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Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.

1999, 38, 2809-2816 2809

Power Consumption in Stirred Tanks Provided with Multiple

Pitched-Blade Turbines

Piero M. Armenante,*,† Barbara Mazzarotta,‡ and Gwo-Ming Chang†

Department of Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Environmental Science, New Jersey Institute of
Technology, University Heights, Newark, New Jersey 07102-1982, and Department of Chemical Engineering,
Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” Via Eudossiana 18, 00184 Roma, Italy

The power consumed by one, two, or three downward pumping, 45° six-blade pitched-blade
turbines (6-PBTs) mounted on the same shaft was experimentally determined in stirred tanks
under turbulent conditions. The power drawn by each individual impeller (in single- or multiple-
impeller configurations), as well as the total power consumption, was measured with strain
gauges mounted on the shaft and reported as individual or total power numbers. The power
dissipated by single downward pumping, 45° four-blade pitched-blade turbines (4-PBTs) was
also determined. Different combinations of the number of impellers, impeller diameter-to-tank
diameter ratio, off-bottom clearance of the lowest impeller, Cb1, and spacing among impellers
were tested. The overall power numbers of double 6-PBT systems were typically found to be
smaller than twice the power number of a single 6-PBT. When Cb1 was low and the upper impeller
distant from the lower impeller, the power number of the lower impeller and the overall power
number were higher. Reducing the distance between the impellers lowered the overall power
number and that of the lower impeller. Similar results were obtained with three 6-PBTs. The
results of this work can be used to predict the power consumed by individual impellers in multiple
6-PBT systems in a turbulent flow regime and to determine the optimal impeller configurations
to minimize energy consumption.

Introduction experimentally for different combinations of the number

of impellers, off-bottom clearance of the lowest impeller,
The determination of the power consumed by rotating and spacing among impellers.
impellers in mixing tanks or reactors is important not
only for the calculation of the energy requirements of The results of this study can be used to predict the
the system but also for scaling up processes (such as power requirements of single and multiple PBTs, as well
those involving mass-transfer operations) in which as the power dissipated by individual PBTs in multiple
power consumption per unit mass is a key parameter. PBT systems. This information can be important espe-
Power consumption is a function of a number of param- cially in all those cases in which the presence of
eters such as the type and number of impellers, stirring additional impellers may be required to achieve not only
speed, physical properties of the fluid and the phases a primary process requirement, such as solid suspension
to be dispersed, and geometry of the system, including off the tank bottom, but also a secondary objective, such
all dimensions and position(s) of the impeller(s) within as a greater level of homogenization of the tank content
the tank. Data are available in the literature on the (especially if the tank is tall). For example, Armenante
power consumed by single impellers, but limited and and Uehara Nagamine2 and Armenante et al.3 have
scattered information is available on multiple-impeller shown that the minimum agitation speed for complete
systems. Even less information is available on the power off-bottom solid suspension (Njs) is fairly insensitive to
dissipated by individual impellers in multiple-impeller the number of impellers but that the presence of a
configurations. Consequently, the designer often esti- second impeller makes the flow near the tank bottom
mates the total power dissipated by multiple impellers more parallel to it and reduces the fillet region near the
from the knowledge of that consumed by single impel- tank wall. However, the power consumed by each
lers. This is often incorrect. impeller in the multiple-impeller systems was shown
Recently, this research group has published data on to be significantly lower (as little as 48% and as high
the power dissipated by single and multiple disk tur- as 84%) with respect to the single-impeller case and
bines.1 The present study extends that work to pitched- strongly dependent on the position of the lower impeller
blade turbines (PBTs) and quantifies the total power relative to the tank bottom. The resulting total power
requirements in mixing tanks provided with one or more consumption also varied greatly, and for some impeller
PBTs, as well as the power consumption of individual configurations (especially at very low impeller clear-
PBTs in multiple PBT systems. This was achieved ance), the total power consumed by two PBTs at Njs was
nearly identical (as little as 7% different) with that of a
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Phone:
single PBT also at Njs.2 Therefore, knowledge of the
(973)596-3548.Fax: (973)596-8436.E-mail: armenant@megahertz. power consumed by individual impellers can help the designer decide the optimal number and location of
† New Jersey Institute of Technology. impellers to achieve all the required process objectives
‡ Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”. while minimizing power consumption.
10.1021/ie980692o CCC: $18.00 © 1999 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 06/09/1999
2810 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 38, No. 7, 1999

