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GRAPH THEORY: Modeling, Applications, and Algorithms,

by Geir Agnarsson and Ray Greenlaw
Pearson Prentice Hall, 1st printing, (2006)

May 9, 2017
• 2nd printed page (Library of Congress, etc.): line 3: “Senionr Editor”
should be “Senior Editor”.

• Page xii, line 4: “Almost all proofs other than of some exceptionally
technical theorems” (the crucial words “other than” are missing!).

• Page xvi, line -12: “ot thak” should be “to thank”.

• Page 9, line -13: “g : Y 7→ Z” should be “g : Y → Z”.

• Page 9, line -3: “h(x) = 1 − x3 ” should be “h(x) = (1 − x)/3”.

• Page 12, line “e6 is adjacent both to itself and to e5 ” should be “e6 is
adjacent to e5 ”.

• Page 28, Exercise 1.23: “less than relation (<)” should be “less than
or equal relation (≤)”.
~ gcd(k,n) ”.
• Page 29, Exercise 1.27: “Ggcd(k,n) ” should be “G

• Page 30, line 3: should read E(...) = ..., not V (...) = ....

• Page 45, line 2: “is satisfied by the graph on the right, but not by the
one on the left.”

• Page 51, line 15: “Gσ(n) ” should be “Gσ(k) ”.

• Page 54, Definition 2.37: In the 2nd itemized condition “i ∈ {1, . . . , k−

1}” should be “i ∈ {0, . . . , k − 1}”.

• Page 56, Figure 2.18: “φ1 ” should be “f1 ”.

• Page 61, Exercise 2.3: add assumption that G is simple.

• Page 61, Exercise 2.11: add assumption that G and G0 are simple.

• Page 63, Exercise 2.22: should read “... every regular simple graph is

• Page 63, Exercise 2.23: should read “Show that if a simple graph G
on n > 1 vertices...” (since 0 is not a natural number, so 1 is not of
the given form).

• Page 63, Exercise 2.30: should read “simple contraction” instead of
“contraction” in both places.

• Page 64, Exercise 2.26: the second sentence should read “Viewing
these paths as subgraphs of G, show that p1 M p2 constitutes an edge-
disjoint union of one or more cycles, possibly along with some isolated

• Page 70, Theorem 3.7, 1st line: the assumptions can be weakened by
deleting “simple”.

• Page 85, line -5: “T` l” should be “T` ”.

• Page 92, line 3: “i ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n−1}” should be “i ∈ {0, 1, . . . , k −1}”.

• Page 94, Exercise 3.7: note that the exercise can be improved by asking
that the bound from the previous exercise be proved tight for all n ≥ 2.

• Page 95, Exercise 3.18: should start “For all k ≥ 0, show ...”.

• Page 100, Theorem 4.4, as it stands, is not entirely correct: τ (G) is

defined in Definition 4.1 as the number of spanning forests of G, so the
note right after Theorem 4.4 is wrong, since τ (G − e) 6= 0. However,
if we in Definition 4.1 define τ (G) to be the number of spanning trees
of G, so τ (G) = 0 if G is not connected, then Theorem 4.4 is correct.

• Page 102, lines 16, 25, 27, 30: “Tree to Prüfer code” should be
“Tree from Prüfer code”.

• Page 122, line 12: “V (e) ≥ 0” should be “W (e) ≥ 0”.

• Page 125, line 2 (Proof of Theorem 4.40): “T ” should be “T1 ”.

• Page 128, Exercise 4.19: restrict to loopless general graphs for the
second and third questions. The third question should read “... two
adjacent vertices ...” instead of “... two distinct pairs of vertices ...”.

• Page 128, Exercise 4.22: replace “all entries” by “all off-diagonal en-
tries”. Alternatively, limit the assertion to graphs with n ≥ 3 vertices.

• Page 129, Exercise 4.33: should read “... for any n ≥ 2, ...”.

• Page 129, Exercise 4.34: add “... , for n ≥ 3.” at the end of the first

• Page 130, Exercise 4.38: add assumption that G is loopless.

• Page 130, line -2 (in Exercise 4.39): should read “W (e)”, not “E(e)”.

