Botany Exam 3 Study Stuff

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Botany Exam 3 Study Stuff:

Kingdom Plantae:
-Fern Allies and Ferns= Lower Vascular Plants
-vascular plants
-Predominant phase in life history=sporophyte
-Free-living gametophyte

-Phylum Psilotophyta “whisk ferns”

Genus: Psilotum
-Habit-Hair like out growth- Dichotomously branched plant – no vascular
tissue- stem and sporangia – has leaf like enations
-Anatomy-Actinostele- stem has photosynthetic organisms
-Life History—gametophyte grows into gametangia- antheridia sperm/
archegonium egg- sperm swim toward egg- n generation is not photosynthetic
Genus: Tmesipteris
-Phylum Lycophyta “club mosses”
Genus Lycopodium- “ground pine, running cedar”
-Habit- microphylls- rhizome – as leaves, stems, and roots
-Anatomy- plectostele
-Life History-Sporophylls (leaves that produce spores)- Homosporous-
single type of spore- cone=strobilus (where spores are)- mychrohizzal fungi-
gametophyte- earlier stage sporophyte dependent on gametophyte in we places
Genus Selaginella – “spike moss, prince’s pine”
-Habit- adventitious roots grow from other places other than root poles-
stem roots and leaves
-Life History- cone thing produced by meiosis- gametophyte= contained
mostly inside a spore – wall breaks open a tridiate crest
Genus Isoetes- “quillwort”
-Life History-
-Phylum Equisetophyta “horsetails and scouring rushes”
Genus Equisetum
-Extinct forms-
-Life History- 1 species – branches no always multibranched leaves
produced at node
-Phylum Polypodiophyta “ferns”
-Geologic history-
-Anatomy-Amphipholic siphonostele dictyostele
-Life History
-Asexual reproduction

Kingdom Metaphyta:
-“Seed plants=higher vascular plants”
-Vascular plants
-Predominant phase in life history= sporophyte
- Gametophyte reduced and dependent
- Fully terestrialized
Leaf Evolution-
-Branching patterns
- Leaf types

Seed Habit-
-Megagametophyte remains in megaspore
-Megaspore remains in megasporangium
-Integument develops
-Ovule retained and nourished by parent

-Geologic History
-Natural History
-Economic Importance
-Size and Age
-Phylum Pinophyta “conifers”
-Leaf shape
-Life History- pine produces cones within a bud during the fall and winter
pollination occurs in early spring – seed coat is digested and modified – pollen settle
toward ovule – water pollination drop
microphyle – opening through integument megasporangial tissue megaspore= parent cell
During the summer the cone enlarges- megaspore goes into megagametophyte winter and
spring summer of third growing season- integument= seed coat- sperm arrives at egg-
fertilization usually only one egg gets fertilized (dormant over winter germinate in
spring)- radical grow into root system- hypocatae- embryo that is between root and
leaves- epicotal= stem
-Phylum Cycadophyta “cycads”
- Geological History- declines with flowering plants- first they covered most of
the earth- now in tropical and subtropical areas
-Natural History-were alive in Mesozoic era
-Habit- tropical and subtropical areas
-Life history- dioecious- similar to pines except only one growing season is
-Phylum Ginkgophyta “ginkgo trees”
-Geological history- slow growing plants- scales pinnate leaves-
-Natural history-China- Ginkgo Biloba “living fossil” Long branches
indeterminate growth – small branches determinate growth
-Life History- dioecious

“Angiosperms” Angion = container~ Sperm in a container

-Phylum Magnoliophyta “flowering plants”- Two classes within this group
-Class Dicotyledonae “dicots”
-Class Monocotyledonae “monocots”
-Plant organs:
-Function: to produce more stem, produce leaves, fruit and flowers,
transport material (food (phloem) and water (xylem))
- In woody plants it grows lateral also (diameter)
-Meristems- to increase length
- Apical meristems- grows upwards
-Tunica- 1-3 layers over the apical meristem, cell
divisions are all perpendicular to the cell surface
-Corpus- where cell divisions is in all planes
- Leaf primordia- nodes of tissue
-Lateral meristems- (in woody plants)-grows around trunk
-Primary Meristem- Procambium protoderm ground
meristem- primary phloem, xylem, pith, and cortex

-Primary body of a dicotyledonous plant-Primary

-Center – towards pith is where xylem is, very large cells
with thick walls, usually stained red
-Phloem is around, but small in diameter
-Have vascular bundle arranged all around not in circular
-ground or fundamental tissue

-Primary body of a monocotyledonous plant

-Secondary body of a dicotyledonous plant-Secondary

-from a lateral meristem in woody plants
-not in monocots
-wood production takes place
-wood comes from – a line between xylem and phloem all around
-cells have very thin cell walls, actively dividing (can’t make a
thick cell wall)
-vascular cambium
-produces xylem cells within itself, so it pushes itself out
-as it divides it will either become xylem (inside) or phloem

