Structural Integrity of Buildings Under Exceptional Fire: F. Wald V. Bosiljkov

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Structural integrity of buildings under exceptional fire

F. Wald
Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
V. Bosiljkov
Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute, Slovenia
G. De Matteis
University of Naples Federico II, Italy
P. Haller
TU Dresden, Germany
A. Santiago
Univ. of Coimbra, Portugal
L. Simões da Silva,
Univ. of Coimbra, Portugal
P. Vila Real
University of Aveiro, Portugal

ABSTRACT: The paper is summarizing the European knowledge in the field of the behaviour of the structures made
of the main structural materials under fire action. The new findings are stressed to prepare background for studying of
the exceptional fire conditions. The exceptional fire is the commonly observed problem of the fire acting after or to-
gether with other accidental loading as earthquakes, windstorms, heavy snow loading, gas explosions, bomb blasts,
impact of vehicles, rapidly changing loading situations (temperature) or ice loads. The exceptional cases include also
the situations not taken account during the design or in fire the unexceptional conditions due to the different fire sce-
nario and burning materials (different to expected cellulose or hydrocarbon fires). The structural integrity is the major
goal of the designers to ensure the resistance of the structure under accidental actions and enlarge the safety under ex-
ceptional condition. It is guaranteed by the robust of structural elements and its joints, which is described by its bal-
anced stiffness, strength and ductility between its members, connections and supports.

