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Hybrid System


1 General information 4
2 What is Hybrid 5
3 Why Hybrid 6
4 Hybrid Applications 7
5 The three essential requirements 9
6 The Penetration Riddle 10
7 What can we achieve with a "smart" control system? 12
8 Upgrading existing systems 13
9 Storage 14
10 The Issue of light Loading 16
11 What ComAp offers 18

Copyright © 2016 ComAp a.s.

Written by Petra Píclová, Richard Bird
Prague, Czech Republic
ComAp a.s., Kundratka 2359/17,
180 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 246 012 111, Fax: +420 266 316 647
E-mail:, Application Guide
Table of contents
1 General information 4
1.1 Introduction 4

2 What is Hybrid 5
2.1 Definition 5
2.2 ComAp's Hybrid System 5

3 Why Hybrid 6
3.1 Motives 6
3.2 Benefits 6

4 Hybrid Applications 7
4.1 Typical applications 7
4.2 Other applications 8

5 The three essential requirements 9

6 The Penetration Riddle 10

6.1 < 30% penetration 10
6.2 30 - 60% penetration 11
6.3 60 - 100% penetration 11

7 What can we achieve with a "smart" control system? 12

7.1 High speed /low speed 12
7.2 Overload capacity 12

8 Upgrading existing systems 13

9 Storage 14
9.1 UPS 14
9.2 Batteries 14
9.3 Flywheels 15

10 The Issue of light Loading 16

10.1 Underloading Diesel Generator Sets 16
10.2 Underloading Gas Generator Sets 16
10.3 Managing Low Load 17

11 What ComAp offers 18

11.1 Gen-set controller in a slave position 18

Hybrid System Solutions Application Guide 2

11.2 Hybrid controller in a master position 19
11.3 Communication tools 19
11.4 Monitoring tools 20
11.4.1 InteliMonitor 20
11.4.2 WebSupervisor 20
11.5 Configuration tools 20
11.5.1 GenConfig 20

Sources 21

Hybrid System Solutions Application Guide 3

1 General information
1.1 Introduction
ComAp has recently released a new controller InteliSysNTC Hybrid. This new controller was developed
specifically because of the increasing focus on the environmental aspects of power generation and the need to
meet reduced emission targets – not to mention the savings to be made from using a renewable source of
power. Pressure for less emissions and CO2 production, increase of power generation efficiency, lower
dependency on power supply and sustainable electrification of remote areas – solutions for all can be found in
ComAp’s InteliSys-NTC-Hybrid controller.
This Hybrid Application Guide builds on our Hybrid Solution brochure, which introduces theInteliSysNTC Hybrid
and explains hybrid systems in more detail, but provides also an insight into technical challenges and benefits
that using a hybrid system can offer.

Hybrid System Solutions Application Guide 4

2 What is Hybrid
2.1 Definition
The word “Hybrid” seems to be very common these days – we have hybrid cars, hybrid drives, hybrid systems
The word means, amongst other things, “Something having two kinds of components that produce the same or
similar results”.

2.2 ComAp's Hybrid System

ComAp understands the word hybrid in line with the above definition and uses it in power generation – one of the
two components being diesel or gas gen-sets, and the other one a renewable energy source – photovoltaic (PV)
or wind. In a hybrid system the two components work together to generate power in the most economic and
reliable combination. ComAp’s InteliSysNTC Hybrid provides the balance between the source of renewable
power and the gen-set, to ensure that power is supplied at optimal efficiency.

For the purpose of this guide we need to further define the type of hybrid system that we are considering - firstly
we are considering only the larger systems that are involved in the supply of base load AC power from gen-sets
(running mainly on diesel). Typically these will range from 100 kW up to, 40 MW. (There is really no upside
practical limit but above 40 MW there will normally be large gas turbines involved and ComAp does not get
involved with this type of gen-set).
Secondly we are only considering PV and wind energy in this application and the reason is that they are variable
– the output cannot be controlled or predicted accurately. Consequently a comprehensive hybrid control system
is required. Other forms of renewable energy such as hydro, biogas, bio-fuel etc. can be controlled and are
therefore no different to having another gen-set running in parallel.

