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IEPOP Remove utility.

IEPOP Remove utility (RemoveIEPOP)


Compatible version: DeltaV v5.3 and above.

Instructions for using IEPOP removal utility follow. For more details
on IEPOP removal and the Microsoft Control, refer to the notes at the
bottom of this help file.
Run the RemoveIEPOP utility to remove IEPOP references:
1. Start DeltaV Operate.
2. Switch to Configure mode of DeltaV Operate if needed (Ctrl + W).
3. Select WorkSpace | Toolbars.
4. Select Customize and then Select Import.
5. Select 'RemoveIEPOP' and Import. 'RemoveIEPOP' will disappear
from the list of available toolbars to import.
Note: If DeltaV Operate closes at this point, restart it and switch to
Configure mode if needed (CTRL +W).
6. 'RemoveIEPOP' will be shown in the list of selected workstation
toolbars and a new red button called RemoveIEPOP will appear on
your display. Close the Import Toolbars and Customize Toolbars dialogs.
7. Close all pictures and press the new RemoveIEPOP button
Note: For DeltaV v5 only - All pictures must be open before
selecting the IEPOPRemove button. Be sure to open pictures in
the Templates directory and other subdirectories (faceplate,
detail, etc.) A maximum of 25 pictures can be open at one time.
Therefore it may be necessary to run the utility multiple times
to fix all pictures. It is not necessary to fix the standard
DeltaV pictures (AlarmList, alarmFilter, DeltaV, etc.)
8. Click the 'Fix All' button to fix all pictures.
Note: This will take some time as it will scan and remove IEPOP
references in all pictures in the Pic folder and all Pic
9. Refer to the PIC/AA_PopUpMenuRep.txt text file to verify the
IEPOP removal, Option Explicit corrections and multiple
10. In Run mode verify that all pictures function as expected before
proceeding with the upgrade.
11. Close DeltaV Operate. Select YES if prompted to SAVE
frsfactoryGlobals and/or frsVariables.
Note: There are two other options on the Remove IEPOP Utility:
Fix a Picture and Scan4IEPOP.

- 'Fix a Picture' will allow the user to fix one

picture at a time. However, it is recommended that the
user select the 'Fix All' button to fix all pictures when the
utlity is run for the first time.
- 'Scan for IEPOP' will scan all pictures in the PIC directory
for references to IEPOP. View IEPOP references in
the text file AA_PopupMenuRep.txt in the PIC folder.
These two options are only available on v6.x and v7.x systems.
'Fix a Picture' and 'Scan for IEPOP' are not available on v5.x.

Note: For the utility to remove references to IEPOP, the

pictures must reside in the Pic directory or
subdirectories within Pic. Therefore to 'Fix a Picture'
from a floppy disk, copy the picture to the Pic folder
before running the utility.

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IEPOP Remove utility.txt
Note: The text file, AA_PopupMenuRep.txt, will be appended if the
utility is run multiple times on the system. If the original
file cannot be found, a new AA_PopupMenuRep.txt file will
be created.

Starting in DeltaV 7.2, an obsolete Microsoft control called IEPOP
will not be available. This control was used in two places by
1. Right mouse button choices in run mode (where you select quick
2. Left mouse button selection of alarm priority adjust on detail
Microsoft no longer supports this control. When certain
applications are installed (such as new versions of the Internet
Explorer), Microsoft searches and removes IEPOP control from the
PC. Since this is no longer a supported control, it will no
longer be available for use in DeltaV.
Removal of this control (as with any control) will cause displays,
when opened (in either configure or run) to cause an error:
Display "contains a reference to a control or library which is not
registered on this machine......" If you select cancel, a severe
error will result "Can not load the control IEPOP1."

Essentially ALL user created DeltaV displays will generate this

error message if this utility is not run. The standard displays
provided with DeltaV will have already been corrected.

In order for this utility to work properly, displays must be

opened. Therefore this utility should be run BEFORE IEPOP is
removed - BEFORE upgrading to DeltaV 7.2 or higher version.
Although the utility can be run on v7.2 or higher version,
it is strongly recommended that users run the utility prior to
upgrading to v7.2 or higher version.

The IEPOP Remove utility will remove all IEPOP references (in
pictures, templates, faceplates, scripts, etc.) and replace them
with equivalent functionality using API calls. The utility checks
and corrects all standard DeltaV displays and templates, as well as
user created displays. Displays set as ‘Read-only’ are also checked
and corrected, then returned back to ‘Read-only’.
After the utility is run, a text file (AA_PopupMenuRep.txt ) will be
created in the PIC folder. This file lists each display, whether
IEPOP was found, and what corrective actions were taken. The log
file should be reviewed.

Backing up Pictures:
DeltaV Operate has an option in User Preferences to backup pictures.
To enable or disable this option, in Configure mode go to Workspace
User Preferences. To enable the backup option, check the box labeled
'Always create backup copy'. By default this option is enabled.
When enabled, a backup will be created in
DeltaV\DVDATA\GRAPHIC-iFIX\PIC as follows:
1. When a picture is opened and saved in Configure mode, a backup of
that picture will be created in the PIC\Backup folder.
2. When the 'RemoveIEPOP' utility is run on a picture and IEPOP objects
are removed, a backup of that picture will be created before IEPOP
is removed.
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IEPOP Remove utility.txt
3. WARNING : IEPOP has not been removed from the pictures in the backup
folders under the DeltaV\DVDATA\GRAPHICS-iFIX\PIC directories. These
pictures will have unsupported IEPOP objects that will not work in
V7.2 or higher version.
Therefore, after verifying that the displays function properly, save
the pictures in Backup to another location or external backup and then
delete all Backup folders from their current location. This ensures that
all the pictures in DeltaV\DVDATA\GRAPHICS-iFIX\PIC directories and
its subdirectories will be compatible and supported in v7.2 or higher version.

Custom Uses of IEPOP

Many installations used IEPOP to create their own custom menus.
This utility detects ‘typical’ uses of IEPOP and will log and replace
IEPOP with the new DeltaV approach. Special attention should be
made to verify the proper replacement of any custom uses of IEPOP.
Any custom IEPOP code that could not be replaced is also logged.

DeltaV VariableGroup:
IEPOP Removal also verifies that only one DeltaV VariableGroup
exists in each picture. Variable Group is used by the DeltaV
system for functions such as keeping the last used display lists.
Each picture should have only one VariableGroup. Multiple copies
of VariableGroup can lead to confusion (but otherwise are harmless).
Multiple copies are most likely caused by selecting all objects on
a picture, cutting and pasting them to another picture. If more
than one Variable Group exists in a picture, it will not be removed
but it will be noted in the log file.

Option Explicit:
This utility also checks to make sure that all pictures have Option
Explicit defined in VBA. This may be an issue in user created VBA
code. If it is not defined, it will be added. If this utility adds
Option Explicit to a module, an entry in the log file will indicate
which projects/modules must be compiled. Without Option Explicit,
a variable that is not specifically declared is treated as a variant
data type when used. This can cause a host of problems with pictures.

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