dictionary.

sound in theft. Tell students to put their finger on their lips. Then they use the Macmillan Dictionary to complete the table.
Their tongue should lightly touch their finger when they 7a SPEAKING Individually, students put the crimes in 6 in order
make this sound. Chorally drill the word. Refer students to the from 8 (very serious) to 1 (not so serious).
Pronunciation guide in the Student’s Book, page 170.
7b In pairs, students compare their ideas. Focus their attention on
the model dialogue before they begin.
3 Individually, students complete the sentences with the correct
form of the verbs. Remind them that they can use one word Homework

three times. Check answers by asking different students. Refer students to the Workbook, page 10.
4 Students try to guess the difference between rob and steal
before they check their answers in their dictionaries. Point out
that theft is the noun form for the verb steal and that a thief is
the general name for someone who steals something.


19:03 Gateway 2 TB.indb 45 12-05-30 13:49

Lesson 2 Reading Predicting content, reading for gist and for detail

Newspaper stories about crime

Warmer Study skills
If possible, make copies of some English newspaper stories. You Discuss why it is useful to look at the pictures and the titles of
can also print them from the following websites: texts before they read them. Students compare their answers with
news,, Cut out the the information on page 156 (Reading: Prediction).
headline so it is separate from the main story. Divide the class into
4 Students read the texts again and answer the questions in
small groups and give each group at least three newspaper stories

their notebooks using complete sentences. Monitor and
with the corresponding headlines. Students must read the stories
provide help if necessary. Elicit answers from the class.
and match the headlines to the stories. Tell them not to worry if
they don’t understand every word. They should just look for key
words that identify what the story is about.

1 The guards were surprised to see Detlef Federsohn outside
TEACHER DEVELOPMENT: CLASSROOM TIPS the prison because he had been released from prison and
was trying to get back in.
Warmers 2 Because his mum didn’t give him meals, wash his clothes or
Most students need a warmer at the beginning of a class
let him watch television, like they do in prison.
to get used to speaking English again. For students (and 3 A gang of robbers/Four young people attacked David
teachers), this is where short five-minute activities come in Copperfield.
useful. They can also be used during and at the end of class, 4 The robbers didn’t steal anything because David

when there is some time to fill or a change of pace is needed. Copperfield made the objects disappear.
5 Lee Hoskins took photos of himself and his girlfriend next to
1 Students match the titles of the news stories with the pictures. the stolen car.
Remind them there is one title they will not need. Students 6 The police identified Lee Hoskins from the photos that were
compare their answers in pairs before you elicit the answers on the camera he left in the car.
from the class. 7 The Colombian burglar got inside a box and his friend sent
2 In pairs, students discuss what they think each story is about
by looking at the titles and the pictures. Draw students’
attention to the model dialogue and elicit a few ideas.
FR him by post to the rich man’s house.
8 The rich man didn’t think it was normal to receive a big
parcel and called the police.

3 Students read the stories and match the pictures, titles and 5 Students match the underlined words in the text with their
texts. Set a time limit of two minutes to encourage them to definitions.
read quickly and not worry about difficult vocabulary. Remind 6 SPEAKING What about you?
them that once they have the general idea of the whole text, In pairs, students ask each other which story they prefer
they may find they can guess the meaning of new words and why. Draw attention to the model dialogue. Elicit some
much more easily. opinions from different students.
In a less confident class, you may want to pre-teach some

vocabulary for the reading texts: surprise – an unusual event Homework

or unexpected piece of news; discover – to find something Refer students to the Workbook, page 11.
that is hidden or that no one knew about before; prefer – to

like or want someone or something more than someone or

something else; get back – to return to a place; gang – a group
of criminals working together; magician – someone whose job
it is to entertain people by performing magic tricks; pockets –
a small bag that forms part of a piece of clothing and is used

for holding small objects; run away – to secretly leave a place

because you are not happy there.
Recording: Unit 2 p19 Reading on


Gateway 2 TB.indb 46 12-05-30 13:49 Gatew


1 Look at these pictures. They illustrate newspaper stories

about crimes or criminals. Can you match the titles of
the stories with the pictures? There is one title you do
not need.
1 Now you see it, now you don’t c
2 And this photo is me stealing your car a

3 The perfect police officer c
4 Burglar in a box d a
5 Let me back in! b

2 Work with a partner. From the titles and pictures,
what do you think happens in each story? Guess.
What about the story with the car?

I think that somebody steals the car

when the boy is taking a photo of it.

3 Read the stories and match the pictures, titles and texts. b
Story A Title 5 Picture b
Story B Title 1 Picture c
Dlaczego warto przyjrzeć się ilustracjom/fotografiom do tekstu
Story C Title 2 Picture a i zapoznać z jego tytułem przed przeczytaniem całości?
Story D Title 4

Picture d FR C

str. 156

A gang of robbers wanted to A British car thief made A Colombian
Prison guards in Vienna got rob the famous magician David crim
a big surprise yesterday. a basic mistake. Lee had an original inal
They discovered a young
Copperfield last week. They Hoskins was stealing an a burglary. He
idea for
man just outside the prison.
learnt an important lesson: never Opel Astra when he came go
a box and a fr t inside
mug a magician. Four young across a camera inside him by post to
iend sent
They thought that he was people attacked Copperfield the car. So what did he of a rich busi
the house
escaping. But they found out after a show in Florida last do? He and his girlfriend nessman.
that the young man, Detlef But the busine
week. Copperfield had money, took photos of each other surprised and
ssman was
Federsohn, was trying to his passport, and his mobile next to the car. Soon su

get back in! Federsohn was when the larg spicious

phone in his pockets. But when afterwards, they crashed e pa
turned up at hi rcel
in prison for two years for the robbers were looking for the car. They quickly s
theft. When he left prison He didn’t thin house.
something to steal, he showed ran away from the scene k it was
and lived on the outside, he

normal to rece
his pockets to the thieves and the of the crime but they iv
decided that he preferred parcel and so e this big
objects weren’t there! The thieves left the camera inside he called
life inside. ‘Life is great didn’t wait to look for them. The the car. The police soon
the police. W
in prison,’ said Federsohn. police arrested the men when worked out who the thief tthief finally ca the
‘They give you your meals, they were running away … after was! ‘Some criminals can oof the box, he e out
saw ten
wash your clothes and let a call from Copperfield on his be really stupid,’ said a police officers
you watch television. I can’t disappearing phone. police officer looking into tthere waiting

for him.
do that with my mum.’ the case.

4 Read
R d the
th stories
t i again
i and
d answer 5 Match
M t h th
the underlined
d words in the stories with
ith their
th i definitions.
d fi iti

the questions. 1 stopped and took to the police station arrested

1 Why were the prison guards in Vienna 2 people who look after a place or person guards
surprised by Detlef Federsohn? 3 a box or package that you send by post parcel
2 Why didn’t Detlef Federsohn want to live with 4 breakfast, lunch, dinner meals
his mum? 5 how you feel when you think something is not normal and could be
bad or dangerous suspicious
3 Who attacked David Copperfield?
6 crime, incident case

4 Why didn’t they steal anything from 7 using the postal service by post
8 let somebody see something showed
5 What photos did Lee Hoskins take?
6 SPEAKING What about you?
6 How did the police catch Lee Hoskins? Which story do you prefer and why?
7 How did the Colombian burglar get into the I like the story about the magician.

rich man’s house? Why?

8 Why wasn’t the burglar’s plan successful? Because he’s very clever. The criminals didn’t steal anything from him.

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych Dobieranie Unit 2 T47


Gateway 2 TB.indb 47
Gateway_2_PL.indb 19 12-05-30 19:03
12-04-03 13:49
Grammar in context


Past simple
1a Look at these sentences. Which 1c In 1a find a sentence with …
sentences are in the present simple 1 a form of be in the past simple affirmative d
and which are in the past simple?

2 a form of be in the past simple negative h
a Four young people attacked him. 3 a regular verb in the past simple affirmative a
b What did he do? 4 an irregular verb in the past simple affirmative e
c They give you your meals. 5 a past simple question b

d He was outside the prison. 6 a verb in the past simple negative g
e He had money in his pockets. 1d Complete the sentences with the correct past simple forms of be, walk and go.
f My mother doesn’t do that. Affirmative: He was/walked/went there yesterday.
g He didn’t think about it. Negative: He there yesterday.
wasn’t/didn’t walk/didn’t go
h The objects weren’t there.
Question: Was he/Did he walk/Did he go there yesterday?

1b When do we use the past simple?
We use the past simple to describe actions or GRAMMAR REFERENCE str. 26
situations that started and finished in the past.

