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Research Article

Does Total Intravenous Anesthesia

With Short-acting Spinal Anesthetics
in Primary Hip and Knee Arthroplasty
Facilitate Early Hospital Discharge?

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Derek M. Klavas, MD Introduction: Our study assessed the effect of total intravenous
Azim Karim, MD anesthesia (TIVA) with short-acting spinal anesthesia and aggressive
day-of-surgery postoperative day 0 physical therapy (POD#0 PT) on
Bradley S. Lambert, PhD
hospital length of stay (LOS) in patients who underwent primary total
Marley Sam Ferris, MD joint arthroplasty.
Domenica Delgado, BS Methods: A retrospective chart review compared the hospital LOS of
Stephen J. Incavo, MD 116 patients who underwent primary total hip arthroplasty and total
knee arthroplasty with TIVA and short-acting spinal blockade
(“Updated protocol group”) with that of the control group of 228
patients who were under standard anesthesia (“Traditional protocol
Results: Both total hip arthroplasty and total knee arthroplasty
patients in the Updated protocol group had markedly reduced LOS
compared with those in the Traditional protocol group (1.5 6 0.1 days
versus 2.4 6 0.1 days; P , 0.05 and 1.4 6 0.1 days versus 2.3 6
0.1 days; P , 0.05). A higher proportion of patients in the Updated
protocol group received at least 1 POD#0 PT session compared with
those in the Traditional protocol group.
Conclusion: Total intravenous anesthesia combined with short-
acting spinal anesthetics provided the following benefits for patients
who underwent primary total joint arthroplasty: more day-of-surgery
PT sessions and earlier discharge by nearly 1 full day.
Level of Evidence: III.

P rimary total hip arthroplasty

(THA) and primary total knee
arthroplasty (TKA) are two of the
high-volume joint arthroplasty cen-
ters. Between 2002 and 2013, the
mean hospital LOS decreased by
From the Department of Orthopedics,
Houston Methodist Orthopedics & most common orthopaedic proce- approximately 1 day for TKA and
Sports Medicine, Houston Methodist dures currently performed in the 1.25 days for THA, whereas simul-
Hospital, Houston, TX. United States, due in part to their taneously the mean hospital cost
Correspondence to Dr. Incavo: effectiveness and patient satisfaction. increased by $7,849 for TKA and By 2030, the demand for primary $7,858 for THA.2 This trend has
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2018;26: THA and primary TKA is projected prompted this past decade’s consid-
e221-e229 to grow by 174% and 673%, erable research efforts placed on
DOI: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-17-00474 respectively.1 Because of this antici- defining rapid-recovery and fast-
pated growth, reducing hospital track clinical pathways to reduce
Copyright 2018 by the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. length of stay (LOS) to limit medical hospital LOS. More emphasis is now
costs remains a focal point for most being placed on the clinical variables

May 15, 2018, Vol 26, No 10 e221

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Total Intravenous Anesthesia With Short-acting Spinal Anesthetics in Primary Hip and Knee Arthroplasty