Literature Review
Single PBT Systems. Many investigators4-6 have
experimentally determined the power characteristics of
single PBTs and have found that the impeller power
number, Ne, reaches a constant value for a given
geometry if the agitation intensity is high enough to
produce turbulent flow (Re > 10 000). Power numbers
for single PBTs have been reported in a number of
studies. Rushton et al.6 found that Ne for downward
pumping pitched-blade turbines with six blades inclined
at 45° (6-PBTs) was 1.42 when D/T ) 0.3, H/T ) 0.92,
C′1/D ) 1, L/W ) 2.3, and B/T ) 1/10. Bates et al.4
produced Ne-Re plots for D/T ) 1/3, C′1/T ) 1/3, H/T )
1. They also studied the effect of geometric factors such
as blade angle and off-bottom clearance on the power
consumed by 6-PBT impellers. O’Kane7 investigated the
effect of blade width and the number of blades. The
power number he obtained at standard conditions for a
6-PBT was 1.52. Shiue and Wong8 found Ne to be 1.74
for a downward pumping pitched-blade turbine having
four blades inclined at 45° (4-PBT) in a tank with a
hemispherical bottom (D/T ) 0.325, H/T ) 1, C′1/T )
0.5, L/D ) 0.346, and wb/D ) 0.231). Chudacek9 reported
a value for Ne of 1.63 for 6-PBTs in a flat-bottom tank
(D/T ) 1/3, H/T ) 1, C′1/T ) 1/3, and W/D ) 0.2). Machon
et al.10 found that Ne ) 1.72 for a 6-PBT with D/T ) Figure 1. Setup for experiments with 6-PBTs: (a) experimental
0.5, H/T ) 1, C′1/D ) 0.5, and an unspecified blade apparatus; (b) tanks used in this work [Tank #1 (H/T ) 1; B/T )
width. Raghava Rao and Joshi11 studied the flow pat- 0.1); Tank #2 (H/T ) 2; B/T ) 0.088)].
tern and power consumption in tanks stirred by differ-
ent impellers. For downward pumping 6-PBTs (D/T ) Table 1. Dimensions of Tanks Used in the Experiments
1/ , H/T ) 1, and w /D ) 1/ ), they found that Ne was with 6-PBTs
3 b 5
1.29, 1.35, and 1.61, when C′1 was equal to T/3, T/4, and tank tank liquid baffle
T/6, respectively. Rewatkar et al.12 studied the effect on diameter, height height, width, B/T
Ne of a number of geometrical factors such as impeller tank T (m) (m) H (m) H/T B (m) (%)
clearance, impeller diameter, blade angle, blade width, #1 0.289 0.386 0.289 1 0.029 10
and number of blades. They found Ne to be 1.67 for a #2 0.289 0.688 0.578 2 0.025 8.8
standard 6-PBT (D/T ) 1/3, C′1/D ) 1, and wb/D ) 1/5).
Ne was strongly dependent on the flow pattern gener- pension and power consumption in single and double
ated by the impeller and increased with decreasing off- 6-PBT systems when the lower impeller was close to
bottom clearance. They obtained the following overall the tank bottom (1/48 < Cb1/T < 1/8). They found that
dimensional correlation for the power number of a the lower and upper impeller had different power
6-PBT: numbers and that the total power consumed was
smaller than twice that consumed by a single impeller.

