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The Word of God1 at the feast of the Lord’s circumcision in the flesh and the feast
of the saint hierarch, Basil the Great2

I am coming down as word into the book, and My book of today is called the Word of
God, as each book bears the name of the one who makes it. My book of today bears My name
on it, and I bear its name too, and it is My testimony from the end of the time, that is My word
of today, and I have much work of word in it, a lot of word, and in it there is life, and life is the
light of the people, the light which shines in the darkness, and which is not overcome by the
darkness. Amen.

After eight days had elapsed from My birth on earth, I was taken for My circumcision
in the flesh and I received the name of Jesus, a name spoken over Me by My mother Virgin, as
I was named by the angel before her, before I was conceived in her womb. I am coming down
into the book with a feast of word, and My word is loved only by those who grow by it, after
the birth from above was conceived in them by My word, their new birth, a miracle conceived
by faith in the inner man and proved by faith and then seen as the work in the outside man, who
testifies about himself confessing the Lord in him and with him, and the miracle of the new
birth is great, a mystery that does no longer die in man if it is conceived in man.

I am embracing you within the word of holy feast, My people. I am speaking to you, for
My work given from the Father is the word, son. Oh, I thank you with humility, well son, for
you are helping Me by your faith to fulfill now the Scriptures of My coming from the Father to
man, with My new name fulfilled upon you, as it is written into the Scriptures for My second
coming, followed by armies of saints, to call My name the Word of God. (Apoc. 19/13) Oh, I
thank you that you are helping Me with your faith, and you should also thank Me forever that I
help you, on My turn, with My love for you, with My care, with My mercy, with the forgiveness
of your wrong doings, with My comfort in your pains, and you should not forget to tell Me, in
the gentleness of your heart, the word spoken to Me, as the king David was speaking with Me
according to the multitude of the pains of his heart and he was saying: «When bitterness is
multiplied in my heart, Your comforts sweeten my soul, and when my foot is shaken, then
You show me Your mercy, Lord».

This great word of Mine, which gives birth to sons for God, if it is not always read, then
the one who is born of it dies again, as it is the guide of life of the one who is born of it. Oh,
you should read it a great deal, My people, for in it there is life and it is the light, which shines
in the darkness, and it shines in everything that tests your life on earth to put it down. Herod
also tried to know from the Scriptures the word about My birth, but he sought after that only to
come into a battle against God and to destroy Me from the earth, and thus Herod killed in his
madness fourteen thousand babies in order to get Me in it as well, the eternal One; however,
the Father protected Me. Oh, this is how I also protected you, children from the end of the time,
when the unfaithful ones sought after your life twenty years ago, (At the revolution in 1989,
when the Security of the Communist Regime followed them, r.n.), but I protected you by a strong
hand and I covered you under My mantle, and then many perished in exchange of your life (The
victims of the revolution, r.n.), when the Herods of the time set about to kill you, and they finally
killed their people instead. Oh, but when you are shot at from the inside of the walls, oh, how

God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note.
Translated by I.A.


great army I have to set to watch and work between you and the blows against you, so that you
may remain!

Oh, be faithful, be strong in your faith and ask with faith for the fulfillment of the Scrip-
tures! The fasting (On Monday, Wednesday and Friday without oil, r.n.) and the prayer, these
you have to work for the last fulfillments, and I can do everything by these, into My name
worked by you, (See the selection topic: „About fasting and almsgiving3”, r.n.) only for you
to be full of love, full of peace, full of loving kindness, full of propriety and not mentioning any
evil; you should be like God, sons, forgiving all those that arise against you, forgiving them
like God, because today we have at My feast, we have the celebrated Basil, who was great in
his faith, in his deed and through whom I have showed My mercy for those who have repented
in sufferance from their sins, and I have showed the power of forgiveness and also the power
of faith and repentance, well sons, because in the time of this great servant before Me, great in
his heart and perseverance, I showed a great sign, and proven to everyone then, because a
woman full of sins, coming to the sense of repentance by My grace, wrote down on a sheet of
paper both her small and big sins, and she went with the sheet of paper to the bishop Basil,
asking him to intercede with Me for the canceling of her sins from before Me, and a great sign
appeared, because My bishop prayed, and while he was opening that sheet of paper, written
with the sins of the woman, all her sins were wiped out, almost all of them, but his great humility
sent her then to another priest from the heart of the wilderness, and this one, as humble as Basil,
said to the woman: “Go woman, for I am a healthy man, and have Basil pray for the wiping out
of your sin.” And then, those who were carrying Basil to lay his breathless body to its place,
which went to rest, opened the sheet of paper and there was nothing written on the paper, and
the sheet of paper was cleared of sins, and also was the woman, who cleansed her life by re-
pentance and thus escaped from her past, which oppressed her inside of her and before Me.

Oh, sons, forgive and you will be forgiven! Always forgive, as I tell you to work on
this day of the great saint, remembered among the holy servants among those in heaven, Basil,
the great. Get together in one crushed spirit for prayer and ask forgiveness from Me for those
who go wrong, for them and for you, and rebuke the devil, as the bishop Basil did, and let it to
be worked on earth! You should bring before Me and before the praying saints, for you,
prayers for the releasing of the witchcraft and spells, for many traps have been coming out
and worked again and again to prevent the progress of My work with you and to stop the river
of My word into your midst from its course! Many have fallen in their fight against Me and
against you, for they have thought to destroy My work through you so that it may no longer be
done through you, but I cannot let the work of My word to stop from its course, for it is written
that much fruit is to grow behind My trace with you on earth, and it is My walk, this walk that
I am doing with you today, as it is written into the Scriptures to walk and to fulfill.

