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Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide

Table 2-1: Oklahoma Secondary Treatment Standards 1

Frequency Perennial Streams Discharge Intermittent Streams or Lake Discharge Lagoons Discharge
Monthly Average 30 mg/L BOD5 2 or 25 mg/L CBOD5 3 20 mg/L BOD5 or 18 mg/L CBOD5 30 mg/L BOD5 or 25 mg/L CBOD5
Weekly Average 45 mg/L BOD5 or 40 mg/L CBOD5 30 mg/L BOD5 or 25 mg/L CBOD5 45 mg/L BOD5 or 40 mg/L CBOD5
% removal BOD5 or CBOD5 cannot be % removal BOD5 or CBOD5 cannot be % removal BOD5 or CBOD5
Monthly Average
less than 85% less than 85% cannot be less than 65%
Monthly Average 30 mg/L TSS 4 30 mg/L TSS 90 mg/L TSS
Weekly Average 45 mg/L TSS 45 mg/L TSS
Monthly Average % removal TSS cannot be less than 85% % removal TSS cannot be less than 85%
pH 6.5 – 9.0 s.u. 5 6.5 – 9.0 s.u. 6.5 – 9.0 s.u.
This table summarizes current treatment standards as of 9/12/2014; check with ODEQ for updates or more information.
BOD5 = 5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand
CBOD5 = 5-day Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand
TSS = Total Suspended Solids
s.u. = standard units
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 2-2 Permitted Uses of Reclaimed Water

Permitted Uses
Category 1

● Reserved for potable reuse

● All uses in Categories 3, 4 and 5

● Drip irrigation on orchards or vineyards
● Spray or drip irrigation on sod farms, public access landscapes and public use areas/sports complexes, including
Category 2

access golf courses
● Toilet and urinal flushing
● Fire protection systems
● Commercial closed-loop air conditioning systems
● Vehicle and equipment washing (excluding self-service car washes)
● Range cattle watering

● All uses in Categories 4 and 5

● Subsurface irrigation of orchards or vineyards
● Restricted access landscape irrigation
Category 3

● Irrigation of livestock pasture

● Concrete mixing
● Dust control
● Aggregate washing/sieving
● New restricted access golf course irrigation systems
● Industrial cooling towers and once-through cooling systems
● Restricted access irrigation of sod farms

● All uses in Category 5

Category 4

● Soil compaction and similar construction activities

● Existing restricted golf course irrigation systems utilizing water that has received primary treatment in lagoon systems.
to construct shall not be issued for new Category 4 restricted access golf courses irrigation systems pending further
research and evaluation of performance data collected from existing systems.
Category 5

● Restricted access pasture irrigation for range cattle

● Restricted access irrigation of fiber, seed, forage and similar crops
● Irrigation of silviculture
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Okla
Table 3-1 Wastewater System Data Gathering To-Do List

System Name System Name

Task Person Responsible Target Completion Date

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 7

8 8

9 9

10 10

11 11

12 12

13 13

14 14

15 15
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 3-1 Wastewater System Data Gathering To-Do List (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma

Task Person Responsible Target Completion Date

N. Drew
Complete Wastewater System History (from Table B3.2) 10/1/2014

B. Lee
Locate Facilities Map (from Table B3.3) 10/1/2014

B. Lee
Gather Permits (from Table B3.4) 10/1/2014

N. Drew
Resolve Population Projections (from Table B3.5) 10/1/2014

N. Drew
Consider completing Historicalal Water Use (Table B3.6) 11/1/2015

H. Sparks
Compete Wastewater Flow Data (from Table B3.7) 11/1/2015

N. Drew
Gather influent information (Table B3.8) 11/1/2015

N. Drew
Gather WWTP Discharge Data (from Table B3.9) 11/1/2015

H. Sparks
Consider completing future flow projections (Table B3.10) 11/1/2015
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Okl
Table 3-2: Facility Map Actions Required

System Name System Name

Attach documentation and/or identify below physical and/or electronic location of service area map(s) and facility diagram. Attach docume

Service area map(s) and facility diagram are attached.

Physical Location Electronic Location

Identified key facilities on service area map.

Attached site maps and treatment system schematics.

Identified future service area changes.

Identified known environmental or cultural areas.

State below any Information or assistance needed to finalize incomplete task(s).

Note: Check each box where statement is true. Note: Check each box w

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 3-2: Facility Map Actions Required (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)

Attach documentation and/or identify below physical and/or electronic location of service area map(s) and facility diagram.

✘ Service area map(s) and facility diagram are attached.

Physical Location Electronic Location

City Hall City Administrator's C-drive in the folder "WWTP" in
the sub-folder "Maps"

✘ Identified key facilities on service area map.

✘ Attached site maps and treatment system schematics.

✘ Identified future service area changes.

Identified known environmental or cultural areas.

State below any Information or assistance needed to finalize incomplete task(s).

Environmental and cultural information needed from (appropriate entities)

Note: Check each box where statement is true.

Below is an example of a simplified system diagram and sample map of a service area.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide O
Table 3-3 Wastewater System History

System Name System Name

Year Built

Type of Treatment Process 1

Describe secondary or
advanced treatment.

System has discharge Location

Historical Upgrades Date Completed

Identify all upgrades to

treatment system and date

Historical Permit Changes Date of Change

Identify all permit changes

and dates of changes.

Identify correspondence with

regulatory agencies, or
reference location.

Identify all environmental

reviews, or reference

Mechanical, lagoon, septic, land application 1
Mechanical, lagoon,
Note: Check each box where statement is true. Note: Check each box
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 3-3 Wastewater System History (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)

Year Built 1978

Type of Treatment Process 1 Mechanical

Describe secondary or
advanced treatment.
Aeration basin followed by secondary clarification and UV disinfection

System has discharge ✘
Discharges to Sugar Creek
Historical Upgrades Date Completed

Additional secondary clarifier installed, Clarifier number 1 rehabbed 2009

Bypass channel installed next to influent channel 2006

Identify all upgrades to Mechanical bar screen added in between trash rack and aeration
treatment system and date 2005
Switched from chlorine disinfection to UV disinfection 2004

Installed parshall flume before aeration basin and replaced flow

meter in effluent channel, influent pumps rehabbed

Historical Permit Changes Date of Change

OPDES renewal 2007

OPDES renewal 2011

Identify all permit changes

and dates of changes.

Identify correspondence with

regulatory agencies, or OCWP, EPA Region 6
reference location.

Identify all environmental

reviews, or reference None

Mechanical, lagoon, septic, land application
Note: Check each box where statement is true.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Planning Guide
Table 3-4: Permits

System Name System Name

Permit Number: Please use a separate form for each permit. Permit Number:

Attach documentation and/or identify physical and/or electronic location of permit document(s) below. Attach documen

Documentation attached
Physical Location Electronic Location
City Hall, mayor

If the permit includes a schedule of use, enter information below. If the permit incl

Year Permitted Use (AFY) Comments Year


Describe below any changes in the treatment process that have influenced effluent water quality if applicable. Describe below

Year Change in Treatment Process Year



Describe below any changes in the influent strength or flows that have influenced the treatment process. Describe below

Year Change in Influent Strength or Flows Year

Service area map(s) and facility diagram are attached.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Planning Guide
Table 3-4: Permits (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)

Permit Number: 123456xx Please use a separate form for each permit.

Attach documentation and/or identify physical and/or electronic location of permit document(s) below.
✘ Documentation attached
Physical Location Electronic Location
City Hall, mayor's office – on the wall On City Manager's C-drive in the folder "WWTP" in the sub-
folder "Permits"

If the permit includes a schedule of use, enter information below.

Year Permitted Use (AFY) Comments

2012 2 for land application

Describe below any changes in the treatment process that have influenced effluent water quality if applicable.

Year Change in Treatment Process

2005 Added new secondary clarifier and bar screen to improve solids removal.

2006 Converted to UV so there are no chlorine residual impacts

Describe below any changes in the influent strength or flows that have influenced the treatment process.

Year Change in Influent Strength or Flows

2010 Influent BOD and TSS has increased, which has affected the influent quality.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 3-5: Historical Population

System Name

Historical Population Data

Year Comments Data Source(s) 2
Served 1

Identify and describe below any significant events that have affected changes in area population.

Year Event

If population numbers are unavailable, estimate using number of connections times 2.5 persons.
Data sources may include the American Community Survey or other agency databases, published documents, etc
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 3-5: Historical Population (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)

Historical Population Data

Year Comments Data Source(s) 2
Served 1

1920 395 US Census & City Planning Department

1930 368 Same

1940 375 Same
1950 498 Same
1960 772 Same
1970 1080 Same
1980 1027 Same
1990 1230 Same
2000 1500 Same
2010 2030 Increase due to meat processing plant Same
Identify and describe below any significant events that have affected changes in area population.

Year Event

2010 New meat processing plant.

If population numbers are unavailable, estimate using number of connections times 2.5 persons.
Data sources may include the American Community Survey or other agency databases, published documents, etc
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Oklah
Table 3-6: Historical Wastewater Flow

System Name System Name

Historical Wastewater Flow Historical Wast

Demand (mgd)
Period of Data
(beginning date Data Source(s)
30-day Moving
to end date) ADF 1 ADMM 3 MinD 4 MD 5
Average Flow 2

Identify and describe below any significant events that may have affected flow. Examples may include a new company, loss of a Identify and de
company or an existing company that begins to produce more (or less) wastewater, etc. a company or a

Year Event

Calculate the current average daily flow (ADF) using a minimum of 1 year (3 years of data is preferred). 1
Calculate the current av
Calculate a 30-day moving average flow (see Appendix A). 2
Calculate a 30-day movi
Calculate the average day maximum month (ADMM) flow by determining the 95th percentile of the 30-day moving average values (see Appendix A). 3
Calculate the average d
Calculate the minimum day (MinD) flow by determining the 5th percentile of the 30-day moving average values (see Appendix A). 4
Calculate the minimum d
Calculate the MD flow by multiplying a factor of 1.2 to 2.0 to the ADF (see Appendix A). 5
Calculate the MD flow b
State below any Information or assistance needed to finalize incomplete task(s).

Below is an example of a simplified system diagram and sample map of a service area.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 3-6: Historical Wastewater Flow (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)

Historical Wastewater Flow

Demand (mgd)
Period of Data
(beginning date Data Source(s)
30-day Moving
to end date) ADF 1 ADMM 3 MinD 4 MD 5
Average Flow 2
Influent flow meter linked to
3/1998 to 3/2001 0.35mgd See Appendix A See Appendix ASee Appendix A

Identify and describe below any significant events that may have affected flow. Examples may include a new company, loss of
a company or an existing company that begins to produce more (or less) wastewater, etc.

Year Event

2010 New meat processing plant

Calculate the current average daily flow (ADF) using a minimum of 1 year (3 years of data is preferred).
Calculate a 30-day moving average flow (see Appendix A).
Calculate the average day maximum month (ADMM) flow by determining the 95th percentile of the 30-day moving average values (see Appendix A).
Calculate the minimum day (MinD) flow by determining the 5th percentile of the 30-day moving average values (see Appendix A).
Calculate the MD flow by multiplying a factor of 1.2 to 2.0 to the ADF (see Appendix A).
Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Oklahoma C
Table 3-7 (page 1 of 3): Historical Influent Wastewater Characterization Table 3-7 (pa

System Name System Name

BOD5 Historical Loading

Loading by Flow Type2 (lb/day)

Period of Data Constituent
(beginning date Concentration 30-day Moving Data Source(s)
to end date) (mg/L)1 ADF ADMM MinD MD
Average Flow

TSS Historical Loading

Loading by Flow Type2 (lb/day)

Period of Data Constituent
(beginning date Concentration 30-day Moving Data Source(s)
to end date) (mg/L)1 ADF ADMM MinD MD
Average Flow
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Ok
Table 3-7 (page 2 of 3): Historical Influent Wastewater Characterization Ta

TKN Historical Loading

Loading by Flow Type2 (lb/day)

Period of Data Constituent
(beginning date Concentration Data Source(s)
30-day Moving
to end date) (mg/L)1 ADF ADMM MinD MD
Average Flow

TP Historical Loading

Period of Data Constituent Loading by Flow Type2 (lb/day)

(beginning date Concentration Data Source(s)
30-day Moving
to end date) (mg/L)1 ADF ADMM MinD MD
Average Flow

__________ Historical Loading

Period of Data Constituent Loading by Flow Type2 (lb/day)

(beginning date Concentration 30-day Moving Data Source(s)
to end date) (mg/L)1 ADF ADMM MinD MD
Average Flow
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Ok
Table 3-7 (page 3 of 3): Historical Influent Wastewater Characterization Ta

__________ Historical Loading

Period of Data Constituent Loading by Flow Type2 (lb/day)

(beginning date Concentration 30-day Moving Data Source(s)
to end date) (mg/L)1 ADF ADMM MinD MD
Average Flow

Identify any significant changes that may have affected flow. (Examples may include a company that has begun to use more water,
addition of a new company, or loss of a company, etc.)