Hybrid System Solutions Application Guide 5

3 Why Hybrid
3.1 Motives
There are several reasons why people start to think about adding renewable energy sources to conventional
sources. For example operators of diesel generator sites have very high OPEX (due to immense diesel
consumption if the sets run 24/7), they are under pressure due to high amount of emissions produced, and they
also start to realize the threat of being dependent on a single fuel supply.
As stated above, PV on its own is now cheaper than diesel in most parts of the world (assuming that it is not a
country where fuel prices are massively subsidized). Therefore it makes simple economic sense to add PV to a
diesel installation and start saving money immediately. The main barrier is normally capital cost; however it is a
simple matter to start off with a small amount of PV and add to it in stages using the savings that are already
being made.
So the two prerequisites making a site run on a hybrid system are the following - the prime power is generated
from diesel gen-set(s) and the location offers good conditions for photovoltaics.

3.2 Benefits
Among the most important benefits are:
Less diesel burnt
Lower OPEX
Less CO2 produced
Lower dependency on diesel supply
Operational costs of a diesel station are not only about the diesel purchase price, but it also includes transport
and storage expenses which can become very costly, (e.g. on islands),
Watch our video on YouTube.

Hybrid System Solutions Application Guide 6

4 Hybrid Applications
What is surprising to many people is that the market for hybrids is immense. Basically every base load gen-set
in the world is a potential site for converting to a hybrid system, and it is estimated that there are over a million
gen-sets in the world that can benefit from a hybrid system.

4.1 Typical applications


Mines are commonly located in remote areas and are often dependent on locally generated power using
diesel engines. The power levels are normally high and range up to 40MW (Typically above this level
they often use gas turbines).

Remote towns, islands and communities

Whilst in Europe and the US almost every small town and village is connected to a major grid this is not
true in many parts of the world including Africa, South America, Asia and the Pacific. In these areas
many small towns and islands each have their own diesel power station and their remote location
means that the cost of diesel is much higher.

Remote resorts and tourist facilities

A current trend in tourism is ‘ecological tourism’ and that often means remote locations, and therefore
the resorts and tourist attractions have to supply their own electricity. However because they are often
promoted as “environmentally friendly” they have a greater need than most to reduce their reliance on
diesel power and are therefore ideal targets for a hybrid system because they normally cannot afford
the massive costs of going to 100% renewable energy.

Remote manufacturing facilities

Whilst in Europe and the US almost every small town and village is connected to a major grid this is not
true in many parts of the world including Africa, South America, Asia and the Pacific. In these areas
many small towns and islands each have their own diesel power station and their remote location
means that the cost of diesel is much higher.

Agricultural sites
Large agricultural sites can have very high energy consumption due to irrigation systems which water
large production fields. Due to their high consumption they are often off-grid and producing their own
power. Such sites can also take the advantage of biogas availability and use biogas gen-sets for the
base load.

Often the military has to take its power with it, as it is not normally operating in an area where it has
access to the grid power system. Consequently they are huge users of diesel gen-sets but because of
the logistical and financial costs involved many countries military organizations are already
investigating in hybrid systems for their power generation needs. Military training camps are also often
located in remote areas, or have load demands that have their own generating sets and are therefore
looking for alternatives how to lower their operating costs.

Hybrid System Solutions Application Guide 7

4.2 Other applications
There is significant potential in rental gen-sets as the rental companies are one of the largest owners of gen-
sets. But, because of the set-up and strip down costs for PV it is not viable for them to offer a hybrid system for
their short-term rentals. However many of their major contracts for large construction projects or for mining
operations are often for many years and in these cases it would be economical to offer a hybrid system which
would give them a sales advantage when tendering.

Locations with unreliable grid supply (standby sets)

There are many parts of the world where, although most premises are connected to a grid, the power supply is
unreliable, and therefore standby sets often run eight or more hours per day. As a market we can treat these
installations as base load also and as many of them are factories they have large roof areas for the location of
PV panels.

