Improving The Impact Resistance Performa

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Materials Science and Engineering A 529 (2011) 224–229

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Improving the impact resistance performance of Kevlar fabrics using silica based
shear thickening fluid
Ankita Srivastava, Abhijit Majumdar ∗ , Bhupendra Singh Butola
Department of Textile Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi 110 016, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Impact energy absorption capacity of Kevlar woven fabrics has been improved using silica particle based
Received 24 April 2011 shear thickening fluid (STF). The influence of padding pressure and silica concentration in STF on add-on%,
Received in revised form 13 July 2011 yarn pull out force and impact energy absorption has been studied. Higher padding pressure reduces the
Accepted 8 September 2011
STF add-on%, but increases the impact energy absorption. Therefore, it is possible to achieve enhanced
Available online 16 September 2011
impact energy absorption performance at lower STF add-on%, i.e. lower fabric weight. It is also understood
that the yarn to yarn friction, as measured by the quasi-static yarn pull-out force, only partially influences
the impact performance of STF treated Kevlar woven fabrics.
Impact resistance
Kevlar © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Shear thickening fluid
Silica particle
Woven fabrics

1. Introduction instability develops, which causes them to break out of their layers
and jam into one another. Windhab [4] explained that particle char-
Kevlar woven fabrics are often used as the base material for acteristics, which are expected to have an impact on the structuring
the soft body armours. Generally 20–50 layers of Kevlar fabrics are behaviour in shear flows are particle size, size distribution, shape,
required to stop a bullet fired by a shotgun or revolver. Use of multi- particle morphology and interfacial properties between solid par-
layer Kevlar fabrics not only makes the body armour heavy but also ticle and surrounding liquid phase. Several other researchers [5,6]
limits the flexibility and mobility of the wearer. As a result, protec- have investigated the shear thickening phenomenon of colloidal
tive body armours are primarily used to prevent lethal injuries to suspensions.
torso and head. Therefore, development of materials which would Applied researches on the development of body armour mate-
provide better impact resistance at lower weight has remained rials using STF began only in the last decade. Lee et al. [7,8]
a perennial challenge in body armour research. In recent years, demonstrated that the impact performance of Kevlar fabrics can
the application of shear thickening fluid (STF) on body armour be improved significantly by the addition of colloidal STF. Impreg-
materials has gained the attention of materials scientists by demon- nated STF–fabric composites showed improved ballistic protection
strating promising results in terms of impact energy absorption. as compared with simple stacks of untreated fabrics and STF. Wet-
STFs are non-Newtonian fluids, which show drastic rise in vis- zel and Wagner [9] compared the ballistic performance of fully
cosity beyond a critical shear rate. Considering the fact that bullet impregnated Kevlar with the patterned impregnated Kevlar (both
impact takes place at a very high speed (300–1000 m/s), STF can be having six layers) and found that the patterning has little or no
triggered to the higher level of viscosity during impact. This may effect on the impact resistance. Wetzel et al. [10] also investigated
induce a liquid to solid like transition in STF during impact and the effect of rheological parameters of STF on the performance of
thus the mobility of the threads in the fabrics become restricted treated Kevlar fabrics. Researches by Tan et al. [11] showed that the
and energy dissipation improves. Besides, the solidification of STF ballistic limits of single, double and quadruple ply fabric systems
also facilitates the absorption of energy during impact. Theoretical increase with the concentration of silica particles in silica water
investigation on the causes of shear thickening was conducted by suspension (SWS) up to an optimum level of 40%. Beyond 40% con-
Hoffman [1–3]. Hoffman’s original hypothesis was that the particles centration, the ballistic limit starts to decrease. Kalman et al. [12]
order into layers at low rates of shear, but at some critical point an investigated the effect of particle hardness on the impact perfor-
mance of STF treated fabrics by synthesizing a dispersion of poly
methyl methacrylate (PMMA) particles. SEM micrographs of the
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 011 26591405; fax: +91 011 26581103. damaged zone showed that, unlike the silica STF, the softer PMMA
E-mail address: (A. Majumdar). particles did not abrade the Kevlar. The ballistic results showed that