associated with hospital LOS, such as realm of modern anesthesia in the tained comparable hemodynamic
mode of anesthesia, American Society early 1990s when short-acting opioids parameters with fewer episodes of
of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score, such as remifentanil were first syn- bradycardia in patients who under-
surgical time, blood loss, postopera- thesized. These drugs possess a phar- went coronary artery bypass graft
tive analgesia, postoperative physical macokinetic profile that allows them procedures.19 In addition, postcardiac
therapy (PT) protocol, and patient to be easily titrated to high levels of surgery measurements of the liver and
demographics. 3–7 Previously, we analgesia without causing prolonged renal function were found to be sim-
have reported success with day-of- respiratory depression.16 Total intra- ilar in patients who received either
surgery mobilization postoperative venous anesthesia, a form of general TIVA or inhaled anesthetics.20
day 0 (POD#0) at our institution.8 anesthesia that alleviates the need The goal of implementing an up-
Correlation between the mode of for long-acting sedating inhalational dated protocol is to achieve safe, rapid
anesthesia and hospital LOS after anesthetics, still requires ventilation recovery while maintaining excellent
primary total joint arthroplasty (TJA) with inhaled O2. However, TIVA di- pain control. Improving postoperative
is currently a topic of debate.9–12 The verges from classic general anesthesia pain control facilitates earlier mobili-
existing standard mode of anesthesia techniques by using a potent short- zation and accelerated PT, two factors
in joint replacement surgery com- acting opioid such as remifentanil that have proved to reduce the mean
prises some combination of the or fentanyl to provide analgesia, in LOS after primary TJA.21,22 The pur-
following: general inhaled anes- combination with another drug, such pose of this study was to (1) investi-
thesia and/or neuraxial anesthesia, as propofol, to provide hypnosis and gate how hospital LOS after primary
regional nerve block, and local amnesia.17 The major benefits of this TJA was affected when patients re-
infiltration anesthesia administered drug combination are a completely ceived a novel mode of anesthesia
intraoperatively for both TKA and attenuated response to noxious in- consisting of TIVA combined with a
THA.13 Memtsoudis et al.14 ana- traoperative stimuli and rapid post- short-acting spinal anesthetic and (2)
lyzed the anesthesia records of operative emergence from sedation.16 determine whether the updated anes-
.380,000 patients who underwent Anesthesiologists who cover ambu- thesia protocol facilitated quicker
primary TJA between 2006 and 2010. latory surgery cases view TIVA postoperative mobilization while
They found that 11% of procedures as a clinically useful modality be- maintaining patient safety both
were performed under neuraxial cause they can safely and predict- during their hospital stay and after
anesthesia only, 14% under combined ably awaken their patients from discharge. We hypothesized that
neuraxial-general anesthesia, and surgery without having to accom- this updated protocol would result
75% under general anesthesia only. modate for prolonged side effects of in improved postoperative mobili-
In an effort to build on these find- anesthesia, such as postoperative zation with a clinically significant
ings, we recently implemented a nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, and reduction in hospital LOS and no
novel anesthesia protocol for pri- fatigue. significant increase in 30-day com-
mary THA and TKA that incorpo- Total intravenous anesthesia tech- plication rates.
rates total intravenous anesthesia niques are generally viewed as safe.
(TIVA) for general sedation and The need for gas delivery systems and
short-acting spinal blockade for free radical scavenger equipment is Methods
neuraxial anesthesia. alleviated. Furthermore, TIVA drugs
The advent of intravenous delivery are less toxic than inhalational drugs Study Design
for anesthetic agents dates back to the and pose a lower risk of the develop- After institutional review board
year 1656 when the aristocrat Robert ment of malignant hyperthermia.18 approval was obtained, we retro-
Boyle injected opium into the vein When we compared the safety of spectively reviewed the use of the
of a dog, noting a “brief period of TIVA with that of volatile inhaled updated anesthesia protocol identi-
anesthesia followed by a full recov- anesthetics, we found that previous fied as the “Updated protocol group”
ery.”15 Large-scale use of intravenous studies have yielded no differences. for primary THA and TKA patients
anesthetics was implemented in the Total intravenous anesthesia main- compared with the control group,

Dr. Incavo has received royalties from Innomed, Kyocera, OsteoRemedies, Smith & Nephew, Wright Medical Technology, and Zimmer;
serves as a paid consultant to Zimmer; holds stock or stock options in Nimbic Systems and Medical/Orthopaedic publications editorial/
governing board (Journal of Arthroplasty); and is a board member or committee member of the Knee Society. None of the following authors
or any immediate family member has received anything of value from or has stock or stock options held in a commercial company or
institution related directly or indirectly to the subject of this article: Dr. Klavas, Dr. Karim, Dr. Lambert, Dr. Ferris, and Ms. Delgado.

e222 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Derek M. Klavas, MD, et al

