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e@ ineScale -:: HOW TO » SCRATCHBUILD AIRCRAFT DETAIL > DETAILA > KING TIGER TANK i OSA - IMPROVE A r aes RESCUE HELICOPTER onc $595 fin THIN Frrom-Azur S.M.79 JIS/JRS B * Revell Germany container ship * Tamiya Humvee * and more! Scale Talk Your voice in FSM More figures high standard. = Garry Legg Australia Bigger figures Matthew, [want to thank you and your team forgiving usa resource lke no other. have subscribed to Finescale Medeler on and off forever, and T remember the first issue 1 picked up back in 1989. I look forward to every issue that comes out. T just picked up the December'09 issue and was very pleased to see the article on ‘building and finishing large-scale figures! I have to say, T always expect to see 90 per- ‘cent military tanks and planes, 5 per= | cent science fiction, and 5 percent auto” mobiles in FSM’s content. Iam hop ing this figure- modeling feature is the shape of things to come, and we will con- tinue to see a broad genre of modeling reppresented in the magazine. am speaking for myself, of course, as Tm not sure what other readers are into, hhowever, like tanks and planes, but I also love to model science fiction, iguees (both large and small), automobiles, mechs, and 8 FineScate Modeler February 2010 Thave been enjoying the magazine for years now and compliments for maintaining a In the October issue you asked for sug gestions for the online how-to videos. My suggestion stems from just about the first thing I have been disappointed with, regarding the magazine, in all my 15 or so years purchasing it here in Oz. ‘As usual I rushed out to by the October issue, but more so because of the cover lead, which, Pa! the five easy steps to painting figures. The article is helpful, but with such a big splash on the cover, I expected a little more than a couple of pages on figure painting, most of which focused on face painting, Perhaps you could expand on figure painting, which is the bug- bear of many of us modelers out there, in your online videos. ‘Thanks again for a great read! Ty fi anything that is oddball or outside the nor smal range of kis. ‘The invisible man figure was a breath of fresh ait. Keep up the good work, and when ‘you ean, please add these fresh articles = Darren Bishop via E-mail Glowing response Twas very surprised and exeremely happy to sce Jim Bertges article on the Invisible Man figure model, was inspired to start modeling as a “monster kid” in the 1970s by Aurora's ‘glow-in-the-dark monster kits. As a fan of ‘monster movies those models marked my entry in to modeling as a hobby, although they did creep out my bedroom for yeas. ‘Those models lead to ear models and eventually military models. I left the mod- cling hobby for many years but then retuned when Polar Lights started releas- ing the old Aurora-stye kits again. I have since been building figure kts and some military models, too. ‘Asa styrene model builder iis hard to find articles on figure models. There are figure-model magazines out there, but they tend to concentrate on cast-esin kits. It ‘was very nice to see your magazine publish an article on the invisible man. Here's one avid monster kid that hopes to see more of these articles in the future. “Thanks for putting out a great maga- ~ Chris Matarazzo Somers, Connecticut Show me the money! Ist me, or are the prices of models getting tobe a bit too much? I will admit that cur- rent models have i all over past offering with regard to detail and quality, prices are getting outragous. Some new 1/32 scale offerings have pushed past the $200 price point, and that’s not for huge fourengine bomber but for a basic fighter aircraft. ‘What good is a model that has fantastic detail if T eat afford to buy i? ~ Martin Tynan Cincinnati, Obio Oil your airbrush? Tread through the December issue's Airbrushing & Finishing column on air- brush tuning several times, and I cannot find any mention of how the author uses the 3-in-1 Oil that is mentioned in the “tuning supplies’ section, would think that oil should be kept far away from an airbrush, lest even a tiny drop find its way toa surface that is being painted. Am I missing something? Thanks for your time - you've got a great magazine. ~Jobn Bucszerio Washavs, N.C. Sorry forthe omision, Jobn. There are aceuple af ays Iin-1 Oil can be used daring the tuning proces Some we it as a lbrvanteoben polishing the needle’ point on the polishing stick, and yore righ, all races of the ol and ‘metal polish should be removed before the brush is med. Theil canbe nse to nbriate parts outside the pains and anf suc asthe rig gerand external adjustment treads, although 1 propery cleaned airbrush seldom needs any lubrication o work properly. MW Realism versus artistic license Trecently recieved the December 2009 issue of FineScale Modeler and I was immediately taken bythe level of detail of John Vojtech’s 1/32 scale F-15C Eagle ‘At the same time I felt compelled to make a sugges- tion to all modelers who invest the time and effort to create models of this level of detail — leave bombs and mis- siles off the airplane if you're going to model the aircraft with open radomes and access panels. I was a weapons spe- ialist in the US. Air Force for nearly 10 years. Live or inert bombs, guns, missiles, and impulse cartridges are always downloaded before any panels are opened to prevent injury to maintenance person~ nel. The USAF policy on this. | issue is absolutely mandatory. Johnis model has open pan els on the radar/avionies com- ponents, engine, gatling gun, radar antenna, hydraulic actu- ator, and electrical relays. This much work would require a small army of specialists who ‘would be working on an air- craft with its power on and live missiles loaded. As repre- sented, John’s airplane looks like it’ in need of weeks and weeks of work. The important thing to remember is that open panels on an aircraft generally means the ship is broken and not ready for flight. Live (or even inert) ‘weapons should not be part of the display. ~Dan Ingrim | ppesyicet | ARA Press The Spaceship Enthusiasts” ‘One-Stop Data Shop! Available Again! Rockets of the World by Peter Alway ‘© 200 versions of 139 rockets from 14 countries. 