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Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Melaka is utterly grateful for the contributions

made by the following:
Pn. Latifah Bt Mohd Ali

Julie Tan Sim Lian
SK Parit Melana

Tan Choe Yong

SK Tengkera (2)

Sivakami A/P Ramasundram

SJKT Bukit Lintang

P.M.Nagarajan Pillai A/L S.P.Murugapan

SK Cheng

Julie Tan Sim Lian
Tan Choe Yong
Sivakami A/P Ramasundram
P.M.Nagarajan Pillai A/L S.P.Murugapan

Section A
Question 1 – 15
Set 1 – Set 5 4 – 13
 Answer Scheme 14

Question 16 – 20
Set 1 – Set 10 15 - 34
 Answer Scheme 35

Section B
Social Expressions
Section B Question 1 – 8 36 – 37
 Answer Scheme 38

Question 21 – 30
Set 1 – Set 5 39 – 43
 Answer Scheme 44 – 46

Section A
Set 1 – Set 5 47 – 51
Section B
Set 1 – Set 5 52 – 62
 Answer Scheme 63 – 66

Section C
Set 1 – Set 5 67 – 71
 Answer Scheme 72 – 74

References 75

Question 1 – 15
Set 1
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

1. The fresh mushrooms were stir-fried in a large _____________.

A. wok B. sieve C. steamer D. ladle

2. Do you often ____________ movies with your parents?

A. watch B. watches C. watched D. watching

3. Jasmine wants to be ___________ doctor while I want to be ___________ architect.

A. a, a B. a, an C. the, an D a, the

4. Aida and her family always go to Penang _____________ school holidays.

A. in B. at C. during D. under

5. Shela does not _____________ here anymore.

A. live B. lives C. lived D. living

Choose the most suitable proverbs.

6. You must learn to do something useful now as the saying goes _______________.
A. time and tide wait for no man B. too many cooks spoil the broth
C. truth is stranger than fiction D. tomorrow never comes

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Joseph was on his way home from school. As he turned around, he 7 a frightened boy
hiding behind 8 bushes. A man stood beside him holding his hand tightly. The 9 bicycle
laid in a monsoon drain. He had fallen into the drain while cycling.

7 A. see 8 A. a few 9 A. boy

B. saw B. some B. boys
C. sees C. several C. boy’s
D. seen D. any D. boys’

Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word.

10 “Is the test too easy for you?” asked the Science teacher to her pupils.
A. hard B. good C. bad D. simple

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

11. A. Mr. Muthusamy told his son, Rajendran to drive carefully home.
B. Mr. Muthusamy told his son Rajendran to drive carefully home!
C. Mr. MuthuSamy told his son, Rajendran to drive carefully home.
D. Mr. Muthusamy told his son Rajendran to drive carefully home?

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

Lantern Festival was 12 early last month. Mr. Wong and his family were in town.
Mrs. Wong wanted to buy lanterns for her children. 13 Mrs. Wong and her daughter were
amazed with the colourful lanterns 14 the shop. While they were busy looking at the
lanterns, Mr. Wong gave the man money for his son’s lantern. Then they 15 to the next

12. A. celebrate 13. A. Both 14. A. at 15 A. marched

B. celebrates B. Neither B. on B. walked
C. celebrated C. Either C. under C. waddled
D. celebrating D. As D. above D. skipped

Set 2

Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

1. I washed the plates after I had taken _________ lunch.

A. my B. mine C. me D. myself

2. The old woman hid the jewelry box __________ her mattress.
A. under B. through C. behind D. against

3. The dentist extracted two of my sister’s _________________ yesterday.

A tooth B. tooths C. teeth D. teeths

4. Encik Kamis built a huge fish ____________________ in his farm.

A. lake B. pool C. pond D. container

5. The pupils needed _______________ more minutes to finish their discussion.

A. much B. many C. a little D. a few

Choose the most suitable idiom.

6. That family was so poor that they didn’t have _________________.
A a roof over their head
B a piece of cake
C an arm and a leg
D cloud nine

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Yesterday, Rajesh went to the public library. She walked to a bus station and 7 a bus
to the library. The bus 8 crowded when it arrived. Rajesh politely asked,“ Excuse me, may
I 9 this seat, please?

7. A take 8. A is 9. A has
B takes B are B have
C took C was C had
D taken D were D having

Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined word.
10. The old house was haunted which made the tenant ran away.
A. new B. young C. ancient D. hideous

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.
11. A. “Help! help! my house is on fire,” shouted a villager.
B. “Help! Help! My house is on fire, shouted a villager.”
C. “Help! Help! My house is on fire,” shouted a villager.
D. “Help! Help! My house is on fire.” shouted a villager.

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

Kaylie Shopping Mall

Singing Competition

The shopping mall organized a singing competition last week. The stage was beautifully
12 with balloons and ribbons. One of the contestants 13 dancing and singing on
the stage. A photographer was busy taking pictures of 14 event. There was a panel of
judges sitting 15 the table in front of the stage

12 A decorate B decorates C decorated D decorating

13 A is B was C are D were

14 A a B an C the D -

15 A in B on C at D next

Set 3
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

1. The children had to talk _____________ as the baby was sleeping.

A. loudly B. quietly C. slowly D. softly

2. This is your watch, isn’t it? _____________________

A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. Yes, it was. D. No, it wasn’t.

3. ___________ Mimi ___________ Susila will be elected as the head prefect of SK Machang.
A. Either, nor B. Both, and C. Either, or D Neither, or

4. Cows are herbivores. _____________, lions are carnivores.

A. On the other hand B. Likewise C. Similarly D. Both

5. _________ you are very kind, I will buy you a gift.

A. Although B. Because C. Since D. So

Choose the most suitable proverbs.

6. The teacher asked her pupils to sit down and discuss their problem together as she said that.
A practice make perfect C. honesty is the best policy
B two heads are better than one D. don’t judge a book by its cover

Choose the best answer for each blank.

It was a public holiday. Daniel and his younger sister went to the zoo. They 7 the
tickets and walked through the main entrance. A tram was about to 8 so, they hurriedly rushed
and boarded it. The tram travelled around the zoo and it took 9 hour to complete the route.

7 A buy B buys C bought D buying

8 A move B moves C moved D moving
9 A a B an C the D -

Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word.
10. The T-shirt that she bought for her brother was dear.
A. expensive B. high C. low D. cheap
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.
11. A. “May I help you, Cik Natasha?” asked Faiqah?
B. “May I help you Cik Natasha,” asked Faiqah.
C. “May i help you cik Natasha?” Asked Faiqah.
D. “May I help you, Cik Natasha?” asked Faiqah.

