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W . L. L U Y B E N ’ A N D J . A. GERSTER
L’nznluerszty of Delaware, .Vewark. Del.

The effectiveness of feedforward control for a 1 0-tray and a 40-tray distillation column has been studied.
The function of the controller was to prevent the overhead and bottoms product compositions from changing
in spite of disturbances in feed rate and in feed composition by manipulating vapor rate and reflux rate to
the column. The performance of the controller was determined by analog simulation of a 10-tray and a
40-tray column, and by experimental tests in a 1 0-tray, 2-foot-diameter pilot-plant column.

EEDBACK control has been the traditional method of control- Pilot-Column Studies
F ling distillation columns. I t often provides acceptable Scope of Work. T h e effectiveness of a feedfor\\.ard con-
control despite scant knowledge of the dynamic character of troller was investigated experimentally for the same 2-foot,
the column. However, corrective action is taken only after 10-tray distillation column for which intensive transient
product qualities have deviated from their desired values, and response data have been determined ( 7 , 2, 70, 72). Eighteen
runs were made \vith step changes in feed rate or feed composi-
long times are often required to bring the unit hack to its tion to the column. Corrective action was made as prescribed
desired steady state, especially in large towers. Also. un- by the simple feedforbvard controller transfer functions ob-
desirable interaction of feedback control loops may occur, as tained from Bode plots. Changes in composition for the tray
most columns are multivariable. liquids and for the overhead and bottoms products \vere
Feedforward control in principle eliminates these difficulties determined as a function of time after the step change.
T h e experimental work \vas carried out \vith the acetone-
by sensing the input disturbances as they enter the column and benzene system at 25 p.s.i.g. Reflux ratios of 1.3 and 4.1
taking the proper corrective action. Thus. control problems were employed for several values of feed composition between
inherent in dead-time and distributed parameter systems are 40 and 60 mole % acetone. Cold feed Lias introduced to
theoretically eliminated. the fifth tray from the bottom and averaged 10 gallons per
minute. All tests were made at vapor velocities \vhich \\-ere
Use of feedforward controllers in practice has its limitations.
about 60Yc of the flooding rate.
First, the system may not correspond exactly to the mathemati- T h e tower itself has been fully described (6). Briefl)-, it
cal or empirical model used to predict its dynamic behavior. consists of 10 bubble-cap trays on 18-inch spacing. Outlet
Second, changes in product compositions caused by unmeasured weir height is 2 inches. T h e system includes a natural-
input disturbances go uncorrected. Third, physical and circulation, thermosiphon reboiler. condenser, 100-gallon
reflux drum. and feed, reflux, and bottoms pumps. Liquid
process limitations may constrain the manipulative inputs so hold-up on each tray is 2.40 gallons; in each downpipe, 1.20
that they cannot be adjusted to values required by the feed- gallons; in the reboiler system, 67 gallons; and in the entire
forward controller. For these reasons, secondary feedback reboiler-column-condenser system. 172 gallons.
control would be required in the plant to prevent a drift of Transfer Functions. T o achieve feedforward control of the
product composition. This combined feedforward-feedback pilot-plant column, it was first necessary to compute the
transfer functions between the input disturbances (feed rate:
control is not considered in this paper. F. and feed composition, z F ) and the manipulative or correc-
tive inputs (reflux rate, R. and vapor boilup rate. V,) such that
the control objectives are met: that the perturbations in com-
position of the overhead and bottoms products be zero-i.e.,
Feedforward control is discussed qualitatively by Calvert and x D = xI1 = 0. Thus: the feedforward controller (FFC)of the
distillation s)-stem, assuming it to be linear. is made up of
Coulman (4) and Dobson (5) Application to general multi- four separate transfer functions; in matrix notation, these are:
variable linear systems is discussed by Bollinger and Lamb
( 3 ) ,who used matrix methods to calculate both feedforward
and feedback controllers so as to minimize “penalty functions.”
Lamb. Pigford, and Rippin (7) synthesized a feedforward
controller using a linear model for a seven-tray column.
(In this paper. variables without an overhead bar are per-
Transfer functions for the column were computed from a turbations from the steady-state values. \vhile barred quanti-
frequency-domain solution of the model ; matrix methods Mere ties are the steady-state values-for example. the reflux rate
then used to solve for the feedforward controller transfer func- at any instant is 2 +R ) Thus if the transfer functions are
tions. In the present study these procedures were modified known and if upsets in feed rate and feed composition are
to calculate the feedforward controller transfer functions measured, proper values for the corrective inputs are readily
directly. Lupfer and Parsons (8) describe the synthesis of determined as follous:
feedforward controllers for a distillation column from an
empiricall? determined tramient response of the column