0921-5093/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy

A. Srivastava et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 529 (2011) 224–229 225

Table 1 2.2. Treatment of Kevlar fabrics with STF and polyvinyl alcohol
Specification of Kevlar fabrics.
Parameters Fabric 1 Fabric 2
STF was prepared by dispersing silica particles in PEG with vary-
Weave Plain Plain
Areal density (g/m2 ) 200 465 ing amount of silica loadings (40%, 50% and 60%, w/w). Ethanol was
Yarn denier 1000 3100 added to decrease the surface tension of the dispersion to enable it
Fabric sett (ends and picks per inch) 22 × 22 18 × 18 to wet the Kevlar fabric (STF:ethanol = 1:6). A high speed homoge-
Finish Water repellent – nizer at 17,800 rpm was used to make the dispersion. Kevlar fabric
samples were padded with the STF with varying padding mangle
pressures of 0.5 bar, 1 bar and 2 bar. Following padding, the fabrics
the softer PMMA particles led to reduced performance in compari- were dried at 80 ◦ C for 40 min in a hot air oven to evaporate ethanol
son to the harder silica dispersions. Some researchers [13–16] have from the samples.
also reported the synthesis and rheological characterization of sil- Polyvinyl alcohol was also applied on Kevlar fabrics to analyze
ica particle based STF and spike and stab resistance performance the effect of yarn to yarn friction in improving the impact resistance
of Kevlar fabrics treated with the STF. In recent years, some excit- performance. PVA powder (4%) was mixed in boiling distilled water
ing researches have been conducted using finite element analysis and stirred continuously for 15 min. This solution was kept for 12 h
method to understand the deformation and failure of textile and and then Kevlar fabrics were padded using padding mangle pres-
polymeric materials during impact [17–19]. sure of 1 bar. After treatment, fabric was dried at 80 ◦ C for 30 min
Although a lot of interest has been shown by researchers in in a hot air oven.
application of STF on body armour materials, some of the key
application parameters like padding mangle pressure, padding
speed and silica concentration in STF, etc. have not been stud-
ied methodically. Hence in this research, an effort has been
2.3. Rheological test of STF
made to study the effect of two parameters namely padding
mangle pressure and silica concentration in STF (referred to as The rheological test of the STF was done using Anton Parr Physica
STF concentration), on the impact performance of treated Kevlar MCR 101 stress controlled rheometer using parallel plate geome-
fabrics. try. The gap between the two parallel plates was kept at 0.5 mm.
The viscosity was measured at three different levels of tempera-
2. Materials and methods ture (0 ◦ C, 25 ◦ C and 50 ◦ C) using Peltier temperature control device
of the equipment. For a given temperature, the shear rate was
2.1. Materials increased from 0 to 200 s−1 and corresponding viscosity was mea-
sured. The rheological results have been shown in Fig. 1.
Two types of Kevlar fabrics were used in this research. The
details of the fabrics are given in Table 1. Silica particles (R-972),
in powder form, were obtained from Evonik (formerly known as
Degussa, Germany). Polyethylene glycol or PEG (MW 200) and 2.4. Particle size analysis
ethanol were supplied by Merck Limited. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)
supplied by Fine Chem was also used in this study as an additive. The Particle size analysis of silica was carried out on Beckman Coul-
200 g/m2 fabrics used in the study were pretreated with a fluoro- ter Delsa Nano C particle size analyzer. This analysis was done by
carbon (PTFE) based water repellent surface finish while the other taking 0.1% silica particle dispersed in ethanol. The average particle
fabric (465 g/m2 ) had no such finish. size was found to be 278 nm for silica R-972.

Fig. 1. Shear thickening behaviour of silica particle based STF.

Author's personal copy

226 A. Srivastava et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 529 (2011) 224–229

Table 2
Add-on% of silica at different levels of padding pressure and concentration.

Padding Silica Add on (%)

