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Search Results for: resurrection laws

Mythic Justice – Crime and Punishment in Your
Fantasy World
by Robert MacAnthony

…the outset, you should decide where laws originate in your society. This is not
necessarily limited to deciding which individuals or bodies make the law. Take it a step
CategoriesWorld Building
Know the Rules. Understand the Rules. Break the
by Tristan Gregory
…to laws. Not judge-and-jury laws, but physical laws – attempting to defy them can
only result in pain. As a second famous pirate captain once said: “The only rules that…
CategoriesCraft & Technique
Writing Believable Fantasy – A Guide to Keeping It
by Codey Amprim

…into your fantasy fiction. While your fantasy story’s inhabitants turning green may not
be a great dilemma, the same principle still holds true; a fantasy world should
have laws and…
CategoriesCraft & Technique, World Building
Real World Issues and Fantasy Literature: Police
by Featured Author
…same technically illegal acts they are often warned against doing the behavior in the
future—if they are spoken to at all. For example, many municipalities have laws that
prohibit spitting…
Fantasy and How the World Ought To Be
by Featured Author

…in the 20th century, when psychological motivation and relatability had already come
to be considered important in literature. And I don’t think it will be controversial to
claim that flaws…
CategoriesStory Analysis
How the Walking Dead Explores the Fabric of
by Nathan Lauffer

…principles and chief aims? What laws would it have? What would it do with those who
broke those laws? Phase 5. Groups of Groups As these groups formed, some groups…
CategoriesStory Analysis
Secrets of Fantasy Literature – Interview with
Harry Potter Scholar John Granger
by Antonio del Drago
…turn in Goblet, and then a straight forward black-white-red series in the last books.
The story symbolism, from the Christ resurrectiontokens to Hermione as alchemical
mercury and Ron as…
CategoriesInterviews, Story Analysis
Using Fantasy to Enhance a Story
by Brian DeLeonard

…character, plot and setting in a way that surprises readers and gives their buildup
relevance to my story. In fantasy, by reshaping the laws of the world and the
CategoriesCraft & Technique
Armor of Plot Invulnerability + 20
by Kassan Warrad

…laws of physics, human logic, and the durability of a (human) body suddenly change
to allow the story as related to the character(s) to move forward. The audience is
CategoriesPlot & Structure, Writing Theory
The Real Power of Fantasy Writing
by Featured Author

…be believable. A lot of authors fall down in this regard. They make the laws, the
history, the inhabitants, and so forth, of their secondary world too far removed from…
CategoriesCraft & Technique, World Building
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