1» Historical Backgrounds. #384 Pages. © Detailed Data Drawings. Durable Smyth: ssewm hard cover binding. ‘© Over 180 BW photos. Only $35! (plus shipping) All of the Annual Supplements to Rockets of the World plus Twelve Soviet Missiles ‘© All-new subjects with no overtap be- ‘ween the book or Supplements, * Softcover, laser printed. *# Color cover plus 15 to 18 BEW photos per booklet © Spiral wire bound w/ scuff resistant polymer covers. * Detailed Data Drawings. ‘© 32-34 Pages each Only $18.00 each! (plus shipping) Please visit our website to ‘order on-tine FineScale readers get 15% off! (enter code “FSM-RM at checkout) All Credit Cards and PayPal accepted Call or write “” for shipping options Sales tax added to California orders A ARA Press 785 Jefferson Avenue Livermore, CA 94550 (925) 455-1143, wow. | ‘eis |The Wars WiII enthusiasts S stepSander Otte Sanding Too! Toot eng: 175° Atleast ott (#20. on feo osoporcto rs ter pei pos model Bos i so wor coseeegn oe rete inal wal deadesgrasocpte re oa dp aah oe ose epson nnovaten by model bude or model bd Celebrating 40 years: TAIG WY DESK Top (as sown 5455.9) Eig Le ne A 6 TATOOS 480-895-6978 fan sts. 0648 : February 2010 9 Ere e oe rery 800-873-9893 PAINT BOOTHS 4 Models Available! tae ee) Check out our Web site! Co OVER 200 Manufacturers OVER 10,000 Products ORDER ON-LINE Ioan pd ME WE oe 95 Serving te Indust singe 1955 Seog oO) PsN eae EAU ea tee ene 20 FineScale Modeler February 2010 New Products BOOKSHELF pea No 56 Sqn | RAF/REC | [sen | British Battleships saris ee sore Nelson and King George V Classes, $17.95, by ‘Angus Konstam, ilsrated by Tony Bryon and Poul Wrigh, sof cover, 48 pages, al lack ‘ond-white pho- tos, ISBN. 978.1.84603-389-2, From Osprey Publishing, ‘M1 Abrams vs 772 Ural Operation Desert Storm 1991, $17.95, by Stovon J Zologa, sof cover, 80 pages, all color hots, ISBN: 9761-84603. 4077. From Osprey Poblihing Prec lrUry Pera a Staghound Armored Car STAGHOUND qeenee ApmoneD eaR 942-2 | $1795 by Zologs, illus trated by Polar Bul, soll cover, 48 pages, all blockand white photos, ISBN: 9781846033. 926. From Osprey Publishing 762 Main Battle Tank MAIN BATTLETANK | 1965-2005, 1965-2005 $17.95, by | Steven J Zologa, ils trated by Tony Bryon, sof cover, 48 poges, few Color photos, | mmotly black ‘ondirhite pho- tos, ISBN. 9781846033. 902. From Osprey Publishing, No. 56 Sqn. RAF/REC, $25.95, by Alex Revel, soft ‘cover, 128 pages, all black ‘ond white pho- tos, ISBN, 978-1-24608. 4282. From Osprey Publishing. Combat Camera 1: Cromwell & Centaur, $24.95, by lon Coner, sof cover, 33 pages, oll block ‘ondeite pho- tos, SBN 9780-98065. 9320. From Olver Publishing Group, avail: ‘ble from Dragon Models USA In. USN Cruiser vs UN Cruiser Guadalcanal 1942, $17.95, by Mark Sil, solt cover, 80 pages, el lack ‘ond.white pho- tos, ISBN, 978-1.84608. 34664, From Osprey Publishing SE.5ave Albatros DV, $17.95, by Jon Gutman, soft cover, 80 ages, oll block ‘ond white pho- tos, ISBN 9781-84603. 347-18. From Osprey Poblihing SY vourons, Cold War Peacemaker, $32.95, by Dennis Jenkins ‘and Don Pyeat, Berlin 1945 - The Collapse of the “Thousand- Year” Reich, $31.46, by D. Stowropoues, . ages, 20 ilu: Irafons, color photos, 300 Bracksandite photos, ISBN: 9781-58007. 1277, From Specialy Fess Torniofs, | Kotovles 8. Valmas, G. Zourids. strated by J Shumate, V Audeta,b. Hodoulas, soft cover, 127 pages all lackand-white phots, Greatest Bates of the World, ISBN: 9780- 89747-5686. From Squadron/Signal Publication. ‘Dambuster’ Sqn Belgian Special Colours, $48, by Jock Bosme ‘and Cor Van Gent, 2oft cover, 216 pooes, 427 color pho: tos, ISBN: 978 907153233. From Flash Lchwacrt Winkel No. 617 “Dambuster” Sqn, $25.95, by Alex Boteman, soft cover, 128 ppoges, all black ‘ndevhite pho- tos, ISBN F-89 Scorpion Wolk Around, SS5561, $18.95, by Dennis M. Sovage, soft cover, 60 pages, 200 photographs, color profiles ond otailed line drawings. From Seuadron Signal Publications 9781-84603 4299. From Osprey Publishing esta (M7 Priest Walk Around, SS5717 $18.95, by Dovid Doyl, of cover, 80 pag tographs, color profiles end detailed line drow- ings. From Squadron Signal Publications. eee cos eons Sara cua useceod Posie) hard cover, 228 | 230 pho | ae in Vimar seve seia7 $18.95, by Woyre Mitzo, solicover 80 rege 200 Protogrop, eis od doled ne ci from Squadron Sirol, Piblestions "U.S. Army Aviation _. in Vietnam ELECTRONIC MEDIA _ A Step-by-Step Building Procedure ‘Manval fer Building Fantastic Show ‘Models with Futuristic Lighting Effects (that bring models to life), $25 for elecronic vor sion, by J Tregre, 175 pages, all color, not ‘ovalable in hard copy. From Building February 2010 21 Powdered pigments can improve weathering when correctly applied BY AARON SKINNER The why & he as ie: < om WwW of ead FSM and every other using weathering powders prevalent among the most R Weathering powders or pigments are available from a bunch of manufacturers. Mig Productions and Worpigs ore perhops best know to model ers, but check model cro supplies for ‘Adventures in Miniature, Bar Mls, ond Joe's ‘Mode Trains. Each offer diferent shades