2a PRONUNCIATION Look at the three lists. How do we pronounce the -ed ending in each list?
List A: finished watched liked passed
List B:
List C:
2b 1.13 Listen, check and repeat.

2c In which list is the -ed ending pronounced /ɪd/? Which letters come just before -ed in the words in this list?

3 Work with a partner. Write an A to Z of irregular past simple forms. How many can you think of in five minutes?
A – ate, B – bought, C – …

4 Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs.

One night a girl and her boyfriend (a)  were (be) in the middle of a long phone

conversation about their future. Suddenly the boyfriend (b)  stopped (stop) talking.
The girl (c)  became  (become) very worried. She (d)  began  (begin) to shout
but he (e)  didn’t reply  (not reply). She (f)  thought (think) that her boyfriend
(g)  was (be) in some kind of danger. At first, the girl (h)  didn’t know (not know)

what to do. But then she (i)  made (make) a decision and (j)  called  (call)
the police. Officers (k)  ran  (run) to her boyfriend’s house in Nuremburg, Germany.

They (l)  expected (expect) to find a murderer or a burglar, but they

(m)  didn’t find  (not find) any criminals. They just (n)  found  (find)
the boyfriend sleeping next to the phone!

5 Complete these questions about the text in 4 with the past simple form of the verbs.

1 What were (be) the boy and girl in the middle of? 5 What did she decide (decide) to do?
2 What did the boy do (do)? 6 What action did the police take (take)?
3 Why did the girl start (start) shouting? 7 Did they find (find) any criminals?
4 What did she think (think)?

6 SPEAKING Work with a partner. Take it in turns to ask and answer the questions in 5.

20 Unit 2

Gateway_2_PL.indb 20
Gateway 2 TB.indb 48 12-04-03
12-05-30 19:03
Lesson 3

Grammar in context Past simple

Warmer 2a PRONUNCIATION Ask students to practise saying the words in

Ask students to read the sentences in 1a and match them to a news each list and decide on the pronunciation of the -ed ending in
story from page 19. Tell them to ignore sentences b and g for now. each list.

Key Key
a Story B d Story A g N/A List A: /t/ List B: /ɪd/ List C: /d/

b N/A e Story B h Story B
c Story A f Story A 2b 1.13 Play the CD for students to listen, check and repeat.

Past simple Audioscript

List A: finished watched liked passed
Test before you teach
List B: wanted needed painted started
Write these five sentences on the board: I ________ (have)
List C: stayed arrived discovered planned
lunch at school last week. They ________ (be) at school yesterday.
Last weekend I ________ (not go) to the cinema. ________ they
2c Ask students to find the list in which the -ed ending is
________ (go) to the cinema last weekend? No, they ________.
pronounced /ɪd/ and look at which letters come before -ed in
Ask students to complete them with the past simple form of the this list.

verb in brackets. Then ask them to write five similar sentences in
the past simple in their notebooks. Monitor carefully to see if they Key
have consolidated knowledge of the past simple tense. In List B, d or t always come before the -ed ending.
had, were, didn’t go, Did … go, didn’t
1a Ask students to identify which tense the sentences are in: past
Extra practice
Write these past tense forms on the board: kissed, stayed,
decided, talked, rained, turned, demanded, planted, played,
simple or present simple. worked, cooked, celebrated. Ask students to say the words and
match them to the correct pronunciation of -ed (/t/, /d/ or /ɪd/).
Past simple: a, b, d, e, g, h Key
Present simple: c, f /t/: worked, talked, cooked, kissed
/d/: played, turned, stayed, rained
1b Elicit from students when we use the past simple. /ɪd/: planted, demanded, celebrated, decided
1c Students find a sentence in 1a to match each description of

a past simple form. 3 Set a strict five-minute time limit. In pairs, students write an
A to Z of irregular past simple forms with one verb for each
1d Students complete the sentences with the correct past simple
letter. Warn students that it will be very difficult for students

forms of be, walk and go. Elicit the answers.

to think of irregular verbs for v, y and z. Elicit answers from
different pairs. Refer to the irregular verb list in the Student’s
Extra practice Book, page 168.
Write these additional examples on the board:
Affirmative: They ________ on the phone last night. 4 Students complete the text with the correct past simple form
Negative: They ________ on the phone last night. of the verbs, as in the example.

Question: ________ they ________ on the phone last night? 5 Students complete the questions about the story with the
Ask students to complete the sentences with the correct past correct past simple forms.
simple forms be, talk and speak.
6 SPEAKING In pairs, students take it in turns to ask and answer

Key the questions in 5.

Affirmative: were/talked/spoke
Negative: weren’t/didn’t talk/didn’t speak Suggested answers
Question: Were they/Did they talk/Did they speak 1 They were in the middle of a long phone conversation.
2 The boy fell asleep on the phone.
Refer students to the Grammar reference on page 26. 3 The girl started shouting because the boy didn’t reply.
TEACHER DEVELOPMENT: LANGUAGE 4 The girl thought that the boy was in danger.

5 She decided to call the police.

Past tense forms 6 The police officers ran to the boy’s house.
The major difficulty students have with the past tense is that 7 They didn’t find any criminals. They found the boy sleeping!
negative and question forms use auxiliary verbs and infinitives.
It may help to present this visually and explain that the -ed
ending transforms into an auxiliary verb:

Affirmative: He walked to school yesterday.

Question: Did he walk to school yesterday?


19:03 Gateway 2 TB.indb 49 12-05-30 13:49

7a SPEAKING Students work in pairs. Ask Student A to look at the

information on page 21 and Student B to turn to page 169.
Tell them to prepare the questions they need to ask to find out Student A:
the missing information. When was Bonnie Parker born?
What was Clyde’s full name?
7b Students use their questions from 7a to interview each other. What did Bonnie do in 1930?
Monitor and provide help if necessary. How many banks did they rob?

What did Clyde tell Henry Ford?
Who helped some friends escape from prison in 1934?
Who killed Bonnie and Clyde?
Student B:

Was Bonnie very intelligent?
Where was Clyde born?
What did they do after they met in 1930?
Who did Clyde send a letter to?
What did Clyde do to ten or eleven people?
What did the Texas police decide to do?
What did people try to do when the police killed Bonnie and

Refer students to the Workbook, page 12.

Lesson 4 Developing vocabulary

Phrasal verbs connected with investigating and finding
Listening for specific information and inferring Shoplifting


Phrasal verbs connected with
Phrasal verbs
investigating and finding Phrasal verbs are usually verbs + prepositions or verbs +
particles. Students tend to sound more natural if they use
Warmer phrasal verbs when they speak. Associating phrasal verbs with
Brainstorm what students know about phrasal verbs (e.g. verb + a topic can help students remember them more easily.
particle; literal/non-literal meaning, etc.) Draw a 4x4 grid on the
board, with the particles along the top and the verbs down the side. Point out that phrasal verbs are either separable or non-separable.

All the verbs must form phrasal verbs with all the particles. Divide A separable phrasal verb can have the object of the phrasal
the class into two teams: 0 – noughts and X – crosses. In order to verb either in the middle of the phrasal verb or after it, e.g.
win a square, a team must use the phrasal verb in a sentence. The find something out or find out something. With non-separable

first team to get three squares in a row is the winner. phrasal verbs, the object can only come after the phrasal verb,
Example: e.g. Police are looking into the crime NOT Police are looking
the crime into. See also the Unit 8 Teacher development box,
over up off Phrasal verbs on page 96.
2 Students rewrite each sentence using the correct form

of a phrasal verb from 1. Remind them that this kind of
take transformation exercise is very common in examinations.
1 Students look at the phrasal verbs and look at how they are 3 Students make as many sentences as they can with the words

used in the texts on page 19. Tell students to match them to in the table. Draw attention to the example sentence.
the definitions.
Extra activity I looked for the key. I looked for the answer. I looked for the
Students decide whether the phrasal verbs in 1 are separable or identity of the criminal. I found out the answer. I found out the
non-separable. identity of the criminal. I came across the key. I came across the
answer. I came across the identity of the criminal. I worked out

Key the answer. I worked out the identity of the criminal.

1 non-separable 4 non-separable
2 non-separable 5 separable Homework
3 separable 6 non-separable
Refer students to the Workbook, page 13.