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

It was raining heavily. The road was wet and Mr. Ang’s drove straight into a pothole
12 the road. His wife and maid got out of the car. 13 stood by the road. Both her
sons helped their father to push the car 14 the front wheel was stuck in a hole. Mr. Ang tried
to 15 the car. Finally, he managed to drive the car back on the road.

12. A. on 13. A. I 14. A. so 15. A. reverse

B. in B. He B. but B. reverses
C. at C. She C. and C. reversed
D. under D. They D. or D. reversing

Set 4
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

1. Ahmad ran as fast as a _____________ in the relay event yesterday.

A. cat B. lion C. cheetah D. goat

2. Those were not their book, ______________?

A. was it B. were they C. wasn’t it D. weren’t they

3. ___________ Anis ___________ Raesul was sad as they won a hamper each from the lucky
draw yesterday.
A. Either, nor B. Neither, nor C. Either, or D Neither, or

4. Tigers are carnivores. _____________, crocodiles are carnivores.

A. On the other hand B. In contrast C. Similarly D. Both

5. “Since you achieved 6As, I will be ________ you a special gift,” said Ammar to her sister.
A. given B. give C. gives D. giving

Choose the most suitable proverbs.

6. Marleesa is ______________________________ preparing for her examination next week.
A. getting cold feet C. burning the midnight oil
B. being in the same boat D. adding fuel to the fire

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Encik Asri is a goldsmith. He 7 a small shop in Durian Daun, Melaka. Everyday,
many people come to him. He 8 gold ornaments for them. He is really 9 .

7 A has B had C have D having

8 A make B makes C made D making
9 A skill B skillful C skills D more skill

Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined word.
10. The old woman is very rich.
A. poor B. lazy C. wealthy D. dirty
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.
11. A. Excuse me! Can I see you for a minute!
B. Excuse me, can I see you for a minute.
C. Excuse me, can I see you for a minute?
D. Excuse me! can I see you for a minute?

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

Aidil loves fish. He keeps clownfish 12 his well decorated aquarium. He uses seaweeds
and corals. After 13 his homework, he spends most of 14 time watching the fish swimming
in 15 out of the corals.

12. A. in 13. A. do 14. A. my 15. A. and

B. at B. does B. his B. but
C. into C. did C. her C. or
D. under D. doing D. our D. so

Set 5
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

1. The pupils listened _____________ when Puan Shifaa’ was teaching them English.
A. recklessly B. obediently C. gracefully D. attentively

2. Let’s go to the zoo to _____________________ the pandas.

A. seen B. saw C. sees D. see

3. The boy squeezed _________________ the narrow gap in the fence.

A. across B. through C. over D against

4. In 1980, one of China’s ________________ landslides occurred in Yunan.

A. bad B. worse C. worst D. as bad as

5. The rescue workers _______________________ out food parcels to the flood victims.
A. giving B. is giving C. was giving D. are giving

Choose the most suitable similes.

6. Jehan didn’t panic. He rescued his pets ___________________________.
A as brave as a lion C. as stubborn as a mule
B as cool as a cucumber D. as happy as a lark

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Last week, Tina went to the Cat Museum. She leaned 7 a pillar to pose for her father
who had a camera. There were a 8 tourists at the museum. Some of them also posed for
pictures in front of the displays. A small boy 9 as he had lost his parents.

7 A at B on C behind D against
8 A group of B staff of C bench of D herd of
9 A is crying B was crying C are crying D were crying

Choose the word that has the same sound as the underlined word.
10. I am in a daze as I only have two ____________ left to finish my homework.
A. day B. days C. date D. dates

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.
11. A. Earthquake of 5.9 magnitude hits at 7.15 a.m.
B. Earthquake of 5.9 Magnitude hits at 7.15 a.m.
C. Earthquake of 5.9 magnitude hits at 7.15 am.
D. Earthquake of 5.9 Magnitude hits at 7.15 am.

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

Hazlami, Daniel and I went to a safari park. 12 took a mini coaster. The driver
stopped under a shady tree just to let 13 enjoyed the scene. We saw a lion in front of us and
a crocodile in a pond. There was a 14 behind the coaster. A shy rhinoceros was hiding 15
a tree and a cheetah was sleeping on the branch of the tree. We enjoyed the trip very much.

12. A. He 13. A. we 14. A. horse 15. A. behind

B. We B. us B. llama B. beside
C. She C. our C. camel C. next to
D. They D. ourselves D. zebra D. between



1 A A D C D
2 A A A B D
3 B C C B B
4 C C A C C
5 A D C D D
6 A A B C B
7 B C C A D
8 B C A B B
9 C B B B B
10 D C D C B
11 A C D C A
12 C C A A B
13 A B D D B
14 A C B B D
15 B C A A A

Question 16 – 20
Passage 1
Read the following passage carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.
Last Friday, the scouts of SK Brave Warrior went camping in the forest. They
left the school at 2.00p.m. Encik Ali and Encik Ahmad went along with them. They
had planned to camp there till Sunday.
They reached the campsite an hour later. The members of the Eagle Patrol
immediately put up the tents. Mouse Deer Patrol and Lion Patrol went out to collect
firewood while the members of the Elephant Patrol started to clear a small area to
set up the kitchen.
Suddenly, a boy screamed. Encik Ahmad rushed over to the kitchen area. He
looked down at the ground. He was shocked because there was an old, rusty bomb
sticking out of the ground.
Encik Ahmad called the police station immediately. Within a few minutes, the
police and the bomb squad arrived. They exploded the bomb safely. Upon the advice
of the police, the camping trip was cancelled. The boys packed up and went home.
16. How many days did the scouts plan to camp in the forest?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

17 At what time did they reach the campsite?

A. 2.00 p.m.
B. 3.00 p.m.
C. 4.00 p.m.
D. 5.00 p.m.

18 Encik Ali and Encik Ahmad are most probably
A. scoutmasters
B. headmasters
C. parents
D. policemen

19. The boy who screamed was from the

A. Mouse Deer Patrol
B. Lion Patrol
C. Elephant Patrol
D. Snake Patrol

20 The police advised the scouts to cancel their camping trip because they ….
A. were angry with the scouts
B. wanted to explode the bomb
C. felt that the scouts were destroying the forest
D. were afraid that there might be more bombs in the area

Passage 2
Read the following announcement carefully. Then answer the questions that

English Language Society

SK Wise Deer
Appeal for Donations for Flood Victims
We are collecting donations to help the flood victims of Kampung Brave Tiger .
Some members of our society lost all their belongings in the flood yesterday.
They are :
1. Ahmad Bin Mohammad - Year 6 Blue
2. Siti Binti Mahmud - Year 6 Blue
3. Goh Hock Meng - Year 6 Red
4. Angeline Ong - Year 6 Red
5. Selvarani - Year 5 Blue
We are appealing to all members for help. Donations in cash and kind will be
appreciated. Details of the collection are as shown below :

Date : 28th July, 2017 For further information,

please contact:
Time : 8.00a.m. – 9.00a.m. Mohd. Abu bin Ahmad
Place : School Hall 6 Red

Everyone is encouraged to donate.

