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IIM Lucknow Toastmasters Clubs present,


JULY 2017

"If you want to know how far someone can go,
notice his stance at the starting point"
About Toastmasters ………………….4
Area Director Address …………….....5
Evaluate to Motivate ………………….6
How to optimise your Cl Journey …..7
Public Speaking ……………………….8
My Toastmasters Experience ……….9
Unleash the power of three ………..10
Crossword ……………………………...11
Puzzle ..………………………………….11
Our Team ……………………………….12
Picture Gallery …………………….13-14

30 million years ago, a creature decided to come you all. In this short time toastmasters club has
out of its comfort zone. So it climbed down from become a part of us
the treetops to walk around the whole forest. As its and each word and
foot was way too long the animal couldn’t walk or paragraph of this
run properly. So, it modified its body and invented newsletter clearly
a new way to move. Its feet and ankles previously portray that. Lastly,
suited for climbing stiffened. And today, that crea- this newsletter is
ture can hop at about 25kph and can cover as not the story of suc-
much as 9m in a single hop. By now you must have cess but the story of
guessed. It’s none another than the national ani- a beginning, a be-
mal of Australia, Kangaroo. ginning of lots
Today we are at the same position as that small
of beginning and TM Ashish
creature was 30 million years ago, who has left
a lots of success. Editor
their comfort zones to explore this gut-wrenching
experience of public speaking. And it took us 10
My Team
months, to stiffen, to metamorphosis from a single
two “DISTINGUISHED” club. In these 10
months we made comrades, memories and most
importantly progress.
TM Madan TM Aniket
Now the time has come to share our triumph to

We are an educational institution who focusses on producing
business leaders for the future. Apart from academic excellence,
Toastmasters Inter- these leaders require extraordinary communication skills as to
national is a world lead their team and keep them motivated by their words and ac-
leader in communi- tions. Toastmasters International can bring in the following ad-
cation and leader-
ship development.  Overcoming stage fear and becoming expert communicator
The organization  Taking leadership positions and learning out of it
has more than  Opportunity to get 8 international certifications
350,000 member-  Wide contact network in the toastmasters community
ships. Members im-  Yearly International level contests to compete amongst the
prove their speaking best in the world
and leadership skills  A CV point that all big corporates would be appreciative of
by attending one of  Speaking can even become a career option for a few
the 16,000 clubs in We conduct two weekly meetings of 90 minutes each, where
142 countries that members become better speakers by learning by doing the pro-
make up our global cess. They do projects based on Toastmasters speaking manuals
network of meeting and are given instantaneous constructive feedback that encour-
ages them and points out areas to improve.


MISSION After getting operational from September,2016, in no time we
became one of the largest clubs in the country with 100 members
We empower individu- including both PGPs and FPMs. So far, we have conducted 40
als to become more
effective communica- meetings, 2 contests, 1 impromptu speaking event for the kids of
tors and leaders. EWC members and 1 book launch event for Professor Debashis
Chatterjee. We are currently mentoring a community club in the
Lucknow city and helping in the functioning of Kanpur Toast-
masters club.

CORE VALUES IIML Toastmasters IIM Utthan Toastmasters

 Integrity Club Club
Club No 05739697 06047689
 Respect
Region 13 13
 Service
District 41 41
 Excellence
Division E E
Area 03 01
Status Select Distinguished Distinguished