• Page 133, Definition 5.1: line 1: “if there are X and Y ...” should read
“if there are nonempty X and Y ...”.

• Page 136, Corollary. 5.8: needs to read “A connected non-Eulerian
graph G has ...” (since a trail is allowed to be closed).

• Page 140, Theorem 5.16: the assumptions can be weakened by deleting


• Page 154, Figure 5.12: in the first graph the directed edge (u1 , u6 ) is

• Page 156, Exercise 5.11: “...contain 2k vertices...” should read “con-

tain exactly 2k vertices...”.

• Page 156, Exercise 5.12: the penultimate sentence of the exercise

should read “... the last edge ...” instead of “... the least edge ...”.

• Page 157, Exercise 5.20: This problem doesn’t make sense as is. It
should be as follows:
“Let G be a simple graph on n vertices and k components. Show that

dG (u) + dG (v) ≤ 2n − k − 1,

for all u, v ∈ V (G). Show further that the upper bound of 2n − k − 1

can be reached for all n and k. Also show that if we assume u and v
to be in distinct components, then the upper bound is n − k, and that
this is also sharp.”

• Page 159, Exercise 5.43: the second line should read “contain a di-
rected cycle.”.

• Page 159, Exercise 5.46: the problem is not correct as stated. It should
read “ Let G~ be a digraph on n vertices, and let In be the n×n identity
matrix. Show that if G ~ is acyclic, then In −A(G)
~ is an invertible matrix.
Give an example of an simple non-acyclic digraph G ~ where In − A(G)~
is invertible. [Hint: A simple digraph on n = 3 vertices and 4 directed
edges will work.]”.

• Page 167, Theorem 6.20: should read “For a simple graph G on two
or more vertices, we have...”.

• Page 167, Note 6.21: should read “... for all n ≥ 2.”.

• Page 167, Example 6.22: should read “... integers with n − 1 ≤ m ≤

n(n − 1)/2. ...”. (This is so that the Harary graph will be simple.)

• Page 169, Corollary. 6.28: add assumption that G has no isolated


• Page 171, Theorem 6.33: condition 3 should read “... there are two
paths in G connecting them which are vertex-disjoint except at the

• Page 187, Corollary 6.54: add assumption that u 6= v.

• Page 187, Theorem 6.55: add assumption that u 6= v.

• Page 188, Theorem 6.56: add assumption that u 6= v and there is no

edge in G from u to v.

• Page 189, Theorem 6.57: add assumptions that u 6= v and u not

adjacent to v.

• Page 190, Exercise 6.5: add at the end “and there is some u, v-path in

• Page 190, Exercise 6.6: add the hypothesis that G has n ≥ 2 vertices.

• Page 190, Exercise 6.7: add the hypothesis that G has n ≥ 2 vertices.

• Page 191, Exercise 6.13: should read: “any connected simple graph...”.
Also, correct the hypothesis to n ≥ 2.

• Page 191, Exercise 6.15: add the hypotheses that ∆ ≥ 2 and n ≥ ∆+1.

• Page 192, Exercise 6.26: the hint should read that 0 ≤ f (e) ≤ c(e) for
every edge e of the network.

• Page 192, Exercise 6.30: the last sentence should read “In general, is
it possible to have an arbitrary number of maximum flows ...”.

• Page 194, Exercise 6.40: the 2nd line should read “Show that for any
distinct vertices u and v, the minimum number ...”.
~ −
• Page 194, Exercise 6.41: the 10th line should read “...path in G
Md ,...”, and not “... path in G, ...”.

• Page 200, Note 7.8: “can made” should be “can be made”.

• Page 201, line 10: “We conclude this chapter” should be “We conclude
this section”.

• Page 202, Cor. 7.15: add assumption that n ≥ 3.

• Page 208, Note 7.29, 1st line: should read “...homeomorphic to a given
graph H with no vertices of degree 2, then ...”.

• Page 214, 2nd sentence of 1st paragraph after Note 7.34: should read
“A property of graphs which is preserved under taking minors is called

• Page 226, Cor. 7.54: add assumption that n ≥ 3.

• Page 226, Theorem 7.55: should read “... on n ≥ 3 vertices, ...”.

• Page 228, Exercise 7.1: “r2 , r3 and r4 ” should be “r1 , r2 and r3 ”.