Thank you .
Yours sincerely, Approved by:
Abdullah Azman
(Abdullah B. Mohd) (Azman B. Asnawi)
Secretary Headmaster
27 July, 2017 27th July, 2017
16. This announcement is mainly about the
A. pupils of 5 Blue
B. English Language Society
C. flood in Kampung Idaman
D. Donations for flood victims

17. When did the flood happen?
A. 26 July, 2017
B. 27 July, 2017
C. 28 July, 2017
D. 29 July, 2017

18. How many members of the English Language Society lost everything in the
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five

19. Pick out the correct statement.

A. Only members can donate to the campaign.
B. All the flood victims are in Year 5 Blue.
C. Clothes and shoes will be accepted during the collection.
D. The donations will be collected for two hours on the 30th July, 2017.

20. Whom would you contact to get more information about the collection?
A. Abdullah B Mohd
B. Azman B Asnawi
C. Mohd Abu B Ahmad
D. Angeline Ong

Passage 3

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

People say that Malaysia is a land of holidays. This is quite true because
Malaysians celebrate many festivals.
One of the biggest festivals in Malaysia is Hari Raya Aildilfitri. The Muslims
celebrate it after fasting for a month during the month of Ramadan. On Hari Raya
morning, the men and boys go the the mosque. After that they go home and wait
for their friends to visit them. They usually serve ketupat, lemang and rendang to
their guests.
The Chinese celebrate Chinese New Year in January or February. On the eve of
the festival, family members will gather for a reunion dinner. On Chinese New Year
morning, children and those who are not married will received red packets or ang
paws. These packets contain money.Then, just like the Muslims, they wait for
friends and relatives to visit them.
The Hindus celebrate Deepavali in October or November. On Deepavali
morning, Hindus light lamps and take a bath to clean themselves. The Christians
celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December. They decorate their houses with
Christmas trees and put presents under them. On the night before Christmas,
Christians go to church.
Just like the Muslims and Chinese, the Hindus and the Christians also wait for
friends and relatives to visit them during their festivals.

16. This passage is mainly about Malaysian

A. holidays
B. festivals
C. people
D. food

17. Muslims celebrate …

A. Deepavali
B. Christmas
C. Hari Raya Aidilfitri
D. Chinese New Year

18. How many festivals are mentioned in this passage?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

19. Which of the following will not receive an ang pow for Chinese New
A. Ali, a three year old boy.
B. Mei Lee, an eleven year old girl.
C. Miss Devi,a 20 year old unmarried woman.
D. Madam Tay, a sixty year old grandmother.

20. Pick the statement that is true.

A. Deepavali is celebrated at the end of the year.
B. The Christians put their presents under a Christmas tree.
C. The Chinese have a reunion dinner on the first day of Chinese New Year.
D. Muslim women go to the mosque to pray on the morning of Hari Raya

Passage 4
Read the poem and answer the questions that follow.

Sixty seconds make up a minute

Sixty minutes form an hour
Twenty-four hours become a day
Seven days wrap up a week
Two weeks is the same as a fortnight
Four weeks equal a month
What about a year than?
A year has only twelve months
Or approximately fifty-two weeks
Three hundred and sixty-five days
Or three hundred and sixty-six days
If it is a leap year
Is the figure to be exact
To complete a whole new year

16. What is the poem mainly about?

A. Time
B. Numbers
C. Days of the week
D. Months of the year

17. Which piece of information below is incorrect?

A. There are twelve months in a year.
B. Sixty minutes is equal to an hour.
C. A year is made up of only fifty weeks.
D. There are fourteen days in a fortnight.

18. The word approximately means ….

A. nearly
B. about
C. only
D. merely

19. If sixty seconds make a minute. How many seconds make 2½ minutes?
A. 150 seconds
B. 120 seconds
C. 90 seconds
D. 60 seconds

20. How many days are there in February in a leap year?

A. 28 days
B. 29 days
C. 30 days
D. 31 days

Passage 5
Read the letter and answer the questions that follow.

Dear Encik Samad,

My name is Thomas and I am Ali’s hockey coach. My purpose of writing this
letter to you is to appeal to you to reconsider your decision to bar your son from
playing for the school team.
Your son, Ali, is our best player in the school. He has great potential in the game.
Our school needs him very badly in the team because he is an excellent striker. I
should say that he is our best hope to bring back the cup this year.
I understand how you felt when you saw his UPSR trial examination results
recently but I can assure you that he will not repeat such result. He has given me his
word that he will study hard. We should have confidence in him. We do hope that
you will give him another chance as we are proud of your son.
Please give a me a reply as soon as possible. Thank you very much.
Yours sincerely,

16. Who is Encik Samad?

A. Ali’s son
B. Ali’s father
C. Thomas’s son
D. Thomas’s brother

17. Why did Thomas write the letter?

A. To complain about Ali
B. To bar Ali from playing
C. To make an appeal to Samad
D. To ask Samad to play for the school

18. How old is Ali?
A. Six years old
B. Eight years old
C. Ten years old
D. Twelve years old

19. Which statement below is true?

A. Samad failed his exam
B. Encik Thomas is Ali’s father
C. Ali is very angery with Samad
D. Ali did badly in his trial UPSR exam

20. If Encik Samad has given the green light to his son, which statement below will
be his reply?
A. I am sorry but I have to bar my son from playing for the school.
B. All right. I will give him another chance.
C. I am very sorry but I cannot trust my son.
D. Please drop him from the team.

Passage 6
Read the table and answer the questions that follow
Name of animal Seahorse

Group Fish

Species Two Types :

(a) short-snouted seahorse
(b) long-snouted seahorse

Habitat Coral reefs, sea grass beds

and mangroves.
Size As small as a fingernail to as
big as our hands

Movement Swims upright with the help of its fins, weak swimmer, uses
its tail as an anchor to hold on to the sea grass and corals
Food Eats about 3000 tiny shrimps per day
Special features 1. Has no teeth or stomach
2. The only creature which male gives birth to its young
Reasons for its 1. Sold as pets or souvenirs
decreasing 2. Used in traditional Chinese medicine

16. Where is the natural habitat of the seahorse?

A. Chinese medicine store
B. Pet stores
C. Souvenir shops
D. Sea grass beds

17. Which piece of information below is not true?

A. Some seahorses can be as big as our hands.
B. A seahorse eats about 3000 shrimps per day.
C. The female seahorse gives birth to its young.
D. It swims in an upright position.