On-grid applications
All the above mentioned applications have one thing in common - they are in remote locations where the main
grid is difficult to access.
There are also two other types of applications that can be on-grid, but where installation of PV plays a
significant role in OPEX reduction:
Commercial sites where a backup diesel gen-set is used in demand side management (zero export)
Commercial sites where a backup diesel gen-set is used for peak-lopping (power supply to the grid as a
regulation energy)

Hybrid System Solutions Application Guide 8

5 The three essential
If we are to achieve a highly successful, reliable and efficient hybrid control system there are three essential
requirements that must be met:
1. The amount of generated renewable energy must be maximized
Whilst the ‘fuel’ is free with PV and wind, the capital costs are enormous when compared with traditional
diesel generation. Currently the cost of large-scale PV generation plant (multi MW) is about 3.00 USD/W,
whereas a diesel power station is about 0.80 USD/W. In addition to this additional capital cost is the fact
that PV can only work for up to 8 hours per day (30%, while wind is typically 60%).
Consequently it is absolutely essential that every possible kW available from RE sources be utilized so that
the return on the capital cost is maximized. For optimum utilization of PV it is crucial to correctly size the
PV. If it is too small, the ROI period might be too long, but if it is too big, it will put additional requirements on
the control system and might involve installation of batteries to store excess power.
2. The reliability of the existing system must not be compromised
The level of reliability with large-scale diesel generation is very high and many systems will go for a decade
or more without a single outage. For many operations this high level of reliability is essential – a sudden loss
of power for a mine can be catastrophic. Consequently, it is essential that a hybrid system maintain this very
high level of reliability. Nothing will do more to put people off a hybrid system than if they have to put up with
higher levels of faults and blackouts.
3. The remaining diesel portion must continue to have the same level of efficiency as the existing
If the diesel part of the hybrid system runs less efficiently after the hybrid installation, then the money saved
by having ‘free’ renewable energy is going to be burnt up in the diesel station. So, it is essential that the
diesel station be run in a manner that optimizes operating efficiently in the face of sometimes rapidly varying
levels of load.
To meet these three requirements it is essential to know the load profile, design the size of different power
generation sources appropriately, and have a sophisticated hybrid control system, which is what ComAp is

Hybrid System Solutions Application Guide 9

6 The Penetration Riddle
Achieving a successful hybrid installation is a trade-off between having a sufficient return on investment, and
the diesel savings made against the very high capital cost. As you try to get close to 100% penetration the cost
curve becomes exponential due to the increasing amounts of storage required. (For example at close to 100%
you need to have three times the amount of PV compared with the average load plus an extra amount for cloudy
days and be able to store the average load for 16 hours minimum to provide power supply overnight – this
obviously comes at massive cost).
Whilst the figures will vary slightly depending on location, (cost of fuel, technology used, etc.) in general there is
a ‘sweet spot’ between 20% and 60% penetration that makes economic sense in most situations, as depicted
on the graph below.

Image 6.1 Graph Levelized cost of energy vs. Renewable energy penetration

Examples of certain percentages of penetration and list of pros and cons are given below:

6.1 < 30% penetration

If the installed capacity in renewable energy source is less than 30% of the installed capacity in the diesel gen-
sets (or if the RE covers not more than 30% of the consumption), then the overall control of the system is
relatively easy, the system reliability is high because at least one gen-set is always running and the investment
into PV technology is not as significant; (a battery is not required). However, since the renewable contribution is
lower, so are the outcomes, such as OPEX and CO2 reduction, and the renewable output can need to be
curtailed to avoid underloading of the gen-set.

Limited reduction of OPEX (High

Easy control
High reliability
Low reduction of CO2
RE output limitation

This low penetration is suitable mainly for sites with highly variable loads.

Hybrid System Solutions Application Guide 10

6.2 30 - 60% penetration
If the installed capacity in renewable energy source is higher, but still less than 60% of the installed capacity in
the diesel gen-sets (or if the RE covers no more than 60% of the consumption), the overall control is more
complex, as energy storage might be involved to cover potential mismatch between the renewable generation
and consumption. The storage should also ensure that renewable utilization is maximized and therefore
operation of the gen-set is minimized. In such a case the OPEX is reduced more significantly, however CAPEX
due to the energy storage is notably higher.
Lower OPEX
Maximized RE output
Higher CAPEX
Lower reliability
Minimized gen-set

In most cases where grid tied PV inverters are used, it is essential to keep one gen-set running at all times to
provide the voltage and frequency reference. However, even where standalone inverters are used, it is best
practice to keep a generator running at all times. As the reliability should not be compromised, there should be
still at least one running gen-set as a backup power supply if something goes wrong. The master controller in
this case prevents the gen-set from underloading by minimizing the PV. However such operation does not lead
to maximum OPEX reduction. The gen-set can be stopped if there is a battery storage designed to cover short
power supply cuts during which the gen-set can be started and take over the load. For such operations high
speed sets are recommended.

