Unit 1 - Lesson B: Names: Touchstone 2nd Edition - Language Summary - Level 1

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Touchstone 2nd Edition • Language summary • Level 1

Unit 1 • Lesson B: Names

Personal information
married (adj)
single (adj)
first name (n)
last name (n)
middle name (n)
nickname (n)

Miss (n)
Mrs. (n)
Ms. (n)
Mr. (n)

class (n)
room (n)
student (n)
teacher (n)

English (n)
French (n)


© Cambridge University Press 2014 Unit 1, Lesson B, Page 1

Touchstone 2nd Edition • Language summary • Level 1

Other words
different (adj)
same (adj)
my (adj)
your (adj)
here (adv)
not (adv)
and (conj)
we (pron)

The verb be: I, you, and we
I, you, and we are pronouns:

• Use I for yourself.

• Use you for another person / other people.

• Use we for yourself and another person / other people.

The verb be has contractions and full forms:

Contractions Full forms

I'm I am
you're you are
we're we are

Affirmative statements

Use pronoun + contraction of be:

I'm Jenny.

You're in Room G.

We're in different classes.

© Cambridge University Press 2014 Unit 1, Lesson B, Page 2

Touchstone 2nd Edition • Language summary • Level 1
Negative statements

Use pronoun + contraction of be + not:

I'm not Carmen.

You're not in Room B.

We're not in the same class.

Yes-No questions and short answers

Yes-No questions are questions that you can answer with Yes or No.

You can use be + pronoun to ask Yes-No questions:

Are you Jenny?

Am I in Room B?

Are we in the same class?

Affirmative short answers

Use Yes + pronoun + full form of be:

A Are you Jenny?

B Yes, I am.

Negative short answers

Use No + pronoun + contraction of be + not:

A Are we in the same class?

B No, we're not.

© Cambridge University Press 2014 Unit 1, Lesson B, Page 3

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