() ( )
0.11 C′1 -0.23 No additional information is available on the power
Ne ) 0.653T0.26 nb0.68A1.82 (1) dissipated by the individual PBTs in multiple-impeller
D T configurations. Triple PBT systems have not been
where T is in meters and the equation is valid for 6 e
T/D < 3, W/D ) 0.3, H/T ) 1, 0.125 e C′1/T e 0.33, 0.5 Apparatus and Method
e A e 1.05, and 4 e nb e 8. Fasano et al.13 produced
Ne-Re plots for 4-PBTs with D/T as the parameter. Experiments with 6-PBTs. Figure 1a shows a
Armenante and Uehara Nagamine14 obtained power diagram of the apparatus. Agitation was provided by a
numbers for 6-PBTs as a function of D/T and Cb1/T and 2.0 HP variable-speed motor (G. K. Heller Corp., Floral
showed that Ne decreased with impeller clearance in Park, NY) with a maximum speed of 1800 rpm. The
the Cb1/T range tested (1/48-1/4). rotational speed was measured with a digital tachom-
Multiple PBT Systems. Little information is avail- eter connected to a photoelectric pick-up sensor (Cole-
able on multiple PBT systems. Bates et al.4 studied the Parmer, Chicago, IL), accurate to within (1 rpm. The
effect of impeller spacing on power consumption in two- tanks consisted of two open, flat-bottomed, cylindrical,
impeller systems. They found that a dual 6-PBT system Plexiglas vessels provided with four baffles spaced 90°
does not consume twice the power of a single turbine apart and filled to different liquid heights. Their geo-
for S12/D e 4 and that the total power dissipated metric characteristics are given in Figure 1b and Table
decreases with impeller spacing for S12/D < 1. Other 1. The impellers were downward pumping 6-PBTs with
investigators have measured the power dissipated by a diameter of 0.0762 m. The blades were inclined at a
two 6-PBTs pumping against each other, i.e., one 45° angle. The blade width projected along the vertical
upward and the other downward.15,16 Because of the axis, wb, was equal to D/8 (9.53 mm, i.e., W ) 13.5 mm).
different fluid dynamic regimes, this configuration The length of each blade was 27 mm, and the blade
cannot be directly compared to that studied here. metal thickness, k, was 1.6 mm. Depending on the
Armenante and Uehara Nagamine2 studied solid sus- experiment, one, two, or three impellers were mounted
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 38, No. 7, 1999 2811