6.3 60 - 100% penetration

Systems with RE penetration up to 100% minimize gen-set operation and thus the OPEX on diesel and prolong
the maintenance intervals, whilst maximizing the renewables output. However energy storage, which is
inevitable in such systems, increases significantly the CAPEX and thus prolongs the return on investment
period. Maintaining reliability of the system puts high demands on the control system.
Very low OPEX
Very high CAPEX
Maximized RE
Lower reliability
output utilization
High demands on control
Minimized gen-
set operation

Higher penetration up to 100% is relatively demanding on the overall system stability and is therefore suitable
mainly for sites with stable day load and favorable PV conditions.

Hybrid System Solutions Application Guide 11

7 What can we achieve with a
"smart" control system?
The competing demands of a hybrid system require a high level of sophistication in the control system. To meet
the three requirements discussed earlier, plus the need to minimise the amount of storage, there are a number of
solutions that our experience in the industry allows us to use. ComAp controllers utilise complex algorithms to
achieve the required outcomes but in addition to these we can utilize different operating modes.

7.1 High speed /low speed

Where there is a mixture of both high speed and low speed gen-sets on a site, it can be beneficial to adjust the
two types in a couple of ways. Firstly the slow speed sets will often be older than the high-speed sets and
therefore will have a steeper fuel consumption curve; (i.e. the fuel consumed per kW generated will rise very
fast). In the InteliSysNTC Hybrid we use power management to set up the system so that most of the time the
slow speed sets run at a fixed base load to optimise fuel consumption and the high-speed sets take up all the
variation in load as high-speed engines have a much flatter fuel consumption curve.
Secondly, slow-speed sets have much longer starting times than high-speeds sets due to the necessity to pre-
lube etc. Therefore in a hybrid situation it can be beneficial to have the slow speed sets running and keep at
least one high speed set in reserve for fast start-up when the PV suddenly disappears due weather. High-speed
sets can normally be on line and accepting load within 15 seconds whereas a slow-speed set can be as long as
10 minutes. Many of the issues with the starting of slow speed sets can be dealt with and if the control system
is being modified as part of the hybrid installation (see Upgrading existing systems on page 13) then the
ComAp controller can automate many of the start-up processes that were previously manual and the start time
dramatically reduced.

7.2 Overload capacity

The overload capacity of modern gen-sets is often overlooked – operators only look at the rating of the sets.
However every set has an overload capacity that is stated by the manufacturer. This is a minimum of 10% and
on many sets is much more. The difference between the base load rating and the standby rating on gen-sets can
be as high as 25%. This overload capacity can be utilized for the short time that it takes to get another set

Hybrid System Solutions Application Guide 12

8 Upgrading existing systems
If a completely new hybrid system is planned then we can either recommend one of at least 20 OEM gen-set
suppliers that use ComAp gen-set controllers, or we can offer to assist the gen-set supplier to fit ComAp
controllers to ensure suitability for the hybrid operation control.
However, vast majority of hybrid installations over the next ten years will be the addition of renewables to
existing gen-set installations. In such cases it will be necessary to upgrade the existing control system. In many
instances the system will be manually controlled and operated and it is important that the existing station is
automated. Changes happen very fast in a hybrid installation, for example; if a cloud comes over the PV array,
the output can drop from maximum to almost zero in as little as a few seconds. No human operator can react
this fast, nor can he continuously calculate the amount of spinning reserve needed as the amount of wind
energy or PV constantly changes.
Not only has ComAp more to offer in the Hybrid field than anyone else (see What ComAp offers on page 18),
but it also has more to offer in the upgrading of existing power stations, including:
High level paralleling controllers which enable complex hybrid systems to be designed using standard hardware
and software without additional PLC
Minimizes design and commissioning costs
Complex PLC functions
Powerful power management software including variable spinning reserve
Power Station Controller allows control and monitoring of all power station auxiliaries
Suitable for high-speed and low-speed sets, and hydro plants etc.
Graphic tool for full controller configuration
Any set can be converted regardless of system, age, warranty etc.