1. INTRODUCTION including of course the Eurocodes, where specific allow-

The existing European findings, models, and regulations ance for accidental loading conditions is made.
about the structural safety are generally, with few excep- Fire resistance is used to characterize the perform-
tions, concerned with rules aimed to ensure an adequate ance of elements of structure in fire. The fire resistance is
safety level of constructions under, normal loading con- the time for which elements performs its functions under
ditions. The overall structural safety is investigated sim- specified conditions. These functions may include the
ply by assuming an increase of the multipliers of the ser- ability: not to collapse, to limit the spread of fire, to sup-
vice loads up to reach the collapse value. This approach port other elements. All materials progressively lose
has led to a satisfying degree of accuracy in the predic- their ability to support a load when they are heated. If
tion of the safety margins under serviceability load con- components of a structure are heated sufficiently, they
ditions. Agreater accuracy in the evaluation of struc- may collapse. The consequences of such a collapse
tural safety is possible when a probabilistic or semi- may vary, depending on how critical the component is in
probabilistic approach is followed in the determination of controlling the overall behaviour of the structure. In or-
both actions and structural resistance. In this way is der to limit the threat that a fire poses to people in a
possible to get a good investigation of structures sub- building and to reduce the amount of damage that a fire
jected to random actions. These approaches form the may inflict, large buildings are divided up into smaller fire
basis of most recent developments in the field of regula- compartments using fire resisting walls and floors. Parts
tions and are now part of any relevant structural code, of a fire compartment may be divided up by fire resisting
construction to protect particular hazard within them.
The performance of fire separating elements may rely ple checks, engineering advanced models and sophisti-
heavily on the ability of the structure that supports them cated discrete models based on all data available.
to continue to provide that support under fire conditions The requirements for the codes contain simple
(Lennon, 1997). The criticality is the degree to which the checks, which provide an economic and accessible
collapse of an individual structural element affects the method in the majority of buildings. For complex prob-
performance of the structure as a whole. All main com- lems considerable progress has been made in recent
ponents of a structure are generally expected to exhibit years in understanding how structures behave when
fire resistance proportionate to the nature of the per- heated in fires and in developing mathematical tech-
ceived risk. The nature of the risk is usually assessed on niques to model this behaviour. It is now possible to
the basis of the size and proposed use of the building in predict the behaviour of certain types of structure with a
which the structural element occurs, which is an impor- reasonable degree of accuracy. The most common form
tant part of a fire safety risk analysis. of analysis is the finite element method (Newman at al.
The definition of the fire resistance is the ability of 2000). It may predict thermal and structural perform-
construction or its element to satisfy for a stated period ance. In fire, the behaviour of a structure is more com-
of time load bearing capacity, integrity and insulation plex than at ambient temperatures. Changes in the mate-
(same or all of the criteria. As a consequence of Euro- rial properties and thermal movements cause the
pean harmonization, fire resistance is increasingly being structural behaviour to become non-linear and inelastic.
expressed in terms of R, E and I. R means the resistance In the fire resistance tests the gas temperature is in-
to collapse, i.e. the ability to maintain load-bearing ca- creased to follow a predefined time/temperature curve.
pacity. E is the resistance to fire penetration, i.e. an abil- This heating regime is very different from that occurring
ity to maintain the integrity of the element against the in real fires. The maximum temperature attained in a real
penetration of flames and hot gases. I is the resistance to fire and the rate at which temperatures increase depend
the transfer of excessive heat, i.e. the ability to provide on a number of factors relating lo the fuel available, the
insulation from high temperatures. geometric and thermal properties of the compartment
The term the elements of structure is in fire engineer- and the availability of openings through which oxygen
ing applied to main structural elements such as structural can be supplied to the fire. Techniques have been devel-
frames, floors and walls. Compartment walls are treated oped to mathematically describe a natural fire. The
as elements of structure although they are not necessarily analysis determines the rate at which heat is released
load-bearing. External walls such as curtain walls or from the available fuel, see Schleich at al, (1999). This is
other forms of cladding that transmit only self weight and a function of the amount of ventilation available and the
wind loads, and that do not transmit floor loads, are not density and distribution of the fuel itself. Heal loss from
regarded as load bearing, although such walls may need the compartment via convection and radiation from the
fire resistance to satisfy other requirements in connection openings, and conduction through the other solid
with a need to restrict fire spread between buildings. boundaries is calculated before the resulting atmospheric
Load bearing elements may or may not have a fire- temperatures may be determined. There are the two
separating function. Fire-separating elements may or forms of fire used in standard fire resistance tests. They
may not be load bearing. are timber fires or hydrocarbon fire in petrochemical in-
A fire safety engineering approach takes into account dustry.