Secondary xylem is wood

Secondary phloem is bark

Cork cambium
-produces cells inside (parenchyma cells which become the
secondary cortex) and outside (cork cells)
-to form protection when there is a hole in epidermis
-located around epidermis, near bark
-filled with ...?
-fills in cracks, so its like a tooth filling
-bark stays relatively the same thickness overtime because it gets
sleuthed? Off
However the wood part will grow

-Node- where a leaf is at

-Internode- part in between leaves
- over time the distance usually elongates- sometimes its
very close together (look like a rose)- call it a rosette plant
-Sequoia trees live where there is flash fires so it has thick layers
of bark which burns off so it doesn’t get to the living tissue, allows
the plant to be competitive
1.Wound healing - bark gets knocked off the wood is exposed and
can get infected with bacteria or fungus, so the area around it the
tree produces calous tissue and grows over wood that is the same
cells that would have been there

2. Branching - meristem that have potential to grow into a branch,

don’t always do - the buds that look like young branches don’t
grow into branch

3. Dormancy and vernalization - have to contend with weather,

will become dormant, and change physiology of cells, the amount
of water in cells, so they don’t freeze
-in spring it goes through vernalization – when the proper
conditions arise that stimulates the plant to grow, (stimulates
hormones which stimulates growth)
-WoodOutside à inside àphloemà secondary xylemàprimary
In red woods the heartwood is read because of the …
-good when you want wood to last a long time, farmers use
for fence posts
-cedar is another example (hangers, closets)
-Economic importance: building materials

-how it is cut depends on what the grain looks like
-grain = growth rings

-Planed sawed wood = gives the normal grain patterns

-cone shaped trees, when do a cross-section get a parabola shape
-Quarters sawed wood = -can have grain parallel to rings

-a place where a branch connects into the xylem of the main stem

-not always same width of rings every year

-use a Swedish…to test without cutting the tree down (take out a
section, a cylinder shape)
-find from evidence of growth rings when events took place, in
older trees find out when it was subject to battles during Civil War

-can study the climate of previous times

-absorption of water and minerals
-anchorage of plant in soil
-conduction of water and solutes

Monocots: fibrous roots

Dicots: tap root with fibrous roots

-root hairs only along bottom, maturation part
-very bottom has no root hairs and it the only part that will

-apical for length
-at root tip, not exactly at the tip, there is a root cap, which
is needed to push the soil to grow, the root cap protects the apical
meristem inside
-usually has a quiescent center (very few cell divisions)
-promeristem is the region where new cells are being
reproduced, this replaces the root cap which is lost to destruction
from the soil
-protoderm gives rise to procambium à vascular tissues
-between is the ground meristem
-in slide look at top of cross-section and follow that row of cells
down towards the root cap to determine what is what, otherwise all
looks the same
-lateral for diameter

-at the very tip
-adaptation to the dense material it must get through

Root hairs are outgrowths of epidermis

(protoderm) à cortex àendodermis à pericycle à primary
phloem à primary xylem

Primary Body
-outside towards in
epidermis (clear cells) à cortex (bigger cells with
intercellular spaces and protoplasm inside some = starch grains
(purple)) à endodermis à pericycle (the row of cells right inside
the endodermis), this determines the stele à

Secondary Body
In a woody plant the primary gives rise to the secondary

Epidermis à cortex à endodermis à pericycle à procambium

with primary phloem and xylem inside
-part that gives rise to secondary

à secondary xylem right against primary, same for the

à also vascular cambium produced by procambium in
between xylem and phloem
à vascular cambium produced by pericycle in between the

Pericycle produces periderm

-it produces cells on either side of itself
-outside – cork cambium
-inside – a secondary cortex layer
-replaces function of epidermis
-Lateral root origin - arises form meristematic activity at pericycle, grows from
cortex outwards
-Endodermis-casparian strip in cell wall, seal off the walls to keep
water out, the water must go through the living tissue of
endodermis (selectively permeable membrane)
-Mycorrhizal symbiosis= mutualism-symbiotic relationship
-expands Surface Area for absorption of minerals and water, can break down dead
organic material
-all of this is given to the tree, so it grows faster
-can put hyphae in the cell (the fungus) but the cell will keep the cytoplasm
separate (put a membrane around it)
-Nitrogen fixation symbiosis= mutualism-invade through a root
hair and infection goes through cortex
-but surrounded by membrane
-will expand tissue from the bacteria so you get pustules on roots
(root nodules)

Soil pore volume

-50% is pore space
-either filled with water or air, after rain the water will push
the air out, then the plant takes up the water and new air enters the
soil to replace the water
-every time it rains get new oxygen
-50% is mineral of this 2-3% is organic matter

Root vs. Stem Surface Area

-width is about the same at the top of the plant or tree
-how long is it though?
-an example the length was 200ft longer than the part above
51.4 stem
2500 square feet roots with 14 billion root hairs which gives
1 = 6500 square feet

-Soil pore volume

-Root vs. Stem Surface area

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