Hybrid System Solutions Application Guide 13

9 Storage
Higher renewable penetration requires energy storage within the system to allow the shutdown of an unloaded
gen-set in the background, ready to cover power supply shortages during drops of PV output. It also allows
maximum PV penetration. However, energy storage has still not reached its optimum level of efficiency and
since the technology development is still in progress, storage is still very expensive and makes hybrid system
investment significantly costly.
Research and development of energy storage technology has been on an uptake within the last few decades as
they have started to be massively used in wide range of applications. There are various types of energy storage
that can be seen in hybrid applications, mainly used for supplying power immediately after the output from a RE
is lost and before a gen-set is started. Even though the main idea behind a hybrid system is to lower the burden
of diesel emissions and utilizing green renewable energy instead, in order to achieve 100% RE penetration,
there is a need to use some sort of energy storage. Below are listed few of the most typically used technologies.

9.1 UPS
An uninterruptible power source (UPS) must step in when a main power source is lost. It must
instantaneously start to supply power from energy storage, either a battery or a flywheel, to cover
the load before a standby power source is started. UPS are used in number of applications, hybrids
being one of them.

9.2 Batteries
There are various types of batteries, differing in the materials used for the electrodes and
electrolyte; nevertheless the most widespread are Lead-Acid and Lithium-Ion. In general, Lead-
Acid is the oldest technology, having very low energy-to-weight ratio, but the ability to provide high
currents means that they have high power-to-weight ratio. They are relatively cheap; providing the
best value for power and energy per kWh in their price range and have the longest life cycle if
maintained correctly.
However, they do not like deep discharge and due to limited number of charge / discharge cycles, they are not
suitable for applications where regular discharge is required. They are also very susceptible to changes in
ambient temperature and because of the chemicals used, are environmentally unfriendly.
Li-Ion have highly differing life cycle depending on the depth they are discharged. They allow 70% depth of
discharge; however this shortens the battery life cycle. If discharged only by 10%, it´s lifecycle can be up to 30
times longer. Their advantage is the energy-to-weight ratio, but they are more expensive than Lead-Acid
batteries and recycling process is not yet established.

Hybrid System Solutions Application Guide 14

9.3 Flywheels
Flywheel, or a rotor, is accelerated to a very high speed, maintaining the rotational energy with very
low frictional losses in its center and converting the spinning energy to electrical energy when the
main source of power is down. By using some of the rotational energy, the flywheel rotational
speed is reduced and it is ready to capture energy from intermittent sources and use it for load
supply when needed.
Flywheels are traditionally made of steel and rotate on conventional bearings, which are generally limited to
revolution rate of few thousand RPM. However, modern flywheels are made of carbon fiber materials, employ
magnetic bearings, enabling them to revolve at speeds up to 60,000 RPM and are stored in vacuum to reduce
drag. The choice of material determines the system costs, weight, size and performance; carbon is much lighter
– can achieve much higher rotational speed and thus store more energy (the amount of energy that can be
stored is a function of the square of the RPM).
Other advantages of a flywheel are low maintenance, long life and higher energy density, nevertheless all the
advantages are balanced by a high price.

Hybrid System Solutions Application Guide 15

10 The Issue of light Loading
One of the concerns related to hybrid system implementation is with regards to gen-set light loading, or
underloading. To avoid power supply shortage when renewable output suddenly drops, sufficient spinning
reserve should be kept on the gen-set to cover such fluctuations, which means that at times the sets might be
running under a light load. Operators and owners of gen-sets are concerned about light loading because they
have heard that it can cause all sorts of problems – particularly glazing of the bores. However these sorts of
problems do not occur with just a few hours of light loading – it takes weeks or even months at the same light
load before it occurs.
In a hybrid installation, there is a higher chance of light loading the generator because of the availability of the
renewable source. If it is constantly sunny or windy, the generator’s load will be quite low, but with ComAp’s
system, the amount of energy provided by the renewable source can be adjusted to ensure that the generator is
running at optimum efficiency.
So – there is no problem with light loading in a hybrid situation. However people might still doubt it and therefore
reproduced below, in full, is an article about light loading (underloading) published on Caterpillar´s blog.
First, it is important to understand that generator sets are designed to run with load. This may seem trivial, but
loading a generator set properly is essential to availability and a long engine life. Manufacturer service intervals
and projected component life are based on operation in load ranges to deliver an ideal mix of product
performance, power density and long-term operational life.
Incorrect generator set operation can result in reduced output, component damage, reduced lifecycles, and
unscheduled downtime. The ideal operation targets of each generator set will depend on the application and

