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INDD B1b.1 92 MM 2595512 0077961 765 mt ASME-B16.11 ADOPTION NOTICE ASME-B16.11, "Fittings, Steel Forged, Socket-Welding and Threaded," was adopted on October 3, 1994 for use by the Department of Defense (DoD). Proposed changes by DoD activities must be submitted to the DoD Adopting Activity: Commanding Officer, Naval Construction Battalion Center, Code 156, 1000 23rd Avenue, Port Hueneme, CA 93043-4301. DoD activities may obtain copies of this standard from the Standardization Document Order Desk, 700 Robbins Avenue, Building 4D, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094. The private sector and other Government agencies may purchase copies from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 345 Kast 47th Street, New York, NY 10017. Custodians: Adopting Activity Army - ME Navy - YD-1 Navy - YD-1 Air Force - 99 FSC 4730 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Copyright by the American Society Of Mechanical Engineers Wed lar 12 210 2008 STD-ASNE Bhb-L-ENGL 199 MM O759b70 0580122 369 Mm (Revision of ASME B16.11-1991) FORGED FITTINGS, aa Ata Ce ee) On ee 2) Oe aD; RU eS ee COU eid STD-ASHE B1L.21-ENGL 199 Ml 0759670 0580123 275 me Hi SP mers rican Socie * Mectanical Engineers Q AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD FORGED FITTINGS, SOCKETWELDING AND THREADED ASME B16.11-1996 (Revision of ASME B18.11-1981) STD-ASME BLb-L1-ENGL 1956 MM 0759570 0580124 133 i Date of issuance: April 16.1997 ‘The 1996 edition of this Standard is being issued with an automatic addenda subscription service. The use of an addenda allows revisions made in response to public review comments or committee actions to be published as necessary: revisions published in addenda will bocome effective 6 months after the Date scheduled for of Issuance of the addenda, The next edition of this Standare publication in 2001. ASME iesuee written replies to inquiries conccrning interpretations of technical aspects of this Standard. The interpretations will be included with the above addenda service. Interpretations are not part of the addenda to the Standard. [ASME isthe registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ‘This code or standard wae developed under procedures accredited a» meeting the exter for ‘Americen National Standards. The Consensus Committe that aporoved the cade or standard was balanced to aecure that individuals from competont and concerned interests have had an ‘opportunity to participate. The proposed code or standard was made available for public review and comment which provides an opportunity for adional public input from indusly, seeders regulatory agencies, and the public-elerge. ZASME does not “appro ctv. 'ASME das not take any position with respec ta the validity of any patont rights ase ‘connection with any items mentioned in this document, and does nat undertake to insure anyone any such liability. Users of a code or slaelard ae expressly advised that determination of Me ality of any such patent rights, and tho isk of infringement of euch rights, is ently their own ing a standard agains! lity for infingament of any applicable Loters Pater reapensibilty Participation by federal agency reoresentative(s) or person(s fisted with industry is not to be interproted 2c government oF industry endorsement ofthis code or standar "ASME accepts responsibilty for only those interpretations issued in accordance with governing Which proclude the iesuonee of interpretations by individual ASME procedures and pol volunteers. "No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, in an elacronie ratrieval syste or otherwise, ‘without the prior wiitten permission ef the publisher The American Society of Mechanical Engines ‘345 East 47th Streot, New York, NY 10017 Copyright © 1997 by ‘THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS ‘All Rights Reserve Prntad in US.A. Copyright by the American Sociely Of Mechanical Engineers Wed lar 12 210 2008 te." oF “endorse” any item, constuction, proprietary devies, o¢ STD-ASHE B1b-L1-ENGL 1996 MM 0759670 OSA0125 078 mm FOREWORD (This Foreword isnot part of ASME B16.11-1008,) ‘The Sectional Committee on the Standardization of Pipe Flanges and Fittings, B16, organized in 1920 under the procedure of the American Standards Association (ASA) appointed subgroup of Subcommittee No. 3 (now Subcommittee F) to initiate the Standardization of welding fittings in May, 1937. The fist meeting of this group was held later that month, and at its meeting in December, 1938, in New York, it was agreed tnderake the standardization of dimensions of socket-welding fitings and to refer this Project to & new drafting subgroup. One of the most important dimensions ofthis type of fitting requiring standardization was considered to be the dimension from the centerline of the tting to the hottom of the socket, since from the stand-point of the designing enginces, this dimension governs the location of adjacent pipe with reference to the entire piping layout. Another important jtein for consideration was the welding fillet dimensions. The drafting subgroup held meetings in Chicago, Detroit, and New York in March, 1939, and May and October, 1940, respectively, and at the last named meeting the completed draft of the proposed sundard was discussed and further revisions were suggested. When spplicd to the Septembei, 1940, draft, these changes produced the May, 1941, draft which was prepared for distribution to industry for erticism and comment. This distribution resulted in a number of helpful comments. The members ofthe subgiowp agreed by mail that many of the changes suggested should be incorporsed in the revised draft (Decembcs, 1941), Progress on the approval of the standard was delayed by the war fier which a few more changes were added to make the proposal acceptable to all concerned. ‘The revised draft (April, 1945) was then cubmitted tothe members ofthe sectional commer for letter ballot vote Following the approval of the sectional committee. the proposed standard was next approved by the