Year Event

Sources for concentrations may be obtained from monthly DMRs. 1
Sources for concentra
Calculate the Loading by Flow Type by multiplying the concentration by the corresponding flow type in Table 3-6. 2
Calculate the Loadin
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 3-7 (page 1 of 3): Historical Influent Wastewater Characterization (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)

BOD5 Historical Loading

Loading by Flow Type2 (lb/day)

Period of Data Constituent
(beginning date Concentration 30-day Moving Data Source(s)
to end date) (mg/L)1 ADF ADMM MinD MD
Average Flow

2008-2012 0.12 0.25 0.2

TSS Historical Loading

Loading by Flow Type2 (lb/day)

Period of Data Constituent
(beginning date Concentration 30-day Moving Data Source(s)
to end date) (mg/L)1 ADF ADMM MinD MD
Average Flow
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 3-7 (page 2 of 3): Historical Influent Wastewater Characterization (Example)

TKN Historical Loading

Loading by Flow Type2 (lb/day)

Period of Data Constituent
(beginning date Concentration Data Source(s)
30-day Moving
to end date) (mg/L)1 ADF ADMM MinD MD
Average Flow

TP Historical Loading

Period of Data Constituent Loading by Flow Type2 (lb/day)

(beginning date Concentration Data Source(s)
30-day Moving
to end date) (mg/L)1 ADF ADMM MinD MD
Average Flow

__________ Historical Loading

Period of Data Constituent Loading by Flow Type2 (lb/day)

(beginning date Concentration 30-day Moving Data Source(s)
to end date) (mg/L)1 ADF ADMM MinD MD
Average Flow
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 3-7 (page 3 of 3): Historical Influent Wastewater Characterization (Example)

__________ Historical Loading

Period of Data Constituent Loading by Flow Type2 (lb/day)

(beginning date Concentration 30-day Moving Data Source(s)
to end date) (mg/L)1 ADF ADMM MinD MD
Average Flow

Identify any significant changes that may have affected flow. (Examples may include a company that has begun to use more water,
addition of a new company, or loss of a company, etc.)

Year Event

Sources for concentrations may be obtained from monthly DMRs.
Calculate the Loading by Flow Type by multiplying the concentration by the corresponding flow type in Table 3-6.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide O
Table 3-8: Pretreatment

System Name System Name

List significant industrial sources and attach wastewater service plan for each.

Service Plan
Industrial Sources
is attached

If the utility has a pretreatment program that is different than ODEQ's program, attach program documents and/or describe
Documentation is attached.

Note: Check each box where statement is true. Note: Check each
State below any Information or assistance needed to finalize incom
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 3-8: Pretreatment (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)

List significant industrial sources and attach wastewater service plan for each.

Service Plan is
Industrial Sources

Meat Processing plant ✘

If the utility has a pretreatment program that is different than ODEQ's program, attach program documents and/or describe
Documentation is attached.

Note: Check each box where statement is true.

stance needed to finalize incomplete task(s). State below any Information or assistance needed to finalize incomplete
sistance needed to finalize incomplete task(s).
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 3-9 (page 1 of 2): Major System Processes

System Name

Attach a schematic showing treatment processes or describe below.

Schematic is attached.

Level of Treatment:

Analysis of the existing system performance, deficiencies, and positive attributes:

Size of the system components:

Solids processing system and method of beneficial reuse or disposal:

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 3-9 (page 2 of 2): Major System Processes

If a storm management plan is required attach the plan documents or describe below.

Documentation is attached.

Note: Check each box where statement is true.

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 3-9: Major System Processes (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)

Attach a schematic showing treatment processes or describe below.

✘ Schematic is attached.

Level of Treatment:

Analysis of the existing system performance, deficiencies, and positive attributes:

Size of the system components:

Solids processing system and method of beneficial reuse or disposal:

Attached site maps and trea

If a storm management plan is required attach the plan documents or describe below.
✘ Documentation is attached.

Note: Check each box where statement is true.

Service area map(s) and fac

State below any Information or assistance needed to fi

Service area map(s) and facility diagram are attached.
Attached site maps and treatment system schematics.

Service area map(s) and facility diagram are attached.

formation or assistance needed to finalize incomplete task(s).

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Oklahoma Com
Table 3-10: Collection System Pipe Information Ta

System Name System Name

List below the total linear footage of each wastewater collection pipeline by size. List below the total linear footag

Common Normalized Common normalized

Total Linear Footage in System
Pipe Sizes pipe sizes

4 or 6 inches 4 or 6 inches

8 inches 8 inches

10 inches 10 inches

12 inches 12 inches

18 inches 18 inches

24 inches 24 inches

30 inches 30 inches

36 inches 36 inches

42 inches 42 inches

48 inches 48 inches

60 inches 60 inches

other other

other other

Total of All Lines Total of All Lines

State below any Information or assistance needed to finalize incomplete task(s).

State below any Information or assistance needed
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 3-10: Collection System Pipe Information (Example)

Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)

List below the total linear footage of each wastewater collection pipeline by size.

Common normalized Total Linear Footage in Other pipe sizes not listed at
Total Linear Footage in System
pipe sizes System left (inches)

4 or 6 inches 25,000 24 2,000

8 inches 10,000

10 inches 5,000

12 inches

18 inches

24 inches

30 inches

36 inches

42 inches

48 inches

60 inches



Total of All Lines

ormation or assistance needed to finalize incomplete task(s).

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 3-11: Historical Wastewater Effluent Characterization

System Name

Historical Wastewater Effluent Characterization

Period of Data
(beginning date Parameter Average Maximum Data Source(s)
Limit 1
to end date)

BOD5 (mg/L)

pH (s.u.)

TSS (mg/L)

Toal Coliform

Chlorine (mg/L)

TKN (mg/L)

TP (mg/L)

Notes 2 (Reference Parameter)

List the discharge permit limit if applicable.


Include any relevant notes, such as number of times discharge permit limit exceeded, anticipated permit limit changes, etc.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 3-11: Historical Wastewater Effluent Characterization (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)

Historical Wastewater Effluent Characterization

Period of Data
(beginning date Parameter Average Maximum Data Source(s)
Limit 1
to end date)

2005-2010 BOD5 (mg/L) 20.00 30 60.00

2005-2010 pH (s.u.) 8.60 8.6 9.30

2005-2010 TSS (mg/L) 30.00 30 45.00

Total Coliform
2005-2010 (mg/L)

2005-2010 Chlorine (mg/L) 1.00 1 5.00

2005-2010 TKN (mg/L) 4.00 4 6.00

2005-2010 TP (mg/L) 5.00 5 10.00

Notes 2 (Reference Parameter)

List the discharge permit limit if applicable.


Include any relevant notes, such as number of times discharge permit limit exceeded, anticipated permit limit changes, etc.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 3-12: TMDL and/or Wasteload Allocations Future Limits

System Name

TMDL and/or Wasteload Allocations Future Limits

TMDL and/or WLA (30-day average)

Parameter Data Source(s)
2015 - 2025 2025 - 2035 Beyond 2035
State below any Information or assistance needed to finalize incomplete task(s).
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 3-12: TMDL and/or Wasteload Allocations Future Limits (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)

TMDL and/or Wasteload Allocations Future Limits

TMDL and/or WLA (30-day average)

Parameter Data Source(s)
2015 - 2025 2025 - 2035 Beyond 2035

TSS 20

BOD 20

Phosphorus 5
Service area map(s) and facility diagram are attached.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-1: Asset Management: Inventory, Operation and Maintenance To-Do List

System Name

Task Person Responsible Target Completion Date






Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-1: Asset Management: Inventory, Operation and Maintenance To-Do List (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)

Task Person Responsible Target Completion Date

Meet with budget director, B. Jones to finalize

1 N.Drew 10/3/2013
2014 budget.

Pull Historicalal record of the system influent

2 B. James 8/10/2013
wasetwater flow.






Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Ok
Table 4-2: Flow Measurement / Metering

System Name System Name

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

FLOW MEASURING DEVICE1 Short-lived asset?2 Yes No

Primary Secondary


Throat width (feet)

Capacity, million gallons per day (mgd)

Last calibration date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

Use additional forms if necessary. 1
Use additional forms i
Short-lived assets are those that need to be replaced in 5 years.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-2: Flow Measurement / Metering (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

FLOW MEASURING DEVICE1 Short-lived asset? Yes No

Primary Secondary

Type Parshall Flume

Throat width (feet) 1

Capacity, million gallons per day (mgd) 0.6

Last calibration date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 20

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 7

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) Good

Use additional forms if necessary.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Ok
Table 4-3: Influent Pumps

System Name System Name

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Facility type

EQUIPMENT Short-lived asset? Yes No

Number of pumps

Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Rated capacity of pump (gpm @ feet TDH)


Solid passable size


Pump specifications Volts

Speed (rpm)

Variable or constant speed?

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

CONTROL Short-lived asset? Yes No

Instrumentation type

Description of control strategy

Variable or constant speed?

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

Use additional forms if necessary. 1
Use additional forms
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-3: Influent Pumps (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Facility type ATO WWTP Influent Pump Station

EQUIPMENT Short-lived asset? Yes No

Number of pumps 1

Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Rated capacity of pump (gpm @ feet TDH) 200gpm @ 15 feet

Manufacturer ABC Pump Co

Solid passable size 2"

Horsepower 160

Pump specifications Volts 460

Speed (rpm) 1800

Variable or constant speed? variable

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 15

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 2

Replacement within next 5 years? ✘ Yes No Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) Fair

CONTROL Short-lived asset? Yes No

Instrumentation type PLC

Soft start and

Description of control strategy controlled by

Variable or constant speed? variable

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 15

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 2

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) Fair

Use additional forms if necessary.

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide O
Table 4-4: Screenings Removal System
System System
Name Name
Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)
Use numbered columns for each separate unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Mechanical / Manual?


Model Number

Drive Mechanism

SCREENS Short-lived asset? Yes No

Number of screens

Screen openings (inch or mm)

Screenings Washer / Compactor

Screenings conveyor

Screenings storage

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

Use additional forms if necessary. 1
Use additional forms
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-4: Screenings Removal System (Example)
Name Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)


Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Mechanical / Manual? Manual

Manufacturer ABC company

Model Number ab-123-cd

Drive Mechanism belt

SCREENS Short-lived asset? Yes No

Number of screens 2

Screen openings (inch or mm) 1 inch

Screenings Washer / Compactor manual

Screenings conveyor manual

Screenings storage Dumpster

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 20

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 7

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) Good

Use additional forms if necessary.

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide O
Table 4-5: Grit Removal System

System Name System Name

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

SYSTEM Short-lived asset? Yes No

Use numbered columns for each separate unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Type (vortex, horizontal flow, etc.)



Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

PUMP Short-lived asset? Yes No

Number of Units



Specifications Volts

Speed (rpm)

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

MOTOR Short-lived asset? Yes No

Number of Units



Motor Specifications Volts

Speed (rpm)

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Grit slurry processing

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

Use additional forms if necessary. 1
Use additional forms
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-5: Grit Removal System (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)


Use numbered columns for each separate unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Type (vortex, horizontal flow, etc.) Horizontal flow

Manufacturer ABC Company

Capacity 0.5

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)


Number of Units 1

Manufacturer ABC Company

Horsepower 5

Specifications Volts 220

Speed (rpm) 1000

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 15

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 2

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) yes


Number of Units 1

Manufacturer ABC Company

Horsepower 5

Motor Specifications Volts 220

Speed (rpm) 1800

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 15

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 2

Replacement within next 5 years? yes

Grit slurry processing 20

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) no

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) good

Use additional forms if necessary.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Okla
Table 4-6 (page 1 of 2): Wastewater Tanks

System Name System Name


Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

CONTROL Short-lived asset? Yes No STRUCTURE


Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Number of Tanks

Type of tank2



Tank dimensions (feet) & Height.