“The best thing about
2016-2017 was the time when the HELL did break loose. IIM Lucknow
Toastmasters is the pro-
TMC became the first club in the district and region to have 80 members
cess of collaborative
as the charter members. During February, the lightning strike, when IIML
learning which ensures
Utthan emerged from a split of IIM Lucknow club. The lightening does
that everyone grows
strike twice on June 20, 2017, when both the clubs became distinguished
together. Toastmasters
clubs, helping the District cross the cent percentage record.
makes you realise the
importance of right My introduction and interaction with the IIM Lucknow and its clubs have
body language, tone and been an interesting chapter, which I want to highlight with this article.
volume of voice, pauses, When the charter papers were sent for the second club in IIM Lucknow,
the alma matter of our District Director Mukesh suggested that during
grammar, stage move-
their days the institute was called HELL and asked me to visit the club to
ment and expressions
fulfil my responsibility as an Area Director and let the Toastmasters Inter-
which are often ignored.
national and District Officers know about the health of the club. Not
For someone, looking
ready to enter the HELL, but the incentive of an opportunity to enter
to hone his leadership
IIM, without ringing the bell to the CAT, was too lucrative.
and communication
skills, this platform is I visited the city of Nawabs and Kebabs on March 18th. The prestigious
THE place !! Institute was serene and I was spell bounded by the pristine beauty of the
Campus. Over there, I got a chance to meet the best Managers and future
~ TM Shashank Yadav Leaders. These people were not some aliens but the members of the twin
clubs – IIM Lucknow and IIML Utthan. Though I may forget a few
names, I still can recall the conversation we all had in the presence of
Sachin, Suman, Ashish, Ritika, Priyanshu, Siddharth at Library.
During the conversation, HELL broke loose. It was Heartening for me to
know that the members are dedicated and are using the learnings of the
Toastmasters at their personal, educational and professional lives. Though
I was quoted as the special guest, I still believe that each and every mem-
ber of the club is a special person and thanks for providing me with High-
ly Enlightening Leadership Lessons (HELL)
Like the club and its members were and still are making a huge impact on
my lives, I am sure that these leaders, when go out of the college will
make an impact in the lives they touch. Also, I am hopeful that there will
be many district leaders that will emerge out of the clubs to help the Dis-
trict and help serve Toastmasters fraternity and providing each one of us
with a HELL of an experience.
Peeyush Aggarwal
Area E01 Director
Kudos and All the best!!
“I have just completed my
CC6 and well underway of
getting my CT certificate in a
few weeks, and the results
have been phenomenal. I
remember my first speech as EVALUATE TO MOTIVATE
a toastmaster. I was on the What? Why? When? Where? Which? How? Have you ever passed a day without asking these
stage, couple dozen eyeballs questions to yourself? Well, you know the answer.
ogling me, and I had nothing
In life, we keep evaluating options every day and take decisions that please us the most based
to say. I was defeated, never
on those evaluations! Irrespective of the outcome, the intention behind every evaluation is posi-
wanted to be on the stage
tive. That’s exactly the essence of Evaluations at Toastmasters – ‘Constructive Criticism’.
again. But then something
Toastmasters International is a forum that differentiates itself from other speaking forums by
beautiful happened. I was
the quality of evaluations we provide. This article is to facilitate you, the Toastmasters Evalua-
given my feedback, an en- tor, to get the writer’s perspective on what should go into an evaluation.
couraging push, an emphat-
ical evaluation than a critical Well, I would say mastering evaluation is a three-step process. First, is ‘Taking Ownership’. As
one. an evaluator, do not feel that you’re an amateur. Even if it’s your first month into Toastmasters,
it doesn’t matter. Didn’t I already say we evaluate things every day in life? Your experience in
As time proceeded my deliv- evaluation is as old as you. So feel confident, and take full ownership of your speaker. Think
ery and performance im- he/she is your child and you as a parent have to correct him/her without hurting. Know the
proved, and so did the criti- speakers’ project well in advance and even discuss with him/her on what is the content of the
cality of the feedback that speech for the day. This lets you know what is coming and how should you evaluate it.
was provided to me. Second would be ‘Pen, Paper & Plan’. Though all of us do write down our evaluation, here is
I can vouch for the fact that a structure that would help you plan your evaluation better. This starts with dividing the paper
into two columns with the headings ‘Positives’ & ‘Areas to Improve’. Now from the moment,
the forum has provided a
your speaker walks on to stage keep a keen eye on him/her. Keep the CC manual on one side
platform for personal growth
with the specific project’s evaluation guide open. So throughout the speech jot as many points
regarding communication as possible on both sides on both your observations and to the evaluation guidelines from the
and leadership” manual. Now is when the real process starts! Read the points under the ‘Areas to Improve’ first.
Try and figure which points if said, would make the speech better. Prioritize the points and
- TM Aditya Sapate
chose not more than 3 of them or combine a few points. Also, phrase it in a way it conveys the
message in a subtle yet effective way. Now go to the ‘Positives’ column and repeat the same.
But here try to have 5 to 6 points and be lavish in using appreciative words. Now make your
Transition Plan. Put a number to the points in the order you want to present and figure out
where you will transit from Positives to Areas to Improve. Ideally, four positive points go first,
and then you transit smooth into areas to improve. Last 2 points should be the conclusion of
your evaluation speech that would create a great positive impact.

Third would be ‘Evaluate to Motivate’. With step 2 all your hard work is done. Now it’s time
for the output. This is where people fail. The job of the evaluator is not a ‘News Reader’. The
evaluator is the ‘Professional Motivational Speaker’ who can persuade someone to act in his/her
words and come back strong next time. Thus try and start with a positive note or quotation.
Then just deliver every point you have with such energy, optimism, and reassurance. The Speak-
er should feel that his/her effort in the speech has not gone waste. He/She should feel that it
has produced a meaningful output, but still, I can improve in the areas pointed out because that
would make my speech better.
TM Sachin Sundar
If you leave your speaker with this feeling at the end of your evaluation, you are the Champion
Toastmasters IIM Lucknow Club Evaluator!