Gateway 2 TB.indb 50 12-05-30 13:49

Developing vocabulary

7a SPEAKING Work in pairs. Student A: look at the information below. Phrasal verbs connected with

Student B: turn to page 169. Prepare questions to ask your partner investigating and finding
to find the missing information.
1 Find the phrasal verbs in the stories on page 19
1 When was Bonnie Parker born? and match them to the definitions below.
7b Interview your partner.
come across find out look for

look into turn up work out
Student A
Bonnie and Clyde were a pair of 1 investigate look into
notorious criminals.
Bonnie Parker was born in (a)  1910 2 find by accident come across
in Rowena,

Texas. She was very intelligent
. 3 solve a problem by considering the facts
Clyde’s full name was (b)  Clyde Barrow work out
. He was
born in 1909 in Ellis County, Tex 4 try to find look for
Bonnie (c)  met Clyde in 1930. They 5 discover find out
committed many crimes in the 6 arrive or appear unexpectedly turn up
next four years.
They robbed (d)  15 banks, although generally

they preferred small shops and
petrol stations.
They often stole cars too. Once
Clyde sent a letter
to Henry Ford to thank him. He
told him that
(e)  his cars were his favorite cars to steal
But Clyde also had a violent side !
. He probably
killed ten or eleven people.
In January 1934, (f) 
to escape from a Texas prison.
helped some friends
But the Texas police
decided that it was time to stop
Bonnie and Clyde.
(g)  six police officers killed the pair of criminals
when they were in their car.
Bonnie and Clyde were so famous 2 Rewrite these sentences using the correct form
that many people of the phrasal verbs in 1.
went to see the car and tried to
steal their clothes!
1 Detectives are trying to find the murderer.
Detectives are looking for the murderer .

2 The CIA began to investigate the case.

The CIA began to look into the case .

3 They found the knife by accident in the garden.

They came across the knife by accident in the garden.
4 The knife appeared unexpectedly in the garden.
The knife turned up in the garden .

5 Sherlock Holmes used logic to solve crimes.

Sherlock Holmes worked out the crimes .
6 After their investigation, they soon discovered

where the thief was.

After their investigation, they found out where
the thief was .

3 How many sentences can you make with

the words in the table? Your sentences must

include the phrasal verbs in 1.

I looked for the key.
looked out the key.
I for the answer.

worked across the identity of the criminal.

Unit 2 T51

Gateway 21
2 TB.indb 51 12-04-03 13:49
12-05-30 19:03
Listening Grammar in context


Past continuous
1a Look at sentences 1–4 and match them to the
explanation of their uses in a–d.

1 My mum was looking for something. c
2 While I was waiting for my mum, I saw some
sunglasses. d
3 I just put the sunglasses in my pocket. a

4 She took me back to the supermarket and I gave
the sunglasses back. b
a A completed action in the past.
b Two completed actions in the past that happened
one after the other.
c An activity in progress in the past.
d An activity in progress in the past interrupted by a

sudden action.

1 SPEAKING Work with a partner and discuss these 1b Complete the rule.
questions. We make the past continuous with the past simple
1 What can you see in the photo? of be (was/were) + verb -ing.
2 What type of objects do people steal from shops?


Jak myślisz, co należy zrobić najpierw, mając do czynienia

z zadaniem na rozumienie ze słuchu typu T/F (prawda/fałsz)? 2 SPEAKING This supermarket needs a new security officer.

STUDY SKILLS str. 157 Have you got good powers of observation and memory?
Look at the scene for two minutes. Then work with
a partner. Take it in turns. One of you closes the book
and the other asks questions.
2 LISTENING 1.14 You are going to hear two teenagers
talking about a shoplifting incident. Listen and decide if

each statement is true (T) or false (F).


1 The boy stole a pair of sunglasses T/F

when he was five.
2 The boy was staying with his T/F
uncle at the time.

3 The boy’s mum was looking for a


pair of sunglasses too.
4 The sunglasses were cheap. T/F
5 An old man saw the boy when he

was stealing the sunglasses.
6 A policeman arrested the T/F
boy while he was leaving the
7 The boy had to pay for T/F
the sunglasses.

3 Compare your answers with your partner. What was the old man doing?
4 Listen again and check your answers. What did the He was stealing bread.

boy decide to do after this crime?

What was he wearing?

22 Unit 2 Mówienie Opis ilustracji • Rozumienie ze słuchu Prawda/Fałsz

Gateway_2_PL.indb 22
Gateway 2 TB.indb 52 12-04-03
12-05-30 19:03
Before you listen Audioscript

Write these statistics on the board and ask students to discuss if
GIRL: Hey! Just look at this. I can’t believe it!
they think they are true or false:
1 1–2% of all shoppers enter a shop to steal. True BOY: Sorry, what d’you say?
2 Male shoplifters outnumber females by 20 to 1. False (the other GIRL: Well, I was reading something about shoplifting. It says
way round) here in this magazine that, in the last five years, three and a half
3 Most shoplifters are under 21, with a peak age of 15. True million people in Britain admitted to shoplifting. Three and a half

4 Of all shoplifters, 45% are middle income, 28% are high income, million! That’s incredible!
and 27% are low income. True BOY: Mmm, yeah, well, I suppose so.
1 SPEAKING In pairs, students discuss the questions. Elicit GIRL: What’s the matter? You don’t seem very surprised.

answers from different students. BOY: Well, no, not really. You see … well … the thing is … I once
stole something from a shop.
Suggested answers GIRL: You what?! Really? I don’t believe it.
1 We can see two people in a shop. BOY: Yeah, well, it was five years ago. I was only ten.
2 People steal things they can easily hide. GIRL: Where was it?
BOY: It was in a big supermarket in Eastbourne. My uncle lives
Study skills there and we were staying with him for the holidays. It was in

Ask students what they should do first in a ‘true/false/not the summer.
mentioned’ listening activity. Students turn to page 157 (Listening: GIRL: Who were you with?
True/false activities) to check their answers. BOY: My mum and my sister. My mum was looking for something,
2 LISTENING 1.14 Play the CD for students to listen to the text I can’t remember what. Oh … I remember! She was looking for
and decide if the information is true or false. a T-shirt for my sister. I was bored … I hated buying clothes.

With a less confident class, you may want to pre-teach some

vocabulary before playing the CD. Write the words on the
board, then read out the definitions for students to identify
FR GIRL: You still do!
BOY: Yeah, that’s true. Anyway, while I was waiting for my mum and
my sister, I suddenly saw some really cool sunglasses. I wanted to
buy them, but I didn’t have any money. I knew my mum wasn’t
the corresponding words: admit – to agree that something
going to buy them for me because they were pretty expensive.
bad is true or to agree that you have done something wrong; I looked around quickly, but there was nobody around. Well,
amazing – very good, surprising or impressive; checkout – the except for an old man who was buying shampoo or something,
place where you pay in a supermarket or other large shop; but he wasn’t watching me. I didn’t think twice about it. I just put
nervous – feeling excited and worried, or slightly afraid; the sunglasses in my jacket pocket. Two seconds later, my mum
apologise – to tell someone that you are sorry for doing and my sister appeared and we went to the check out.
something wrong; zebra crossing – a set of black and white GIRL: Were you nervous?
lines across a road showing where vehicles must stop when
BOY: Nervous? I was in a total panic! Just as we were leaving the

people want to cross the road; embarrassing – making you feel

supermarket and crossing the road a policeman called out to my
nervous, ashamed or stupid.
mum. I thought, ‘uh-oh, this is it’. Anyway, it turned out that he
3 In pairs, students compare their answers. Ask students if was telling her that we had to cross at the zebra crossing!

they were surprised at the number of people in Britain who GIRL: Did your mum ever find out about the sunglasses?
admitted to shoplifting. BOY: Of course. She found them the next day when she was putting
4 Play the recording again for students to check their my jacket away. She was not happy. She took me straight back to
answers. Ask students to justify their choices by giving the supermarket and made me give them back and apologise. It
relevant information they can remember from the text. was really embarrassing. I felt terrible about it for days afterwards.

Never again. That was the end of my life of crime!

The boy decided never to steal again.

Lesson 5 Grammar in context Past continuous

Past continuous 1b Students complete the rule.

Refer students to the Grammar reference on page 26.
Test before you teach
2 SPEAKING Set a two-minute time limit for students to

Write some times on the board, e.g. 7 am, 8.15 am, 9.30 am, memorise the supermarket scene. In pairs, students then take
13.30 pm, 17 pm, 19 pm, 23.30 pm. Ask students to write sentences it in turns to ask and answer questions about the scene using
about what they were doing at these times using the past the past continuous. Draw attention to the model dialogue.
continuous. Monitor to see if students are familiar with the form Monitor to assess students’ oral ability.
and use of the past continuous tense.
1a Point out to students that the sentences are from the listening

activity. Students look at sentences 1–4 and match them to

the explanation of their uses (a–d).