If ROUND, Diameter

& Height.

Side water depth (feet)

Storage tank volume (million gallons)

Number of inlets

Type of inlet
(90° upturned flare, submerged side inlet, etc.)

Size of inlet (inches)

Number of outlets

Size of outlet (inches)

Additional manway(s)

Type of discharge

Operating elevation (if applicable)

Treatment capacity (if applicable)

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Oklah
Table 4-6 (page 2 of 2): Wastewater Tanks

CONTROL Short-lived asset? Yes No CONTROL


Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 U

Instrumentation Type (level sensor, altitude valve, etc.)

Tank level control strategy

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) Perceived cond

Use additional forms if necessary. 1
Use additional forms if n
Including clear wells and storage tanks in distribution. (Coated concrete, steel, etc.) 2
Including clear wells and
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-6 (page 1 of 2): Wastewater Tanks

System Name Any Oklahoma Wastewater Treatment Facility

Purpose Wastewater treatment

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)


Identification Aeration

Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Number of Tanks 2

Type of tank2 Rectangular Round

f RECTANGULAR, Length, 40

Width, 20

Tank dimensions (feet) & Height. 15

If ROUND, Diameter 65

& Height. 24

Side water depth (feet) 12 20

Storage tank volume (million gallons) 71800 158000

Number of inlets 1

Type of inlet
(90° upturned flare, submerged side inlet, etc.) submerged submerged

Size of inlet (inches) 18 18

Number of outlets 1

Size of outlet (inches) 18 18

Additional manway(s) 1 1

Type of discharge Gravity Gravity

Operating elevation (if applicable) 8 feet 8 feet

Treatment capacity (if applicable) 0.5 0.5

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 20 20

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 7 12

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) no no

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-6 (page 2 of 2): Wastewater Tanks (Example)


Identification SCADA

Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Instrumentation Type (level sensor, altitude valve, etc.) Level sensor Level sensor

controlled by controlled by
Tank level control strategy

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 20 20

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 7 12

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) no no

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) good excellent

Use additional forms if necessary.
Including clear wells and storage tanks in distribution. (Coated concrete, steel, etc.)
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-7 (page 1 of 2): Primary Clarification
Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)
Clarification Type (conventional, high rate, solids contact,
Design overflow rate (gpm/sf)

Use numbered columns for each separate unit2 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

STRUCTURE Short-lived asset? Yes No

Number of Tanks

Type of tank (coated concrete, steel, etc.)



Tank dimensions (feet) & Height.

If ROUND, Diameter

& Height

Side water depth (feet)

Type of inlet (inlet trough, weir, pipe inlet, etc.)

Type of outlet (Launders, collection pipe, etc.)

Additional manway(s)

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

SOLIDS REMOVAL EQUIPMENT Short-lived asset? Yes No

Number of Units

Type (chain/flight, spiral, or plow scraper)


Specifications Volts

Speed (rpm)

Variable or constant speed

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-7 (page 2 of 2): Primary Clarification

CONTROL Short-lived asset? Yes No

Use numbered columns for each separate unit 1

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Instrumentation Type

Tank level control strategy

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

Use additional forms if necessary.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-7 (page 1 of 2): Primary Clarification
Name Any Oklahoma Wastewater Treatment Facility

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Clarification Type (conventional, high rate, solids contact,
etc.) conventional

Design overflow rate (gpm/sf) 700

Use numbered columns for each separate unit 2

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3


Number of Tanks 700

Type of tank (coated concrete, steel, etc.) concrete



Tank dimensions (feet) & Height.

If ROUND, Diameter 100

& Height 15

Side water depth (feet) 10

Type of inlet (inlet trough, weir, pipe inlet, etc.) pipe

Type of outlet (Launders, collection pipe, etc.) weir

Additional manway(s) no

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 30

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 17

No Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) no


Number of Units 1

Type (chain/flight, spiral, or plow scraper) plow scraper

Horsepower 1

Specifications Volts 360

Speed (rpm) 1

Variable or constant speed constant

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 15

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 2

No Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) yes

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-7 (page 2 of 2): Primary Clarification (Example)


Use numbered columns for each separate unit2 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Instrumentation Type PLC

Valves open
close using
Tank level control strategy
controlled by

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 15

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 2

No Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) yes

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) good

Use additional forms if necessary.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Okl
Table 4-8: Primary Sludge Pumps

System Name System Name

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Facility type

Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

PUMPS Short-lived asset? Yes No

Number of pumps

Type of pump


Rated capacity of pump (gpm @ feet TDH)


Specifications Volts

Speed (rpm)

Assumed solids concentration?

Variable or constant speed?

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

CONTROL Short-lived asset? Yes No

Number of units

Instrumentation type

Description of control strategy

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

Use additional forms if necessary. 1
Use additional forms i
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-8: Primary Sludge Pumps (Example)

System Name Any Town, Oklahoma (ATO)

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Facility type Mechanical WWTP

Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3


Number of pumps 1

Type of pump Centrifugal

Manufacturer ABC company

Rated capacity of pump (gpm @ feet TDH) 100 @ 20

Horsepower 5

Specifications Volts 220

Speed (rpm) 1000

Assumed solids concentration? 0.15

Variable or constant speed? constant

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 15

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life
(years) 2

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) yes


Number of units 1

Instrumentation type PLC

Valves open & close

using programmed
Description of control strategy sequencing
controlled by

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Estimated remaining effective useful life
(years) 2

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) yes

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) fair

Use additional forms if necessary.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide O
Table 4-9: Secondary Treatment System - Suspended Growth
System System
Name Name
Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

SYSTEM Short-lived asset? Yes No

Number of Units

Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3



Dimensions (feet) Width


Side Water Depth (feet)

Design Solids Retention Time [SRT] (days)

Hydraulic Retention Time [HRT] (hours)

Target MLSS (mg/L)

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

BLOWERS / AERATORS Short-lived asset? Yes No

Number of Units


Capacity (standard cubic feet per minute [scfm])


Motor Specifications Volts

Speed (rpm)

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

Use additional forms if necessary. 1
Use additional forms
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-9: Secondary Treatment System - Suspended Growth (Example)
Name Any Town, Oklahoma (ATO)

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)


Number of Units 1

Use numbered columns for each separate unit 1

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Type SBR

Length 20

Dimensions (feet) Width 20

Height 15

Side Water Depth (feet) 10

Design Solids Retention Time [SRT] (days) 2

Hydraulic Retention Time [HRT] (hours) 2.5

Target MLSS (mg/L) 2000

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 25

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 12

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) no


Number of Units 2

Type PD

Capacity (standard cubic feet per minute [scfm]) 700

Horsepower 6

Motor Specifications Volts 220

Speed (rpm) 1000

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 15

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 2

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) yes

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) fair

Use additional forms if necessary.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Ok
Table 4-10: Secondary Treatment System - Attached Growth

System Name System Name

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

SYSTEM Short-lived asset? Yes No

Number of Units

Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3



Dimensions (feet) Width


Side Water Depth (feet)

HRT (hours)

Design BOD loading

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

BLOWERS / AERATORS Short-lived asset? Yes No

Number of Units


Capacity (scfm)


Motor Specifications Volts

Speed (rpm)

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

Use additional forms if necessary. 1
Use additional forms i
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-10: Secondary Treatment System - Attached Growth (Example)

System Name Any Town, Oklahoma (ATO)

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)


Number of Units 2

Use numbered columns for each separate unit 1

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Type RBC

Length 50

Dimensions (feet) Width 10

Height 10

Side Water Depth (feet) 8

HRT (hours) 6

Design BOD loading 35

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 20

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 7

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) no


Number of Units 2

Type PD

Capacity (scfm) 800

Horsepower 5

Motor Specifications Volts 220

Speed (rpm) 1800

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 15

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 2

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) yes

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) fair

Use additional forms if necessary.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Ok
Table 4-11: Lagoon Systems

System Name System Name

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

SYSTEM Short-lived asset? Yes No

Number of Units

Use numbered columns for each separate unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3



Dimensions (feet) Width


HRT (hours)

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

AERATORS Short-lived asset? Yes No

Number of Units



Motor Specifications Volts

Speed (rpm)

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

Use additional forms if necessary. 1
Use additional forms if
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-11: Lagoon Systems (Example)

System Name Any Town, Oklahoma (ATO)

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)


Number of Units 2

Use numbered columns for each separate unit 1

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Type Flow through

Length 100

Dimensions (feet) Width 100

Depth 15

HRT (hours) 6

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 20

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 7

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) no


Number of Units 4

Type floating

Horsepower 5

Motor Specifications Volts 220

Speed (rpm) 1000

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 15

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 2

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) yes

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) fair

Use additional forms if necessary.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide O
Table 4-12: Other Systems

System Name System Name

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

SYSTEM Short-lived asset? Yes No

Number of Units

Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3



Dimensions Width


Side Water Depth (feet)

Design SRT (days)

HRT (hours)

Target MLSS (mg/L)

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

BLOWERS / AERATORS Short-lived asset? Yes No

Number of Units


Capacity (scfm)


Motor Specifications Volts

Speed (rpm)

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

Use additional forms if necessary. 1
Use additional forms
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-12: Other Systems (Example)

System Name

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)


Number of Units

Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3



Dimensions Width


Side Water Depth (feet)

Design SRT (days)

HRT (hours)

Target MLSS (mg/L)

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No)


Number of Units


Capacity (scfm)


Motor Specifications Volts

Speed (rpm)

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No)

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

Use additional forms if necessary.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide O
Table 4-13: Disinfection

System Name System Name

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

DISINFECTION Short-lived asset? Yes No

Number of Trains

Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Design Flow Capacity (mgd)

Peak flow Capacity (mgd)

Contact Time at Peak Flow (min)

Number of Passes per Basin

Pass Channel Width (feet)

Side Water Depth (feet)

Pass Channel Area (square feet)

Length per Pass (feet)

Channel Length-to-Width Ratio

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

Use additional forms if necessary. 1
Use additional forms i
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-13: Disinfection (Example)

System Name Any Town, Oklahoma (ATO)

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)


Number of Trains 1

Use numbered columns for each separate unit 1

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Design Flow Capacity (mgd) 0.5

Peak flow Capacity (mgd) 1.5

Contact Time at Peak Flow (min) 15

Number of Passes per Basin 1

Pass Channel Width (feet) 5

Side Water Depth (feet) 8

Pass Channel Area (square feet) 160

Length per Pass (feet) 20

Channel Length-to-Width Ratio 0.0451388889

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 20

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 7

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) no

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) good

Use additional forms if necessary.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide O
Table 4-14: Dechlorination

System Name System Name

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

DECHLORINATION Short-lived asset? Yes No

Number of Trains

Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Design Flow Capacity (mgd)

Peak flow Capacity (mgd)

Contact Time at Peak Flow (min)

Number of Passes per Basin

Pass Channel Width (feet)

Side Water Depth (feet)

Pass Channel Area (square feet)

Length per Pass (feet)

Channel Length-to-Width Ratio

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

Use additional forms if necessary. 1
Use additional forms
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-14: Dechlorination (Example)

System Name Any Town, Oklahoma (ATO)

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)


Number of Trains 1

Use numbered columns for each separate unit 1

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Design Flow Capacity (mgd) 0.5

Peak flow Capacity (mgd) 1.5

Contact Time at Peak Flow (min) 15

Number of Passes per Basin 1

Pass Channel Width (feet) 5

Side Water Depth (feet) 8

Pass Channel Area (square feet) 80

Length per Pass (feet) 100

Channel Length-to-Width Ratio 0.0451388889

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 20

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 7

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) no

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) good

Use additional forms if necessary.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Ok
Table 4-15: Ultraviolet Disinfection

System Name System Name

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

SYSTEM Short-lived asset? Yes No

Number of Reactors
Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Reactor Chamber
Dimensions (feet)

Number of Lamps per Reactor

Type of Lamp Used (magnetic, electronic)

Number of Ballasts per Reactor

Ballast Type2

Cleaning System Type

Cleaning System Details

Installation Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

CONTROL Short-lived asset? Yes No

Instrumentation Type

Description of Control Strategy

Tank Level Control Strategy

Installation Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Base Effective Useful Lives of the following (years):

Reactor housing

Low-pressure lamps (LP and LPHO)

MP lamps


Duty and reference UV sensors

UVT analyzer

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

Use additional forms if necessary. 1
Use additional forms
Low pressure (LP), low pressure high output (LPHO), medium pressure, etc 2
Low pressure (LP), lo
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-15: Ultraviolet Disinfection (Example)

