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Hello… My Name is Malla!

 Listening to the greetings and introduction expressions
 Respond to the greetings and introduction expressions

 Greeting and introducing

 Read aloud personal letter with good pronunciation

 Write personal letter


Let’s listen and repeat

Hi! Hi!

Hello Hello

Let’s listen and repeat

Greeting and leave taking Responses

 Hello/hi!  Hello/hi
 Good morning  Good morning
Good afternoon Good afternoon
Good evening Good evening
 How are you?  I’m fine, thank you
Fine, thanks
 Good night, mum!  Good night, honey

Sweet dream
 Good bye/bye  Bye/ bye-bye
 See you tomorrow/later  See you
Catatan :
Good morning diucapkan antara pukul 00.00-12.00.
Good afternoon diucapkan antara pukul 12.00-06.00.
Good evening diucapkan antara pukul 06.00- menjelang tidur.
Good night diucapkan saat berpisah pada malam hari atau akan tidur.

Look at the picture and listen carefully.

Lani is a new student. She meets Adi in the library.

Source: artono wadirman, 2008


Respond the following dialogue with the correct expressions.

1. Heru is a new neighbour.

Malla : Hello. I’m Malla.
Hilda : ____. I’m Hilda.
Malla : You are the new neighbour, right?
Hilda : Yes, I am. I just moved from Merauke.
Malla : Well, ____________, Hilda.
Hilda : Nice to meet you, too.

2. Dona meets her teacher, Mr Arman at the post office.

Dona : ___________, Sir.
Mr Arman : Good afternoon. You are ....
Dona : Dona, Sir. My name is Dona. __________?
Mr Arman : I am fine, thank you. ____________?
Dona : I am fine, too.
Mr Arman : Well, Dona. I have to go now. Pleased to meet you.
Dona : ______________, too, Sir.

3. Nita is Ari’s friend. One night she wants to see Ari at his home, but he
is not home. Ari’s brother, Ira is at home.
Nita : Good evening, Ira.
Ira : _________, Nita.
Nita : Is Ari at home?
Ira : I’m sorry, Nita. Ari is not at home.
Nita : Oh, well. That’s OK. ________, then.
Ira : Good night.

4. Dika is Rian’s best friend.

Dika : _____, Rian. Are you coming to the basketball game?
Rian : Hi, Dika. Yes, I’m coming to the game.
Dika : OK, then. __________. Bye.
Rian : See you .Bye.

Let’s listen and repeat!

Introducing self
Hello, I am Tiffany. Please call me Fany.


Dialogue 1

Sunny : Excuse me. Is your name Tiffany?

Tiffany : That’s right.
Sunny : I’m Sunny.

Dialogue 2 (in a school canteen)

Kris : Is this seat taken?

Suho : No, help yourself. Are you new here?
Kris : yes.
Suho : What’s your name anyway?
Kris : Kris. What’s yours?
Suho : Suho.

Let’s respond it!

What is your name? Where do you live?

___(your name)____ ___(your address)___


Please remember!

Berikut adalah contoh-contoh ekspresi untuk memperkenalan diri dan

menanyakan identitas seseorang.

To introduce yourself, you can say:

I am Kris.
My name is Kris

To ask one’s identity, you can say:

What is your name? I am . . . ./ My name is . . . .
What are you from? I am from . . . .

Catatan: di negara barat, ketika berkenalan dengan seseorang biasanya orang

tidak menanyakan pekerjaan dan status perkawinan.

You may also learn other information for introduction, such as address
and age.

Question Response
Where do you live? I live at Jl. Achmad Yani 27.
What is your address
How old are you? I’m twelve years old.
When were you born? I was born on 17 jule 2000.
Let’s Listen and repeat!

Introducing someone to another

Please meet my friend Sully.
Sully, this is Victoria.
Victoria, this is Sully.
Hello, Victoria. Hello, Sully.
Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too.

Dialogue 3

Luna : Sully, do you know Victoria?


Sully : No, I don’t.

Luna : Sully, this is Victoria.
Victoria : Hello, Sully. It is nice to meet you.
Sully : Hello, Victoria. It is nice to meet you too.

Listen to the following dialogue three times and then answer

the questions. (read by teacher)

Malla : Good morning.

Nita : Good morning. Are you a new student?
Malla : Yes, I am. I’m from Bandung.
Nita : I’m Nita. I’m from Yogyakarta. I’m a new student
Malla : It’s nice to meet you.


1. What does Malla say to greet Nita?

2. What does Nita say to greet Malla?
3. Where is Malla from?
4. What does Malla say to introduce herself to Nita?
5. What does Nita say to introduce herself?

Listen to and complete the dialogue. Compare your answers

with your friend.


Sehun : Hello, my name is Sehun. (1) _________________

Suho : Hi, I’m Suho. (2) ________________
Sehun : I am from Tarakan. And you?
Suho : (3) _____________
Sehun : Oh, I see. (4) ________________
Suho : Nice to meet you too. (5) ______________


Let’s listen and repeat

Hi, my name is Sully. Hi, my name is Luna.

Good morning. I’m Dio. Good morning. I’m Lay.

Let’s listen and repeat after your teacher.


Johnny greets his parents

“Good morning” when he sees
them in the morning.


Johnny wish his parents “Good

night” before he goes to bed


When Johnny is leaving, he

says “Good bye!”

Source: th. Kumalarini, 2008

Respond the following dialogues. Look at the example.

Dona : Hello, Hilda.

Hilda : Hello, Dona.

1. Nita : Good morning, Lisa.

Lisa : __________, Nita.
2. Malla : How are you, Tija?
Tija : __________, thanks.
3. May : __________, Sinta.
Sinta : Good evening, May.
4. Dona : Good afternoon, Nita.
Nita : ___________, Dona.
5. Hilda : __________, Mom.
Mom : Sweet dream, honey.

Look at the pictures. Practice the dialogues with your friend.


Source: artono wadirman, 2008

Prepare a suitable dialogue for each of the following pictures.

Number one is an example then act them out with your

Victoria : Hello, Kyu. How are

Kyu : Hello, Victoria. I’m
pretty good.


Sources: artono wadirman, 2008


Look at the picture. Repeat after your teacher.

Mr. Robbert : Good morning, students.

Students : Good morning, Sir.
Mr. Robert : How are you this morning?
Students : We’re fine, thank you.
Mr. Robert : Nita, you are a new student. Come here and
introduce yourself.
Nita : Good morning, everyone. I am Nita Permata Sari.
Please call me Nita.

Answers these questions:

1. What is Mr. Robert saying to her students?

2. Is the class in the morning?
3. What is Nita saying to her classmates?
4. Do you also introduce yourself to your new friends?

Look at the pattern below. It will help you to introduce

yourself or others.

Look at the dialogue. When Nita introduce herself, she said “ I am Nita
Pertama Sari”. The word “am” indicates TO BE. Now, pay attention to
the pattern.

Affirmative form

Subject + be (am, is, are) + something/someone


Subject To be Something/someone
I am Mr. Indra
You are Rico
He is My father
She is Sully
It is a cat
We are Students
They are Classmates
You are lawyers

Interrogative form

Be + Subject + something/someone + ?


To be Subject Something/someone ?
am I Mr. Indra
are you Rico
is he My father
is she Sully ?
is it a cat
are we Students
are they Classmates
are you lawyers

Negative form

Subject + be (am, is, are) + not + something/someone


Subject To be Not Something/someone

I am Mr. Indra
you are Rico
he is My father
she is Not Sully
it is a cat
we are Students
they are Classmates
you are lawyers

I am I’m
He is He’s
She is She’s
You are You’re
We are We’re
They are They’re

Complete the sentences with “To Be” (am, is, are) correctly.

1. Mia _________ a student.

2. Rani and Sinta __________ my classmates.
3. That man _________ not my uncle.
4. I ________ not the only child in my family.
5. ______ the students in the library?
6. ______ Andi at home alone?
7. We _______ not from the same elementary school.
8. ________ your father and mother at home?

Let’s complete the dialogue with the expression in the box.

Act the dialogue out in pairs.

It’s nice to meet you I am fine, thanks.

Are you from Bandung? I’d like to meet you, Tiffany.

Sunny introduces Jessica to Tiffany.

Sunny : Hi, Tiffany. How are you?

Tiffany : (1) _____________.
Sunny : (2)____________. Tiffany, this is Jessica.
Tiffany : Hello, I’m Tiffany. (3)_____________.
Jessica : Nice to meet you too. ______________?
Tiffany : No, I’m not. I’m from Yogyakarta.

In pairs, complete the dialogues based on the example. Then

practise them with your partner.


Sully : Good afternoon, sir.

Mr. Siwon : Good afternoon. Are you a new student?
Sully : Yes, Sir. I am Choi Sully. I am in 7D. How are you?
Mr. Siwon : Fine. My name is Choi Siwon. I am a Science
teacher. Do you come from Australia.
Sully : Yes, Sir. My parents live there. But I live here
with my uncle.
Mr. Siwon : Pleased to meet you, Sully.
Sully : Yes, pleased to meet you too, Sir.

1. Key : Good morning, Ma’am.

Ms. Nichole : ________________
Key : Yes, Ma’am. I am Key. I am in 7F. ___________
Ms. Nichole : _____________. My name is Jung Nichole. I am
an English teacher. Do you come from New Zealand?
Key : Yes, Ma’am. My parents live there. But I live here
with my brother.

Ms. Nichole : Nice to meet you, Key.

Key : _______________

2. Sully : Hi, Fanny.

Fanny : ________________
Sully : How are you?
Fanny : ________________

3. Amber : Hi, Krystal. ____________ ?

Krystal : Hi, Amber. ____________ ?
Amber : Not too bad. Thanks.

4. You : Hi, ______. _________ ?

Your friend : Hi, ______. _________ ?
You : ____________________

Listen to your teacher and answer the questions orally.

1. How do you greet you parents in the morning when you’re having
2. How do you greet your teacher when you meet on your way to school?
3. How do you greet your parent when you’re going to bed?
4. How do you introduce yourself?
5. How do you introduce your brother/sister to your friend?


Read aloud the following personal letter and pronounce it well.

Pronounce them well.

Wait : (weIt) beloved: (bIlvd)

Please : (pli:z) Soon : (su:n)
Come : (km) Miss : (mIs)

Answer the question below based on the personal letter.

1. Who is Sehun?
2. Do you know where Sehun is?
3. What are Malla and Suho writing about?
4. Who missed Sehun much?
5. Who are Malla and Suho?

Read the following personal letter with good pronounciation.

Pronounce these words well then answer the questions based

on the letter.

1. Who is the sender of the letter?

2. Who is the receiver of the letter?
3. Who is Key’s brother?
4. Where did they meet each other for the first time?
5. What are Sully’s writing about?

Read the following letter then answer the questions. After

that, translate it into Bahasa Indonesia.

Source: artono wadirman,2008

1. Who write the letter?
2. Who is receiver of the letter?
3. Where is the writer from?
4. Who are the writer’s friends?


Pay attention to the following personal letter and complete it.

Fill in the blanks with the words provided in the box.

For Key,
A best friend

Hi, Key! How are you? .......... since the .........

we played basketball in the school yard .
let’s meet again and ........ at my house. How
about having barbeque ......... with my
family? Can’t ........


Spend more time Party Wait to see you

It’s been three

Last time I miss you

Read the following situation carefully then write its personal


Amber writes a letter to her best friend Krystal in Melbourne

Australia. She writes that she wants to visit her sometimes and goes
around Melbourne all day long.
Luna writes to her friend, Sully, in Seoul that she misses her so much
and asks Sully to write Sully’s activities lately.


How to greet people

 Hi!
 Hello!
 Good morning.
 Good afternoon.
 Good evening.
 My name is Tiffany.
 I am Tiffany.
 This is my friend, Sunny.

Would you help me?

 Listening to gratitude expression
 Listening to apology expression
 Listening to politeness expression
 Listening for asking and giving information
 Respond to the gratitude, apology and politeness expression
 Expressing gratitude
 Expressing apology
 Expressing politeness
 Asking and giving information
 Reading aloud short functional text with good pronunciation
 Identifying to the meaning of short descriptive text

 Write short descriptive text


Listen to your teacher carefully and repeat.


Aunt Ana : Aan, can you help me

with the groceries?
Aan : Of course, Aunt.
Aunt Ana : Thank you, Aan.
Aan : You are welcome.


Sehun : Suho, can I borrow you

Suho : Sure, here it is.
Sehun : Thanks a lot.
Suho : Don’t mention it.

The italic sentences are response to gratitude.

Father : Bima, did you break the
Bima : Yes, I did. I am very
Father : That’s quiet alright.

Mother : Kevin, have you bought
some sugar.
Kevin : I am sorry, Mom. I am
Mother : that’s okay, dear.

The italic sentences are response to apology.


Teacher : Adi, can you direct me

the way to Mr. Benu’s
house, please?
Adi : No problem, Sir.


Adrian : are you Driana?

Driana : pardon?
Adrian : I said are you Driana?
Driana : Oh yes. I am Driana.

Source: artono wadirman,2008

The italic sentences are ressponse to politeness.

Let’s listen and repeat after your teacher.

Expression of gratitude Responses

 Thanks  Never mind
 Thanks a lot  You are welcome
 Thank you  That’s alright
 Thank you so much  Not at all
 Thank you for your help  That’s fine


Father : I bought a sneaker for you.

Key : Wow, great. Thank you, Dad.
Father : You’re welcome.


Sunny : Happy birthday, Tiffany. This is for you.

Tiffany : Oh, thank you. You are so nice.
Sunny : That’s alright.

Expression of apologizing Responses

 Sorry  Never mind
 I’m sorry  It’s okay
 I’m really sorry  No problem
 Forgive me, please  Not at all
 I do apologize  That’s alright


Nita : I’m sorry, Ma’am. I broke the vase.