19:03 Gateway 2 TB.indb 53 12-05-30 13:49

3 Individually, students invent answers to the questions and 5 Students complete the dialogue with either the past

write full sentences to complete the story. Walk round, continuous or past simple form of each verb.
helping students with any language questions they may have.
Students role-play the dialogue in pairs.
Stressed and unstressed forms of was
Remind students that the pronunciation of was changes

according to whether it is stressed (at the beginning or end of 6a SPEAKING Individually, students write three true and three
a sentence) or unstressed (in the middle of a sentence). Write false sentences about what they were doing at the six
these examples on the board and chorally drill them: different times.
Was he playing in the park? Yes, he was. /wɒz/ 6b In pairs, students interview each other and try to identify

My friend was walking to school. /wəz/ the three false statements. Ask a pair to read out the model
dialogue before they begin.
4 In pairs, students take it in turns to read each other their
stories to see if they are similar or different. They then decide TEACHER DEVELOPMENT: CLASSROOM TIPS
which one they prefer. Ask two or three students to read their Monitoring
stories to the class. It is important to monitor students while they are working,
TEACHER DEVELOPMENT: LANGUAGE so you can answer any language difficulties, give advice on

how to structure sentences in a more natural way, provide
Past continuous vocabulary that students are lacking and deal with individual
• Some verbs are not often used in the past continuous needs, as well as noting common problem areas.
because they are not normally action verbs, e.g. believe,
belong, depend, hate, know, like, love, mean, need, prefer, To monitor your students, you need to get physically close
realise, suppose, want, understand. to pairs or groups and focus your attention on one pair or
• While, as and when introduce information related to time.
They mean during the time that and indicate that something
was happening when another event occurred, e.g. I was
group at a time. Try to be as unobtrusive as possible and
avoid eye contact. Make sure you have a notepad and a pen
to write down both errors and good language use. Write
common errors on the board at the end of the activity for the
talking on the phone while I was getting dressed.
• We use when, not while, to talk about something that class to consider, correct or rephrase. Praise students who
interrupts a longer action or event, e.g. I was sleeping when demonstrated good language use.
Joanna rang to say she wasn’t coming home.
• We also use when, not while, to talk about one event that
happens immediately after another and to talk about Fast finishers
periods of time in the past, e.g. When the lights went out, Students now tell their partner what they were really doing at
everybody screamed. When I was a little boy, we didn’t have a the three times they wrote false sentences for.

Teacher’s Resource Multi-ROM: See Unit 2 Grammar worksheet
Prison break.

Refer students to the Workbook, page 14.


Gateway 2 TB.indb 54 12-05-30 13:50

3 Work individually. Write complete sentences to answer 5 Complete the dialogue by putting the verbs in the correct

the questions about the story. form of the past continuous or past simple.

POLICE OFFICER: So, can you tell us, sir? What (a) were you
doing (do) at 10 pm last night?
ROBIN BANKS: Let’s see. I think I (b) was helping (help) my

mum with the shopping at 10 pm.
POLICE OFFICER: Really? When we (c) rang (ring)
One afternoon a young girl was sitting in a café drinking coffee. your mum last night at 10 pm she
(d) wasn’t doing (not do) the shopping. She
1 What else was she doing? She was talking on her mobile phone.
phone (e) was watching (watch) TV at home.
Suddenly a man ran into the café and shouted her name. FR ROBIN BANKS: Ah, now I remember. I (f) was running (run) at
that time.
POLICE OFFICER: (g) Did anybody (h) see (see)
2 What was the girl’s name? you while you (i) were running (run)?
ROBIN BANKS: Erm. Yes, my friend Jack Door saw me.
3 What was the man wearing? POLICE OFFICER: Jack Door? Impossible. Didn’t you know? He’s in prison.
ROBIN BANKS: Oops! Anyway, why are you asking me all these
4 What was the man carrying? questions?
POLICE OFFICER: Well, Mr Banks, our cameras (j) caught
(catch) you running last night. You

The young girl didn’t appear to be very happy to see the man. (k) were running (run) out of the National
She immediately started to look inside her bag. Bank and you (l) were carrying (carry) a bag

with ten thousand pounds in it.

5 What was she looking for?
6a SPEAKING What you were doing at these times? Think of
three things that are true and three that are false. You need
6 What did she take out of her bag? to make your partner think that your false stories are true.
1 at 8 am last Saturday 4 at 7 pm yesterday

2 at 10 pm last Saturday 5 at midnight last night

The man ran quickly towards the girl. 3 at 9 am on Sunday 6 at 7.30 am this morning

6b Interview your partner. Which information do you think is

7 Then what did he do?
false? Look at this example.

What were you doing at 8 am last Saturday?

8 What did the girl do and why?
I was revising English.
9 How did the story end?
Why were you revising English at 8 am?

4 Read your complete story to your partner. Are your stories Because I had an exam last week and I
similar or different? Which story do you prefer? didn’t have any other time to study.
Why not?
Because at ten o’clock I went away
One afternoon a young girl was sitting in
with my friends for the weekend.

a café drinking coffee. She was talking on

her mobile phone. Her name was … I think it’s false!

Unit 2 T55

Gateway 2 TB.indb 55
Gateway_2_PL.indb 23 12-05-30 19:03
12-04-03 13:50
Developing speaking Reporting a past event

1 SPEAKING Work with a partner. Say what you can see in each picture.

a d




2 LISTENING 1.15 Listen to two teenagers talking about
last weekend. Which pictures from 1 appear in the story?
3 Work in pairs. Student A: complete the gaps in Sophie’s
dialogue. Student B: complete the gaps in Jake’s dialogue.

SOPHIE: Hi there. How are you? Did you have

a good (a) weekend ?
JAKE: No, not really.

SOPHIE: Why not? What was the (b) problem ?

JAKE: Well, I went out with my friends on Saturday night
and something terrible (1) happened .
SOPHIE: (c) What ? 6 Look at the words and expressions in the Speaking Bank.
JAKE: We were in the town centre. We went to that new

Tick the ones which appear in the dialogue.

(2) pizza place , Gino’s. We had a great time but
when we were leaving, a boy and a girl suddenly came Speaking Bank
up to me and asked me the time. I told them and then
we left. A few minutes later, when we were going home Useful
Us eful
ef ul w
or ds and
and expressions
re s ions of sequence and time

on the bus, I wanted to call my parents. I looked for my • At

At first • In the end ✓
(3) mobile everywhere but I couldn’t find it. • First
First of all • Finally
SOPHIE: (d) So what did you do next? • Then ✓ • Suddenly ✓
JAKE: We went back to look for it but it wasn’t there.
• Next 9 • A few minutes/hours/days later ✓
I think the boy and girl (4) stole it • The next day
when they were asking me the time. • After that ✓
SOPHIE: Oh no! So what happened (e) in the end ?

JAKE: After that, I called the (5) phone company to block the Practice makes perfect
number. But now I haven’t got a (6) mobile phone .
7a SPEAKING Choose a place, object and crime from 1. Make
SOPHIE: That’s (f) awful ! notes to invent what happened to you last weekend.

4 Listen again and check your answers. 7b Work with a partner. Student A: Ask Sophie’s questions

from 3. Student B: Answer the questions. Use the Speaking

5 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Practise reading the dialogue aloud. Bank and your notes to help you. Now change roles.

24 Unit 2 Mówienie Opis ilustracji • Rozmowa z odgrywaniem roli

Gateway_2_PL.indb 24
Gateway 2 TB.indb 56 12-04-03
12-05-30 19:04
Lesson 6

Developing speaking Reporting a past event

Reporting a past event Practice makes perfect

Warmer 7a SPEAKING Students choose an object, place and crime from

Write these discussion questions on the board: Have you ever the pictures in 1 and invent a story about what happened to
been the victim of a crime? Have you ever witnessed (seen) a crime? them last weekend in their notebook.
Have you ever committed a crime? If you were in a shop and you saw 7b In pairs, students ask and answer Sophie’s questions in 3
someone shoplifting, what would you do? Ask students to discuss

to share their stories. Remind them to use the words and
the questions in pairs or small groups. Ask someone from each expressions from the Speaking Bank. For students who are less
group to share their ideas with the class. confident, photocopy the model dialogue below, and either
1 In pairs, students tell each other what they can see in each read it aloud yourself or alternate the roles with you and a

picture. strong student. Then instruct students to read aloud in pairs,
alternating between roles A and B. Then ask them to read it
again, changing the underlined information so it is true for
a pizza restaurant f money
b disco/nightclub g mugging Model dialogue
c house h burglary
d mobile phone i shoplifting

e jacket A: Hi there. How are you? Did you have a good weekend?

