AG3700 Nyambe - African Adventures Errata

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Page 48: Since all mchawis specialize in necromancy, they can
prepare one additional necromantic spell per spell level each day
(as stated in the class description). The entries in the Spells per Day
section of the mchawi class table could have a "+1" next to them to
be more complete. For example, at 3rd level, the table could read:
4+1 2+1 1+1

Page 49: All the blackguard fiendish servant animals are found in
Africa, but if you'd like to have uniquely African animals on the
mchawi fiendish servant list, use the following instead of the
blackguard list: fiendish baboon, fiendish hyena, fiendish jackal,
fiendish monkey, fiendish constrictor snake, fiendish small viper
snake, fiendish vulture. Also, the fiendish servant should advance
as shown below:

Mchawi Char Lvl; Bonus HD; Nat Armor; Str Adj; Int; Special
4 or less; +2 HD; +1; +1; 6; improved evasion, share spells, empathic
link, share saving throws
5-10; +4 HD; +3; +2; 7; speak with mchawi
11-15; +6 HD; +5; +3; 8; blood bond
16-20; +8 HD; +7; +4; 9; spell resistance

Pages 53 & 54: The n'anga of ancestral orisha are a little too weak
compared to the other types of n'anga, especially at low levels. As a
campaign option (rather than an official change), consider
increasing their bonus feats to every three levels instead of every
four. Thus they get bonus feats at 1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and
18th levels.

Page 58: The Freezing Fog (Sp) ability of sei sorcerers with white
dragon blood is gained at 1st Level.

Page 64: The spells per day for the inyanga yensimbi are off. They
should be 6/4/4/3/3/2 at 5th level.

Pages 66: The magic eater class gets Skill Focus as a bonus feat 5
times, but can only apply it toward 3 skills. Since you can only
apply skill focus once toward a given skill, add Gather Information
and Sense Motive to the list of skills eligible for Skill Focus.

Pages 93 & 97: The leaf spear is too powerful as written. Remove its
ability to be thrown.

Page 238: In the sample hyena shapechanger, bite damage should

be 1d6+3 if 1.5 x Str bonus applies. Also, the creature's saving
throws were originally calculated as a Shapechanger, so the Will
save changed from Poor to Good, and was correct as written in the
book (+5). If you calculate them as an Animal, then the save in the
book is incorrect and should be +2. Since it doesn't specifically state
to recalculate the creature's Saving Throws, the number in the book
is wrong and should be changed to +2.

Page 239: The barozi's AC should be 17 (-2 size, +4 Dex, +3 natural,

+2 Sanguar). Add the Sanguar feat. Replace the Scribe Scroll feat
with Create Gris-Gris. Add the following skills: Scry +16,
Knowledge (Religion) +17, Knowledge (Nature) +16

Page 249: Terkow n'anga and clerics gain their power from some
unknown source of evil. They have the ability to Rebuke Undead,
and lose all other n'anga or cleric class abilities. Terkow n'anga have
access to the Death, Evil, Serpents, and Trickery domains and lose
all other domain access. Terkow clerics have access to the Chaos,
Destruction, Evil, and Trickery domains, and lose all other domain

Page 251: Zombi n'anga and clerics gain their power from some
unknown source of evil. They have the ability to Rebuke Undead,
and lose all other n'anga or cleric class abilities. This ability does
not affect the zombi's controller or any other zombis that master
controls. Zombi n'anga have access to the Death, Evil, Serpents, and
Trickery domains and lose all other domain access. Zombi clerics
have access to the Chaos, Destruction, Evil, and Trickery domains,
and lose all other domain access.

Page 251: For the sample true zombi, speed should be 30 ft., not 20
ft. (base speed of a human gamba is 40 ft. because of fast
movement), and the Will save should be +5, not +3 (+1 base, +2
Wis, +2 Iron Will). The intelligence of this creature changed from 10
to 6. This could translate out to a loss of 2 skill points per level, or
the skills gained when its Int was 10 might remain in place,
depending on your take on the rules. If the old skill points remain
in place, then update the skill list to the following: Climb +12, Intuit
Direction +7, Jump +12, Listen +8, Spot +8, Swim +12, Wilderness
Lore 7

Monsters in General: There's a question as to whether iterative

attacks apply for the natural weapons on the dingonek, malata
plant trunk, morou-ngou, hippopotamus, giant turtle, and mulilo.
The 3.5 SRD specifically states that there are no iterative attacks
with natural weapons, but the 3.0 SRD (which Nyambe follows)
does not. Taking out the iterative bite attacks makes these monsters
considerably weaker, so they should lose a CR point to compensate
(this would affect the monster CR tables in the book, also). An
easier solution might be to state that these creatures have a special
ability that gives them multiple attacks with a single natural
weapon attack.

Our thanks to Sean Shore for adding substantially to this FAQ.

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