consisting of primary THA and TKA Follow-up in the office for wound sisted of a propofol intravenous
patients with a standard anesthesia assessment, radiographs, and range bolus using weight-based dosing,
protocol identified as the “Tradi- of motion assessment was docu- followed by continuous intravenous
tional protocol group.” The senior mented with a progress note at 2 to 3 propofol infusion, with a combina-
orthopaedic surgeon performed the weeks postoperatively. All patients tion of fentanyl, remifentanil, or hy-
procedures on these patients between who met the inclusion criteria were dromorphone for narcotic analgesia.
January 2014 and December 2014. followed up. In all cases, the amounts of these
Data collected for the Updated pro- Hospital LOS was measured from drugs were titrated at the discretion
tocol group were obtained through a the time of admission in the pre- of the anesthesiologist to maintain an
review of the charts of all primary operative holding area on the day of adequate depth of anesthesia. Venti-
THA and TKA surgeries performed surgery to the time of discharge from lation was maintained with inhaled
by the same surgeon over the course the hospital, as documented by O2 via either laryngeal mask airway
of a 6-month period from June 2016 the charge nurse in the acute care or endotracheal intubation. Neu-
to December 2016 immediately after orthopaedic unit. Physical therapy raxial anesthesia consisted of 0.75%
the initiation of the updated anes- sessions for patient ambulation were bupivacaine administered via one-
thesia protocol. All surgeries took conducted on the day of surgery time injection into the thecal sac by
place at a single tertiary care center (POD#0) and each subsequent day the attending anesthesiologist. Foley
with operating rooms (ORs) and until discharge. These sessions re- catheters were not used in the Up-
ancillary staff dedicated to ortho- mained consistent across both study dated protocol group, unless indi-
paedic surgical procedures. The groups in THA and TKA patients cated for a medical reason. Unless
inclusion criterion was any adult alike, with up to three daily sessions contraindicated, all TKA recipients
patient who underwent primary directed at early mobilization, range also received an ultrasonography-
elective unilateral TJA of the hip or of motion exercises, and strength- guided saphenous nerve block with
knee during the study period. The building exercises. Physical therapy 0.2% ropivacaine, 100 mg of cloni-
exclusion criterion was any patient was performed after patient consent dine, and 5 mg of dexamethasone
who underwent revision joint ar- was obtained. at the adductor canal (Table 1).
throplasty, bilateral joint arthro- There were no contraindications for
plasty during the same hospital stay, saphenous nerve blockade. How-
unicompartmental joint arthro- Anesthesia Protocols ever, the success of every nerve
plasty, or THA performed for fem- For the Traditional protocol group, a blockade was judged preoperatively
oral neck fractures. After inclusion combination of general anesthesia by both delivering anesthesiologist
and exclusion criteria were applied, a and long-acting neuraxial anesthesia and senior orthopaedic surgeon.
total of 235 consecutive patients was used for both THA and TKA
(116 THA and 119 TKA), who patients. General anesthesia con-
underwent primary elective joint sisted of inspired sevoflurane gas
arthroplasty during the Traditional with O2 via endotracheal tube air- In addition to the respective anesthe-
protocol study period, and a total of way. Neuraxial anesthesia consisted sia protocols just described, 10 mg/kg
118 consecutive patients (59 THA of 0.2 mg of morphine administered of intravenous tranexamic acid
and 59 TKA), who underwent pri- via one-time spinal injection into the was administered in all cases to help
mary elective joint arthroplasty thecal sac. Peripheral nerve blocks limit blood loss, and 10 mg of intra-
during the updated protocol study for TKA patients were not per- venous dexamethasone was admin-
period, were included. All patients formed. Foley catheters were placed istered intraoperatively to minimize
who met the study criteria were preoperatively after intubation for all postoperative nausea. All THA
included for analysis, despite age or patients in the Traditional protocol procedures in the study were per-
comorbidities. group to avoid urinary retention with formed with conventional instru-
Medical hospital charts were re- long-acting spinal blockade. All Foley ments and uncemented components
viewed for patient demographics, in- catheters were removed on POD#1, through a minimally invasive poste-
traoperative data, postoperative unless medically indicated for pro- rior approach, direct anterior ap-
course, progress notes, nursing notes, longed use. proach, or anterolateral approach.
and physical therapist notes. Patient For the Updated protocol group, a All TKA procedures were performed
records were also reviewed for com- combination of TIVA and short- with a standard medial parapatellar
plications and readmissions for a acting spinal anesthesia was used. approach, conventional instruments,
period up to 30 days after discharge. Total intravenous anesthesia con- and a tourniquet. The patella was

May 15, 2018, Vol 26, No 10 e223

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Total Intravenous Anesthesia With Short-acting Spinal Anesthetics in Primary Hip and Knee Arthroplasty