Present address. Enginerring’Department. E. I. du Pont de T h e transient behavior of the lO-tray pilot-plant column
Kernours & Go., Inc.. Louviers Building. S e w a r k , Del. is described by a set of 26 linear differential equations of the


perturbation type (70). Two equations are required for each

tray: one to describe ].he composition-time relationship and a
second to show the liquid rate-time behavior. Additional
equations are needed for the reflux drum, the reboiler, the seal
!dt! = (R - L10)
pan below the bottom tray, and the sections of top and feed
trays used to preheat cold feed streams to those trays. In the frequency domain, these equations become (with
These 26 equations were Laplace-transformed and put into XD = 0):
the frequency domain by substituting I W for s, the Laplace 0 = bixio - 0 (6)
operator; 1 is 47, and w is the frequency in radians per
minute. At any particular value of U , a set of 26 algebraic J W xi0 = bzR - b3Vio f 0 - b4~10 f bjxg (7)
equations results with coefficients that are complex numbers. and
These equations were soived for the feedforward ccntroller
transfer functions by iinposing the two control criteria equa- = bsR - b d i o
tions, X D = ytD = 0, ,and solving the simultaneous complex
algebraic equations for R(F, zB) and V(F,z F ) . where the b constants are the constant coefficients in Equa-
tions 3, 4, and 5. The corresponding pair of equations for
To illustrate the method, the splitting of top and feed trays tray 9 is:
and the contacting section above the reboiler (70) is omitted
below. Consider the equations for the top of the column; jwxg = b7Lio - baVg f b,xio - bioxg f biixs (9)
for the condenser, IwLg = b6Lio - bsLg (10)
Substituting Equations 7 and 8 into Equation 9, noting that
(3) Equation 6 gives x10 = 0, and recalling that V g = Vlo= V,
(instantaneous propagation of vapor disturbances) give the
following result for any given value of w :
x8 = (biz f jbl3)Vr - (bl4 f jbl5)R (11)
T h e stepping procedure is continued tray-by-tray downward
until the tray above the feed tray is reached, where the result is

~5 (hls + ~ h i ~ ) V-r ( h i s f 3big)R (12)

Table 1. Values of Corrective Action for Pilot-Plant Column

Correctiue Act ion _ _ ~
To attain
required Jinal
steady state
Operating Conditions
- (steady-state Dynamic feedforward controller
L/D ZF gain = K ) (transfer function)

1.3 0.45 0.6074 1/(0.3390s f 1)

1.3 0,494 0.6072 1/(0.3571s ++ 11 ))
1.3 0.55 0.6070 1/(0.3745s
4.1 0.48 1.8918 1/(0.9259s f 1)
4.1 0.50 1 ,8923 1/(0 9615s + 11 ))
4 1 0.53 1 ,8956 1/(0.9709s f

1.3 0.45 -0,6604 1/10.3704s C 1 P

1.3 0.494 -0.6852 i)(o ,4405s 1j z +
1.3 0.55 -0.6511 1/(0.4545s f 1)2
- 0.0498
(0.3636s +
1 )/(s
1/(0.5882s 1)2
+ +
1)(O 2299s +1 )2