on the shaft. When the effect of the impeller diameter

on power consumption was studied, another geometri-
cally similar impeller with a diameter of 0.102 m was
also used.
The shafts were hollow aluminum tubes of different
lengths provided with strain gauges (Measurements
Group Co., Raleigh, NC, Part No. CEA-06-187UV-350)
mounted above the impellers. The gauges were electri-
cally connected to a signal conditioner and an amplifier
system (2120A system, Measurement Group Co., Ra-
leigh, NC) via a slip ring assembly (Airflyte Electronics
Co., Bayonne, NJ, Part No. CAY1030-12-2), so that the
torque and hence the power dissipated by each impeller
could be experimentally determined. The data were
collected and analyzed with a data acquisition system
(Labtech Notebook) connected to a computer. The
sampling frequency of the data acquisition system was
30 min-1. The value of each experimental variable was
determined by calculating the average of the 30 readings
obtained during a 60 s sampling time. The reproduc-
ibility was within (5.2%. Additional details on ap-
paratus construction, operation, and calibration and
data analysis are given elsewhere.1
The distances, Sij, between the impellers could be
varied, and the tank could be translated vertically to
change the position of the impeller-shaft assembly
relative to the tank (and especially the off-bottom
impeller clearance of the lowest impeller, Cb1, measured
from the bottom of the impeller blade). Single-impeller
experiments were carried out in Tanks #1 and #2 Figure 2. Single-impeller system: (a) effect of the Cb1/D ratio on
(Figure 1b). Double- and triple-impeller runs were the power number; (b) effect of the D/T ratio on the power number.
conducted, respectively, in Tanks #1 and #2. In the
latter case the spacing between the top and bottom having four blades inclined at 45° and diameters of
impellers (S13) was kept constant, while the position of 0.103 m (L ) 41.5 mm, W ) 20 mm, k ) 4 mm, hub
the middle impeller was varied. All experiments were diameter ) 20 mm, and hub height ) 27 mm) and 0.152
performed at room temperature using tap water. Its m (L ) 66 mm, W ) 30 mm, k ) 4 mm, hub diameter )
physical properties were taken at 19 °C.17 20 mm, and hub height ) 27 mm), respectively. Only
Once the power consumed by each impeller, Pi, was one impeller at a time was mounted on the shaft. Shafts
experimentally derived, the corresponding Newton num- of different lengths were used so that the impeller
ber (power number) for each impeller, Nei, was calcu- clearance could be varied in the range of 11-222 mm.
lated as6 The torque was measured with a commercial torqueme-
ter (Leane International, Parma, Italy; model TR10C)
Nei ) Pi/FN3D5 (2) consisting of a short shaft provided with four strain
The impeller Reynolds number was defined as Re ) gages and a brush-free electronic signal transmitter
FND2/µ. All experiments were run in duplicate at connected to a signal conditioner and digital readout
agitation speeds of 6.67 and 8.33 rps (400 and 500 rpm, meter (Digitec Corp., Marion, OH; model IQ-280A). The
respectively), corresponding to Re in the range of reproducibility of the measurement was 0.3 N‚m. Ex-
38 700-48 400 (fully turbulent regime). The results periments were conducted at 6.67 and 8.33 rps (400 and
were interpreted using the following equation:1 500 rpm, respectively) using the 0.103 m impeller and
at 5 and 6.67 rps (300 and 400 rpm, respectively) using
Nei ) f (
Cb1 T S12 S23
, ,
, ,n ) (3)
the 0.152 m impeller, corresponding to Re in the range
of 69 300-154 100 (fully turbulent regime). The results
were interpreted as mentioned above. Additional infor-
The assumptions under which this equation holds are mation is provided elsewhere.18
discussed elsewhere.1
Experiments with 4-PBTs. Agitation was provided Results and Discussion
by a variable-speed motor (300-2000 rpm) connected
to a 15-mm-diameter shaft and provided with a strobo- Single 6-PBT and 4-PBT Systems. Ne for 6-PBTs
scopic optical sensor with digital readout (IKA Labortech- was found to be independent of N (standard deviation:
nik, Staufen, Germany) to measure the agitation speed 1.76%) when the flow was turbulent. Regressing P vs
(reproducibility: (1 rpm). The agitation tank was a N resulted in an exponent of N equal to 2.91 ( 0.03
glass vessel, having an internal diameter of 0.3 m and (Tank #1; D/T ) 0.264; Cb1/D ) 1; H/T ) 1), i.e., very
a height of 0.445 m. The tank was provided with four close to the value of 3 that can be obtained from eq 2
metal baffles, 30 mm wide, 5 mm thick, and spaced 6 when Ne is constant.4
mm away from the tank wall. The gap between the Figure 2a shows the effect of off-bottom clearance on
baffles and the tank bottom was 9 mm. The tank was Ne for single PBTs. The power number for 6-PBTs is
filled with tap water up to a height equal to the tank within the range of 1.39-1.9 and is about 1.5-1.6 for
diameter. The impellers were downward pumping 4-PBTs Cb1/D g 3. A minimum can be observed for Cb1/D ) 1.5.
2812 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 38, No. 7, 1999

Figure 4. Double 6-PBT system: (a) effect of the Cb1/D ratio on

Figure 3. Double 6-PBT system: power numbers of individual
the ratio of the total power number (equal to the sum of the power
impellers and total power number (equal to the sum of power
numbers of individual impellers) to the power number of a single
numbers of individual impellers) as a function of (a) Cb1/D ratio
impeller at standard conditions (Cb1/D ) 1, NeSingle Std. ) 1.49);
and (b) S/D ratio. Note: NeSingle Std. ()1.49) was obtained at Cb1/D
(b) effect of the Cb1/D ratio on the ratio of the power number of
) 1, as per its definition, and is not a function of Cb1/D.
the upper impeller (Ne2) to that of the lower impeller (Ne1).