sponsor bodies, and presented to the ASA with recommendation for approval 48 an American Standard. This designation was given on December 9, 146. Jn 1960, it was agreed that the standard needed a complete revision and simultaneously that it should be expanded cover threaded fittings and plugs, then covered hy MSS SP- 49 and SP-50. A Task Force worked diligently for four years before amiving at a draft Which it felt was acceptable. They also found that rtings were outdated and eliiuated the 4000 Ib classes of threaded filings, asigned pressure-temperatire ratings for « eumber of materials, and convened the socket weld fiting ratings to 3000 and 6000 tb. Following approval by the Sectional Committee and Sponsors, ASA approval was granted on January 28, 1966 Following designation changes of ASA to ANSI and Sectional Committee to Standards Committee, Subcommittee No, 6 began consideration of changes in 1969. Early in 1972, changes in the pressure class designations, materials, and clarification of wording were agreed upon and submitted for approval. This approach was granted vu June 20, 1973 ‘The work of development of the 1980 edition of BIG.11 began in 1973 when the sommitee began consideration of comments and proposals for change, which had been received. The development procedure was arduous in that a number of ballots were taken ‘hich elicited many additional comments and counter proposals. The uusjor chunges included Copyright by the American Sociely Of Mechanical Engineers Wed lar 12 210 2008 STD-ASNE BLb-LI-ENGL 1594 MM 0759670 0580226 TO4 Me an expanded scope for better definition, requirements for conformance marking, a nonmands- tory annex with provisions for proof or burst testing and the inclusion of metric equivalents. Following approval by the Standards Committee and Co-Secretarat, final approval by ANSI was granted on October 6, 1980. Jn 1982, American National Standards Committee B16 was reorganized as an ASME Committee operating under procedures accredited by ANSI. The 1991 edition of the standard, revitled “Forged Fittings, Socket-Welding and Threaded,” incorporated forging matcrial listed in Table 1 of ASMEVANSI B16.34-1988, including Group 3 material which was not previously covered in BI6.11. The 1991 edition established U.S. customary units 2s the standard. Other clarifying and editorial revisions were made in order to improve the text Following approval by the Standards Committee and ASME, final approval by ANSI was granted on March 4, 1991. In this 1996 Edition, metric dimensions were added as an independent but equal standard to the inch units. Following approval by the Standards Committee and ASML, this revision to the 1991 edition of this Standard was approved as an American National Standard by ANSI on December 16, 1996, with the new deSignation ASME B16.11-1996. All requests for interpretations oF suggestions for revisions should be seat to the Secretary. B16 Committee, The American Society ot Mechanical Engineers. United Engineering Center, 345 Hast 47m Sureet, New York, NY 10017. Copyright by the American Sociely Of Mechanical Engineers Wed lar 12 210 2008 STD-ASME Bb-21-ENGL 1594 MM O759670 0580127 940 Mm ASME B16 COMMITTEE Standardization of Valves, Flanges, Fittings, Gaskets, and Valve Actuators {The folowing is a roster ofthe Commitae at the time of approval of this Standard) OFFICERS: W.N MeLean, Chair R.A, Schmitt, Vie Chair KM Ciclara, Secretary COMMITTEE PERSONNEL [W. L. Bellis, Columbia Ges Distribution Co, Columbus, Ohio FR. Brodin, Fisher Controls International. In. Marshaliown, lowe M.A. Clark, Nibeo Ine, Eluhart Indiana ‘A. Cohen, Copper Development Associaton, in., New York, New York W. C. Farol, J, Coneultat, Bimingham, Alabama CE. Floren, Mueller Co, Decatur, linois Moneanto Co, St Loui, Mazouri Ws. Garland, Frick Co., Waynesboro, Pennsyivens Inch, Muellor Rehigocaton Producte Co. Harteville, Tennessee ‘A Joly, Vogt Vaive Co, Lousvile, Kentucky G. Knecht, Consultant, Willamspert, Penneyivania ‘A. Kowster, The Wiliam Powell Co,,Cincinnatl, Ohio N. L I. MeLean, Newco Valve Co., Palos Park, lincis. echt Corp, Gilersbuy, Maryland R.A Schmidt, Ladish Co.. Russolvile, Arkansas W. I. Stephan, Flextali, inc, Peanssuken, New Jersey TF, Stroud, Ductle Iron Research Association, Birmingham. Alabama M.D. Wasicek, ABS Americas, Houston, Texas LE. White, Fichara E. White & Associates. South Bend, indiana A Wiliams, Souther Company Services, Brmingham, Hinois L.A. Wilis, Dow Chemical Co., Freeport. Texas 'W. R. Worley, Union Carbide Corp, South Cherloston, West Virginie PERSONNEL OF SUBCOMMITTEE F — STEEL THREADED AND WELDING FITTINGS G. A. Jol Chair, Vogt Valve Co., Louisvile, Kentucky Umberto D'Urso, Secretary, ASME, New York, New York P. R. Benavides. Tue Forgings of America, Pacland, Oregon G. A. Curtio, Capit! Manufacturing Co., Cranley, Loulsiana D. R. Frikken, Monsanto Co.. St Louis. Missoutt BE, Johnaon, Consultan, Gibsonia, Pennsyivania R.C. Lafferty, Pennsyivania Machine Works, Aston, Pennsylvania DH. Monroe, Consultant Birmingham, Alabama .W. Muir, Canvl Limited. Simcoe. Ontario, Canada B.A. Sehmide, Laon Co, Rusteivile, Aronaos LA. Willis, Dow Chemical Co. Freeport, Texas Copyright by the American Sociely Of Mechanical Engineers Wed lar 12 210 2008 STD-ASNE BLb-22-ENGL 1596 MM 0759670 0580128 88? Mm CONTENTS 1 1 2 IL 3. Size and Type 2 4 Marking... 3 5 Material oe 4 6 Dimensions 4 7 Tolerances. 5 8 Testing : s Figures 1 Method of Designating Outlets of Reducing Tees and Crosses... 3 2 Welding Gap and Minimum Fiat Dimensions for Socket-Welding Figs 2... ess 3 Tables 1A Types of Fittings by Class Designation and DN (Nominal Size) Range vetesetseteseeeee - : 2 1B ‘Types of Fittings by Class Designation and NPS Size Range .. 2 2 Correlation of Fittings Clase With Schedule Number or Wall Designation of Pipe for Calculation of Ratings 3 3 Nominal Wall Thickness of Schedule 160 and Double Extra Strong Pipe... 3 4 Socket.Welding Fitings coeseeaeenee : ‘6 5 Forged Threaded Fittings ve 7 6 — Thweaded Fitings 8 7 Plugs and Bushings 9 ‘Annexes ‘A Inch Tables ceeteeteeeneee : un B Method for Burst Testing Fittings = 7 © Quality System Program ..