4.1 0.50 -0,4400 1/(0.6667s f 1)2

4.1 0.51 -0,5915 1/(0.7353s i- 1 ) 2
4.1 0.53 -0,8048 1/(0.6757s +
1.3 0.45 1.5054 1/(0.4219s f 1)
1.3 0.494 1 ,5052 1/(0.4608s f 1)
1.3 0.55 1 5049 1/(0.5076s f 1)
4.1 0 48 2 9636 1/(0.9901s
1/(1.0640s C
+ 1)
4.1 0 50 2.9642
4.1 0.53 2.9681 1/(1.0750s + 1)
vs / z F
1.3 0.45 1.1869 (1.111s + 1)/(0.6250s f 1)[0.40822s2+ (1.6)(0.4082)sf I ]
1.3 0.494 1.1885 (1.250s f
(0.667s + 1)/(0.6993s + 1)[0.41672s2f (1.6)(0.4167)s+ l ]
1)/(0.4545s f 1)[0.4167*s2+ (1.2)(0.4167)s4- I ]
1.3 0.55 1.3885
4.1 0.48 0.8138 (1 ,429s f ( 1 . 6 ) ( 0 . 3 5 4 6 )+
+ 1 ) ( 1 . 2 6 6+~ 1)[0.35462~2 ~ I]
4.1 0.49 0.5664
4.1 0.50 0.3476 (3.125s + 1)/(1.235s f 1)/0.4O0O2s2+ (1.6)(0.4000)sf 11
4.1 0.51 0.1733
4.1 0.53 - 0.0590 (10s $. 1)/(1 ,111s f 1)[0.43482s2+ (1.4)(0.4348).r+ 11

VOL. 3 NO. 4 OCTOBER 1 9 6 4 375

.4t the bottom of the column, where the control objective

is to maintain a constant bottoms product composition, yTV = 0. Table II. Validity of linear Model for Pilot-Plant Column
Applying the same stepping procedure from the bottom up-
wards. the result for the tray bel014 the feed tray becomes Perturbation
in Feed
Coni#osition niodrl calliv inodel
L / D = 1.3; Initial 2 p = 0.494
T h e final step in the calculation of the transfer functions is 0 0.1035 0.1033 0.8398 0 8398
to write perturbation equations similar to Equations 4 and 5 +0 02 0.1035 0 1060 0.8398 0.8410
for the feed tray itself; additional terms involving F ahd zF +0 05 0 1035 0.1009 0.8398 0.8420
are present. These equations, plus Equations 12 and 13,
t o .10 0.1035 0 1153 0 8398 0.8442
+0.15 0.1035 0.1189 0.8398 0.8523
can be rearranged to give the desired result
L I D = 4.1; Initial 2~ = 0.500
R = +
(h j b d F 4- (626 +jbp)zF (14) 0
0.041 1
(bzs + jb2dF + ( b a +
+0.05 0.0384 0.0449 0.8950 0,8992
Vs = jb8Jzp (1 3 $0 10 0.0384 0 0515 0.8950 0.9023
+0.15 0.0384 0.0598 0.8950 0,9067
Calculations of this type were programmed for a G-15 +0 20 0 0384 0.0690 0.8950 0.9116
Bendix computer so that values of the four complex numbers
in Equations 14 and 15 could be obtained at various values of
w. Values of the steady-state parameters f. 5. 7,and A Effectiveness of Control on Pilot Column
(required for each tray as coefficients in the equations similar
to Equation 4). were also obtained in a separate Bendix pro- Analog Studies. T h e effectiveness of a feedforward con-
gram in which the necessary vapor-liquid, enthalpy, and den- troller for the pilot column was studied first by simulating the
sity d a t a for the acetone-benzene system were expressed as column on a PACE analog computer. The analog circuit
polynomials in temperature and composition. \'slues for used to simulate the transient behavior of the pilot-plant column
liquid holdup and for rate of change of liquid holdup with is given in earlier studies (70). The approximate transfer
respect to liquid rate were obtained from experimental data. functions of Table I ivere developed on other components of the
These procedures and tables of the computed values have been analog computer to simulate the feedfor\z.ard controller of the
described (6>9: 7 7). analog column. Complete analog circuit diagrams are given
Computed results were expressed in terms of Bode plots by Luyben ( 9 , 7 7 ) .
of log modulus and phase angle us. w for each transfer func- Figure 1 sho\\s the modified step disturbance in either F
tion, R;’F, R,!z,, V , ’F? and Vv,/z,. Results were obtained for or zF imposed upon the system. T h e disturbance \vas not a
reflux ratios of Ll’D = 1.3,and 4.1 and for various feed com- sharp step? so that the analog components could readily de-
positions between 45 and 55 mole yc. ,411 of the Bode plots or scribe the derivative of the disturbance. Figure 2 shobvs rhe
frequency response curves are given by Luyben ( 9 ) . corrective action demanded by the controller in order to inain-
T h e curves of log modulus us. w were approximated by tain constant product purities a t all times when the feed com-
ratios of polynomials in s. First- and second-order leads and position changes as shown in Fjgure 1. The required changes
lags were used to obtain a reasonably simple result; a n attempt in I? and in 7, vary \vith time and lvith the steady-state values
was made to obtain a good fit especially in the low frequency of ‘I) and ZF. Corrective action varies greatly ivith f ,
part of the curve. No attempt was made to fit the phase angle a t the higher reflux ratio. T h e dynamic part of the corrective
curves, because this would complicate the transfer function by action occurs during the first 3 or 4 minutes follo\\-ing the input
requiring terms such as ( e - “ ) or (s 1) ‘(s - 1). Numerical
values of the steady-state gains and the approximate feed-
forward controller transfer functions are given in Table I.
Inspection of Table I shows that the time constants for the
feedforward controller increase as the reflux ratio is increased
a t any z F >because of the larger concentration difference on
adjacent trays a t the higher reflux ratios. Feed composition
has a stronger effect upon the results a t the higher reflux ratio
because the composition change over the feed tray is greatest
in this instance.
Range of Validity of Linear Model. T h e transient and
steady-state results for the pilot-plant column given in Table I
are based upon the assumption of a linear model. I n fact, the
system is actually nonlinear and it is of interest to determine
ho\v large the perturbations can become before the linear model
becomes invalid. To test this. steady-state values for x I ) and
,yW were computed from the exact steady-state program men-