ond Jextures, 50 experimentation sin order. author or gallery entry mentions or pigments. It seems especially dramatically weathered models. Are these magical powders the key to masterpiece modeling? ‘The straight answer is that they are another useful tool in the arsenal. And like the best tools, they reward careful use. Weathering powders or similar to artis’ pas- tels modelers have used for years, but mony of the modelers brands contain a dry adhesive that helps them stick o surfoces of al kinds. Most ‘come premixed in useful eolrs such os light rust, dork mud, ond desert dust Pe: Its best to scoop litle - anda litle goes long _way ~from the container onto a piece of srop per, rather than ung it out ofthe bot, to prevent contaminating the powder wih other ‘olor oF solvents. Colors can be mixed using two or more botes. Tocodd o layer of Caveasus dirt toon Alangor 1/35 scale 259 self-propelled gun | set out Mig Productions Russian earth, rubble dust, and con- crete. Use paintbrushes to apply and manipulate powders, bu separate them from brushes used for paint; pigment residve wl discolor point. & Using a mediunsized round brush wih bristles liberally apply the basic mix to one ofthe 259% Using the same brush, | rind the powders into ‘rimmed about half their length, I mix litle rub- road wheels. How much fo use isa matter of the wheel, pshing he color and texture into ‘le dust into the Russian earth The mixture personal tase. ways ry fo keep in mind _crevies and shadowy areas while removing doesn't have to be thorough; remember, rts where the vehi orcireraft wos operated and them from ridges and points. Again ifs beter fo rerely@ uniform color replicate tho, using photos when posible. ‘ply the powder unevenly. Before proceeding lightly blew on the whee to ‘remove excess powder. ‘Ahandy blending oo: | use fingertip [prefer For nice oot of dst, stop oer Photo 7. For my own for is) Blend the powders ond ater effects, you can use gids. Here, Mig’s remove even moe frm high points where dt paint hiner care the powders deeper into the cond mud would be rubbed of during operation. whet det coking rlcving comps behind. Be careful how you hone the model cer this ~ Experiment wih alcohol, water, and other ids 11/1 seal fingerprints, even in he rght shade, for different effects, but be sure whatever you not enhance a models realism. Use won't effet he point underneath. ‘want fo fx them tothe surface to make sure they don't shift. You can use clear coat, but it may change the color slightly. Mig makes a pigment fixer that's easy to apply and seems los likely to shift the color Here, Itouch a brushful of fixer to ‘rood wheel and ltt flow. You can sill manip- ote the powders while the Fixer i wet. Ws ey fo quickly odd layer of di too model with powders. After obout 15 minutes, my 299 looked tke a veil hat ha been deployed in the eld by the Rusion crmy rather than sting in museum. | pod ation fo photos and ‘hough about where dirt would mos! ely ace rule on the vice > Here's the same model after drying, First, note how much lighter the color is compared to the previous Pignienb powderslate verge phos. As, lock othe res merase lic ofthe d= wong Fw nover aon cide do Hohtand Gasilyinhalod. gp wth pessl. Used wel, wearing powder cn mete ange a moss! appearance, Con ig ly Bene) yes hn vara hing vali srt pat Mody, you a washing penton’ eet clea ond it's a good idea to wear inherent ckiness or great edion fo the lolbox. Theyre easy te edust ond core! Experiment respiratory protection. | you have « novel use for the weathering powders, ora technique that gives good results, drop me «line at Il use the best edvice in a future Reader Tips column. SM February 2010 www.FineSesle.cem 23 Joe Simon | COVER STORY | Russian missile destroyer Oflichnyy del shipbuilders know better than anyone: Good projects take ime ~ lots of time. Somehow, Joe Simon, an electrical eng ner from Jackson, Wis. balances work, young children, and his hobby to achieve about the same turnaround time as most serious ship modelers. He spent three years and approximately 1,000 hours building up ‘Trumpeter’ 1/200 scale Soeremenny-class destroyer Type 96 as the Russian missile destroyer Orlichnyy. Fortunately, Joe's wife, Amy, is onboard with his shipbuilding. As a matter of fact, you could say it was her idea; Joe got back into modeling about 10 years ago when she bought him Tamiyals 1/350 scale HMS King George V. And it was she who sog- gested he build the Orfcbnyy. (‘She thought it looked cool,” Joe says.) While 24 rineScate Modeler February 2010 ‘Trumpeter’ kit provides options for several differen ships ofthe Scoremenny class, Joe chose Orlcbnyy on the strength of photos from its visi to Norfolk, Va. in 1989. ‘The name Otlichnyy is most often trans- lated as Perfect But, according to Joe, the ‘kit was anything but ideal. “Te demands a Jot of time, filling, and patience," he says,"a lot of TLC” But there was nothing tender about how Joe mounted the superstructure. When he found it was too wide for the hull, he placed a wood beam inside that was slightly short of the superstructure’ width, squeezed the plastic inthe middle to cap- ture the beam, and glued it in place. Although it became slightly deformed, the superstructure matched the hull width ‘Many of the main- and upper-deck fit- tings were supposed to mount in molded indentations." These let ugly spaces around ‘many pars,” Joe says. "Instead, [filled the indents with styrene and deilled locator hholes foreach item.” ‘Along with doctoring kit part, Joe fb ricated replacements and improvements He painted nylon thread to install on hose reels and winches. Antennas were replaced with 