System Name Any Town, Oklahoma (ATO)

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)


Number of Reactors 2
Use numbered columns for each separate unit 1
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Length 10
Reactor Chamber
Dimensions (feet)
Width 3
Depth 3
Number of Lamps per Reactor 100
Type of Lamp Used (magnetic, electronic) Medium pressure
Number of Ballasts per Reactor 3
Ballast Type 2
Cleaning System Type mechanical

Self cleaning based

Cleaning System Details on pre-set hours

Installation Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 10

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 7
Replacement within next 5 years? no

Instrumentation Type PLC

intensity is
Description of Control Strategy measured by PLC

Tank Level Control Strategy

Installation Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 5

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) yes
Base Effective Useful Lives of the following (years):

Reactor housing 10
Low-pressure lamps (LP and LPHO) 3
MP lamps 2
Sleeve 5
Duty and reference UV sensors 5
UVT analyzer 5
Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) fair
Use additional forms if necessary.
Low pressure (LP), low pressure high output (LPHO), medium pressure, etc
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide O
Table 4-16 (Page 1 of 4): Membrane Clarification (MBR)

System Name System Name

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Short-lived asset? Yes No
Use numbered columns for each separate unit 1
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3


Overall rack dimensions (feet) Width


Process description

Number of membrane filtration trains

Number of manifolds per train

Number of pressure vessels per train

Number of membrane elements per pressure vessel

Membrane identification

Length of membrane element

Surface area per membrane element

Instantaneous flux rate at 5 degrees C

Instantaneous flux rate per train at 20 degrees C

Spare Membrane Capacity

Maximum Allowable TMP

Pressure vessel rating

Pressure vessel diameter

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

MEMBRANE BACKWASH PUMPS Short-lived asset? Yes No

Number of pumps

Rated capacity of pumps



Pump Specifications Volts

Speed (rpm)

Variable or Constant Speed

Backwash Pulse Duration, Frequency

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Yes No Yes No Yes No

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide O

Table 4-16 (Page 2 of 4): Membrane Clarification (MBR)

FILTERS Short-lived asset? Yes No

Use numbered columns for each separate unit 1
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Number of filters

Filter type

Filter capacity (gpm/ft2)

Monomedia / Dual Media / Other

Type(s) of media

Backwash Type (Automatic / Manual)

Backwash Frequency and Duration

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

AIR SCOUR SYSTEM Short-lived asset? Yes No

Number of blowers

Type of blower

Number of air compressors

Type of compressor

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No


Cleaning substances

Cleaning solution

pH range

Temperature range

Additional notes

Heats of dilution

Direction of flow for cleaning solution

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)



Maximum concentration in cleaning solution

Minimum pH of cleaning solution

Specific gravity of maximum concentration

cleaning solution

Delivery options

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide O

Table 4-16 (Page 3 of 4): Membrane Clarification (MBR)
Use numbered columns for each separate unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Maximum concentration in cleaning solution

Minimum pH of cleaning solution

Specific gravity of maximum concentration

cleaning solution


Delivery options

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

CIP TANKS Short-lived asset? Yes No

Number of tanks

Type of tank

Tank material

Tank Dimensions (feet)

Tank volume

Assumed freeboard

Tank inlet for permeate filling

Tank inlet for alkaline solution filling

Tank inlet for citric acid

Tank inlet/outlet for cleaning solution

Other outlets

Tank heater type

Heater capacity

Heater material of construction


Temperature range of cleaning solution

Heating time

Estimated tank weight (with flange connections)

Estimated fluid weight

Installation date (dd/mm/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

No No No

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide O

Table 4-16 (Page 4 of 4): Membrane Clarification (MBR)

CIP FEED PUMPS Short-lived asset? Yes No

Use numbered columns for each separate unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Number of CIP feed pumps


Rated flow and TDH

Pump operating pressure

Pump horsepower

Motor horsepower


Electrical service Phase


Assumed efficiency

Materials of construction

Suction connection

Discharge connection

Installation date (dd/mm/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

Use additional forms if necessary. 1
Use additional forms
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-16 (Page 1 of 4): Membrane Clarification (MBR) (Example)

System Name

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)


Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3


Overall rack dimensions (feet) Width


Process description

Number of membrane filtration trains

Number of manifolds per train

Number of pressure vessels per train

Number of membrane elements per pressure vessel

Membrane identification

Length of membrane element

Surface area per membrane element

Instantaneous flux rate at 5 degrees C

Instantaneous flux rate per train at 20 degrees C

Spare Membrane Capacity

Maximum Allowable TMP

Pressure vessel rating

Pressure vessel diameter

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No)


Number of pumps

Rated capacity of pumps



Pump Specifications Volts

Speed (rpm)

Variable or Constant Speed

Backwash Pulse Duration, Frequency

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No)

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide

Table 4-16 (Page 2 of 4): Membrane Clarification (MBR) (Example)

Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Number of filters

Filter type

Filter capacity (gpm/ft2)

Monomedia / Dual Media / Other

Type(s) of media

Backwash Type (Automatic / Manual)

Backwash Frequency and Duration

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No)


Number of blowers

Type of blower

Number of air compressors

Type of compressor

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No)


Cleaning substances

Cleaning solution

pH range

Temperature range

Additional notes

Heats of dilution

Direction of flow for cleaning solution

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)



Maximum concentration in cleaning solution

Minimum pH of cleaning solution

Specific gravity of maximum concentration

cleaning solution

Delivery options

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide

Table 4-16 (Page 3 of 4): Membrane Clarification (MBR) (Example)
Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Maximum concentration in cleaning solution

Minimum pH of cleaning solution

Specific gravity of maximum concentration

cleaning solution

Concentrate Only
Delivery options

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)


Number of tanks

Type of tank

Tank material

Tank Dimensions (feet)

Tank volume

Assumed freeboard

Tank inlet for permeate filling

Tank inlet for alkaline solution filling

Tank inlet for citric acid

Tank inlet/outlet for cleaning solution

Other outlets

Tank heater type

Heater capacity

Heater material of construction


Temperature range of cleaning solution

Heating time

Estimated tank weight (with flange connections)

Estimated fluid weight

Installation date (dd/mm/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No)

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-16 (Page 4 of 4): Membrane Clarification (MBR) (Example)


Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Number of CIP feed pumps


Rated flow and TDH

Pump operating pressure

Pump horsepower

Motor horsepower


Electrical service Phase


Assumed efficiency

Materials of construction

Suction connection

Discharge connection

Installation date (dd/mm/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No)

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

Use additional forms if necessary.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide O
Table 4-17 (Page 1 of 2): Filtration

System Name System Name

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

FILTERS Short-lived asset? Yes No

Facility name

Number of dual-cell filters

Type of filter

Design filtration rate

Empty bed contact time


Dimensions, each filter cell Width


Total surface area

Filter media


Filter media support

Wash water troughs

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

AIR SCOUR BLOWERS Short-lived asset? Yes No

Number of blowers

Type of blower


Discharge pressure

Motor horsepower


Electrical service Phase


Maximum blower speed

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

STRUCTURE Short-lived asset? Yes No

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

No No No

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide O

Table 4-17 (Page 2 of 2): Filtration
MEDIA Short-lived asset? Yes No
Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3
Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Type of media
Base effective useful life (years)
Initial Efficiency Rating
Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)
Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No
FILTER BACKWASH PUMPS Short-lived asset? Yes No
Facility name
Number of pumps
Type of pump
Rated capacity of pump
Discharge diameter
Pump specifications Voltage
Speed (rpm)
Type drive
Valves and appurtenances
Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Base effective useful life (years)
Initial Efficiency Rating
Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)
Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No
FILTER BACKWASH BLOWERS Short-lived asset? Yes No
Number of blowers
Type of blower
Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Base effective useful life (years)
Initial Efficiency Rating
Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)
Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No
AIR COMPRESSORS Short-lived asset? Yes No
Number of air compressors
Type of compressor
Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Base effective useful life (years)
Initial Efficiency Rating
Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)
Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No
Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)
Use additional forms if necessary. 1
Use additional forms
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-17 (Page 1 of 2): Filtration (Example)

System Name

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Use numbered columns for each separate unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

FILTERS Short-lived asset? Yes No

Facility name

Number of dual-cell filters

Type of filter

Design filtration rate

Empty bed contact time Sample


Dimensions, each filter cell Width


Total surface area

Filter media


Filter media support

Wash water troughs

Replacement within next 5 years?

AIR SCOUR BLOWERS Short-lived asset? Yes No

Number of blowers

Type of blower


Discharge pressure

Motor horsepower


Electrical service Phase


Maximum blower speed

Replacement within next 5 years?

STRUCTURE Short-lived asset? Yes No

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

No No No

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide

Table 4-17 (Page 2 of 2): Filtration (Example)
MEDIA Short-lived asset? Yes No
Use numbered columns for each separate unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3
Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Type of media
Base effective useful life (years)
Initial Efficiency Rating
Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)
Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No
FILTER BACKWASH PUMPS Short-lived asset? Yes No
Facility name
Number of pumps
Type of pump
Rated capacity of pump
Discharge diameter
Pump specifications Voltage
Speed (rpm)
Type drive
Valves and appurtenances
Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Base effective useful life (years)
Initial Efficiency Rating
Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)
Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No
FILTER BACKWASH BLOWERS Short-lived asset? Yes No
Number of blowers
Type of blower
Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Base effective useful life (years)
Initial Efficiency Rating
Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)
Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No
AIR COMPRESSORS Short-lived asset? Yes No
Number of air compressors
Type of compressor
Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Base effective useful life (years)
Initial Efficiency Rating
Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)
Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No
Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)
Use additional forms if necessary.







Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Ok
Table 4-18 (Page 1 of 2): Solids Thickening - Aerobic Digestion Facilities
System System
Name Name
Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Use numbered columns for each separate unit Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3



Number of units

Diameter (feet)

Surface area (feet)

Belt width (meters)

Solids loading (ppd / ft)

Hydraulic capacity (gpd)

Air to solids ratio

Solids loading capacity (ppd)

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)


Type (polymers, metal salts, other coagulant)

Average feed solids (percent)

Average dewatered solids (percent)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

PUMP(S) Short-lived asset? Yes No PUMP(S)

Number of units

Capacity (gpm / TDH)

Motor size (hp)

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) Yes No Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Okl
Table 4-18 (Page 2 of 2): Solids Thickening - Aerobic Digestion Facilities Tab


Number of units


Pump capacity (gpm / TDH)

Motor size (hp)

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)


Use numbered columns for each separate unit Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Number of units


Sludge concentration

Pump capacity (gpm / TDH)

Motor size (hp)

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

COMPRESSOR(S) Short-lived asset? Yes No COMPRESSO

Number of units

Motor size (hp)

Wasting rate (number hours / days / week)

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

DAF/Gravity Thickener/Gravity Belt Thickener/Rotary Drum Thickener, etc 1
DAF/Gravity Thickener
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-18 (Page 1 of 2): Solids Thickening - Aerobic Digestion Facilities
Name Any Town, Oklahoma (ATO)

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Use numbered columns for each separate unit Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3


Type1 Gravity thickening

Number of units 2

Diameter (feet) 20

Surface area (feet) 1200

Belt width (meters) N/A (Gravity)

Solids loading (pounds per day [ppd / ft]) 20

Hydraulic capacity (gpd) 8000

Air to solids ratio N/A (Gravity)

Solids loading capacity (ppd) 1200

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)


Type (polymers, metal salts, other coagulant) polymer

Average feed solids (percent) 15

Average dewatered solids (percent) 90

Base effective useful life (years) 20

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 7

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) fair


Number of units 3

Capacity (gpm / TDH) 150 @ 12 ft TDH

Motor size (hp) 5

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 15

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 2

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) yes

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) poor

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-18 (Page 2 of 2): Solids Thickening - Aerobic Digestion Facilities (Example)


Number of units 3

Type Centrifugal

Pump capacity (gpm / TDH) 150 @ 12 ft TDH

Motor size (hp) 5

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 15

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 2

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) yes

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) poor


Use numbered columns for each separate unit Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Number of units 2

Type PD

Sludge concentration 10

Pump capacity (gpm / TDH) 150 @ 12 ft TDH

Motor size (hp) 5

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 15

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 2

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) yes

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) poor


Number of units 2

Motor size (hp) 5

Wasting rate (number hours / days / week) 5hr/week

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 15

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 2

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) yes

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) poor

DAF/Gravity Thickener/Gravity Belt Thickener/Rotary Drum Thickener, etc
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Okla
Table 4-19: Solids Thickening - Anaerobic Digestion Facilities

System Name System Name

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3


Number of units

Volume (gal.)