For lower Cb1/D values Ne was found to increase with

decreasing impeller clearances. As observed before,11,14
this phenomenon can be attributed to the change in flow
direction that occurs when the downward jet discharged
by the impeller impinges on the tank bottom (“throttling
effect”). The smaller the impeller clearance, the more
abrupt the change in flow direction will be (from down-
ward to upward), generating more turbulence and
resulting in an increased power consumption. For Cb1/D
) 1, D/T ) 0.264, and H/T ) 1 (taken here as the “stan-
dard conditions”), Ne for 6-PBTs was found to be 1.49
(NeSingle Std.). This value is in line with those reported
by previous investigators under similar conditions (1.42,
Rushton et al.;6 1.3, Bates et al.;4 1.52, O’Kane;7 1.7
(wb/D ) 1/5), Kuboi and Nienow;16 1.63, Chudacek;9 1.72,
Machon et al.;10 1.29 (wb/D ) 1/5), Raghava Rao and
Joshi;11 1.67 (wb/D ) 1/5), Rewatkar et al.12).
The dependence of Ne on Cb1/D found here (Figure
2a) is in agreement with that of Bates et al.,4 who
examined a range for Cb1/D (Cb1/D < 1.2) narrower than
that studied here and could only report a monotonic
decrease of Ne with increasing Cb1/D. Figure 2a shows
that the dependence of Ne on Cb1/D for 6-PBTs is more
complex and that a minimum in Ne occurs for Cb1/D in
the range of 1.5-2. Chudacek9 also reported Ne to
decrease with increasing Cb/T: for a 6-PBT with W/D
) 0.2, Ne was 1.63, 1,75, 1.92, and 2.07 for Cb/T equal
to 1/3, 1/4, 1/6, and 1/12, respectively. The ratios among Figure 5. Double 6-PBT system: (a) effect of the S/D ratio on
these Ne values are very similar to those found here. the ratio of the total power number (equal to the sum of the power
Raghava Rao and Joshi11 also reported increasing numbers of individual impellers) to the power number of a single
Ne’s for decreasing impeller clearances. For example, impeller at standard conditions (Cb1/D ) 1, NeSingle Std. ) 1.49);
when C′1 was equal to T/6, the power number they found (b) effect of the S/D ratio on the ratio of the power number of the
upper impeller (Ne2) to that of the lower impeller (Ne1).
was 24% greater than that at C′1 ) T/3, while in this
work the corresponding increase in Ne was 17%. In those found here despite their use of larger impellers.
general, the Ne values they obtained were lower than More recently, the same group12 reported higher values
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 38, No. 7, 1999 2813