010" styrene rod. He also cut out solid-molded windows and installed clear plastic panes, painting their backs black to ‘make them reflective yet opaque. And, Joe says, “The kit had no hawsepipes for the anchor chains. drilled those out, shaped their races with a file, and ‘borrowed! anchor chains from my wife,” he says. He blackened the erstwhile jewelry by holding it over a stove burner. Joc likes to load a ship with as many aftermarket parts as he can muster. White Good ships take time: Joe Simon took three years to build Trumpeter’ 1/200 scale Sovremenny-lass Type 96 as the Russion missile destroyer Otichnyy — with award-winning resus, Ensign Models provided resin replacements for the main gun turrets as well asa ship- load of phoroetched-meral details “The main radar sets took more than two months to build and mount,” he says. Photoetched-metal railings were painted prior to installation, then taped in place before gluing. “I would cut them to length and form therm," Joe says, "then place two or three thin strips of tape berween the lowest levels on the railing, careflly align them, and apply thin super glue, wiping away any excess.” This process made the nails neater and straighter, he says. Joe painted with White Ensign Models Russian Fleet colors ~ Russian Northern, Fleet grey and Russian deck orange — but "US. standard deck gray isan almost per=— (___ s fect match forthe main deck," he says Building the superstructure wes one hing — bu fiting it othe with ofthe hull required corrective British crimson replicated anti-fouling red. surgery. Joe says the fix slighty deformed the assembly, but is hard to see here. February 2010 25 Showcase Special Ship modelers work from the inside out ond from the bottom up. Here you can see why os intricate ‘masts and sinvous rigging top off Joos destroyer. eet Wrapping styrene red around a screwdriver and thermoforming tin bo- When the rigging gets tough, the fough get... a firetruck? Joe employed ing water produced the rings Joe needed for his cera, stretched out here is sons turntabledadder reseve unit as a rigging ig. ‘ona plastic foodstorage container jig. 26 FineSeale Modeler February 2010 a Joe Simon’s top 10 tips for ships Review the International Plastic Modelers Society handbook, specifically the sec- tion on judging ship models learn i and follow it. The IPNS/USA handbook is oval ‘able of NCC/NCC him. Enter contests and accept judgments and criticism ‘graciously; youll become a better modeler. Point photoetched metol before puting it on. Tis will make the glue les obvious. starting, Position photoetched-metal pats with automotive 1 rea to be painted, masking tape before gluing. seal the tape edges with Remove the aulomotive __Testors Dulleote fo prevent tape with superglue paint from seeping under: ‘ccelerator fo prevent damag- ing the assembly. Fill seams with Miliput or /Apoxie Sculpt putty; itcan bee shaped and removed with woter before it dries, without damaging details ‘place delicate plastic masts with bros that con support rigging To make rigging easier, research the rigging pat ferns and dill anchor points before assembly. \Gather as much research material as you con before ‘After you mosk off cn neath. The Dulleote will dso pear with another clear coat Joe dled out hawsepipes forthe anchor chains, which he obtained by ‘ding his wife's jewelry Fellas, don't try that lst rick at home! After weathering with a mix of burnt ‘umber and raw umber artist's oils, Joe dey brushed raised details with gull gray and covercoated everything with Testors Dulleote to homogenize different paints and cover shiny glue spots in a uniformly flat finish. ‘The rigging presented a unique chal- lenge, Joe says “I usually just string a line ‘between two points, But this ship has si ‘wire aerials spread apart by sings. I taped six prepainted nylon lines across the top of a plastic storage container. Then, I wrapped 015" styrene rod around a serewdrives, dipped the screwdriver in boiling water, and cat the plastic fee. I joined the ends of the resulting rings, painted them, worked each ‘ring into the six lines, glued it in place, and tied off the ends ofthe aerials. To fit them 1 the ship, I tied long nylon threads to cach end of the aerials and tied those to ‘posts just off the bow and stern of the ship, then worked the aerials into postion and slued them in place.” For vertical aerials, Joe got serious — he ‘brought in his son big toy firetruck. Joe hhung the threads from the ladder, then attached the ower point to the ship and, Unsotsied withthe kifs system of deck fitings, Joe driled many of his ‘own locator holes to mount parts. ising the weight ofthe truck for leverage, pulled i tight and glued the upper end in place, cutting excess thread with a hot kenife Joe's efforts have been amply rewarded. His Otfcbnyy took frst place in its category at the 2008 IPMS/USA national conven= tion in Virginia Beach, Va. as well as gold medals atthe Midwestern Model Ships & Boats Contest and Display a the Wiscon- sin Maritime Museum in Manitowoe (including another prize for best paint) and the Military Miniature Society of linois annual contest. FSM Febuary 2010 27 1/48 Scale | Construction FORGET THE AFTERMARKET: THIS F-4G’S DETAILS ARE ALL SCRATCHBUILT DETAILING Hasegawa's fanting to build a ‘long-nosed’ Phantom, I turned to Hasegawals 1/48 scale F-4G, widely regarded as the best kit available. Although it’s good, it’s certainly not perfect. However, with a bit of research and a little work, it builds into a very nice representation. I decided to build a late 5618 Fighter Squadron, 57th Fighter Wing, USAF, after seeing Eagle Strike’ decal sheet including weasel nose art. (AirDOC makes a sheet featuring this air- craft's art as well as the stencils.) 