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Learning contract - Capstone Project PALL8443

Syarifah Lubbna

Overall goal or aim: To identify plans and strategies that would be required to develop a community-based palliative care program in Indonesia:
Exploring the well-implemented provision of palliative care in Uganda and India

Complete the below chart:

 Week 1: Started from 11 March 2018
 Method: Rapid Review
 Literature search: The search will be limited to papers, reports, guidelines, program evaluations, survey, commentaries, and comparative
studies, published from 2000 to 2017, in relation with the development & implementation of community-based palliative care program in 2
countries: Uganda & India, to optimise the relevance of evidence into current populations and healthcare context. In addition, studies are
eligible if they provide data on available community movements, networks, organizations, or other initiatives in supporting the practice of
palliative care in the two countries.
 Search strategies: The sources will be retrieved through electronic databases such as Medline, CINAHL, PsycINFO, SCOPUS, the Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews, Web of Science, Health Technology Assessment Database, and CENTRAL. Then, if the data cannot be
obtained much by database searching, grey literature & hand searching will be utilised.

Learning outcomes Strategies and Resources Timeline Evidence of Accomplishment

-required to achieve overall Describe how you propose to (when you intend to Outline how you plan to demonstrate
goal or aim). What you intend accomplish your goals and outline the complete each step of the attainment of your learning
to learn? resources (both human and material) the project) outcomes.
that you will use.

Describe the palliative care  Critical literature search By week 2

provision in Indonesia  Talk with or listen to health professionals (Period: 12 – 24 March
(e.g nurses/ doctors/ allied health workers 2018)
about the current situations of palliative
care provision

Describe the benefits of  Critical literature search By week 4

community-based palliative care,  Keep in touch with the liaison librarian (period: 25 March – 7
particularly in developing (Niki May) April 2018)
Describe the implications of not  Critical literature search By week 6
having a community-based  Listen to allied health professionals in (period: 8 – 21 April
palliative care program on people Indonesia about the implications of 2018)
with life-limiting illnesses in healthcare, currently occurring, without
developing countries (including community-based palliative care program
Indonesia)  Keep in touch with the liaison librarian
(Niki May)

Identify and explore the plans and/  Critical literature search By week 10
strategies utilized to develop  Keep in touch with the liaison librarian (period: 22 April – 19
community-based palliative care (Niki May) May 2018)
program in Uganda & India

Describe the benefits of having a  Critical literature search By week 12

local community-based palliative  Keep in touch with the liaison librarian (period: 20 May – 2 June
care program: examples in local (Niki May) 2018)
area in Uganda & India

Formulate adapted strategies (from  Review and analyse the reflective By week 13
the two countries) that might be progress journal and the data collected (period: 3 - 9 June 2018)
appropriate to develop a throughout literature review process from
community-based palliative care week 2 to week 12
program in Indonesia / a local area
in Indonesia

Finalise & submit a capstone paper  Read literature on reflective practice Week 14
 Keep a journal (12 June 2018)

Develop & submit a reflective  Read literature on reflective practice Week 15

paper  Keep a journal (18 June 2018)

23/1/18 Page 1 of 1
Focused area:
1. Assessment of spirituality of patient with advanced cancer
2. Public health palliative care (health promoting palliative care): a population approach; compassionate community
I’ve just known that there’s a new concept in palliative caee, emerging over the past decade, in which the goals are building public policies that
support dying, death, loss, and grief; creating supportive environments (social supports), strengthening community action; developing
personal skills, and reorienting the health system (Caresearch, 2017). This new area represents an embracing a new public health idea such as
health promotion, community development, and death education into a field that was previously focused primarily on clinical bedside care
matters (Kellehear, 2013). So, it focuses of community development. But, what are these community engagement approaches exactly and in
what ways are they ‘public health’ ones? What do these approaches offer over and above a conventional clinical approach to care, or in what
ways do these approaches add value to what we already offer in end-of-life care? Community roles are important as the best cure is found in
prevention and early intervention, so prevention, harm reduction, and early intervention became watch-words for the new public health.
“Analysing how compassionate community approaches work
3. fgdzjfj

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