2 LISTENING 1.15 Play the CD for students to decide which B: No, not really.
pictures in 1 are referred to in the story. Check answers and A: Why not? What was the problem?
elicit the meaning of awful (extremely bad or unpleasant) and
B: Well, I went out with my best mate on Sunday and
point out the heavy stress on the first syllable.

SOPHIE: Hi there. How are you? Did you have a good weekend?
FR something terrible happened!
A: What?
B: We were in the town centre. We went to that new
JAKE: No, not really. disco that’s open on Sunday afternoons, Jambo. I was
SOPHIE: Why not? What was the problem? wearing my new jacket, you know – the one I bought
with all the money I saved. First of all, it was hot so
JAKE: Well, I went out with my friends on Saturday night and
I took it off and put it on a chair. Suddenly, this girl
something terrible happened.
came up to talk to me. A few minutes later, she asked
SOPHIE: What? me for my mobile number and said she had to go.
JAKE: We were in the town centre. We went to that new pizza I looked for my jacket everywhere, but I couldn’t find it!
place, Gino’s. We had a great time, but when we were

leaving a boy and a girl suddenly came up to me and asked A: So what did you do next?
me the time. I told them and then we left. A few minutes B: We asked at reception, but it wasn’t there. That girl
later, when we were going home on the bus, I wanted to call took it, I know.

my parents. I looked for my mobile everywhere but I couldn’t

find it. A: Oh no! So what happened in the end?
SOPHIE: So what did you do next? B: The next day I saw a boy wearing exactly the same
JAKE: We went back to look for it, but it wasn’t there. I think the jacket. I wanted to talk to him, but he ran away.
boy and girl stole it when they were asking me the time. A: That’s awful!

SOPHIE: Oh no! So what happened in the end?

JAKE: After that, I called the phone company to block the number.
But now I haven’t got a mobile phone.
SOPHIE: That’s awful! Extra activity

Students investigate a topic related to crime in their country

and write a short report to present in class. They could focus on
Key a particular type of crime, e.g. piracy, a famous/recent crime or
Pictures a, d and g give an overview of crime in their society.

3 Ask students to work in pairs. Tell Student A to complete Teacher’s Resource Multi-ROM: See Unit 2 Communication
Sophie’s part of the dialogue and Student B to complete Jake’s worksheet As far as I know …

4 Play the CD again for students to listen and check their Refer students to the Workbook, page 15.
5 SPEAKING In pairs, students practise reading the dialogue.
6 Students look at the words and expressions in the Speaking

Bank and tick the ones which appear in the dialogue.


19:04 Gateway 2 TB.indb 57 12-05-30 13:50

Lesson 7

Developing writing An informal letter

An informal letter Model text

Warmer Always write the
In pairs, students look at the picture story and try to guess what address of the person 19 Brightman Road,
happened. you are writing to in the Newnham
top right-hand corner of CB3 2LG
1 Students find as many differences as they can between the the letter.
20th May 2010 The date goes

letter and the picture story. Elicit answers from different on the right,
students. under the
Key Hi Janie,

Write the greeting
There are two friends in the letter, but only one in the picture I’m writing to tell you about something (Hi, Hello or Dear),
story. unusual that happened to me last week. plus the name of the
There’s a big bag in the picture story, but in the letter there is I was helping mum in the garden, moving recipient on the left-
a handbag. some plants from one corner to another. hand side, below
Suddenly, I uncovered some broken pots. the date.
The friends in the picture story took the bag to the police station.
At first, we thought they were modern, but
In the letter, the friends opened the bag.
our neighbour got very excited when he saw The main body
In the picture story, there is an identification card in the bag. of the letter is

them. often divided
In the letter, there is a mobile phone and money, but no
I called the local town hall and, a few hours into paragraphs.
later, some local archaeologists came to
In the picture story, the bag belongs to the boy’s dad. our house. In the end, they said they were
In the letter, the bag belongs to his mum. Roman pots that go back nearly 2,000 years
and that our garden could be an important
2 Students look again at the letter in 1 and complete the
information in the Writing Bank.
3 Individually, students imagine they found something unusual
FR site. Now they want to excavate
our garden to find more! I’m not
sure what mum thinks about
all this!
To close the letter, you
should say Write back soon,
Yours truly or other similar
last week and make notes to answer the questions. Monitor words, followed by your
Write back soon,
and help students with vocabulary. name.
Practice makes perfect
4 Students look at the task and write a letter to a friend using Study skills
their information from 3 and the model letter in 1. Remind Students discuss what they need to get a good mark for their
them to include expressions and conventions from the Writing piece of writing. Tell them to turn to page 157 (Writing: Knowing

and Speaking Banks. For students who are less confident, about evaluation) and use the criteria to evaluate their letter.
photocopy the model text on this page for extra support
during the writing task. Homework

Refer students to the Workbook, page 16.

How to use model texts
A model text provides a good example of how texts of
a particular kind can be written. As students become

more familiar with different text types, they will feel more
comfortable with written exam tasks. Students will notice
features, such as layout, structure and fixed phrases, that
they can make use of in their own written text. Using model

texts can also help develop useful exam techniques such as

planning and self-correction. Always read the model text
provided and go through the writing tasks in detail, so that
students are fully aware of why they are writing and who they
are writing to.


Gateway 2 TB.indb 58 12-05-30 13:50 Gatew

Developing writing An informal letter

Dad! It·s
your bag!

2 Look again at the letter in 1 and complete the
1 Read the letter and look at the picture story. What
differences can you find between the letter and the
FR information in the Writing Bank.

Writing Bank
There are two friends in the letter, but only one in the
picture story. Useful expressions
exppressions and conventions
in informal letters
• In inform
informal letters, we write our address and
mal lette
date in the top right corner.
• Then
Thee we write Dear or
Th Hi and the name of
tthe person.

• We often begin with Thanks for your letter or

I’m writing to tell you about …
• To end an informal letter we can use Write back soon

and Love .

3 Imagine that you found something unusual last week.

Make notes to answer the questions.
1 When did you find it? 5 Why was it unusual?
2 Where were you? 6 What did you do with the

3 Who were you with? object?

4 What did you find? 7 What happened in the end?

Practice makes perfect

4 Look at the task and write the letter. Use your notes
from 3 and the Speaking and Writing Banks to help you.

Last week you found something unusual. Write a letter to

a friend telling them about what you found. Tell them:
• what you found and where,

• why the object was unusual,

• what you did next and what happened in the end.

Czy znasz kryteria oceniania prac pisemnych, aby wiedzieć,

na czym się skupić, pisząc wypracowanie?


Wypowiedź pisemna List prywatny Unit 2 25

Gateway 2 TB.indb 59
Gateway_2_PL.indb 25 12-05-30 19:04
12-04-03 13:50
Grammar reference Unit 2

Past simple of be

Affirmative I/He/She/It was there.
You/We/They were there.
Negative I/He/She/It wasn’t (was not) there.

You/We/They weren’t (were not) there.
Question Was I/he/she/it there?
Were you/we/they there? Uĝycie
Short Yes, I/he/she/it was. No, I/he/she/it wasn’t. Czasu przeszłego prostego używamy, gdy mówimy o:
answers Yes, you/we/they were. No, you/we/they weren’t. 1 zakończonych czynnościach lub wydarzeniach
z przeszłości, np.:
I went to San Francisco in 2005.
Past simple of regular and irregular verbs

2 dwóch lub więcej rzeczach, które wydarzyły się tuż
Forma po sobie w przeszłości, np.:
When the letter arrived, he opened it and read it.
Affirmative I/You/He/She/It/We/They walked home.
I/You/He/She/It/We/They went home.
Negative I/You/He/She/It/We/They didn’t (did not) walk home.
I/You/He/She/It/We/They didn’t (did not) go home.

Did I/you/he/she/it/we/they walk home?
Did I/you/he/she/it/we/they go home?
Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/they did.
answers No, I/you/he/she/it/we/they didn’t.

Past continuous
Forma Uĝycie
Affirmative I/He/She/It was watching. Czasu przeszłego ciągłego używamy, gdy mówimy o:
You/We/They were watching. 1 czynnościach trwających w danym momencie w przeszłości, np.:

Negative I/He/She/It wasn’t (was not) watching. At six o’clock I was watching a film.
You/We/They weren’t (were not) watching. 2 tle innych wydarzeń w przeszłości, np.:
Question Was I/he/she/it watching? The sun was shining and the birds were singing.