tioned above as perturbations in zF were increased from 2 to

20 mole yo. The required changes in R and V, were computed I 2
from the steady-state gains of Table I. If the linear model
holds, the product compositions should remain constant. As Figure 1. Modified step disturbance
shown in Table I I ? the product compositions deviate by less in feed rate or feed composition to col-
than 1.3 mole Yc with 1070 changes in z F . At the higher umn
reflux ratio. the column is more nonlinear because of the Units of disturbance. 70 change in f e e d rate or
larger composition changes per tray. change in f e e d composition, mole yo


I I change. The required corrective action for a feed rate change
is also shown in Figure 2. In this case 2, has little effect upon
the result.
The analog studies showed that control was almost perfect.
.4bsolutely perfect control ( x D and xw staying exactly zero)
was not expected because of the approximate transfer functions
used. Overhead and bottoms compositions of the analog
column never deviated more than 0.2 mole % acetone. This
maximum deviation occurred 4 to 5 minutes after the input
T h e analog studies also showed that the deviations in product
compositions are held to small values (less than 1 mole yo)
when the corrective action was taken instantaneously-i.e.,
- - 0
C 2 4 6
when values of R and V , were immediately changed to the
TIME, MINUTES values required for the new, final steady state. This is not
surprising for this small 10-tray column, as the dynamic feed-
forward controller brought these flow rates to their final
R / & FOR PIILOT COLUMN steady-state values in only 3 to 4 minutes.
Experimental Studies. Step changes in feed rate and in
feed composition were introduced into the pilot-plant column,
and in the first set of experiments the corrective action was
taken instantaneously-that is, changes in both reboiler steam
.-&.0 55 flow and reflux flow were made at the same time that feed
rate or feed composition was changed. A series of 18 runs
of this type was made a t reflux ratios of 1.3 and 4.1. Step
changes in feed rate varied from 5 to 107, of the original value,
2 4
6 and step changes in feed composition varied from 5 to 10 mole
yo acetone.
Results for two typical runs are shown in Figures 3 and 4.
1 # 1 In Figure 3 where the feed rate was increased by 5%, the
2 4 I
corrective action was made instantaneously. The tray com-
positions did not move appreciably from their original values,
Figure 2. Changes in reflux rate and vapor boilup rate re-
and there was no measurable transient period.
quired for pilot-plant column
Figure 4 shows the result for a change in feed composition
Feed composition or f e e d r a t e changes as in Figure 1 . Parameters: r t e a d y - from 48 to 57 mole yo acetone. The corrective action was
state reflux ratio, 1/01 steady-state f e e d composition, IF
made instantaneously. In this instance the tray compositions