the total fire safety provides a fundamental and eco- The periods of fire resistance specified in regulations
nomical solution than the prescriptive approaches to fire attempt to relate the damaging effect of a real fire to an
safety. The modelling of a structure involves three equivalent period of exposure in a standard fire resis-
stages. The first stage is to model the fire scenario to de- tance test. Safety factors are introduced to account for
termine the heat energy released from the fire and the re- building use and height. The modelling of the fire de-
sulting atmospheric temperatures within the building. The pends upon several factors such as the fire load density,
second stage is to model the heat transfer between the the size and shape of the ventilation openings, and the
atmosphere and the structure. Heat transfer involves thermal characteristics of the enclosing compartment.
three phenomena (conduction, convection and radiation) Time equivalence is useful when comparing the perform-
all contribute to the rise in temperature of the structural ance of an element in a natural fire with the known per-
materials during the fire event. The third stage is the de- formance of the same element in a fire resistance test,
termination of the response of the structure – basic sim- see Schleich at al, (2001). It is useful for researchers
and fire investigators to know that the natural fire was
approximately equivalent to so many minutes of standard more masonry is rarely seriously damaged by fire in the
test. sense like other materials can be - it does not buckle like
steel, spall like reinforced concrete or burn like timber.
The fire load is the amount of combustibles available
On the other hand, the high temperatures can influence
to burn. It is expressed in terms of the equivalent weight the strength of the units their deformations and can de-
of timber (kg/m2) or in terms of energy released stroy the mortar-brick junction and thus can provoke
(MJ/m2). The reference area is normally the floor area some further reduction in residual compressive strength
only sometimes the total internal surface area of the and sharp drop in flexural and shear strength of the ma-
compartment is used. sonry elements exposed to the fire.
The ventilation relates the size of openings, such as
windows and doors, to the size of a fire compartment or 2.2 Materials for use in masonry walls
room. The masonry is strongly composite material consisting of
The heating of element depends on the incident heat unit, mortar, and concrete infill and reinforcing steel.
From that point of view, the fire behaviour of a masonry
flux. This is the amount of heat, which an element re- wall depends on:
ceives in a fire. The heat flux is made up from radiation − masonry unit material – clay (C), calcium silicate
and convection. In fully developed fires the radiation is (CS), autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) or
the dominant flux. A parametric fire is a mathematical dense/lightweight aggregate concrete (LC);
idealisation of a natural fire in a compartment. The gas − type of unit - solid or hollow (type and pattern of
holes, percentage of holes), shell and web thickness;
increases to a maximum and then declines, as it would in
− characteristics of the units – strength, density, poros-
a real fire. The fire temperature is a function of the venti- ity;
lation factor, the fire load and the thermal properties of − type of mortar - general purpose, thin layer or light-
the wall linings. Advanced computer programs use a weight mortar;
technique of computational fluid dynamics. − type of the execution of the pretend (head) and bed
The structural response and its modelling under fire joints (fully filled, stripes, unfilled, tongue and groove
systems etc.);
condition depend on the applied structural materials. The − with or without renders (plasters) on one or both
difference may be found by modelling of the whole sides;
structure, in the modelling of the elements as well as − relationship of the applied load to the resistance of
joints (Allam at al 1999). The resistance under fire con- the wall and
dition does not guide the difference. The aluminium and − slenderness of the wall.
steel are transferring the heat. The timber, masonry,
concrete and lightweight concrete has insulate itself. The 2.3 General requirements related to masonry walls
added insulation may be economical for the aluminium, From the point of view of fire protection, a distinction is
steel and timber structures. The design models are made between non-load-bearing walls and load-bearing
walls and between separating walls (walls along escape
based on previous check under ambient temperature, if
ways, walls of stair wells, or compartment walls) and
possible. The advanced model of global analysis as well non-separating walls (within single fire compartment).
as element and connection check may be applied taking It is assumed that walls span or extend from one floor
into account large deformation, the changes of structural to the next floor or to the roof, and that those floors or
properties and models during heating simulating the real the roof provide lateral support to the top and bottom of
fire. the wall, unless its stability under normal function is
achieved by other means, for example buttresses or
special ties. Since masonry walls can be either single or
2. MASONARY STRUCTURES multiple leaf elements, a general attention is also focused
on the number of leaf, their thickness and if they are
2.1 Introduction load-bearing or not. Also perforated masonry units
Following the Great Fire of London in 1666, Charles II should not be laid so that the perforations are at right
insisted on brick and stone buildings instead of the angles to the face of the wall, i.e. the wall should not be
wooden ones that have been previously used. Further- penetrated by the perforations.
more during the bombings of the Second World War, Special attention has to be paid in designing the joints
brick structures suffered less damage than steel or con- as well as recesses and chases for fixtures, pipes and