Were you/we/they watching? 3 czynnościach trwających w przeszłości, które zostały przerwane

Short Yes, I/he/she/it was. No, I/he/she/it wasn’t. innymi, krótszymi zdarzeniami, np.:
answers Yes, you/we/they were. No, you/we/they weren’t. I was crossing the road when I saw an accident.
Określenia często używane z czasem past continuous to while i as.

While/As I was crossing the road, I saw an accident.

Pamiętaj, że niektórych czasowników zazwyczaj nie używamy
w formie ciągłej (z końcówką -ing). Ich listę znajdziesz na stronie 14

I wanted to see the concert.

I was wanting to see the concert.

26 Unit 2

Gateway_2_PL.indb 26
Gateway 2 TB.indb 60 12-04-03
12-05-30 19:04
Self-check Unit 2

Grammar revision
Past simple Past continuous
1 Change these sentences from present simple to past simple. 2 Complete the sentences with the past continuous form of

1 Richard and I are students at this school. these verbs.
Richard and I were students at this school. cry listen read ride sit sleep wait write
2 What’s the problem?
What was the problem? 1 At nine o’clock last night I was reading a detective novel.

3 We leave school at 5 o’clock.
We left school at 5 o’clock. 2 Which CD were you listening to?
4 She catches the bus at that stop. 3 He wasn’t writing a letter, it was an email.
She caught the bus at that stop.
5 What time do you finish work? 4 Was the baby sleeping at 2 am?
What time did you finish work? 5 I was riding my bike this morning.
6 She doesn’t teach English.
She didn’t teach English. 6 They weren’t waiting for the bus, it was a taxi.

7 Running makes me tired. 7 Which chair were you sitting in?
Running made me tired.
8 They’ve got a problem. 8 My grandmother was crying because she was very sad.
They’d got a problem.

ZESZYT ĆWICZEŃ str. 12 / 8 points ZESZYT ĆWICZEŃ str. 14 / 8 points

Past continuous and past simple

3 Choose the correct alternative.
1 While I travelled/was travelling to work, my phone suddenly rang/was ringing.
2 The boy stole/was stealing the apple while nobody looked/was looking.
3 Craig drove/was driving home when he remembered/was remembering it was his mum’s birthday.
4 Sam broke/was breaking the window and then he ran/was running away. ZESZYT ĆWICZEŃ str. 14 / 8 points

Vocabulary revision

Crimes Criminals
1 Complete the sentences with these words. There are more 2 Complete the sentences with words from 1.

words than sentences.

1 A pirate is someone who makes and sells illegal
burglary burgle kill mug mugger murderer piracy copies of software, for example.
pirate rob shoplifter shoplifting steal theft thief vandal
2 A shoplifter is someone who steals from a shop.
1 When you mug someone, you attack them to 3 A vandal is someone who damages and destroys

steal from them.

things for no reason.
2 When you steal from a person or a place, you
take money or objects illegally. 4 A murderer is someone who takes another person’s
3 Burglary is the crime of entering a house or life.

building illegally to take things. 5 A thief is somebody who steals things in

4 When you kill someone, you take their life. general.
5 Theft is when you take something illegally.
ZESZYT ĆWICZEŃ str. 10 / 5 points
ZESZYT ĆWICZEŃ str. 10 / 5 points

Phrasal verbs connected with investigating and finding


3 Complete the sentences with these prepositions. across for into out out up

1 I was looking (a) for my keys yesterday but I couldn’t find them anywhere. I hope they turn (b) up soon. If you come
(c) across them, could you tell me?
2 They can’t find the murderer, so a new detective is going to look (d) into the case. If they use logic, they can probably work

(e) out who the criminal is. It’s urgent to find (f) out who did it.

ZESZYT ĆWICZEŃ str. 13 / 6 points

Total / 40 points

19:04 Gateway_2_PL.indb
Gateway 27
2 TB.indb 61 12-04-03 13:50
12-05-30 19:04
Gateway to matura Unit 2

3a Popatrz na poniĪsze zdjĊcie. Czy znasz wszystkie sáowa
CzÚĂÊ ustna – Zadanie 2

niezbĊdne do jego peánego opisu?

TIP Na pełny opis ilustracji składają się następujące elementy: TIP Jeśli zapomnisz
Ɣ opis wyglądu, ubioru, uczuć osoby/osób na zdjęciu, lub nie znasz jakiegoś
Ɣ opis wykonywanej czynności z uzasadnieniem lub powodem słowa, użyj synonimu
jej wykonywania, lub definicji, np.
a man who steals

Ɣ opis miejsca, w którym osoba się znajduje/osoby się znajdują.
Czas na opis zdjęcia i odpowiedź na trzy pytania egzaminującego to pięć zamiast a thief.
minut łącznie z przygotowaniem się.

1a Przeczytaj opis poniĪszego zdjĊcia. Wstaw w kratki
znak  przy zrealizowanych elementach.
Peány opis osoby
3b D
i synonimy
i llub
f i i j podanych
fi d h poniĪej
iĪ sáów.
✓ Peány opis czynnoĞci
A metal bar – _______________ A torch – _______________
✓ Peány opis miejsca A burglar – _________________ A mask – _______________

T picture shows a young


3c Opisz ilustracjĊ z üwiczenia 3a.
man standing next to a car.
He is holding a metal bar
TIP Czynności przedstawione na zdjęciu opisuj czasem present continuous.
in his hands and is trying
to break into the car.
He must be a car thief.
H 4 1.16 Posáuchaj trzech wypowiedzi na poniĪszy
temat. Zaznacz najlepszą, twoim zdaniem, wypowiedĨ
He is standing in the street
in a housing estate district.
There are many cars parked
along the road and the thief
FR znakiem . WyjaĞnij, dlaczego odrzucasz pozostaáe.

Describe a crime or detective story that you have read recently.

WypowiedĨ 1 WypowiedĨ 2 ✓ WypowiedĨ 3

wants to steal one of them.
TIP Oprócz opisania zdjęcia musisz odpowiedzieć na trzy pytania
1b Dopowiedz informacje, których brakuje w powyĪszym opisie. egzaminującego. Pierwsze – bezpośrednio na temat zdjęcia, drugie –
generalizujące temat zdjęcia, a trzecie – odwołujące się do twoich
TIP Opisując ilustrację, skoncentruj się tylko na najważniejszych
doświadczeń w temacie.
elementach. Szkoda czasu na nieistotne szczegóły, bo na całą wypowiedź,
nie licząc przygotowania, masz tylko cztery minuty.
5 1.17 Pracujcie w parach. Opiszcie swoje zdjĊcia,
a nastĊpnie zadawajcie sobie na zmianĊ podane pytania

2a Przeczytaj opis poniĪszego zdjĊcia. Wstaw w kratki i odpowiadajcie na nie. Posáuchajcie modelowych
znak  przy zrealizowanych elementach. PodkreĞl odpowiedzi.
Ċ elementyy opisu.

TIP Odpowiadając na pytanie o twoje doświadczenia, nie musisz mówić

prawdy! Jeśli prawdziwa odpowiedź byłaby zdawkowa albo wymagała
skomplikowanego słownictwa, użyj wyobraźni i opisz wymyślone

Uc zeĔ
ze ĔA
Pytania do ucznia B:

1. What do you
think will happen
to the arrested man?
2. Would you like

to work as a police
of¿cer? Why (not)?
3. Tell me about the last
crime committed
In the
h picture,
i I can see ffour people:
l two men and d two women. by teenagers you
All the people are in a bank. One of the men is a robber. He is heard about.
holding a gun in his right hand. The other people have their
hands up. One of the women is sitting at a desk and the robber UczeĔ
eĔ B

is standing in front of it. There’s a computer, but it hasn’t got Pytania do ucznia A:
a Àat screen monitor, so it must be 1. Why is the man
Peány opis osoby smashing the car?
really old. Next to the computer,
2. What is the most
there’s a printer. It looks old too. Peány opis czynnoĞci
serious crime in your
There’s a bag ¿lled with money opinion? Why?
on the desk. ✓ Peány opis miejsca
3. Describe the last

crime you heard or

2b Dopowiedz informacje, których brakuje w powyĪszym opisie. read about.