6 -2
REBOILER: Rw.0.069
-2 0 2 4 6 8
0 2 4 6 8 T I M E , MINUTES
Figure 4. Experimental changes in composi-
Figure 3. Experimental changes in composi-
tion of tray liquids and product compositions
tion of tray liquids and product compositions
in pilot-plant column
in pilot-plant column
Feed composition increased b y 9 mole % a n d cor-
F e e d r a t e increased b y 5% a n d corrective action in rective action in reflux r a t e a n d v a p o r boilup r a t e taken
reflux r a t e a n d v a p o r bailup r a t e t a k e n instantaneously instanta neously

VOL. 3 NO. 4 OCTOBER 1964 377




-30 t2

, I I ,
005 0 1 05 I O 5 10 50 00501 05 I 5 10 50
+ -I

3 -6

e -I2
; -10
9 -24

- -30
0 0 5 0.1 05 I 5 IO

0 0 5 01
’ \ I
Figure 6. Changes in reflux rate and vapor boilup
rate required for 40-tray column subjected to step
changes in feed rate or feed composition as in
Figure 5. Bode plots for feedforward controller transfer Figure 1
functions for lo-, 20-, and 40-tray columns
F e e d f o r w a r d controller responses
Inrt. Instantaneous corrective action
Simple. Simple dynamic corrective actjon
all change as expected but the overhead and bottoms product Dyn. Dynamic corrective action using transfer functions of
Table 111
compositions remain unchanged.
The results of the other 16 runs also indicated that instan-
taneous corrective action gave essentially perfect control for
the pilot-plant column. There was thus no need for ‘experi- with a liquid density of 50 pounds per cu. foot and a vapor of
ments in which dynamic corrective action would be taken. density of 1.1 pounds per cu. foot. The holdup on each tray
T h e effectiveness of instantaneous corrective action was a t would be 3 inches of clear liquid. Results can be used for a
least partly due to the presence of small lags in the experi- column of any size with the same relative holdups and hy-
mental equipment. A lag of 30 to 60 seconds existed between draulics by changing the time scale.
the time the set point was changed on the steam-rate controller Controller Transfer Functions. The feedforward controller
and the time that the vapor rate to the column was increased. transfer functions were computed in the same manner as for
Such lags made the “instantaneous” corrective action similar the pilot-scale column. Typical Bode plots are given as
to the dynamic corrective action. Figure 5. T h e magnitude ratio plots show interesting reso-
nance peaks in the medium to high frequency range. Reso-
Ten-, Twenty-, and Forty-Tray Column Studies nance peaks decrease in size and sharpness as the number of
Instantaneous corrective action becomes less attractive as the trays is reduced; columns with fewer trays behave less as
number of trays increases, because the time required for distributed parameter systems.
establishment of a new steady state is increased. Only a few The Bode plots were approximated with simple transfer
minutes were required for the 10-tray column ‘studied above, functions as described previously (Table 111).
but hours may be required for very large columns. When the The response of the feedforward controller to step, pulse,
number of trays is large, the corrective action must be applied and ramp changes in F and in z, were determined for three
a t the proper rate over the transient period if product composi- cases: (1) instantaneous corrective action; (2) dynamic cor-
tions are to remain constant. rective action, but with the controller transfer functions ap-
T o determine the effect of increasing the number of trays proximated by first-order lags (designated as a “simple”
on the form and effectiveness of feedforward controllers: a dynamic controller) ; and (3) dynamic corrective action
computer study was made in which feedforward-controller using the transfer functions listed in Table 111. Responses for
transfer functions were obtained for columns of 10, 20, and 40 the step input case are shown in Figure 6 for the 40-tray
trays. Analog studies were made for the 10- and 40-tray column.
cases; both column and computer were simulated to determine The corrective action in the dynamic cases takes place over
effectiveness of control. about a 15-minute period for the 40-tray column. For transfer
T h e basis for the computer studies was: functions KIF’ and V 8 / F . the simple dynamic controller is
more practical and closely approximates the more exact
Binary system of relative volatility, a = 1.4
Equimolar overflow within column dynamic control. For R/z,, a second-order lag is sufficient
Saturated liquid feed and reflux streams for good control (see Table 111). For V s / z F ,combination of a
100yo tray efficiencies first-order lead with first- and second-order lags is required.
Liquid perfectly mixed on each tray The results of Table 111 are more easily interpreted if they
Reflux ratio, L I D , of 4.0 are expressed in terms of steady-state gains ( K = value of
Flow rates, in moles per minute, of 100 for the feed and 50
for the distillate transfer function at zcro frequency), breakpoint frequencies
Holdups, in moles, of 100 for the reboiler, 100 for the (w” = value of frequency where magnitude ratio has a value of
condenser, 30 for the stripping trays, a?d 25 for the rectifying - 3 decibels), and time constants ( 7 = time constant assuming
trays. system behaves as a first-order lag). These quantities are
The flow rate chosen would correspond to those employed given in Tables I11 and IV, where the effect of the number of
in a 15-foot-diameter column operating a t 80% of flooding trays is made evident.