crete buildings. This actually proves the fact that the ma- cables in the walls.
sonry is not only the high fire resistance but also it has a
large capacity to resist accidental damage due to the 2.4 Design Practice
some forms of exceptional loading. Masonry walls themselves do not contribute fuel to the
In general, brick and block masonry materials are in- fire, are not subject to flame spread, and do not produce
combustible and cannot start or spread a fire. Further-
smoke or toxic gases in the presence of fire. They do Members Framed Members
provide solid non-combustible barriers to the spread of Into Wall Framed Into W.
fire from the original fire area and can be equally useful Wall Wall No Plast. Plast. No Plaster on
in creating safe compartments or escape routes from the Thickness Type pl. on one on two pl. exposed
building. Therefore, masonry construction is ideally (mm) side sides* side*
suited to minimizing the potential for ignition of fires and 100 Solid 1¼ 1¾ 2½ - -
the consequences of fires. 200 Solid 5 6 7 2 2½
The main fire resistance aspects (Drysdale et al. 300 Solid** 10 10 12 8 9
1994) of the design of masonry walls relate to the fol- 300 Solid† 12 13 15 - -
230 – 250 Cavity 5 6 7 2 2½
lowing: _______________________________________________
− ability to maintain sufficient load-carrying capacity to * To achieve these ratings, each plastered wall face must have
support floors and roofs in load-bearing construction at least 13 mm 1:3 gypsum-sand plasters.
** Based on load failure (for load-bearing walls)
− ability of nonload-bearing firewalls to maintain suffi- † Based on temperature rise (for nonload-bearing walls)
cient strength during and after specified duration of
fire to avoid collapse As it concern Eurocodes for masonry structures
− thermal characteristics of the wall so as to prevent (ENV1996-1) it is worth to mention that for the moment
temperature rise that could possibly cause new igni- in the latest version there are no input values in the tables
tion for minimal thickness for fire resistance for different
− impact of the failure of other structural elements on types of masonry (ENV 1996-1, 1995). In the previous
the stability of the masonry version of the EC 6 (ENV 1996-1, 1990) there were
− impact of the use of other materials as part of the wall some provisional values that were based largely on BS
system and DIN standards, but with the comment that the
method of test according to BS and DIN were not ex-
2.5 Assessment by testing and tables actly the same. In general the values for given periods of
While most building codes for other materials relate to fire resistance are sometimes higher according to the
both fire prevention and fire protection design proce- German results while there is some British data that gives
dures, for the masonry this is not a case. Due to the gen- a lower thickness that has often been used.
eral belief that the masonry is incombustible material little
or no investigation were made on development of ana- 2.6 Assessment by calculation
lytical procedures for assessment of fire resistance of the It has been only recently (Hahn 2001) that first attempts
masonry structures or its components in a real building were made to assess the fire resistance of masonry walls
fire. by taking into account the relevant failure mode in fire
All of the current building codes for masonry exposure, the temperature dependent material properties
(EC 6, BS 5628, DIN 4102, UBC, NBC etc.) relate to and effects of thermal expansions and deformations.
the fire design of the masonry structures by: In general the calculation methods may be:
− avoiding premature collapse of the structure (load- − a simplified calculation model for specific types of
bearing function) and walls (analytical solution) and
− limiting fire spread (flames, hot gases, excessive heat) − global structure analysis for simulating the behaviour
and temperature rise beyond designated areas (sepa- of structural masonry elements and the entire struc-
ration failure). ture (FEM solution).
The requirements for masonry materials for achieving Although there are lack of data for other numerous
those goals are stipulated by means of numerous tables, types of masonry materials, some good results were ob-
which are derived mainly from fire resistance tests of tained through simplified calculation procedure both for
masonry walls with standard temperature-time curve. pillar and wall elements, where in comparison to the ex-
The tables are drawn up in a standardized form to give perimental results, the results of simplified calculations
consistent information for all masonry material and the were a little bit too conservative. Most of the problems
standard renderings. Building code requirements for fire that are limiting the usage of both analytical and FEM
resistance typically vary from ½ hours up, depending on solution of fire resistance of masonry structures are large
type of building, occupancy and criteria of failure (R – variety of materials that have been used in masonry and
load bearing, E – failure due to cracks, holes, etc, and I lack of experimental data for verification of those mod-
– insulation failure). Having in mind all variety of materi- els. Moreover, it will be quite demanding to prepare a
als that can be used in masonry walls it is worth to men- general solution for all types of the masonry. As it can be
tion that the values presented in Table 1 reflect only the seen from Figure 1, different types of the units have dif-
small portion of those requirements stated in different ferent behaviour due to thermal actions. Furthermore
codes. some types of the units like AAC and CS are even gain-
ing on the strength at some elevated temperatures, while
Table 1: Ultimate fire Resistance Periods for Load-bearing Clay
and Shale Walls in the United States ?(Drysdale1994) LC and C units are having constant declination of the
_______________________________________________ strength with increasing the temperatures.
Ultimate Fire Resistance Period (h)
No-Combustible Combustible
Autoclaved areated concrete
12 Calcium silicate
10 Lightweight concrete
Strain [‰]