28 Unit 2

Gateway_2_PL.indb 28
Gateway 2 TB.indb 62 12-04-03
12-05-30 19:04
Lesson 8

Gateway to matura Unit 2

Warmer 5 1.17 Students read the task and analyse the TIP. Students

Bring a picture related to the topic of crime. Show it to the class get into pairs and take turns at describing their pictures and
for five seconds. In pairs, students describe the picture to each asking and answering the three questions.
other. Get feedback on what they saw.
* You may play the CD for students to listen to the model answer:
1a Students analyse the TIP, look at the picture, read the – before they start doing the task to provide them with
description and decide which points have been included. a good example to copy,

1b Students read the task, analyse the TIP and do the task – after they have finished doing the task, to check and
individually in writing. discuss whether they have done it correctly,
– after they have done the task with one partner and before
Suggested answer they continue doing it in new pairs.

The man is in his early 20s. He is wearing jeans and a navy blue Audioscript and Model answer
hooded top. He looks suspicious. I think he is waiting for the STUDENT A:
street to become empty, so that he can break into a car. The photo shows a middle-aged man with short black hair. He is
wearing dark elegant trousers and a grey coat. He has black gloves on
2a Students look at the picture, read the description and his hands. I think the man is very angry because he’s standing next
decide which points have been included. They then read the to a red car and smashing one of its windows with a baseball bat.
description again, underlining all the irrelevant information. The man is in a place where you can leave a car when you don’t want
to use it anymore. In the background, I can see some other old cars

2b Individually, students complete the description for 2a with the which have been left there by their owners.
missing information. Why is the man smashing the car?
I think that the man is destroying the car because he doesn’t like it
3a Students read the task and analyse the TIP. Elicit the words, anymore. It is also possible that the car didn’t want to start and the
their synonyms and definitions from around the class. man got furious. I don’t think that the man wants to steal the car. He
*Students might want to know the English word for ‘wytrych’ doesn’t look like a typical car thief.
– a skeleton key.
3b Individually, students write synonyms or definitions for the
words and then compare them with those of their partner.
FR What is the most serious crime in your opinion? Why?
In my opinion, the most serious of all crimes is murder because
even if a murderer is sent to prison for many years, it won’t bring
the murderer’s victim back to life. The family of the person who was
murdered suffers great loss and can’t overcome the feeling of sadness
Key after the death of a close person.
a metal bar – a long narrow piece of metal Describe the last crime you heard or read about.
a burglar – someone who enters a building illegally to steal In yesterday’s news, I heard about a group of 12-year-old vandals.
They were all drunk, destroyed three bus shelters and smashed shop
a torch – a small electric light operated by batteries that you
windows in two department stores. Such crimes are certainly not as
hold in your hand (a flashlight in American English) serious as murder, but I think those teenagers should be punished for
a mask – something that you wear to cover part or all of your what they have done and their parents should pay for the damage
face to hide who you are that they have caused.

3c Individually, students write a description of the picture in 3a. The photo shows three people: two police officers and a criminal.
Monitor and help out where necessary. Ask volunteers to read The police officers are wearing black police uniforms and the arrested
man is in jeans and a striped T-shirt. The policeman who is standing

out their descriptions to the rest of the class. If you intend to

mark the descriptions at home, tell students to write their on the right is holding a gun and looking at his friend who is arresting
the man. The criminal is lying on the ground face down. In the
pieces on separate sheets of paper.
background, there is a black car. I think that it has been stolen by the
4 1.16 Students read the task and analyse the TIP. Play the criminal. The people are in front of a building, perhaps in a car park.
CD for students to listen to and choose the best answer 1–3. What do you think will happen to the arrested man?
I think that the police officers will take the man to the police station

Audioscript and will ask him questions about the car. If he is guilty, he will be sent
to prison.
ONE I don’t remember the last time I read a detective story. It was Would you like to work as a police officer? Why? Why not?
certainly a long time ago. Besides, I don’t like crime stories much. But I wouldn’t like to work as a police officer because the job is too
I watched a movie about an anti-terrorist group recently. It was cool. dangerous. You can get hurt or even killed because some of the

TWO Two days ago, I finished reading a detective story. The title criminals can be really aggressive. What’s more, you have to carry
of the book is The Adventures of Detective Brown and it tells the a gun, often use violence and work under stress – and I don’t like that.
story of the murder of a young woman whose name is Julia. People who want to be police officers should be responsible and
Her sister comes to detective Brown and asks him for help make their decisions quickly. I don’t think I’m that kind of person.
with finding the murderer of her sister. I found the story really Tell me about the last crime committed by teenagers you heard
interesting and the ending very surprising. I enjoyed solving the about.
mystery together with the detective and I am definitely going to I’ve heard about two teenage shoplifters recently. They skipped
read more detective stories in my free time. classes and went to supermarkets to steal different products. They

THREE I’ve read a very interesting crime story recently. always wore hoodies which covered their faces because they didn’t
Unfortunately, I don’t remember either the title or the author. The want to be identified by the security cameras. They usually stole
story was about a burglar who was breaking into houses while inexpensive things such as crisps or Coke. But the day they were
the house (er …) właściciele… I don’t know … were at home. caught by the police, they were trying to steal something more
But they couldn’t identify him, because he was wearing a (er …) expensive – an audio book. They admitted that they had been
kominiarka, I don’t know how to say it in English. And he was shoplifting since the beginning of the school year.
carrying a (er …) paralizator…

Refer students to the Workbook, page 17.


19:04 Gateway 2 TB.indb 63 12-05-30 13:50

Gatewayonline You can find the Unit 2 tests on the Gateway Tests CD.

For useful and motivating additional practice across a range
of skills and task types, students can access Gateway Online:
• Video activities • Test yourself activities

• Listening activities • Language games
• Writing activities

Teacher’s notes



Gateway 2 TB.indb 64 12-05-30 13:50

(adj) = adjective – przymiotnik (phr) = phrase – wyrażenie

Wordlist Unit 2
(adv) = adverb – przysłówek (prep) = preposition – przyimek
(conj) = conjunction – spójnik (pron) = pronoun – zaimek
(det) = determiner – określnik (np.: a, an, the, that itp.) (v) = verb – czasownik

(n) = noun – rzeczownik

= słowo bardzo często używane = często używane = dosyć często używane

3DñVWZRLVSRïHF]HñVWZRļSU]HVWÚSF]RĂÊ expect (v) ܼN‫ޖ‬VSHNW spodziewać się

arrest (v) ★★ ԥ‫ޖ‬UHVW aresztować fight (n & v) ★★★ IDܼW walka, walczyć
burglar (n) ★ ‫ޖ‬E‫ ޝܮ‬U JOԥ U  włamywacz gadget (n) ‫ܳޖ‬ G‫ܼݤ‬W gadżet
burglary (n) ★ ‫ޖ‬E‫ ޝܮ‬U JOԥUL włamanie get ready (v) ‫ޙ‬JHW‫ޖ‬UHGL przygotować się
burgle (v) ‫ޖ‬E‫ ޝܮ‬U J ԥ O włamywać się handbag (n) ★ /‫ޖ‬K Q G ‫ޙ‬E ܳ/ torebka damska

(criminal) case (n) ★★★ NHܼV sprawa happen (v) ★★★ ‫ޖ‬K SԥQ zdarzać się, dziać się
catch (v) ★★★ N W‫ݕ‬ łapać, chwytać headlights (n) ‫ޖ‬KHG‫ޙ‬ODܼWV reflektory
come across (v) ★★★ ‫ޙ‬N‫ݞ‬Pԥ‫ޖ‬NU‫ܥ‬V trafić na, natknąć się jump out (v) ‫ޙ‬G‫ݞݤ‬PS‫ޖ‬D‫ݜ‬W wyskakiwać
commit (v) ★★★ Nԥ‫ޖ‬PܼW popełniać logic (n) ★★ ‫ޖ‬O‫ܥ‬G‫ܼݤ‬N logika
damage (v) ★★★ /‫ޖ‬G PܼG‫ݤ‬/ niszczyć, uszkodzić magician (n) Pԥ‫ޖ‬G‫ ݕܼݤ‬ԥ Q iluzjonista
destroy (v) ★★★ Gܼ‫ޖ‬VWU‫ܼܧ‬ niszczyć mission (n) ★★ ‫ޖ‬Pܼ‫ ݕ‬ԥ Q misja
find out (v) ★★★ ‫ޙ‬I‫ܼܤ‬QG‫ޖ‬D‫ݜ‬W odkryć, dowiedzieć się neck (n) ★★★ QHN szyja
gang (n) ★★ /ܳ ƾ/ gang note (n) ★★★ Qԥ‫ݜ‬W notatka, pismo