Teacher : That’s alright. Be careful next time.
Nita : Yes, Ma’am. I promise.


Kevin : I’m sorry, sir. I’m late to class.

Teacher : It’s okay. Don’t do that again in the future.
Kevin : I will, sir.

Expression of politeness Respond

 Excuse me, can you open  Yes, of course
the window?
 Pardon?
 I do beg your pardon, . . .  That’s alright
 I’d like a cup of tea, please  Sure/OK


Teacher : Sandy, will you open the window, please. It’s hot here.
Sandy : Yes, Sir.
Teacher : Thank you.


Sani : I think you are sitting on my jacket.

Banu : I do beg your pardon. I didn’t know that this was your seat.
Sani : that’s alright.

Respond the following expressions.

Thank You. I’m sorry.

_________ _________

Is it your book?


I said, is it your book?

Listen to the dialogues. Complete the dialogues with suitable


1. In the classroom
Sinta : May, do you bring my novel?
May : Oh, no. _________ I left it at home.
Sinta : ___________ But don’t forget to bring it tomorrow.

Sinta : ___________

2. In the canteen
Hilda : How much is that all together, Ma’am?
Mrs. Dona : That’ll be three thousand and five hundred.
Hilda : Here’s five thousand.
Mrs. Dona : Here’s your change, two thousand and five hundred.
Hilda : Ah, you’ve given me the wrong ________ it is only a
thousand and five hundred.
Mrs. Dona : Oh, ____________
Hilda : ___________
3. In a restaurant
Waitress : Good afternoon. ___________?
Malla : Good afternoon. Yes, I’d like fried chicken with fries and
a coke,_______.
Waitress : would you like a regular or large coke?
Malla : Regular,_______.
Waitress : Would you like anything else?
Malla : No, I wouldn’t.
Waitress : Wait a minute,_________.
Malla : OK.

Now, Let’s listen and repeat.

Where is the book? Do you know where the cat


It’s on the table

It’s under the chair

Listen carefully.


source:artono wadirman,2008

Father is on his way to the market. A man comes to him. He wants to go

to Mr. Arman’s house. He doesn’t know where it is.

The man : Excuse me, do you know where is Mr. Arman’s house?
Father : Of course. It is in front of the mosque.
The man : Oh, I see. Thank you, sir.
Father : You are welcome.

source: artono wadirman,2008

Dona lost her pen and she asks Lisa about it.

Dona : Do you know where is my pen?

Lisa : Which one?
Dona : The blue one. The one I put on the table.
Lisa : No, I don’t know where it is.

The italic sentences are the expression of asking and giving information.

Works in pairs, listen to your teacher carefully and fill in the

missing dialogue.

Malla : Nita, do you see my Adit : Fina, do you see my

shoes? book?
Nita : __________ Fina : ____________

Fara : Dira, where is Pussy? Ana : Lola, where are you?

Dira : ________. Lola : ________.

Picture source: artono wadirman,2008

Luna : Do you see my Gia : Do you know where is

brooch? my pen?
Sully : __________. Fira : ________.


Fill in the blank then say it.

______________ ______________
__ __

You’re welcome That’s Okay

Will you open the window



Practice the following dialogue.

Sully forgets to feed her dog, Boo. Her
father is upset.
Sully : I’m sorry, Dad. I forgot to feed
Father: What? How could you forget?
Oh, OK. Never mind. But next
time don’t forget.

Dio’s sister needs some sugar for the cake
she is baking. She asks Dio to go to market.
Dio’s sister : Dio, I need some sugar
for the cake. I’m too busy
to go to the market. Can
you help me to buy it?
Dio : Of course, sis.
Dio’s sister : Thank you.
Dio : My pleasure, sis.


Aunt Ana : Excuse me, can you

bring these stuff?
Aan : Of course, Aunt.
Aunt Ana : Thank you, Aan.
Aan : You are welcome.

Picture source: artono wadirman,2008


We use these expressions to express gratitude
 Thank you.
 Thanks.
 Thank you very much.
We use these expressions to respond to gratitude
 That’s alright.
 My pleasure.
 You are welcome.
 No problem.
 Don’t mention it.

We use these expressions to express apology

 Sorry. Informal
 I am very sorry.
 I apologise for . . . . . .
Formal (to older
 Please excuse me.
people or stranger)
 Please accept my apology.
We use these expression to respond apology
 Never mind.
 That’s alright.
 That’s okay.
Formal (to older people or
 Please don’t be sorry.
 It doesn’t matter.
We use these expression to express politeness
 Excuse me
 Pardon
 I do beg your pardon
 Please
Excuse me is a polite expression used:
to attract someone’s attention:
Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the museum,
to tell someone that you are leaving a place:
Excuse me for a moment, Mr Astaman, but I have a
lunch appointment in ten minutes
to say you are sorry when you hit someone accidentally,
make a small mistake etc:
Oh, excuse me, did I spell your name wrong?
to ask someone to repeat something that they have just
A : What time is it?
B : Excuse me?
A : I asked you what time it is.

People say I beg your pardon or pardon or pardon me as a very polite

way of asking someone to repeat what she/he just said because you did
not hear or understand it.
Example : Pardon, you have to talk louder, I can’t hear you.

The expressions are also used to say that you are sorry because you
have just made a mistake.
Example : I do beg your pardon, I thought you were someone


You use please:

When you want to ask for something politely:
I’d like a cup of coffee, please.
When politely asking to do something:
Could I speak to Brian, please?
When you are politely accepting an offer:
More toast?
Yes, please.
When requesting information:
Please, Sir, how do you spell that?
We use these expressions to ask information
 Excuse me. What is your name?
 Can you tell me where you live?
 Can you help me find the laboratory?
 Sorry to trouble you, but do you know where Anisa is?
 Do you happen to know where the bank is?
 Could anyone tell me when the test is?
We use these expressions to give information
 My name is Edo.
 I live in Jalan Setiabudhi.
 Anisa is in the post office.
 Take your first right.
 Go straight up the street. It’s on the left.
 The test is on June 11th, 2007.

To tell where something is, you use a preposition.

So, preposition goes to noun.
Look at the example below.


On the wall In the classroom Next to the TV

Under the table Over there Beside the sofa
On the tree At home Behind the table

Look at the following picture. Listen and repeat after your


To tell information about something, you need to know,

What colour is it?
What thing is it?
And how many things are there?

Repeat the phrase after your teacher.

 One book
 One brown book
 Three brown book

 One carrot
 one orange carrot
 five orange carrot

 One broccoli
 One green broccoli
 Six green broccolis

 One banana
 One yellow banana
 Four yellow bananas

 One apple
 One red apple
 Eight red apples

Picture sources: & th. Kumalarini,2008


Now, say the noun phrases correctly.

To tell when things happen, you use time

A preposition goes with time too.
One preposition goes with certain time expression.
We cannot change it. We can say “in the morning” not “at the morning”.
For example: I play football in the afternoon.


In the morning
In the afternoon
At noon
In the evening
At night
In May
On the 1st of May
In 2012
At one o’clock

When we ask the time, we say “what time is it, please?” “What’s the
time, please?” or “Do you have the time?”

Here the examples of telling time. Your teacher will read each
phrase/sentence bellow. Then, repeat after your teacher correctly.

Complete the dialogues with suitable expressions in the box.

Then perform the dialogues with your friend.

In the classroom

1. Teacher : Where’s the chalk?

Sully : ______________.
(bringing the chalk).
Sully : Here you are?
Teacher : Thanks.

In the kitchen

2. Key : Let’s cut the fish!

Yirang : _____________.
Key : I will.

At Victoria’s house

3. Kevin : May I borrow this for a week?

Victoria : _____________.
Kevin : Oh, okay. Nevermind.

While having the school break

4. Sehun : I am hungry.
Suho : _____________.
Sehun : Thanks. Has it got curry?
Suho : I think so.

At home

5. Kris : Mum, where is my hat?

Mother : _____________.
Kris : And where is my bag?
Mother : _____________.
Kris : It’s not here, Mum.
Mother : Look at your book shelf.

a. Do it carefully, please.
b. I think it’s near your desk.
c. Sorry, I used it every day.
d. It’s in your bag.
e. It’s over here.
f. There’s a canteen over there.


Let’s observe the picture and answer the questions that


Source: Artono Wadirman,2008

1. How many bedroom are there?
2. Is the fountain behind Mr. Arman’s house?
3. Where is the location of Mr. Arman’s house?
4. Is it a big house?
5. Is it a two-storey house?

Read aloud the following text. Then answer the question.

My Room

Good morning, friends. Now, I’m going to tell you about my room.
You know, that’s the place of my own where I keep my personal and

private things. This is also the place where I do a lot of things such as
sleeping, studying, reading and listening to the radio.

Well, my room is not big. But it is clean and tidy. I always clean
and rearrange everything in my room at least once a week. My room has
a single bed and decorate with pink wall paint. There are two pillows on
it. The bed is covered with a nice pink and green bed sheet. Every
morning after getting up, I make the bed, as you might do.

Next, beside the bed there is a desk. I used it for studying and
doing my homework. I also put my books there. Well, that is how my
room looks like.

1. What does the text tell you about?

2. What do you about the writer’s room?
3. Can you mention things in the writer’s room?

Pronounce the words well.


Study the picture of Alexander’s classroom.

This is Alexander’s classroom. There are many things in

Alexander’s classroom. Do you know what are they? Can you mention
the name of the pictures?

source: Artono wadirman,2008

Calendar clock broom door

chair window bookshelf Back pack

Cupboard book Map desk

Black board ruler Time table

Now, can you describe the things in your classroom? Write

down in your book then read loudly in front of the class.

Look at the pictures. Identify the things in the pictures with

suitable words in the box.

The living room

The bedroom

Picture sources: Artono Wadirman,2008


The living room The bedroom

Sofa book case bed sheet stool
Curtain electric fan wardrobe blanket
Lamp Table pillow mirror
Vase Picture

Read the following text then answer the questions correctly.

My classroom
I like my classroom. It’s tidy and clean. Every day, my friends
and I clean our classroom together. We sweep the floor, clean the
white board and the windows. We study comfortly in our classroom.
There are many things in my classroom. A white board, desks and
tables, book shelf, calendar, clock and a cupboard. We use those things
That’s about my classroom. I love to study there.

1. What is the writer’s telling us about?

2. What do the writer and friends always do every day?
3. Are the writer and friends like to study in the classroom?
4. Can mention the things in the writer’s classroom?
5. Have you ever cleaned your classroom with your friends?

In pairs, choose a, b, c, or d for the correct answer. Do it in

your exercise book.

1. There is a living room. Living room means _________

a. bathroom
b. waiting room
c. bedroom
d. sitting room

2. There is a dining room. Dining room means a room in which ________

a. you keep money

b. you keep books
c. you eat meals

d. you keep clothes

3. There is also a drawing room. A drawing room means a room in which


a. people keep pictures

b. people are painting
c. people are cooking
d. people receive guests

4. The house has six bedrooms. A bedroom is a room to _________

a. play in
b. read in
c. sleep in
d. study in

5. A big house usually has a study. A study is a room in which a person


a. plays in
b. writes a letter
c. listens to the radio
d. studies, reads, writes, etc

6. She is in the kitchen. A kitchen is a room where a person _______

a. eats
b. drinks
c. cooks
d. sleeps

7. This house has two bathrooms. A bathroom is a room where a person


a. irons shirts
b. reads books
c. washes clothes
d. takes a bath

8. The children’s bedrooms are upstairs. Upstairs means ________


a. on a lower door
b. on an upper door
c. to the ground door
d. on the ground door

9. There is a garage on the left side of the house. A garage is a shed

where _______

a. a driver sleeps
b. cars are stored
c. cars are washed
d. household appliances are kept

10. This room is for the guests. A guest is a person who _________

a. entertains
b. waits for someone
c. visits somebody else
d. sits next to somebody


Answer the questions orally

1. What are in your bedroom?

2. What are in your kitchen?
3. Can you mention the things in your living room?
4. Can you mention the things in your bath room?

Observe the following pictures then work in pairs to list the

things in pictures 1 and 2.

Source: Artono Wadirman, 2008

List the things in your bedroom and your kitchen. Compare

your work with your friends’.

Study these sentences.

 There is a teacher and there is a student in the staff room.
 There are three books on the table.
 There is a vase on the table.

Singular nouns follow there is.

Plural nouns follow there are.
Digunakan sebagai kata petunjuk.

Source: Artono wadirman,2008


Complete the sentences with there is or there are.

1. _______ a book on the desk.

2. _______ three girls sitting on the bench.
3. _______ an apple on the plate.

Complete the sentence with is there or are there.

1. _______ any books in your bag?

2. _______ any cat in your house?
3. How many children _________ in your family?

Make sentences according to the picture. Use there is or

there are.
for example:

There are _______ on _______

There are six books on the chair.


There is ________ on _________.


There are________ in _________.



There are ________ on _________.


There is _________ on ___________.

Picture sources:

Now, make a paragraph consist list of things in your bedroom

or in your living room. Don’t forget to use there are or there

Begin your paragraph with In my bedroom/living room, there



Expressing gratitude
 Thank you.
 Thanks.
Response gratitude expression
 You are welcome.
 Anytime.
Expressing apology
 I’m sorry.
 I’m very sorry.
 Please excuse me.
Expressing politeness
 Excuse me.
 Pardon.
Asking and giving information
 Excuse me, what is your name?
 Can you tell me where you live?
 My name is Malla.
 I live on Jalan Gunung Sentape.

Do this, please . . . .
 Listening to the command expressions
 Listening to the prohibition expressions
 Respond to the command and prohibition expressions.
 Expressing command
 Expressing prohibition
 Reading aloud short functional text with good pronunciation
 Writing notes


Let’s listen and repeat!

