MSR Hunt Completed

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Masari Hunt 1

1. The first step of the puzzle is to decode the Morse code that makes the background. When you do so,
you get:

There is a secret prize in this wallpaper. You must tweet ‘the hunt is on’ to masari currency in order to
take part in the game. BazookaJeff says, ‘I like to read on the computer.’

- .... . .-. . .. ... .- ... . -.-. .-. . - .--. .-. .. --.. . .. -. - .... .. ... .-- .- .-.. .-.. .--. .- .--. . .-. ·-·-·- -
.-- --- ..- -- ..- ... - - .-- . . - ·-··-· - .... . .... ..- -. - .. ... --- -. ·-··-· - --- -- .- ... .- .-. .. -.-.
..- .-. .-. . -. -.-. -.-- .. -. --- .-. -.. . .-. - --- - .- -.- . .--. .- .-. - .. -. - .... . --. .- -- . ·-·-·- -
... .- --.. --- --- -.- .- .--- . ..-. ..-. ... .- -.-- ... --··-- ·-··-· .. .-.. .. -.- . - --- .-. . .- -.. --- -. - .... .
-.-. --- -- .--. ..- - . .-. ·-·-·- ·-··-·

From here you are to surmise that all clues will be directed to you with “BazookaJeff Says.” In this way,
if you do not follow this direction, it will lead you to the first decoy.

2. When you tweeted @masaricurrency, you were to see that @masaricurrency asked you to retweet the
main announcement of the hunt. It was also restated many times on Reddit and Twitter:
3. If you followed the directions to look on the computer when “BazookaJeff said he likes to read on the
computer,” you would find this Caesar cipher:

Tnoy zkdz oy payz skgtotmrkyy mgxhrk. Tnk utre znotm zngz sgzzkxy oy cngz I yge. Foxyzre,
rkz sk zkrr eua yuskznotm osvuxzgtz: Hk cnu znotqy mxkgz znuamnzy, ulzkt sgqky mxkgz
kxxuxy. Tnk tkdz irak oy nkxk: nzzvy://mvn.oy/2iB8DOW

I ju rubk yzuxoky. Tgqk znoy rkyyut: Tnkxk oy utre utk muuj, qtucrkjmk, gtj utk kbor,
omtuxgtik. Baz cngz juky znoy grr skgt?

This will translate to the following using 6 as the key (6 letters for Masari as seen in the center of the
This text is just meaningless garble. The only thing that matters is what I say. Firstly, let me tell
you something important: He who thinks great thoughts, often makes great errors. The next clue
is here:

I do love stories. Take this lesson: There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.
But what does this all mean?

If you follow the link it is a GIF of this:

This is your first decoy as you were supposed to surmise all legitimate clues begin with “BazookaJeff
says.” This being the case, this clue leads you nowhere.

4. Looking closer at the text on the computer, there is one line in the center that reads:

BlkzzvlJpqq dljd seead txrfc nzx/l/ThuZKzm

This will translate to the following using 11 as the key (11 letters for BazookaJeff):

BazookaJeff says https imgur com/a/TwjZKob

5. This eventually takes you to the community wallpapers and images repository on Imgur located here:

6. When you follow this link, you are to look use the QR code shared on the original image as your clue.
If you follow it, it will take you to this GIF:
Since “everything is a copy of a copy,” you are to look for the only QR code in the wallpapers and images
repository. When you do so, it will take you to this image:

If you follow the QR code in the top left, it will take you to a google drive image located here:

7. Now that you have made it to the google drive image, it will look like this:
You will notice a Vigenère cipher for the image’s title. It translates as follows:

it looks like you left your pen in your suit.

kk jdhsa nzit rwc nvdi rwct gcc bv gqlp hnqb.

8. Since you need a pen in your suit, you are supposed to open the image in Notepad which will give you
the following as the answer:

BazookaJeff says the answer is "untrac3abl3 cryptocurr3nci3s ar3 the only r3al curr3nci3s on th3
int3rn3t. Lucky for us Masari is on3 of th3m. @BazookaJeff told m3 this. Wh3n Tha3r onsi3?"

This is the end of the hunt. There were 3 tasks in total:

1. Tweet to @masaricurrency that, “the hunt is on.”

2. Retweet the main announcement tweet.
3. Tweet @masaricurrency, “"untrac3abl3 cryptocurr3nci3s ar3 the only r3al curr3nci3s on th3
int3rn3t. Lucky for us Masari is on3 of th3m. @BazookaJeff told m3 this. Wh3n Tha3r onsi3?"

This hunt would have paid 20 MSR as the prize. Although the winner did not complete the tasks 100%
correctly, it was decided he had enough merit to some type of an award e.g. he found the answer (sent via
DM) and tweeted but failed to properly retweet). Next time this will not be acceptable and the hunt will
be incomplete. The next hunt will be unannounced and will most likely be inside some sort of image or
file that is similar. It will be much more difficult that this hunt and will have at least 25 MSR (paid by
BazookaJeff) as the prize. The first person to solve the first portion of that puzzle will tweet
@BazookaJeff and @Masaricurrency and we will retweet their announcement of their completion to
formally announce that the hunt is on. Happy hunting!

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