guard (n) ★★★ J‫ ޝܤ‬U G strażnik outside (adv & n) ★★★ ‫ޙ‬D‫ݜ‬W‫ޖ‬VDܼG na zewnątrz
guard (v) ★★ J‫ ޝܤ‬U G strzec, pilnować pair (n) ★★★ SHԥ U  para
gun (n) ★★★ J‫ݞ‬Q pistolet parcel (n) ★ ‫ޖ‬S‫ ޝܤ‬U V ԥ O paczka
identification (n) ★★ Dܼ‫ޙ‬GHQWܼIܼ‫ޖ‬NHܼ‫ ݕ‬ԥ Q identyfikacja petrol station (n) ‫ޖ‬SHWUԥO‫ޙ‬VWHܼ‫ ݕ‬ԥ Q stacja benzynowa
kidnap (v) ★ ‫ޖ‬NܼGQ S uprowadzać, porywać pocket (n) ★★★ ‫ޖ‬S‫ܥ‬NܼW kieszeń
kill (v) ★★★ NܼO zabić property (n) ★★★ ‫ޖ‬SU‫ܥ‬Sԥ U WL własność
quickly (adv) ★★★ ‫ޖ‬NZܼNOL
look into (v) ★★★

look for (v) ★★★

mug (v) ★

‫ޙ‬O‫ݜ‬N‫ޖ‬Iԥ U 
badać, prowadzić
napadać (na ulicy)
FR regular (adj) ★★★
reply (v) ★★★
revise (v) ★
‫ޖ‬UHJM‫ݜ‬Oԥ U 
stały, normalny
powtarzać (lekcje)
mugger (n) ‫ޖ‬P‫ݞ‬Jԥ U  rabuś, złodziej show (v) ★★★ ‫ݕ‬ԥ‫ݜ‬ pokazywać
mugging (n) ‫ޖ‬P‫ݞ‬Jܼƾ napad, rozbój side road (n) ‫ޖ‬VDܼG‫ޙ‬Uԥ‫ݜ‬G boczna droga
murder (n) ★★★ ‫ޖ‬P‫ ޝܮ‬U Gԥ U  zabójstwo, morderstwo software (n) ★★★ ‫ޖ‬V‫ܥ‬I W ‫ޙ‬ZHԥ U  oprogramowanie
murderer (n) ★ ‫ޖ‬P‫ ޝܮ‬U GԥUԥ U  morderca komputerowe
piracy (n) ‫ޖ‬SDܼUԥVL piractwo soldier (n) ★★★ ‫ޖ‬Vԥ‫ݜ‬OG‫ݤ‬ԥ U  żołnierz
pirate (n & v) ‫ޖ‬SDܼUԥW osoba naruszająca solve (v) ★★★ V‫ܥ‬OY rozwiązywać
prawa autorskie, speed (v) ★★★ VSL‫ޝ‬G pędzić
kopiować nielegalnie successful (adj) ★★★ VԥN‫ޖ‬VHVI ԥ O udany
prison (n) ★★★ ‫ޖ‬SUܼ] ԥ Q więzienie suddenly (adv) ★★★ ‫ޖ‬V‫ݞ‬G ԥ QOL nagle

rob (v) ★★ U‫ܥ‬E okradać sunglasses (n) ‫ޖ‬V‫ݞ‬Q‫ޙ‬JO‫ޝܤ‬Vܼ] okulary

robber (n) ★ ‫ޖ‬U‫ܥ‬Eԥ U  rabuś, złodziej przeciwsłoneczne
robbery (n) ★ ‫ޖ‬U‫ܥ‬EԥUL rabunek, kradzież surprise (n) ★★★ Vԥ U ‫ޖ‬SUDܼ] zaskoczenie

scene of the crime (phr) ‫ޙ‬VL‫ޝ‬QԥY èԥ ‫ޖ‬NUDܼP miejsce zbrodni thick (adj) ★★★ șܼN gruby
shoplifter (n) ‫ܥݕޖ‬S‫ޙ‬OܼIWԥ U  złodziej sklepowy try (v) ★★★ WUDܼ próbować
shoplifting (n) ‫ܥݕޖ‬S‫ޙ‬OܼIWܼƾ kradzież w sklepie turn off (v) ★★★ ‫ޙ‬W‫ ޝܮ‬U Q‫ܥޖ‬I wyłączać
steal (v) ★★★ VWL‫ޝ‬O kraść turn up (v) ★★★ ‫ޙ‬W‫ ޝܮ‬U Q‫ݞޖ‬S zjawiać się
suspicious (adj) ★★ Vԥ‫ޖ‬VSܼ‫ݕ‬ԥV podejrzliwy unexpectedly (adv) ★★ ‫ݞޙ‬QܼN‫ޖ‬VSHNWܼGOL niespodziewanie
theft (n) ★★★ șHIW kradzież urgent (adj) ★★ ‫ ޝܮޖ‬U G‫ ݤ‬ԥ QW pilny

thief (n) ★★ șL‫ޝ‬I złodziej worried (adj) ★★★ ‫ޖ‬Z‫ݞ‬ULG zmartwiony,

vandal (n) ‫ޖ‬YæQG ԥ O wandal zaniepokojony
violence (n) ★★★ ‫ޖ‬YDܼԥOԥQV przemoc
work out (v) ★★★ ‫ޙ‬Z‫ ޝܮ‬U N‫ޖ‬D‫ݜ‬W rozwiązać (problem)

,QQH army (n) ★★★ ‫ ޝܤޖ‬U PL armia

afterwards (adv) ★★★ ‫ޝܤޖ‬IWԥ U Zԥ U G] potem by accident (phr) ‫ޙ‬EDܼ ‫ޖ‬ NVܼG ԥ QW niechcący, przypadkiem
ahead (adv) ★★★ ԥ‫ޖ‬KHG z przodu cheque (n) ★★ W‫ݕ‬HN czek
basic (adj) ★★★ ‫ޖ‬EHܼVܼN podstawowy crossroads (n) ‫ޖ‬NU‫ܥ‬V‫ޙ‬Uԥ‫ݜ‬G] skrzyżowanie dróg
behind (adv) ★★★ Eܼ‫ޖ‬KDܼQG z tyłu driving mirror (n) ‫ޖ‬GUDܼYܼƾ‫ޙ‬PܼUԥ U  lusterko wsteczne
block (v) ★★★ EO‫ܥ‬N zablokować franc (n) IU ƾN frank (szwajcarski)
box (n) ★★★ E‫ܥ‬NV pudełko, skrzynia handle (n) ★★★ ‫ޖ‬K QG ԥ O uchwyt

bunker (n) ‫ޖ‬E‫ݞ‬ƾNԥ U  bunkier headquarters (n) ★★ KHG‫ޖ‬NZ‫ ޝܧ‬U Wԥ U ] centrala, siedziba
by post (phr) ‫ޙ‬EDܼ‫ޖ‬Sԥ‫ݜ‬VW pocztą navy (n & adj) ★★ ‫ޖ‬QHܼYL marynarka wojenna,
camera (n) ★★★ ‫ޖ‬N P ԥ Uԥ aparat fotograficzny granatowy
corner (n) ★★★ ‫ޖ‬N‫ ޝܧ‬U Qԥ U  róg police force (n) Sԥ‫ޖ‬OL‫ޝ‬VI‫ ޝܧ‬U V policja
crash (v) ★★ NU ‫ݕ‬ rozbijać (się) popular (adj) ★★★ ‫ޖ‬S‫ܥ‬SM‫ݜ‬Oԥ U  popularny, lubiany
detail (n) ★★★ ‫ޖ‬GL‫ޝ‬WHܼO szczegół rope (n) ★★ Uԥ‫ݜ‬S lina
disappear (v) ★★★ ‫ޙ‬GܼVԥ‫ޖ‬Sܼԥ U  znikać sack (n) ★★ V N worek

escape (v) ܼ‫ޖ‬VNHܼS uciekać uniform (n) ★★ ‫ޖ‬MX‫ޝ‬QܼI‫ ޝܧ‬U P mundur

everywhere (adv) ★★★ ‫ޖ‬HYUL‫ޙ‬ZHԥ U  wszędzie walking stick (n) ‫ޖ‬Z‫ޝܧ‬Nܼƾ‫ޙ‬VWܼN laska

Unit 2 29

Gateway 2 TB.indb 65 12-05-30 13:50

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Gateway Teacher’s Book to doskonałe
uzupełnienie kursu Gateway, które 2 2
Student’s Book Workbook

ułatwi i uatrakcyjni nauczycielowi pracę David Spencer David Spencer

z uczniami.
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• szczegółowe scenariusze lekcji 2
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David Spencer
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Lynda Edwards
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