Open the window,

Close the door.

Listen to your teacher. Do as he/she asks you to do.

Raise your hand, please.

Come in, please.
Sit down.
Listen to me, please.
Go back to your seat.
Speak up.
Line up, please.
Louder, please.
Hand in your work.
Work with your friend.

Look at the pictures. Match the pictures to the expressions

in the box.

1. ___________ after the teacher.

2. ___________ to the tape.
3. ___________ down on your seal.
4. ___________ hello to your friend.
5. ___________ in the school yard.
6. ___________ lunch at school canteen.
7. ___________ about something.
8. ___________ at the bird.

Listen to the following dialogue. Pay attention to the

1. David : Sweep the floor, please.
Listy : Sure.

When you need help from other people, don’t forget to say “please”.

2. Father : Get me the coffee, please.

Ratih : OK, Dad.
Father : Thank you

When someone helps you, don’t forget to say “thank you”.

3. Ms. Malla : Sehun, come here, please.

Sehun : Yes, Ma’am.

4. Father : Get some water, please.

Sully : sure

Let’s listen and repeat after your teacher.

Don’t cheat. Don’t feed the animal.

Look at the picture. Listen and repeat after your teacher.


Listen to the following dialogues. Pay attention to the


1. Kris : Don’t turn off the computer. I want to use it.

Nita : OK.

2. Ms. Tija : Don’t be noisy. You are in the library.

Malla : Forgive us, Ma’am.

3. Ms. Sully : Dio, you are late again. Next time, don’t be late, okay?
Dio : Ok, Ma’am. I’m promise.

How do you ask people to do something?

You can start with a verb. This verb is called “imperative verb”.
If you don’t want people to do something, you can start with “don’t”.

Verb Noun
Open the window, please.
Please open the window.
Don’t open the window.

Verb Adverb of place

Come here,
Please come here.
Don’t come here.

How would you give response?

Yes, Ma’am.
Okay, Ma’am.
Right away, Ma’am.
No problem.

Give the best response based on the dialogue below.

Airien and Adrian are going to a movie. It starts in a few minutes, and
Airien is driving the car.
Adrian : Hey, Airien, you are driving too fast!
Airien : Well, we are in a hurry. The movie starts in a few minutes.
Adrian : (1)________________.
Airien : Relax, I am a good driver.
Adrian : Good drivers don’t speed the way you do.
Airien : (2)___________, don’t worry, we are OK.
Adrian : Yes, but I am warning you, someday a cop is going to stop
Airien : (3)______________.

Suddenly there's a sirine sound ....

Adrian : (4)______________?
Airien : Well...uh-hu.... What do you think of that sound?
Adrian : What do I think? Come on Airien...that's a police sirine,
even a child knows!

Then, a police officer with his motorcycle gives a sign to Airien

and Adrian to stop.

Airien : Oh, my God. Now, he is going to put me in a jail.

Police officer: (5)___________. I believe that you're driving too
fast. (6)_________________?
Airien : Oh, yeah...I mean yes,(7)__________. Alright, here you

After a while ....

Police officer: Since you bring your driving license and you're a student,
I will just give you a warn to drive more careful. But, I
have your name, address, and your car's number. So, I'll
be watching you, OK? (8)____________. Drive with
more responsible.
Airien : Yes, yes, (9)__________. (10)_____________.

a. OK, take it easy. b. Good afternoon, miss.

c. Be careful next time d. Thank you very much
e. Slow down, please f. Oops, do you hear that?
g. Don’t talk too much h. May I see your driving
i. I will remember, Sir j. Certainly, Sir

Complete the following dialogues. Use the expressions


1. Sully : Luna, _____ here, please.

Luna : Okay. What’s _____ ?
Sully : ______ me carry this, please.
Luna : ______

Sure come help up

2. Amber : Okay, now, let’s _______ the exercise.

Victoria : Okay. Let’s do it.
Amber : ________ down here, please.
Victoria : Thank you.
Amber : Let’s _________ the words.
Victoria : Sure. And then?
Amber : Then, we ______ them with the pictures.
Victoria : Okay, I ______ it.

Get sit do underline match

3. Mother : _______ up, please, Kris.

Kris : In a minute, Mom.
Mother : ______ on. Have a ________.
Kris : Just a second, Mom.
Mother : Then have __________.
Kris : Don’t _______, Mom.

Shower breakfast worry come get



Example of command and prohibition expressions
Giving command
 Put the report on my desk Informal (older people
 Bring the books. to younger people)
 Open the door.
 Close the door, please. Formal (younger
 Could you please give me the report? people to older people
or to stranger)
 Come here, please.
Expressing prohibition
 Don’t be lazy.
Informal (older
 Don’t come late
people to younger
 Don’t use those shoes.
 Sir/Ma’am, please don’t bring any animals.
 Sir/Ma’am, could you please don’’t enter that room?
 I’m really sorry, but don’t step on the grass.
Formal (younger people to older people or stranger)


Let’s listen and repeat.

Write it here, please. Don’t be noisy!

OK. That’s alright.

Listen to the dialogues. Pay attention to the response. Then

repeat after your teacher.

1. Victoria : Close the door, please.

Sully : No problem.

2. Luna : I want to return the book.

Amber : Put it there, please.

3. Tiffany : May I borrow your pencil, please?

Sunny : Sure. Get it from the pencil case.

4. Key : Get me a dictionary, please.

Suho : Here you are.

Work in pairs, give the suitable responses in the boxes

according to the following dialogues.

1. Hilda : Hi, Dona. Do you need any help?

Dona : _______. Yes. Lend me your pen, please.
Hilda : ____________.

Dona : That’s very kind of you. Thank you.

Hilda : ____________.

a. Sure. Here you are.

b. Hi, Hilda.
c. You are welcome.

2. Ms. Nita : Malla, can you help me, please?

Malla : ________. What can I do for you?
Ms. Nita : put these books on my table in the teachers’ room.
Malla : ___________.
Ms. Nita : Thank you very much.
Malla : ___________.

a. Alright, Ma’am.
b. Yes, Ma’am.
c. You are welcome.

3. Sully : Good morning, Ms. Lia. I’m hungry.

Ms. Lia : _____________. What do you want to eat?
Sully : Can I have a bowl of meatball soup, please?
Ms. Lia : Of course. _________________.
Sully : _____________.

a. Thank you.
b. Good morning, Sully.
c. Sit down and wait for a minute, please.

4. Mother : Sehun, Mom will go in to get some food stuff. Don’t go

anywhere and keep an eye on the motorcycle.
Sehun : __________. Buy me some chocolates, please.
Mother : __________. Don’t talk to the strangers.
Sehun : __________.

a. Sure, Mom.
b. I will buy it for you.
c. OK, Mom. I will not go anywhere.

5. Malla : Fany, don’t be noisy. I’m doing my homework.

Tiffany : __________. I’m sorry for that.

Malla : It’s Okay. Don’t forget to turn off your lamp when you
are going to bed.
Tiffany : __________. Thank you.
Malla : __________.

a. Oh, sure, sis.

b. You are welcome.
c. Alright. I’ll turn it off.

Work with a partner. In turns, ask your friend to do the

following actions and give replies.

For example:

You say : “Give me a piece of paper, please.”

Your friend : “Okay, here you are.” (while giving the paper)

1. Stand in line.
2. Sit down please.
3. Tidy up your desk, please.
4. Turn on the light, please.
5. Submit your work, please.
6. Don’t talk aloud.
7. Don’t sit on the desk.
8. Don’t move the chair.
9. Don’t throw the rubbish.
10. Don’t go there.

In pairs, practice the following dialogues.


Picture source: Artono Wadirman,2008

Complete and practice the following dialogues.

1. Mr Gusnaldi wants to fax some documents, but he doesn't know that

the fax is out of order.
Thalita : Good afternoon, Sir. By the way, what will you do with all
those documents?
Mr Gusnaldi : Good afternoon. Oh, I will send those documents to
Pekanbaru using this fax.
Thalita : Oh, please______, Sir. The fax is out of order. You can
use fax at front office desk in second storey.
Mr Gusnaldi : Oh, I see. _________, Thalita.

2. Yuni : Hello, Septi. Where are you going?

Septi : Hello, Yuni. Oh, I will go to the toilet.
Yuni : Oh, don't use the toilet near the yard, OK?
Septi : __________?
Yuni : Because it's under construction.
Septi : Oh, I see. ________, Yuni.

Make dialogues based on the situation below.

For example:

The classroom is a little bit dark. Ms Ningrum asks Roni to open the
Ms Nancy : Rini, open the windows, please.
Rini : Yes, Ma’am.
Ms Nancy : Thank you, Rini.

Rini : You are welcome.

Situations :

1. You want to invite your friend to go to the canteen. What would both
of you say?
2. You don’t want your friend to talk. What would both of you say?
3. You want your friend to help you draw a map. What would you say?
4. Your teacher wants you to line up. What would you say?
5. You don’t want your sister to watch TV. What would you say?

Answer the questions orally.

1. You are in the canteen because you are so hungry. You want to eat a
bowl of meatball soup. What should you say to the seller?
2. Your teacher asks you to come forward. What should you say to
response it?
3. The whiteboard is dirty. You cannot clean it by yourself. You ask your
friend to do it. What should you say?
4. You are busy with your homework. Your sister come to your room and
make a noise. What should you say to prohibit her?
5. Your garage is under construction. You want to prohibit your mother to
enter it. What should you say?


Read and study the following advertisement.

Yummy restaurant Delicious restaurant

Open for lunch and dinner.
Open for breakfast and lunch.
Specialities in pongteh (chicken), Specialities in sandwiches,
kuah lada (fish), chap chai chicken chop, fish and chips,
and lamb chop.
Get fifty percent discount!
Get twenty percent discount!

Work in pairs. Fill in the blank to help you choose the

restaurant and give your reasons.

place :__________________ Place : Delicious Restaurant

Specialities :____________ Specialities : chicken chop, fish and
lamb chop
Discount : twenty percent Discount : _______________

Your teacher will read the following text. Pay attention to

her/his pronounciation and punctuation.

Dream food restaurant

There is a new restaurant near my house in Jl. H.
Ari No. 2. The restaurant is big and cozy. It has
large parking and plenty of flower plants. Dream
food restaurant provides Japanese and Indonesian
food. You should try its oxtail soup and dorayaki
cake, the taste are so delicious. It also gives
discount for student, just show your students’ ID
when you pay at the cashier.

Fill in the following table to identify some facts from the


Dream Food’s Dream Food’s Dream Food’s location

specialities menu description
Large parking

Choose a, b or c for the correct answer.

1. Dream Food is a _________

a. Favorite food
b. Restaurant
c. a place near writer’s house
2. How does Dream Food looks like?
a. It’s large aand comfortable
b. It’s nice but small
c. It’s far and cozy
3. What kind of restaurant you think it is?
a. A restaurant for teenagers
b. Family restaurant
c. Kids restaurant
4. What is the speciality menu there?
a. Soup
b. Cake
c. Oxtail soup
5. What is the advantage by eating there?
a. Get a big discount
b. Get promo price
c. Get students’ discount

Days of the week

Pay attention to these

1. Sunday
2. Monday
3. Tuesday
4. Wednesday
5. Thursday
6. Friday
7. Saturday

Answer these question below.

1. What day is today?

2. What is the day after Tuesday?
3. What is the day after Friday?
4. What is the day before Thursday?
5. What day is tomorrow?

Here are the months of the year.


Answer these question below.

1. What month is it now?

2. What is the month after January?
3. What is the month after April?
4. What is the month before September?
5. What month is next month?

For the years, we usually say,

1980 : nineteen eighty

2005 : two thousand and five
2012 : two thousand and twelve


For the date we usually write and say (in British English) 1st March,
We read : the first of March nineteen ninety-nine.
Or : March 1st, 1999.
We read : March the first, ninety ninety-nine.

Read and match these years as the example.

1825 nineteen ninety two

1992 eighteen twenty five
1950 nineteen fifteen
2004 two thousand and twelve
2000 two thousand
2012 two thousand and four


Answer the questions based on your experience.


1. Have you ever got any note?

2. What kind of note was it?
3. Why did you get that note?
4. When your friend celebrates her birthday, do you send her a note?
5. What do you write on it?

Based on Oxford concise Dictionary 10th edition, note is A short

informal written message.

Read the following note.

Here are a note from Sully’s mother. She has to see grandpa. He is in
the Hospital. She puts the note on the fridge.

Pay attention to the notes below. Understand them well.

Your friend writes a note for you. it’s about your appoinment with
him/her to see a movie this afternoon. Then you write a reply.

Your friend’s note your reply

Match the following situations with the expressions below.

Situations :
1. Your friend is in Derawan. She is on New Year’s holiday with the whole
2. Your friend suffers from Dengue Fever. She is in the hospital.
3. Your friend has just won a sing competition. Send a note to him/her.

Get well soon. I hope this will make you feel better.
Congratulations. You have made us proud of you.
Have a nice holiday.

Read the following note and answer the question that follow.

1. Is the above note written or spoken?
2. Who reads the note?
3. Where is it read?
4. Who are the listener?
5. What should the student prepare?
6. What should the student not to do?

Study the following situations.

Writes notes based on the situations.
Later, give them to your friend. Ask him/her to write the


You want your friend to wait for you.

What would you write?

1. You ask your friend to return your novel.

What would you write?
What would your friend reply?
2. You leave a note for your friend. You remind him/her about studying
together in your house. What would you write?
What would your friend reply?
3. You write a note for your friend. You ask him/her to accompany you to
see a basketball game.
What would you write?
What would your friend reply?

Study the following situation. Write note based on them.

1. You want your friend to buy a bar of chocolate and bring it to school.
What would you write?

2. You don’t want your mother to pick you up.

You want to go home by bus.
What would you say? Start with Dear Mom,

3. You don’t want your friend to pick you up.

You will not go to practice football this evening.

