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Preach: Verb. /priːtʃ/ Predicar

- Jesus told his disciples to go out and preach the word of God.

Disabled: Adjective. /dɪˈseɪbəld/. Incapacitado.

- The government is working on improving access to public transport for

disabled people.

Nifty: Adjective /ˈnɪftɪ/ Genial, excelente.

- My brother showed me a nifty trick on his computer.

Aloof: Adjective. /əˈluːf/ Distante

- Most of the children joined in the game, but Max was aloof.

Hothouse: Noun. /ˈhɒtˌhaʊs/. Invernadero

- Thanks to the hothouse, we can grow tomatoes and cucumbers even in


Breed: Verb. /briːd/ Criar.

- In Concepcion many farmer breeds sheep and cows.

Fully: Adverb./ˈfʊlɪ/. Completamente.

- The patient was fully conscious, but also totally paralyzed.

Shift: Verb. /ʃɪft/. Mover, trasladar.

- The movers shifted the table one metre to the left.

Proof: Noun. /pruːf/. Prueba.

- His dancing was proof that he had no sense of rhythm.

Unremitting: Adjective. /ˌʌnrɪˈmɪtɪŋ/.Incesante.

- The unremitting attacks from the air had destroyed much of the city.

Weird: Adjective. /wɪəd/. Raro, extraño.

- He stayed home on a Friday night? That's weird.

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