18. What do you mean by weak swimmer?
A. Unable to swim fast
B. Unable to swim at all
C. Unable to learn to swim
D. Unable to swim for long time.

19. What unique feature does a seahorse have?

A. It has a snout.
B. It has many teeth.
C. It has a big stomach.
D. Male seahorse gives birth to its young.

20. The seahorse population is decreasing in number because…….

A. They do not have enough food.
B. Other sea animal destroy their habitat.
C. They are weak swimmer
D. They are caught and sold as pets or souvenirs.

Passage 7
Read the following dialogue carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

Siva : Hello! Ah Meng.

Ah Meng : Good morning, Siva.
Siva : What are you eating?
Ah Meng : I’m eating some nasi lemak. Do you want some?
Siva : No, thank you. My mother has packed some fried rice for me.
Ah Meng : Your mum makes fantastic fried rice. I remember eating some on
Deepavali last year. I’m glad that I’m your best friend. I get
invited every year.
Siva : Oh! I just remembered. I’m having my birthday party. My mum
will be cooking chicken curry, chapatti and of course fried rice.
Ah Meng : That sounds good. When will that be?
Siva : I will be having the party on the 30th July, 2017.
Ah Meng : I would love to, Siva but I’m afraid I can’t.
Siva : Oh no! Why not? All our classmates will be there. Ahmad, Kim
Leng and Muthu will all be there too.
Ah Meng : My brother will be getting married on the same day. I’m so sorry.
I thought of inviting you to the wedding.
Siva : That’s okay. You better eat your food now. Recess will be over
in five minutes.

16. What is Ah Meng eating?

A. Chapati
B. Fried Rice
C. Nasi Lemak
D. Chicken curry

17. Which festival does Siva’s family celebrates annually?

A. Hari Raya
B. Christmas
C. Deepavali
D. Chinese New Year

18. When is Ah Meng’s brother getting married?

A. 28th July, 2017
B. 29th July, 2017
C. 30th July, 2017
D. 31th July, 2017
19. Who will not be attending Siva’s birthday party?
A. Ahmad
B. Kim Leng
C. Ah Meng
D. Muthu

20. The conversation probably took place at ……

A. Siva’s house
B. the school library
C. the school canteen
D. Ah Meng’s brother’s house

Passage 8

Read the following speech and then answer the questions that follow.

“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming to SK Bear
Hill. We wish to welcome you to our school’s funfair. This event is organized
by our School Prefects Board. The purpose of our funfair is to raise money for
our poor pupils.
We hope everyone of you here will enjoy yourselves today. There are many
food stalls selling delicious food. There are also games stalls and train rides
for the children. We hope you will buy the art and craft work done by our
pupils. They have worked very hard and produced lovely paintings, vases,
cushion covers and other items. Please be generous because our poor pupils
need your help.
Lastly, I would like to thank everyone who has worked hard for this event.
A special thank you to the Galaxy Publishers for donating books and cash for this
I now wish to declare the funfair open. Thank you.

16. The opening ceremony was held

A. at night
B. in the morning
C. in the evening
D. in the afternoon

17. Why was the funfair held?

A. To help the School Prefect Board
B. To welcome the parents and relatives
C. To help raise money for Interact Club members.
D. To collect money to help the poor pupils in the school.

18. Which one of the following is not in the funfair?

A. Book stalls
B. Food stalls
C. Games stalls
D. Art and craft stalls

19. The speaker thanked the Galaxy Publishers for………
A. selling books to the pupils
B. building the school library
C. organizing the funfair for the school
D. donating books and money to the school

20. When someone is generous, he will …….

A. keep his money for himself
B. save all his money in the bank
C. give a lot of money to other people
D. give very little money to other people

Passage 9

Read the recipe below. Then answer the questions that follow.

Chicken Stew
Ingredients : 1 whole chicken (cut into bite-sized pieces)
2 big onions (cut into rings)
2 carrots (cut into slices about 1 cm thick)
1 can of Campbell’s Cream of chicken
1 teaspoon of pepper
1 tablespoon of oyster sauce
2 tablespoons of oil
Method :
1. Marinade the chicken with pepper and oyster sauce for half an hour.
2. Heat the oil in a wok.
3. Fry the onions for five minutes.
4. Put in the chicken and fry until slightly brown.
5. Add in the carrots.
6. Add in water and leave it to simmer until the chicken is tender.
7. Then, add in the can of Campbell’s Cream of chicken.
8. Stir until the gravy is creamy, smooth and thick.
9. Add salt to suit your taste.
10. The chicken stew is ready to be served.

16. Which of the ingredients below is added last in the chicken stew?
A. Light sauce
B. Chicken
C. Onion rings
D. Salt

17. State the correct sequence.

(i) Pour in the tin of Campbell’s Cream of chicken.

(ii) Fry the chicken until it is slightly brown.
(iii) Fry the onions for five minutes.
(iv) Heat the oil.

A. (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

B. (ii), (iv), (i), (iii)
C. (iii), (i), (iv), (ii)
D. (iv), (iii), (ii), (i)

18. Which of the instructions below is incorrect?

A. Cut the onions into rings
B. Cut the carrots into slices about 1 cm thick
C. Marinade the chicken with pepper and salt.
D. Stir the chicken stew until the gravy is smooth, thick and creamy.