4. You are at home with your little brother. At 4 pm, you are having an
English course. You won’t be back until 7 pm. Write a note for your
brother telling what he can do and what he must not do.

5. Your sister is leaving for Bali. She is on picnic with her classmates. You
don’t have time to meet her. Write a note asking her to buy some


How to giving command

 Close the door.
 Open your book, please.
 Clean the white board.
 Sit down, please.
Expressing prohibition
 Don’t be lazy!
 Don’t feed the animal.
 Don’t move the chair.

I need a . . . .

 Listening to the advertisement text
 Listening to the announcement
 Delivering advertisement
 Delivering announcement
 Reading aloud advertisement and announcement
 Writing advertisement
 Writing announcement with rhetoric steps


Look at the following picture. Then listen to your teacher


The picture above is called advertisement. Advertisement is a

picture, set of words, or a short film, which is intended to persuade
people to buy a product or use a service.

A text which gives information about a job that is available, an

event that is going to happen, etc. can also belong to advertisement.

An advertisement usually consists of:

 The name of the product

 The selling points of the product
 How to get the product
 Interesting design

Some expressions used in advertisements:

 10% discount of all items

 We have the best pets in town with reasonable prices
 Wanted

 Urgently required

Listen to your teacher then fill in the correct answer.




Listen to the following advertisement then complete the


SUARA MERDEKA Daily Newspaper

 Male or female, age not more than (1)________ years old
 Single
 Bachelor Degree (S1)
 Communication English skills
 Interested and has (2)_________ in journalism
 Good personality and (3)__________ skills
 Able to work in team
 Willing to be posted in Central Java and Jakarta

Please send (4)__________, CV, and recent photograph to:

HRD Suara Merdeka
Jl. Pandanaran 30 Semarang
Not more thean April 18th, 2013
Please (5)_________ the above code on the top left of the envelope

Application 25 Quote

Communication Experience

Listen to the following advertisement then decide whether

the statements are true or false.

a. Metro is having a sale because it is clearing old stocks.

True False

b. Not all items at Metro are available at a seventy percent discount.

True False

c. If you buy twice in Metro, and your total purchase is worth Rp600.000,
you are eligible for a lucky draw.
True False

d. Metro hopes to attract fans of the stars to the shopping center.

True False

In your opinion, why is Metro presenting movie stars to commemorate the


Listen to the following advertisement then answer the

question that follow.

PMA indoor furniture company with
high quality export standard is looking
for a qualified candidate for the
position below:
1. Male/female
2. Having at least three years
3. Computer literate
4. Good communication skill

Please send application, CV, recent

photograph and expected salary to:
Code: UM114MD

1. What does the company export?

a. Indoor furniture
b. Outdoor furniture
c. A qualified manager
d. A production manager

2. Which of the following does NOT belong to the qualification of the


a. Experience
b. Able to drive
c. Able to speak English
d. Able to operate the computer

3. “Please send application, CV, recent photograph . . . .”

The underlined word has similar meaning to _________

a. Good
b. Nice
c. New
d. Old

Listen to the following text.

Attention, please.
Please stand behind the bar because that will save your life,
Don’t try to open the crossbar and pass through. The train may run
Please be patient. It won’t be long. Thank you.

The text above is called a spoken announcement. An announcement is

something that is announced for the sake of public needs. It can be a
warning, information or an appeal. The announcement above is a
warning. People should not pass through the crossing bar.

Listen to your teacher. Complete the announcement below

based on what you have learned.

Attention, please.

Before we (1)_________ the museum, I’d like to (2)_________ you

about the rules. First, nobody is allowed to (3)_________ any
inheritance. Second, taking pictures is allowed in certain locations.
Please be informed. Third, smoking is (4)________. Fourth,
(5)_______ is not allowed. The last is that please behave yourself. Any
questions? Well, let’s enjoy the Indonesian heritage.

Your teacher is going to read the announcement above. Listen

to her/him carefully. Are the following statements true (T)
or false (F) based on the announcement?

1. __________ the announcement is delivered by a shop assistant.

2. __________ there are five rules that the visitor should obey.
3. __________ Taking picture is not allowed in all locations.
4. __________ they will enjoy the Indonesia heritage.
5. __________ The visitor don’t have to behave theirselves.

Listen to the announcement. Answer the questions correctly.

A. Good morning, class.

Join our choir rehearsal every Saturday at 12.30 in the school hall. All
are invited. Thank you.

1. What is the announcement about?

2. Where do you usually hear the announcement?
3. Who may read the announcement?


Based on the above announcement, here is the clue you must follow.
A choir rehearsal.
Every Saturday at 12.30
In the school hall

Join the extracurricular programmes at school. Feel free to
choose your favourite program. Don’t miss out. Enjoy

Head of OSIS

1. Where do you usually find the above announcement?

2. What is it about?
3. Who wrote the announcement?


Read the spoken advertisement below.

Don’t miss this great offer!!

A set of the most read teenage magazines written by both local

and foreign writers. Get ten magazines for only Rp99.000,-

Just come to Malla Bookstore and get this special promo only for
this week. Go and get them soon!

Open at 8 a.m. until 15 p.m.! Enjoy your reading!

Read the advertisement above once again. Retell it with your

own words.

Suppose you have a new restaurant. Advertise it in front of

the class.

Don’t forget to mention:

1. Why it is worth visiting.
2. What people should do to reach it.

Your teacher will read an advertisement. Pay attention to

her/his pronounciation then answer the questions that follow

Do you have difficulty with reading? Is mathematic a problem

for you? Don’t worry! Lumley’s Learning Centre can help you. Our
professional teachers are ready to help you conquer your fears
of reading, writing, mathematic and more. We certified that you
will receive the most effective one-on-one tutoring on weekday
evenings or Saturdays. Just by calling 555-5555. Lumley’s
Learning Centre, help you reach your full potential since 1986.

1. What is the purpose of the text?

2. What does Lumley’s Learning Centre provide for the customer?
3. What should we do to reach it?

Deliver the announcements below. Do it in turns.

1. Dear passengers,
Please pass this alley to go to Gate 6.
The short way to Gate 6 is under construction.
Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you.

2. Attention, please.
Due to the New Year Eve 2013,
Exo Department Store will close at 11 p.m. tonight.
It will close for two days starting tomorrow.
Please be informed. Thank you.

Identify the information based on the announcements above

by answering the questions below.

1. Who is probably delivering the first announcement?

2. Where are the passengers going?
3. What is underconstruction?
4. Where is the second advertisement delivered?
5. When is it probably delivered?

Deliver announcement based on the situation below.

Suppose you work as an information officer of a conservation park.

You have to inform the following items to the visitors:
 There are many attractions in the garden, and
 Visitors can buy meals at the food courts which are located near
the entrance and the exit gates.

Your friend will read the following announcement then you

have to answer the questions.

My students, may I have your attention, please?

There is something I’d like to tell you before we enter the park. There
are many monkeys that are walking around the park.
So, you’d better:
 Put on your cap to protect your head.
 Don’t disturb the monkeys since some of them are wild.
 Don’t eat or drink during the hike because those animals will
steal your drink or food from you.
 Please walk in groups.
 The last thing is always be carefu and watch your step. Thank

1. Where will the students go?

a. To the zoo.
b. To the museum.
c. To the park.
d. To the Sultan Palace.
2. The student should NOT do the following in the park, except _______
a. Drink
b. Put off their cap
c. Disturb the monkeys
d. Walk in groups.


Read aloud the following advertisement. Then decide

whether the statement are true or false based on the

Source: Artono Wadirman,2008

1. DC World Bookstores sell men’s and women’s clothes.

2. Mega sells office equipment.
3. DC World Bookstores sale is for five days only.
4. Kitchen sets are on sale at Mega.
5. They often compete for money.
6. Rainbow Dept. Store has cameras for 30% off.
7. DC World Bookstore has books for 40% off.
8. Mega opens for 7 hours only.
9. Rainbow has leather sofas for 20% off.
10. Mega is located in Aceh.

Match the places in column A with the explanations in column

B. Use your dictionary.

Departement store a. Sells flower
Grocery b. Sells meat, chicken, eggs.
Florist c. Sells medicines and toilet articles
Greengrocery d. Sells fish
Bakery e. Sells clothes and other things
Stationery f. Sells cars and motorcycles
Drugstore g. Sells sugar, flour, canned food, etc.
Fishmonger h. Sells bread, cakes, pies.
Butcher i. Sells things for writing.
Dealer j. Sells fruit and vegetable.

Read the text below. Choose the best answer for each

1. What items are sold with a 20% discount?

a. Household appliances
b. Stationery
c. All items
d. Fashion
2. The price of blender is Rp345.000,-. How much should a customer pay
during the discount period?
a. Rp276.000
b. Rp150.000
c. Rp255.000
d. Rp145.000
3. How long does the offer last?
a. One day
b. One week
c. One month
d. One year
4. The following items are available in the store, EXCEPT_______
a. T-shirt

b. Blender
c. Juicer
d. Refrigerator
5. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To let the readers know about the discount
b. To persuade the readers to come to the store and buy the items.
c. To thank the customers for their loyalty.
d. To make the readers happy.

Read aloud the following announcement.

Pronounce the following words then find out the meanings on

your dictionary.

Read the text above again then answer the questions


1. Who is the writer af the announcement?

2. Who may read the announcement?
3. Where should the students go?
4. What should the students borrow?
5. When should the students submit the assignment?

Complete the sentences with the expressions in the box.

1. We have just begun _________________________

2. Every student should know _______________________
3. There are __________________________
4. The election of the head of the OSIS will be next month. Every
student should __________________________
5. Student _________________________ from Monday till Thursday.
6. The ______________________ will take in the school hall.
7. ______________________ require students to wear black belts and
black shoes only.

a. The school rules

b. Vote one of the candidates
c. A new school year
d. Should wear a white and blue uniform
e. The new school regulation
f. A number of extracurricular program
g. Farewell party
h. Please, be helpful

Read aloud the announcement above in front of the class. Pay

attention to your pronounciation.


Study the following advertisement.

Source: Artono Wadirman,2008

Complete the following pararaph based on the advertisement.

Tiffany wants to buy her sister a new shoes and dress. She heard that
at the ___________ , there is an ____________ sale. So, she is
going to use this opportunity. Furthermore, she heard that the
discount is big. Fashion up _____________, shoes ______________,
bags __________. She plans to go there at 4 p.m. she takes easy
because the place is not too far and it opens from _________ to

Answer the following questions based on the advertisement.

source:Artono Wadirman,2008
1. What can you buy from the Boogey pet Shop?
2. Are they selling pet food? Give your reason.
3. Can we buy cat or bird there? Why?
4. What is the meaning by “reasonable price”?

Complete the following advertisement with your own words.


In pairs, make an advertisement to attract the tourists to

visit your town. An example is given below.

Complete the following announcement with the words in the

Clean sweep dustbin turn off close

For : Year VII students

Before you leave the classroom:

1. _____________ the blackboard.
2. _____________ the floor.
3. Put the rubbish in the _____________.
4. _____________ the lamp.
5. _____________ the windows and doors.

Thank you

Ms. Malla

Now look at the announcement above again. Do you know the

parts of the announcement?


Firstly, you have to write the opening.

For : Year VII students You can start it with “for” or “to”.

Before you leave the classroom: Secondly, you have to write

1. _____________ the blackboard. the body of the
announcement. It includes
2. _____________ the floor.
the important points (what,
3. Put the rubbish in the _____________. when, where) that the
4. _____________ the lamp. writer wants to deliver.

5. _____________ the windows and doors.

Then, you have to put the closing. You can write

Thank you
“thank you” or ‘thanks for your attention”

Lastly, the name of the writer or person who make the

Ms. Malla announcement

You have a message from your English teacher that students

must submit the assignment next week. Write an
announcement for the message.

Write an announcement based on the data below. Then read

it in front of the class.

Event : A try out on the final exam.

Time : Sunday, 26th March 2013, from 9.00 to 11.00 a.m.
Place : in te school hall.

In pairs, write an announceement on the basis of the

following points. Then, read it aloud.

To celebrate the Indonesian.

Independence Day.
A marching competition.
August 8, 2013.
Send representative for each
Rehearsal is every day after
school hour.

Write a simple announcement on a school bazaar. It is in the

school yard on Sunday, March 16, 2013, 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
All students are invited.

Write an announcement telling 5 things to do before the

class begins in the morning. Don’t forget to include the steps
about how to make an announcement.


Advertisement is a picture, set of words, or a

short film, which is intended to persuade people to
buy a product or use a service.
An announcement is something that is announced
for the sake of public needs. It can be a warning,
information or an appeal.

The Exercise for Chapter 1-4

A. Choose either a, b, c, or d for the correct answer. Questions 1–

3 are based on the dialogue.

Deni is a new student. He meets Hari in the canteen.

Deni : Hi, my name is Deni. What is your name?

Hari : Hi, my name is Hari. Are you a new student?
Deni : Yes, I am. I’m in 1C, and you?
Hari : Me, too. Then we are classmates.

1. Deni is ___________.
a. a new teacher
b. a new student
c. a teacher
d. a librarian

2. Deni meets Hari in ____________.

a. the classroom
b. the library
c. the yard
d. the canteen

3. Are they classmates?

a. Yes, they are.
b. No, they are not.
c. Yes, they are not.
d. No, they are.