-..scecc cere : : 9 D References a Copyright by the American Sociely Of Mechanical Engineers Wed Mar 12'11:20-10 2003 STD-ASHE Bb-%1-ENGL 255b MM 0759670 0580129 713 Ml ASME 916.11-1096 FORGED FITTINGS, SOCKET-WELDING AND THREADED 1 SCOPE 41.4 General ‘This Standard covers ratings, dimensions, tolerances, marking and material requirements tor forged fittings. both socketwelding and threaded, as illustrated in Tables 4 through 7 and A4 through 7, inclusive, 1.4.4 Fitting Types/Configuration. Types of fit- tings covered by this Standard are shown in Tables 1A and 1B, by class and size range. Fitings shown in Tables 4 through 7 and Ad through AT may also be made with combinations of socket-welding and threaded ends, 1.1.2 Partial Compliance Fittings. Fittings with special dimensions, threads or counterbores, and fitings ‘made from nonstandard materials may be made by agieement between the manufacturer and the purchaser ee para. 5.2). When such fitings meet all other stipulations of this Standard, they shall be considered ‘n partial compliance therewith, provided they are appro- Priatly marked (see para. 4). 1.1.3 Quality Systems. Nonmandatory require- ‘ments relating 10 the product manufactures's Quality System Program are described in Annex C. 1.2 References 1.2.1 Referenced Standards. Standards and spec- ‘ications adopted by reference in this Standard are shown in Annex D, which is part of this Sumdard, I. is not considered practical to identify the specific edition fof cach standard and specification in the individual references. Instead, the specific edition reference is identified in Annex D. A fitting made in conformance ‘and conforming to this Standard, in all other respects, ‘will be considered to be in conformance to the Standard, even though the edition reference may be changed in a subsequent addendum to or revision of the Standard, 1.2.2 Codes and Regulations. A fing used un- der the jurisdiction of the ASME Boiler and Pressuse Vessel Code, the ASME Code for Pressure Piping, or a governmental regulation is subject to any limitation Of that code or regulation. This includes any maximum temperature limitation, or rule govering the use uf a Copyright by the American Sociely Of Mechanical Engineers Wed lar 12 210 2008 ‘material at low temperature, or provisions for operation at a pressure exceeding the ratings in this Standard. 1.2 Service Conditions Criteria for selection of fitting types and materials suitable for particular fluid service are not within the scope of this Standard. 1.4 Welding Installation welding requirements are not within the scope of this Standard. Installation welding shall be done in aecordance with the applicable piping Code ‘or regulation covering the piping system into. which the fings are installed, 1.6 Standard Units ‘The values stated in either metric units or inch units are to be regarded separately as standard. Within the text, the inch units are shown in. pareutheses. The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents; ‘erefore, each system must he used independently of the other. Combining values from the two systems may result in nonconfomance with the standavd. Tables 4 though 7 show fitings dimensional equire- ments in millimeters. Tables Ad through A7 show the Aimensional requirements for inch dimensioned ftings. 2 PRESSURE RATINGS 2.1 General 3000, and 6000 for threaded end fittings and Claes 3000, 6000, and 9000 for socket-weld end fittings. 2.1.1 Basis of Rating. The schedule of pipe corres- ponding to each Class of fitting for rating purposes is shown ia Table 2. Design teimperature and other service conditions shall be limited as provided by the applicable piping code or regulation forthe material of construction of the fitting. Within these limits the maximum allow- able pressure of 2 Gling stall be that computed for straight seamless pipe of equivalent material (as shown by comparison of composition and mechanical proper- ties in the respective material specifications). The wall thickness used in such computation shall be that cabu- Copyright by Wed lar 12 STD-ASME Blb-11-ENGL 1994 MM 0759670 0580130 435 mm ASME B16.11-1996 FORGED FITTINGS, -WELDING AND THREADED sock TABLE 1A _ TYPES OF FITTINGS BY CLASS DESIGNATION AND DN (NOMINAL SIZE) RANGE Sockot Weld ‘Threaded Giass Designation ‘Glass Desianation Description ‘3000 ‘00 2000 "2000 2000 000 45 veg, 90 deg. Etbows | DNs-DNT00 | one-oNso | oNis-ONso | DNe-DNIO0 | DNE-ONTO0 | DNE-DNTOO “Toes, Crosses NE-DN100 | ONE-DNEO | DNTEDNEO | DNEDNI00 | ONE ONI00 | ONE ONTOO Coupling, He¥-Coupting | DNe-DNt00 | DNe-DNSO | DNIS-DNSO ‘Ne-ONI00 | ONB-ONTO0 Cap DNe.ONt00 | DNE-DN1O0 | DN1E-DNEO Dwe-oNi00 | ONE DNTO0 ‘Square, Hox, Round Plog ‘DN6-DN100 [See Note (i) ex and Flush Bushing DDN6.DN100 [See Note (1) NOTE: (1) Phigs ard bushings arn not identified by Class Designation. They may be used for ratings up through Clase 6000 designation. TABLE 1B TYPES OF FITTINGS BY CLASS DESIGNATION AND. NPS SIZE RANGE Socket Weld “Twreaded ‘class Designation ‘class Designation esription ‘3000 [6000 | 9000 | 2000 | 000 | 6000 45 dog, 0dep. tows | Yee | 2 | ee | lee | tee | lee “eos, Grosses Wes | 2 | eo | Yee | Yd | Yee Coupling, Hal Couning | Yee | 2 | ie2 | oc. | Yea | tee cap tes | wea | me | oc | ee | ee ‘Square, Hex Round Plug Ve See Nove (i Ho ond Flesh Bushing I "4 0 Now (1) Note: {)Plugs and bushings are not identified by Ciass Designation, They may be used for ratings up ‘through Class 6000 designation lated in ANSI/ASME B36.10M for the size and applica- ble schedule of pipe reduced by applicable manufactur- ‘ing tolerances and other allowances (e.g.. threaded allowances). Any corrosion allowance and any variation in allow- able stress due to temperature or other design shall be applied to the pipe and fitting alike. 