Table 1
Description of Perioperative Anesthesia Protocols
Perioperative Variable Traditional Anesthesia Protocol Updated Anesthesia Protocol

Generala Inhaled sevoflurane 1 O2 Propofol 6 fentanyl/remifentanil/

hydromorphone 1 O2
Neuraxial Intrathecal morphine 0.2 mg 6 Intrathecal 0.75% bupivacaine 6
fentanyl 20 mg fentanyl 20 mg
Regional (TKA only) None 0.2% Ropivacaine, clonidine 100 mg,
and dexamethasone 5 mg through
the adductor canal
Local infiltration (intraoperatively)
THA 0.25% Ropivacaine, 0.5% 0.25% Ropivacaine, 0.5%
ropivacaine, and 1:1000 ropivacaine, and 1:1000
epinephrine epinephrine
TKA Exparel, 0.25% bupivacaine with Exparel, 0.25% bupivacaine with
epinephrine, 10 mg morphine, and epinephrine, 10 mg morphine, and
30 mg ketorolac 30 mg ketorolac
Prophylaxisb Dexamethasone 5–10 mg and Dexamethasone 5–10 mg and
tranexamic acid 10 mg/kg tranexamic acid 10 mg/kg
(maximum 1 g) (maximum 1 g)
Foley catheter? Yes No

THA = total hip arthroplasty, TKA = total knee arthroplasty

Actual doses titrated to maintain an adequate depth of anesthesia.
Varies based on the number and complexity of medical comorbidities.

resurfaced, and cement fixation was precautions were taken for any Excluded Patients
used in all patients. Drains were not patient who underwent posterolat- Of the 235 patients who met the
used for any THA or TKA cases. eral approach THA to protect inclusion criteria and underwent pri-
Before closure in all cases, a locally against postoperative dislocation. mary elective joint arthroplasty by
injected anesthetic cocktail was used Continuous passive motion was not traditional anesthesia methods, 7
to assist with postoperative analgesia used in any TKA patient in this patients (4 THA and 3 TKA) were
(Table 1). study. excluded from analysis in the Tradi-
Patients were cleared for discharge tional protocol group because of
by a multidisciplinary team after they complications that prolonged hospi-
Postoperative Care met the following criteria: absence of tal LOS. Of the 118 patients who met
Postoperative day 0 PT was con- comorbid medical conditions neces- the inclusion criteria and underwent
ducted for all patients in the study. sitating inpatient management, intact primary elective joint arthroplasty
For the Traditional protocol group, surgical incisions with no evidence of by updated anesthesia methods, 2
one PT/ambulatory session was surrounding erythema without dis- patients (1 THA and 1 TKA) were
offered on the day of surgery. For charge, intact lower extremity neu- excluded from analysis in the Up-
the Updated protocol group, day- rovascular examination, adequate dated protocol group because of
of-surgery ambulation was offered pain control with oral analgesics, complications that prolonged hospi-
for three sessions to emphasize and all PT goals achieved (indepen- tal LOS (Table 2).
rapid mobilization. Patients did not dence with bed mobility, indepen-
undergo formal PT before surgery. dent transfers, standing balance,
The PT protocol for both groups and a minimum gait distance of Statistical Analysis
consisted of subjective assessment 150 ft). Patients who were unable Within each protocol group, data were
of patient condition, lower limb– to be discharged home were trans- analyzed using both combined and
strengthening exercises, and maxi- ferred to skilled nursing facilities separate observations from THA and
mum gait training with the use or home health care. Follow-up TKA procedures. Age, body mass
of an assistive walking device as appointments were arranged for 2 index (BMI), LOS, surgery time, time
needed. Posterior hip movement to 3 weeks postoperatively. spent in the postanesthesia care unit

e224 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Derek M. Klavas, MD, et al

Table 2
Description of Excluded Patients
Age (y)/Sex Surgery LOS (d) Complication

Traditional group (seven excluded patients)

61/male TKA 3 DVT
61/male THA 16 Postoperative NSTEMI and respiratory
73/male THA 14 Evacuation of hematoma in the OR due to
neurovascular compromise
74/male TKA 4 Immunocompromised transplant patient, C. Diff1
74/female THA 5 Dysphagia
68/female TKA 4 Asthma exacerbation
84/female THA 9 Ogilvie syndrome, C. Diff1
Updated group (two excluded patients)
84/male TKA 9 Delirium and agitation
36/female THA 4 Immunocompromised transplant patient