“Joining this
club made me
realize what I
was missing
Once a professor asked in class that what you would need if you are climb-
campus. ing a mountain. Students started giving answers like axe, light, food, shoes.
Some went philosophical and answered like mindset, team, courage etc. The
Undeniably, professor replied that the first thing you would need is a mountain itself.
Observe this in the case of CL. In order to get one, you would need to, first,
the club is join a Toastmasters club. So, stop thinking and join the nearest toastmaster
one of the After you have joined a club, understand all the roles very clearly. Get in
touch with the VP Education of the club for all the details of the CL re-
most active quirements. Then, prepare a chart covering entire roles with the frequency
required. Most of the times we repeat the same roles, which doesn’t improve
and ambitious your CL progress. Be sure to avoid repetition of roles beyond its intended
frequency. Keep this in mind while filling the slot for the next meet.
club” “Failing to plan is planning to fail”. This adapt quote will help you grow at a
tremendous rate. The Toastmasters’ material has been proven and following
the same with planning will keep you ahead. But these all will work only
when you fail to miss any of the meetings. It’s extremely important to grab
any opportunity thrown in front of you. Opportunities, such as getting extra
roles to play on the day of the meet, taking lead in organizing the meet, and
assisting the executive committee, play vital roles in establishing your com-
mitment to the club.
Lastly, when you have completed all the required roles, the pending role
would be of contest chair, which is limited. If you want to get that role, try
to complete entire project before a club contest. Maximum chances are that
you will get that role since you are on the verge of your CL completion. So,
here, after this, you have got your CL certificate. Go ahead and put CL tag
after your name :)
TM S. K. Suman

It started with fear,
With eyes full of tears,
for the first time in my life
I sensed the power of stage freight

I always thought I was bright,

But at that time, nothing seemed
More than hundred eyes were
looking at my side
I was there, standing among them
tongue tied

It crushed my soul,
made me lose my confidence
I start questioning myself,
felt I can’t do anything else PUBLIC SPEAKING
Public speaking is communicating information to a large audi-
I tried to fight
ence which is purposeful and meant to inform, influence or en-
To make things right
tertain a group of listeners. A person can be very intelligent, but
Few advised me to read
Some to watch “King’s Speech”
if he or she is not able to articulate his ideas well then it be-
comes a problem. Therefore, able to communicate well has be-
But all these things are secondary come a very important skill in today’s world. But sadly, most of
For something, this hard buried the people across the globe are afraid of public speaking or lack
I decided to get myself rid of its the skills to communicate well. Hence, for all those people who
serf are afraid of public speaking or introvert, Toastmasters is the
To fight it on its own turf
place to go.

As to get out of this cage However, Toastmaster is much more than just public speaking.
I need to be on the stage It helps in the overall development of personality. It helps in
So, today I challenge my stage fear becoming a good listener which helps one to understand other
Bring it on dude, I am here, I am people’s perspectives. It provides a lot of opportunities to polish
one’s leadership skills. Thinking on feet is also one of the ad-
vantages of joining Toastmasters in the way that members at-
~ TM Ashish
tain experience in impromptu speaking. It keeps the creativity
alive as members have to give prepared speeches and each time
they have to come up with a new and engaging topic.
When somebody goes to a Toastmaster meeting, he or she gets
the chance to see the other side of people by listening to their
speeches. People can really understand the thought process of
the person giving the speech and eventually understand the per-
son in a better way. Therefore, Toastmasters also help a person
become a better human being.

TM Vishal

It's one of the
best place
where you are
able to ex-
press your-
masters A survey on human fear has rated public speaking as the no. 1 fear and
death as second. The finding of the survey completely resonates with me;
doesn't just take my life but don't push me on the stage.
focusses on With the push of my friends Samrat, Gaurav, and Dhirendra I joined
Toastmasters IIM Lucknow club (the largest club in India) with them.
making you a Five meeting passed, but I couldn't muster the courage to go on the dice.
good speaker My friends Samrat, Gaurav and Dhirendra, have given few speeches, and
each of them won awards for their phenomenal speeches and role plays.
but it's a pro- Time was flying but my Toastmaster's flight could not take off.