pressure (Bar) concentration (%)
200 g/m2 fabrics 465 g/m2 fabrics

0.5 40 4.4 6.1

50 5.2 5.9
60 6.4 6.4

1.0 40 4.1 5.0

50 4.7 5.7
60 5.9 5.8

2.0 40 1.9 2.5

50 2.2 2.6
60 2.1 2.9

The diameter of the impactor, which has a hemispherical head, is

Fig. 2. Scanning electron micrograph of STF treated Kevlar filament in 200 g/m 2 1.3 cm. The fabric samples were firmly held between two circular
fabrics. jaws with pneumatic pressure. The inner diameter of the circular
jaws is 7.6 cm. The instrument measures the impact energy in
terms of Joules.
2.5. SEM image analysis
3. Results and discussion
The surface characteristics of various STF treated Kevlar fab-
rics were studied with the help of scanning electron microscope 3.1. Rheological analysis
(ZEISS, model: EVO 50). The samples were first coated with
a silver layer to provide surface conduction before their scan- The rheological results of STF having 60% concentration are
ning. The micrographs of Kevlar filaments extracted from the STF shown in Fig. 1. It is observed that shear thickening commences
treated 200 g/m2 and 465 g/m2 fabrics are shown in Figs. 2 and 3, between the shear rate of 20–50 s−1 depending on the temper-
respectively. ature. It is evident that at higher temperature, shear thickening
occurs at higher shear rate. The shear thickening behaviour is
2.6. Yarn pull-out force more prominent at 0 ◦ C temperature as the viscosity rises up to
185 Pa s. However for 25 ◦ C and 50 ◦ C temperature viscosity rises
Yarn pull-out is a quasi-static test and it represents the friction up to 160 Pa s and 100 Pa s, respectively. This implies that the tem-
between the yarns in a woven fabric. During ballistic impact, impact perature has a significant effect on shear thickening behaviour of
energy is dissipated by various modes and yarn to yarn friction is STF. As shear thickening plays some role in determining the impact
considered to be one of them [20,21]. One end of the fabric strip is performance of STF treated Kevlar fabrics, this performance is
held by the fixed jaw of Instron tensile tester (Model 3365). Then, likely to vary with temperature. Hence while engineering soft body
one free end of the yarn is pulled out from the fabric by the movable armors having specific performance levels, the effect of tempera-
jaw at a constant velocity. The peak force required to pull-out the ture should be kept in consideration. Otherwise, armors designed
yarn from the fabric is noted which gives the idea of yarn to yarn for low temperature regions may fail if used at warmer locations.
friction in the fabrics.
3.2. Influence of padding pressure and STF concentration on
2.7. Dynamic impact resistance test add-on%

Dynamic impact tests were conducted on treated as well as The effect of padding pressure and STF concentration on weight
untreated Kevlar fabrics by using drop-weight testing instrument add-on% is shown in Table 2. The add-on% is generally higher for the
(CEAST, Model: FRACTOVIS PLUS). The speed of impact was 8 m/s. 465 g/m2 fabrics as compared to that of 200 g/m2 fabrics. The rea-
son may be attributed to the fact that the former does not have any
fluoro-carbon finish which ensures better penetration and distribu-
tion of STF within the fabric structure resulting in higher add-on%
although the areal density of the fabric, based on which the add-
on% is calculated, is high. Scanning electron micrographs shown
in Figs. 2 and 3 also depicts that silica particles are more uni-
formly distributed in case of 465 g/m2 fabrics. From Table 2, it is
also observed that as the padding pressure increases, for the same
level of STF concentration, the weight add-on% reduces. This is due
to the fact that higher padding pressure squeezes out more fluid
from the fabric during the padding process. For the same padding
pressure, weight add-on% generally increases with the increase in
STF concentration. Figs. 4 and 5 depict the simultaneous effect of
padding pressure and STF concentration on the weight add-on%
for the 200 g/m2 and 465 g/m2 fabrics, respectively. From the sur-
face plots, it is evident that padding pressure has strong influence
on the weight add-on%. The effect of concentration on add-on% is
Fig. 3. Scanning electron micrograph of STF treated Kevlar filament in 465 g/m2
less pronounced as compared to that of padding pressure. For both
fabrics. the fabrics, the maximum add-on% is attained when the padding
Author's personal copy

A. Srivastava et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 529 (2011) 224–229 227

Table 3
Yarn pull-out force of Kevlar fabrics.

Padding pressure (Bar) Silica concentration (%) 200 g/m2 fabrics 465 g/m2 fabrics

Yarn pull out force (kg) % Increase Yarn pull out force (kg) % Increase

Untreated – 0.39 – 0.54 –

0.5 40 0.68 74.4 2.18 303.7
50 0.75 92.3 2.62 385.2
60 0.81 107.7 2.65 390.7
1.0 40 0.68 74.4 2.16 300.0
50 0.70 79.5 2.04 277.8
60 0.71 82.1 2.10 288.9
2.0 40 0.62 59.0 1.83 238.9
50 0.69 76.9 1.96 263.0
60 0.74 89.7 2.01 272.2
1.0 PVA (4%) 0.40 2.6 2.79 416.7

