Cancer Basics: - To Talk About Blood Cancer Types - JGJHGHJ

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Cancer Basics
Unit Goals:
- To talk about blood cancer types
- Jgjhghj
1. Fill the blanks with the right concept.

a) Leukemia 1. ___________ Plasma cells are targeted by this type of blood cancer. Infection
and disease fighting antibodies in the body are produced by plasma cells that are
basically white blood cells.

b) Lymphoma 2. ____________ This type of blood cancer is due to rapid production of abnormal
white blood cells. Leukemia can be found in bone marrow and in blood. These
abnormal cells are no more able to fight off infection and also impair the bone
marrow’s ability to produce platelets and red blood cells.

c) Myeloma 3._____________ Lymphatic system that produces immune cells and also removes
excess fluids from the body gets affected by lymphoma blood cancer. Get Free
Opinion from Best Doctors in India

2. Look at the pictures and provide the adequate meaning. Use the words from the box.

. Bleeding weight loss nose bleeds severe infections

Fever lymph nodes red spots on skin bone pain night sweats

a) ____________ b)____________ c)____________ d)_____________ e)___________

f)_________________ g)______________ h)_______________ i)_______________

1. Listen about leukemia symptoms and the circle TRUE or FALSE

Leukemia Symptoms
1. Fatigue, general exhaustion, and lustlessness, feeling of illness is
2. Skin pallor is present in about 80% of patients. T F
3. Fever is present in 40% of patients T F
4. Frequently increased infections T F
5. Some symptoms include swollen lymph nodes, around the neck,
in the armpits or in the groin.
6. There is no abdominal pain and loss of appetite (by enlargement
of spleen or liver).
7. Bleeding tendency, for example difficult to breastfeed nose or
gum bleeding, bruises or skin bleeding (Petechiae).
8. About 80% of patients present bone and joint pain. T F
9. Headache, blurred vision, vomiting, cranial nerve palsies are
present because of the infestation of the digestive system.
10. Only 3% of patients may present shortness of breath. T F

1. Complete the following dialogue with the correct forms of either the Present Simple
OR the Present Continuous. And then practice the dialogue in pairs.
How is it going?

Vicky: Hi, Jack! Where 1.………………………… (you/go) in such a hurry?

Jack: Hey Vicky! I 2.………………………….. (go) to college, I
3.……………………… (have) an early lecture today. What
4.……………………………. (you/do) today?
Vicky: I 5.……………………… (go) to the dentist, I 6.………………….. (have) a
really bad toothache I’m afraid.
Jack: Oh, no, that ….. (be) terrible. I 7.…………………… (hope) you feel
better soon. 8.……………………………… (you/want) to meet up for a
cup of coffee later this afternoon, if you 9.…………………………………….
(feel) better, of course?
Vicky: Sure! That 10……………………. (sound) great! See you later, then!
Jack: See you!

1. Read the article and verify the use of Present simple or present continuous. Underline.
What Is Cancer?
Cancer results from a series of molecular events that fundamentally alter the normal properties of
cells. In cancer cells the normal control systems that prevent cell overgrowth and the invasion of
other tissues are disabled. These altered cells divide and grow in the presence of signals that
normally inhibit cell growth; therefore, they no longer require special signals to induce cell growth
and division. As these cells grow they develop new characteristics, including changes in cell
structure, decreased cell adhesion, and production of new enzymes.

These heritable changes allow the cell and its progeny to divide and grow, even in the presence of
normal cells that typically inhibit the growth of nearby cells. Such changes allow the cancer cells to
spread and invade other tissues.

The abnormalities in cancer cells usually result from mutations in protein-encoding genes that
regulate cell division. Over time more genes become mutated. This is often because the genes that
make theproteins that normally repair DNA damage are themselves not functioning normally
because they are also mutated. Consequently, mutations begin to increase in the cell, causing
further abnormalities in that cell and the daughter cells. Some of these mutated cells die, but other
alterations may give the abnormal cell a selective advantage that allows it to multiply much more
rapidly than the normal cells. This enhanced growth describes most cancer cells, which have
gained functions repressed in the normal, healthy cells. As long as these cells remain in their
original location, they are considered benign; if they become invasive, they are considered
malignant. Cancer cells in malignant tumors can often metastasize, sending cancer cells to distant
sites in the body where new tumors may form.

1. Review the definition of a sentence.
What is a sentence?
A sentence is a set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject and
predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command, and consisting of
a main clause and sometimes one or more subordinate clauses. It contains:

1. A subject (what the sentence is about, the topic of the sentence)

2. A predicate (what is said about the subject)

Note that a sentence expresses a complete thought.

- He opened the door. - people who work hard 
- Come in, please.  - a fast-moving animal with big ears 
- Do you like coffee? 

2. Recognize subject and verb in the following text.

Different types of cancer have different causes. They depend on many factors. Some

cancers are more common than others. The chances for survival vary among different

types. Most cancers do not have known causes from a chemical, environmental, genetic,

immunologic, or viral origin. Cancers arise spontaneously from unexplained causes.

The causes of cancer are very complex. The body cells and factors in the environment

influence the development of cancer. Researchers are identifying more causes.

3. Check the chart and get realized sentences follow an agreement.

Subject Verb Agreement
Subjects and verbs must AGREE with one another in number (singular or plural). Thus, if a subject
is singular, its verb must also be singular; if a subject is plural, its verb must also be plural.

5. Write about your daily routine at work. What do you do? What activities do you usually
perform? What frequent activities do your colleagues do?


6. Work in pairs and write what are your colleagues are doing now at work.



Grammar English in Use.

Present Simple and Present continuous.


Prepositions of time.

Grammar exercises.

Leukemia (blood Cancer) treatment in India

Medical Terminology Made Easy. Lippincott Williams & Willkins. Walters Kluwer Health 3rd
edition 2009.

English grammar explanations

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