0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Temperature [°C]
Figure 1: Shrinkage and expansion under changes of tempera-
ture for different types of the units (Hahn 2001)

3.1 Behaviour of wooden constructions
The protection of buildings against fire is an important
topic, which puts constructions made of combustible
materials such as wood, and wood based material at a
disadvantage (Kollman and Coté 1968). Experiences
Figure 2: Fire behaviour of NLT uncovered
with devastating fire in the history of our cities led to
regulations that forbade the use of wood first as a roof-
ing material and on the ground floor. Afterwards when
alternative building materials and design were available
wood was more and more replaced especially in urban
areas. Today, there is again a tendency to construct
multi-storey buildings in wood where the risk of fire
plays a key role, see STEP (1995). These buildings re-
quire a careful planning with respect to fire protection,
which focuses on an organizational, conceptual, con-
structive and technical approach. Due to the complexity
of this topic, the following concentrates on constructive
fire protection. Combustibility is an m i portant material
property. Fire resistance, however, characterizes a con-
Figure 3: NLT covered (according table 2, Nr 2) after testing
struction element and indicates the period of time it can
maintain the load bearing capacity and tightness. Both
properties have to be taken into account. Wood and 3.2 Experimental results on floor elements made of
steel are diametrically opposed with respect to these solid wood and wood-concrete composite
two definitions. Wood burns, however, since charcoal is Combustibility and fire resistance determine the fire be-
produced at a constant rate so that the time to failure of
wooden construction elements can be easily predicted. haviour of wood and wooden elements. Instinctively
Steel is incombustible, however, it has to be protected most people are susceptible to attach a high risk to the
against heat in order not to loose strength and stiffness. combustibility of a construction, see Tab. 2. However, if
The design of multi-story wood buildings requires good one consider that fire resistance of masonry and wooden
fire resistance, which is in general, achieved by cladding building are equivalent, it becomes obvious that the
wood structures with incombustible components or, by course of a fire depends decisively on the resistance of
the use of construction elements especially floors made
of solid wood. Floors with a long span have been de- the wall and floor. Elements from solid wood have a
signed as timber concrete composite, which successfully good fire behaviour since there is no heat conduction
resisted significantly more than 90 minutes in case of fire. through hollow spaces. The tightness of the element is
crucial and can be achieved by gluing or cladding with
other materials. In the past, the fire behaviour of different
solid construction elements and whole buildings has been
tested. The test results encourage to a further use of
wood in the multi-story sector. The following summa-
rizes experimental findings on nailed laminated timber
floors (NLT) that can alternatively be provided with a Franssen, 1999, 2001) leading to a new proposal for
thick layer of concrete, which guarantees tightness and the evaluation of its lateral-torsional buckling resistance.
This proposal was based on the numerical results from
makes the floor work as a structural composite where
the SAFIR program, a geometrical and materially non-
the wood is subjected to tension and the concrete to linear code specially established for the analysis of struc-
compression. Nailed laminated wood is to be distin- tures submitted to fire (Franssen, 1995). The capability
guished from glued laminated wood with its tight bond of this code to model the lateral-torsional buckling of
line. beams has been shown (Vila Real & Franssen, 1999) at
room temperature by comparisons against the formulas
Table 2: Fire resistance of selected solid floor elements and of ENV 1993-1-1, 1993.
composites It must be emphasized that the simple model pre-
No. Floor and layers Fire resistance sented here (Vila Real et al. 1999, 2001), was estab-
1 NLT (thickness: 110 mm) 23 min lished on the base of numerical simulations using charac-
uncovered teristic values for initial out-of-straightness (L/1000) and
2 NLT (thickness: 110 mm) 35 min
residual stresses ( 0 ,3 × 235 MPa ), which are unlikely to
+ insulation (mineral: 4 cm)
be simultaneously present in a test or in a real fire. In the
+ particle board (16 mm)
experimental work we have done, the geometrical im-
perfections and the residual stresses were measured as
3 Wood concrete composite > 90 min
well as the nominal yield strength of the material and the
NLT (thickness:140 mm)
Young Modulus. These measured values were used in
+ concrete (thickness: 80 mm)
the numerical calculations.
A set of 120 full-scale tests based on a reaction
frame and on a hydraulic system has been carried out for
beams of the European series IPE 100 with lengths
varying from 0.5 to 6.5 meters. Three tests have been
done for each beam length and for each temperature
level. The beams were electrically heated by means of
ceramic mat elements, heated by a power unit of 70
kVA. To increase the thermal efficiency a ceramic fibre
mat has been used around the beam and the heating
elements. According to the proposal the design buckling
resistance moment of a laterally unrestrained beam, with
a class 1 or 2 cross section type, can be calculated by
Figure 4: Wood concrete section on the basis of NLT M b , fi, t , Rd = χ LT , fiW pl, y k y , θ, com f y (1)
γ M , fi
4. STEEL STRUCTURES where χ LT , fi , is given by
4.1 Reached Stage 1
χ LT , fi = (2)
The design methods are used in practice to increase φ LT , θ,com + [φ LT , θ,com ] 2 − [ λ LT , θ,com ] 2
safety of steel structures under fire conditions. New
studies have been made in the area of material proper- with
ties, complex as well simple design models of elements
and joints, and fire modelling in last ten years. Very
φ LT , θ, com =
1 + α λLT , θ, com + ( λLT , θ, com ) 2 ] (3)
complex and progressive was the research in fire model- and
ling and its application into the design. Among the work
done in this field there are two topics design that will be α = 0.65 235 f y (4)
presented here: the lateral torsional buckling of steel I- where f y is the nominal yield strength of the material, Wpl
beams at elevated temperatures and the component is the section modulus, k y.θ,com the reduction factor for
model for the behaviour of steel joints in case of fire.
yield strength, relative slenderness λLT ,θ ,com , and γM,fi is
4.2 Lateral-Torsional Buckling of Steel I-Beams the partial safety factor for steel. The lateral-torsional
The problem of lateral-torsional buckling of steel I- buckling curve now depends on the steel grade as it can
beams at room temperature is well recognised by prac- be seen in Figure 5.
tice. The same problem at elevated temperature was
studied by Bailey et al., 1996, who uses a three dimen-
sional computer model to investigate the ultimate behav-
iour of uniformly heated unrestrained beams.
The behaviour of steel I-beams at elevated tempera-
ture has been analysed numerically (Vila Real &
Mb , fi,t , Rd / M fi, θ, Rd
1.2 1

