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USC Chemical Engineering Student


D e p a r t m e n t o f Term/Academic Year:
Chemical Engineering Second Semester AY 2017-2018
Talamban, Cebu City, Philippines 6000


A personal reflection essay submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements in the course


Submitted by:

Del Mar, Janus King

Submitted to:

Engr. Ramir L. Jarabis


March 08, 2018

As a chemical engineering student, I have learned to appreciate those incredible
moments when you get to learn small things/aspects in the chemical engineering practice.
In my early days as a college student, I really wanted to know the “true” meaning of the
work we will be having or what our teachers have been preparing us for, however, I have
realized that this would be void unless you get to experience those actual complexities
yourself. Experiences in plant visits and seminars bring varied insights to the work you
will be having possibly in the future and to point out realizations as to which line of practice
would be best for you.

I have always been a critical thinker and solver, but throughout my CHE526N
experience, I have greatly sharpened my background in the chemical engineering
practice. Instead of only having a vision as to the work I will be having, I get to experience
it firsthand through this course. I get to see other line of works or somehow other fields
that can be suitable for a chemical engineering graduate. Also, by having seminars I have
learned different insights in how to handle myself as a professional in the future (i.e.,
decision making, time management, etc.) and as well as toggle current issues in the
government and as to what actions they are currently planning to resolve these issues;
this helped me develop a deeper understanding of the chemical engineering profession
and as to where a chemical engineering graduate can come in to help in the government.
When I look at some of my freshman level notes and tests, I realize that I did not yet
gotten a firm grasp of what I will be doing in the future. I guess you could say that I have
only learned the basics of the profession, but then through this course I have drastically
taken my vision of my future self to a new level because then I am able to understand
what all those hardships and trainings were for.

It is difficult to identify gaps in my knowledge as a chemical engineering student,

only because I feel like I have learned so much. I feel that I have largely expanded my
views as to what field to target in the future through this course, but I still need to be
prepared as to what problems that I may face practicing this profession. By studying the
required literature and experiencing those problems, I will have a sturdy foundation to
work from once I am in the profession for which this course is the starting point.
Rubric for Personal Reflection Essay

Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Partially Meets Expectations Not Acceptable

1.0 – 1.3 2.0 3.0 4.0
Essay is a proof of student’s Essay exhibits student’s Essay shows student’s Essay is a clear student’s
articulation and demonstration articulation and articulation and demonstration articulation and
of insightful level of self- demonstration of an of a low level of self- demonstration of a lack of
awareness in terms of adequate level of self- awareness in terms of self-awareness in terms of
Carolinian knowledge and awareness in terms of Carolinian knowledge and Carolinian knowledge and
skills possessed (Scientia); Carolinian knowledge skills possessed (Scientia); skills possessed
reflections show personally and skills possessed reflections indicate somewhat (Scientia); reflections do
developed insights (Virtus) that (Scientia); reflections vague ideas (Virtus) to guide not reveal any idea
generate specific, grounded indicate generic insights actions for further self- (Virtus) for further self-
and workable resolutions for (Virtus) to guide actions improvement (Devotio). improvement (Devotio).
further self-improvement for further self-
(Devotio). improvement (Devotio).

Final Essay Assessment: 1.3

Assessed and Evaluated by:

Janus King Sta. Maria del Mar / March 08, 2018

Name/Signature of Evaluator/Date

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