28 Fim Je Modeler Februsry 2010 A litle bodywork and the seats Tegan by checking the instructions care~ fally for any parts that needed to be cut off the model. Hasegawa has kitted many dif- ferent versions ofthe Phantom, a task made easier by reproducing spues or parts from Wild fone kt to make another. To accurately reflect differences between versions, is often necessary to remove or add sections ofthe airframe. On the kt I built Hasegawa included an insert for the F-4G variant. Itpays to make these changes early, rather than having to revisit them later in the build. Next came the cockpit. I dont lke resin, so scratchbuile enhancements for the decent Hasegawa parts. Planning to model the canopy open, wanted to make the ‘Adorned with a weasel and low-slung ant-rodor missiles, Greg's 1/48 scale FAG is completely equipped ‘with srotchbuil details, Weasel “front office” look really busy. I started with the ejection seats ~ they'e OK, but the detail on top where itis most visible is especially spars. Working from reference photos, Fused sheet styrene and very thin ‘wire to add and enhance detail, 1 ‘Annote on painting Tuse Citadel aryl paints from Games Workshop for all of my hand-brushing needs, such as the Phantoms cockpit. Why Citadel? Well, these paints are made for brushing and go on beausflly with very lite streaking, You can also airbrush them if you thin them appropriately. (I ecom- mend Tamiya acrylic thinner.) However, because the Citadel line does not include Federal Standard colors, you will need to mix your own, ‘When working on cockpits, use this painting sequence: 1. Using Citadel aceyics, I hand-paint all components, mixing the right color as Greg thought Hosegawa's ejection seats locked ‘essential detail, especclly 01 fop, so he odded missing bts wih hin wire nd styrene. ‘Alter pointing the cockpit ub and walls, Greg determined where to add del to the good- burerbitsporse Hasegawa front office. He ‘dded missing boxes ond sringers with sip styrene, connecting them wih thin copper wire. The RIO's pone is focal point. Greg mode sure it measured up with sip- and rod-styrene instrument backs connected o fine copper wire. ntom BY GREG LESZCZYNSKI 2. Next, mix a sludge wash ~ 75 per- cent water, 20 percent paint, 5 percent liq- uid dish soap ~ and apply liberally. 3. When the wash is dey, 1 dry-brush, (highlight) selected areas with the base color or lighter shades. 4, Ifthe highlights are too stark, I reap ply the wash to tone down the contrast, Cockpit ub Painting the major components firs nd knowing I planned to add two crew helped February 2010 worw.FineScals Greg pointed the kts rear i) and front instrument panels with washes and dry-brushing t rep cate those of he fullsize oirerof mm | ‘sed Gals Dotan haptoppad trovmen tt he ncn beter na cone ‘Alter pointing the inside ofthe speed brakes Citodel red, Grog used an acrylic shadge wash ‘nd dry-brushing to emphasize details sme determine how much extra detail to add. Using styrene, suetched sprue, and fine ‘wie in various gauges, tried to replicate as rmuch detail as I thought would be effective, 2 I paid a lot of atention tothe radae- intercept office’ instrument panel, a focal point on any F-4.T added the backs of sauges and wiring behind the panel using styrene and thin wire, 3, then painted the pilot and RIO panes, 4 T replaced the kit crew's heads with pars from Hasegawa 1/48 scale F-18F so the pilot and RIO would have the correct hel- mets, painting the heads and figures with Citadel acrylic, 5. added the sill-head~ less bodies to the seas, adding thin brass foil harnesses. The foil works great for 30 FineScale Modeler February 2010 ‘Mating the F-4G crew's bodies with heads from Hasegawa’ F-18F put the pilot and RIO inthe correct time frame forthe circraft Greg modeled. Wile they were off he model end eosilyacessed, Greg painted, washed, and dry-brushed the nose gear bay (el, landing gor lags, end wheels gh Grog replaced poorly molded sensors on the Unsatisfied with he detail onthe instrument Phantom’ teil with disks of 010" styrene topped panel shroud, Greg replicated equipment shown with shoped stretched sprue. in photos with styrene ond copper wire. details like this because itis pliable, easily ‘cut with scissors, and retains its shape when Dent to fit, 6. ‘After adding the heads, I replaced the ‘wire tight around thin wire, then painting it. After trimming them to length, T attached the wire hoses to the masks, run ning them accurately under the crews’ right plastic oxygen hoses by wrapping very thin arms. Project at a glance + Hasegawa 1/48 F-AG "Wild Weasel” No. PT9 (07209) + Eagle Skike "Lost Wild Weasel Phantoms" decals (No. 48184) + AirDOC Gulf Warriors U.S. Fs in Southwest Asia decals (No. 48/32006) | « Hosegawa Weapons: C forthe two AGM HARMS (No. X48-3) . + Twobobs U.S. AirtoAir Missile Markings for he AIM7Ms (No. 48.086} | + Twobobs AIM-1208/C and AGM-88 Mistile Markings (No.48.095) || Gurize Songye' Aquséus Hobby Colors [according to Hasegawa Insiucions) farious Citadel acrylic pai Bchind the RIO’ sat, it was too barren for Grog’ liking. More wire and styrene overcome the deficiencies ond filed the void. ‘Greg painted the nozzles black, then brushed them with Godel gunbolt meta to high light the new dels. ‘Grog updated the kits oldschool ALO-119 ‘tac pod ron wih «peiod-appropraie ‘ALQ-184 from a Tamiya F-16 rer) mating it ‘with he kt pert’ mount and eddng deta Fuselage mating Tairbrushed the landing gear, wheel wells, and bay doors Gunze Sangyo acrylic white, then applied a black wash and a dry-beush- ing of Citadel