The Promise of N Acetylcysteine in Neuropsychiatry

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The promise of N-acetylcysteine in

Michael Berk1,2,3,4, Gin S. Malhi5,6, Laura J. Gray1, and Olivia M. Dean1,2,4
School of Medicine, Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria, Australia
Department of Psychiatry, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia
Orygen Research Centre, Parkville, Victoria, Australia
The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Victoria, Australia
Discipline of Psychiatry, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
CADE Clinic, Department of Psychiatry, Level 5 Building 36, Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards, 2065, Australia

N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) targets a diverse array of factors with the pathophysiology of a diverse range of neuropsy-
germane to the pathophysiology of multiple neuropsy- chiatric disorders, including autism, addiction, depression,
chiatric disorders including glutamatergic transmission, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and Alzheimer’s and Par-
the antioxidant glutathione, neurotrophins, apoptosis, kinson’s diseases [3]. Determining precisely how NAC
mitochondrial function, and inflammatory pathways. works is crucial both to understanding the core biology
This review summarises the areas where the mecha- of these illnesses, and to opening the door to other adjunc-
nisms of action of NAC overlap with known pathophysi- tive therapies operating on these pathways. The current
ological elements, and offers a précis of current literature article will initially review the possible mechanisms of
regarding the use of NAC in disorders including cocaine, action of NAC, and then critically appraise the evidence
cannabis, and smoking addictions, Alzheimer’s and Par- that suggests it has efficacy in the treatment of neuropsy-
kinson’s diseases, autism, compulsive and grooming chiatric disorders.
disorders, schizophrenia, depression, and bipolar disor-
der. There are positive trials of NAC in all these disorders, NAC biochemistry
and although many of these require replication and are NAC is the N-acetyl derivative of the amino acid L-cysteine
methodologically preliminary, this makes it one of the and is rapidly absorbed following an oral dose [4]. L-Cyste-
most promising drug candidates in neuropsychiatric ine is rapidly oxidised to cystine in the prooxidant milieu of
disorders. The efficacy pattern of NAC interestingly the brain. Cystine is the substrate of the cystine–gluta-
shows little respect for the current diagnostic systems. mate antiporter, which shuttles glutamate out of the cell in
Its benign tolerability profile, its action on multiple op- exchange for cystine, thereby regulating extracellular glu-
erative pathways, and the emergence of positive trial tamate levels and facilitating cysteine entry to the cell [5].
data make it an important target to investigate. Inside the cell, cystine can be reduced to cysteine, which is
the rate-limiting component of the key endogenous antiox-
Overview idant molecule glutathione (GSH) [6]. The capacity for
NAC has been in use for over 30 years as an antidote in the NAC to regulate both cystine–glutamate antiporter activi-
treatment of paracetamol overdose, as a mucolytic for ty and biosynthesis of GSH is key to its therapeutic efficacy
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), as a renal (Figure 1).
protectant in contrast-induced nephropathy, and as thera-
peutic agent in the management of HIV [1]. A groundswell Effects on neurotransmission
of recent evidence suggests that NAC may also have ther- Glutamate
apeutic benefits in multiple neuropsychiatric disorders. NAC modulates several key neurotransmitter systems
The principal victories in biological psychiatry have that are known to be involved in a range of psychopatholo-
arisen from the quest to reverse engineer serendipitous gy, including glutamate and dopamine [7]. Regulation of
clinical findings. Exploring the biological effects of tricyc- glutamate synthesis, release, synaptic levels, and recycling
lics, antipsychotics, and lithium have, respectively, led to is tightly controlled, and dysfunction of this system is
elucidating the role of monoamines in depression, dopa- implicated in many neuropsychiatric disorders including
mine in schizophrenia, and second messenger systems in schizophrenia [8] and addiction [9]. Excessive activation of
bipolar disorder [2]. In a similar vein, NAC provides a dual the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptor is
opportunity, first as a novel therapy, and second as a key to central to the excitotoxic damage associated with many
unlocking the pathophysiology of targeted disorders. It is forms of neuronal damage and degeneration [10]. The
noteworthy that the mechanisms of action of NAC overlap cystine/glutamate antiporter, or x(c)-system, is a key ele-
ment in the control of extracellular glutamate and feed-
Corresponding author: Berk, M. ( back regulation of glutamate release [11]. Predominantly
Keywords: neurodegeneration; glutathione; glutamate; schizophrenia; bipolar dis-
order; Alzheimer’s; Parkinson’s; mania; psychosis; anxiety; addiction; obsessive–
expressed in astrocytes in the brain, activity of this trans-
compulsive disorder; depression; autism; cannabis; trichotillomania. porter is the primary determinant of non-vesicular release
0165-6147/$ – see front matter ß 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, March 2013, Vol. 34, No. 3 167
Review Trends in Pharmacological Sciences March 2013, Vol. 34, No. 3