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No


Number of units


Capacity (gpm / TDH)

Motor size (hp)

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No


Number of units


Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No


Number of units


Capacity (gpm / TDH)

Motor size (hp)

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) Perceived con

Use additional forms if necessary. 1
Use additional forms if n
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-19: Solids Thickening - Anaerobic Digestion Facilities (Example)

System Name Any Town, Oklahoma (ATO)

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3


Number of units 1

Volume (gal.) 500000

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 30

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 17

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) no


Number of units 3

Type Centrifugal

Capacity (gpm / TDH) 150 @ 12 ft TDH

Motor size (hp) 5

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 15

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 2

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) yes


Number of units 1

Type Flare

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 15

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 2

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) Yes, no formal plans


Number of units 3

Type Centrifugal

Capacity (gpm / TDH) 150 @ 12 ft TDH

Motor size (hp) 5

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 15

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 2

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) yes

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) poor

Use additional forms if necessary.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide O
Table 4-20: Dewatering / Disposal Methods

System Name System Name

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

DEWATERING PROCESS Short-lived asset? Yes No

Type (belt press, centrifuge, etc.)

Design solids loading

Operating hours per week

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

FINAL DISPOSAL Short-lived asset? Yes No

Method (incineration, land application, etc.)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

Use additional forms if necessary. 1
Use additional forms
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-20: Dewatering / Disposal Methods

System Name Any Town, Oklahoma (ATO)

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Use numbered columns for each separate unit3 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3


Type (belt press, centrifuge, etc.) Belt Press

Design solids loading 200

Operating hours per week 12

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 20

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 7

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) good


Method (incineration, land application, etc.) Land application

Base effective useful life (years) 20 for mechanism

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 7

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) no

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) fair

Use additional forms if necessary.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide O
Table 4-21 (Page 1 of 2): Odor Control

System Name System Name

Date of assessment
Location of system

ODOR CONTROL SYSTEM Short-lived asset? Yes No

Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Number of Units



Model No.


Treatment capacity (cfm)

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No


Number of Tanks

Tank Material of Construction

Sodium Hypochlorite Storage Capacity (gals)

Sodium Hypochlorite Strength (percent)

Sodium Hydroxide Storage Capacity (gals)

Sodium Hydroxide Strength (percent)

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

RECIRCULATION Short-lived asset? Yes No

Pump Type

Model No.


Capacity (gpm)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide O
Table 4-21 (Page 2 of 2): Odor Control

CHEMICAL METERING Short-lived asset? Yes No

Pump Type



Capacity (gpm)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

Use additional forms if necessary. 1
Use additional forms
Scrubbers, biofilters, etc. 2
Scrubbers, biofilters,
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-21 (Page 1 of 2): Odor Control (Example)

System Name Any Town, Oklahoma (ATO)

Date of assessment
Location of system 1 mile south of Any Town Oklahoma on highway 36


Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Number of Units 1

Type 2

Manufacturer ABC Co.

Model No. centrifugal

Size 200

Treatment capacity (cfm) 2000

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 15

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 12

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) no

Chemical Storage/Strength

Number of Tanks 2

Tank Material of Construction metal

Sodium Hypochlorite Storage Capacity (gals) 200

Sodium Hypochlorite Strength (percent) 15

Sodium Hydroxide Storage Capacity (gals) 200

Sodium Hydroxide Strength (percent) 15

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 15

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 12

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) no


Pump Type centrifugal

Model No. abc 12

Horsepower 1

Capacity (gpm) 150

Base effective useful life (years) 10

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 7

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) no

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-21 (Page 2 of 2): Odor Control (Example)

Chemical Metering

Pump Type centrifugal

Model abc 12

Horsepower 1

Capacity (gpm) 150

Base effective useful life (years) 10

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 7

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) no

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) good

Use additional forms if necessary.
Scrubbers, biofilters, etc.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide O
Table 4-22: Pump(s)
System System
Name Name
Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

EQUIPMENT Short-lived asset? Yes No

Number of pumps

Type (suction lift, submersible, etc.)

Rated capacity of pump (gpm @ feet TDH)


Solid passable size?


Motor Specifications Volts

Speed (rpm)

Variable or constant speed?

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

PUMP CONTROL Short-lived asset? Yes No

Instrumentation type

Description of control strategy

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

Use additional forms if necessary. 1
Use additional forms
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-22: Pump(s) (Example)
Name Any Town, Oklahoma (ATO)

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3


Number of pumps 3

Type (suction lift, submersible, etc.) Centrifugal

Rated capacity of pump (gpm @ feet TDH) 700 gpm @ 17 ft TDH

Manufacturer ABC company

Solid passable size? 1

Horsepower 5

Motor Specifications Volts 240

Speed (rpm) 1180

Variable or constant speed? constant

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 15

Initial Efficiency Rating

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 2

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) yes


Instrumentation type PLC

Pump start and

Description of control strategy Stopped using

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 7

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) no

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) good

Use additional forms if necessary.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Okla
Table 4-23: Critical Pipeline(s)

System Name Location System Name

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

PIPELINES Short-lived asset? Yes No PIPELINES

Number of pipelines (by diameter)

Use numbered columns for each separate unit1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Diameter of pipe (in)

Approximate length in this location (linear feet)

Pipe material

Maximum design flow (gpm)

Maximum velocity (fps)

Minimum design flow (gpm)

Minimum velocity (fps)

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years)

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years)

Replacement within next 5 years? Yes No Yes No Yes No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

Use additional forms if necessary. 1
Use additional forms if n
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-23: Critical Pipeline(s) (Example)

System Name Any Town, Oklahoma (ATO) Location

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)


Number of pipelines (by diameter) 1

Use numbered columns for each separate unit 1

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Diameter of pipe (in) 16

Approximate length in this location (linear feet) 10000

Pipe material HDPE

Maximum design flow (gpm) 200

Maximum velocity (fps) 15

Minimum design flow (gpm) 50

Minimum velocity (fps) 3

Installation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Base effective useful life (years) 50

Estimated remaining effective useful life (years) 33

Replacement within next 5 years? (Yes/No) No

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) good

Use additional forms if necessary.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Okl
Table 4-24: Other Key Features

System Name System Name

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

OTHER KEY FEATURES (for which a table was not provided)

Feature Description/Value, etc. Condition1

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) 1
Perceived condition (Po
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-24: Other Key Features (Example)

System Name Any Town, Oklahoma (ATO)

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yyyy)

OTHER KEY FEATURES (for which a table was not provided)

Feature Description/Value, etc. Condition1

Asphalt eroded due to heavy rain, needs

Access Road to the WWTP poor

Heater at Lab Building Not working- Needs replacement poor

Perceived condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-25: Items to be Replaced in 5 Years

System Name

Name Date Means of Replacement1

Authority's Cash, Bond Issue, Rate Increase, Bank Loan, CWSRF Low-Interest Loan, other
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-25: Items to be Replaced in 5 Years (Example)

System Name

Name Date Means of Replacement1

Authority's Cash, Bond Issue, Rate Increase, Bank Loan, CWSRF Low-Interest Loan, other
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-26: Facility Staffing Data

System Name
Population Staffing
Facility Name Staffing Meets
Served Requirements

Note: Check each box where statement is true.

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-26: Facility Staffing Data (Example)

System Name Any Town, Oklahoma (ATO)

Population Staffing
Facility Name Staffing Meets
Served Requirements

Any Town Oklahoma, Wastewater Treatment Plant 2150 2 ✘

Note: Check each box where statement is true.

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-27 Personnel Data

System Name

Name Title/Certification Level1 Email Telephone


















Cross check the operator licensure level with the facility classification.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-27 Personnel Data (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)

Name Title/Certification Level1 Email Telephone

WWTP Manager, Day 555.555.5555

N. Drew
Class B Ceritfication Night 555.555.4444

WWTP Operator/Technician Day 555.555.5555

A. Roberts
Ckass C Ceritfication Night 555.555.4444

Day 555.555.5555
A. Cordes City Manager

Day 555.555.5555
H. Jackson City Planner
Night 555.555.4444

Day 555.555.5555
M. Daniels City Engineer
Night 555.555.4444








Cross check the operator licensure level with the facility classification.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-28: Routine Operation and Preventative Maintenance Program

System Name

Attach documentation and/or describe routine operation and preventative maintenance programs.

Documentation is attached.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-28: Routine Operation and Preventative Maintenance Program (Example)

System Name Any Town, Oklahoma (ATO)

Attach documentation and/or describe routine operation and preventative maintenance programs.

Documentation is attached.

ATO WWTP serves a population of 2,150. The system's capacity and staffing are adequate at present with system repairs
and upgrades performed as needed and personnel certfication maintained. The system is an activated sludge wastewater
treatment plant that consists of screening, grit removal, sedimentation, aeration, and disinfection. The system has five
wastewater pump stations, one of them is an influent triplex pump station and the remaining four are duplex pump stations.

All periodic observations, adjustments, and repairs are documented and available for reference and/or review to ensure
system operational dependability and personnel accountability.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-29: Routine and Preventative Maintenance Data

System Name

Function Frequency

List below items to check Enter function

and/or adjust1 performance interval2

Such as adjusting flow control valves, reading flow meters, checking water or chemical levels, exercising critical valves, lubricating equipment, etc.
Daily, weekly, monthly, etc.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-29: Routine and Preventative Maintenance Data (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)

Function Frequency

List below items to check Enter function

and/or adjust1 performance interval2

Clean Trash Rack Daily

Take Screening to Landfill Monthly

Check Pump station Daily

Check All process units and read flow meters Three times daily

Exercise isolation valves Monthly

Ceck DO in aeration basin,adjust aeration rate as required Weekly

Check UV channel/change out bulbs if needed Weekly

Change out biosolids bags Weekly

Submit MORs Weekly

Such as adjusting flow control valves, reading flow meters, checking water or chemical levels, exercising critical valves, lubricating equipment, etc.
Daily, weekly, monthly, etc.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-30: Normal Operational Data Tips and Tricks

System Name

Element Setting

List below items which require specific settings1 Enter setting values or specific instructions including units below2

Such as valve, switch, control, etc.
Such as valve position, readings for pump controls, gauges, electrical switches, etc.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-30: Normal Operational Data Tips and Tricks (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)

Element Setting

List below items which require specific settings1 Enter setting values or specific instructions including units below2

Valve 1 going to Clarifier 1 Valve is set at 75% open to achieve even flow split between Clarifier 1 & 2

WAS (Waste Activated Sludge) WAS wasted 10 minutes every hour

MLSS (Mixed Liquor suspended solids) MLSS at aeration basin of 3500 mg/L

Such as valve, switch, control, etc.
Such as valve position, readings for pump controls, gauges, electrical switches, etc.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-31: Suppliers

System Name

Supply Item(s) Contractor / Supplier Email - Website Telephone
















Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 4-31: Suppliers (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)

Supply Item(s) Contractor / Supplier Email - Website Telephone Day
Polymer (Sludge) ABC Chemical Company
abcchemical .com Night Day
Pumps, Parts/Repair XYZ Pumps Night












Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 5-1: Wastewater System Management To-Do List

System Name

Task Person Responsible Target Completion Date






Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 5-1: Wastewater System Management To-Do List (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)

Task Person Responsible Target Completion Date

Meet with ATO's budget director, B. Jones to discuss

1 N. Drew 10/1/2013
2014 system needs.

Complete remainder of section (Tables 5.9 through 5-13)

2 at later time. Requires pulling Historicalal records, talking N. Drew 8/11/2013
with others, etc.






Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Ok
Table 5-2: (page 1 of 4) Wastewater System Administration

System Name System Name

1 Select type of system ownership (check all that apply).

Type of Ownership Name

Water/Wastewater Association

Local government


Single private owner


Other, describe below.

2 List name(s) of owner(s), below. (Use additional sheet if necessary.)

If there are written system rules, attach document or identify physical and/or electronic location of information below.
Documentation is attached.
Physical Location Electronic Location

Identify and check below who makes major decisions for the system (such as when to make capital improvements, how to
finance improvements, when to expand/consolidate, etc.).