white, 7. I painted the inside ofthe speed brake Citadel red, washing and dry-brushing to bring out detail 8. ‘After joining the fuselage halves around the cockpit and nose gear well,a very unsightly seam became evident along the length of the spine. Careful work with a soft sanding sponge removed the seam without flattening the curve, butit obscured pane! lines, including some cieu~ Jar ones hc sewing needle it pinvise and followed a scribing template to repair the damage. First, I marked the pl tic with afew light passes of the needle; ‘Alter correcting the countermeasure dispensers with styrene, Greg shoped bras fol for retain ing plates onthe inboard weapons pylons. Greg added strips of styrene to the inside ofthe irs burner cons, and tiny squores of styrene at the end of the feathers. ‘Alor filing the hollow back sides of he inte well lef, Greg sanded them fs ‘To imply depth, Grog painted the kits intake blanking plote white, then fecthered in a black Cire. He also added o styrene shim to improve the intakes appearance. then, I pressed harder to achieve the right depth. On convex and flat surfaces Tran a Tamiya sribing tool over the initial needle runs. Using a needle alone creates a ditch, forcing the plastic to the edges; a proper seribing tool actually removes the plastic for better effect. For the circular panels on the spine, I used the appropriate template with a needle, then gently removed rough ‘edges from the panels with 2,400-grit sandpaper, T sanded flat the two poorly molded atthe tip ofthe tail. To replace glued 2mm circles of 010 styrene at dhe locations hen glued very thin piewes of stretched sprue on top of each circle, shaping them after they dried, 9. added wire and styrene detail to the hs : a. Calin the ntokes the kit's greatest shorcoming, Greg spent lot of time improving them. He built Up the lower surface with lots of bits of styrene, front instrument panel coaming, 10, as ‘well as wire plumbing at the rear of both, cockpit openings, 11 ‘Ordnance and racks T replaced the raised panel fines on the inner underwing weapons pylons by scrib- ing. Before adding the AN/ALE-40 chaft/ flare dispensers to the pylons, corrected the outboard ones by cutting them apart and adding a wedge of styrene to angle the «jectors down. Before attaching them to the pylons, T added retaining plates made from brass foil cut and bent to shape, 12.1 also filled gaps left for Une insercion of the kit weaponry, which was inaccurate for the F-4G I was modeling. I scratchbuile anti- sway braees forthe pylons with styrene. A. February 2010 31 Alter attching the lower wing, Greg smoothed all ofthe transiions with liberal application of Rother than use the kit decals forthe walkways, Grog airbrushed them. First, he masked and sprayed the dark gray. friend’s spares box supplied a pair of LAU- 118 missile racks to mount the AGM-88s, ‘The missles are from Hasegawa Weapons Set C, detailed with Twobobs decals. I used decals from another Twobobs sheet for the AIM-7Ms mounted at the rear Engines and intakes I detailed the smooth interior of the ‘exhaust cans with .010" x.060" strips of styrene, and added small squares of the same strips to the outside, 13. The effect is good and nozzles look great painted black and dry-brushed with a metallic shade ~I used Citadel's gunbolt metal, 14. Hasegawa molded the inner walls of the intakes (pars 32 and 33) withthe side nearest the fuselage hollow. filled areas jeale Modeler Febuary 2010 20 y ‘Adding the intokes revealed gaps ond steps under the cirfrome. He shimmed the gop with styrene and removed the step with superglue. ‘Then, Greg mosked and painted the walkways’ in black outlines. Isa lot work, he says, but the effort poys of that would be noticeable on the finished ‘model with sheet styrene and sanded it smooth, 15. [Next came the ALQ-184 electronic attack pod. Hasegawa provides the older ALQ-119 = not appropriate for the time period I was modeling ~ so I replaced it with an ALQz184 from Tamiyals F-16CJ. 1 adapted it to fit the Phantom, cutting the mounting bracket from the Hasegawa ALQ, adding abit of detail to the mounts, and attaching it to the Tamiya pod in the correct location, 16. Tt took alot of work using styrene, white slue, and paint to blend everything together in the intakes, 17, 18, and 19. ‘When T added the wing, which includes the fuselage bottom and intakes, I had a Pee eee ‘Ahora bat coat of Tamiya guemetl, Greg highlighted he Phantom’ distinctive tail panes wit oma lina EY To get soft demarcation lines on the Hil Gray scheme, Grog raised the edges ofthe poper masks slightly with rolls of tape. ea Ag Using his favored Citadel acrylics, Greg hond- pointed the eidrame lights ond oer small, details. ‘gap on the port side and a step on the star- board. I filled the gap with sheet styrene and superglue the step, sanding both Hush and se-scribing the panel lines, 20. ‘The nose cone alo needed filling, sand- ing, and rescribing to blend it into the air- frame. would recommend leaving the pitot tube off until the end ofthe build, as it is extremely fragile. After I broke it off my Phantom for the fourth time, I drilled a hole inthe tp, inserted a sewing needle, then shaped and painted it for a much stronger pitot. : Painting T seared with the bare-metal areas atthe rear ofthe fuselage, avery distinctive fex- ture ofan F-, After a base coat of Tamiya paint, and dish soap ~ fo accent the Phantoms engraved pane ines. Meet Greg Leszezynski BORN IN POLAND in 1970, Greg emigrated to Canada with his forily in 1979. He currently lives in Toronto, Ontario, wih his wife cand éyeorold son. He was inkoduced to modeling by an eighh- PETE BROWN ‘CENTRAL