Figure 6. Triple 6-PBT system: (a) power numbers of individual

impellers and the total power number (equal to the sum of the
power numbers of individual impellers) as a function of the Cb1/D
ratio; (b) effect of the Cb1/D ratio on the ratio of the total power
number to the power number of a single impeller at standard
conditions (Cb1/D ) 1, NeSingle Std. ) 1.49).
Figure 7. Triple 6-PBT system: ratio of power consumed by each
for Ne, which can also be calculated with eq 1. For impeller to the total power consumption as a function of Cb1/D:
example, for D/T ) 0.264, C′1/D = Cb/D ) 1, and nb ) (a) S12/D ) 0.667; (b) S12/D ) 2.5; (c) S12/D ) 4.
6, A ) 45° (the “standard conditions” in this work), eq
1 predicts Ne to be 1.62. This value can be corrected by The liquid height has a negligible effect on power
extrapolating the data in Rewatkar et al.’s Figure 912 consumption (Figure 2a), if no surface aeration or air
to account for the different W/D ratio used here (0.177). entrainment is present.6,12 The extent of baffling (B/T
The resulting value for Ne is approximately 1.5, i.e., very ratio equal to 10% and 8.8% for Tank #1 and #2,
close to the value found here (1.49). Rewatkar et al.12 respectively) has a minor effect on Ne once fully baffled
also reported an increase in Ne with decreasing impeller conditions are achieved.
clearance (e.g., 20% more when C′1/T was 1/6 than when In Figure 2b Ne is plotted as a function of D/T,
was it was 1/3, compared to a corresponding increase of keeping either Cb1/D or Cb1/T constant. The effect of the
17% in this work). D/T ratio on Ne for 6-PBTs is very limited in both cases.
Figure 2a also shows the results for single 4-PBTs. Ne varied more appreciably with D/T for 4-PBTs, also
For D/T ) 0.343 the dependence of Ne on Cb1/D for a because the D/T range was higher. Previous investiga-
4-PBT was found to be very similar to that of 6-PBTs. tors13 also reported that Ne dropped with D/T although
However, for D/T ) 0.507 the dependence was very not monotonically, because large impellers (D/T ) 0.5)
different, especially in a narrow range of Cb1/D (0.3- had power numbers much larger than those of smaller
0.6) where a minimum was observed. Additional experi- impellers. However, a comparison between parts a and
ments (as well as control and calibration experiments) b of Figure 2 shows that the difference in Ne between
conducted at a later date to verify the data confirmed 4-PBT impellers with different D/T ratios increases
the results obtained previously. A possible explanation more sharply when 0.3 < Cb1/T < 0.6.
for these results is that in the region in which the Double 6-PBT Systems. The effect of Cb1 on the
experiments with the larger impeller were conducted power numbers of individual impellers is shown in
the impeller may experience flow reversal.19 Accord- Figure 3a. This figure also shows the value of NeSingle Std.
ingly, the downward-angled discharge flow generated (obtained, by definition, at Cb1/D ) 1 and therefore
by the PBT impinges on the tank wall rather than the independent of Cb/D) as a reference horizontal line.
tank bottom, resulting in a different power number. The Neither Ne1 nor Ne2 changes appreciably with Cb1/D
Ne value found here (1.46) for Cb/D ) 1 is in line with except for Ne2 at low Cb1/D values. Comparing Figures
the value of 1.74 of Shiue and Wong8 for a larger 2a and 3a shows that while Ne1 is similar, for all Cb1/
impeller (W/D ) 0.326 instead of 0.194 in this work) D’s, to NeSingle Std., Ne for single impellers increases with
and the power numbers (∼1.2-1.4) of Fasano et al.13 decreasing Cb1/D. This implies that the upper impeller
The effect of Cb1/D on Ne for 6-PBTs and 4-PBTs exerts a dampening effect on the power number of the
differs significantly from that for disk turbines, for lower impeller at low Cb1/D values. Despite the ap-
which Ne increases monotonically with Cb1/D and ap- preciable impeller spacing (S/D ) 1.5), Ne2 is always
proaches an asymptotic value for large Cb1/D values.1 smaller than Ne1, probably as a result of the overall
2814 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 38, No. 7, 1999