4. Sigit : I have to go now. Nice to meet you, Sri.

Sri : __________, Sigit.
a. Bye
b. How do you do?
c. Nice to meet you, too
d. Pleased to meet you

5. Nicky : I’m going to sleep now.

Stuart : OK. ___________.
a. Good night
b. Goodbye
c. Bye
d. Good evening

6. It ______ a fish.
a. is c. are
b. am d. go

7. Something you can find in your classroom is a ___________.

a. radio
b. pillow
c. stove
d. blackboard

8. The woman is a teacher.

The plural form of the sentence is ____________.
a. the woman are teachers
b. the woman is a teacher
c. the women are teachers
d. the women are teacher

9. I don’t have _________ sugar.

a. some c. and
b. any d. the

10. Is there ___________ book in your bag?

a. some c. but
b. and d. a

11. Do you have __________ coffee?

a. some c. and
b. any d. the

12. Look at the pictures.

The appropriate command expression is

a. Open the door, please
b. Close the window, please
c. Close the book, please
d. Open the book, please

13. Look at the pictures.

The appropriate command expression is

a. Stand up, please.
b. Raise your hand, please.
c. Wave your hand, please.
d. Sit down, please.

14. Rima : I want to go to the library.

Anto : _____________.
Rima : Why?
Anto : The library is closed until Saturday
a. Stand up, please
b. Dont go there
c. Sit down
d. Don’t smoke

15. Look at the picture.


What are they doing?

a. They are talking.
b. They are smiling.
c. They are laughing.
d. They are crying.

16. Look at the picture.

What is she doing?

a. She is sleeping.
b. She is lying.
c. She is cooking.
d. She is closing.

17. Rima : Thank you for your attention.

Anto : ____________.
a. You are welcome
b. I am very sorry
c. Please excuse me
d. Thanks

18. Ranti : I’m sorry, I broke your ruler.

Angga : ____________.
a. Thank you
b. Never mind
c. Please excuse me
d. You are welcome

19. Rono : I apologise for my mistake.

Ami : __________.
a. Thank you
b. My pleasure
c. It doesn’t matter
d. You are welcome

20. Riri : ___________?

Rido : It is in front of the Supermarket.
a. Can you tell me where is Ms. Malla’s house?
b. I apologise for my mistake
c. my pleasure
d. I can’t do that.

21. ___________ a book on the desk.

a. There are
b. There is
c. These are
d. Those are

22. ________ any ink in the bottle?

a. There is c. Is there
b. There are d. Are there

23. How many children ____________ in your

a. there is c. is there
b. are there d. there are

24. ___________ three girls waiting for the bus.

a. There is c. Are there
b. Is there d. There are

25. Santi : Could you pass me the sugar, please?

Liya : ____________.
a. Thank you

b. Here you are

c. Yes, I am
d. No, thank you
26. Linda : Can you show me where the library is?
Nina : __________. It’s near the lab.
a. Sorry
b. You know
c. Sure
d. I don’t think so

27. Teacher : Rika, close the door, please.

Rika : _______.
a. Thank you
b. Yes, Ma’am
c. No p roblem
d. Never mind

28. Sinta : Watching the midnight movie is fun.

Eka : No, ___________.
a. I don’t think so
b. I disagree with you
c. Thanks
d. Sure

29. Irwan : Thank you for coming.

Anto : ___________.
a. Sorry
b. No problem
c. I don’t know
d. Sure

30. Sigit : I’m sorry for not calling you.

Sri : ____________.
a. That’s O K
b. Any t ime
c. You’re w elcome

d. Sure

B. Follow the instruction below.

1. Make a short descriptive text about your classroom.
2. Make an advertisement about a store or restaurant near your house.
3. Make an announcement about the Independence Day Ceremony based
on these datas:
 For all students of your school
 Time : Sunday, 17 August 2013
 Place : School yard.

Would you like . . . . .

 Listening to the expressions for asking and giving thing
 Responding to the expressions for asking and giving thing
 Listening to the expressions for asking and giving service
 Responding to the expressions for asking and giving service
 Listening to the expressions for asking and giving opinion
 Responding to the expressions for asking and giving opinions
 Listening to the expressions for asking and giving clarification
 Responding to the expressions for asking and giving
 Giving interpersonal response
 Asking and giving things
 Asking and giving service
 Asking and giving opinion
 Asking and giving clarification
 Giving interpersonal response

 Getting information from short functional texts
 Reading aloud short functional text with good pronunciation
and intonation

 Writing short functional texts in form of lost notice and
greeting card


Asking and giving things

Listen and repeat after your teacher.

Borrow Can I
May May I
Lend I’m sorry
Give I’m using it
Can Here you are
Can I Thanks

Listen and repeat after your teacher. Pay attention to the

falling intonation.
1. A : Can I borrow your pencil, please?
To ask for things, we can use:
B : Sure, here you are.
Can I…., please?
A : Thanks
May I…., please?
2. A : May I borrow your pen, please? Can you…., please?
B : Here you are. To give the things, we can
A : Many thanks use:
3. A : Can you lend me a bag, please? Here you are.
B : I’m sorry. I’m using it. Sure.
A : Thanks anyway. Of course.
4. A : Can I borrow your dictionary? To refuse to give the things,
we can use:
B : Sorry, I’m using it right now.
I’m sorry. I’m using it.
A : It’s OK. Thanks anyway.
Not now. I’m using it/them
myself. Sorry.
Sorry, I’m using it/them
right now.
To show our gratitude, we

Take turns with your partner asking and giving something.

Respond your friend correctly.

1. a colouring pencil
2. a pen
3. an atlas book
4. an eraser

Use the following model:

Andi : Can I borow your_______?

Budi : Yes, sure.

Asking and giving service

Listen and repeat after your teacher.

Dialogue 1
Santi is in the classroom during the class.
Santi : Excuse me, Sir. Could you help me, please? I cannot do
this homework?
Teacher : OK. Now, listen carefully. Just complete the sentences
with the appropriate verbs.
Santi : Thank you, Sir.

Dialogue 2
Dona is in the library.
Dona : Excuse me, could you help me to find a grammar book by
Betty Azar?
Librarian : Sure. Let’s check the catalogue.
Dona : Thank you.

Dialogue 3
Susan is at the stationery to buy some school supplies. Here is her
dialogue with the shop assistant.
Shop assistant : Can I help you?

Susan : Yes, please. I need some pencils.

Shop assistant : What make do you want?
Susan : Any make but it should be of good quality.
Shop assistant : OK, you should buy “Best Pencil”.
Susan : Could you tell me the price?

To ask for services, use:
Can you help me?
Could you tell me….?
To give services, use:
Of course.
To offer services, use:
Can I help me?
To respond to offering services, use:
Yes, please.
No, thank you.

(Adapted from Forstorm, 2008)

Complete the following dialogues with suitable expression and


Dialogue 1
You are at the stationery to buy some school supplies.
Shop assistant : Can I help…................?
You : Yes, please. I need some ………..................
Shop assistant : What make do you …................?
You : Any make but it should be of ……...............….
Shop assistant : OK, you should buy “Best Pencil”.
You : Could you give me …...............…, please?
Shop assistant : Here you are. That will be ……….…….
Susan : ………………..............

Shop assistant : Come again.

Dialogue 2
You are in the classroom during the class.
You : Excuse me, Sir. Could you ……….again ………?
Teacher : OK. Now, ………………...
You : Thank you, Sir.

Dialogue 3
You are in the library.
You : Excuse me, ……………… to find …………….. book by …………
Librarian : Sure. Let’s check the catalogue.
You : ……………….

Dialogue 4
You have a class. You need to wash your hands.
You : Excuse me, …………wash my hand?
Librarian : Sure. Don’t be long..
You : ……………….

You are showing some friends the pictures of some animals at

the zoo. Here are the names of the animals and the pictures.
Ask them to find which is which.

You may ask: What’s this in English?

Answer : It’s a..... or
It’sa n ....

Monkey Panda Leopard Lion

Zebra Kangaroo Ostrich Hippopotamus

Elephant Tiger Giraffe Bear


Asking and giving opinion

Listen and repeat after your teacher.

1. Andi : Do you think bears can swim?

Budi : I think so.
2. Jainul : Do you think panda eat meat?
Cecep : I don’t think so.
3. Dewi : I think ostriches are not birds.
Dina : I don’t think so. Why do you think so?
Dewi : Because they don’t fly.
4. Wendi : What do you think about lions?
Santi : I think they are fierce.

Listen to a dialogue read by your teacher. Then fill in the

blanks. Give the correct respond. Work in pairs.

Erik : Do you know that Jimmy has a new car?

David : (1)___________ it’s a nice car. (2)__________ ?
Erik : (3)____________. it’s too early for him to have a car?
David : I know what you mean. (4)____________ he should wait for
another four years.
Erik : You’re right.

Work with a partner. Complete the following dialogues with

the expressions in the box.

My glasses
Think so
You’re right
I think these
What do you think

Dialogue 1

A : Excuse me. ……………… about this painting?

B : I think it’s great. It looks real.
A : OK. Thanks.
Dialogue 2

A : Excuse me. I think that’s my ………….

B : Hmm, I don’t ……………... I think this is my …………….
A : You’re right. I guess I made a mistake.
Dialogue 3

A : Excuse me. I think those are ……...

B : Hmm, I don’t think so. …………..are my glasses.
A : ……………….. I guess I made a mistake.

Asking and giving clarification

Listen and repeat after your teacher.

Dialogue 1
Andi : Excuse me, I don’t think we have met. I’m Andi. What’s
your name, please?
Sandrina : Sandrina.
Andi : Sorry? Could you repeat it, please?
Sandrina : SANDRINA

Dialogue 2
Tina : Hi, Mike. Were you at Andy’s party?
Michael : Sorry, what did you say?
Tina : I said, “Were you at Andy’s party?”
Michael : O yeah, I was. It was fun. Andy is 13 now.
Tina : Really? Are you kidding? I thought he was just about 12
like us.

Michael : Why?
Tina : You know, we are in the same grade.
Michael : Sorry, I must go now. Bye.
Tina : Bye. See you.

To asking clarification,
start with “excuse me…”
or “sorry?”
To give clarification, just
repeat what you have said.

Study how some sentences in previous dialogues are formed


“Past form of to be”

It Was Fun.
I Was At Andy’s party last
He Was Just 12 last year.

Were You At Andy’s party?
Was It Fun?

“Past form of to do”

I Said That yesterday.
I Thought About him last week.
She Wanted A grammar book

Did you Say that yesterday?
You Think about him last
She Want a grammar book

To write about past action, we use past form of verbs (such
as was, were, thought, etc.).
To ask questions about past, we can start with “was/were”
and “did.”

Study the differences between the regular and irregular

past verbs below.

Using the information in Activity 11, change the verbs in

brackets into past forms.

1. He (be) in Jakarta yesterday.

2. They (play) football last Sunday.
3. Scientists (stop) the experiment last year.
4. They (make) wooden table last week.
5. He (arrange) the books in the library two days ago.
6. The teacher (buy) a microscope.
7. Biologists (group) lions and leopards in one cage in the past

Complete the following dialogues with the appropriate

expressions and response.

Dialogue 1
Beni : Excuse me, I don’t think we have met. I’m Beni. What’s your
name, please?
Murti : ………………..
Andi : Sorry? ………………….it, please.
Sandrina: M-U-R-T-I

Dialogue 2
Laila : Hi, Mike. Are you alright?
Mamat : ………………, what did you say?
Laila : I said, “………………………?”
Mamat : Oh yeah, I’m fine. Thanks.

Interpersonal response
Listen and repeat after your teacher.

1. Rani : Did you hear about Budi?

Tika : No. What happened to him?
Rani : He broke his leg.
Tika : Oh, poor Budi.

2. Rani : Have you heard about Andi?

Tika : No. What happened with him?
Rani : He won the badminton game.
Tika : Excellent.

To attract others’ attention we often say:

Did you hear about...?
Have you heard about...?
When we hear something bad about others we can say:
Oh no, that’s too bad.
Oh poor, ....
When a friend of yours has an outstanding achievement, and you are
happy for it you may say:

Now, complete the dialogues with suitable expressions and

Anne : What a lovely purse.
Ratih : Thank you. I made it myself.
Anne : Did you?

Ratih : Yes, I did.

1. Deny lost Leo’s comic.

Deny : Leo, ___________. I lost your comic.
Leo : Did you?
Deny : I’m afraid . . . yes. I have tried to find it everywhere, but I
Couldn’t find it.
Leo : Okay. __________. But I hope you’ll be responsible for it.
2. It was Ratih’s birthday. Putri, her cousin, gave her a special gift.
Putri : Ratih, happy birthday. Here is a present for you. it’s just a
Small gift. I hope you like it.
Ratih : _________, Putri.
Putri : __________.


Asking and giving things

Look at the following pictures and answer the questions

1. What is happening in the picture 1?

2. What is happening in the picture 2?

Work with a partner. Practise the dialogues below.

Dialogue 1
A : Can I borrow your pencils, please?
B : Yes, sure. Here you are.
A : Thanks.

Dialogue 2
A : Is this your bicycle?
B : Yes, it is.
A : May I use it for a moment?
B : Sorry, I’m using it right now.

Write a dialogue based on the roles of A or B below. Practise

the dialogue you write with your partner.

Use the models:

Can I _________?
May I ______________?

Coud you ________________?

Roles: A B
1. Ask B to lend you his/her notebook. 1. You give A the book.
2. Thank B. 2. Tell A to return it soon.
3. Promise B you will return it soon.

A: ………………………………………………………….
B: ………………………………………………………….
A: ………………………………………………………….
B: ………………………………………………………….
A: ………………………………………………………….

Put the words in the correct order. Then write the answers.

1. use/could/eraser/I/your
________________________________ ? Sure. Here you are.
2. yell/I/can/class/in
________________________________ ?
3. study/I/may/with/you
________________________________ ?
4. you/the/could/open/door
________________________________ ?
5. borrow/could/motorcycle/I/your
________________________________ ?

Ask the following things. You can refuse or give them. Use
the model.

Andi : Can I borrow your pencil?
Budi : Sure.