SINGLE PARTY (Identify):

BOARD Length of
Selected by:
Number of members: service (years):


Selected by:
Number of members: service (years):

Selected by:
Number of members: service (years):

State below any other decision-making individuals or parties not listed above and describe association with organization.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Ok
Table 5-2: (page 2 of 4) Wastewater System Administration
5 How often do those responsible for decision making meet?



When necessary, describe below.

Other, describe below.

6 If all system users are notified about these meetings, identify the notification process (check all that apply).
Notice on water bill.

Telephone distribution list

Email distribution list

Notice in local paper

Other, describe below.

7 If water/wastewater bills are mailed, select and check frequency below.


Other, describe below.

8 If water/wastewater bills are not mailed, describe below the notification process and frequency.

9 What is the plan for financing future system improvements (check all that apply)?
Reserve account(s)



System user rates or one time fees

Unknown at this time

Other, describe below.

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Ok

Table 5-2: (page 3 of 4) Wastewater System Administration
Personnel Management: If the system has paid employees and there are policies in place regarding personnel management
10 (salaries, benefits, hiring/firing, supervision, raises, etc.), describe the process and attach documentation or identify physical
and/or electronic location of information below.
Documentation is attached.
Physical Location Electronic Location

Plan in Case of Operator Loss: If the system has an operator, and there is a plan in place in the event of operator loss,
describe the process and attach or identify physical and/or electronic location of information below.
Documentation is attached.

Physical Location Electronic Location

Customer Complaints Process: If there is a process to record and respond to customer complaints, describe the process
and attach or identify physical and/or electronic location of information below.
Documentation is attached.

Physical Location Electronic Location

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Ok
Table 5-2: (page 4 of 4) Wastewater System Administration

13 Insurance Policies: If the system has insurance policies, check all that apply and list coverage amounts:

Policy Coverage Coverage Amount

Commercial General Liability

Automobile Liability

Garage Liability

Excess/Umbrella Liability

Workers Compensation and Employers Liability

Employment Practices Liability

Flood Liability

Other, describe below

Attach documentation or identify physical and/or electronic location of policy information below.

Documentation is attached.

Physical Location of Policy Electronic Location of Policy

Safety Procedures: If the system has written safety procedures, describe the process and attach or identify physical and/or
electronic location of information below.
Documentation is attached.

Physical Location Electronic Location

Financial Transaction Personnel: Identify and list below the person/party responsible for conducting financial transactions
(maintaining records, customer billings, making debt payments, etc.)

Name Title Responsibility

Note: Check each box where statement is true. Note: Check each box
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 5-2: (page 1 of 4) Wastewater System Administration (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)

1 Select type of system ownership (check all that apply).

Type of Ownership Name

Water/Wastewater Association

✘ Local government Any Town, Oklahoma


Single private owner


Other, describe below.

2 List name(s) of owner(s), below. (Use additional sheet if necessary.)

If there are written system rules, attach document or identify physical and/or electronic location of information below.
✘ Documentation is attached.
Physical Location Electronic Location

File cabinet in City Manager's office. City Manager's computer hard drive, C:\ATO Rules

Identify and check below who makes major decisions for the system (such as when to make capital improvements, how to
finance improvements, when to expand/consolidate, etc.).

SINGLE PARTY (Identify):

✘ BOARD Length of
Number of members: 5 service (years): 2 Selected by: City Manager and Mayor


Selected by:
Number of members: service (years):

Selected by:
Number of members: service (years):

✘ State below any other decision-making individuals or parties not listed above and describe association with organization.
WWTP Manager - technical input.

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide

Table 5-2: (page 2 of 4) Wastewater System Administration (Example)
5 How often do those responsible for decision making meet?

✘ Monthly


When necessary, describe below.

Other, describe below.

6 If all system users are notified about these meetings, identify the notification process (check all that apply).
✘ Notice on water bill.

Telephone distribution list

Email distribution list

✘ Notice in local paper

Other, describe below.

7 If water/wastewater bills are mailed, select and check frequency below.

✘ Monthly

Other, describe below.

8 If water/wastewater bills are not mailed, describe below the notification process and frequency.

9 What is the plan for financing future system improvements (check all that apply)?
✘ Reserve account(s)


✘ Grants

✘ System user rates or one time fees

Unknown at this time

Other, describe below.

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide

Table 5-2: (page 3 of 4) Wastewater System Administration (Example)
Personnel Management: If the system has paid employees and there are policies in place regarding personnel management
10 (salaries, benefits, hiring/firing, supervision, raises, etc.), describe the process and attach documentation or identify physical
and/or electronic location of information below.
Documentation is attached.
Physical Location Electronic Location
Policy Manual for City employees. On file and copies City Manager's computer hard drive, C:\ATO Policy
distributed as requested.

Plan in Case of Operator Loss: If the system has an operator, and there is a plan in place in the event of operator loss,
describe the process and attach or identify physical and/or electronic location of information below.
Documentation is attached.
Policy Manual for City employees.

Physical Location Electronic Location

File cabinet in City Manager's office. City Manager's computer hard drive, C:\ATO Policy

Customer Complaints Process: If there is a process to record and respond to customer complaints, describe the process
and attach or identify physical and/or electronic location of information below.
✘ Documentation is attached.

Physical Location Electronic Location

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 5-2: (page 4 of 4) Wastewater System Administration (Example)

13 Insurance Policies: If the system has insurance policies, check all that apply and list coverage amounts:

Policy Coverage Coverage Amount

✘ Commercial General Liability ###

✘ Automobile Liability $60,000.00

Garage Liability

Excess/Umbrella Liability

✘ Workers Compensation and Employers Liability as required

Employment Practices Liability

Flood Liability

Other, describe below

Attach documentation or identify physical and/or electronic location of policy information below.

Documentation is attached.

Physical Location of Policy Electronic Location of Policy

File cabinet in City Manager's office.

Safety Procedures: If the system has written safety procedures, describe the process and attach or identify physical and/or
electronic location of information below.
✘ Documentation is attached.
Basic safety, no confined space entry, accident prevention, lock-out/tag out.

Physical Location Electronic Location

Financial Transaction Personnel: Identify and list below the person/party responsible for conducting financial transactions
(maintaining records, customer billings, making debt payments, etc.)

Name Title Responsibility

A. Cordes City Manager (with annual outside audit)

Note: Check each box where statement is true.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Ok
Table 5-3: System Management Checklist

System Name System Name

System Management Information System Mana

Completed system management table

Identified any potential changes to current practices on To-Do list.

Attached documentation used to develop tables or identify physical and/or electronic location of information here.

Physical Location Electronic Location

State below any Information or assistance needed to finalize incomplete task(s)

Note: Check each box where statement is true. Note: Check each box w
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 5-3: System Management Checklist (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)

System Management Information

✘ Completed system management table

Identified any potential changes to current practices on To-Do list.

✘ Attached documentation used to develop tables or identify physical and/or electronic location of information here.

Physical Location Electronic Location

Extend Sewer service

State below any Information or assistance needed to finalize incomplete task(s)

Continue to identify and consider any potential changes that may benefit system management.

Note: Check each box where statement is true.

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 5-4: Rate Schedule Descriptions

All customers are charged the same amount regardless of their water usage or wastewater generated. The
Flat Rate flat (or fixed) rate may be used in systems that do not meter water usage and may also be used in conjunction
with other rate structures to cover administrtive costs and customer expenses.

All customers are charged the same amount per water usage (typically 1,000 gallons). The uniform rate
Uniform Rate
requires metering, allowing customers to pay for their individual usage .

A surcharge is assessed on the quantity of extra strength waste being treated that exceeds residential
strength waste. The surcharge is usually assessed by the pound.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Okl
Table 5-5: Rate Schedule Information

System Name System Name

Describe below the system's rate schedule. Describe below

Attach the system's rate schedule document or identify physical and/or electronic location below.

Documentation is attached.

Physical Location Electronic Location

List below the distribution of monthly billable gallons by customer type. List below the

Customer Type No. of Customers Billable Gallons Customer Type No. of Customers Billable Gallons

Billing period: Monthly Other: Describe

Describe the System's policy for changing wastewater rates. Select one of the options below. Describe the S

A vote is required to change rates. By whom? ✘

A vote is not required to change rates. Describe below the process for changing rates

If there a maximum monthly quantity billed to residential wastewater customers, show the quantity? gals. If there a maxim

If a percent of water used by residential customers determines wastewater volume charges, show the percentage? % If a percent of

Describe below the customer billing process. Describe below

Metered - Describe the metering process. Non-Metered - Describe water usage determination (billing) process.

What percentage of customers is metered? % %

Note: Check each box where statement is true. Note: Check each box w
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 5-5: Rate Schedule Information (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)

Describe below the system's rate schedule.

The majority of consumers pay according to use. All houses and apartments are based on water billing, however, for
apartments, typically, there is not a meter for every unit. The apartments are charged for the amount of water the
entire apartment complex uses and it is divided by the number of occupied apartments. This is not mandated by city
government, but rather a choice by the apartment developers. Business with industrial codes pay a surcharge based on

Attach the system's rate schedule document or identify physical and/or electronic location below.

Documentation is attached.

Physical Location Electronic Location

Utility rate ordinance at City Hall City website

List below the distribution of monthly billable gallons by customer type.

Customer Type No. of Customers Billable Gallons Customer Type No. of Customers Billable Gallons
Residential 800 565,000
Commercial 20 150,000
industrial 1 25,000

Billing period: Monthly✘ Other: Describe Quarterly

Describe the System's policy for changing wastewater rates. Select one of the options below.

✘ A vote is required to change rates. By whom? System Board Members

A vote is not required to change rates. Describe below the process for changing rates

If there a maximum monthly quantity billed to residential wastewater customers, show the quantity? 3,000 gals.

If a percent of water used by residential customers determines wastewater volume charges, show the percentage? 8.0 %
Describe below the customer billing process.

Metered - Describe the metering process. Non-Metered - Describe water usage determination (billing) process.

Residential meters (water) read manually monthly, large City ordinance for six customers without meters. Ordinance
commercial users have remote metering. sets monthly rate.

What percentage of customers is metered? 95.0 %%

Note: Check each box where statement is true.

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 5-6: Existing Debt

System Name

List below information on the system's existing debt.

Amount of Debt Repayment Period

Interest Amount paid Payment
Debt Name
Rate Annually Interval
Original Remaining Original Remaining

$ $ % $

$ $ % $

$ $ % $

$ $ % $

$ $ % $

$ $ % $

$ $ % $
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 5-6: Existing Debt (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)

List below information on the system's existing debt.

Amount of Debt Repayment Period

Interest Amount paid Payment
Debt Name
Rate Annually Interval
Original Remaining Original Remaining

2009 WWTP Upgrade $ 1500000 $ 1250000 20 18 4 % $ 110000 Monthly

$ $ % $

$ $ % $

$ $ % $

$ $ % $

$ $ % $

$ $ % $
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 5-7: Funded System Improvement Projects

System Name

Asset/Project Name Expected Year Project Description or Purpose Cost Estimate
Funding Source1

Known Projects Estimated Cost $

Funded with cash, bond issue, rate increase, bank loan, CWSRF loan, other
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 5-7: Funded System Improvement Projects (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)

Project Name Project Description or Purpose Cost Funding Source

Meter Replacement Ongoing program $ 10,000.00 Operating budget

Repairs and replacements

Wastewater Conveyance Maintenance $ 100,000.00 Operating budget

Odor Control Chemical addition to manage odor $ 5,000.00 Operating budget

Known Projects Total Cost $ 115,000.00

Funded with cash, bond issue, rate increase, bank loan, CWSRF loan, other
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 5-8: Unfunded System Improvement Projects

System Name

Expected Potential
Asset/Project Name Project Description or Purpose Cost Estimate
Year Funding Source1

Known Projects Estimated Cost $

Funded with cash, bond issue, rate increase, bank loan, CWSRF loan, other
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 5-8: Unfunded System Improvement Projects (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)

Project Name Project Description or Purpose Cost Estimate
Funding Source

Influent Pumps Replacement of Influent Pumps $ 375,000.00 Unknown at this time

Known Projects Estimated Cost $ 375,000.00

Funded with cash, bond issue, rate increase, bank loan, CWSRF loan, other
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 5-9: Capital Improvement Projects (CIP)

System Name

Expected Potential
Asset/Project Name Project Description or Purpose Cost Estimate
Year Funding Source1

Capital Improvement Projects Total Cost $

Funded with cash, bond issue, rate increase, bank loan, CWSRF loan, other
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 5-9: Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) (Example)

System Name Any Town, Oklahoma

Expected Potential Funding

Asset/Project Name Project Description or Purpose Cost Estimate
Year Source1

Replace 5,000 LF of 6" forcemain from

Forcemain 2014 Main Street PS to manhole on First $ 20000 Utility Fees

Aeration Basin 2015 Expansion of aeration basin $ 2000000

$ $

$ $

$ $

$ $

$ $

Capital Improvement Projects Total Cost $ 2,020,000

Funded with cash, bond issue, rate increase, bank loan, CWSRF loan, other
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 5-10: Short-Lived Assets
Asset Work Description Cost Estimate
Funding Source

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 5-11: Operational Budget

System Name System Name

Year Year Year Year Year

Budget Item

Operating revenues (including

A wastewater rates, service impact fees, $ $ $ $ $ A

Operating Expenses (including

salaries and benefits, insurance,
routine and preventative
B $ $ $ $ $ B
maintenance, others less power,
chemicals and other variable

C Operating expenses due to CIP $ $ $ $ $ C

Other expenses (including

emergency or unplanned
D $ $ $ $ $ D
repairs/projects, professional
services, training, etc.)