EC3, S235 or S355

1 New Proposal - S235 0.8

Eurocode 3
New Proposal - S355

0.8 0.6

0.6 0.4

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
λ LT ,θ ,com

Figure 5: Presented design buckling curve compare to the

ENV 1993-1-2 predictions

New proposal
Both experimental and numerical results have been
compared with the simple formulas from ENV 1993-1- 0.6

2 and the new proposal. The results of these compari- 0.4

sons are shown respectively in Figure 6 and Figure 7. In
these figure the regression line is much more close to the 0.2
ideal continuous line in the case of numerical calculation 0
than for the experimental results. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
1.2 Numeric

1 b)
Figure 7: Numerical behaviour, for elevated temperatures (above
400 ºC).
Eurocode 3


4.3 A component model for the behaviour of steel
joints at elevated temperature
0 Recent experimental evidence have highlighted the need
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
to evaluate the behaviour of steel joints at elevated tem-
peratures, since they exhibit a distinct change of its mo-
a) ment-rotation response under increasing temperature,
1.2 that affects the global response of the structure. In terms
of cold design, the ‘component method’ constitutes to-
day the widely accepted procedure for the evaluation of
0.8 the various design values (EN 1993-1-1/A2).
New proposal

It was purposed an analytical procedure capable

of predicting the moment-rotation response under fire
conditions (Simões da Silva et al., 2001). This proce-
dure is based in the ‘component method’, that consists
0.2 of modelling a joint as a extensional springs and rigid
SAFE links, whereby the springs represent a specific part of a
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 joint make an identified contribution to one or more of
Experimental its structural properties (component). Each component
b) exhibits a non-linear force deformation response (here
Figure 6: Experimental behaviour, for elevated temperatures taken as a bi-linear approximation), characterised by
(above 400 ºC). four properties: elastic stiffness, post-limit stiffness, limit
load, yield displacement and limit displacement.
The evaluation of the fire response of steel joints
requires the continuous change of mechanical properties
of steel (yield stress and Young’s modulus) as tempera-
ture increase. In the context of the component method
this is implemented at the component level:
Fi;θ = k y ,θ Fi ; 20º C ; (5)
K i ;θ = k E ,θ K i ;20º C ; (6) 5. ALUMINIUM STRUCTURES
5.1 General
F k
δ i ;θ = i ;θ = y ;θ δ i ;20 º C ,
The demand of aluminium structures has increased al-
(7) most continuously in the last 100 years, the main fields of
K i ;θ k E ;θ
application being aeronautic, shipping and automotive
where F is force in component, K is stiffness of the industries. Attention to aluminium is also paid by building
component, k E;θ is reduction factor relative to E, k y; θ is and construction markets, especially with regard to off-
reductionfactor relative to f y, and δ is deformation of shore structures, bridge, reticular space structures, wall
component. Introducing these equations in any evalua- panels, scaffolding and windows. Attraction is essentially
tion of moment-rotation response of steel joints at room due to lightness, versatility of product shapes (allowed
temperature yields the required fire response: by the extrusion fabrication process) corrosion high re-
sistance, ease maintenance, good appearance and low-
M i ;θ = k y ;θ M i;20 º C ; (8) cycle costs, but also high structural efficiency (large
strength to specific weight ratio) (Mazzolani 1995).
M i;θ k y ;θ On the other hand, in the field of structural engineering,
φ i;θ = = φ i; 20º C ; (9)
Si ;θ k E ;θ full utilisation of special features of aluminium has not
been always possible, due to lack of technical data and
2 difficulty of application of special calculation methods
Eθ z
S i;θ = = k E ;θ Si ; 20 º C ; (10) required by the peculiar features of the material. This is
i ki ;θ
∑ the case of structural fire design, which is presently car-
ried out by adopting simplified material schematisation
and calculation procedures. In fact, while design rules
where φ is rotation of joint, M is bending moment mo- for steel structures subjected to fire are based on com-
ment, and Sj is the joint stuffiness. This procedure may prehensive research activities and laboratory tests as
be applied to a fire event, characterised by any fire-load well as on long experience, in case of aluminium struc-
curve: anisothermal, isothermal or transient situation. An tures it has to be revealed a poorness of available data
application to a cruciform flush end-plate beam-to- and a weakness of existing design rules (Forsén 1995,
column steel joint is presented and compared to the ex- Lundberg 1995).
perimental results obtained under various loading condi- Traditionally, the behaviour of aluminium alloy in fire is
tions (Al-Jabri et al. 1997). Comparison with experi- thought to be a critical task for the structural design. This
mental results has shown good agreement with the is due to the rapid decrease of material resistance at ele-
proposed methodology, as represented in Figure 8. vated temperatures, as respect to other traditional mate-
The fire response of steel joints involves additional com- rials like steel and reinforced concrete. In particular,
plexity to the corresponding cold analysis. This analytical aluminium alloys melt between 600 and 650 °C, the ex-
methodology greatly simplifies this problem, allowing a act value being dependent on the type of alloy under
direct solution from the knowledge of the response at consideration, but at 200-250 °C, most of the alloys
ambient temperature. have already lost approximately 50 % of their original
strength at room temperature. For this reason, when for
Beam Flange Temperature (ºC)

