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雪兰莪州 蒲种 竞智国民型华文学校 BBC 8422 SULIT 密件

English Language Evaluation (1/ 2018)

Name : ___________________________ Date: 8th May 2018 (Tuesday)

Class : 4 ( ) No: ( ) Time: 08.00 a.m. – 09.15 a.m.

Marks : ____________ Parent’s Signature: _______________

Section A

[20 marks]

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. The boys were early __________ the girls were late.

A. because C. or

B. and D. but

2. Nancy bought an __________ and a few __________ from the market.

A. apple, orange C. apple, oranges

B. apples, orange D. apples, oranges

3. This pair of earrings belong to my mother. They are __________ .

A. hers C. his

B. mine D. yours

4. Paul has spent all his money, ________ he had to sell his house.
A. and C. so
B. because D. but

5. Jia Chen __________ the sandwiches just now.

A. eat C. eats
B. ate D. eaten

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雪兰莪州 蒲种 竞智国民型华文学校 BBC 8422 SULIT 密件

Choose the most suitable proverb.

6. I always drive with my seat belt on not just because it is the law but also because it is
____________________ .
A. an apple a day keeps the doctor away
B. honesty is the best policy
C. better safe than sorry
D. time and tide wait for no man

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Last Sunday was Sarah 9th Birthday. All the other classmates in the class___(7)___ to celebrate her
birthday. They gave a lot of presents and Sarah put those presents ___(8)___ the floor. Everyone were very
happy ___(9)___ Sarah’s mother prepared lots of food for them.

7. A. come
B. comes
C. coming
D. came
8. A. on
B. in
C. behind
D. under
9. A. but
B. and
C. so
D. because

Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word.

10. The man donates money to the orphans although he is very poor.
A. kind hearted
B. rich
C. good
D. happy

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雪兰莪州 蒲种 竞智国民型华文学校 BBC 8422 SULIT 密件

Choose the sentence with correct punctuation.

11. A. The headmasters office is on the first floor.

B. The headmaster’s office is on the first floor

C. The headmaster’s office is on the first floor.

D. The Headmaster’s office is on the first floor.

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

My father works in a famous restaurant. He is also a famous ____12____. Last weekend, he was in the
“Cook it Right” ____13____. They were cooking outdoor in a park. The host was a beautiful lady. She
interviewed and helped my father while he was frying a fish. She was standing ____14____ my father and
was holding a bowl of diced tomatoes. Many people at the park ____15____ watching them.

12. A. chef B. actor C. doctor D. producer

13. A. plan B. show C. parade D. schedule

14. A. behind B. above C. below D. beside

15. A. were B. are C. was D. is

Question 16 to 20
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雪兰莪州 蒲种 竞智国民型华文学校 BBC 8422 SULIT 密件
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Dear John and Mary,
I need your advice. Every day on my way to school, I see a woman on the street. She always asks for
money. She looks like a homeless person. I pity her. Should I give money to people on the street? I do not know
what to do.

Dear Confused,
I feel sorry for people who ask for money on the street. Some people want to work but cannot find a job.
Besides, many people are homeless because they have no family to help them. They often feel cold and hungry
staying outside on the street. I consider each situation and decide what to do. Sometimes, I give a little money or
some food.

Dear Confused,
You should not give money to people on the street for two reasons. First, everyone has to earn money.
The woman should get a job. Why should you give your money to her? Are you rich?
Second, you do not know how she will spend the money you give her. She may spend it on unhealthy
things. Instead, donate your money to an organization that helps the poor.

16. Why is Confused writing to the advice column?

A. She wants to find a suitable job.
B. She needs advice on how to help a homeless person.
C. She does not know what to do with her money.
D. She is asking for donation.
17. How does Mary help the poor?
A. She buys them food. C. She gives them advice
B. She finds them work to do. D. She gives them money or food.

18. The word You in the advice column refers to ______.

A. John C. Mary

B. ‘Confused’ D. the homeless woman

19. The following are reasons John gave against giving money to people at the street except ___.
A. the people are actually rich C. there are other ways to help the poor
B. people have to work to earn money D. people may waste the money
20. From the advice column, we know that ________ .

A. Mary and John are siblings C. ‘Confused’ is probably a student

B. John likes to gives money to the poor D. the homeless woman has a child
Section B

[30 marks]
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雪兰莪州 蒲种 竞智国民型华文学校 BBC 8422 SULIT 密件
Question 21

Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in full sentences. Write your answer in the spaces

(a) Answer :



[2 marks]

(b) Answer :



[2 marks]

(c) Answer :



[2 marks]

Question 22

Read the text carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Tawau - English Paper 1/from

A fisherman YearKampung
4 (1/2018) Gambir drowned at sea while fishing on Wednesday. The strong
wind had overturned the sampan used by Azizul, 35, while he was in the middle of the sea. His friend,
Khaizuran, 38, who accompanied him in another sampan, tried to rescue him. However, he lost the
opportunity to save him as the currents were too strong for Khaizuran to help Azizul.
雪兰莪州 蒲种 竞智国民型华文学校 BBC 8422 SULIT 密件

Tick ( √ ) the correct answer.

(a) According to the news report, Azizul …

drowned at sea.
could not save his friend.
was hurt while out fishing.
[1 mark]

(b) Whose boat was overturned by strong winds?

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雪兰莪州 蒲种 竞智国民型华文学校 BBC 8422 SULIT 密件
Khaizuran’s boat

Azizul’s boat

Khalis’s boat
[1 mark]

Write your answer in the spaces provided.