Oh, I have deep pains, because the lack of humility and disobedience of many caught
them in the devil’s trap, which always pours out into the way of My people spells and witch-
craft, for people do nothing else, and all put obstacles to each other by devilish intercessions,

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asking the devil to do his work to them, because the people are full of wickedness, and they
take revenge against each other and ask the devil with his help for this, because I cannot do
any harm, but rather I prepare, and keep preparing only forgiveness for man, and I do not
work revenge, as the heart of the revengeful man and the devil’s servant does by this sin.

Oh, My people, I bear My mourning with you and with those who take care of you on
the earth on My behalf. Stand up, son, stand up and be great for the work of repentance, for I,
the Lord, give you this grace and I always help you in all My pains with you and yours with
Mine, only that you may not have your pains, but rather that you may have only those pains
from My way with you, as behold, those who get hold of their pains, of dissatisfactions and
then of revenge, get lost on My way with you, well sons, for it is bad of the man who throws
away My grace and mercy for him! You should work the fasting and praying and the hum-
ble spirit as the saints worked them, and then ask Me to give your salvation by prayer, and I
will give it to you and I will give for My way with you, My people, I will give you so that you
may have, in order to be able to work for Me, as I can work through you, but you should also
work much humility for you and then your prayer will have full effect before Me. Amen.

— I come into the midst of Your people with You in the word, in my day of feast, Lord
Word, and I remind it that I passed with my soul to You when the woman, guilty of sin, was
coming again to me to intercede with You again for her forgiveness, and I, in my way to You
and to the saints, asked You, because of her crying, everything that was still left on the sheet of
paper of her sins, and to Your glory, You showed a great sign, because everything was wiped
off on the sheet of paper, and this was shown to everyone and thus it was confessed like that
afterwards. I am speaking a big word to Your people and I am telling it to intercede with You
by the saints for the work of their forgiveness from God with respect to all those who may go
wrong, for it has saints in heaven coming out from its midst, among the saints, and they knew
the pain of life and the pain of their trials on their way with You on this word, in which they
believed and persevered on earth, and today they are standing before You in heaven for Your
people of today and for Your work with it.

Oh, people full of gifts from the Lord, seek to be useful, son, and to keep your mind in
great humility, for this is how the Lord can do great miracles. The Lord has got much pain
because of the lack of spirit from those who shot and are shooting from the midst into His
difficult walk of today. Oh, ask Him through the saints for the release of the bonds from upon
those who caused and still cause pains, and ask Him with tears of humility, son!

Speak out prayers with power of spirit, you, servants at the altars into the midst of the
Lord’s people and ask for the destruction of satan’s work, for he does his entire work over those
who grow less in their faith and takes control over them so that he may not lose them, so that
he may do them every evil possible and to keep them like that. Oh, ask for the forgiveness of the
sins over all and for the breaking off of satan’s bonds from those who have fallen under these
bonds! Do not forget about the holy water for your comings in and out! Do not forget about
fasting and praying, these without sin beside them, for even those who have fallen to the sides
do these things, however, they mix them with the sin of the hatred of brothers and revenge, with
the sin of slandering and anger, with the sin of doubt in their faith, and the days of fasting and
praying stand against them, for they do not have the humility of their heart, and if they had it
only in their work, then they would get away with the devil’s traps and then they would see that
all the Lord’s words were and are true, only that they may open their eyes to see and to under-
stand. And I would also tell them, and I would tell them from among the saints, I would tell


them as Lord, that revenge strikes back with its evil work, because this is its course, and I would
tell them to use humility of spirit and repentance for sins instead, because it is hard without
these on earth, and the life of the one, without a humble spirit in him for his salvation by this
spirit, is in great danger.

The Lord has got word of sufferance to tell, and He finds pain within the gates, but He
gives strength in order that He may be able to speak, and I am blessing as a bishop from the
Lord the praised course of His work with you and you, those who walk, because you are not
supposed to wait for this walking, and let us ask the Lord for powers for His today’s walking,
and let us always ask Him, oh, sons. Amen.

— Oh, My power by those who are faithful is fasting and praying, My beloved holy
people, and I have always taught them My heart in them, for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and in this way these weapons of My victory, with them and through them, have power. Amen.

May your fasting and your praying be without sin, sons! I, the Lord, teach you the power
of these weapons against the devil that is hostile to Me and to you. Those who have fasted and
prayed, having sins in their nature and in their heart with which they feed the devil: slander,
bad talk, anger, revenge, judgment, lie, denigration, the mention of evil, oh, they hurt them-
selves even worse, for the devil has caught power upon them by these sins while they were
fasting and praying. All, let all those who have worked like that, go and repent so that the work
of the devil may be destroyed upon them! And I have to write into the book an epistle of awak-
ening, and I am strengthening Myself within the gate to be able to work, and to be able to work
by those who are stricken, for this is My ordaining for the work of My word in the time of
nowadays, when the devil is angry with Me and when I try to tear down its hidden work, and I
work by a written word, in which is life, much life and the life is the light of the people, the
light which shines in the darkness, and it is not overcome by the darkness. Amen, amen, amen.

Oh, sons in the gates, receive power in you from My power, for now we have to put into
the book an epistle of awakening, My hand stretched with mercy towards those who are
wounded by the devil, and who have lost the spirit of humility and repentance, sons, and then
the devil has been able to do this by his work in them and upon them. We have been working
in mystery. We have been working with pain and mystery, sons. Amen.

Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

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