About Trump PDF

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Some interesting info-pieces about ‘TRUMP’

According to a dictionary,
this is either a ‘card from highest suit’
or a ‘key resource’
or even a ‘fine person’.
For the first case:
“in card games, a card from a suit declared to be higher in value than any other suit, or the
suit itself.”
Key resource?
“a highly valuable resource or advantage, especially one held in reserve for future use.”
A ‘fine person’:
“an admirable or reliable person (informal).”
that same dictionary
informs that ‘trump’
also stands for…
“trumpet or its sound: a trumpet, or the sound of it (archaic).”
“play your trump card”, says that same dictionary,
“…make use of a highly valuable resource or advantage that has been held in reserve.”
In that same dictionary…
we can find this ‘phrasal verb’:
trump up,
meaning “invent incriminating evidence,”
more explicitly:
“to invent false accusations or false evidence in order to incriminate somebody wrongly.”
Thus, if we continue to explore that
same dictionary,
then we’re bound to bump into this adjective:
“made up: false and deliberately invented, usually in order to incriminate somebody
given the circumstances,
I must tell you something else.
In the aforementioned dictionary
you’ll find this noun:
with two meanings:
1. “worthless thing: something worthless or useless,
often something showy that seems
appealing at first glance.”
2. “nonsense: empty or ridiculous talk.”

April 3rd, 2018

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