2.1.2 Nonstandard Pipe Wall Thickness. Since ANSI/ASME B36.10M docs not include Schedule 160 ‘nor Double Extra Strong thickness for DN6, 8, and 10 (NPS %, %, and %), the values in Table 3 may be used as the nominal wall thicknesses of the pipe for rating purposes, 2.1.3 Combination End Fittings. The Class for fitings made with combinations of socket-welding and threaded ends shall be based on the end configuration that has the lowest rating from Table 2. Ube American Soviely Of Mechanical Engineers 210 2008 2.2 Pressure Test Capability Pressure testing isnot required by this Standard but the fitings shall be capable of withstanding a hydrostatic test pressure reyuired by the applicable piping code for seamless pipe of material equivalent t0 the Sting forging and of the schedule or wall thickness correlated with the ting Class and end connection of Table 2. 3 SIZE AND TYPE 3.1 General ‘The following table shows nominal pipe size (NPS) used for inch dimensioned fitings versus nominal diam- eter (DN), used for millimeter dimensioned fittings. STD-ASME BLb-LL-ENGL 1996 MM O7S9670 0580132 372 mm FORGED FITTINGS, SOCKET-WELDING AND THREADED ASME B16,11-1996 TABLE 2 CORRELATION OF FITTINGS NPS VERSUS DN CLASS WITH SCHEDULE NUMBER OR WALL _ DESIGNATION OF PIPE FOR CALCULATION nps| % % % % % OF RATINGS py | 6 | 8] | is | 20 [2s Tien Und For fang ats Now cians ! Designation Sstedue | wot WELT EET Ee Ta ee tne” | ype orang | "he | aston 2000 | Thewaes wo |S PN | 3% | 40 | 50 | 6 | 80 [100 soo | threaded 160 - oo | treated ie , 2000 | soctt etd x 32 Reducing Fitting Size gore | Seciatuaing | so | x8 In the case of reducing tees and crosses, the size 9000 Socket Welding 2x of the largest ran opening shal be given fist followed Nore hy the size of the opening at the opposite end of the (1) Thistablola notintondedto: pipe of thinner run, Where the fining is @ tee, the size of the branch is given last, Whete the Citing is a cio, dhe largest side-outlet is the third dimension given, followed by the apening opposite. The line sketches, Fig. 1 illustrate how the reducing ftings are read. 4 MARKING 4.1 General Each fiting shall be permanently marked with the required identification by raised lettering and/or by stamping, electro-etching, or vibro-tool marking on the collar portion. raised pad or raised boss portion of the forging. Cylindrical fimings shall be marked on the O.D. oF on the end of the fiting in a location such that tho marking will not be obliterated as a result of » Py aa ae 2 32 ne ave am ” » ive an we Cross oxox 2 xox ex 8 C0 Me Tes ta FIG, 1_ METHOD OF DESIGNATING OUTLETS OF REDUCING TEES AND CROSSES. (See para. 3.2) Copyright by the American Sociely Of Mechanical Engineers Wed lar 12 210 2008 ‘or ticker wall win tings. Pipe aeualy used may be thin- ‘ar of thicker in nominal wall than tat shewin in Tahla ? TABLE 3. NOMINAL WALL THICKNESS OF ‘SCHEDULE 160 AND DOUBLE EXTRA STRONG PIPE | ‘Schedule 160, xs, on | nes | mm | in in 6 | % | 315 | ore | 0.190 % | 368 | ons 0.258 w | % | an | os 0.282 welding installation. The marking of bushings and plugs is not required by this Standard 4.1.1 Specific Marking. The marking shall include (bUC is not limited 10) the following: (a) Manufacturer's Name or Trademark (b) Material Identification. Material shall be identi- fied in accordance with the marking requirements of either the appropriate ASIM Fittings Specitications A 234, A 403, A 420, of B 366, of the appropriate ASTM Forging Specifications A 105, A 182, A 350 B 160, B 164, or other applicable forging Specification of Table 1. ASME/ANSI B16.34 (see para. 5.1). (c) Product Conformance. Fitings covered under para. 1.1.1 shall be marked with cither the ASTM Fittings Specification material identification (e.2.. STD-ASME Bhb-LI-ENGL 199 MM 0759670 0580232 278 mm ASME B16.11-1996 “WP or the symbol “B16” 10 denote confor- ‘mance 10 this Standard Partial compliance fittings covered in para. 1.1.2 marked with ASTM forging identification (A 105, A 182, A 350, etc.) shall not be marked B16, Partial compliance fittings covered in para. 1.12 marked with ASTM Fitting Specification (A 234, A 403, ‘A 420, and B 366) shall be marked with the number of the applicable ASTM Specification Supplementary Requirement covering special or nonstandard fittings. (a) Class Designation. 2000, 3000, 6000, or 9000, ‘as applicable. Altematively, the designation 2M, 3M, ‘6M, or 9M, as applicable, may be used where M stands, for 1000. (c) Size. The nominal pipe size related to the end connections. 4.12 Omission of Markings. Where size and shupe of fittings do not permit all of the above markings, they may be omitted in the reverse order given above. 5 MATERIAL 5.1 Standard Mate ‘The material for fitings shall consist of forgings, bars, seamless pipe, or tubular products which conform 1 the requirements for melting process, chemical com- position requirements, and mechanical propeity 1eyuine= ‘ments of the forging product form listed in Table 1, ASME B16.34, incinding notes, 5.2 Nonstandard Materials ‘When fittings made of other materials reference this Standard for nonstandard coverage, they should be ‘marked as agreed upon hy manufacturer and purchaser, nd shall not include the identification specified in paras. 41.106) and 4.1.1(6) of this Stand (see Annex B). 6 DIMENSIONS 6.1 General Unless otherwise noted, the dimensions for socket: welding fittings given in’ Tables 4 and Ad and the dimensions for threaded fittings given in Tables $, 6, 7, A3, A6, and AT are nominal values and subject the designated manufacturing tolerance. Copyright by the American Sociely Of Mechanical Engineers Wed lar 12 210 2008 FORGED FITTINGS, ‘SOCKET.WELDING AND THREADED. 6.2 Socket Firings 6.2.1 Body Wall Thickness. The body wall thick- ness of sockel-welding fittings shall be equal to or ‘greater than the values, G, shown in Tables 4 and Ad. 6.2.2 Socket Wall Thicknees. The socket wall average thickness and minimum thickness shall be no less than the corresponding values. C. shown in Tables 4 and Ad. 6.2.3 Socket Position. The fixed position for the bottom of the socket with reference to the centerline of the socket-welding fitting shall be maintained a8 required by the dimensions, A, of Tables 4 and Ad. For reducing fiuings, see para, 6.5. 