Processes Target
Presynapc neurons

Glial cell
Glu Cys Gly

DA Glu

Glu Cys Transmier

metabolism receptor receptor


GSH Ca2+ Redox


Oxidave stress Cell damage Nitrosave stress


receptor Neurogenesis
e.g., BDNF
Mitochondrial dysfuncon
Altered Ca2+ dynamics Ca2+
Mitochondrial toxicity ROS
Neurogenesis Mitochondrial
NAC Bcl-2

Altered DA/Glu system

TNF-α IL-6

Cytokines IL-6 Inflammatory

Oxidave stress Nitrosave stress
dysfuncon Cell damage

TRENDS in Pharmacological Sciences

Figure 1. Pathophysiological targets of N-acetylcysteine (NAC). Transmitter effects: glutathione (GSH) is synthesized from three peptides: glutamate (Glu), cysteine (Cys),
and glycine (Gly). Oral administration of NAC increases availability of Cys, which in turn facilitates the Cys–Glu antiporter and the production of glutathione (GSH) in glial
cells. Heightened activity of the Cys–Glu antiporter also leads to increased extracellular glutamate which then acts on 2-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate
(AMPA) and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. In addition, NAC facilitates the release of dopamine (DA). Redox modulation: GSH is the main antioxidant in the brain
and scavenges reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitrous oxide (NO), both of which are intracellular toxic byproducts of dysfunctional DA metabolism and Glu
neurotransmission, respectively. Therefore, NAC induced increased GSH availability, lessens oxidative and nitrosative stressors in the brain, and this decreases cellular
damage. Neurogenesis: administration of NAC has been shown to promote neurogenesis both directly, by increasing neuroprotective proteins, such as brain derived
neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and indirectly by reducing apoptosis through an increase of antiapoptotic proteins, such as B cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2). Mitochondrial
dysfunction: NAC corrects mitochondrial dysfunction by modifying calcium (Ca+) dynamics within the mitochondria, and by decreasing intracellular Ca+. NAC also reverses
mitochondrial toxicity which in turn decreases the ROS produced by dysfunctional mitochondrial metabolism. Additionally, NAC scavenges ROS which overall inhibits
apoptotic pathways. Inflammatory response: alterations to neurotransmission activate inflammatory pathways that can ultimately lead to cellular stress and mitochondrial
dysfunction. NAC dampens the inflammatory response by decreasing the production of cytokines such as tumour necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) and interleukin-6 (IL-6).

of glutamate. The extracellular glutamate activates meta- thought to show beneficial effects in psychotomimetic-in-
botropic glutamate receptors (mGluR2/3) on presynaptic duced models of schizophrenia, ameliorating behavioural
neurons and regulates vesicular glutamate neurotrans- deficits and reversing elevations of extracellular glutamate
mission [11]. NAC administration can activate the cys- [12]. NAC also shows beneficial effects in animal models of
tine/glutamate antiporter through provision of additional cocaine addiction, suggested to be through stimulation of
cystine, thus modulating glutamatergic neurotransmis- cystine/glutamate antiporter and presynaptic mGluR2/3
sion. Through regulation of this system NAC has been signalling [8,13].
Review Trends in Pharmacological Sciences March 2013, Vol. 34, No. 3