cess to make After six meets, one-day Toastmasters speech contest announced. I de-
cided to break the inertia. I participated in the contest. I prepared the
you an effec- speech. On the contest day, I started my speech; I was nerves, but I con-
tinued. Continuation infused more confidence in me. During the speech I
tive commu- realized, I'm not that bad. I finished my competition speech with the
overwhelming response from the audience. People complimented, appre-
nicator. ciated my speech and a miracle happened, I won the first prize in the first
~ TM Shikhar ever Toastmaster's speech without having a single CC or TT participation
That day I realized, I had public speaking in me. All I needed few cata-
lysts, a platform like Toastmasters and an encouraging and incredible
crowd and a bit of courage I showed that day.
That day and today, I have completed #CC7 and won the best speaker in
5 of them and 5 best reviewer award. Confidence gained from Toastmas-
ter helped me to win the best paper award in an international conference
at the IIM Ahmedabad which had participants from 17 countries and had
over 150+ participants.
Now I'm planning to introduce the Toastmaster club in my hometown.
TM Amit Anand Tiwari

The Power of Three is a rhetorical device used to make a message memorable. You do this by using three sounds, words or phrases in
an established 1-2-3 pattern. In the case of sounds, this device might enhance a phrase with the use of a triple alliteration, as in the polit-
ical slogan “Tippecanoe and Tyler Too.” But why limit the Power of Three to a rhetorical device? The use of threes is a highly beneficial
strategy for structuring speeches, as well.
Toastmasters begin their journey in the program by learning that a speech should have three sections: an introduction, a body, and a
Even as students, we are often taught to “Tell them what you are going to tell them; tell them, and then tell them what you told them.”
While experienced Toastmasters often try to make their speech structures more dynamic, that basic pattern – a simplified use of the
introduction through- conclusion design – is a good overture to the Power of Threes. Try some of the following ideas to add a powerful
three-part structure to your next speech:

Your Message: Crafted, Clear and Cogent

Can you describe your speech in one sentence? If not, you probably are not ready to present it. If you can, then you should be able to
build everything from the title down to the conclusion in a simple recipe for success.
First, you can derive your title from the summary sentence. It’s a good habit to prepare an introduction for the Toastmaster to read
about you and/or the subject of your speech; the last line in that introduction should be your title statement – a sentence that includes
your speech title. For example, “Today Justin will be speaking on ‘The Joy of Reading.’”
At some point between your introduction and your body of the presentation, you should make clear that the title rings true with the rest
of the speech. A simple way is to say so. This is often referred to as a Specific Purpose Statement (SPS). In a fundamental speech struc-
ture, an SPS helps the audience know where you are going, for example: “I love reading, and you can too!”
Next, comes the body, where you talk about your three points.

Shape the Body by Threes

Do you want to ensure that your five- to seven-minute talk will fit the time requirement precisely? Try this: Limit your body to a maxi-
mum of three points. I think we’ve all heard the nine-point speech (or was it 10 points?) That dragged on. After the fourth point, the
speaker lost his or her audience. If you want your speech to be remembered, give them three points. Limiting yourself to three points
also helps with memorized speeches – less to remember!
If you find that you have more than three, try to condense and combine similar points.

Keep it Clear

After the body and before the conclusion, repeat the SPS. You can do this in a way that keeps it clear and interesting, and leads to a call
for action or a suggestion for future thought, such as: “Now you know why I love reading. What are you going to read today?” Which is
a great way to conclude your speech ... and you’re done.

It’s Fun-damental!

Is the Power of Three the only structure you can use? Is it a panacea for all your speech preparation problems? Is it the Holy Grail of
speaking approaches? No, but if you are new to Toastmasters, or need to jump-start a speech, this offers something to try.
Try using the Power of Three to structure your next speech. Doing so should make it easier to prepare, easier to deliver – and, most
important – easier for your audience to hear, enjoy and remember.
-Article by TM Fred Domnick, published in Toastmasters International magazine


 Ask
 Respond
 Answer
 Reply
 Request
 Demand
 Enquire
 Suggest
 Note
 Interrupt
 Interject
 Reveal (divulge)
 Exclaim
 Shout (yell)
 Scream (shriek)
 Joke (laugh)
 Claim PUZZLE
 Snap
 Mumble (murmur)
 Whisper
 Complain (grumble)





Sachin Sunder

IIM Lucknow Toastmasters Club

S K Suman Shashank Yadav Aditya Sapate Vrinda Suri Nanaji Ianavalli Shikhar Grover
VP- Education VP– Membership VP– PR Secretary Treasurer Sargent at arms

IIM Lucknow Utthan Toastmasters Club

Siddharth Kapadia Ritika Raje Maitreyee Thakkar Ashish Kumar Sivathanu Jain Kainesh Patel
VP- Education VP– Membership VP– PR Secretary Treasurer Sargent at arms

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