C. Diff = Clostridium difficile, DVT = deep vein thrombosis, LOS = length of stay, NSTEMI = non–ST-elevated myocardial infarction, OR = operating
room, THA = total hip arthroplasty, TKA = total knee arthroplasty

(PACU), estimated blood loss (EBL), study, there were no significant dif- group versus 4.3 6 0.2 sessions
and the number of PT sessions con- ferences between the two groups before discharge in the Updated
ducted were compared between groups with regard to age, BMI, and ASA protocol group. The effect size for
(Traditional versus Updated protocol) status. However, surgery time (79.8 this difference was 0.44 (moderate).
using an independent two-tailed t-test. 6 1.4 minutes versus 69.4 6 Overall, there were a significantly
Chi-square analysis was used to 1.4 minutes; P , 0.01), EBL (175.4 greater proportion of patients in
compare the percentage of patients 6 10.5 mL versus 112.4 6 10.4 mL; the Updated protocol group who
within each group who received PT on P , 0.01), and length of time in the received POD#0 PT (87.1%) com-
the day of surgery and the ASA PACU (133.5 6 4.8 minutes versus pared with the Traditional protocol
Physical Status Classification (1 to 4). 115.8 6 4.2 minutes; P , 0.05) were group (66.7%) (P , 0.05). This dif-
Type I error was set at a = 0.05 for all each significantly higher for the ference had an effect size of 0.22
analyses. For all statistically significant Traditional protocol group than (small) (Supplemental Table 3, Sup-
differences (P , 0.05), the effect size those for the Updated protocol group plemental Digital Content 1, http://
was calculated using either a Cohen (Supplemental Table 3, Supplemental
D statistic (t-test analysis) or a phi Digital Content 1, http://links.lww. With regard to the hospital LOS of
statistic (chi-square analysis). To com/JAAOS/A90). The Cohen D all patients who underwent either
quantify the size of any observed dif- statistic was 0.58 (large effect) for THA or TKA in this study, the Up-
ferences between the two protocol surgery time, 0.46 (moderate effect) dated protocol group had a mean
groups, Cohen D and phi statistic for EBL, and 0.30 for time spent in LOS of 1.4 6 0.1 days. This was
were interpreted as follows: ,0.1, the PACU (moderate effect). A similar markedly lower than in the Tradi-
negligible effect size; 0.1 to 0.3, small proportion of patients attended at tional protocol group, which had a
effect size; 0.3 to 0.5, moderate effect
least four or more PT sessions before mean LOS of 2.3 6 0.1 days (P ,
size; 0.5 to 0.7, large effect size; and
discharge in both groups: 116/228 0.01). The subset of THA patients in
.0.7, very large effect size. All data
(50.8%) in the Traditional group and the Updated protocol group had a
were analyzed using SPSS software for
60/116 (51.7%) in the Updated mean hospital LOS of 1.5 6 0.1 days
Windows (version 20; IBM Statistics).
group. For the total number of PT compared with 2.4 6 0.1 days for
sessions attended before discharge, THA patients in the Traditional
Results only the subset of THA patients protocol group (P , 0.01). Total
showed any difference (P , 0.05): knee arthroplasty patients in the
For all primary TJA recipients mean 3.6 6 0.1 sessions before dis- Updated protocol group had a mean
included in the analysis of this charge in the Traditional protocol hospital LOS of 1.4 6 0.1 days

May 15, 2018, Vol 26, No 10 e225

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Total Intravenous Anesthesia With Short-acting Spinal Anesthetics in Primary Hip and Knee Arthroplasty