19. The chicken must be marinated with pepper and oyster sauce so that it
will ……..
A. be easier to fry
B. taste better
C. become softer
D. cook faster

20. Which ingredient helps to thicken the gravy?

A. The salt
B. The oyster sauce
C. The pepper
D. Campbell’s Cream of Chicken

Passage 10

Read the television programme below carefully and answer the questions that
Channel Nine TV Network

8.00 a.m. - Negara Ku

8.05 a.m. - Programme Summary
8.10 a.m. - Morning News
8.30 a.m. - Bake with Kathie
9.00 a.m. - Cartoon – Mickey and Mini Mouse
10.00 a.m. - Malay Soap Opera – Ibu Di kampung
11.30 a.m. - Discovery – The Galaxy
12.00 noon - Midday News
12.30 p.m. - Family Comedy
1.30 p.m. - Cartoon – Mr Bean
2.00 p.m. - News Brief
2.10 p.m. - Malay Movie – Teman Ku
3.30 p.m. - Bake with Kathie (repeat)
4.00 p.m. - News Brief
4.10 p.m. - English Movie – Haunted House
6.30p.m. - Discovery (repeat)
7.00 p.m. - National News
8.30 p.m. - Chinese Soap Opera – Lucky Family
10.30 p.m. - Malay Movie (repeat)
12.00 a.m. - Negara Ku

16. Which programme is entertaining for young children?

A. News
B. Cartoon
C. Cookery
D. Comedy

17. How many times is the news broadcast?

A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five

18. Which is the longest programme of the day?
A. Bake with Kathie
B. Discovery
C. Malay Movie
D. English Movie

19. Mother missed the cookery programme in the morning. When can she watch
it again?
A. Half past one
B. Half past three
C. Four o’clcok
D. Half past eight

20. My grandfather doesn’t understand English at all. Therefore, he enjoys

A. The English Movie
B. Discovery – The Galaxy
C. The Chinese Soap Opera
D. Bake with Kathie

Answer for comprehension passage:

Passage 1 Passage 2 Passage 3 Passage 4 Passage 5

16 C D B A B

17 B A C C C

18 A D D B D

19 C C D A D

20 D C B B B

Passage 6 Passage 7 Passage 8 Passage 9 Passage 10

16 D C B D B

17 C C D D D

18 A C A C D

19 D C D B B

20 D C C D C

Here you are.

Whose pen
is this?

Here’s an
3) umbrella, Dad.

Be careful,

Here’s your
5) reward.

Sam, look!


Yes, you may.


I’m fine,
thank you.

Social Expressions
1) Thank you, Siti.
2) It’s mine. / It belongs to Rani.
3) Thank you, dear.
4) Yes, father. I will.
5) No, thank you.
6) Come on. Let’s catch it.
7) May I be excused?
8) How are you, Encik Ahmad?

(Accept any other answers if relevant to the situation as well as pictures)

Set 1
Study the time-table above and answer the questions that follow.

Tick ( √ )the correct answer.



5,6 Encik Arif Bahasa Malaysia Monday & 7.00 p.m. 9.00 p.m.
Puan Aini Wednesday
4,5,6 Miss Ong English Language Monday & Friday 3.00 p.m. 5.00 p.m.
Mrs Wong
Mrs Tzen
3,4 Mrs Kang Mathematics Saturday 9.00 a.m. 11.30 a.m.
6 Mr Sivaran Science Sunday 9.00 a.m. 11.30 a.m.

Special class for Japanese Language

Conducted by Miss Michiko
6 Months only – Class Commence on the 1 July 2017
Those interested, please register before 30 June 2017
(a) Delima Tuition Centre does not offer

English Language
Japanese Language
Chinese Language [1 mark]

(b) Science tuition is for

two hours
two and a half hours
two and three quarter hours [1 mark]
(c) If you are in year 6, what are the days you need not go for tuition?
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday [1 mark]
(d) If you are interested to join the Japanese Language class, when must you register? Why?
_____________________________________________________________________[2 marks]

(e) Why you think Delima Tuition Centre does not cater Mathematics tuition for year 6?

______________________________________________________________________[2 marks]

Set 2

Homemade Kaya
3 eggs
2 egg yolks
150g sugar
250ml thick coconut milk
3-4 screwpine leaves (pandan leaves)

 Break the eggs into a mixing bowl.
 Add in egg yolks. Beat it until the yolks and whites are blended.
 Add sugar and keep on stirring until it dissolved.
 Slowly add thick coconut milk and continue beating. Sugar must be dissolved and coconut
milk must blended.
 Place a pot of water over the stove and boil it.
 Put container with this prepared ingredient in the centre of the pot.
 Use a wooden spoon to stir it for about 40-50 minutes.
 Make sure the screw pine leaves is in it too.
 When the mixture turns thick golden brown, it is ready.
 Cool it before you put it into jam jars.

(a) Arrange these sentences in the correct order.

The mixture turns thick golden brown

Stir it for about 40-50 minutes

Add thick coconut milk and continue beating 1

[2 marks]
Prepared ingredient in the centre of the pot and boil it

(b) What is the purpose of putting the screw pine leave into the mixture when cooking?
______________________________________________________________________[2 marks]
(c) Cool it before you put it into jam jars
What do you understand with the statement above?
______________________________________________________________________[2 marks]
(d) What is the taste of this homemade kaya? Give a reason to support your answer.
______________________________________________________________________[2 marks]

Set 3

No.224, Jalan Tun Razak,

27600 Raub.
Pahang Darul Makmur
26 June 2017

Dear Amira,
How are you getting on? I’m sorry I have not written since my family moved to Raub
three months ago.
We have been very busy. My father has just opened a grocery shop. He has turned out to
be a good businessman. I am very happy at my new school. The teachers and pupils here are
hardworking. They are busy doing projects together. The Sultan of Pahang will visit our school
next month. We have been preparing a special ceremony to welcome him since March. There
will be cultural dances and a science exhibition.
I have joined the school netball team in April. We have to train hard because the coaches
and the captain are very strict. I have also joined the Gardening Club. I miss all my friends
especially you. Are you studying hard for the UPSR? Do write to me and tell me all about
athletics training for your Sports Day. Make sure you win a gold medal for your house.
Goodbye. Take care of yourself.
Yours sincerely,

(a) Match
Amanina lives in year six.
Amanina’s father busy preparing for the Sultan’s visit.
The pupils and teachers are in Raub, Pahang.
Amanina and Amira are owns a grocery shop.
[2 marks]
(b) Why do you think Amanina was sorry?
______________________________________________________________________[2 marks]
(c) Do you think Amanina is an active girl in school? Give a reason to support your answer.
______________________________________________________________________[2 marks]
(d) What is the relationship between Amanina and Amira?
______________________________________________________________________[2 marks]

Set 4
Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

Boy Abducted From Home

SHAH ALAM: A 7-year-old boy, Ram Sey was abducted from his
home this morning. The boy’s mother was in the kitchen preparing
breakfast at that time. When she heard the door bell, she asked Ram
Sey to see who was at the door. When she came out of the kitchen a
minute later, there was no sign of her son. She immediately called
the police. The police are still investigating the matter.

1. Ram Sey’s mother did not open the door herself because she _______.
A. was busy B. was asleep C. toasting bread D. having breakfast
2. What do you think happened to Ram Sey?
A. He ran away from home. B. He went to school.
C. He was kidnapped. D. He went to his friend’s house.
[1 mark]
3. What is the meaning of the word immediately?
Immediately means __________________________________________________________.
[1 mark]
4. Had Ram Sey taken his breakfast when the incident took place? Which statement do you
think support your answer?