Table 111. Values of Corrective Action for Columns Considered in Computer Studies
Correctioe .4ction
To attain required
Ll-o. Jnal steady state Dynamic Jeedforward controller
Trays (steadystate gain = K ) ( Transfer function)
10 2.000 +
10.1429s 4- l ) / ( s C 1110 07692.r2 10.50110 0769lr 11 +
20 2,000 (0.2632s f lj,/(l .786;'+ 1)[0.166?is2+'(0.30)(0.1667js f 11
40 2.000 +
(O.jOOs $. 1)/(3.333s I)[0.33332szf ( 0 . 2 0 ) ( 0 . 3 3 3 3 ) ~ 11 +
10 -54.32 l/(l.ll:s f 1)
20 -57.87 1/[1.4712s2f (2.0)(1,471)s
1/[3.4482s2 (2.0)(3.448)s
++ 1111
40 -47.70
10 2.500 (0.10s + l ) / ( s + 1)[0.08333's2 + ( 0 . 6 0 ) ( 0 . 0 8 3 3 3 )+~ 11
(0.25s + l ) / ( l , 7 8 6 r + 1)[0.14292s2f (0.50)(0.1429)sf
2,500 ( 0 50s + 1)/(3.704s f 1)[0.31252s2 + (0.20)(0.3125)s+ 1111
10 134.5 + +
(0.8333s 1)/(0.4545s 1)[0.27032s2 f (2.0)(0.2703)sf 11
86.72 ( 2 .50s +
1)/(1 ,111s + +
1)[0.86962s2f i l . 8 ) ( 0 . 8 6 9 6 ) ~ I ]
(5.00sf 1 ) / ( 2 8 j 7 s f 1)[2.4392s2 (1 .6)(2.439)s f 11

Table IV. Steady-State Gains and Breakpoint Frequencies for Columns Considered in Computer Studies
Case Considered
.Y = 70 = 20 .Y = 40 s = 10 .v = 70 s = 70
cy = 7.J cy = 1.4 a = 7.4 cy = 7.8 cy = 7.4 a = 7.4
L I D = .d.0 L ! D = 4.0 L / D = 4.0 L I D = 4.0 L I D = 2.0 L / D = 4.0
Transfer l / a = 78.7 7 / a = 78.7 7 / ' a = 78.7 7 / a = 78.7 l/a = 78.1 7 l a = 70.0
Function F = 700 F = 700 F = 700 F = 700 F = 200 F = 700
Steady-State Gain, K
2.00 2.00 2 00 2.00 1 .00 2.00
.57,87 - 47 70 -27.32 -222.40 -54 42
2.50 2 50 2.50 1.50 2.50
86.72 76.87 96.37 261.20 134 4
Breakpoint Frequency, WF

R,'F 1.03 0.57 0.285 1.12 1.73 0.56

0.92 0.445 0.194 1.42 1.46 0.55
1 03 0.55 0.270 1.08 1 .68 0.54
4.60 1.75 0.560 4.55 6.90 4.40