aluminium structural components resistance to fire is re-
700.0 quired, the adoption of reliable prediction models would
be compulsory, allowing accurate design calculations
600.0 and safety assessment to be carried out.
5.2 Thermal and mechanical properties of
400.0 aluminium
FB 11: 4 kNm
300.0 FB12: 8 kNm
FB13: 12.8 kNm
Features of aluminium alloys are changing under expo-
FB14: 17 kNm
sure at high temperatures. Relevant values of both physi-
ANALIT. RESULTS cal and mechanical properties are given in the European
Component 4.1
100.0 Component 5.1 Prestandard ENV 1999-1-2 (1998). The first ones al-
Component 4.2
Component 2 low the temperature distribution in the cross-section to
0.0 φ (rad)
0.000 0.010 0.020 0.030 0.040 0.050 0.060 0.070 0.080 0.090 0.100
be determined by thermal analysis, while the second
ones allow the bearing capacity of the structure at ele-
Figure 8: Anisothermal temperature–rotation response vated temperature to be evaluated by means of struc-
tural analysis. In general, it has to be emphasised that
almost all the material properties are dependent on the
type of alloy, but some common features may be identi-
fied, allowing some general trends to be recognised.
In particular, it has to remarked that: (1) thermal elon-
gation of aluminium is about 2,5⋅10-5 °C-1, therefore,
more than twice that of steel; (2) specific heat of alumin- Initial modulus of elasticity in % of normal
ium alloys ranges from 0,9 kJ/kg °C (at room tempera- value at ambient temperature
ture) to 1,1 kJ/kg °C (at 500 °C), therefore about two 100%
times the one of steel (nevertheless due to the ratio of
specific weight between steel and aluminium, for a given 80%
cross section and fire exposure, the former has an higher

E T /E 0
volumetric heat capacity than the latter, resulting in more
rapidly heat up of aluminium structures than steel struc- 40%
tures); (3) unlike steel, thermal conductivity of aluminium
is increasing with increasing temperatures and ranges 20%
from 140-190 W/m°C at room temperature to 180-220 0%
W/m°C at 400 °C, it being therefore more than three 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
times higher than for steel; (4) the emissivity of aluminium Temperature (°C)
surface is dependent on the surface finish, making it diffi-
cult to be determined accurately (suggested values are 0.2% proof strength in % of normal value at
0,3 and 0,7 for clean uncovered surfaces and for ambient temperature
painted and covered surfaces, respectively, while for 1.00 5052-O
steel the suggested value is 0,625). 5083-O
From the structural design point of view, the most im- 0.80 5454-O
portant difference between aluminium and carbon steel is

f 0.2,T / f0.2
0.60 6063-T6
the shape of the stress-strain curve. In fact, in case of 6082-T6
aluminium, the stress-strain curve is non-linear and there 3003-H14
is no well-defined yield stress due to continuous harden- 0.40 5086-O
ing. Besides, it has to be considered that as a function of 7075-T6
both the chemical composition of the alloy and of the
possible type of applied heat-treatment, there is a great Temperature (°C)
variety of aluminium alloys having mechanical features
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
substantially different from each other in terms of limit
strength, ductility and shape of the stress-strain curve. Figure 9: Main mechanical properties of aluminium at elevated
On the other hand, the mechanical properties of alumin- temperatures as suggested by EC9.
ium at transient high temperatures are complex and can-
not be easily generalised. A wide preventive determina- On the other hand Eurocode 9 (ENV 1999-1-1) does
tion of experimental data and accurate material models is not supply any further information regarding the material
therefore necessary for an accurate and reliable determi- behaviour in the plastic range, not allowing for taking
nation of load-bearing capacity of aluminium structures into account at elevated temperatures the rather impor-
under fire conditions. tant contribution provided by the hardening features of
The main parameters for characterising the mechanical aluminium alloys.
behaviour of aluminium alloys in the elastic range are Several additional data gathered by test results, includ-
Young’s modulus (E) and 0.2% proof strength (f 0.2), the ing ultimate strength (f u) and ductility (ε u) of typical alu-
latter being used as conventional elastic limit of the mate- minium alloys are provided in ASM (1994). From the
rial. The former is practically independent from the analysis of relevant results, the following remarks may be
adopted alloy, while the latter is related to the type of al- drawn: (1) for heat treated alloys (T) and work hard-
loy under consideration. In Figure 1, values suggested ened alloys (H) the variation of hardening ratio (f u/f 0.2)
by Eurocode 9 for typical aluminium alloys and tempers with temperature is slight, while it is considerable for al-
at elevated temperatures are depicted. It can be ob- loys in the annealed stage (O); (2) the inelastic behaviour
served the remarkable variation of the conventional elas- of the alloy is independent from the adopted treatment
tic limit with temperature (f 0.2,T) due to type of alloy and for temperatures higher than 200 °C; (3) there is a re-
temper. For instance, relative strength values at 200 °C markable increase of uniform strain with increasing tem-
are 90 and 40 percent for 5052-O and 7075-T6 alloy, perature for all types of alloys; (4) Inelastic features of
respectively. Even though there is any possibility to aluminium alloys are strongly affected by the time of ex-
gather typical common trend among different groups of posure at elevated temperature, showing higher ductility
alloy, it can be noted that the beneficial effects of heat and lower ultimate strength as far as the exposure time
treatment and work hardening, used to improve the me- increases, see Conserva et al. (1992). Characteristic
chanical properties at normal temperatures, diminishes at temperature dependence curves of the above parame-
high temperatures. ters for some typical alloys are shown in Figure 10,
permitting some of the above conclusions to be stressed.
2.5 5052-O rectangular hollow cross-section columns made of 6082
5052-H34 aluminium alloy (both temper T4 and T6) subjected to
2.0 6063-T6 fire has been recently investigated by Langhelle and
6063-T1 Amdahl (1998) by means of both experimental tests and
1.5 complex numerical analyses. Several interesting conclu-
(fu /f0.2 )