POINT, ‘OREGON Poe used tle’ 1/48 scale ‘SH-608 with @ Cobra Company resin conversion sat to build a U.S. Navy HH-60H Sechawk, 36 FineScate Modeler February 2010 ‘ABURNIE FOX LANSING, MICHIGAN Barbu Tay’ 1/25 le Jogdpanther and installed 0 Jaguar interior and photoeched meta dais from Edvord and Voyager. He fied it swith Modelkasen racks, painted with Vollejo Model Air colors, ond weath- ered wit aris ls, powdered pas tes, ond colored pencils > MARCOS: VALLE MACHADO DA SILVA RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL ‘Marcos honored the Brazilian ai force by poining toler F-SE ina scheme he sw in 2004 on April 22, Brezts “Fighter Day,” commemorating its con- Miia be clcmnngel be Po Rive in ly during World Wer I > RoneRr J, STEINER PORT JEFFERSON, NEW YORK Bilis enw: Aor US. Novy apo ordhanee di (EOD) chin, Reber worked 11 years to model ewe 13 sale Nowy MLV drang heme. He wos chef chin cia for afew dys, det g eels ox oral arb eD) toor chores machine ond hark a SolidWorks enginer design he ports, vernal porte, Wah con- Fur model n bor, wos cleo Frode a steralthography (SLA peo ex meal ca ran copes fey Brd wh amiga real traci copper pdr port and a close cl han spent et othe Eee eaeg halesterele February 2010 37 SEND US YOUR PICTURES! Shouldn't your model be in Reader Gallery? FineScale Modeler is always accepting new material from oround the world ‘You con upload high-resolution digital images and information at www. Contribute., or send prints or CDROMs to FineScale Modeler, Reader Gallery, 21027 Crossroads Circle, BO. Box 1612, Waukesha, Wi 53187-1612 | Please provide sufficient information, including the manufacturer, mode, scale, modifications, paint used, and reason for choosing the model, along with your name cond address. We look forward to seeing your work! > SCOTT TYNER PEARLAND, TEXAS, Scof built Airborne Miniolures’120mm (1/16 seole) figure os gif for « buddy in Special Fores during his lest deployment in ro, almost straight from he box =but, Sco says, “The pose is very relaxed, yet hes ‘wearing al is geo jst seemed awkward fo me.” So, Scat cut away the helmet and made c baleap © make the figure look more cou, hen added saps and padding to the helmet so the soldier could hod it instead. “The build was very rewarding,” Soot sid, “and | wish | could oke ito the next show. But his one is already on its way fo he recipient.” STEVE MARTIEN NASHUA, NEW HAMPSHIRE Working with Dragon's 1/35 seal three-i-one kit, ‘Steve made a Safe 251/10C, building a shoot styrene ‘gun sheld ond dressing it up with Grendt Line nus. He ‘lo added jerry-can racks using brass sip, ond an air-recogniton flag mode with gift-wrop tissue ond on Edvard deco AVASILY RATES ‘AUGST, SWITZERLAND Vos pointed Academy/s 1/35 sae Block Hawk with 2 50/50 mix folve drab ond black, then ‘weathered wit Tami pigmens ond oirbushed Fier coats He ossgned CMK pil to the cockpit, but he warns, “Atenton! They are too bi Cot way their bts! > BRENT SAUER KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Working with AFV Club's 1/35 sco Saks 11 ‘ton halfrack, Bren installed « Gre spoight lens ‘and replaced the kts running gear wit Frivimodel while-metal racks. The decals and pain job ore for cn Alka Korps vehicle, BERT VAN DE MAAT ISSEN, NETHERLANDS, Bert looded up Hasegawe!s 1/48 scole ki to medel (on F-16BN, raiding fhe aftermarket for: Searess Suckers intakes; Aires whee wells and cockpit Block Box instrument panel, glare shield, ond Aces seat; IF nose; Verlinden thro; ating Ede xr: Mh Gran and oe deci «2 Welpoc gtng poe Daca rpevs pe! “Tamiya pylons; and Eduard’ photoetched-metol details, “plus alt of sraichbuit exos,”he says February 2010 39 Reader Gallery 40 FincSeale Modeler February 2010 ANATE GRAY RENTON, WASHINGTON. Trumpeer’s 1/32 sale F-105D Thunderchiof served aso est bed for Notes first ny at salt chip weather “wos alte heey in some areas, overall not oe bod” he says. “Good thing i wos 1/32 seae, ort ely would have looked out of place.” Note built the model in honor of his Father, ‘who loaded oicrft munitions during the Viernam Wor ERY POPE SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Aboard Tamiya’ 1/35 scole M16 ‘Mulile Gun Molor Crrioge, Gerry stowed tarps and bodrels made frm towels and fsve, lid ning made rom tok doth, sed masking tope fr fecdowns, wired the guns wih stelched sprue, and threw ono few Eduard photoeched metal details, He ‘mode racks in he groundwork by rol: ing the fires and racks through layer of wood pty JAY BARNES FRESNO, CALIFORNIA Wall, Jay sure waited «long ie to eee acer re cof my life, about 30 years, and this is any fist [Reoder Golly] submission,” he says. He built ProModelers 1/48 scale Me 410 straight rom the box. fs sadoud a4 08 4% 5 0m Koy saxym papas: Pour «pry Boqpuce 4 payddes Aopajea aioy) 20 o> 2 Wau yeu Buspunosns ou. 94 syo2y0 4 anosy auoyeio yum posono> PUD opa|e> i pajpe> "wooyOIAS yur epous 4 (8Uu09 Jom) suOKsOR 253 4q pay uostuDybyy ul 22 MOY PONE UNICO 6LLW UBL 2028 SS0/L S2snoy snow paooyd jouw VINYOSIIVD ‘Wostod O25 T3VHOIW A ‘owou syoyd puo sequin HE sSuppou! uosponbs 240 329p ‘uno s8 paruud-e50| pu pauBisap ‘804 AJOUOUIpDY SDP AWW puns Busou yaad puo ous paypecioyd .p3 Ba, puonpa ‘idypo> uy Uo yi ol a4 papoo| oy oy os 08, 0] 94 EL vn yum 200 aq oy poi 924 POOH VBL-V/4 ssoglqqon 1° BY /1 5194 {13553NNL ‘SIHAW3W ‘ONOULSWHY SSOU < pved yup 1 yun sou puod no paypid pun au J0}69 woysno © yn Buoy oy pajuiod stag 2anBy sod puaBe} 010} oxo 304 2449 SILO ay YM PME HWY 39PI0 >PMYD 220 IW? OF -d 204, Buty 24 peyepou uowy ‘1 soues soqyBiy 980401 92 72/1 © BUN, vaniow ‘Ava wive wannind L1VW < 1/48 Scale | Construction UILD AND PAIN eer BY SIEP A littoral