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Risty D. Despillo Business Policy and Decision Making Nov.

20, 2017

Top 20 Global Brand Top 10 Valuable Brand

01 Apple +3% 184,154 $m 01. Google

02 Google +6% 141,703 $m 02. Apple
03 Microsoft +10% 79,999 $m 03. Microsoft
04 Coca-Cola -5% 69,733 $m 04. Amazon
05 Amazon +29% 64,796 $m brand-featured-en-US 05. Facebook
06 Samsung +9% 56,249 $m 06. AT&T
07 Toyota -6% 50,291 $m 07. Visa
08 Facebook +48% 48,188 $m brand-featured-en-US 08. Tencent
09 Mercedes-Benz +10% 47,829 $m 09. IBM
10 IBM -11% 46,829 $m 10. McDonald's
11 GE +3% 44,208 $m
12 McDonald's +5% 41,533 $m CNNMoney (London)
13 BMW 0% 41,521 $m June 5, 2017: 7:01 PM ET
14 Disney +5% 40,772 $m
15 Intel +7% 39,459 $m
16 Cisco +3% 31,930 $m
17 Oracle +3% 27,466 $m
18 Nike +8% 27,021 $m
19 Louis Vuitton -4% 22,919 $m
20 Honda +3% 22,696 $m

© 2017 Interbrand

Home Policy

01 Love and respect each family member.

02 Always listen to the elders.
03 Be a responsible child.
04 Avoid littering.
05 Keep the house clean.
06 Avoid watching TV for a long period of time.
07 Unplug any devices and appliances after using.
08 Conserve water.
09 Conserve electricity.
10 Don’t skip meals.
11 Sleep early.
12 Keep your room clean.
13 Always attend classes at school.
14 Help doing household choirs.
15 Avoid saying bad words (blasphemy).
16 Don’t keep on asking for money.
17 Take good care of important thing inside the house.
18 Be thankful of what you have.
School Policy

A. General Directives
1. Classroom and Campus
 Obey or follow classroom policies and procedures.
 Observe silence.
 Loitering is prohibited
 Secure gate passes for those who have vehicles and observe campus traffic rules.
 Treat university property with care.
 Behave in a manner that will bring honor and dignity to the university.
2. School Uniform
 Wear prescribed uniform during regular days except on Wednesday.
 Properly groomed and neatly dressed.
 P.E. uniform shall be worn during P.E. period, before and after P.E. classes.
 Govern in a manner which encourages respect.
 Sleeveless or underpants nor short pants are not allowed. Wear proper footwear.
 Pregnant students and or differently able are exempted from wearing uniform but must secure
exemption slip.
 Starting 3rd week of class opening uniform must be worn.
 Males are required for proper haircut. Earrings and any body piercings are not allowed.
 OJT students may wear their respective OJT uniforms.
3. University I.D.
 Wearing of I.D. with sling is mandatory to those who enter the campus.
 I.D. card must be worn with uniform.
 Transferring/use of other I.D. or allowing one’s I.D. to be use is punishable.
 Loss of I.D. must be reported immediately to OSS.
4. Wednesday Dress Code
 Ladies – casual dresses, blouses with matching skirt, slacks, denim pants or knee length culottes.
 Gentlemen – untattered denim jeans, polo or T-shirt.
 During presentation it is encourage to wear shoes with heals for ladies and leather shoes for gentlemen.
 OJT students may wear their OJT uniform.
B. Specific Rules of Behavior
 Refrain from causing noise.
 Smoking is not allowed inside the campus.
 Respect the rights of others.
 No student can be called out of class except by an wanted slip signed by the dean.
 Respond as soon as possible when summoned through notices in writing or through bulletin board.
 Reading or in possession of pornographic materials are prohibited.
C. Duties and Responsibilities
 Exert his/her utmost to develop his/her potentialities for services.
 Uphold the academic integrity of the school.
 Promote peace and tranquility of the school.
 Participate actively in civic affairs.
 Exercise his/her rights responsibly.
 Strive to lead an upright virtues and useful life.
 Love, obey and respect parents.
 Help observe and exercise individual and social rights.
 Respect and cooperate with teachers.

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