Andi : Can I have a glass of water?

Budi : I’m sorry, I don’t have it.

1. Correcting pen/for examination.

2. Camera/for picnic on weekend.
3. Tape recorder/for recording conversation.
4. English dictionary/for assignment.
5. Ball/for playing soccer.

Asking and giving service

Pay attention to the following dialogue. Your teacher is going
to read it. Then answer the questions.

Sully wants to fax a document. Mr Choi, her father, helps her.

Mr Choi : What’s wrong, Dear? Can I help you?

Sully : Oh, yes, Dad. I need your help. Can you fetch me that
Paper, please?
Mr Choi : Is the paper on the table over there?
Sully : Yes, Dad.
Mr Choi : Here you are, Dear.
Sully : Thank you very much, Dad.
Mr Choi : You are welcome, Dear.
Few minute later . . .
Sully : Oh, Dad, can you help me?
Mr Choi : Of course, Dear. What can I do for you?
Sully : I want to send a document but I don’t know how to use a
The fax machine.
Mr Choi : Well, let me show you. Put the document you want to send
Here and then dial the number.
Sully : Okay, then?
Mr Choi : Just push the start button.
Sully : Hmmm. That’s easy. Thank you, Dad.
Mr Choi : My pleasure, sweetheart.


1. What does Sully want to do?

2. Does she know how to use the fax machine?
3. What does Sully ask to Mr Choi to do? What does she say?
4. What does Mr Choi say to Sully? What does he mean with his
5. What should Sully do to send the document?

Work with a partner. Practice the dialogue below.

Dialogue 1
A : Can you pass the book, please?
B : Yes, sure. Here you are.
A : Thanks.

Dialogue 2
A : Is this your bicycle?
B : Yes, it is.
A : Can you park it there? It’s not safe here.
B : OK. Thanks.

Dialogue 3
A : Can I help you?
B : Yes, please. I’m looking for a pair of shoes.
A : Here are nice shoes.
B : But they are expensive. I want the cheap ones.
A : That’s OK. They are discounted.
B : Thank you.

Ask your partner to give the following services. You can

agree or refuse to do that. Act it out in front of the class.
Use the example as model.
A : Can you get me that book?
B : Sure.
A : Can you help me carry this box?

B : I’m sorry. I’m busy right now.

1. Call your teacher at 1:00 today.
2. Buy ice cream for the class.
3. Clean the floor.
4. Go to school on Sunday.
5. Do homework for you.

In pairs, practise asking and giving servise below.

No A B
1. Help/math Agree
2. Pass/English Disagree
3. Agree Turn down/music
4. Disagree Lend/money
5. Clean/ the board Agree

Asking and giving opinion

Look at the pictures then answer the questions orally.

1. What do you think about Panda?

Do you think it is a cute animal?
What do you think its food?
2. What do you think that animal?
Where do you think you can find it?
Does it eat meat? What kind of meat is it?
3. What do you think about Leopard?

Do you think it is a wild animal?

Work in pairs. Ask your friend’s opinion about the following

animals. Use the model:
A : What do you think about Monkeys?
B : I don’t think they are the same as human.

1. Monkeys/the same as human

2. Leopards/like cat
3. Lions/can be tame
4. Zebras/run faster than horse
5. Kangaroos/can walk
6. Cheetahs/swim
7. Hippopotamus/dangerous

Using the model below to ask your friends’ opinion about the
following issues. Then act them out.
Andi : Do you think elephants can run fast?
Budi : I don’t think so.

1. English is important for our life.

2. Students have to relax everyday.
3. School text books should be free.
4. Using typewriter is not eficient for modern life now.

Work with a partner. Ask his or her opinions based on the

following situations. Make into dialogues. Then act them out.

1. You think that your friend’s bicycle is yours.

2. Your friend thinks that whales live in rivers.
3. You think that money is not important in life.

Asking and giving clarification

What do you say to clarify or give clarification in the

following situation? Say it.

1. Your friend says, “you know, I’ve got a bathtub in my private bathroom.”
You say, “____________________________________________”
2. You say, “You know what, I keep a snake in my room.”
Your friend says, “Are you positive?”
You say, “___________________________________________”
3. Your friend says, “My family moves to a new house. It has got three
You say, “___________________________________________”
4. You say, “Guess what! We have a new car! It costs one billion Rupiah”
Your friend says, “Are you saying one billion Rupiah?”
You say, “_____________________________________________”
5. Your sister says, “Daddy said I can keep a puppy inside the house”
You say, “________________________________________”

Work with your partner. Write dialogues about asking and

giving clarification based on the situations below.

1. Your friend tells you her opinion about the weather today. You don’t
hear it.
You ask for clarification.
2. You met your friend’s parents. They mention their names, but you don’t
them. Ask for clarification.
3. Your teacher asks you to clean the board. You don’t hear that. Ask for

Work with your partner. Perform the dialogues you just


Giving interpersonal response

Read the following text. Then, answer the questions in your
exercise book. Then, read aloud your answers in turns.

Tina met her Australian friend, Mary, at her house. They are pen
friends. Mary is in Indonesia for a holiday.

Tina : Hi, Mary. Where were you last week?

Mary : Hello, Tina. Well, I visited mount Bromo.
Tina : That sounds great! What do you think of it?
Mary : It was very beautiful, you know.
Tina : Was it?
Mary : Yeah. The scenery was very amazing. Well, Tina, I must go now.
Bye bye.
Tina : See you, mary.

After a week, Tina met Mary, at school.

Mary : Hello, tina. How are you?

Tina : Fine, thanks. And you? Tell me. What did you see at Mount
Mary : The beautiful sunrise. The sky was yellow, orange, and red. It
was really beautiful.
Tina : Wow! I want to go there too.
Mary : Well, Tina, I must be leaving. Bye for now.
Tina : Bye.


1. How did Tina and Mary open the conversations?

2. Do you think they enjoyed the conversation?
3. Are they nice to one another?
4. What expression is used to ask for information?
5. What did Tina say to ask for Mary’s opinion?
6. Say the expressions used to close the conversations.

Ask and answer the following situation orally. Use the

example as model. Then act them out in front of the class.

Andi : Did you hear Andi lost wallet?

Budi : Really?
Andi : Yeah, he lost it during the lesson.
Budi : I’m sorry to hear that.

1. Andi cut his finger when cooking.

2. Susanto finished math test fast.
3. Hadi got prize on TV quiz
4. Beni was admitted to SMP 1
5. Dina twisted her ankle.


Read the words aloud after your teacher.

1. Male
2. Female
3. Called
4. Lost
5. Named Verbs that are used as
6. Found adjectives are called, lost,
7. New named, and found.
8. Old
9. New bag
10. Lost wallet
11. Named bobo
12. Found watch

Please read a lost notice below. Then, answer the questions.

1. What’s the dog name?

2. What colour is it?
3. What happened with the dog?
4. Where was it lost?

5. What is phone number of the owner?

6. What will be given to the finder?

Read the following information.

On special occasions we often get some presents from our family,

relatives or friends.
To appreciate it we may write a greeting card to:
thank them.
say something good about the presents.
Here are some expressions we might use:
Thank you/thanks (very much, a lot) for the...
It’s so.... (beautiful, cute, etc.)
I like it (very much).
I like the....(model, colour, etc.)

Read aloud the following greeting card

Today is Key’s birthday. His friend, Onyu, sent him a greeting card.

Read the following greeting card. Then answer the question

that follow.

Sully won a sing competition. Her friend, Luna, sent her a greeting card.
Luna says her congratulate to Sully.

1. Who is the sender of the greeting card?

2. Who won the singing contest?
3. Why did Luna send greeting card for Sully?


Complete the following short notice about your lost pencil

case. You lost it at school yesterday. Describe the colour,
what it is made of (plastic, metal, etc.), the content, and the
contact number.

Use the following format:

Write a notice to be published at the public information

board about your lost cat. Inform the readers about:
Its name and colour;
The place and time when it lost;
Who or where to contact, and
The reward will be given.

Write a greeting card based on the situation given.

1. Write an Idul Fitri card to your parents.

2. Write a wedding card to your aunt.
3. Write a birthday card to your sister.

Write a greeting card to congratulate your friend for

his/her success on story telling competition .


Asking for things

Do you have a pencil?
Giving things
Here you are
I can’t.
Asking for services
Can you help me?
Giving services
May I help you?
Asking for opinions
What do you think …?
Giving opinions
I think, …..
Asking for clarifications
Sorry, I can’t hear you. What did you say?
Giving interpersonal response
Are you sure?


I like a. . . .

 Listening to the expressions for asking and giving fact
 Responding to the expressions for asking and giving fact
 Listening to the expressions for like or dislike
 Responding to the expressions for like or dislike

 Asking and giving fact
 Expressing like or dislike

 Getting information from short functional texts

 Writing short functional texts in form of shopping list


Expressing like or dislike

Listen and repeat after your teacher. Pay attention to the

1. Like
2. Dislike
3. Love
4. Hate
5. Hobby
6. I like music.
7. I dislike smoking.
8. I hate smoking.

Study how to express likes and dislikes for different

subjects below.

Subject Verb Noun
I like music.
She likes cookies.
He likes camping.
We like swimming.
You like bicycle riding.
They like cooking.

Subject Verb Noun
I dislike music.
She dislikes cookies.
He dislikes camping.
We dislike swimming.
You dislike bicycle riding.
They dislike cooking.

Do/does not
Subject Verb Noun
I do not like music.
She does not likes cookies.
He does not likes camping.
We do not like swimming.
You do not like bicycle riding.
They do not like cooking.

Study how to ask likes and dislikes for different subjects


Do/does Subject Verb Noun

Do I like Music?
Does She like Cookies?
Does He like Camping?
Do We like Swimming?
Do You like bicycle riding?
Do They like Cooking?

Listen to your teacher and read the dialogues.

1. Andi : Do you like apples, Budi? Catatan:

Budi : Yes, I do. To express like, we say:
Dona : Does Budi like apples, Andi? I like…… or
Andi : Yes, he does. I love……
2. Dedi : Do you like smoking, Cipto? To express dislike, we
Cipto : No, I don’t. I dislike smoking. say:
Dona : Does Cipto like smoking, Dedi? I don’t like…
Dedi : No, he doesn’t. He dislikes smoking. I dislike…
3. Dewi : Do your parents love music, Fenti?
Fenti : Yes, they do.
Dona : Do Fenti’s parents love music, Dewi?
Dewi : Yes, they do.

4. Karyo : Do you like chilli, Sion?

Sion : No, I don’t. I hate chilli.
Karyo : What about you?
Sion : Yes, I do.

Listen and repeat after your teacher.

1. Andi : Do you like smoking?

Budi : No, I hate it.
Andi : Why?
Budi : Because it’s not good for our health.
2. Andi : Do you like camping?
Budi : Yes, I love it.
Andi : Why?
Budi : Because it’s good for our life.

Read and complete the dialogues with the appropriate


1. Andi : Do you like cheating?

Budi :___________.
Andi : why?
Budi : Because, we must be honest.
2. Andi : Do you like swimming?
Budi : __________.
Andi : Why?
Budi : Because it’s ……..for our health.
3. Fany : Do you like gardening?
Sunny : ___________.
Fany : What kind of flower do you like?
Sunny : _________ jasmine, rose, orchid, and lily.
4. Sehun : Do you like ice cream?
Suho : __________.
Sehun : Why? Isn’t that delicious?
Suho : I don’t like sweet food.

Asking and giving fact

Listen and repeat after your teacher.

1. Andi : Where’s your book, Budi? Catatan:

Budi : In my bag. To ask for fact of the positions
2. Andi : Where are your shoes? of things, you can use “Where
Budi : At home. is/are…..?”. To give the facts of
3. Andi : Where’s your bicycle? the position you use
Budi : In the parking area. prepositions of place are at, in,
4. Andi : Where is your pencil? on, for example: at home, in my
Budi : On the table. bag, on the table.

Choose the correct responds for each question based on the


1. Is my camera on the television?

a. Yes, it is.
b. No, it’s not.
2. Are my earrings in the cupboard?
a. Yes, they are.
b. No, they’re not.
3. Is my key in the car?
a. Yes, it’s under the chair.
b. No it’s on the chair.
4. Is my cell phone at home?
a. Yes, it is.
b. No, it’s not.
5. Where is my key?
a. It’s on the chair.
b. It’s in the chair.

Listen and repeat after your teacher carefully.

a half
a quarter

past Catatan:
o’clock A quarter : 15 minutes
a half past two (2:30) (A) half : 30 minutes
a quarter past two (2:15) Past : after
a quarter to two (1:45) To : before
ten to five (4:50) O’clock : sharp
five to ten (9:50) a.m. : in the morning
p.m. : in the

Listen and repeat after your teacher.

1. A : Excuse me, Tom. What time is it now?

B : It’s eight o’clock.
A : Thank you.
2. A : Excuse me, Dina. What time is it now?
B : It’s a quarter to 9.
A : Thank you
3. A : Excuse me, Hari. What time is it now?
B : It’s a quarter past ten.
A : Thank you.
4. A : Excuse me, Budi. What time is it now?
B : It’s a half past four.
A : Thank you.
5. A : Excuse me, Andi. What time do your friends go home?
B : At 2 pm.
A : Thank you.

To ask for facts about
we use
“ what time do you……?”
“ what time does he……?”

Listen and repeat after your teacher.

Andi : What’s your name?

Budi : Budi, and you?
Andi : Andi
To ask personal details
Andi : What’s your address?
such as name, address, job,
Budi : Jl. Sumatera 27, Yogyakarta.
hobby and telephone,
Andi : What’s your hobby?
number, we use question
Budi : Reading novels.
word “What…?”, then you
Andi : What’s your father’s job?
can answer accordingly.
Budi : A fruit seller.
Andi : What’s your telephone number?
Budi : It’s 0274-831584.
Andi : Sorry. Can you repeat that, please?
Budi : Sure. It’s oh - two-seven-four - eight - three-one – five-eight –

Shopping list
Let’s listen to your teacher.