E Taxes (paid by the utility system) $ $ $ $ $ E

F Debt payments $ $ $ $ $ F

G Operating Budget Total [A – (B through F)] $ $ $ $ $ G

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 5-10: Operational Budget (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma

Year Year Year Year

Budget Item

Operating revenues (including

wastewater rates, service impact fees, $ 600,000 $ $ $

Operating Expenses (including

salaries and benefits, insurance,
routine and preventative
maintenance, others less power,
$ 120,000 $ $ $
chemicals and other variable


Operating expenses due to CIP $ $ $ $

Other expenses (including

emergency or unplanned
repairs/projects, professional
$ 40,000 $ $ $
services, training, etc.)

Taxes (paid by the utility system) $ 20,000 $ $ $

Debt payments $ 120,000 $ $ $

Operating Budget Total [A – (B through F)] $ 260,000 $ $ $

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 5-12: Capital Improvements Budget
Year Year Year Year Year
Budget Item

Capital Improvement Project

A $ $ $ $ $
(CIP) Costs
Financing Sources

1. Grants $ $ $ $ $

2. Reserves $ $ $ $ $
3. Loans/Bonds $ $ $ $ $

4. User Charges $ $ $ $ $
CIP Total [A –
C $ $ $ $ $
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Oklaho
Table 5-12: Operational Costs and Budgets Information Checklist Tab

System Name System Name

Operational Costs and Budgets Information Operational Costs

Completed operational budget table.

Completed capital improvements budget table.

Used EPA's Setting Small Drinking Water System Rates for a Sustainable Future document in this process.

Attached documentation used to develop tables or have identified physical and/or electronic location of information

Physical Location Electronic Location

State below any Information or assistance needed to finalize incomplete task(s)

Note: Check each box where statement is true. Note: Check each box where
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 5-12: Operational Costs and Budgets Information Checklist (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma

Operational Costs and Budgets Information

✘ Completed operational budget table.

✘ Completed capital improvements budget table.

✘ Used EPA's Setting Small Drinking Water System Rates for a Sustainable Future document in this process.

✘ Attached documentation used to develop tables or have identified physical and/or electronic location of information

Physical Location Electronic Location

State below any Information or assistance needed to finalize incomplete task(s)

Note: Check each box where statement is true.

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 6-1: Projected Wastewater Needs To-Do List

System Name

Task Person Responsible Target Completion Date






Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 6-1: Projected Wastewater Needs To-Do List (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma

Task Person Responsible Target Completion Date

1 Planning and development review H. Jackson 11/10/2013






Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Ok
Table 6-2: Population Projections
System Name System Name

List selected population projections below for the system service area.

Projected Population
Planning Source for
A Comments
Year Population Projections1
Not Served by System
Served by System

U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey, 2012 Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan Update, etc. 1
U.S. Census Bureau's
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 6-2: Population Projections (Example)
System Name Any Town Oklahoma
List selected population projections below for the system service area.

Projected Population
Planning Source for
A Comments
Year Population Projections1
Not Served by System
Served by System

2011 2,150 OCWP 2012 Update

2015 2,268

2020 2,393

2025 2,525

2030 2,663

2035 2,810

2040 2,965

2045 3,128

2050 3,300

U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey, 2012 Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan Update, etc.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Okla
Table 6-3a: Historical Wastewater Flow and Per Capita Flow Computation Table

System Name System Name

Historical Wastewater Flow and Per Capita Flow Computation Historical Wa

Historical Data for Wastewater Flow

per capita Computation

Historical Influent Historical Influent

Year Historical
Wastewater ADF Wastewater ADF per Data Source(s)2
of Record Population
(mgd) capita (mgd)1

Selected Historical Inf. Wastewater ADF per capita (mgd)3 > < Enter this value in Table 6-3b, Column B Selected Inf. W

To calculate per capita wastewater flow, divide the historical influent wastewater flow by the corresponding population. Example, using a population of 3,000 1
To calculate per capita w
and a corresponding historical wastewater ADF of 1.0 mgd, the per capita wastewater flow is 0.003 mgd per capita or 333 gpcd (or 1,000,000 gpd/3,000 3,000 and a correspondi
people = 333 gpcd). gpd/3,000 people = 333
Sources for average daily flows may be found in Section 3 of this guide, monthly DMRs, typical values for residential population, etc.) 2
Sources for average da
Select per capita wastewater flow data for use in calculating annual wastewater flow projections in Table 6-3b. 3
Select per capita waste
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 6-3a: Historicalal Wastewater Flow and Per Capita Flow Computation (Example)

System Name My Wastewater System, My County, Oklahoma

Historicalal Wastewater Flow and Per Capita Flow Computation

Historicalal Data for Wastewater Flow

per capita Computation

Historicalal Influent Historicalal Influent

Year Historicalal
Wastewater ADF Wastewater ADF Data Source(s) 3
of Record Population
(mgd) (mgd) per capita 1

2002 1,590 0.242 0.00015

2003 1,687 0.282 0.00017

2004 1,684 0.278 0.00017

2005 1,698 0.290 0.00017

2006 1,702 0.330 0.00019

2007 1,704 0.293 0.00017

2008 1,753 0.289 0.00017

2009 1,820 0.298 0.00016

2010 2,030 0.625 0.00031

2011 2,150 0.669 0.00031

Selected Inf. Wastewater ADF per capita (mgd) 2 > 0.00031 < Enter this value in Table 6-3b, Column B

1To calculate per capita wastewater flow, divide the Historicalal influent wastewater flow by the corresponding population. Example, using a population of
2,150 and a corresponding Historicalal wastewater ADF of 0.669 mgd, the per capita wastewater flow is 0.00031 mgd per capita.
2 Select per capita wastewater flow data for use in calculating annual wastewater flow projections in Table 6-3b.
3 Sources for average daily flows may be found in Section 3 of this guide, monthly DMRs, typical values for residential population, etc.)

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 6-3a: Historical Wastewater Flow and Per Capita Flow Computation (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma

Historical Wastewater Flow and Per Capita Flow Computation

Historical Data for Wastewater Flow

per capita Computation

Historical Influent Historical Influent

Year Historical
Wastewater ADF Wastewater ADF per Data Source(s) 3
of Record Population
(mgd) capita (mgd) 1

2002 1,590 0.242 0.00015

2003 1,687 0.282 0.00017

2004 1,684 0.278 0.00017

2005 1,698 0.290 0.00017

2006 1,702 0.330 0.00019

2007 1,704 0.293 0.00017

2008 1,753 0.289 0.00017

2009 1,820 0.298 0.00016

2010 2,030 0.625 0.00031

2011 2,150 0.667 0.00031

Selected Inf. Wastewater ADF per capita (mgd) 2 > 0.00031 < Enter this value in Table 6-3b, Column B

To calculate per capita wastewater flow, divide the historical influent wastewater flow by the corresponding population. Example, using a population of
3,000 and a corresponding historical wastewater ADF of 1.0 mgd, the per capita wastewater flow is 0.003 mgd per capita or 333 gpcd (or 1,000,000
gpd/3,000 people = 333 gpcd).
Sources for average daily flows may be found in Section 3 of this guide, monthly DMRs, typical values for residential population, etc.)
Select per capita wastewater flow data for use in calculating annual wastewater flow projections in Table 6-3b.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 6-3b: Influent Wastewater Flow Projections using Per Capita Information

System Name

Influent Wastewater Flow Projections using Per Capita Information

Projected Wastewater Annual Flow Computation

If any of the values based on Historical
A B data need to be modified for future
Planning C
Projected Selected Historicalal planning, provide an explanation below
Year Projected 3 Annual
Population 1 Influent Wastewater ADF and include values selected for future
per capita (mgd) 2 Influent Wastewater ADF planning.

This value will be used

here to calculate influent
wastewater projections
for each planning year.

1 Use population projections from Table 6-2, Column A.

2 Use the Selected Historical Influent Wastewater ADF per capita data from Table 6-3a
3 To calculate the projected annual wastewater flow, multiply the selected Historical wastewater per capita flow by the corresponding population projection.
(Example, using .333 mgd, the per capita Historical wastewater flow and a corresponding projected population of 3,600, the projected annual wastewater
flow is 1.20 mgd. (or 333.3 gpcd/3,600 people = 1.20 mgd).
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 6-3: Wastewater Flow Projections (Example)

System Name My Wastewater System, My County, Oklahoma

Table 6-3b Influent Wastewater Flow Projections using Per Capita Information

Projected Wastewater Annual Flow Computation

If any of the values based on Historical
A B data need to be modified for future
Planning Projected Selected 2 Historicalal C planning, provide an explanation below
Year Population 1 Influent Wastewater ADF Projected 3 Annual and include values selected for future
per capita (mgd) 2 Influent Wastewater ADF planning.

2011 2,150 0.00031 0.667

The value you select will
2015 2,268 0.703
be used here to calculate
influent wastewater
2020 2,393 0.742
projections for each
planning year.
2025 2,525 0.783

2030 2,663 0.826

2035 2,810 0.871

2040 2,965 0.919

2045 3,128 0.970

2050 3,300 1.023

1 Use population projections from Table 6-2, Cloumn A.

2 Use the Selected Historicalal Influent Wastewater ADF per capita data from Table 6-3a
3To calculate the projected annual wastewater flow, multiply the Historicalal selected wastewater per capita flow by the corresponding population
projection. (Example, using a per capita Historicalal wastewater flow of .00031 mgd, and a corresponding projected population of 3,300, the projected
annual wastewater flow is 1.023 mgd.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 6-3b: Wastewater Flow Projections (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma

Influent Wastewater Flow Projections using Per Capita Information

Projected Wastewater Annual Flow Computation

If any of the values based on Historical
A B data need to be modified for future
Projected Selected 2 Historicalal C planning, provide an explanation below
Population 1 Influent Wastewater Projected 3 Annual Influent and include values selected for future
ADF per capita (mgd) Wastewater ADF (mgd) planning.

2011 2,150 0.00031 0.667

The value you select
2015 2,268 0.703
will be used here to
calculate influent
2020 2,393 0.742
wastewater projections
for each planning year.
2025 2,525 0.783

2030 2,663 0.826

2035 2,810 0.871

2040 2,965 0.919

2045 3,128 0.970

2050 3,300 1.023

1 Use population projections from Table 6-2, Column A.

2 Use the Selected Historical Influent Wastewater ADF per capita data from Table 6-3a
3 To calculate the projected annual wastewater flow, multiply the selected Historical wastewater per capita flow by the corresponding population projection.
(Example, using .333 mgd, the per capita Historical wastewater flow and a corresponding projected population of 3,600, the projected annual wastewater
flow is 1.20 mgd. (or 333.3 gpcd/3,600 people = 1.20 mgd).
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 6-3c: Influent Wastewater Flow Projections using Land Use Information
System Name System Name

Note: Use separate copies of this table for each year of wastewater flow projection planning using land use information. Note: Use sep

Influent Wastewater Flow Projections using Land Use Information Influent Waste

< Planning Year

Land Use Category Information Unit Information

Number in
Units per Wastewater Projected Influent
Category Description Service Unit Total Units Data Source(s) 2
Category Flow per Unit Wastewater ADF (gpd)4
Residential Housing, single
Persons 55
Residential Housing, apartment Persons 40

Office Employee 5

Restaurant (including toilet) Customer 9

Hotel Guest 50

Hotel Employee 10
Shopping Center 2
Shopping Center Employee 10

Theater, indoor Seat 3

Hospital, medical Bed 150

Hospital, medical Employee 10

Rest Home Resident 90

Rest Home Employee 10

School, day, with cafeteria, gym

Student 25
and showers

School, day, with cafeteria Student 15

< gpd
Planning Year > Projected Total
< mgd3
Typical values taken from Wastewater Engineering, Treatment Disposal Reuse published by Metcalf & Eddy. Local wastewater flows should be used if available. 1
Typical values taken fro
Sources for per capita information (e.g., Section 3 of this guide, monthly DMRs, typical values for residential population, etc.): 2
Sources for per capita in
Record each planning year's resulting mgd value in "Table 6-3c-1: Summary of Influent Wastewater Flow Projections Using Land Use Information" 3
Record each planning y
Total units x Typical wastewater flow per unit 4
Total units x Typical was
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 6-3c: Influent Wastewater Flow Projections using Land Use Information (Example)
System Name Any Town Oklahoma

Note: Use separate copies of this table for each year of wastewater flow projection planning using land use information.