In addition to regulation of glutamate release, NAC, via intracellular signalling systems, and receptors (beyond the
GSH or its derivatives, has the capacity to modulate scope of this review, but discussed in [26]). One example of
NMDA activity [14–16]. Earlier studies suggested that this is the redox regulation of the NMDA receptor, as
his was through direct binding of the NMDA receptor discussed above. Thus, even moderate perturbations of
but more recent reports focus on modulation of redox state the redox balance can alter neuronal function, even in
by GSH. The NMDA receptor, along with many other the absence of overt toxicity and neuronal damage.
cellular proteins, is regulated by subtoxic levels of oxidant Evidence for disrupted oxidative signalling in psychiat-
species. Elevated levels of oxidising agents reduce the ric disorders is compelling. Alterations in multiple bio-
activity of the NMDA receptor via binding to extracellular markers of oxidative stress, including enzymes involved
redox-sensitive sites and depletion of GSH has recapitu- in the production or clearance of free radical species, have
lated this effect [17]. been observed in attention deficit hyperactivity, bipolar
Taken together, these results provide clear evidence disorder, autism, depression, and schizophrenia [27–29].
that NAC modulates glutamatergic neurotransmission Markers of oxidative damage to neurons have also been
both directly and indirectly. Given the central role of observed in postmortem samples in several psychiatric
glutamate signalling in multiple neuropsychiatric disor- diseases [30–32]. Mitochondria are a major source of free
ders it is likely to be that this activity of NAC is a key radicals in the brain as a byproduct of energy production,
component of its therapeutic effect. and dysfunction of mitochondrial function can significantly
elevate oxidative stress. Alterations in mitochondrial func-
Dopamine tion are observed in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, in
Given that dopamine has historically played a lead role in particular [33–35]. Interestingly, genetically mediated mi-
theories underpinning the pathology of many neuropsychi- tochondrial disorders are also associated with elevated
atric disorders (e.g., schizophrenia and Parkinson’s dis- incidences of psychiatric disorders, particularly mood dis-
ease), the ability of NAC to modulate dopamine is orders and psychosis [36].
noteworthy. NAC regulation of the cystine/glutamate anti- The major endogenous antioxidant molecule in the
porter and mGluR2/3 as described above can also regulate brain is GSH, which is key to the mechanism of action
dopamine release from presynaptic terminals [11]. NAC of NAC. GSH reduction is ironically one of the oldest
may also regulate dopamine release via modulation of the biomarkers in psychiatry, known for three-quarters of a
redox status of the cell, via the antioxidant effects of GSH century, and noted in studies of depression, schizophrenia,
and L-cysteine [18,19] (Figure 1). Dopamine itself is strong- and bipolar disorder [37–46]. GSH is a very efficient redox
ly prooxidant, forming hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and free scavenger, carrying a free thiol group which can interact
radicals through autooxidation and normal metabolism, directly with reactive oxygen/nitrogen species and can
and hence dysregulation of dopamine signalling is thought maintain the oxidative status of key cellular enzymes.
to be a major contributor to neurotoxicity [20]. Metham- The cycle of GSH and the reduced species glutathione
phetamine evokes strong dopamine release and drives disulphide (GSSG) is a critical mechanism for regulation
neuronal apoptosis. NAC ameliorates the oxidative stress of cellular oxidative balance.
induced by methamphetamine production and prevents Mice deficient in the rate-limiting enzyme for GSH
the downregulation of the dopamine transporter elicited synthesis show a range of behavioural symptoms reminis-
by excessive dopamine release [21,22]. These results not cent of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, including a
only highlight the therapeutic effects of NAC but also heightened response to psychotomimetics. Treatment with
demonstrate the importance of cystine/glutamate trans- NAC reverses some of these deficits [47,48]. Similarly,
port and GSH regulation of oxidative stress in dopaminer- experimental GSH depletion in the brain induces spatial
gic signalling [23]. memory deficits which are reversed by NAC [49]. GSH
levels are efficiently restored by NAC [50], which acts as a
Role in oxidative homeostasis donor of cysteine, the rate-limiting component of GSH
The brain is acutely sensitive to changes in redox status. synthesis. NAC is also effective in reversing the oxidative
The high metabolic activity of this organ is a persistent stress associated with mitochondrial dysfunction [51,52].
source of oxidative species, as utilisation of O2 by energy- NAC also contributes to the maintenance of oxidative
generating mitochondria constantly generates oxygen free balance through the actions of the cysteine/cystine cycle.
radicals [24,25]. Neurotransmitter activity also generates Similarly to GSH and GSSG, cysteine and cystine are
free radicals, with autooxidation of dopamine and excito- coupled redox partners which help to prevent oxidative
toxicity related to glutamatergic signalling being impor- cellular dysfunction and injury [53–55]. Hence, the actions
tant sources of oxidative stress [10,20]. Neurons rely on the of NAC are multifold and inter-related, with the produc-
integrity of extensive axonal membranes for efficient in- tion of GSH, the cysteine/cystine cycle, and the action of the
formation signalling, and these membranes, high in poly- glutamate/cystine antiporter contributing to maintenance
unsaturated fatty acids, are vulnerable to free radical of oxidative balance and cellular function.
damage. Compounding these factors, the levels of endoge-
nous antioxidants in the brain are low relative to other Interaction with inflammatory mediators
highly metabolically active organs. At the far end of the Another potential therapeutic avenue for NAC stems from
spectrum, excessive oxidative stress can lead to neurotox- its anti-inflammatory properties. Dysregulation of inflam-
icity and cell death, but redox systems also play an impor- matory pathways and cytokine levels in both the periphery
tant regulatory role in the modulation of enzyme activity, and the central nervous system (CNS) are associated with
Review Trends in Pharmacological Sciences March 2013, Vol. 34, No. 3