reduces the throttling effect described above, lowering

the power consumption of the lower impeller as well as
the overall power consumption. A comparison between
parts a and b of Figure 4 for 6-PBTs and the corre-
sponding figures for disk turbines1 reveals that the
behavior of these two types of impellers is very different
when it comes to the dependence of Nei on impeller
clearance and spacing: reducing Cb1/D lowers the power
consumption of disk turbines but increases that of
In Figure 5a Netot/NeSingle Std. is plotted as a function
of S/D with Cb1/D as the parameter. These data show
again that the power dissipated by two 6-PBTs is
typically 10-20% lower than twice that of a single
6-PBT, except when the lower impeller is very close to
the tank bottom (Cb1/D ) 0.333) and the spacing is in a
narrow range (1.33 < S/D < 2). In general, the lower
impeller draws more power than the upper one, espe-
cially at larger spacing (Figure 5b) but not at low S/D
ratios (S/D ) 0.667). Bates et al.4 also reported that dual
6-PBT systems consume less power than twice the
power of a single 6-PBT. However, they only examined
one clearance.
Triple 6-PBT Systems. In Figure 6a, individual (for
each impeller) and cumulative (total) Ne values are
plotted as a function of Cb1/D. As before, this figure also
shows NeSingle Std. (Cb1/D ) 1) as a reference horizontal
Figure 8. Triple 6-PBT system: (a) power numbers of individual
impellers and the total power number (equal to the sum of the line. For 0.5 e Cb1/D e 1.5 all three impellers have
power numbers of individual impellers) as a function of the S12/D similar power consumptions, and all Nei’s are slightly
ratio; (b) effect of the S12/D ratio on the ratio of the total power smaller than NeSingle Std., probably because each impeller
number to the power number of a single impeller at standard reinforces the rotating flow generated by the others.
conditions (Cb1/D ) 1, NeSingle Std. ) 1.49). When the off-bottom clearance of the lower impeller is
reduced, Ne1 increases, similarly to the single- and
circulation flow and the fact that the upper impeller flow double-impeller cases (Figures 2a and 4a, respectively),
is less affected by the presence of the tank bottom than Ne2 decreases by about the same amount, and Ne3
the lower impeller. This behavior is opposite to that of remains nearly unchanged. The net result is that Netot
radial impellers (disk turbines), for which Ne1 is always changes only slightly (less than 7%) even when Cb1/D
smaller that Ne2.1 is varied in the entire range tested here. The effect of
The effect of S is shown in Figure 3b. Both impellers off-bottom clearance on Netot is shown in Figure 6b. The
always have individual power numbers smaller that total power consumption is 4-18% smaller than
NeSingle Std., although Ntot stays nearly constant with S. 3NeSingle Std. and decreases nearly monotonically with
For S/D g 1 the upper impeller always dissipates less Cb1/D.
power than the lower impeller. Only when the impellers Figure 7 shows the effect of Cb1/D on the fractional
are closer together (S/D ) 0.667) does the situation power consumption of each individual impeller, Pi/Ptot.
reverse itself. When the lower impeller is very close to the middle
The effect of Cb1 on power consumption as a function impeller (S12/D ) 0.667), the latter typically consumes
of S/D is reported in Figure 4a,b. Combined, these parts more power than the former (Figure 7a). This is the
can be used to calculate the individual and total reverse of what is observed at higher S12/D ratios
turbulent power numbers as a function of Cb1/D for any (Figure 7b,c) but is consistent with the double-impeller
double 6-PBT system for which H/T ) 1 and the case for S12/D ) 0.667 (Figure 4b). The lower impeller
impellers are geometrically similar to those used here. typically consumes significantly more power than the
Double 6-PBT systems consume significantly less power other two if it is near the tank bottom (Figure 7b,c) or
(12-25%) than two single 6-PBTs, even when the the upper and middle impellers are close together
impellers are well spaced (Figure 4a). Only for large (Figure 7c).
spacing (S/D ) 1.5) and low impeller clearances (Cb1/D Figure 8a shows the variation of Netot and Nei as a
) 0.333) does Ntot become equal to twice NeSingle Std. This function of S12/D, for Cb1/D ) 1. The total power number
implies that the addition of a “tickler impeller” (i.e., an remains nearly unchanged independently of S12/D (maxi-
impeller close to the tank bottom) to another impeller mum deviation: 4.9%). However, Ne1 is larger or
placed higher in the tank may be advantageous from a smaller than Ne2 depending on the value of S12/D. In
process point of view (if agitation is needed even when Figure 8b the effect of spacing between the lower and
the tank is nearly empty) but not from an energy middle impellers on Netot is reported at different Cb/D’s.
standpoint. Full power is drawn only when the lower impeller is
For S/D g 1 the upper impeller almost always very close to the tank bottom, as observed before, and
consumes less power than the lower impeller (Figure only for some S12/D values. In all other cases Netot is
4b). The opposite is true, somewhat unexpectedly, for lower than 3NeSingle Std. by as much as 15%. Confirming
smaller spacing (S/D ) 0.667). One can speculate that the conclusions reached with the two-impeller system,
under such conditions the proximity of the two impellers the presence of a “tickler impeller” significantly in-
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 38, No. 7, 1999 2815

impeller distant from the lower impeller, the throttling

effect caused an increase in the power number of the
lower impeller and hence the overall power number.
Reducing the distance between the impellers limited
this effect and lowered the overall power number as well
as the power number of the lower impeller. In triple
6-PBT systems with equally spaced impellers, the
cumulative power dissipated was typically lower than
that of three single 6-PBTs and relatively constant over
a wide range of Cb1/D values. However, at low Cb1/D the
lower impeller power consumption increased and that
of the middle impeller decreased.
The results obtained in this work can be used to
determine the overall power consumption as well as the
power consumed by individual 6-PBTs in single- and
multiple-impeller systems under turbulent flow condi-

This work was partially supported by the National
Science Foundation (Grant No. EEC 9520573), whose
contribution is gratefully acknowledged.