[2 marks]
5. What would you have done if you are Ram Sey?

[2 marks]
6. Write (T) for true statement and (F) for false statement.

(a) Ram Sey lives with his parents in Kuala Lumpur. ______________

(b) Ram Sey’s mother came out and saw him playing in the living room. ______________

(c) The incident happened at one of the houses in Shah Alam. ______________
[3 marks]
Set 5
Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.

Once upon a time, in Japan, there was a boy named Kintaro. He lived in the forest up on a
mountain with his mother. They lived alone in a hut. He grew up among the wild animals in the
forest. He played with animals such as the bears, the foxes and the rabbits.
Kintaro was very strong. He could wrestle a bear and win. One day, he and his playmates
wanted to cross a river. There was no bridge so the bear tried to push a tree over the river but it
failed. Then, Kintaro tried and the tree toppled over. Some warriors were passing by and they
saw this. The leader was impressed by Kintaro’s strength. He asked Kintaro to join his army.
Kintaro asked his mother for permission. She allowed him to join the army. Kintaro was
a filial son. He promised to come back for his mother one day.
Kintaro trained hard and became a famous warrior. He won many battles. One day he
returned home.

1. Kintaro wrestled with the bear because ___________________________________________

[2 marks]

2. Why did the bear try to push down a tree?

[2 marks]

3. Where did the warriors see Kintaro?

[2 marks]

4. Why do you think Kintaro and his playmates wanted to cross the river?
[2 marks]

5. Match the following statements to determine if they are TRUE or FALSE.

(a) Kintaro did not have a father.

(b) Kintaro lived with wild animals. TRUE

(c) Kintaro ran away to join the army. FALSE

(d) Kintaro was a a good son.

[2 marks]

Answer Scheme:
Set 1

Tick ( √ ) the correct answer.

(a) Delima Tuition Centre does not offer

English Language
Japanese Language
Chinese Language √ [1 mark]

(b) Science tuition is for

two hours
two and a half hours √
two and three quarter hours [1 mark]
(c) If you are in year 6, what are the days you need not go for tuition?
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday √
Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday [1 mark]
(d) If I am interested to join the Japanese Language class, I must register before 30 June 2017 as
the class will commerce on 1 July 2017.

(e) I think Delima Tuition Centre does not cater Mathematics tuition for year 6 because there is
no tuitor for that subject.

[d and e – accept any suitable answers]

Set 2

(a) Arrange these sentences in the correct order.

The mixture turns thick golden brown 4

Stir it for about 40-50 minutes 3

Add thick coconut milk and continue beating 1

Prepared ingredient in the centre of the pot and boil it 2

[2 marks]
(b) The purpose of putting the screw pine leave into the mixture when cooking is to give the
kaya a nice fragrant cooked.
(c) The statement above means that I should not put the hot kaya into the jam jars because it
might break.
(d) The taste of this homemade kaya is sweet as there is 150 g of sugar in it.
[b,c and d – accept any other suitable answers given]

Set 3

(a) Match
Amanina lives in year six.
Amanina’s father busy preparing for the Sultan’s visit.
The pupils and teachers are in Raub, Pahang.
Amanina and Amira are owns a grocery shop.
[2 marks]
(b) I think Amanina was sorry because she did not write to Amira since her family and her
moved to Raub, Pahang.
(c) Yes, I do think Amanina is an active girl in school as she joined the school netball team and
the Gardening Club in her new school.
(d) Amanina and Amira were classmates before Amanina moved to Raub.
[b,c and d – accept any other answers given]

Set 4
1. A
2. C
3. Immediately means at that very moment.
4. No, Ram Sey had not taken his breakfast when the incident took place. The statement in line
2 mentioned ‘The boy’s mother was in the kitchen prepareing breakfast at that time”
5. If I am Ram Sey, I would shout as loud as possible to get help.
6.(a) F (b) F (c) T
[3, 4 and 5 – accept any other suitable answers]

Set 5

1. Kintaro wrestled with the bear because he wanted to test his strength.

2. The bear tried to push down a tree to make a bridge to cross the river.

3. The warriors saw Kintaro near a river.

4. I think Kintaro and his playmates wanted to cross the river because they wanted to play at the
field there.

[4 – accept any other answer given]



(d) TRUE

Set 1
Section A
(10 marks)

Study the double bubble map.Use the information to complete the text.


Make Collect
scrapbooks stamps

Play football
Samad Adam

Practise Help out at Borrow

the violin the old books from
folks’ home the library

Adam and Samad are pupils of SK Permata Hati. They like to (1) ______________________

at the field near their house. Both of them enjoy (2) __________________________________

home. Samad’s hobby is (3) _____________________________ using recycled materials whereas

Adam likes to (4) ______________________________ . Once a week, Samad will go for his

violin practice. However, Adam will go (5)_____________________________ to borrow books.

(10 marks)

Set 2

Section A
(10 marks)
Study the map. Use the information to complete the letter below.

Stadium Community Bakery Bank Post Office Clinic


Jalan Melati

Car park
Field Market

Jalan Kemboja


Dear Sarah,

How are you? I’m so glad that you are coming to my new house next weekend. Let me tell

you how to get to my house. (1) _____________________________________ Jalan Melati until

you come to (2) ________________________________ . Then, turn right. You will see (3)

__________________________ on your right,

After the market, (4) ____________________ again. You are now at Jalan Kemboja. My

house is just opposite (5) __________________________.

Your friend
(10 marks)

Set 3
Section A
(10 marks)

Study the menu. Use the information to complete the text below.

Set A
Set B
 Fish and Chips
 Pineapple fried rice
 Coffee or Tea
 Soda drink or fruit juice
 Ice cream or a slice of cake
 A slice of papaya or
 RM 19.90 watermelon

 RM 25.90

I would choose Set A because I love to eat (1) _________________________________. I

enjoy eating fried rice but I dislike fruits. I prefer (2) ________________________________

to soda drink and fruit juice. In (3) ______________________ the desserts are ice cream and (4)

_______________________. I have sweet tooth therefore I think this is the best dessert for me.

The price of Set A (5) ________________________ . It is lower than the price of Set B. I can pay

with my own pocket money.

(10 marks)

Set 4

Section A
(10 marks)

Read the description below and complete the dialogue.

Name : Inspector Jamal Abdullah

Occupation : Police Officer with the Forensic Department,
The Royal Malaysian Police
Place of work : Bukit Aman, Kuala Lumpur
Marital status : Married with two sons
Address : Taman Jaya, Melaka
Hobbies : Jogging, fishing

Mr. Lai : What is your father?

