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Fellow Unit Template

Prepared by: Kelly Mullen School/Location: Our Lady of the Sacred Heart High School

Subject: Spanish Language and Culture Grade: 9 Interdisciplinary Unit Title: Immigration and the Sustainable Development Goals
Time Needed: approximately 1 month

Unit Summary: This unit introduces students to immigration with a focus on Hispanic immigration to the United States. Students will research
important issues in five Spanish speaking countries in urban and rural areas. They will explore the UN Sustainable Development Goals to
create connections to their research and determine why people might choose to immigrate out that country. They will interview an immigrant
from that country to give a voice to their explorations and will create presentations for their school community in order to demonstrate learning.

STAGE 1: Desired Results


Pennsylvania State
Standards, Social Studies Students will be able to independently use their learning to:
Standard - 7.3.C.A Research an assigned Spanish-speaking country.
Analyze the human Explore the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
characteristics of places and Investigate issues from the perspectives of others to understand why a person might immigrate from their
regions using the following country of origin.
criteria: Draw a connection between the SDGs and real-world experiences of immigrants from Spanish speaking
• Population countries.
• Culture Interview an immigrant from a Spanish speaking country.
• Settlement Create a presentation including visuals, text, and recorded media presenting their findings.
• Economic activities
• Political activities
Internet, to produce, publish, Students will understand:
and update individual or 1. What are the Sustainable Development
shared writing products, U1. There are a variety of factors why an immigrant might Goals?
taking advantage of immigrate to another country. 2. What are some issues in your country that
technology’s capacity to link U2. The connections between the Sustainable Development might push people to immigrate?
to other information and to and the real-world impact on the studied population.
display information flexibly U3. The story of an immigrant. 3. What connections can be made between the
and dynamically. U4. Key concepts relating to immigration real-world experiences of immigrants and
the Sustainable Development Goals?

Recognizing perspectives
Investigating the world
Communicate Ideas


Student laptops Students will know: Students will be able to:
Infograph application of The purpose of the Sustainable Development Goals. Use technology to research issues of an assigned
student’s choice What factors may cause someone to immigrate to the United Spanish-speaking country.
Video editing application States. Connect the Sustainable Development Goals to
Key concepts about immigration. experiences of immigrants from their assigned
RESOURCES: How to use technology to do research. country.
Excerpts from the book How to use technology to create a presentation. Identify key concepts related to immigration
Enrique’s Journey Interview an immigrant using prepared questions
Videos from Storycorps and
from my personal library
UN Sustainable Development
Goals website
Interviews from immigrants

Stage 2 - Evidence

Assessment Evaluation Criteria (Learning target or Student Will Be Able To)

Assessments FOR Learning:

Direct Instruction: Students will gain introductory information about immigration, especially as it relates to the
United States and immigration from Spanish speaking countries.
Videos: Students will watch short video clips of students from Honduras and Guatemala talking about why they
left their countries of origin and eventually immigrated to the United States.
Reading: Students will read excerpts from the book Enrique’s Journey. Excerpts will focus on sections
detailing factors that pushed Enrique to leave his home.
Game: In small groups, students will play a board game focused around immigration. This will open up a
discussion about compassion, justice, and tolerance.
Infograph: Through the use of an infograph of the US immigration system, students will be able to see ways in
which people can and cannot immigrate to the US.
Research: Students will be assigned a Spanish speaking country to research with a partner. They will research
issues/ conditions in an urban area of that country and a rural area.
Discussion: Students will discuss with their partner why an individual might leave their country of origin based
on the research they have been doing together. They will also discuss how the Sustainable Development Goals
might connect to their research.

Assessments OF Learning: KWL Chart: At beginning of unit, each student fills out KWL chart to help guide the learning.
Interview Students interview an immigrant in their family or community
Presentation: Students create a presentation including visuals, text, and video to demonstrate the connection
they found between the SDGs and the real-world experiences of immigrants from the Spanish-speaking countries
they investigated.

Stage 3 - Learning Plan

Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction

Week 1
The first week is an introduction to immigration and the immigrant story. I will use direct instruction give students information about
immigration, especially regarding statistics and other information that will be important as we move deeper into this unit. I will also introduce
students to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, as they likely will have no knowledge of them. Students will listen to immigrant stories that
I have filmed and will listen to immigrant stories from Storycorps. Students will play Immigration: The Game and then will have class
discussion using the infograph provided. This should give students a solid background as they enter week 2.

Week 2
Students will be partnered in groups of 2-3 and will be assigned a country to research. Students will do research on issues in an urban area of
their country as well as a rural area of their country and will examine issues such as natural disasters, political volatility, access to education,
poverty rates, and socioeconomic conditions. Students will have questions to guide their research. During this week, students are asked to find an
immigrant from the country they are researching to interview (teacher provides info on local organizations/ people willing to participate).

Week 3
In week 3, the students should be finishing up their research. They will be guided to connect their research back to the UN SDGs. During this
week, they should interview an immigrant using prepared questions. Students will begin to create an infograph informing people of important
issues in the country they researched that often push people to immigrate and will show SDGs that connect to these issues. They will include
clips of the interview that they conducted.

Week 4
Students will present their infographs and videos to the class. There will be a discussion of similarities and differences between the countries and
the SDGs that each group made a connection to. Immigrants who were interviewed are invited to attend these presentations.

TGC FELLOWS UBD Lesson Template

Lesson Title: Far From Home Subject: Spanish Language & Culture Prepared by: Kelly Mullen

Materials Needed: Computer with projector, videos of immigrants telling their stories, printed or digital copies of articles from
the Pew Research Center, UN Sustainable Development Goals website, Pew Research Center

Global Competency: global mindedness, critical thinking, understanding of global issues

Where is the lesson going? Students will gain an understanding of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and will use
(Learning Target or SWBAT) them to understand reasons why people immigrate.

Hook: Tailored Differentiation:

Guide students to the UN Sustainable Development Goals website. Read the goals
together as a group. Students rank goals on a 1-3 system: Provide more videos of immigrant
1= I think people immigrate a lot because of this. stories to help students understand the
2= I think people immigrate sometimes because of this. myriad of reasons why a person might
3= I don’t think that people immigrate because of this. immigrate.
Begin class by discussing common
Equip: stereotypes about why people
immigrate (especially as it relates to
Spanish-speakers coming to the US)
Show students videos of teenagers discussing why they left their homes to immigrate
and debunk these before looking at the
from the US. Also show clips from Storycorps of adults telling their stories. Present
statistics from Pew Research Center.

Rethink and revise:

Show students the Sustainable Development Goals a second time and ask them to rank
the goals again based on what they have learned during class.


Formative- Class discussion about their rankings—what changed in their rankings?

What stayed the same? Did you learn anything that you want to consider further or that
alters a previously held perspective?


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