Values of breakpoint frequency for a column containing Effectiveness of Controller. T h e effectiveness of the feed-
.V trays can be related to the breakpoint frequency for a forward controller was tested for columns of 10 and 40 trays
column of 10 trays by the empirical equation by analog simulation of both the controller and the column-
condenser-reboiler system. Step or pulse disturbances in F
or t P were introduced, corrective action was taken by the
controller, and the compositions of the two products and
\shere exponent P has a value of 1.00 for transfer functions various tray liquids were recorded as functions of time. A
K F and V,7'F, 1.20 for R;'z,, and 1.65 for Vs/'zF. T h e rela- total of 1 7 amplifiers was required to simulate the controller,
tionship is, of coursr, valid only when the two columns are and 83 amplifiers were required to simulate the 40-tray column.
identical in all respects except for the value of 5. A change in reflux rate introduced to the top of the '40-tray
T h e feedforward controller time constants in Table I11 may column was not felt by the bottom tray for 3 minutes and took
be used to estimate the range required for the equipment serv- 6 minutes to reach 80% of its final value. T h e corrective
ing as a feedfonvard controller; the T values range from 0.1 action administered by the controller was the dynamic case
to 5 . 2 minutes. shown in Figure 6.
A few other Bode plots were computed to get a qualitative T h e effectiveness of control is shown in Figure 7 for the 10-
idea of the rffects of varying relative volatility, reflux ratio, and 40-tray columns. T h e deviations in product compositions
and tray hydraulics upon the feedforward controller transfer are seen to be very small during the transient period and are
functions. These Bode plots, along with all of those men- eventually reduced to zero. T h e approximations to the
tioned previously. are given by Luyben ( 9 ) . Values of K , true Bode plot relationships (Table 111) are apparently precise
w'. and T are shown in Tables I11 and I V . Reference to enough to permit good feedforward control. However, devia-
thew tables shows that the T values increase with increasing tions in product compositions are larger for the 40-tray case.
reflux ratio and Jvitli increasing hydraulic lag. and decrease This indicates that control becomes more difficult as N in-
dightly Lvith relative volatility. For a change in z F , the R creases, and more dynamically precise feedforward controllers
values decrease Lvith increasing relative volatility or reflux are required. Also, the bottom section of the column is more
ratio. sensitive to the accuracy of the feedforward controller; this

VOL. 3 NO. 4 OCTOBER 1 9 6 4 379

-I 0
0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
I / I




0 10 20 30
i I I I 8 4X, - N O CONTROL

O t l


9 0

v) - I
I 40 TRkYS
8 X

10 20 50 3 0 10 20 30

Figure 7. Change in composition of overhead and bottoms products, XD and XW, for 10- and 40-tray analog column
subjected to change in feed rate or feed composition
Results shown for cases of no control, instantaneous corrective action, and dynamic control b y feedforward controller

is due to the instantaneous propagation of changes in vapor Much more research is needed in this area. Generalized
rate and its strong effect on the reboiler. If larger reboiler correlations of the feedforward controller transfer functions
(and condenser) holdups were employed, the system would be are desirable, including effects of multicomponents and un-
less sensitive, and less dynamically precise feedforward con- equal molar overflow. Combinations of feedforward and feed-
trollers would be required. back control should be investigated.

Conclusion Nomenclature
Feedforward controllers should be considerrd for distillation a = constant in Equation 5
columns Relatively simple controllers appear to be ade- b = constant
D = distillate rate, l b moles hr.
quate. For small input disturbances. a linear model for the F = feed rate. lb. moles hr.
system can be used to determine controller transfer functions. FFC = feedforward conti oller transfer function
These could be verified, improved. and optimized experi- H = liquid holdup on tra). lb. moles
mentally in the plant. 7 =a
K = steady-state gain literature Cited
L = liquid rate: Ib. mo1es;hr.
rn = slope of equilibrium curve (1) Baber, M. F., Edwards, L. L., Harper, W. T.. Witte, M. D.,
Gerster. J. A , , Chem. Eng. Progr. Symp. Se7. 57, No. 36, 148
.V = number of trays in column (1961).
P = exponent in Equation 16 (2) Baber. M. F., Gerster. J. A , , A.I.Ch.E. J . 8, 407 (1962).
R = reflux rate. Ib. moles hr. (3) Bollinger, R. E., I,amb, D. E., IND.ENG.CHEM. FUND4MENTALS
s = Laplace operator 1, 245 (1962).
t = time, hours (4) Calvert. S., Coulman, G., Chem. Eng. Progr. 57, 45 (1961).
V = vapor rate, Ib. moles, hr. (5) Dobson, J . G.. Interkama 1960. Dussrldorf, 1960.
x = mole fraction of component in liquid (6) ,Grrster, J. A , ? Hill, A . B.. Hochgraf. N. N.. Robinson, D. G.,
‘’ rray Efficiencies in Distillation Columns,” Final Report from
y = mole fraction of component in vapor
UniLersity of Delaware to A.1.Ch.E. Research Committee,
z = mole fraction of component in feed American Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York, 1958.
GREEKLETTERS (7) Lamb, D. E.. Pigford, R. I,., Rippin, D. W., Chem. Eng.
Progr. Symp. Ser. 57, No. 36, 132 (1961).
cy = relative volatility
(8) Lupfer, D. E., Parsons, J. R., Chem. En<. Progr. 58, 37 (1962).
T = time constant assuming first-order system (9) Luyben, W. Id., Ph.D. dissertation, University of Delaware,
w = frequency. radians, min. June 1963.
W X = breakpoint frequency, radiansimin. (10) Luyben. \%’.L., Verneuil, V. S., Gerster, J . A.. A.I.Ch.E. J . ,
In press.
SVBSCRIPTS (11) Luyben. Lt‘. L., Verneuil, V. S., Gerster, J . .4., “Data and
D = distillate Results of Transient Response of Ten-Tray Column.” Dept.
E‘ = feed Chem. Eng., University of Delaware, Newark, Del., 1963.
7 = rectifying section of column (12) Sproul, J. S.? Gerster, J. A . , Chem. Eng. Progr. Symp. Ser.
s = stripping section of column 59, No. 46, 21 (1963).
it’ = bottoms product RECEIVED
for review December 9, 1963
1. 2. etc. = tra)- number or constant designation ACCEPTED February 10, 1964
A bar over a variable indicates that it is a steady-state
quantity: a variable without the bar is a perturbation from Funds made possible by a grant from the National Science Founda-
ateady state. tion.