Tomorrow is your birthday. Today mother takes you to the nearest

store to buy things for the party. She makes a shopping list.

Birthday list






Coca cola

The list above is called a shopping list.

It lists the things we want to buy.
It really helps to plan and remind us what we need to buy.

Listen to your teacher. She/he will read you a shopping list.

It is the list of daily needs.

Mrs. Indra will go shopping. She writes this shopping list.

Let’s listen and repeat after your teacher.

This is a new school year.

You need to go shopping.

You need a shopping list.

Write “your back to school” list.

The following pictures help you

to remember what you buy.

Use your dictionary.



Back to school list


Listen to the following dialogue. Response it by complete the

shopping list.

Todd : OK, so what do we

Olivia : Let’s look at the
vegetables. We need
some potatoes.
Todd : How about tomatoes?
Do we need any
Olivia : Yes we do. They’re on
the list.
Todd : Let’s go over there to the dairy section. We need some butter.
Olivia : Do we have any milk?
Todd : Yes, we have some at home.
Olivia : We also need steaks for dinner tonight.
Todd : Yeah, some chickens for Saturday night. But there is no chicken
in our list. We still have in the fridge.

Shopping list

Close your book. Listen to your teacher. Write a shopping list

for a birthday party based on the phrases you hear.

Fancy lamp blue caps

Colorful fresh vegetables
Curry noodles sweet cakes

Long ribbons soft drinks

Listen to your teacher then following the instruction.

1. Your mother is not at home. Your friends are coming over. You want to
entertain them. You need to buy some food stuff. Based on the
following pictures make a shopping list.

Food to buy

2. You want to visit your friend who is in hospital. Make a list of things
you want to buy for him/her.

Shopping list

3. Tomorrow you are going to have a picnic with your best friends. You
need to go shopping. Write a list of things you need.

Shopping list

Listen to the following shopping list then answer the

questions. Choose the best answer.

Shopping list

1 pair of socks

2 blue pens

15 notebooks

1 pencil sharpener

1 black belt

2 pencils

1. The text is about _______________

a. An advertisement
b. A shopping list
c. An announcement
d. A time schedule

2. How many books are on the list?

a. Five
b. Fifteen
c. Fifty
d. Fifty five


Expressing like or dislike

Ask your partner’s like or dislike using the pictures. Use the
following model. Say your answer loudly.

Andi : Do you like pizza?

Budi : Yes, I do.

1. Pizza 2. Cola 3. Ice cream

4. Chocholate 5. Margarine 6. Sausages

7. Bread 8. Cak e 9. Cheese


10. Hot tea 11. Milk 12. Boiled eggs

Interview your classmates. Ask the food and drinks they

like or dislike. Then, write them down. Pay attention to
your spelling.

Make dialogues based on the following situations and act

them out.

1. Ask your friend’s favourite book and why she/he likes that.
2. Tell your friend that you dislike waiting too long and your friend
asks you the reasons.

Answer the questions orally

1. Individually tell your class the things and activities you do not
like and tell your reasons.
2. Individually tell your class things and activities you like very
much and tell your reasons.

Asking and giving fact

Ask your partner the positions of the things in the picture.
Number 1 is done for you.

You : Where’s the backpack?

Your friend : On the carpet.

1. The backpack
2. Glasses
3. Umbrella
4. Pencils
5. TV
6. Book
7. Newspaper

Look at the list of the things in your classroom.

Student A asks questions where the objects are. Student
B answers them. Use at, in, on as in the model. act them

Andi : Where is the pencil?
Budi : It’s on the table.
1. Atlas
2. Video
3. Bag
4. Dictionary
5. Umbrella
6. Globe

Answer the following questions. Then act the dialogue in

front of the class

Teacher: What’s your name?

Student: Dina Ramasari.
Teacher: What’s your address?
Student: Jl. Langit seven, Magelang.
Teacher: What’s your home number?
Student: Twenty three.
Teacher: What’s you telephone number?
Student: Two three seven nine one eight.
Teacher: What’s your student number?
Student: oh oh three five seven.
Teacher: What’s your email address?
Student: Dina-at-yahoo-dot-com.

1. The student’s name is ….

A. Ramasari Rina B. Dina Ramasari
2. Her address is ……..
A. Jl. Langit 7, Magelang B. Jl. Lawu 7, Magelang
3. Her house number is….
A. 20 B. 23
4. Her telephone number is….
A. 2379 18 B. 337 918
5. Her student number is……..
A. 00257 B. 00357
6. Her email address is….
A. B.

Shopping list
Come up to the front of the class.
Say five things that you have buy for your birthday party.
I need to buy 1 pack of balloons

Come up to the front of the class

Say five things that your friend buy for his/her picnic
plan. Do it in turns.

Say out the following shopping list then answer the

questions orally.

Shopping list

 2 books

 1 pencil

 1 pack of crayons

 1 pencil case

 2 rulers

 1 eraser

 1 sharpener

 1 red pen

1. How many rulers does the writer want to buy?

2. What store must the writer go to get the things?
3. What colour is the pen?
4. How many books does the writer want to buy?
5. Does the writer need crayons?


Read the text below to answer questions.

Shopping list

 20 balloons

 A big tart

 3 bottles syrup

 2 packs of biscuits

 5 m ribbon

 40 paper trumpets

 40 paper hat

1. What kind of text is it?

a. A short message
b. A shopping list
c. An advertisement
d. A food label
2. How many tarts does the writer want to buy?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
3. What kind of hats does he want to buy?
a. Bamboo hats
b. Plastic hats
c. Fabric hats
d. Paper hats
4. From the text we know that the writer wants to invite _______ people.
a. Ten
b. Twenty
c. Thirty

d. Forty
5. To buy the things, the writer will visit the following store,
a. Bakery
b. The butcher’s
c. Grocer’s
d. Stationer’s


Write a shopping list for your new school year.

Shopping list


Asking and giving fact

 She lives in Jalan Imam Bonjol
 What is your phone number?
Expressing like or dislike
 I like coffee
 I don’t like coffee.


She is tall and thin

 Responding spoken monologue texts of descriptive.

 Create spoken monologue texts of descriptive.

 Identify the meanings, the linguistic features and the
text structure of written texts of descriptive.

 Create written texts using the linguistic features and
the text structure of descriptive.


Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the stress.

1. sick 7. Sad 13. young

2. Happy 8. Tall 14. Kind
3. Hungry 9. Short 15. Patient
4. thirsty 10. Old 16. Dark
5. Hot 11. Thin 17. Long
6. Cold 12. Fat

Listen to your teacher and read. These words are

descriptions of appearance and personality.

1. A little heavy 7. Good-looking 13. Pretty

2. A little unfriendly 8. Grumpy 14. Serious
3. Beautiful 9. Interesting 15. Shy
4. Cute 10. Kind 16. Slim
5. Friendly 11. Nice 17. Smart
6. Funny 12. Pleasant

Group the words in previous activity into face, body,

personality and age. Write the words in each column.

Face Body Personality Age


Listen and repeat after your teacher.

1. The man is sick.

2. The woman is happy.
3. The boy is hungry.
4. The man is thirsty.
5. The room is hot. These sentences describe people and
6. The boy is cold. object.
7. The man is full.
8. The man is sad.

Your teacher will read the text aloud. Listen carefully and
write down the description of Suho.

Suho is my brother. He is a good-looking boy. He is tall and

slim. His hair is short and straight. Everybody thinks he is like Super
Junior Siwon . He is a diligent boy. He helps me a lot.

Face ................................
Height ..................................
Hair .................................
Personality .................................

Your teacher will read the description of Cecep, Dodi, and

Joko. Which picture do you think matches the description?

One : Mr. Joko is handsome. His hair is curly. He wears glasses.

Two : Mr. Cecep is my father. He is not thin and tall. He wears a tie.
Three : Dodi is my neighbour. He is young. He has long hair. He wears a


Listen to the description of Mr. Cecep, Dodi, and Mr. Joko

once again. Write T if the following statements are true or F
if they are false.

Statement True False

1. Mr. Cecep is young.
2. Mr. Joko’s hair is
3. Dodi is old.
4. Mr. Joko wears a
5. Mr. Cecep is thin.


Ask your friend these questions.

Andi : Are you hungry?
Budi : Yes, I am. Or
No, I’m not. I’m full.

1. Are you thirsty?

2. Is the tea hot?
3. Are you tired?
4. Is the room cold?
5. Are you happy?
6. Are you sad?

Describe one of your classmates orally. Use the descriptive

words below. Start like this:
Andi is my classmate. He is…………..

1. Tall
2. Short
3. Old
4. Thin
5. Fat
6. Young
7. Kind

Answer the guiding questions below. Describe the woman and

the baby in this picture. You should start like this:
This is ……... She….

1. Is the woman young?

2. Is she old?
3. Is she tall?

Think of one of your classmates. Now, come forward, and

your friends will ask you yes/no questions. You can only
answer with ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Then, your friends will guess who the
person is.

Is the student male?

Is she/he a good student?
Is she/he a diligent student?
Is she/he tall?
Is she/he fat? etc.


Look at the pictures. Read the sentences.

With a partner, discuss the meanings of the words in italic.

1. The girl on the left is tall 2. The dog on the left is big
The girl on the right is short The dog on the right is small

3. The bridge on the left is high 4. The man on the left is fat
The bridge on the right is low The man on the right is thin

5. The train on the left is fast 6. The plates on the left are clean.
The train on the right is slow The plates on the right are dirty

7. The glass on the left is full 8. The road on the left is wide
The glass on the right is empty The road on the right is narrow

Rewrite the adjectives above with their opposites in the

chart below. Number 1 is given as an example.

1. Tall Short

Now, combine the opposing sentences in activity one using

“but” as in the example.

1. The girl on the but The girl on the

left is tall, right is short.
2. The ________ ________
3. The ________ ________
4. The ________ ________
5. The ________ ________

Read the following text with good pronunciation and

intonation then complete the chart.

My brother and I look very different.

I have brown eyes and he has blue eyes. We both have brown hair, but
I have short, curly hair and he has long, straight hair. I am tall and thin.
He is short and heavy.
As you can see, I do not look like my brother. We look different.

I My mother _____________
Eyes ____________ _____________
Hair ____________ _____________
Height ____________ _____________

Complete the expressions using the words in the list. Then

use the expressions to talk about the writer and his brother
in the text above.

Brown, hair, curly, different, body

1. ……… hair
2. ………eyes
3. ……….look
4. Heavy……..

Read the description of a person below and write down the


My Grandma
My grandma is a tidy woman.
She is now 80 years old. Her hair is long and tidy. She combs it every
day. Her clothes are always clean and neat. She lives alone. So she
makes up her own bed. She cleans up the house. She also cooks her own

meal every day.


Read aloud the text below and underline the adjectives.

My Bombi
Bombi is my black cat.
This cat is always playful. It likes playing with anything. It sometimes
plays with me. It likes playing with a ball very much. It is very clever.
It is sometimes very naughty.
My Bombi is small but fat. It has soft fur. The fur is black. Bombi has a
long tail. Its eyes are round. It looks cute. It is always near me.

Rewrite the adjectives here:


Reread the text and complete the following sentences.

1. Bombi’s fur is …..

2. Its colour is…..
3. It has a …..
4. Its eyes are …..
5. It is …..
6. It is …..
7. It is …..

Read the following text and complete the table. What does
this text describe?

No description
1. Paw
2. Foot
3. Babies
4. Food
5. Shelter

Read the following text and complete the sentences below

the text.

My Diva
Agnes Monica is a famous pop singer. Most people in Indonesia
know her.
She certainly looks like an angel. She is tall, slim and beautiful.
Her hair is black. She always wears fashionable clothes.

Her personality is as good as her voice. She is confident. She is

also generous. She gives a lot of money to charity.
Her hobby is unique. She keeps a dog as a pet. She does not like

Sentences to complete:
1. The text is about…………………………………
2. She is a famous…………………………………
3. Her hobbies are…………………………………
4. Paragraph …….introduces her.
5. Paragraph ……. describes her appearance.
6. Paragraph ……. describes her personality.

Do you know what kind of text is the text above?

The text above is a descriptive text. It functions to describe a

particular thing, place, or person.
The structure of the text is:
1. Identification/introduction is the part of the paragraph that
introduces the character
2. Description is the part of the paragraph that describes the

This kind of text uses the present tense.

Now, work in pairs. Find the characteristic of the text in the

previous activity titled “My Diva”.


Work in pairs. Describe your classroom condition with your

friend. Write down on your exercise book.

1. The floor is ___________________. (wide/narrow)

2. The blackboard is _________________. (clean/dirty)
3. Your friend is ________________. (fat/thin)
4. Your bag is _________________. (full/empty)
5. The ceiling is _________________. (high/low)
6. The clock on the wall is _______________. (big/small)
7. The windows are _______________. (open/closed)
8. The light on the ceiling is _______________. (on/off)

Combine the completed sentences in previous activity into a

paragraph. Start with the following sentence.

We study in a nice classroom. The floor ____________________.

The blackboard _________________________. The ceiling
_________________________. The clock on the wall,

_________________. The windows __________________. The light

on the ceiling _______________________.

Write the answers to the following questions.

What’s your full name? ________________

What do your friends call you? ________________
Are you male or female? ________________
How old are you? ________________
Where are you from? ________________
What colour are your eyes? ________________
What colour is your hair? ________________
How tall are you? ________________
What are your hobbies? ________________
What is your favourite sport? ________________
What are your favourite clothes? ________________
Are you a friendly person? ________________
Do you have many friends? ________________

Combine the completed sentences you have make into a

paragraph. You can complete the following sentence.