psychiatric disorders, and in particular depression. Sever- addiction [79–84], suggesting a further pathway whereby
al meta-analyses have demonstrated dysregulated produc- NAC may offer an alternate rational approach via promo-
tion of inflammatory cytokines in depressed patients [56– tion of GSH synthesis. In addition to the disorders listed
58]. Patients treated with the cytokines interleukin-2 (IL- below, NAC is also being investigated as an adjunctive
2) and interferon-a for other somatic conditions report a treatment for alcohol dependence (
significantly higher incidence of depressive symptoms [59– NCT01214083), and a pilot randomised controlled trial
61]. Dysregulated inflammatory pathways are thought to (RCT) of NAC in combination with naltrexone has been
alter the production of neurotransmitters and key neuro- conducted for the treatment of methamphetamine depen-
trophic factors in the CNS and contribute to the patho- dence, with a negative outcome [85].
physiology of depression [62,63].
NAC has been shown to reduce IL-6 levels in haemo- Cannabis dependence. An open-label study of NAC
dialysis patients [64] and tumour necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) (1200 mg BD) was conducted in 24 dependent cannabis
and IL-1b in patients undergoing surgery [65]. NAC also users [86]. After NAC treatment, users reported reductions
suppresses production of multiple inflammatory cytokines in days per week of use, ‘number of hits’, and compulsivity,
in burn patients [66]. In rat models of both traumatic brain emotionality, and purposefulness with cannabis use. Inter-
injury and focal cerebral ischemia, increased TNF-a and estingly, objective urine cannabinoid measures did not sig-
IL-1b levels were reduced following NAC administration nificantly change with treatment and remained higher than
[67,68]. the test’s detection range [86]. However, a recent 8-week
Administration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a bacterial double-blind RCT (n = 116) investigated treatment with
endotoxin, induces widespread inflammation and depres- NAC (1200 mg BD) versus placebo for cannabis cessation
sive-like symptoms in animal models [69]. However, NAC in adolescents and found that during treatment, those
pretreatment prevents the upregulation of inflammatory receiving NAC had more than twice the odds of having
cytokines in the brain in response to LPS [70]. Further- negative urine cannabinoid test results than placebo, sup-
more, sensitisation to hypoxic brain injury by LPS and porting its efficacy as a primary cessation therapy although
markers of cerebral inflammation are prevented by NAC in an intent-to-treat analysis [87]. Studies are continuing to
treatment [71]. The capacity for NAC to reduce neuroin- explore the potential of NAC in cannabis dependence (Clin-
flammation may be through inhibition of the brain inflam- NCT01005810, NCT01439828).
matory cells, the microglia. Microglia are brain
macrophage-like cells which can be activated by cytokines Nicotine addiction. NAC has also been studied in nicotine
and in turn produce inflammatory mediators, induce oxi- addiction because of its potential to restore glutamate
dative stress, and promote neurotoxicity [72,73]. NAC can homeostasis and modulate redox balance. In a placebo-
inhibit activation, cytokine production, and oxidative spe- controlled study of NAC (2400 mg/day) for tobacco cessa-
cies production by macrophages and microglia [74]. This tion (n = 29), there was no significant difference in the
effect is likely to be through both stimulation of GSH number of cigarettes smoked or carbon monoxide levels
production and regulation of cystine/glutamate antipor- between NAC and placebo groups. However, post hoc
ters, regulating oxidative stress and glutamate excitotoxi- analysis revealed trends towards decreased number of
city [75]. cigarettes smoked in the NAC group after the removal of
two outliers based on alcohol consumption, but this too did
Use in psychiatry not correspond with decreased carbon monoxide levels [84].
There is a growing body of literature of potential benefit of In another small-scale 6-month placebo-controlled study of
NAC in a wide range of neuropsychiatric disorders. These NAC (1200 mg/day), the detrimental biophysical aspects of
are discussed briefly below and highlighted in Table 1. smoking were examined (participants were instructed to
continue their cigarette use). In the NAC group, there were
Addiction decreases between baseline and endpoint in markers of
The majority of the clinical studies investigating addiction DNA damage, compared with the placebo group, indicating
have based their rationale for using NAC on the extant a decrease in oxidative stress processes associated with
literature implicating glutamatergic abnormalities in ad- addiction [88].
diction [76]. Glutamatergic dysfunction has been consid- A recent pilot double-blind study investigated the
ered a central tenet of addictive disorders since the effects of a larger daily dose of NAC (3600 mg) on short-
demonstration that blockade of NMDA glutamatergic term abstinence in heavy smokers. Participants received
receptors inhibits sensitisation [77], and glutamate is NAC (n = 10) or placebo (n = 12) over 3.5 days. Those
now thought to additionally regulate dopaminergic activity participants receiving NAC rated the first cigarette after
in the ventral tegmental reward area. The ability of NAC to abstinence as significantly less rewarding than those on
regulate glutamate availability via the activity of the placebo; however, there was no significant effect of NAC on
cystine/glutamate antiporter highlights the potential ther- craving [78]. There are small active-placebo gaps in this
apeutic efficacy of this drug in treating addictive disorders. genre of research, and because a relatively small number
In an open-label crossover imaging study of cocaine-depen- of individuals stop smoking in these cessation trials, sam-
dent patients NAC normalised elevated levels of gluta- ple sizes in the hundreds are usually needed to demon-
mate, as measured by brain imaging [78]. strate efficacy. Further studies that address these
However, there is now data from both clinical studies limitations (see NCT00967005) are
and animal models suggesting a role of oxidative stress in being conducted.
Table 1. Clinical trials of NAC in neuropsychiatric disorders
Disorder Trial type Dose of NAC Duration of trial Number of participants Clinical outcome Biomarkers Refs
Methamphetamine Placebo-controlled 600–2400 mg/day 8 weeks NAC + naltrexone = 14 No effect on cravings [85]
dependence RCT (NAC + (NAC) + 50–200 mg/ Placebo = 17 or drug use
naltrexone) day (naltrexone)
Cannabis Open-label 1200 mg BD 4 weeks 24 Reduced use and No change in urine [86]
dependence craving cannabinoid levels
Double-blind 1200 mg BD 8 weeks NAC = 58 Twofold increase in [87]
RCT Placebo = 58 likelihood of a negative
urine cannabinoid test
Nicotine Placebo-controlled 2400 mg/day 4 weeks NAC = 15 No change in number No change in carbon [84]
addiction RCT Placebo = 14 of cigarettes smoked monoxide levels
Placebo-controlled 1200 mg/day 6 months NAC = 20 Decrease in some [88]
RCT Placebo = 21 markers of oxidative
Pilot double-blind 3600 mg/day 3 days NAC = 10 Reduced rewarding [78]
RCT Placebo = 12 stimulus after short-
term abstinence,
no effect on craving
Cocaine Placebo-controlled 2400 mg 2 days 13 Reduced withdrawal [89]
addiction crossover study symptoms and craving
Double-blind 2400 mg 3 days 13 Reduced cue reactivity [90]
placebo-controlled to cocaine-related stimuli
crossover study
Open-label trial 1200, 1800, or 4 weeks 23 Nonsignificant reductions [91]
3600 mg/day in use
Open-label Single dose 10 Normalised glutamate [78]
crossover trial levels
Pathological Open-label study 1800 mg 8 weeks, 6 weeks 27, 16 responders Reduced gambling [92]