10.1 Underloading Diesel Generator Sets

Generally speaking, standby- and prime-rated diesel generator sets are designed to operate between 50 and 85
percent load, while continuous-rated diesel generator sets optimize between 70 and 100 percent load. Operating
diesel generator sets at loads less than 30 percent for extended periods can impact uptime and engine life.
The most prevalent consequence of underloading is exhaust manifold slobber, or wet stacking, which is the
black oily liquid that can leak from the exhaust joints when the engine does not reach minimum temperatures
and pressures. Visible engine slobber doesn’t necessarily indicate a problem, but it signals possible
underloading concerns, low ambient temperatures or jacket water temperatures that are too low. Additionally,
long periods of light loading can lead to deposit build-up behind the piston rings or inside the cylinders, which can
cause power loss, poor performance, accelerated wear and in extreme cases, cylinder liner polishing.

10.2 Underloading Gas Generator Sets

Natural gas and biogas generator sets, independent of application and rating, are typically designed for
operation between 60 and 100 percent load. Without enough cylinder pressure to maintain oil control at low
loads, gas engines can develop ash deposits, a reduced detonation margin and damaged engine components.
Similar to diesel generator sets, deposit build-up on valves, spark plugs and behind piston rings can occur—
which may cause cylinder liner polishing, power loss, poor performance and accelerated component wear—
ultimately increasing the likelihood of higher maintenance costs and downtime.

Hybrid System Solutions Application Guide 16

10.3 Managing Low Load
If maintained properly, diesel and gas generator sets can operate at light loads for long periods without harmful
effects. After underloading, the generator sets should run at increased load to raise the cylinder pressure and
temperature, which will clean the deposits from the combustion chamber. Regular low load operation requires a
more aggressive maintenance plan to reduce excessive component wear and may require engine modification.
Diesel engines should run at a minimum of 30 percent load for about 30 minutes for every four hours of light-load
operation, and operators should measure exhaust temperature prior to the turbo for analysis. Natural gas
engines are more sensitive to low loads, so there are specific underloading time limits required to maintain
optimal performance, see the chart above*. After the time limit has expired, the engine should run at a minimum
of 70 percent load for at least two hours.
Power system underloading impacts individual components as well as overall performance, so it should not be
taken lightly. While the simple solution is to operate generator sets at a load that meets design requirements,
the reality is that system needs sometimes change. This makes underloading common in the realm of power
generation—especially in standby applications. However, the effects of underloading can be minimized with a
thorough operation and maintenance plan to preserve system health and avoid extra costs down the road.
*The chart and text in full can be accessed from here

So there you have it from the experts – “If maintained properly, diesel and gas generator sets can operate
at light loads for long periods without harmful effects”
In addition to which we won’t be running them at low loads for extended periods.

Hybrid System Solutions Application Guide 17

11 What ComAp offers
ComAp offers the expert knowledge of the gen-set control and operation business based on more than 20 years
of experience. Hybrid application brings a new direction where ComAp builds on its knowledge and creates a
new area of expertise by cooperation with PV industry experts, distribution network providers and operators of
gen-sets in remote locations.
Every hybrid site should be controlled from one point and that should be the master controller, which controls the
power generation from gen-sets as well as from the RE in a way to match the actual load. ComAp has been
involved in the design of control systems for hybrid applications many times and therefore we want to offer our
customers flexible solutions for any type of installations.