• Page 229, Exercise 7.5: should read “Let G be a plane graph ...”.

• Page 229, Exercise 7.6: should read “Show that a simple plane graph

• Page 230, Exercise 7.23: should read “Eulerian” instead of “Euler” in

four places.

• Page 230, Exercise 7.26: 2nd line should read “vertex disjoint paths
from u to v.”.

• Page 231, Exercise 7.28: Theorem 7.59 is not correct as stated. Con-
dition 2 should read “No subgraph of G can be obtained from K4 or
K2,3 by subdividing edges.”.

• Page 231, Exercise 7.34: should read “... in a simple graph with ...”.

• Page 241, last line of proof of Theorem 8.19 should be “(∆ + 1)-vertex

• Page 242, line -2: should read “adjacent” instead of “connected” in

both places.

• Page 248, Theorem 8.28: should read “For a loopless planar graph ...”.

• Page 249, Theorem 8.29: should read “For a loopless planar graph ...”.

• Page 249, Theorem 8.30: should read “For a loopless graph G ...”.

• Page 250, Theorem 8.31: should read “For a loopless graph G ...”.

• Page 251, line 10 (first displayed formula): “2e” should be “2m”.

• Page 253, line 1: “V (E)” should be “E(G)”.

• Page 259, line 18: “...when n is odd...” should be “...when n is even...”.

• Page 259, line 19: “...when n is even.” should be “...when n is odd.”.

• Page 262, Exercise 8.20: “dG (u) ≥ χ(G)” should be “dG (u) ≥ χ(G0 )”
and “dG (u) ≥ χ(G)” should be “dG (u) ≥ χ(G0 )”.

• Page 262, Exercise 8.21, part (c): `(G) − 1 should read `(G) + 1.

• Page 263, Exercise 8.30: “n k2 ” should read “m k+1

2 ”.

• Page 264, Exercise 8.37: 1st line should read “... a simple graph G ...
if χ(G) ≤ 4?”. 2nd line should read “... a simple planar graph ...”.

• Page 282, Theorem 9.24: Strictly speaking, this theorem should be

attributed to Koebe [1] and Andreev [2] in addition to Thurston.
Koebe’s original proof only covered the case for fully triangulated
planar graphs. Thurston rediscovered the theorem and reduced the

proof to a theorem by Andreev. His proof works for all planar graphs.
Thurston never formally published his proof, but a sketch of his proof
is in his cited lecture notes. For additional citations and history see [3,
p. 118].

• Page 298, Exercise 9.26 part (b): “C27 ” should be “C72 ”.

• Page 306, line -2: “D = {u1 , u5 , u8 }” should be “D = {u1 , u5 , u7 }” (as

depicted in Figure 10.5.)

• Page 318, line -6: “a ∈ A \ {x}” should be “a ∈ S \ {x}”.

• Page 352, Exercise 11.12, line 4: “F1 = 0, F1 = 1” should be “F1 = 1,

F2 = 1”.

• Page 417, Exercise 13.7: should read “Is it true that lg(O(f (n))) =
O(lg(f (n)))? Justify your answer.”.

• Page 444, Index: “Seymour, Paul” and “Seymour, Paul D.” are the
same person and should be listed once as “Seymour, Paul D.”. Simi-
larly, “Slater, Peter J.” should be listed once.

[1] Paul Koebe; Kontaktprobleme der konformen Abbildung,
Ber. Verh. Sächs. Akademie der Wissenshaften Leipzig, Math.-
Phys. Klasse 88, 141 – 164, (1936).

[2] E. M .Andreev; Convex polyhedra in Lobačevskiı̆spaces. (Russian),

Matematicheskiı̆ Sbornik. Novaya Seriya, 81 (123), 445 – 478, (1970).

[3] Günter M. Ziegler: Lectures on Polytopes, Graduate Texts in Mathe-

matics, GTM 152, Springer-Verlag New York Inc. (1995).

I will do my best to maintain this errata sheet for further printings and
for possible additional editions of the book. Please drop me a line at if you find a typo/mistake. On behalf of the authors,
Ray and me, I thank you all collectively for your input and help.

Yours, Geir Agnarsson

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