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C H AP TER 8 Normal Labor , Delivery, and Postpartum Care 109


FIGURE 8-10 Mechanism of labor for a vertex presentation in the left occipitotransverse position. A, Flexion and descent. B and C,
Continued descent and commencement of internal rotation. D, Completion of internal rotation to the occipitoanterior position followed
by delivery of the head by extension.

ischial spines (z ero station) and ther efore is engaged. be mor e difficult to repair when they occur without an
In the occipitoposter ior positions , the fetal head may episiotomy. The head is bor n by rapid extension as the
rotate poster iorly so that the occiput tur ns toward the occiput, sinciput, nose , mouth, and chin pass over the
hollow of the sacr um. perineum.
Extension. The flexed head in an occipitoanter ior In the occipitoposterior position, the head is bor n
position continues to descend within the pelvis . by a combination of flexion and extension. At the time
Because the vaginal outlet is dir ected upward and of cr owning, the poster ior bony pelvis and the muscu -
forward, extension must occur befor e the head can lar sling encour age fur ther flexion. The forehead, sin -
pass thr ough it. As the head continues its descent, ciput, and occiput are bor n as the fetal chin appr oaches
there is bulging of the per ineum follo wed by cr owning the chest. Subsequently, the occiput falls back as the
(see Figure 8-10, D). Crowning occurs when the lar gest head extends and the nose , mouth, and chin are bor n.
diameter of the fetal head is encir cled by the vulv ar External Rotation. In both the occipitoanter ior and
ring. At this time , the vertex has reached station +5. occipitoposterior positions , the deliv ered head now
When indicated, an incision in the per ineum (episi - returns to its original position at the time of engage-
otomy) may aid in reducing per ineal resistance. ment to align itself with the fetal back and shoulders .
Current management is to allow the fetus to deliver Further head rotation may occur as the shoulders
without an episiotomy when possible. Good clinical undergo an inter nal rotation to align themselv es
judgment is needed to avoid traumatic tears that may anteroposteriorly within the pelvis .

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