Sugan : My father is a (1) __________________________________ .

Mr. Lai : Where does he (2) __________________?

Sugan : He works at Bukit Aman, sir.

Mr. Lai : In which department is he in?

Sugan : He is in (3) ____________________________________________________.

Mr. Lai : What does he do when he is not at work?

Sugan : He likes to go (4) __________________________ fishing.

Mr.Lai : Do you go fishing with him?

Sugan : Yes, I do, sir. He likes to go fishing with me and my (5) ________________.
My mother doesn’t like fishing.

(10 marks)

Set 5

Section A
(10 marks)

Read the information in the receipt and complete the passage.

I-Tech Computer Hypermarket

Cashier : Koo Wei Keong Receipt No : 30 / UOR-1023
Time / Date : 3.00 p.m. / 21 July 2017
Description Unit Price (RM) QTY Total (RM)
Hard Disk 64MB 164 1 164
Card Reader 20 1 20
Microsoft Software 300 1 300

Total 484

No of item :3
Remarks : Original receipt is required for all warranty claims.
Goods may be exchanged within 3 days and returned in its original packaging
Thank you. Please come again

Jamilah bought some computer products recently. The receipt shows what she bought on

(1) ________________________________ at I-Tech Computer Hypermarket. She bought a

(2) _________________________________ for RM 164, a card reader at RM20 and a software

for RM300. The total amount (3) ______________________________. If there is anything wrong

with the computer products, she must (4) ____________________________ to make a claim

under the warranty. If she wanted to change any of the products, she must return it in its original

packaging (5) ________________________________________. However, she was satisfied with

her purchase.

(10 marks)

Set 1
(15 marks)
B (i)
Study the advertisement below and answer the following question in the spaces provided.

 white, black,
 hardcover
 chocolate, blue  roses, tulips
 Shirley
strawberry  Malaysia  Lily’s florist
 Anna Allson  Free coin  Free basket
 Free
 Free candles purse  RM 60
 RM 40  RM 50
 RM 35

Items Available in

cake chocolate and strawberry




(3 marks)
B (ii)

You have chosen a present for your cousin’s birthday. Write an email to your sister who are in
Australia. Tell her about your choice.
Write your answer between 50 and 80 words.

From : Date : 30 August 2017

To : Time : 8:30 a.m
Subject : Birthday Present















(12 marks)

Set 2
(15 marks)
B (i)
Study the poster below and answer the following question in the spaces provided.

Wash your hands with soap brush your teeth after meals

Bathe every day and wear clean clothes cut your nails regularly

List three ways to keep yourself clean and stay healthy.

i. _________________________________________________________________

ii. _________________________________________________________________

iii. _________________________________________________________________

(3 marks)

B (ii)

Your school is having Health Campaign. You are the President of the Health Club in your
school. Write a speech on how to keep clean and stay healthy
Write your answer between 50 and 80 words.














(12 marks)

Set 3
(15 marks)
B (i)
Study the flyer and read the dialogue below and answer the following question in the spaces
The life of Tunku Abdul Rahman

Dato’ Dr.Yusoff Salleh

Coronet Books Inc.

Went to England to pursue studies in 1947 and was elected as 1st prime minister of
Malaysia. He led a delegation to London to discuss with the British government to
seek independence for Malaya.

Tun Hussein Onn (Father of Unity)

Dr. Ismail Bin Abdullah

Didier Millet, Csi

Born in 1922, Johor Bahru and evolved in politics actively as 3rd prime minister.
Fought with the Indian army and with the British forces that in 1945 freed Malaya
from Japanese attack.

The Wit and Wisdom of Dr. Mahathir Mohamad

Dr. Stephen Raj

Coronet Books Inc.

4th prime minister born in 1925 in Alor Star. He was a doctor and ascended quickly
from member of parliament to prime minister. He grew the economy and was 56 an
activist for developing nations.
Salleh : Where are you going Kevin?
Kevin : I am going to the Big Bad Wolf. It is the biggest book fair in Malaysia.
Salleh : What do you want to buy there?
Kevin : I have read a flyer about the autobiography of our Prime Ministers. I want to get
Salleh : Where is the book fair?
Kevin : It is in The Mine Shopping Centre. It starts from the 16th June till 30th June 2017
from 10.00 a.m. until 10.00 p.m.
Salleh : Do we need to pay for the entrance?
Kevin : No, it is a free entry.
Salleh : That’s great. I will ask my father to bring me there, too.

Complete the form below.

The Book Fair

The Big Bad Wolf

Date : _______________________________________

Time : _______________________________________

Venue : _______________________________________

Entrance is free

(3 marks)

B (ii)

From the flyer above, choose a book and write a review about it.
Write your answer between 50 and 80 words.

I would choose















(12 marks)

Set 4
(15 marks)
B (i)
Study the poster below and answer the following question in the spaces provided.

kidnapping  be vigilant
 should not talk to strangers  walk against the traffic
 accompanied by an adult

bullying Extorting money

 should not walk alone  should not carry a lot of money

 avoid those who are known as  must not show off money
the bully

List three ways to protect oneself from danger.

i. _________________________________________________________________

ii. _________________________________________________________________

iii. _________________________________________________________________
(3 marks)

B (ii)

Write a letter to your brother who is studying in a boarding school in another state. Tell him ways
to protect himself from danger.
Write your answer between 50 and 80 words.

Shahid B Fairus,
Taman Tanjung Merah,
Ayer Keroh

20 July 2017

Dear ____________________ ,












(12 marks)

Set 5

(15 marks)
B (i)
Study the family tree below and answer the following question in the spaces provided.

This is Jamal’s family tree.

Complete the table.