Trends in Pharmacological Sciences March 2013, Vol. 34, No. 3

gambling followed by placebo- symptoms
controlled RCT
Obsessive– Case report in 300 mg daily 6 weeks 1 Reduced symptoms [98]
compulsive treatment-resistant
disorder patient
Trichotillomania, Two case reports 1800 mg 2 Reduced symptoms [101]
skin picking Double-blind 1200 mg for 6 weeks, 12 weeks 50 Reduced symptoms [102]
placebo-controlled followed by 2400 mg
for 6 weeks
Case report 1800 mg/day 1 Reduced symptoms [101]
Schizophrenia Double-blind 1000 mg BID 6 months 140 Reduced negative [45]
placebo-controlled trial adjunctive symptoms
Case report in 600 mg/day Improved symptoms [108]
treatment resistance
Bipolar disorder Double-blind placebo- 1000 mg BID 6 months 75 Decreased depression [109]
controlled RCT rating scores and
improvements on
global functioning scale
Open-label trial 1000 mg BID 8 weeks 149 Decreased depression [121]
rating scores and
improvements on global
functioning scale
Review Trends in Pharmacological Sciences March 2013, Vol. 34, No. 3



Cocaine addiction. Perhaps the most active area of study


in addiction using NAC is cocaine addiction. In a 2-day
crossover study (n = 13), participants who were abstaining