(c) Why Khaizuran lost the opportunity to save Azizul when the incident happened?




[2 marks]

(d) Why the fishermen in Kampung Gambir should not go fishing in the next few days?




[2 marks]

(e) You would like to help Azizul’s wife and son. List two things you would like to donate to them.

(i) ______________________________________________________________

(ii) ______________________________________________________________

[2 marks]

Question 23

Read the following television programme. Then, answer the questions that follow.

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雪兰莪州 蒲种 竞智国民型华文学校 BBC 8422 SULIT 密件

Tick ( √ ) the correct answer.

(a) If Wahab decided to watch ‘In the wild – Australian Safari’ programme, he would probably see…

A penguin
A kangaroo
A polar bear
[1 mark]

(b) What show was before the news?

Asia’s Next Top Model

F1 Racing - Malaysian Grand Pix
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雪兰莪州 蒲种 竞智国民型华文学校 BBC 8422 SULIT 密件
The Art of Cooking
[1 mark]

(c) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B. An example is given below.

List A List B

To enjoy movies, watch channel 12 watch ‘Martha Stewart’s Deco’.

If you switch on Channel 12 at 6 p.m., you twice a day.


If you want to beautify your home, you watch ‘F1 Racing – Malaysian Grand

Channel 12 viewers can watch news on Saturdays at 4 p.m.

[2 marks]

Write your answers in the spaces provided.

(d) Mrs Maniam likes to cook. Which show will she most probably watch? Why?



[2 marks]

(e) In your opinion, what is the show ‘Top Ten Movies’ about?




[2 marks]

Question 24

Study the map and read the dialogue below. Answer the questions that follow.

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雪兰莪州 蒲种 竞智国民型华文学校 BBC 8422 SULIT 密件

Jing Yee : Hello, Nicole. I am in front of Western Shopping Mall. Can you tell me the way to your
house, please?
Nicole : Hello, Jing Yee. Just go straight until you reach the traffic lights. Then, turn left.
Jing Yee : All right. What do I do after that?
Nicole : Walk straight along the road. On your right, you will see an apartment block. It is between a
library and a police station.
Jing Yee : Yes, I see it. There’s also a bus stop in front of the library, isn’t it?
Nicole : Yes, that’s right. Walk straight until you reach the traffic lights. Then, turn right. You’ll see a
Jing Yee : Okay, what do I do after that?
Nicole : Go over the bridge and turn left. My house is the fifth one on your right.

Tick (√) the correct answer.

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雪兰莪州 蒲种 竞智国民型华文学校 BBC 8422 SULIT 密件

(a) How many times will Jing Yee see the traffic lights before she reaches Nicole’s house?

One time
Two times
Three times
[1 mark]

(b) “Yes, I see it.”

The word it in the dialogue refers to the …

apartment block.
police station.
[1 mark]

Question 25

Write your answers in the spaces provided.

(a) “There’s also a bus stop in front of the library, isn’t it?”

Why do you think Jing Yee said that?




[2 marks]

(b) Nicole’s house was broken into by a thief last night. What should she do?

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雪兰莪州 蒲种 竞智国民型华文学校 BBC 8422 SULIT 密件



[2 marks]

(c) Why do you think a bus stop was built near the library?




[2 marks]

1D 2C 3A 4C 5B

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雪兰莪州 蒲种 竞智国民型华文学校 BBC 8422 SULIT 密件
6C 7D 8A 9D 10 B

11 C 12 A 13 B 14 D 15 A

16 B 17 D 18 B 19 A 20 C

21 (a) You are welcome. (Accept any suitable answers)

(b) What’s your father’s occupation? (Accept any suitable answers)

(c) Walk past the coconut trees and you will see it. (Accept any suitable answers)

22 (a) drowned at sea

(b) Azizul’s boat

(c) Khaizuran lost the opportunity to save Azizul as the currents were too strong for khaizuran to help Azizul.

(Accept any suitable answers)

(d) They shouldn’t go fishing in the next few days because the weather is unpredictable, so it may be dangerous
for them. They may drown at sea in rough waters.

(Accept any suitable answers)

(e) (i) Food (Accept any suitable answers)
(ii) Clothing (Accept any suitable answers)

23 (a) A kangaroo
(b) The Art of Cooking
English Paper 1/ Year 4 (1/2018) 13 | P a g e
雪兰莪州 蒲种 竞智国民型华文学校 BBC 8422 SULIT 密件
List A List B
To enjoy movies, watch channel watch ‘Martha Stewart’s Deco’.
If you switch on Channel 12 at 6 twice a day.
p.m., you will
If you want to beautify your watch ‘F1 Racing – Malaysian
home, you can Grand Pix
Channel 12 viewers can watch on Saturdays at 4 p.m.

(d) Mrs Maniam will watch ‘The Art of Cooking’ because it is a show about cooking and the
skills involved in it.
(Accept any suitable answers)
(e) ‘Top Ten Movies’ is most probably a show that gives updates on the latest movies.
(Accept any suitable answers)

24 (a) two times

(b) apartment block
25 (a) I think Jing Yee want to reconfirm the place that Nicole mentioned is the apartment block.
(Accept any suitable answers)
(b) She should go to the police station next to the apartment block and report the incident to the
(Accept any suitable answers)
(c) It was built near the library so that people can go to the library conveniently.
(Accept any suitable answers)

English Paper 1/ Year 4 (1/2018) 14 | P a g e

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