pressure is minimum (0.5 bar) and STF concentration is maximum


3.3. Influence of padding pressure and STF concentration on yarn

pull-out force

Table 3 shows the results of yarn pull-out test at various levels of

padding pressure and STF concentration. In general, the yarn pull-
out force is higher for 465 g/m2 fabrics than that of 200 g/m2 fabrics
as the yarn diameter is coarser in case of the former and therefore
it has greater area of contact with the other yarns.
It is observed from Table 3 that as the padding pressure
increases, for the same STF concentration, yarn pull-out force shows
concomitant reduction. However, for the same padding pressure,
higher concentration of STF results in higher yarn pull-out force.
Figs. 6 and 7 depict the surface plots of yarn pull-out force against
different levels of STF concentration and padding pressure. It is
observed that padding pressure and STF concentration both influ-
ence the yarn pull-out force. For both the fabrics, highest yarn
pull-out force was attained at 0.5 bar padding pressure and 60%
STF concentration. On the other hand, for both the fabrics, lowest
yarn pull-out force was attained at 2 bar padding pressure and 40%
STF concentration. Therefore, it can be inferred that there is good
Fig. 4. Weight add-on% for 200 g/m2 fabrics. association between the trends of add-on% and yarn pull-out force.
Higher add-on% of silica particles on the Kevlar fabrics enhances

Fig. 5. Weight add-on% for 465 g/m2 fabrics.

Fig. 6. Yarn pull-out force for 200 g/m2 fabrics.
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228 A. Srivastava et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 529 (2011) 224–229

Fig. 7. Yarn pull-out force for 465 g/m2 fabrics.

Fig. 8. Impact energy absorption by 200 g/m2 fabrics.

the friction between the yarns and thereby produces higher yarn
pull-out force.
It is also noted from Table 3 that the treatment of Kevlar fabrics
with 4% PVA solution increases the yarn pull-out force drastically
for 465 g/m2 fabrics. However, the increase in yarn pull-out force is
only marginal for the 200 g/m2 fabrics. This may be due to the fact
that 465 g/m2 Kevlar fabrics are without water repellent treatment
and therefore PVA film is formed uniformly in case of 465 g/m2
fabrics and it increases yarn to yarn friction significantly. However,
as the 200 g/m2 fabrics have water repellent coating, the wetting
and penetration of PVA solution was poor causing only marginal
increase in yarn pull-out force.

3.4. Influence of padding pressure and STF concentration on

impact energy absorption

Table 4 shows the impact energy absorption results for 200 g/m2
and 465 g/m2 Kevlar fabrics, respectively. In general, for the same
STF concentration, increase in padding pressure increases the
impact energy. Besides, for the same padding pressure, higher
impact energy absorption is noticed with higher STF concentration.
Figs. 8 and 9 depict the surface plots of impact energy absorption
by the Kevlar fabrics at different levels of padding pressure and STF
concentration. It is observed that the highest energy was absorbed
when the padding pressure is maximum (2 bar) and STF concen- Fig. 9. Impact energy absorption by 465 g/m2 fabrics.
tration is also maximum (60%). In the preceding part, it was found

Table 4
Impact energy absorbed by Kevlar fabrics.

Padding pressure (bar) Silica concentration (%) 200 g/m2 fabrics 465 g/m2 fabrics

Impact energy (J) % Increase Impact energy (J) % Increase

Untreated – 25.3 – 41.4 –

0.5 40 30.9 21.9 114.4 176.6
50 35.7 40.9 114.4 176.7
60 40.4 59.4 119.2 188.3
1.0 40 32.8 29.6 87.8 112.2
50 44.3 74.8 115.7 179.8
60 44.6 76.0 123.2 197.8
2.0 40 35.0 38.0 104.5 152.7
50 48.8 92.8 122.2 195.5
60 51.6 103.6 129.3 212.8
1.0 PVA (4%) 32.5 28.3 60.7 46.7
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that the maximum weight add-on% and the maximum yarn pull- However, yarn pull-out force results do not agree well with the
out force were achieved when padding pressure was minimum impact energy absorption results as the maximum value of the
(0.5 bar) and STF concentration maximum (60%). Therefore, it can latter is achieved at maximum padding pressure (2 bar) and max-
be inferred that higher add-on% and higher yarn pull-out force do imum STF concentration (60%). This indicates that increased yarn
not necessarily ensure better impact performance. One of the pos- to yarn friction, represented by higher yarn pull-out force, is only
sible causes of such observation may be that increase in padding partially responsible for the improved energy absorption of STF
pressure forces the silica particles deeper into the yarn structure treated Kevlar fabrics. Although higher padding pressure reduces
and results in better distribution on individual yarns and filaments. the weight add-on%, it ensures better penetration and uniform
Therefore, in spite of having lower add-on% at higher pressure, bet- distribution of the STF within the yarn structure. Therefore, it is
ter impact performance is attained due to more uniform application possible to develop STF treated Kevlar fabrics which is light-weight
of STF. yet better from impact resistance viewpoint.
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