No change in peripheral
from cocaine were given 2400 mg NAC or placebo. Four

measures of oxidative
days later, participants were crossed over to alternative
treatment arms. Although there was no between-group
difference, the NAC within-group comparison identified

a significant reduction in cravings, withdrawal symptoms,

and self-reported use compared with baseline, a pattern

not mirrored by the placebo group [89]. In a subsequent
study, a similar sample was treated with 2400 mg of NAC.
Using cue-reactivity slides (a paradigm assessing the pro-
pensity for people with addictions to have significant
physiological and subjective reactions to drug-related sti-
irritability, repetitive

muli), NAC decreased the amount of time spent looking at

Improved cognitive

Improved cognitive

Improved cognitive
Improvements in
Clinical outcome

the cocaine-related slides, indicating a reduced interest

behaviours, and

and desire for cocaine [90]. In a subsequent larger open-




label trial of NAC over 4 weeks, eight participants were

given 1200 mg/day of NAC, a further nine participants
were treated with 1800 mg/day, and six participants re-
ceived 3600 mg/day [91]. Nonsignificant reductions in the
number of days of use, the amount spent on cocaine, and
Number of participants

improvements on the Cocaine Selective Severity Assess-

ment were noted. In an open-label crossover study of ten
cocaine dependant individuals, after a single administra-
Placebo = 20

tion of NAC, magnetic resonance spectroscopy was con-

ducted. In the cocaine-dependent group, glutamate levels
NAC = 23

were discernibly reduced, and there was a trend towards

decreased self-reported cocaine use and glutamate/crea-


tine ratios in the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex [78].

Duration of trial

Pathological gambling. In an 8-week, open-label study of

20 confirmed pathological gamblers, Grant et al. utilised
6 months

9 months

1800 mg (titrated dose) of NAC and found 16 completers

12 weeks

had significant reductions in gambling behaviour [92]. A

1 year

randomised trial of 13 responders was conducted over the

subsequent 6 weeks using a fixed dose of 1800 mg/kg NAC
or placebo. At the end of the treatment phase, only 28% of
NAC in combination

NAC in combination

the placebo group were still considered responders, com-

pared with 83% of the NAC group [92]. Further studies

2700 mg daily
900 mg up to

50 mg/kg/day

are currently being conducted to explore the potential of

Dose of NAC

with other

with other

NAC as a therapy for gambling (


Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) and other

compulsive disorders
Placebo-controlled trial

The biochemical pathways and brain regions implicated in

Double-blind placebo-

Double-blind placebo-

addiction and the OCD spectrum of disorders overlap

considerably [93,94]. Oxidative stress has been reported
Open-label trial
controlled RCT

controlled RCT

in OCD and is reflected by decreased antioxidant levels

Trial type

[95], increased lipid peroxidation [96], and overall altered

oxidative status [27] that are associated with the severity
of symptoms [95]. In addition, there is evidence of gluta-
matergic abnormalities in OCD [97].
Table 1 (Continued )

With respect to treatment however, there is currently a

single case report of the use of adjunctive NAC 3000 mg
daily in a person with partial response to selective seroto-

nin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) treatment for refractory


OCD, a disorder known to have low placebo response rates.


Scores on both the Yale–Brown Obsessive Compulsive

Scale and the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale improved,
Review Trends in Pharmacological Sciences March 2013, Vol. 34, No. 3