I am writing about myself. My name is ________________. My

friends usually call me ________________. I ________________. I
am ________________. I am ____________. My eyes
_____________. My hair________________. I am
________________. My hobbies ________________. My favourite
sport________________ . My favourite clothes________________.
I am __________person. So, I have ________________.

Read the text below and answer the questions.

Dina is my classmate. She is thirteen years old. She is tall. Her

hair is long. She is not fat.

She is very helpful to her friends. Her friends often ask for her
helps to solve math problems. All her friends and teachers like her.
She likes reading stories, cycling and playing badminton.

1. Who is Dina? _______________
2. Do her friends like her? _______________
3. How old is she? _______________
4. How does she look? _______________
5. What colour is her hair? _______________
6. Is her hair long? _______________
7. Is she fat? _______________

Underline all the adjectives in the text. Then write them

down below.

_____________ _____________ ________________

_____________ _____________ ________________
_____________ _____________ ________________

Use the adjectives above to describe your friend. Start like


Amir is my friend. He is _____________________________.


Find one picture of a famous actor or actress, cut and put it


Write as many sentences as you can about why he/she is famous,

his/her look, age, hair, hobbies and personality. Make sure that you put
the characteristic of DESCRIPTIVE TEXT into your paragraph. Start
like this:

This is __________________________________________

Write a description of a famous star in about 100 words. Do

not forget to introduce him, describe his appearance,
personality and hobbies. Plan your essay like this.

Title …………..
Paragraph 1: name, why famous …………………………….
Paragraph 2: appearance, body, tall, hair, clothes …………………………….
Paragraph 3: personality, kindness, examples …………………………….
Paragraph 4: hobbies, examples …………………………….

Paragraph 5: conclusion…………………………….


A descriptive text is a text that describes the features

of someone, something, or a certain place
Introduction is the part of the paragraph that
introduces the character.
Description is the part of the paragraph that describes
the character.


She is tall and thin

 Responding spoken monologue texts of procedure.

 Create spoken monologue texts of procedure.

 Identify the meanings, the linguistic features and the
text structure of written texts of procedure.

 Create written texts using the linguistic features and
the text structure of procedure.


Listen and repeat after the teacher.

Andi : How do you cook soto instant noodle?

Budi : That’s easy. First put the instant noodle into 400 ml of boiling
water. Boil it for 3 minutes.
Andi : Then the seasoning and oil?
Budi : Yes, put the seasoning and oil on a bowl, and then add hot
Andi : And then what?
Budi : Put the cooked noodle together with the soup into the bowl.
Finally, mix it well. Now, the delicious noodle is ready.
Andi : That sounds easy.


The words first, then, next, and finally are used to tell a procedure.
First is used to begin the procedure. Then is used to tell steps during
the procedure. Finally is used to end the procedure.

Match the verbs in A and the phrases in B based on the

listening above.

Listen to your teacher. She will read how to make a birthday

card for you. Take notes on the steps.

Let’s make a birthday card. Here is the paper for you to share. You can
choose different colours.
Firstly, we will make the card, then the envelope.
Let’s start. Cut the paper.
You can draw a picture on it.
What picture do you like? A candle, balloon, or a flower.
Next, we are going to make the envelope.
Take another piece of paper, and then fold.
Finished? Show me your envelope, please.
Then put some glue on your envelope.
Press it. Finish.

Listen again to your teacher and give a tick to the commands

you hear.

Answer the following questions based on the previous text

about making greeting card.

1. What materials do you need to make a birthday card?

2. What is the first step you have to do?
3. Do you need colourful papers and beautiful pictures?
4. Do you need an envelope for the card?
5. What is the last step?


Do this in pair. One is to give instruction and the other one is

to perform the instructions.

1. Wash clothes using detergents.

2. Use shampoo.
3. Send mail.
4. Turn on the TV.
5. Play a cassette using a tape recorder

Read and act out the following dialogue

Teacher: Oh dear, you cut the wrong edge.

Student: Oh, my God. What shall I do, Ma’am?
Teacher: Can you get another sheet? Cut it carefully.
Student: Yes, Ma’am.
Teacher: Who has finished on cutting?
Student: I have ma’am.
Teacher: Show it to me. You did a good job.

Tell the class how to make a cup of tea based on the pictures
below. Use the clues under each picture.
Start like this: I will tell you how to make a cup of tea. To make it we
To prepare it, first,…………………

Tell the class how to make scrambled eggs. Pay attention to

your pronunciation and intonation.

Tell your friends and demonstrate the procedure how to

make apple juice. You should also tell the things you need.

Work in pairs. Tell your friends how to make paper bird. You
should tell the things you need.


Read the text below. What is it about?

 Beat the eggs well.

 Add salt, pepper and little milk.
 Heat the butter in a frying pan.
 Add the mixture and fry for five minutes.

Read aloud the verbs above each picture. In pairs, answer

the questions below each picture orally. The pictures are
about food preparation.

1. Cut up 2. Slice

What do you cut up? What do you slice?

What do you use cut up? What do you use to slice?

2. Grate 3. Peel

What do you grate? What do you peel?

What do you use to grate? What do you use to peel?

4. Mix 5. Stir

What do you mix? What do you stir?

What do you use to mix? What do you use to stir?

5. Pour 6. Boil

What do you pour? What do you boil?

What do you use to pour into? What do you use to boil?

7. Fry 8. Scramble

What do you fry? What do you scramble?

What do you use to fry? What do you use to scramble?

By using the verbs in Activity 10, think of the verbs and

nouns used to explain how to make soup. Start like this:

To make soup we need:

………………. ………………. ,.
The cooking steps are:
First cut up ………………. , then chop up………………. , slice……………….,
pour………………., mix………………., boil………………., etc.

Read the text below carefully.

Let’s make birthday cards.

What you need:
Several crayons
Some coloured paper
A scissors
A tube of glue.

What to do:
Cut the glued envelope using scissor.
Draw an interesting picture on the colour paper.
Colour the picture on the card.
Fold the paper into 2 equal sizes.
Glue the paper.
Now our birthday card is ready.

Do you know what kind of text is the text above?

The text above is Procedure text. It function is to describe how something is

accomplished through a sequence of actions or step.
Generic structure:
1. Goal
2. Material (not required for all procedural text)
3. Steps ( i.e., goal followed by a series of steps for achieving the goal)

This kind of text usually use Present tense

Read aloud the text below and answer the questions.

A sheet of paper
A tube of glue
A cutter
A ruler

• Take a sheet of paper.
• Draw a pattern by using your ruler.
• Cut the paper following the pattern.
• Fold it.
• Put some glue on it.
• Press it to get a good form.

1. What is the title of the text?
2. What materials do you need to make an envelope?
3. What do you have to prepare first to make an envelope?
4. Do you need any glue for it?
5. What is the final step to make the envelope in a good form?


Complete the following procedure of preparing a glass of milk.

Then, rewrite the complete procedure.
How to ……

- .........Water.
- .............Milk powder.
- Glass.

Pour ….. …..
Get three……
Put…… into ....

Complete the following procedure of using a water dispenser.

Then, rewrite the complete procedure.

How to use……
Clean the …..
Put the ……..
Connect the cable to electric power.
Press on button to turn on the hot water.

Rearrange this jumbled text. Do it in pairs.

Write how to make a glass of coffee. Look at the following

the pictures.

Goal : How to ……………..

Materials : ……..............


1. …………………………………………..
2. …………………………………………..
3. …………………………………………..
4. …………………………………………..
5. …………………………………………..

Compose your own procedural text. The topic is up to you.

Remember the rhetorical steps of a procedural text.


Genre of Text: Procedure

Social function: To describe how something is
accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps
Generic structure:
– Goal
– Materials (not required for all procedural texts)
– Steps (i.e., goal followed by a series of steps for
achieving the goal)

The Exercise for Chapter 1-4

A. Choose the correct answer.

1. Can you help me, please?

a. Yes, I can b. Of course.

2. Can I borrow your car, please?

a. Sorry, I’m using it. b. No, you can’t.

3. What do you think about Mount Bromo?

a. I think so. b. I think it’s wonderful.

4. Do you think rabbit is fast?

a. No, I think not b. I don’t think so.

5. Andi :………………..?
Budi : MAMAT
a. Sorry. Can you repeat your name, please?
b. Sorry. I’m using it now.

6. A : Andi lost his book yesterday.

B : …………………..
a. Really? b. I’m happy for him.

7. Andi : Budi, you can have my pencil case.

Budi : _________? Thanks
a. Rea lly b. Well

I am Siti and my sister is Dewi. My sister and I look very different.

I have blue eyes and she has green eyes. We have black hair, but I have
long, straight hair and she has short, curly hair. I am tall and thin, but
she is short and heavy.
As you can see, I do not look like my sister . We look different.

8. Siti and Dewi look_________

a. the same. b. different.

9. Dewi’s eyes are_________

a. black. b. green.

10. Siti’s hair is____________

a. short. b. black.

11. Dewi’s hair is___________

a. curly. b. long.

12. ____________is short.

a. Dewi b. Siti

B. What will you say when your brother tells you that he has a
new job?

C. Write a notice to be published at the school information

board about your lost English Book. Inform the readers

its title and colour;

the place and time when it lost;
who or where to contact, and
what reward will be given

D. Write a procedure of how to cook fried rice below

Goal : How to ……………..

Materials : ……..............

1. …………………………………………..
2. …………………………………………..
3. …………………………………………..
4. …………………………………………..
5. …………………………………………..

Listening script

Page 5

5. Heru is a new neighbour.

Malla : Hello. I’m Malla.
Hilda : Hello. I’m Hilda.
Malla : You are the new neighbour, right?
Hilda : Yes, I am. I just moved from Merauke.
Malla : Well, Nice to meet you, Hilda.
Hilda : Nice to meet you, too.

6. Dona meets her teacher, Mr Arman at the post office.

Dona : Good afternoo, Sir.
Mr Arman : Good afternoon. You are ....
Dona : Dona, Sir. My name is Dona. How are you?
Mr Arman : I am fine, thank you. How about you?
Dona : I am fine, too.
Mr Arman : Well, Dona. I have to go now. Pleased to meet you.
Dona : Pleased to meet you, too, Sir.

7. Nita is Ari’s friend. One night she wants to see Ari at his home, but he
is not home. Ari’s brother, Ira is at home.
Nita : Good evening, Ira.
Ira :Good evening, Nita.
Nita : Is Ari at home?
Ira : I’m sorry, Nita. Ari is not at home.
Nita : Oh, well. That’s OK. Good night, then.
Ira : Good night.

8. Dika is Rian’s best friend.

Dika : Hi, Rian. Are you coming to the basketball game?
Rian : Hi, Dika. Yes, I’m coming to the game.
Dika : OK, then. See you. Bye.

Rian : See you .Bye

Page 8

Sehun : Hello, my name is Sehun. (1) What is your name?

Suho : Hi, I’m Suho. (2) Where do you come from
Sehun : I am from Tarakan. And you?
Suho : (3) I’m from Bandung.
Sehun : Oh, I see. (4) Nice to meet you.
Suho : Nice to meet you too. (5) Good bye.

Page 26

4. In the classroom
Sinta : May, do you bring my novel?
May : Oh, no. I’m sorry. I left it at home.
Sinta : It’s okay. But don’t forget to bring it tomorrow.
Sinta : Okay.

5. In the canteen
Hilda : How much is that all together, Ma’am?
Mrs. Dona : That’ll be three thousand and five hundred.
Hilda : Here’s five thousand.
Mrs. Dona : Here’s your change, two thousand and five hundred.
Hilda : Ah, you’ve given me the wrong change. it is only a
thousand and five hundred.
Mrs. Dona : Oh, thank you.
Hilda : you are welcome.
6. In a restaurant
Waitress : Good afternoon. Would you like something, Miss?
Malla : Good afternoon. Yes, I’d like fried chicken with fries and
a coke, please.
Waitress : would you like a regular or large coke?
Malla : Regular, please.

Waitress : Would you like anything else?

Malla : No, I wouldn’t.
Waitress : Wait a minute, please.
Malla : OK.

Page 29

Picture 1
Malla : Nita, do you see my shoes?
Nita : It is under the desk.

Picture 2
Adit : Fina, do you see my book?
Fina : it is on the table.

Picture 3

Fara : Dira, where is Pussy?

Dira : Pussy is on the chair.

Picture 4

Ana : Lola, where are you?

Lola : I’m behind the sofa.

Picture 5
Luna : Do you see my brooch?
Sully : It is beside the books.

Picture 6
Gia : Do you know where is my pen?
Fira : It is under the book.

Page 80

Attention, please.

Before we (1) enter the museum, I’d like to (2) tell you about the rules.
First, nobody is allowed to (3) touch any inheritance. Second, taking
pictures is allowed in certain locations. Please be informed. Third,
smoking is (4) forbidden. Fourth, (5) Food is not allowed. The last is
that please behave yourself. Any questions? Well, let’s enjoy the
Indonesian heritage.

Page 110

Erik : Do you know that Jimmy has a new car?

David : (1) Yes, I know. It’s a nice car. (2) What do you think ?
Erik : (3) Well, I don’t think so. It’s too early for him to have a car.
David : I know what you mean. (4) You mean that he should wait for
another four years.

Erik : You’re right.


Daftar Pustaka

Kumalarini, Th. 2008. Contextual teaching and learning. Pusat Perbukuan

Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Jakarta
Wardiman, Artono. 2008. English in Focus. Pusat Perbukuan Departemen
Pendidikan Nasional. Jakarta
Zaida, Nur. 2009. Practise Your English Competence. Penerbit Erlangga.
Priyana, Joko. 2008. Scafolding. Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan
Nasional. Jakarta

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