11.1 Gen-set controller in a slave position

For projects where there is a master hybrid controller supplied by a third party, ComAp offers special firmware
called IGS-NT-Hybrid, suitable for InteliGen and InteliSys gen-set controllers, which are interconnected with the
master controller. Controllers with this firmware can receive, share with other gen-set controllers, and work in
the power management with so called Dynamic Spinning Reserve, which is additional load reserve for
sudden consumption increase if output from the PV is lost. This dynamic spinning reserve is calculated by the
master controller. We say that the gen-set controllers are in this case in a slave position, as the dynamic
spinning reserve value is communicated over Modbus.
The Dynamic Spinning Reserve is available as an upgrade to the internal firmware and is available for purchase
from ComAp and its distributors.

Hybrid System Solutions Application Guide 18

11.2 Hybrid controller in a master position
ComAp´s master hybrid controller InteliSysNTC Hybrid acts as ‘the brain’ of a hybrid site which ensures overall
control and makes sure the power supply matches the load in every instance without compromising the
system’s reliability and stability. It continuously monitors data from all sources of energy as well as load, and
automatically starts, synchronizes and loads gen-set to run smoothly alongside the renewable source.
InteliSysNTC Hybrid is still a gen-set controller with full functionality of the InteliSys, but it offers additional
features which makes it suitable to cover the needs of hybrid system control. Whilst being a gen-set controller,
it avoids the threat of a bottle-neck which might impose a challenge to the overall site reliability if N-1 criterion is
not fulfilled. As a gen-set controller, InteliSysNTC Hybrid can be installed on two gen-sets to ensure redundancy,
without additional investment costs for a backup hybrid controller which would stay on standby most of the
What are the new features that make InteliSysNTC Hybrid controller perfect for hybrid applications? It´s
Inbuilt power management and load sharing function
Dynamic spinning reserve function
New “Fuel Save” power management mode
Limitation of PV output if minimum allowed gen-set loading is approached
Adjustable time for fast start of next gen-set
The InteliSysNTC Hybrid all other standard functions and features of regular InteliSys NTC such as,
synchronization and gen-set control, integrated PLC, two sets of measurement terminals, Modbus and CANbus
communication, number of configurable inputs and outputs and much more.

11.3 Communication tools

ComAp offers a wide range of means of communication through modular accessories, from wireless, CAN,
RS232 and RS485 to Ethernet. For full overview click here.

Hybrid System Solutions Application Guide 19

11.4 Monitoring tools
11.4.1 InteliMonitor
InteliMonitor is free, powerful, multi-page monitoring device that can import data via Modbus from all of the other
pieces of equipment in the hybrid system.
SCADA systems are expensive and time consuming to design and set up, but InteliMonitor is an already set up
tool, which automatically detects and displays gen-sets connected to the system in fully customizable SCADA
diagram. InteliMonitor provides an overview of all measured and computed values, as well as it provides
controller history records.
Most importantly InteliMonitor can import and display data form third party equipment such as inverters, battery
chargers etc. and therefore can act as the primary SCADA system for the complete hybrid system. This also
means that there is a single communications connection for remote control and monitoring of the complete
hybrid installation. InteliMonitor also offers the possibility of changing configuration remotely. More details here.

11.4.2 WebSupervisor
WebSupervisor is a free cloud-based system for monitoring and controlling ComAp controllers via the Internet.
It helps to optimize the gen-set fleets operation thanks to individual monitoring of all operation values, which are
sent from the controllers regularly to a remote server from which the data is available to the users.
WebSupervisor provides a high level of security by determining users´ access rights for specific equipment. In
addition, event generated emails, history charts and customized report in .xls format can be created. In addition,
WSV offers reporting tools allowing monthly summaries of availability; ensuring maintenance scheduling and
asset utilization is maximized. More details here.

11.5 Configuration tools

11.5.1 GenConfig
GenConfig software offers user-friendly configuration interface for full settings change and set up of ComAp
controllers. It includes PLC editor for algorithm creation which ensures flexibility and adjustability of the control
system to customer needs. More details here.

Hybrid System Solutions Application Guide 20

1. Brian Jabeck. Caterpilar blog: Power Perspectives, Electric Power Generation Blog. The Impact of
Generator Set Underloading [online]. Edited 16.03.2015 6:52 am. Published 16.03.2015 6:49 am. Accessible

Hybrid System Solutions Application Guide 21

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