6.2.4 Socket Depth. The sucket depth shull be no Jess than tho minimum values, J, shown in Tables 4 and Ad. 6.25 Socket Bore. The inside surface of the socket bore shall present a good workmanlike finish that is free of burrs 6.2.6 Perpendicuarity. The cud flats of socket ‘welding fitings shall be at right angles tothe socket axis, 6.2.7 Width. The forging radius shall not reduce the width of the at welding surface to less than the value shown in Fig. 2. 6.3 Threaded Fittings 6.3.1 Wall Thickness. The body or end wall thick- sess of threaded fittings shall be equal to or greater than the minimum values, G, as shown in Tables 5, AS, oF A6. 6.3.2 Internal Threading. All uttings with intemal threads shall be threaded with American National Stan- ‘dard Taper Pipe Threads (ANSI/ASME BI1.20.1). Vatia- tions in threading shall be Timited to one turn large for one tum small from the gaging notch when using working gages. The reference point for gaging is the starting end of the fiting, providing the chamfer does not exceed the major diameter of the intemal thread, When a chamfer on the internal thread exceeds this limit the reference point becomes the last thread scratch fon the chamfer cone. 6.3.3 Extemol Threads. All extemally unreaded fitings shall be threaded with American National Stan- dard Taper Pipe Threads (ANSI/ASME B1.20.1) and the variation in threading shall be limited to one turn large or one tum small from the gage face of ring STD-ASME Blb-12-ENGL 199 MM 0759670 0580133 144 mm FORGED FITTINGS, ‘SOCKET-WELDING AND THREADED Minimum Sat = 0.75 x iis scat wal tienes given In ‘ables 4 and Ad (Sea pra 27) ASME 81611-1996 =E ropes ism otis a FIG. 2. WELDING GAP AND MINIMUM FLAT DIMENSIONS FOR SOCKET- WELDING FITTINGS when using working gages. The reference point for aging is the eud of dhe dead, 6.3.4 Countersink or Chamfer. All internal threads shall be countersunk a distance not less than ‘one-half the pitch of the thread at an angle of appros mately 45 deg. with the axis of the thread, and all external threads shall be chamfered at an angle of 30 deg. to 45 deg. from the axis, for the purpose of easier entrance in making a joint and for protection of the thread. Countersinking and chamfering shall be concen- ‘ne with the threads. ‘The length of threads specified {in all ables shall be measured 10 include the countersink ‘or chamfer. 6.4 Collars End collars of both socket-welding and threaded fittings shall be such that they overlap the crotch area as illustrated in the sketches in Tables 4, Ad, and AS, 6.5 Reducing Fittings Reducing fittings shall have the seme center-to-end, ccenter-to-bottom of socket, band diameter, and outside Copyright by the American Sociely Of Mechanical Engineers Wed lar 12 210 2008 igmeters as the uniform size fiting corresponding to Ue largest size end connection of che reducing fing. 7 TOLERANCES 7.4 Additional Tolerances Tolerances in addition ta those listed in Tables 4, 5,6, 7, A4, AS, AG, and AT, Concentricity of Bores. The socket and fiuing bores shall be concentric within a tolerance of 8 mm (0.03 in.) for all sizes. Opposite socket bores shall be concentric within a tolerance of 1.5 mm (0.06 in.) for all sizes 7.4.2 Coincidence of Axes. The maximum allow= able Variation in the alignment of the fitting bore and socket bore axes shall be 1.0 mm in 200 mm (0.06 in, in 1 f), The maximum allowable variation in aligament of threads shall be 1.0 mm in 200 mm (0.06 in. in | #0) 8 TESTING 8.1 Proof Testing Proof testing for fittings made from standard materials is not required by this Standard STD-ASME Blb-LL-ENGL 2996 MM 0759470 0580134 080 mm FORGED FITTINGS, ‘SOCKET. WELDING AND THREADED ‘AGME B16.11-1906 ‘SuORUOWNP wnLAUR pLO WusNDU axBoadeas O42 ‘seme pszye2o} u posqunod o1e Soran wna! aU "SBNfeA pews UGA SH] OU aq HELE AlQYE\=d ps s/s] co | oo or] om en | ca] enl oe | or] or] eee sez on oe] xe] ser Jane] ave ot re [ow om forifase] exon ae Jar TTP T exch wack. | em [oe Joe o |e] aw [| ae fe ee mare | eel af cache ea | Swann | —seieranin | ena Towa pa tau] gla | wenn os orn = etcres somo remove SONILLH ONITTEMLIID0S 9 S7aVL deo Pundreonen — Budees — moaiaBor ay snoata 89 05 oe if 4 4 i 210 2008 Copyright by the American Sociely Of Mechanical Engineers te Wed Me STD-ASME BLb-1L-ENGL 1996 MM 0759670 0580135 717 mm FORGED FITTINas, ‘SOCKET WELDING AND THREADED ASME 816.11-1006 Al ise he 90 deg. Elbow TABLE 5 FORGED THREADED FITTINGS. (Genter to End Elbows, Tews, Comer to End | Outside Diameter of | Minimum Wat! | Length of Crosses. 48 Elbow Band ‘Thicknese ‘Thevad a c 4" ¢ Min. (1, DN. 2000 | 3000 | g000 | 2000 | 2000 | saan | 2000 | aon | soon | 2000 | 2000 | coo | @ | ts 6 a] a] ||| 1 | 2] 2 2) a0] a1] eas] ea] 67 ° a | a | 2] i | a | 2 | | as) 33 | 319 | 330] on0| er | wz 10 2% | | a3 | 19 | 2 | 2 | | a3 ae | ate | a51| ose! or | 104 6 ze | 39 | se | 22 | 26 | 2 | 33 | 2 as | 318 | 409] 15/109] 136 a 33 | 38 | 4a | 25 | ze | 33 | 98 | a6 se | ate | aa2| asa|i27| i29 B ge | 4} st | 20 | 33 | 35 | 4 | se oz | ses | 498] 999 | 107 | 73 a a] st | oo | 3s | a5 | a3 | 56 | ez 75 | ana | san | ansa| 170 | 180 0 sr | eo | os | a5 | 43 | a4 | 2 | 75 ov | 401 | 556 | 1107 | 178 | 104 0 po} 6} a3 | 43) a4 | 52 | 75) & wz | 427 | 714] 1200] 190 | 192 ra 7 | ea | 06 | sz | sz | o4 | 02 | 102 tar | ser | 755 | 1529 | 206 | 209 80 a6} 95 | 105 | os | Ga | 73 | 109 | 121 148 | 599 | Bat | 1664 | 259 305 100 soe | ima | ta | 70 | 70 | 70 | sae | ree | ase | ess | ito | 1007 | 277 | 330 GENERAL NOTE: Dimensions are in milimaters, NoTEs: (1) Dimension B is minimum length of partact thread. The longth of useful throad (B plus threads with fully formed roots and flat shall wot be less than L; [effective length of external thesc) required by American National Stendard for Pipe Tiveads (ANSI/ASME B1.20.1, See Section 63 Copyright by the American Sociely Of Mechanical Engineers Wed Mar 12'11:20-10 2003 STD-ASHE Bhb+13-ENGL 2996 MM 0759670 0580236 953 Ml FORGED FITTINGS, ASME B16.11-1996 ‘SOCKET-WELDING AND THREADED Cop End te End End to End Coupin Caps ‘Thickness Min, | Thread Min. Nom w P 6 @ ‘pe ~ DN_| sie | 3000 and 6000 | 3000 | 6000 | 3000 | ooo | 000 | cooo | @ | 6 2 | 8 ws | 2 | a8 ~ | 64 | 87 8 35 we | o 1 | 2 | 4a | ‘se | a1 | wz 10 38 2 | 2 m | 2 | 43 | e« | or | t04 6 2 2 | 33 ze | 38 | ee | 79 | 109 | 138 2 51 3) | ae wm | a | se | 79 | 127 | 130 Es a | 3 a | sr | 97 | 2 | 17 | 73 3 7 “a | 8 sy | 64 | 97 | 112 | 170 | 120 a0 | 7” a | 4 eo | we | 2 | v7 | we | wes 50 35 we | ot 7% | a | 127 | 157 | 190 65 02 so | es a2 | 100 | 157 | 190 | 220 8 198 es | 6s | we | 17 | 190 | 224 | 20 | 305 100 121 ee | 5 | tao | so | xe | moa | o77 | ono (GENERAL NOTE: Dimensions are in milimetors notes. (1) Class 2000 and DNS Class 6000 couplings, half couplings, and caps are not included in thie Standard. {2) Dimension 8 is minimum feng of perfect thread. The length of useful ina (8 plus threads with Tuly formed roots and fat crests) shall not be lass than Le (effective length of external thrasa}raquited by American National Standard fo Pipe Threeds (ANSVASME 81 20.1) See Section 83. Copyright by the American Sociely Of Mechanical Engineers Wed Mar 12'11:20-10 2003 STD-ASME Bhb+U1-ENGL 2996 MM 0759670 0580137 ST mm FORGED FITTINGS, SOCKET-WELDING AND THREADED ASME 816.11 1096 TABLE 7 PLUGS AND BUSHINGS Plugs Square Head | Plage Round Hend__| Hex Page and Buehings Hex Heh risahe of | wrath | Nomina won re Nominal | Lenoth | “Sauare | Fats | Diamatar | tangth | ‘Rate ioe | (Minimum) | (Minimo) | (Minima) | tH (ominan | Busting | Pog on | See a é c e i on | e| fe 0 € 7 | 10 = n ¢ 8| n ° 0 1“ 4 1 3 | 6 wl % 3 8 " ® a ® a [a 6 % 4 10 4 a or 2 s 8 wl % 6 n 6 n | & 2 6 | 0 ly @ B n Fa a Fa s | t zl om | oa wa | 3 | 8 6 7 “ a] ve n «| om rH a é a jas wl 2 2 te = & & & 3 | a | 3% ca ® = a So % | 0 | aw | 3 2 x a a FA o | ow |x wm] * | 2 | & we i w | 2 | 3 GENERAL NOTE: Dinanelone wr in linet note: (1) Cautionary Note Regarding Hex Bushings. Hex Hoad Bushings of one-size reduction should not he used in services wherain they might be subject to harmful loeds and forces other Copyright by the American Sociely Of Mechanical Engineers Wed Mar 12'11:20-10 2003 STD.ASME BLb-21-ENGL 199 MM 0759670 0580138 726 Ml ASME B16.1-1296 ANNEX A INCH TABLES (This Amex is wn intggra part of ASME 616.11-1990 and Is placed after the ‘main taxt for convenience. See para. 15) ‘This Annex provides tables of the standard inch ‘dimensions for futings. Copyright by the American Sociely Of Mechanical Engineers Wed Mar 12'11:20-10 2003 STD+ASNE Bhb+LI-ENGL 2956 MM 0759670 0560139 bbe Ml ‘SOCKET.WELDING AND THREADED ‘ASME B16.11-1996 ojsuOUIp unuaLAU pe wnuveus on7rsdsa, o¥n re ANE 4908 1 SeNfPA OME UE OUCH (2) ‘Seem PezIeo0| Ul penHuned e18 sory LUN.IYL ei "SON}eA pas} VN Sea] DU oq Joys Aaydued purous SHaUyOUL eA MHIOS fo a6eI8AY (L} 'S2L0N ‘204ouy uy aue SUO}ELEWIC ‘ALON TWHINaD zi[wolerowefors] en | sce ene we co] tere » wa] scoloro|evfore| scx | see or ao seo] sero ‘ ser | oro [ors fore | ure | ors] ost sre orr0| neo} seco] e120] wee we ae | oro {se foro] oro} srs | ors | sro 70|exeo} 210} sero] sero ‘ wo | exo |see loro] oro] 2:1 | oro] sro] oro |emeo|ire| rave | seco {seeo|aero| wezolsoro| ero % ee CCCICCoes =a Tar ess esgoecy | wi i rime san | Famer | wamrvtaay | wearer [emma rion | gly | — ommtina cee = Safe omen on “ne waters (sna 9098 roo tg ‘SONILLE ONITTEM-L3YDOS PY 3TEVL dey Buydnoa yw Bundneg sno); moqgia ‘Bop 06 abe SH Bp oahY Fe Copyright by the American Sociely Of Mechanical Engineers 12 11210 2008 Wed lar STD-ASME BLb-LI-ENGL 1996 MM 0759670 OSSOL40 384 mm FORGED FITTINGS, SOCKET-WELDING AND THREADED ASME 016.11.1006 ° | A eat Jt ,il J _J it Lop | Jb 1 4 Oh bed bel bal 0 aes, ow teers AB dao TABLE AS FORGED THREADED FITTINGS. Elbows, Tees, Center to End | Outside Diameter of | Minimum Wall, Langth of Croceee “48° Elbow ‘Bend Thlekness ‘Thread tain, A c 4 @ a | 2000 | 2000 | e000 | zo0e | se00 | oee | 2000 | sooo | sooo | 2000 | s000 | wooo | 8 | tb oat 097 | 0¢2 | oes | 079 | oss | ons | 1.00 | ozs] 0125] 0250 | 025 | 02599 08 oat | 097 | 112 | 089 | o75 | oan | naa | 100 | 121 | o125| o120| o260| 022 | omar oar | x12 | x91 | 075 | 088 | 100 | 100 | 131 | 150 | 125] 18 | oz79| vas | oaa7e uaz | 131 | 150 | oge | 100 | s42 | 131 | 150 | vat | 01s] oxe1 | 0321 | 042 | ossa7 % [ua | x0 | 178 | 100 | 12 | 131 | 150 | 181 | 219 | 0.125] 0.170 o238| oso | oses 1, | 450 | 198 | 200 | uz | 131 | 138 | sr | ate | 2s | cas | 0.180 | 0991 | 028 | 0.0828 wm | 17s | 200 | 298 | v1 | 138 | 160 | 219 | 248 | 297 | 0.193 | 0.208 | o417| o67 | 7088 1% | 200 | 238 | 260 | 130 | veo | 172 | 244 | 207 | 331 | 0:88] o219| 0499] 070 | 07235 2, | 2a8 | 280 | 325 | 169 | 1.22 | 208 | 207 | a1 | 400 | o.t68| 0281 | 0476 | 0.75 | 0.7505 2% | 300 | 225 | 375 | 206 | 208 | 250 | sez | suv | ave | ozzi | oaor| os2| aga | 1138 2) | 3a | 376 | aso | 250 | 250 | 312 | aa | a7 | 676 | 099s | 0248 | o6ss | 1.02 | 1.200 4 | 449 | 450 | 450 | siz | siz | 312 | 579 | 600 | 6.00 | o2s8| oan | 0735] 109 | 1300 GENERAL NOTE: Dimensions are in inches, NOTES: 1) Dimension B ie minimum length of perfect thread. The length of useful thread (B plus thread with uy formed roots and lat Crests) shal ot be less then Ly (effective length of external thread) raqured by American National Standard for Pipe Thread, IANSUASME 81.201). Soe Seaton 6.2 Copyright by the American Sociely Of Mechanical Engineers Wed Mar 12'11:20-10 2003 Copyright Wed lar 12 STD-ASHE BLb-LL-ENGL 199 MM 0759670 0580141 210 ml ‘ASME 016.11-1006 FORGED FITTINGS, ‘SOCKET-WELDING AND THREADED TABLE AG THREADED FITTINGS (1) End wo End nat End Ouse ‘Couplings Cave Diamat Lenath of Thread Norn w . > Mi. (2) Pipe Ste_| seonana coco | aoe | ea00 | ooo | e000 5 1b % 125 ~*~] 076 |... | ca2 | 09 | ono |... | 28 | ons % az | too | 300 | er | to | ote | 2s | oz | emote % 130 too | 108 | oss | 125 | or | oz | o3s | oars 8 18 rz | ust | tz | 130 | oa | os: | oas | ossor % 200 re | 150 173 | 02s | 0 | 020 | ost? 1 ie vez | tee 225 | oa8 | oa | ose | ogaze ™% 22 175 | 101 250 | o2¢ | oa | oo7 | 07000 v% ar ws | 188 300 | om | oso | 070 | a72a 2 axe | uss | 200 | amo | 62 | oso | om | or | ores % gaz | zas | 250 | gaz | 425 | os | 076 | 003 | 108 3 am | 256 | zw | a | so | um | ow | ro | van a 2m | 360 | tu | sso | eas | ome | taz | too | 130 ‘GENERAL NOTE: Dimansione are in inches. notes: (1) Chass 2000 and DNA Class 6200 coupiings. haf couplings, and caps are not included in this Standard {2} Dimension 8 is minimum length of perfect thread. The length of useful thread (8 plus threads with fully formed roots and flat cress) shall not be less than Lo affective langth of extemal thraad zequirad by Amarican National Standard for Pipa Threads (ANSUASME 0120.1), See Section 6.3 210 2008 he American Sociely Of Mechanical Engineers STD.ASNE BLb-L-ENGL 2996 M™ 0759670 0580242 157 mm FORGED FITTINGS, ‘SOCKET-WELDING AND THREADED ASME 816.11-1098 Squore Head Hox Head ‘Round Heed Hex Head Flush Plug lug Plug Bushing Bushing [see Nove (17) TABLE A7_ PLUGS AND BUSHINGS Plugs Square Head Plugs Round Head Hox Phugs ond Bushings Haight ot | width — | Nominal width [_Hex Height (Mind Nominal re Flats Lenatn Fats Pipe (Miviemurn) | (anicnuen) (Minimum) | (Nomina | Bushing | Ptug Bie 8 c . t s H % 025 028 138 ae ~. | OS % 05, 038 132 082 one | 03 % o3t 04a 92 09 ow | on % 038 ose. 8. os | ow | on % os 082 1.06 ws 1.08 ox | ose 1 050 081 131 2.00 138 025 | 038 Me 058 098 1189 2.00 178 om | O56 % 082 ua ver | 200 2.00 ost | oaz 2 0.60 tat 238 250 250 oss | 069 2% 075 150 238 275 3.00 038 | 075 3 oat 180 360 275 350 oat | oot 4 1.09, 250 | 450 3.00 482 oso_| 1.00 ‘GENERAL NOTE: Dimensions are in inches, NoTE: (1) Cautionary Note Regarding Hex Bushings. Hex Hus Bushings of one-size reduction should not be used in services wherein they might be subject to harmful loads snd forces other than internal pressures. 15 Copyright by the American Sociely Of Mechanical Engineers Wed Mar 12'11:20-10 2003 STD.ASME BLL-LL-ENGL 199 MM 0759670 0580343 093 mm ‘ASME 816.11-1996 ANNEX B METHOD FOR BURST TESTING FITTINGS. (This Annex is an intgral part of ASME B16.11-1996 and ie placed after the B1_ This Annex is included to provide documentation of design requirements for nonstandard materials as a service to users of this Standard (see para. 5.2) 'B2 Such firings whose design cannot be established ‘by mathematical analyses contained in nationally recog- nized pressure vessel or piping codes may be established by proof testing in accordance with Section B3. BS To insure adequacy of fitings design, the actual bursting strength of fitings shall not be less than the computed bursting strength of the pipe of the designated schedule number and material. To determine the relative strength of the fiting, straight pipe of the designsted ‘wall thickness and material shall be welded to cach end of the socket-welding fitting or threaded into each end of the threaded end fitting, 153 mm (6.0 in.) in length but not less than twice the outside diameter of the pipe, and with proper end closures applied beyond the minimum length of straight pige. Hydsostatie pres- sure shall be applied until atleast the computer bursting pressure ig achieved ‘The computed bursting strength of pipe shall be determined on the basis of Ue following formula: Copyright by the American Sociely Of Mechanical Engineers Wed lar 12 210 2008 ” P = computed bursting strength of pipe gage pressure = specification minimum ultimate tensile strength of pipe material 1.125, which is a factor to adjust test pressure for the actual tensile strength of the test piece pipe wall thickness = 0.90 x nominal thickness in sizes DN 32 (1% in) and less = 0.93 x nominal thickness in sizes DN 40 (1% in.) and larger outside diameter of pipe n= (NOTE: Any dimensionally consistent system may be used.) Since the above formula is applicable only to straight pipe it cannot be used for a direct computation of the bursting strength of fitings. The fittings ability to withstand bursting shall be gaged only by comparing their behavior on test with the calculated bursting strength of straight pipe of the designated wall thickness ‘and material STD-ASNE Blb-11-ENGL 1996 MM 0759670 OS8OL44 T2T ANNEX Cc QUALITY SYSTEM PROGRAM [This Annas ie not a part of ASME B16.11-1006 and le ineluded for Informasion purposes ony.) ‘The products manufectured in accordance with this Standard shall be produced under a quality system program following the principles of an appropriate standard from the ISO 9000 series!. A determination of the need for registration and/or certification of the product manufactures's quality system program by an independent organization shall be the responsibility of the manufacturer. The detailed documentation demon stating program compliance shall be available 10 the parchaser at the manufacturer's facility. A writen sum- ‘mary description of the program utilized by the product ‘manufacturer shall he available to the purchaser upon request. The product manufacturer is defined as the entity whose name or uadematk appears on the product in accordance with the marking or identification require- ments of this Standard "ne senes i aso avaible tom he American National Standards Instise (ANSI) and the Amercat Sony for Quilty Conteh (ASQC) as American Neon Sandors tat aie Metifed Uy « pret "Q” repaeng the pref “ISO” Each stndut of De setes 5 listed under relereeces, Copyright by the American Sociely Of Mechanical Engineers Wed Mar 12'11:20-10 2003 STDASME BLL-LL-ENGL 1996 MM 0759670 OS80245 Skb Ml ASME 816.11-1006 ANNEX D REFERENCES (hie Annex isan integral part of ASME B10.11-1990 an ‘main text for convenience) laced after the List of standards and specifications referenced in this Standard showing the year of approval. ASME Publications ANSI/ASME B1.20.1-1983, Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch) (R1993) ANSI/ASME B36.10M-1985 ‘Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe ANSI/ASME B16 34.1988 Valves — Flanged, Threaded, and Welding End ASTM Publications ASTM A 105/ 105M.94 Specification for Forgings, Carbon Steel, for Piping ‘Components ASTM A 182/A 182M-94C ‘Specification for Forged or Rolled Alloy-Stee! Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for High-Temperature Service ASTM A 234/4 234M.94 Specification for Pipe Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate and Elevated Temperatures ASTM A 350/A 350M.94 Specification for Forgings, Calbon and Low-Alloy ‘Steel, Requiring Notch Toughness Testing for Piping ‘Components ASTM A 403/4 403M-944, Specification for Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe Fittings ASTM A 420/A 420M.98A __Spacification for Piping Fitings of Wrought Csbon Steel and Alloy Stel for Low-Temperature Service ASTM B 366-95 Specification for Factory-Made Wrought Nickel and Nickel Alloy Welding Fittings ASTM B 160.93 Specification for Nickel Red and Bar ‘ASTM B 168.93 Specification for Nickel-Copper Alloy Rod, Bar and Wire ISO Publications TSO 9000-1 1994. Quality Management and Quality Assurance Standards—Part 1: Guidelines for Selection and Use 1S0 9000-2 1993. Quality Management and Quality Assurance Standards~Part 2: Genetic Guidelines for the Application of ISO 9001, ISO 9002, and ISO 9003 180.9000-3 1991. Quality Management and Quality Assurance Standards-Part 3: Guidelines for the Application of TSO 9001 to the Development, Supply, and Maintenance of Software a Copyright by the American Sociely Of Mechanical Engineers Wed Mar 12'11:20-10 2003 STD-ASME B3b-11-ENGL 1994 MM 0759670 OS8024b aT2 Ml FORGED FITTINGS, ASME B16.11-1966 SOCKET-WELDING AND THREADED TSO 9001-1994. Quality Systems: Model for Quality Assurance in Design, Development, Production, Installation, and Servicing SO 9002-1994, Quality Systems: Model for Quality Assurance in Production and Servicing ISO 90032-1994. Quality Systems: Model for Quality Assurance in Final Inspection and Test Publications of the following organizations appear on the above list: ASME ‘The American Society of Mechanical Engineers 345 Bast 47th Street, New York, NY 10017 ASTM ‘American Society for Testing and Materials 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428 1s 150 Central Secretariat Case Postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland/Suisse Publications appearing above which have been approved as American National Standards ‘ay also be obtained from: ANSI ‘American National Standards Institute, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036 Copyright by the American Sociely Of Mechanical Engineers Wed lar 12 210 2008 Copyrigh Wed lar 12 STD-ASME BLb-DI-ENGL L954 MM O759670 OS80147 739 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS FOR PIPING, PIPE FLANGES, FITTINGS, AND VALVES ‘Scheme forthe Identification of Piping Systems Pipe Threeds, General Purpose {inch} Dbryseal Pipe Threads (inch. Cat iron Pipe Flanges ond Flanged Fittings ‘Malieabla ron Threaded Fittings Gray Iron Threaded Fitings, Fbe Flanges and FangedFiinas (NPS Trough NPS 24) tory Mado Wrought Steel Butwelding Fitings. Fao rte and En t-end Denson of Vobes Forged Fitting, Sockot Welding and Threaded, Cast ron Threaded Drainage Fitings Ferrous Pipe Plugs, Bushinge, and Locknuts with Pipe Throeds Bronze Threaded Fittings, Classes 125 and 250. Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings ‘Metalic Gaskets for Pipe Flanges — hung-Jount, Spal Wound, and Jacketed Nonmetallic Flat Gaskets for Pipa Flangoe Wrought Copper and Copper alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings, Cast Conper Alloy Salder Joint Drainage Fitings — OV. Cost Copper Alloy Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fitings, Class 180, 300, 400, 600, 300, 1500, and 2500 Buttwelding nce Cast Copper Alloy Fittings for Flared Copper Tubes ‘Wrought Steel Burtwelding Short Radius Elbows and Rewrns Wrought Copper end Wrought Copper Alley Solder Joint Orainage Fitings — OW Cast Conner Alioy Solder Joint Fitings for Sovent Drainaga Systams Manually Oporstod Metalic Gas Valves for Use in Gas Piping Systems Up 0 125 psig (Sizes % Through 2) . Valves — Flanged, Throaded, and Welding End nifice Flanges Large Metalic Valves for Gat Dietbution (Manually Oporated, NPS 2) to 12, 128 paig Maximum Mellvabte ron Threaded Pipe Unions, Ciasses 180, 50, and 300. Manually Operated Thermoplastic Gas Shutofts and Valves in Gav Distiibution Systems Functional Qualification Requirements for Power Operated Active Valve Assembles for Nuclear Power Plants A19.1-1996 181.20.1-19831R1992), 81.20. 1976(R1000) 1516.1-1989 8169-1002 8166-1992 165.1098 169-1993 '816.10.1992 1816.11-1996. ‘ate12.1991 16.14.1991 ‘816.15-1985, 816.18-1984 ‘a1 70.1093 81621-1992 .B16.77-1995, '916.29.1992 816.26-1991 ‘91625-1092 1816.26-1988 816.28 1094 1816.29-1986 ‘816.22 1902 216.22-1990 81638-1996 81626-1098, 516.38-1985 816 39.1986, 1376.40-1905 (616.41-1093181988) Ductile Ion Pipe Flenges ond Flanged Fitings, Class 150 and 300 : 16.42.1987 \Weought Copper and Copper Alloy Solder Join Fittings for Savant® Drainag '376.49-1082 Manually Opsreted Metalic Gas Valves for Use in House Piping Systems 16.40.1995, Cast ron Fittings for Sovent® Drainage Systems ‘836.46-1087 Large Diameter Stoo! Flangae {NPS 26 Through NPS €0) 1816.47-1996 POWEE PIPING. --ssvsssvseeese 821.1195 Fuel Gas Piping (8312-1968 Process Piping 31 3.1998 Liquid Transportation Systeme for Hydrocarbons, Liquid Petroleum Gos, Anhydrous Ammonia, and Alcohols... .B31& 1992 eeigeration Piping. 31.5-1992 Gas Transmissian and Distribution Piping Systeme, 831.8-1995 Builging Services Pipi. 8319-1988, Slurry Transportation Pising Systema. 91.11.1969 ASME Guide for Gas Transmission si Distribution Piping Systems — 1986 (not an ANSt Standard) Manuel for Determining the Remaining Strength af Corraded Pipalinas (not an ANSI Standard} 216-1991 Wolded and Seamless Wrought Stee! pe 335.10M 1995, Stainless Stee Pipe 996.10M.1985 Self-Operated and Fower-Operated Safety lated Veives Functional Specification Standard. The ASME Publications Catalog shows 2 complote lst of of the Standards published by the Society Ccatatog, or te latest information about our publications, call 1-800-THE-ASME (1.890.842.2782) he American Sociely Of Mechanical Engineers 210 2008 NZ78.1-18751R1984), For a complimentary

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