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“Shift Order” indicator in customizing Tcode

June 4, 2015 | 338 Views |

Jessica Li
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MAN Production Planning (PP)


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“Shift Order” indicator in customizing tcode OPU3 controls if the actual dates of the
partially confirmed operations are taken into account during a new scheduling run.


1. Create a production order in tcode CO01 and release it. Scheduling is

automatically executed.
Operation 0010 starts on 2015.6.2 and ends on 2015.6.4.
Operation 0020 starts on 2015.6.4 and ends on 2015.6.6.

2. Execute partial confirmation with 5 qty for operation 0010 in tcode CO11N on

When “Shift Order” is ON

System ignores the existing actual dates as if no confirmation happeded, and shift
the order to the dates when re-scheduling is executed.
Execute scheduling by clicking the scheduling icon in tcode CO02.Today is 2015.6.4.
Check the rescheduling result. The planned start date was on 2015.6.2, now it starts
on 2015.6.4, the date when re-scheduling is executed.

You can also check the “Confirmed dates” view. The order qty is 10, 5 of them has
been confirmed on 2015.5.28, the other 5 starts from current date 2015.6.4.

When “Shift Order” is OFF

System takes actual confirmed dates 2015.5.28 in to consideration during re-


Execute scheduling by clicking the scheduling icon in tcode CO02. Check the
rescheduling result. The planned start date was on 2015.6.2, now it starts on
2015.5.28, the actual dates when the partial confimation was executed.

You can also check the dates in “Confirmed Dates” view. Start time is same as the
actual confirmed dates.

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Kiran Madhurakavi

June 4, 2015 at 11:21 am


Good Document..Thanks for sharing this new thing to me.


shailesh mishra

June 10, 2015 at 11:01 am

Hello Jessica,

Nice document. Keep sharing

Best Regards


Venkat Sri

August 12, 2015 at 6:24 am

Hello Jessica,

Nice efforts and explanation on SHIFT order indicator.

Thank you, keep it up:)

Best Regards


Lahiru Fernando

August 12, 2015 at 6:29 am

I was looking this type document long time. Thanks.

Mohammed Suheel

February 25, 2016 at 4:21 am

Hi Jessica

Smart trick and nice document. Thanks for sharing and keep sharing documents like this.


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