E. V . M U R P H R E E ’ , A L E X I S V O O R H I E S , J R . , A N D F. X . M A Y E R
Esso Research Laboratories, Humble Oil ReJning Go., Baton Rouge, La.

Residence-time distribuiion curves are used to determine the performance level of a two-phase, fixed-bed
catalytic reactor. A performance index, “contacting efficiency,” i s defined and i s used for comparing the
hydrodynamics in different reactors.

MIXED-PHASE, fixed-bed heterogeneous catalytic reaction effluent were caught a t regular time intervals after the injection
A-is a very complex system. Not only are the usual diffu- of the tracer, and were analyzed for carbon-14 tracer content.
sional and kinetic factors a t work, but bulk contacting of the A typical residence-time distribution curve is shown in Figure 1.
reacting liquid with the solid catalyst is also important. I n In a mathematical sense this residence-time distribution
developing kinetic models from pilot unit data, it is often curve can be thought of as a model of the reactor for the par-
assumed that the liquid flow through the catalyst bed is plug ticular conditions of the tracer test. T h e curve is in reality a
flow. Such a n assumption may be grossly in error, especially concentration-time plot of’ a n equation which describes the
for commercial units of large diameter where the chances of reactor hydrodynamics. T h e generation of a residence-time
channeling. uneven initial distribution, etc., are greatly in- curve by means of a pulse input is illustrated mathematically in
creased. Because of differences in contacting, valid compari- Figure 2 .
sons of reaction rates between commercial units and pilot units As shown in Figure 2, there is some unknown function, g(0).
are sometimes difficult to make. I n this paper the application which describes the reactor. When the reactor is disturbed by
of residence-time distribution studies for determining the a n input function, fl(0), the reactor operates upon the input
performance of a downflow two-phase, fiGed-bed reactor is function, and the output, f o ( 0 ) , results. T h e change in shape
presented. between the input and output functions gives information
about the reactor. In a tracer test the reactor is the actual
Determination of Residence-lime Distribution physical analog for g@), and the residence-time distribution
O n e of the easiest ways of determining the residence-time curve obtained is a plot of fo(0). From a knowledge of fz(0)
distribution for a reactor is by adding a “tracer” component and fo(0),it is possible to determine g(0) and a model which
to the feed stream. I n this study octadecane tagged with adequately describes the reactor. Frrquency response tech-
carbon-14 was used as a liquid tracer. T h e actual residence- niques have been used successfully for this purpose (5).
time distribution curves were obtained as follows: A pulse of
carbon-14-tagged octadecane was injected into the reactor Application of First-Order Kinetics
feed stream a t the reactor inlet. samples of the reactor Consider the case of a first-order, or pseudo-first-order reac-
Deceasrd tion; the degree of conversion is related to the residence-time

VOL. 3 NO. 4 OCTOBER 1964 381

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