Suggestive Topics in Human Resource Management

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Recruitment & Selection process
Recruitment & Selection encapsulates attracting, screening, and selecting qualified people for a
job in an organization. With the changing times there has been a paradigm shift in the Recruitment
process with a growth of job search engines & headhunters for executive recruitment. There has
been a constant focus on identifying critical competencies while hiring prospects which
encompasses not only visible factors like Knowledge, Skills & Abilities but also invisible &
below-the waterline competencies like Traits, Motives, Self-Concept etc.

The student is expected to undertake a study on the recruitment & selection process of the
particular organization and also study the recruitment & selection technique being followed in the
particular industry and compare the best practices in both the cases.

Training and Development process

The Training & Development Scenario in India has undergone a radical overhaul with a sole
purpose of augmenting the performance of Individuals & Team members in organizational
settings. There has been a growing focus on Human Resource Development and there is constant
attempt by organizations to become Learning Organizations. At every step Training &
Development has been linked to Strategic goals of the organization to augment the value generated
by the program.

The students are expected to study the training and development system of a particular
organization. In this project, they can analyze the different techniques of training and development
being employed along with other critical training and development issues like the proficiency of
trainers, expectations from trainees, timing, budget etc.

Impact of remuneration on Motivation


This topic is an attempt to explore the critical motivation factor for employees over the ages
Remuneration & its impact on motivation levels. The students are expected to analyze the
correlation between Remuneration & Motivation level of employees. Generally it has been opined
that higher remuneration has an impact on the motivation levels of employees but it can be different
for different industries as well as different levels of management. Students can research the impact
of monetary as well as non-monetary benefits on different levels of management.

Effect of recession on HR policies

Recession has played major role in business decisions over the years and HR policies form a
critical part of it. The recent slowdown in the Indian Economy impacted almost all the critical HR
functions be it Hiring Decisions, Training & Development, Compensation etc. The student is
expected to analyze and study these impacts & its effects on the sustainability of the organizations
in the long term.
Change management
Change management is an indispensable part of any organization. Students can study different
techniques adopted by organizations for managing change or for reducing the resistance to change.
They can focus on any major change program initiated by the organization and can track the
transition during the unfreezing, movement & refreezing stage.

Talent management
The students are expected to study the different techniques organization employ to groom the most
valuable assets i.e. its employees & how it attempts to build up on its Human Capital by identifying
the high-pots. The students can undertake a study on the different initiatives which organizations
are taking for maintaining the pool of talent through the Assessment Centres & Development
Centres & how organizations are focusing on second line development.

Competency Mapping of particular organization

The student is expected to understand the process of Mapping Competencies for Individuals in the
organization & attempt to prepare Competency Models for critical positions in Organization. The
linkage with each and every step like Recruitment & Selection, Training & Development and
Compensation needs to be established after the same to justify the entire process.

Work life balance

Students may study the impact of work life balance techniques on the employee’s productivity and
turnover rate of the organization. Various concepts like Flextime, Job-Sharing, and
Telecommuting etc. may be studied.

Performance management system

The students are expected to undertake an in-depth analysis on the Performance Management
system in the organization which will encapsulate a detailed study on Performance Planning,
Performance Managing, Performance Appraisals, and Performance Monitoring being followed.

Human Resource
1. Copy of the Standing Orders.
2. Copy of the HR policy.
3. How many statutory returns are being filled on monthly basis (PF/ESI/Labour Dept/
Gratuity/ Insurance, )
4. Copy of all challans for the reference.
5. Bonus policy/ Annual increment policy/ incentive policy,
6. Recruitment process and method of obtaining requirements from the respective departments.
7. Appraisal methods by the different departments.
8. Maintaining of comparative statements of the competitors.
9. Any SCR activity and its flow and treatment.
10. Forecasting and Budgeting of CSR activities.
11. Calculation of per employee cost to the company and product.
12. Preparation of monthly salary bill and procedure.
13. Calculation of working days and overtime hours.
14. Specific polices for the motivation of the employees.
15. Compensation polices in case of some accident or mishaps in the organization.
16. Staff welfare activities.
17. Staff Training and Development Activities.
18. Monthly Feed Back System of the staff.
19. Promotion Polices,
20. LTA Polices.

Annexure III: Important Deadlines

1. Project Topic Performa (Annexure-IV) must be submitted to the faculty guide and respective
school training coordinator within seven days after starting the summer training through e

2. Three fortnightly progress (Annexure-V) reports must be sent in soft copy to the respective
faculty guide and respective school training coordinator by every 15 days interval. Hence three
reports to be send by the students.