Figure 1 and aggressive rehabilitation by

physical therapists.23,24 However,
because hospital LOS has gradually
shortened in recent years, the con-
cern surrounding patient safety and
increased risk of complications has
heightened. A major risk associated
with aggressive PT is hip dislocation
after THA. Fortunately, no hip dis-
locations were reported in our
cohort of patients. Other minor
postoperative risks include pro-
longed swelling, bleeding from the
surgical site, urinary tract infections,
and surgical site infections. Major
postoperative risks are pulmonary
embolism, myocardial infarction,
and deep surgical wound infection
necessitating return to the OR.
Graph showing the percentage of patients remaining in the hospital over the first Minor complications that occur
6 days after total joint arthroplasty comparing a traditional anesthesia protocol after discharge are not always re-
with an updated anesthesia protocol. ported by the patient; therefore, their
true incidence in our study pop-
compared with 2.3 6 0.1 days for Updated protocol group had 1 TKA ulation after discharge is unknown.
TKA patients in the Traditional patient who, 2 weeks after discharge, Nevertheless, we are able to report
protocol group (P , 0.01) (Supple- presented with a fall at home with that there were two major complica-
mental Table 3, Supplemental Digi- wound dehiscence and was treated tions necessitating return to the OR
tal Content 1, with irrigation and débridement in and/or a hospital readmission within
JAAOS/A90). The effect size as the OR and 6 weeks of intravenous 30 days: 1 patient in the Traditional
measured by the Cohen D statistic antibiotics. The Traditional protocol protocol group who was taken back
was considered very large when group had two patients who sus- to the OR on the same day of surgery
comparing the differences in the LOS tained a mechanical fall in the hos- for evacuation of a hematoma (Table
of all primary joint recipients (0.90), pital before discharge, whereas the 2) and 1 patient readmitted to the
THA alone (0.86), and TKA alone Updated protocol group had no hospital for wound dehiscence after
(0.98). patients who sustained a mechanical a fall, necessitating irrigation and
The percentage of patients remain- fall before discharge. Of note, 92.5% débridement and intravenous anti-
ing in the hospital after POD#1 was of patients in the Traditional pro- biotics. This equates to a major
91.2% for the Traditional protocol tocol group were discharged to home complication rate of 0.56% and a
group and 31.9% for the Updated compared with 95.8% of patients in readmission rate of 0.29%. Data
protocol group. By POD#2, 32.2% the Updated protocol group. The from the American College of Sur-
of patients in the Traditional pro- remaining patients were discharged geon’s National Surgical Quality
tocol group remained hospitalized to a supervised setting. Improvement Program on elective
compared with 8.6% of patients in primary TJA patients show that the
the Updated protocol group. By 30-day readmission rate after elec-
POD#4, 2.6% of patients in the Discussion tive primary TJA is 4.6% for TKA
Traditional protocol group remained and 4.2% for THA,25 which is much
hospitalized, whereas all patients Factors that enable expeditious dis- higher than the rate reported in the
from the Updated protocol group charge from the hospital after pri- current study. One possible reason
were discharged (Figure 1). mary elective total joint surgery for this discord is that the current
There were no hospital read- include adequate postoperative study only screened for readmission
missions for postoperative compli- analgesia, short-lived side effects of to the same institution and may have
cations within 30 days in the anesthetics, patient motivation, and missed patients who were readmitted
Traditional protocol group. The clinical pathways that promote early elsewhere. Similarly, data from the

e226 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Derek M. Klavas, MD, et al