sions are drawn in the above study, emphasizing the ne-

1.0 cessity to undertake further research activities to obtain
more comprehensive database and a better understand-
0.5 ing of some fundamental phenomenological aspects
which have been evidenced by tested aluminium alloys
Temperature (°C)
0.0 contrarily to the simplified schematisation suggested by
0 100 200 300 400 the present design code. In particular, some of the im-
portant issues arisen are: (1) creep effects are irrelevant
150.0 5052-O when constant heating rate is applied, while they are im-
5052-H34 portant in case of tests carried out under constant tem-
125.0 6063-T6 perature; (2) EC9 yields reasonable capacities for tested
100.0 columns, except for those tested with constant heating
rates, due to the fact that creep effects are not correctly

75.0 taken into account in such a condition; the difference be-


tween experimental and design capacities depends on

both the type of temper and the fabrication process, it
25.0 being larger in case of welded columns and temper T6;
Temperature (°C) (4) reduction of yield strength of AA 6082 at elevated
0.0 temperatures is different for temper T4 and T6, while
0 100 200 300 400 design codes give similar reduction values for both tem-
Figure 10: Typical inelastic behaviour of aluminium alloys at pers (in particular T4 exhibited a less pronounced loss of
elevated temperatures (exposure time at testing temperature up capacity due to the artificial ageing caused by the ap-
to 10000 h). plied heating); (5) The strength of the alloy is invariant
with respect to temper at 285 °C, and the detrimental
5.3 Ongoing research projects in Europe effect of welding completely vanishes at this tempera-
Many issues related to the structural behaviour of
aluminium exposed to fire have to be still solved in order
to allow the designer to apply accurate and rational 6 CONCLUSION
procedure for the safety assessment of members and
structures. Such aspects are concerned with both more The European knowledge of fire design brings good en-
realistic material modelling to be used for global gineering tools for modelling of the structural behaviour
structural analysis and the actual response of aluminium under fire conditions. Three steps of procedure may be
members at elevated temperatures. separated: the model of fire scenario in the compart-
The behaviour of aluminium in fire is presently under ment, the heat transfer to the structure, and the response
investigation at University of Naples Federico II. The of the structure. For all steps are ready for use the de-
general scope of the research activity is the definition of sign models. The simplest design models are supported
reliable rational methods for structural fire design. There- by design charts and design rules. The engineering mod-
fore, mechanical models able to account for the material els are based on natural fires scenario, refined transfer of
behaviour at elevated temperature in both elastic and the heat between the atmosphere and the structure and
inelastic ranges have been proposed. Such models are non-linear global analyses. The complex models, based
based on the well known Ramberg-Osgood law (Maz- on the FE modelling of fire scenario and 3D non-linear
zolani 1995), whose parameters are given in a closed- behaviour of structure, are ready to be applied for pre-
form as a function of the corresponding values at room diction of the structural behaviour under exceptional fire
temperatures and specific temperature-dependent rela- loading. All design and knowledge steps are under de-
tionships, which have been calibrated on the basis of ex- velopment by the experimental, numerical and analytical
isting test results (Ponticelli, 1999). In cooperation with modelling to address and to reach the tomorrow asked
University of Liege, the above material model has been level of safety.
introduced into the well know computer program
SAFIR (Franssen et al. 1995), allowing the behaviour of
complex aluminium structures exposed to standard fires 7 REFERENCES
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