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Vulko Krasimirov Milev


• 3 years working with AI/DNN /ML

• 3 years of experience with Keras
• Familiar with SQL DB , Mongo DB,
C , C++ , assembler, python

• Computer engineer degree(bachelor)
at TU Sofia branch Plovidv


• 2012-2015 „3web“
1. Android developer
2. AI/Data science researcher
• 2016-2017 „Sibiz Bulgaria“
SKILLS: 1. VHDL/System verilog verification
• SQL DB 2. Worked for AMD
• MONGO DB (vega, ryzen, etc)/I3C
• C • 2017-present „3web“
• C++ 1. AI/Data science researcher
• NETWORK ADMIN. • Strong analytical and
• GRAPH THEORY problem-solving skills
• PROBABILITY TH. • Good team work
• DIFF. EQUATIONS • Good at tracking bugs
• INTEGRAL in data flow
• Good Team skills
Professional summary

Since young age I am interested in the field of A.I. and M.L. Due to my work requirements I am
specialized in the field of RNN but I have experience in other ML fields as well. During my career I
have been in almost every sphere of computing from chip design to network administration. As
part of my responsibilities while I was working in the field of AI I had to design the whole data flow
of the system: from extracting data , normalising it to denormalization and interpreting it. Also I had
to choose the architecture of the DNN: constraints,model capacity,types of activation
functions,kernel size and etc. Furthermore I had to setup the hardware (nvidia drivers, correct
CUDA version , correct CUDNN version ,python environment etc). Unfortunately I was quite
alone in my position because no one else had the same points of interests and skills like me.
But for other parts of the project like node js (backend) and react js (frontend) the colleagues
and I managed to make a good team and achieve great success with my project. In the past I have been
working with the super computer Avitohol for my bachelor thesis(bioinformatics field). The work was to
setup CP2K to work with Xeon Phi(intel). I also plan to do research in the field of AI .
I am looking forward to meet new and interesting people and future develop my skills with AI/DNN/ML .

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