Name Live in
Zurina Seremban
(3 marks)

B (ii)
Jamal wants to write an email to his pen pal in Australia telling him about his extended family.
Write your answer between 50 and 80 words

From : Date : 25 August 2017

To : Time : 10.00 a.m
Subject : My Extended Family
















(12 marks)

Answer Scheme
Section A
Exercise 1
1. play football
2. helping out at the old folks’
3. making scrapbooks
4. collect stamps
5. to the library
Exercise 2
1. Walk straight along
2. a junction /a T-junction
3. a market
4. turn right
5. the field
Exercise 3
1. fish and chips
2. coffee and tea
3. Set A
4. a slice of cake
5. is RM 19.90
Exercise 4
1. police officer
2. work
3. the Forensic Department under the
Royal Malaysian Police
4. jogging and
5. brother

Exercise 5
1. 21 July 2017 / the 27th July 2017
2. hard disk / 64 MB hard disk
3. is RM 484
4. bring along the original receipt
5. within 3 days

Section B(i)
Exercise 1
1. white, black and blue
2. hardcover
3. roses and tulips

Exercise 2
1. any 3 ways from the poster with no

Exercise 3
1. 16 June – 30 June 2017
2. 10.00 a.m. – 10.00 p.m.
3. The Mine Shopping Centre

Exercise 4
1. any 3 ways from the poster with no

Exercise 5
1. Shah Alam
2. Kuala Lumpur
3. Tumpat

Section B (ii)
Exercise 1
Dear Sis,
How are you? I hope you are keeping well. Rahim’s birthday is just around the corner. I need
a favour from you. I have chosen a gift for him which is a strawberry cake. Do you think my choice
is good? I know he really loves strawberries.
Besides, I can afford to buy the cake. It is only RM40, which is within my budget. I can get
free candles too. So I don’t have to spend on that.
I am looking forward for your reply. Take care. Bye.
Yours sincerely,

Exercise 2
Good morning. In conjunction with our school Health Campaign, I would like to share with
you on how to keep clean and stay healthy. We must always brush our teeth after every meal. This
is to prevent any bacteria build-up which can cause gum disease.
We must also wash our hands with soap because hand hygiene is one of the most important
steps to avoid getting sick. Many diseases are spread by not washing our hands properly.
With this I rest my speech. Thank you.
Exercise 3
I would choose The Wit and Wisdom of Dr. Mahathir Mohamad because I ardour our 4th
prime minister. He is my idol. I love the book as the author, Dr. Stephen Raj is a famous writer.As
I am a bookworm, I have read so many of his writings The book is published by the Coronet Books
Inc. I would like to know more about his life as a doctor and his achievements in developing
I will definitely buy this book.

Exercise 4
Dear Kasim,
How are you? Hope you are fine. Recently there are so many cases on robbing and bullying.
I would like to share with you on how to handle these cases.
Whenever you go out, make sure you walk against the traffic. It is important so that you
know who is walking towards you.
Make sure you identify who are known as bully in your school. Avoid nearing them. It is
also important that you always be with your friends. Don’t walk alone.
I will pen off now. Take care. Bye.

Yours sincerely,

Exercise 5

Hi Simon. How are you? I would like to share with about my extended family. My
grandparents are Razali and Rahayu. They live in Tumpat and they are ex-teachers. They have two
daughters. One of them is my mother. My parents are Nina and Naim and they are lawyers.They
love to dance. My aunt and uncle have only one daughter, named Kamila. My uncle is a 48-year-
old businessman who loves fishing.
I have a brother and a sister. They are still studying.
I will pen off now. Take care. Bye.

Yours sincerely,

Set 1
Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your
answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 and 100 words.

-afternoon – friends – cycling - school heard – faint sound – drain – kitten - hurt

-brought – home – nursed – broken leg

Set 2
Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the points given to help you. Write your
answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 and 100 words.

 Before the football game

 What happened during the game?
 What happened after the end?


Set 3
Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your
answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 and 100 words.

- morning - stall – mobile phone – - ran after – shouted – heard –

boy - grabbed caught - thief

- policemen – arrived – handcuffed –

patrol car


Set 4

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your
answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 and 100 words.

* crashed * serious injuries

* huge tree * unconscious
* shocked * bleeding profusely
* cars skidded * happened in split seconds

Begin your story with :

One day, Harun was driving home from work. He heard a loud bang behind him.
He …..

Set 5

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your
answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 and 100 words.

blew heavily
rushed out

End your story with :

__________________________________________________...Encik Ahmad’s family was very
grateful and he thanked the villagers for helping them.

Answers Scheme:

Set 1

One afternoon, John and his friends were cycling home after school. As they were
cycling happily, John heard a faint sound. He looked around and saw a kitten in a drain. It
was hurt. He gently picked it and brought it home.

When he reached home, John nursed the kitten’s broken leg. He fed the kitten with
some fish and milk. It ate hungrily.

In the evening, John seek permission from his mother to take care of the kitten. She
agreed. He was as happy as a lark to have a pet cat and named it Jitty.

(97 words)

Set 2

Last Sunday, Roshan and his friends went to the school field to play football. They divided
themselves into two groups. The boys enjoyed playing football.

During the game, Roshan was chasing the ball that Ahmad had passed to him. He carried
his leg high and accidentally kicked Zubir’s nose. It started bleeding. Roshan quickly ran to the
nearest telephone booth and called his father.

A few minutes later, Roshan’s father arrived and drove Zubir to the hospital. The doctor
treated Zubir’s nose. It was lucky because the injury was not serious. Roshan apologized to Zubir
for his careless act.

(99 words)

Set 3

One morning, Mr. Ravi was having his breakfast at a stall by the roadside. He placed his
mobile phone beside his plate. Suddenly a boy walking toward him and grabbed the phone. He
ran off quickly. Mr. Ravi shouted loudly. A young man who was passing by at that time heard
Mr. Ravi’s shout. Without hesitation, he ran after the boy and managed to catch him.

The man called the police and in a short time later, two policemen arrived at the scene.
They handcuffed and took the thief away in the patrol car. Mr. Ravi thanked the young man.

(100 words)

Set 4

One day, Harun was driving home from work. Suddenly, he heard a loud bang. He looked
behind and saw a car crashed into a huge tree. A few cars skidded as the road was slippery.

Harun was shocked and quickly stopped his car immediately. He ran to the scene and saw
the driver was unconscious. Harun tried very hard to carry him out of the car. The driver was
bleeding profusely on his forehead. Harun quickly called the ambulance. A few minutes later, the
paramedics arrived and carried the man into the ambulance. It was an unforgettable day for Harun.

(100 words)

Set 5

It was raining like cats and dogs. Suddenly, a tree fell onto Encik Ahmad’s house. His
family members were shocked and rushed out of the house.

When the rain stopped, he noticed the roof of his house was totally damaged. Encik Ahmad
and his family were upset.

Soon, the villagers came to give him a helping hand. They donated the materials and
worked hard to repair the house. A week later, they completed their work. As to appreciate their
hard work, Encik Ahmad’s family had a feast for the villagers. Encik Ahmad’s family was very
grateful and thanked them profusely.

(100 words)


1. Target 6A+ Setiamas

2. Kuasai English KBAT Year 5 Nusamas
3. Module Gemilang (2016)
4. MIED 2016 UPSR English 1 & 2
5. Buku Teks Bahasa Inggeris SK & SJK Year 4, 5 & 6
6. World of English (Pierson & Norman)


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