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The Funny Shirts

Write the opposites. Write the Past tense.

1. Opened X Closed 1. Happen - Happened

2. Float X Sink 2. Float - floated

3. Wrong X Correct 3. Stitch - stitched

4. Long X Short 4. Come - came

5. Proper X Improper 5. See - saw

6. Enter X Exit 6. Buy - bought

7. Full X Empty 7. Give - gave

Write the plurals. 8. Eat - ate

1. Sleeve - Sleeves 9. Sell - sold

2. Shirt - Shirts 10. Go - went

3. Window – Windows 11. Put - put

4. Vegetable – Vegetables 12. Think - thought

Write the meanings.

1. Mountain = a very high steep hill

2. Float = rest or move on the surface of a liquid

3. Sleeve = part of a garment covering the arm

4. Properly = correctly

5. Instead = as a substitute
6. Enter = Go or come into

7. Promise = to say that one will do or give

8. Guess = form an opinion without definite knowledge

Make sentences of your own (Do as home work)

1. Enter:

2. Promise:

3. Sleeve:

4. Float:

5. Properly:

6. Instead:

Answer the following.

1. What happened one morning when Abdul sat down to stitch?

A: When Abdul sat down to stitch, clouds entered the shop.

2. When was Abdul not able to see anything inside the shop?

A: Abdul was not able to see anything in the shop when the clouds floated into

the shop.

3. Describe the three shirts.

A: All the three shirts had something wrong with them.

One shirt had four sleeves. The other had only one sleeve and the last one had

no sleeves.

4. What did Amin tell the doctor?

A: Amin told the doctor that his father needed spectacles as he was not able to

see properly. He also told him that due to that he has stitched three funny

5. What did Abdul and Amin do with the money they got?

A: Abdul and Amin went to buy carrots and a lamp with the money they got.

6. Why did the lamp seller want another funny shirt?

A: The lamp seller had a set of tablas. Tabla is a musical instrument which consists of a pair of

drums. The lamp seller took the sleeveless shirt for one of his drums and he needed another

one for the other drum.

7. Which shirt did the vegetable seller take?

A: The vegetable seller took the shirt with four sleeves for his watchdog.

HOTS (do as home work)

1. Do you think Abdul is a good tailor? Give reasons for your answer.




Value based question.

1. What did Amin do when he noticed that his father was not able to see things properly?





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