approach to Trumpeter’s HH-65 Dolphin BY DENNIS GERBER 1 2005 I was working in San Diego at L-3 Communications, designers of the US. Navy Littoral Surface Craft (Experimental) Sea Fighter. When our engineers designed a smaller version of the LSC, L-3 commissioned a 1/48 scale rep- lica of the prototype to use as a sales tool for the proposal ~ and I was asked if T could build a US. Coast Guard HH-65 Dolphin that would look good on the flight deck. As a matter of fact, I told my bosses, I hap- pened to have just the thing —‘Trumpeter’s 48 FineScale Modeler February 2010 kit (No. 02801) would fit right in. They gave me two weeks, and I would be paid for my hobby. Cool! ‘Trumpeter’s kit is nicely molded, but it’s based on the civilian Eurocopter; the Coast Guard’s HH-65 has larger engines and a bigger tail rotor. I left these things alone, and you don't notice them much, However, the HH-65 cabin is much different from the civilian bird, and highly visible through all those windows. So, that is where I con- centrated on additions and modifications. taped the fuselage and canopy pars together fo check Telescoping sections of brass tubing ES = ‘heir fit. The canopy wos not very dear and left large anchored with epony in the engine scooped cockpit details from my spares. | don't _90ps oll he seams. While dry-fiting, Iriedleed using make « handy pointing know what those We cylinders inthe upper let: ‘weights in the floorboards to determine how much handle. hhond corner ore supposed to be, but | used ballast d need to bolance the model’ stance, exhouss from oSemovente sl propelled gun. oo For the rescue swimmer’s movable Alter covering the windows wih quid mask and base-cost- A Trve Details P-51 resin part forthe overhead choir, found a resin seat and made _ ing the wheels ond interior Rat black, I cirbrushod two shades panel? Well, i would fil he bare ceiling and not supports ond ris of photoetched of gray, ling some ofthe block show through for depth. be obvious. Here, it has been washed with dark. ‘metal and brass tubing [painted dels wit Vllejo cers, opplied an aris ol wash, and he interior wos ready go. lerrushed he rotor heod with Aled clominom Al ht ex inferior detail made me went to open the sing door. |care- cond washed i with ols, to. ortss oils ond is ready for deol pointing, Sink marks onthe rotor blades wer filled with super glue, sanded smooth, then masked and cirbrushed with Model Master paints cut wit lacquer thinner: white fist, then yellow followed by the gray areas and, finaly, the leoding edges. fully cut it out withthe bock side of a brond:new No. 11 hobby-knife blade to preserve as much plastic as possible, Februsy 2010 wwwFimetcalecom 49 "ve filled the inside gap onthe til rotor housing with super glve and am looking forward fo the fun of sending it smooth. With he interior windows sill masked, linstlled the cockpit and joined the fuselage with superglue, Super glue and serous elbow grease smooth the seam below. Having predetermined the bolance of Aer masking the clear portion, ned the body, I fixed lead weights under the visor windows wih Tamiya dear green. flooe with epoxy. ‘hiss the ist ight cook. Prnched-out plow dis and coed Remeber tht seam nth feller Toil gop the edges of the canopy, squezzed it together ond “wire made effective headphones. housing? Sill working on it. copped finy drops of super gle with fine wire to control the ‘amount and avoid fogging the canopy. ‘asbanotadobeshordiici dtaderaeh Tks! bogn with every corse sending sick looks bl, but its the cnly way 1 bend the canopy into the fseloge, 50 FineScale Modeler February 2010 The canopy i ready forthe nexHfiner grit «temporary mask onthe sliding... and continued the savage attack ofthe sanding sticks. door keeps dust out. | bent photoetched-metal sips fora door side. Sreral hous ler, progresively finer gris of sanding sticks ed fo 12,000 grt sanding fim and moch-improved dry. | never use psi polish for jobs lke this; shard o kep out of th panel ines and tough to lean up. The sanding film does beter jb, anywey. {brushed liquid mask onthe whole canopy lett. then gently cutout the frames out using a | peeled masking ofthe frames, leaving the win- dey overnight. flexible siraightedge and a new No. 11 blade. dows covered. ce fa Photoetched-metal detail include blades for the... and laches for engine-acess panels. tail ote. February 2010 Si {remasked the doorway, brushing the edges wih quid maskto make The metal door side was already the right coor, so just covered it with sure it was seced, There's nothing worse than pulling offthe mask and tape and burnished it down, finding pint on the inside of the canopy! Yes, finaly smoothed that rotor Inside the landing gear doors, those nasty ejec- The frst color is white; I airbrushed fine coats of Model Master housing! Notice the mask where the tor-pin marks have goto gol I scraped them gloss white cut heavily with lacquer thinner. fins attach; preventing point makes © with « curved blade, then smoothed with fine- stronger glue join later. art sondpaper. Wit oll the white oreos masked, it wastime te The ile mask didnt work as Decals odhered wl othe red lots. cu the blue rim from spray the high-vs. | misted on @ 50/50 mix of planned. Ica new, sighly decals hed in my spares. Aer applying decals, | sproyed @ “Model Mester and lacquer thinner; he thinned paint smllercrle mask burnished it couple of coats of Testors Glosseate dear. cried quickly, shrank down tightly over the details, more carefully, and resprayed ‘and dried as glossy a the real Dolphins. red to dean up the edge. 52 FineScale Modeler February 2010

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