American College of Surgeon’s LOS in the hospital, validating the advances the discussion surrounding
National Surgical Quality Improve- study hypothesis. The incidence of the efficacy of TIVA and short-acting
ment Program show that hospital complications and hospital read- spinal anesthesia on clinical out-
discharge within 2 days from surgery mission in the cohort of patients in comes in primary joint arthroplasty,
does not increase the risk of major the current study who received TIVA which has limited reports in the lit-
complications and hospital read- was much lower than what is re- erature. Two randomized controlled
mission. Patient demographics (BMI, ported in the literature,25 attesting to trials conducted by Harsten et al11,12
ASA score, and medical comorbid- the safety of this perioperative pro- at a Swedish fast-track joint arthro-
ities) and perioperative variables tocol. Furthermore, because the plasty center looked at recovery
(surgery time and blood loss) were Updated protocol replaced a long- times after TJA in patients receiving
attributed to an increased risk of acting spinal anesthetic with a short- solely TIVA versus solely spinal
major complications.26 acting spinal anesthetic, we were blockade. In patients who received
Three perioperative variables mea- able to discontinue the routine use of only TIVA, they reported a median
sured in this study (surgery time, Foley catheters. time to meet discharge criteria of 26
estimated blood loss [EBL], and Correlation between aggressive hours in their THA cohort and a
length of time spent in the PACU) postoperative rehabilitation (including median time to meet discharge cri-
were found to be significantly lower day-of-surgery ambulation) and de- teria of 46 hours in their TKA
in the Updated protocol group com- creased hospital LOS is an evolving cohort. The current study reports a
pared with the Traditional protocol concept in the subspecialty of joint mean hospital LOS of 40.9 hours in
group. The authors think that shorter replacement surgery.4–7,21–23,27,28 This THA patients and 38.2 hours in
surgery times may be due to bias in retrospective review was conducted on TKA patients. Our methods differ
favor of the Updated protocol group, patients who underwent uncompli- in that we did not specify “meeting
whose patients underwent surgery cated primary joint replacement after a discharge criteria” as the end point
over a period of time 2 years later modified early ambulation program when we measured hospital stay.
than the Traditional protocol group. was implemented on the acute care Instead, we used the time of physical
Such an advantage in chronicity orthopaedic unit at our institution. As discharge from the hospital, thus
could potentially grant the Updated part of this enhanced recovery pro- potentially increasing the mean LOS
protocol group with the benefit of gram, PT protocols were altered such compared with other studies.
more intraoperative experience and that three daily walking sessions were Our finding of a reduced hospital
familiarity. The observed difference offered. Both groups in the current LOS by approximately 22 hours (0.9
in EBL can be explained by institu- study had the benefit of this aggressive day) holds clinical significance in
tional changes in the way blood loss is mobilization regimen to their advan- addition to statistical significance.
reported in the electronic medical tage, confirmed by an insignificant Although it would have been inap-
record after surgery. For the Tradi- difference in the total number of PT propriate and may have introduced
tional protocol, the anesthesiologist sessions received before discharge (3.7 study bias to preemptively declare a
alone estimates blood loss, whereas 6 0.1 versus 4.0 6 0.2; P . 0.05) cutoff for reduction in LOS as clini-
for the Updated protocol, the anes- (Supplemental Table 3, Supplemental cally significant, the authors retro-
thesiologist and attending surgeon Digital Content 1, http://links.lww. spectively propose that any reduction
estimate blood loss after discussing com/JAAOS/A90). On a similar note, in LOS .12 hours should be in-
with one another. Nevertheless, neither group trended toward a higher terpreted as clinically beneficial.
increased surgical time and increased likelihood of being discharged to a For example, a difference in this
blood loss have been previously skilled nursing facility or long-term magnitude could reflect one of two
described to positively correlate with acute care facility, further supporting scenarios: (1) an early morning dis-
prolonged hospital LOS.7 Our anal- the advantages provided by rapid charge on POD#2 as opposed to
ysis did not control for perioperative mobilization. evening or (2) an evening discharge
variables when analyzing hospital Based on the results of this study, on POD#2 as opposed to an addi-
LOS between the two study groups. the authors propose that TIVA with a tional night in the hospital before
The results of our study show short-acting nonopioid spinal anes- discharging the morning of POD#3.
that TIVA used in conjunction thetic and no routine Foley catheter In either instance, the reduction in
with short-acting nonopioid spinal use markedly increases a patient’s LOS portends to reduced utilization
anesthetics facilitated earlier post- likelihood of ambulating on the of hospital resources, decreased
operative mobilization in a safe day of surgery in an enhanced overall costs, and increased patient
manner and led to markedly reduced recovery program. The current study satisfaction.

May 15, 2018, Vol 26, No 10 e227

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Total Intravenous Anesthesia With Short-acting Spinal Anesthetics in Primary Hip and Knee Arthroplasty

The study is limited by its retrospec- care settings, improvements such as effectiveness research. Br J Anaesth 2016;
tive nature, relatively small sample size, these will be necessary. Our results
and asymmetry between study group indicate that TIVA and short-acting 11. Harsten A, Kehlet H, Toksvig-Larsen S:
Recovery after total intravenous general
sizes. A retrospective study design nonopioid spinal anesthetics are a anaesthesia or spinal anaesthesia for total
made it difficult to collect data on promising route toward achieving knee arthroplasty: A randomized trial. Br J
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May 15, 2018, Vol 26, No 10 e229

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