List of Symbols
A ) impeller blade angle (rad)
B ) baffle width (m)
Cb1 ) off-bottom clearance of the lower impeller, measured
from the bottom edge of the impeller blade to the bottom
of the tank, as shown in Figure 1b (m)
Cb2 ) off-bottom clearance of the upper impeller (in double-
impeller systems) or the middle impeller (in triple-
Figure 9. Triple 6-PBT system: ratio of the power consumed by impeller systems), measured from the bottom edge of the
each impeller to the total power consumption as a function of S12/ impeller blade to the bottom of the tank, as shown in
D: (a) Cb1/D ) 0.167; (b) Cb1/D ) 0.5; (c) Cb1/D ) 1. Figure 1b (m)
Cb3 ) off-bottom clearance of the upper impeller (in triple-
creases the overall power consumption of the system impeller systems), measured from the bottom edge of the
with respect to configurations in which the third impel- impeller blade to the bottom of the tank, as shown in
ler is placed not as close to the tank bottom. However, Figure 1b (m)
even in such a case, the overall energy consumption is C′1 ) off-bottom clearance of the lower impeller, measured
only as high as that of three “standard” single impellers. from the middle of the impeller to the bottom of the tank
Finally, in Figure 9 the effect of impeller spacing on (m)
the individual fractional power consumptions is given. D ) impeller diameter (m)
At low impeller clearance (Cb1/D ) 0.167), the throttling H ) height of liquid in the tank (m)
L ) blade length (m)
effect is clearly present and the power dissipated by the
n ) number of impellers
lower impeller is always higher than that of the upper
nb ) number of blades
impeller (Figure 9a). P1 is also larger than P2 except
N ) agitation speed (rotations/s, rps, or rotations/min, rpm,
when the lower and middle impellers are close to each as indicated)
other (S12/D e 1). A similar trend, although not as Ne ) Newton number or power number
pronounced, can be seen at a higher Cb1/D value (0.5; Nei ) Newton number or power number of individual
Figure 9b). However, for Cb1/D ) 1 (Figure 9c) the lower impeller i (with i ) 1, 2, or 3), as defined in eq 2
impeller typically consumes less power than the upper Netot ) total (cumulative) Newton number or power number
one (but not for S12/D > 3). These results indicate that of all impellers
except at low Cb1/D’s the relative power consumptions NeSingle Std. ) Newton number or power number of a single
of 6-PBTs in a triple-impeller configuration are rela- impeller at standard conditions (Cb1/D ) 1, D/T ) 0.264,
tively similar. This is the opposite of what is observed and H/T ) 1)
with disk turbines.1 Pi ) power drawn by individual impeller i (with i ) 1, 2,
or 3; W)
Conclusions Ptot ) total (cumulative) power drawn by all impellers (W)
PSingle Std. ) power drawn by a single impeller at standard
The power numbers of single PBTs were found to be conditions (Cb1/D ) 1, D/T ) 0.264, and H/T ) 1; W)
relatively constant in a wide Cb1/D range and to increase Re ) impeller Reynolds number (FND2/µ)
with decreasing Cb1 for Cb1/D < 1 because of the S ) spacing (distance) between impellers in double-impeller
throttling effect caused by the proximity of the impeller systems (m)
to the tank bottom. The overall power number of double Sij ) spacing (distance) between impeller i and impeller j
6-PBT systems was typically found to be significantly (with i ) 1, 2, or 3; j ) 2 or 3) in triple-impeller systems
smaller than twice the power number of a single 6-PBT. (m)
However, when the Cb1/D ratio was low and the upper T ) tank diameter (m)
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