Fortnightly Progress Report (Annexure-V) Report submission date through E-mail

(For Training Period from 1st June to 15th July-

1st report- 1 June to 15th June 17th June

2nd report- 16th June to 30th June 2nd July

3rd report- 1st July to 15th July 17th July

3. Faculty Guide would give a feedback on the fortnightly report (Annexure-VI) through email
within 3 days of students mailing the fortnightly report.
4. Hard copy of the fortnightly progress reports (Signed and stamped by company’s official)
must be submitted at the time of the presentation otherwise the marks for the same would not
be given.
5. The students at the time of their presentation must submit Industry Feedback Form
(Annexure-VII) and the Attendance sheet (Annexure-VIII) of their stay at industry which
has to be signed and stamped by the industry project guide.
6. The industry feedback form and attendance sheet should be submitted in the sealed envelope
by the students at their presentation turn to evaluators.
7. One final hard copy of the report must be produced at the time of the presentation for
8. The front page of the report must be in the prescribed format. (Annexure-XI).
9. While sending the reports through e-mail to faculty guide and training coordinator, students
are required to follow the title of the subject in e-mails, as follows:

Roll no. with section/ Registration no. /Student Name/Name of the report (Either project
topic report or forthrightly

10. All students are informed to complete their Project Report before 20 th of July 2018, as the evaluation will be
scheduled in first week of August (Dates will be announced on UMS). Students are advised to come along
with a summer training project report (a hard copy and a PPTs) and be present on these dates for the evaluation
of the seminar on the summer training.

Sequence of heading to be followed in Summer Internship Report

a) Title Page (Annexure XI)

b) Certificate (Annexure XII)
c) Acknowledgement
d) Executive Summary/Abstract
e) Table of Contents
f) List of Tables
g) List of Figures
h) List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature
i) Chapters
j) References
k) Appendices
ANNEXURE IV: Project Topic Performa



(To be sent through email to faculty guide as well as to training by prescribed dates)

Name of The Student:

Reg. No., Class, Section and Roll


Mobile No.

Name of the Organization


Date of Joining

Project Topic


Other Responsibilities

Company’s Designated Supervising Authority

Name & Designation

Phone No (O)


E-Mail :

Signature of Authority (with stamp)

ANNEXURE V: Fortnightly Progress Report
(e-mail to faculty guide and training coordinator of school)

1. Name of the Student: __________________________________________________________

Programme: ____________Regd. No._____________ Section __________Roll No. _______

2. Period of Training : From _____________________ To_________________

3. Name and address of the Organization: ___________________________________________


Phone No__________________ Fax_____________________ Email___________________

4. Name and Designation of the Project In charge in the organization


Phone No________________________________ Email______________________________

5. Project Title _________________________________________________________________

Progress during the fortnight (from __________________to____________________)






(Use Additional pages if required)

Name of the Student with date: __________________

ANNEXURE VII: Industry Feedback Form


Industry Feedback Form

(To be signed and stamped by the industry Project guide. This is to be submitted at the time of
presentation by the students in sealed envelope)

1. Name of the student : ____________________________________________________

Reg. No and Section : ____________________________________________________

2. Name of the Organization & Address: ____________________________________________


3. How do you rank him/her on the following 7 attributes? (Please √ at appropriate place)

S. No Evaluation Criteria Max. Marks Marks Obtained

1 Punctuality 10

2 Adherence to company norms 10

3 Conduct / Behavior 10

4 Initiative 10

5 Eagerness to Learn 20

6 Approach towards the project 20

7 Quality of Project work 20

4. What are the prospects of the students of being recruited by the organization on the completion
of his degree? (Please √ at appropriate place)
High Moderate Low

1. Any specific observations/suggestions for further improvement?











Signature & Date

Particulars of the Project Incharge of the training:

Name & Designation : ______________________________________

Address (Office) : ______________________________________

ANNEXURE VIII: Attendance Sheet



Attendance Sheet

(To be maintained by industry Project guide. This is to be submitted at the time of presentation by
the students in sealed envelope)

Name of the student: ____________________________________________________________

Programme: __________________ Regd. No. _______________ Section: _________________

Name of the Organization: ________________________________________________________

Period of Training: From ____________________ To ____________________

Month May June July























Name and Designation of the Industry Project Guide___________________________________

Signature of the Industry Project Guide

ANNEXURE XII: Report on Summer Training
(The certificate is to be printed on Organization Letter Head)


Certified that the summer internship project report “..........<Title of the

Project>............................” is the bonafide work of “................<Name of The
Candidate>, <Regd. No:...................>, student of …….<Programme
Name>…………. of Mittal School of Business, Lovely Professional University
carried out under my supervision during.......<start date>..... to…....<end

Signature of the Industry Supervisor

Date : <………Date………………>
Name of Supervisor : <………Name……..………>
<Font Size 14><1.0line spacing>
Designation : <………Designation………>
<Font Size 14><1.0line spacing>
Sample Certificate
(The certificate is to be printed on Organization Letter Head)


Certified that the summer internship project report “Attrition & Retention Measures for the
Outsourced Sales Force in the Telecommunication Industry” is the bonafide work of
Amanpreet Kaur , Regd. No: 1112340, student of Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons)
of Mittal School of Business, Lovely Professional University carried out under my supervision
during June 01, 2018 to July 15, 2018.

Signature of the Industry Supervisor

Date : July 15, 2018
Name of Supervisor : Mr. Harminder Singh
Designation : Sr. General Manager-HR

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