and were associated with improvements in compulsive In a blinded qualitative analysis of clinician observa-
washing and obsessional triggers [98]. Randomised tions and participant reports in this trial, participants
controlled trials are underway ( treated with NAC showed more improvements in insight,
NCT01555970, NCT01172275). social interaction, motivation, self-care, psychomotor sta-
Trichotillomania (obsessive pulling of one’s hair; TTM) bility, volition, and stabilisation of mood [107]. Finally,
is thought to exist on a continuum with OCD [99]. There is there is a case report of the use of NAC 600 mg/day in a
also a hypothesised overlap between TTM and addictive young female with treatment-resistant schizophrenia,
disorders, given the shared role of impulsivity and dys- which suggested significant improvements in symptoms
functional reward pathways [100]. There are two reported [108]. Other studies of NAC in schizophrenia are underway
case studies that have suggested benefits of NAC in TTM ( NCT01354132, NCT01339858).
[101], where a titrated dose of 1800 mg of NAC reduced
hair pulling. Bipolar disorder and unipolar depression
There has been one double-blind, placebo-controlled Alterations in pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, oxi-
trial of adjunctive NAC for the treatment of TTM, in dative biology, mitochondrial function, glutamate, inflam-
which 50 individuals were treated with 1200 mg of mation, and neurotrophins have been described in bipolar
NAC for 6 weeks, followed by 6 weeks of treatment with disorder, dovetailing the known pharmacokinetic proper-
2400 mg of NAC (or placebo). There was a greater im- ties of NAC [3]. A 6-month double-blind, RCT of NAC
provement in the NAC group than the placebo group, 1000 mg BID in addition to treatment as usual was con-
separating at week 9 and persisting throughout the study ducted in 75 participants with bipolar disorder [109].
[102]. There is a case report of cessation of nail biting with Scores on both the Montgomery–Asberg Depression Rating
NAC in a person with both TTM and nail biting beha- Scale (MADRS) and the Bipolar Depression Rating Scale
viours, in which symptoms recurred upon discontinuation (BDRS) evidenced large decreases in symptoms of depres-
but remitted once again on recommencement of NAC sion between NAC and placebo groups at endpoint. Com-
[101]. Further evidence for this action comes from a 6- parable improvements were seen on global improvement,
month study primarily investigating NAC (2000 mg/day) severity, and functioning scales. A secondary analysis
in the treatment of mood disorders, which reported an including those participants meeting criteria for a major
incidental treatment concomitant finding of reduced nail depressive episode showed large effect sizes in favour of
biting in three participants [103]. Lastly, there is a case NAC for depressive symptoms and functional outcomes at
report of utility in skin picking with 1800 mg/day of NAC, endpoint [110]. Another secondary analysis of the trial
in which both the urge to pick, and skin picking beha- examined individuals with bipolar II disorder. In the
viours remitted [101] and therefore NAC for skin picking NAC group, six out of seven people attained remission of
is currently being investigated in a RCT (ClinicalTrials.- both depressive and manic symptoms, whereas only two
gov: NCT01063348). out of seven people in the placebo group reached remission
Schizophrenia In a recent maintenance design RCT of 1000 g BID of
In the pathophysiology of schizophrenia, glutamate is NAC for bipolar disorder, the effect of NAC amongst 149
thought to play a key role, evidenced by decreased gluta- individuals with moderate depression was studied. Mean
mate levels in the prefrontal cortex and dysfunction in BDRS scores significantly reduced at the end of the 8-week
glutamate metabolism [104]. Oxidative stress is also ex- open-label treatment phase. Comparable and significant
tensively documented in schizophrenia, and there are improvements in functioning and quality of life were seen.
emerging links between symptom severity, diagnostic sub- Studies involving NAC for the treatment of bipolar depres-
type, and oxidative stress [105]. sion are continuing [Australian and New Zealand Clinical
A large-scale (n = 140) randomised double-blind place- Trials Registry (ANZCTR): ACTRN12612000830897] and
bo-controlled trial of adjunctive NAC 1000 mg BID in the first trial of NAC in unipolar depression is nearing
schizophrenia conducted over 6 months [106] found sig- completion (ANZCTR: ACTRN12607000134426).
nificant improvements in negative symptoms (including
blunted affect, lack of volition, and social withdrawal), Autism
assessed by the Positive and Negative Symptoms Scale In autism, analogous to schizophrenia, dysregulation of
(PANSS). Specifically, there were improvements in redox biology, inflammation, and glutamate transmission
PANSS total and general subscales and significant have been noted [112]. Recent tantalising data on the
improvements also occurred in abnormal movements, efficacy of NAC in autism has been published [113]. In
particularly akathisia, as well as global functioning. In- this 12-week, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled
terestingly, benefits were lost 1 month after treatment study of NAC, participants were initiated on 900 mg daily
discontinuation. Of note, in a study subsample, auditory for 4 weeks and titrated to 2700 mg daily over 8 weeks. Of
sensory processing was assessed using mismatch negativ- note, significant improvements on the Aberrant Behaviour
ity (MMN), as it is a marker of glutamatergic function and Checklist irritability subscale in the NAC group have been
a potential endophenotype of psychosis. As anticipated, reported, as well as on the Repetitive Behaviour Scale-
individuals with schizophrenia had reduced MMN at Revised stereotypies measure and Social Responsiveness
baseline compared with healthy controls, but after 8 Scale mannerisms scores [113]. Further studies are
weeks of treatment MMN normalised significantly in underway ( NCT00889538; ANZCTR:
those on NAC [45]. ACTRN12610000635066).
Review Trends in Pharmacological Sciences March 2013, Vol. 34, No. 3

Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative efficacy at higher doses. Although the tolerability profile of
disorders NAC seems benign, there is as yet an insufficient evidence
NAC impacts multiple pathways implicated in a variety of base for longer term use. Idiosyncratic events, such as
neurodegenerative disorders. In Parkinson’s disease, for asthma, have been shown in some studies, but not repli-
example, in addition to the overt impacts of altered dopa- cated, and pulmonary hypertension at very high dose has
mine metabolism on oxidative events, mitochondrial com- been reported in a few animal studies, but, as yet, has not
plex I dysfunction and dysregulated phosphorylation are been found in human studies [118]. At low dose NAC
reported [114], and may be potentially targeted by NAC appears to be anti-epileptic [119], but at high doses sei-
treatment. Furthermore, there is preclinical evidence, zures have been reported [120]. Hence, ongoing data col-
particularly in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinson’s lection regarding safety is necessary, concomitant with
disease models, suggesting potential benefits of NAC. corroborating efficacy data.
Hence, a few clinical investigations of NAC as a treatment Lastly, it is interesting that historically, the richest
option in neurodegenerative disorders have been con- discoveries in psychopharmacology have been derived by
ducted. reverse engineering the beneficial mechanisms of action of
Late-stage AD patients treated with 50 mg/kg/day of drugs discovered serendipitously. Notable examples in-
NAC for 6 months showed significant improvements in clude the monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, tricyclics,
performance on the Letter Fluency Task and the Wechsler lithium, and phenothiazines. To date, two divergent hypo-
Memory Scale Immediate Number Recall; however, pe- thetical paths have converged on NAC as a potential
ripheral measures of oxidative stress did not change treatment. Firstly, oxidative stress and GSH deficiency
[115]. In a 12-month, small (n = 14) open-label trial of has driven the focus on NAC in schizophrenia, bipolar
individuals with early-stage AD, the efficacy of a vita- disorder, and depression. Superadded to this, and in par-
min/nutraceutical formulation (NAC, folate, vitamin B6, allel, addiction research has hypothesised NAC to be active
a-tocopherol, S-adenosyl methionine, and acetyl-L-carni- via the modulation of glutamate and the cystine–gluta-
tine) was examined. Improvements were noted in the mate antiporter [76]. However, knowing that NAC also has
Dementia Rating Scale and Clock-drawing tests, as well effects on inflammatory pathways, neurotrophins, mito-
as in reports from family caregivers [116]. In a similar chondrial function, and oxidative stress, its true efficacy
study (n = 12), the same nutraceutical formulation showed profile may turn out to be due to preferential effects on any
more favourable cognitive endpoints compared with place- of these, or a summative interaction of influences on a
bo [117]. However, given the small number of studies, and variety of pathways. Unravelling these complexities has
their exploratory nature, definitive conclusions are prema- the potential to open up new avenues for the development
ture. Research into the potential benefits of NAC in neuro- of novel psychotropic agents.
degenerative disorders is continuing (
NCT01470027; NCT01427517, NCT01370954). Disclaimer statement
G.S.M. has received research support from AstraZeneca, Eli Lilly, Orga-
non, Pfizer, Servier, and Wyeth; has been a speaker for AstraZeneca, Eli
Concluding remarks
Lilly, Janssen–Cilag, Lundbeck, Pfizer, Ranbaxy, Servier, and Wyeth;
Given the paucity of new drug development, NAC is a and has been a consultant for AstraZeneca, Eli Lilly, Janssen–Cilag,
promising novel therapeutic option for a diverse range of Lundbeck, and Servier. M.B. has received research support from the
neuropsychiatric disorders. Although there is only prelim- Medical Benefits Fund of Australia, Bristol–Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly,
inary data of the efficacy of NAC in many of these dis- GlaxoSmithKline, Organon, Novartis, Mayne Pharma, and Servier;
has been a speaker for AstraZeneca, Bristol–Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly,
orders, this field is rapidly expanding with additional trials GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen–Cilag, Lundbeck, Merck, Pfizer, Sanofi–
[e.g., investigating personality disorder (ClinicalTrials.- Synthelabo, Servier, Solvay, and Wyeth; and has served as a consultant
gov: NCT01555970)]. Most notable is the sheer breadth to AstraZeneca, Bristol–Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline, Jans-
of disorders that NAC appears to benefit and the lack of sen–Cilag, Lundbeck, and Servier. M.B. is a co-inventor on two provi-
recognition within extant diagnostic systems commensu- sional patents regarding the use of NAC and related compounds for
psychiatric indications, assigned to the Mental Health Research Insti-
rate with its efficacy profile. Indeed, the seeming univer- tute. L.J.G. has received grant support from the Rebecca L. Cooper
sality of NAC action is intriguing and implies that it Medical Research Foundation. O.M.D. has received grant support from
perhaps targets downstream pathways that are common the Brain and Behaviour Foundation, the Simons Autism Foundation,
across disorders. Oxidative stress and associated mito- the Stanley Medical Research Institute, Lilly, National Health and
Medical Research Council (NHMRC), and an Society for Bipolar and
chondrial dysfunction are plausible candidates as they
Depressive Disorders (ASBDD)/Servier grant.
too appear to lack specificity across psychopathologies.
Equally, however, dysregulation of neurotrophins, inflam-
matory pathways, and neurotransmitters such as gluta- References
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