Influent Wastewater Flow Projections using Land Use Information

2011 < Planning Year

Land Use Category Information Unit Information

Number in Projected Influent
Units per Wastewater
Category Description Service Unit Total Units Wastewater ADF Data Source(s) 2
Category Flow per Unit1
Area (gpd)4
Residential Housing, single
family 800 Persons 2.5 2,000 55 110,000
Residential Housing, apartment 25 Persons 25 625 40 25,000
Office 20 Employee 5 100 5 500
Restaurant (including toilet) 6 Customer 300 1,800 9 16,200
Hotel 2 Guest 65 130 50 6,500
Hotel 2 Employee 12 24 10 240
Shopping Center 1 Space 200 200 2 400
Shopping Center 1 Employee 25 25 10 250
Theater, indoor 0 Seat 0 0 3 0
Hospital, medical 1 Bed 50 50 150 7,500
Hospital, medical 1 Employee 25 25 10 250
Rest Home 2 Resident 125 250 90 22,500
Rest Home 2 Employee 40 80 10 800
School, day, with cafeteria, gym
and showers
Student 400 400 25
1 10,000
School, day, with cafeteria 3 Student 150 450 15 6,750

206,890 < gpd

Planning Year > 2011 < Projected Total
0.2069 mgd3
Typical values taken from Wastewater Engineering, Treatment Disposal Reuse published by Metcalf & Eddy. Local wastewater flows should be used if available.
Sources for per capita information (e.g., Section 3 of this guide, monthly DMRs, typical values for residential population, etc.):
Record each planning year's resulting mgd value in "Table 6-3c-1: Summary of Influent Wastewater Flow Projections Using Land Use Information"
Total units x Typical wastewater flow per unit
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Oklah
Table 6-3c-1: Summary of Influent Wastewater Flow Projections Using Land Use Information Table 6-3c-1: Su
System Name System Name
Summary of Influent Wastewater Flow Projections using Land Use Information Summary of Infl

Projected Influent
Wastewater ADF Notes
(mgd) 1

From Table 6-3c for each planning year. 1
From Table 6-3c for each
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 6-3c-1: Summary of Influent Wastewater Flow Projections Using Land Use Information (Example)
System Name Any Town Oklahoma
Summary of Influent Wastewater Flow Projections using Land Use Information

Projected Influent
Wastewater ADF Notes
(mgd) 1

2011 0.20690

From Table 6-3c for each planning year.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Okl
Table 6-3d: Monthly Distribution of Drinking Water Usage

System Name System Name

Note: Use separate copies of this table for each year of monthly distribution pattern calculating . Note: Use sep

Monthly Distribution of Drinking Water Usage Monthly Distr

< Year of Record

Monthly Drinking Monthly

Water Usage Distribution Data Source(s)
(mgd) 1 Pattern 2












Total Annual Usage (mgd)
< Total of Distribution Pattern should sum to 1.00
Year of Record > < Minimum Monthly Distributation Pattern 4

Information may be taken from metered results or water treatment plant production values. 1
Information may be tak
To calculate the monthly distribution pattern, divide the monthly usage by the total annual usage. Note: the sum of the monthly distribution pattern values 2
To calculate the month
should sum to 1 (one). should sum to 1 (one).
Sources for drinking water demand information include 2012 OCWP Update, City’s Master Plan, etc. 3
Sources for drinking wa
Enter each planning year's Minimum Mohthly Distribution Pattern on Form 6-3e. 4
Enter each planning ye

Note: this method of flow projection is least preferred of the three methods presented. If possible, use one of the previous methods Note: this method of flow
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 6-3d: Monthly Distribution of Drinking Water Usage (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma

Note: Use separate copies of this table for each year of monthly distribution pattern calculating .

Monthly Distribution of Drinking Water Usage

2011 < Year of Record

Monthly Drinking Monthly

Water Usage Distribution Data Source(s) 3
(mgd) 1 Pattern 2

January 0.049 0.070

February 0.049 0.070

March 0.049 0.070

April 0.057 0.082

May 0.063 0.090

June 0.070 0.100

July 0.077 0.110

August 0.077 0.110

September 0.063 0.090

October 0.050 0.072

November 0.050 0.072

December 0.045 0.064

Total Annual Usage > 0.699 1.000 < Total of Distribution Pattern should sum to 1.00

Year of Record > 2011 0.064 < Minimum Monthly Distributation Pattern 4

Information may be taken from metered results or water treatment plant production values.
To calculate the monthly distribution pattern, divide the monthly usage by the total annual usage. Note: the sum of the monthly distribution pattern values
should sum to 1 (one).
Sources for drinking water demand information include 2012 OCWP Update, City’s Master Plan, etc.
Enter each planning year's Minimum Mohthly Distribution Pattern on Form 6-3e.

Note: this method of flow projection is least preferred of the three methods presented. If possible, use one of the previous methods
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Ok
Table 6-3e: Influent Wastewater Flow Projections using Drinking Water Demand Information Table 6-3e: In

System Name System Name

Influent Wastewater Flow Projections using Drinking Water Demand Information

Planning Drinking Water Minimum Monthly Ratio of Return Flow Projected Influent
Year Demand (mgd) 1 Distribution Pattern 2 to Demand 3 Wastewater ADF (mgd) 4

Use drinking water demand projections. Sources for this information include the 2012 OCWP Update. 1
Use drinking water de
Use the minimum monthly distribution pattern value from Table 6-3d. 2
Use the minimum mo

3 This ratio of return flow (or flow returned to the system as wastewater) to demand may be based on Historicalal information. The 2012 OCWP Update used a 3 This ratio of return flo
95 percent ratio of return flow to minimum monthly municipal and industrial water demand. used a 95 percent ratio
To calculate the influent wastewater, multiply the drinking water demand by the minimum monthly distribution value by the ratio of return flow to demand. 4
To calculate the influe

Example: if the drinking water demand is 1.0 mgd, the minimum monthly distribution value is 0.05, and the ratio of return flow to demand is 0.95, the
projected wastewater flow is 0.048 mgd (1.0 * 0.05 * 0.95 = 0.048).
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 6-3e: Influent Wastewater Flow Projections using Drinking Water Demand Information (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma

Influent Wastewater Flow Projections using Drinking Water Demand Information

Planning Drinking Water Minimum Monthly Ratio of Return Flow Projected Influent
Year Demand (mgd) 1 Distribution Pattern 2 to Demand 3 Wastewater ADF (mgd) 4

2003 0.30 0.064 0.95 0.018

2004 0.29 0.064 0.95 0.018

2005 0.31 0.064 0.95 0.019

2006 0.35 0.064 0.95 0.021

2007 0.31 0.064 0.95 0.019

2008 0.30 0.064 0.95 0.018

2009 0.31 0.064 0.95 0.019

2010 0.66 0.064 0.95 0.040

2011 0.70 0.064 0.95 0.043

Use drinking water demand projections. Sources for this information include the 2012 OCWP Update.
Use the minimum monthly distribution pattern value from Table 6-3d.

3 This ratio of return flow (or flow returned to the system as wastewater) to demand may be based on Historicalal information. The 2012 OCWP Update
used a 95 percent ratio of return flow to minimum monthly municipal and industrial water demand.
To calculate the influent wastewater, multiply the drinking water demand by the minimum monthly distribution value by the ratio of return flow to demand.

Example: if the drinking water demand is 1.0 mgd, the minimum monthly distribution value is 0.05, and the ratio of return flow to demand is 0.95, the
projected wastewater flow is 0.048 mgd (1.0 * 0.05 * 0.95 = 0.048).
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Oklahom
Table 6-4a: Wastewater Load Projections - Historical Mass Loads Table

System Name System Name

Historical Mass Loads Historical Mass Loads

Inf BOD5 (lb/d) 3

Inf TSS (lb/d) 3
Data Wastewater
Population 1
Period of Record ADF (mgd) 2

Inf TP (lb/d) 3 Inf TKN (lb/d) 3

Data Wastewater
Population 1
Period of Record ADF (mgd) 2

Data Source 1

Data Source 2

Record this information from Table 3-5 ADF: Average daily flow MinD: Minimum day flow 1
Record this information from Table 3-5
Record this information from Table 3-6 30-Day: 30-Day Moving Average Flow MD: Maximum day 2
Record this information from Table 3-6
Record this information from Table 3-7 ADMM: Average day maximum month 3
Record this information from Table 3-7

Note: Sources for per capita information include Section 3 of this guide, monthly DMRs, typical values for residential population, etc. Note: Sources for per capita information in
More information on calculating the requested information can be found in Section 3 and Appendix B of this guide.
MinD – Minimum day conditions, based on 5th percentile value of 3 year Historical record
ADF – Average day conditions, based on average value of 3 year Historical record
ADMM – Average day maximum month (or maximum month) conditions, based on 95th percentile of 30-day moving
average over 3 year Historical record
MD – Maximum day conditions, based on 95th percentile value of 3 year Historical record
Inf – Influent wastewater flow conditions
BOD – Biological oxygen demand
TSS – Total suspended solids
TP – Total phosphorus
TKN – Total Kjeldahl nitrogen
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 6-4a: Wastewater Load Projections - Historical Mass Loads (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma

Historical Mass Loads

Inf BOD5 (lb/d) 3 Inf TSS (lb/d) 3

Data Wastewater
Population 1
Period of Record ADF (mgd) 2

1990 1820

2000 2030

2010 2150

Inf TP (lb/d) 3 Inf TKN (lb/d) 3

Data Wastewater
Population 1
Period of Record ADF (mgd) 2

1990 1820

2000 2030

2010 2150
Data Source 1

Data Source 2

Record this information from Table 3-5 ADF: Average daily flow MinD: Minimum day flow
Record this information from Table 3-6 30-Day: 30-Day Moving Average Flow MD: Maximum day
Record this information from Table 3-7 ADMM: Average day maximum month

Note: Sources for per capita information include Section 3 of this guide, monthly DMRs, typical values for residential population, etc.
gomills: Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Oklahoma Com
If this tableTable
appears to be
6-4b: Wastewater Load Projections - Historical Mass Loads Per Capita Table 6-4b: Waste
divided among multiple pages,
System Name simply changed the Page Layout System Name
size to Letter size and Landscape
Historical Mass Loads Per Capita Historical Mass Loads Per C

Inf BOD5 (lb/d per capita) 1 Inf TSS (lb/d per capita)
Data Wastewater
Period of Record ADF (mgd)

Inf TP (lb/d per capita) Inf TKN (lb/d per capita)

Data Wastewater
Period of Record ADF (mgd)

Data Source 1

Data Source 2
To calculate the per capita flow and load
To calculate the per capita flow and loads, divide the values in Table 6-4a by the historical population (Table 6-4a). Record these per capita values in Table 6-4b. For example, with
6-4b. For example, with an Inf BOD5 of 54
an Inf BOD5 of 540 lb/d and a population of 3,000, the Inf BOD 5 per capita would be 0.18 lb/d per capita (calculated by dividing 540 by 3,000).
by 3,000).
Note: Sources for per capita information include Section 3 of this guide, monthly DMRs, typical values for residential population, etc.
Note: Sources for per capita information in
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 6-4b: Wastewater Load Projections - Historical Mass Loads Per Capita (Example)
System Name Any Town Oklahoma

Historical Mass Loads Per Capita

Inf BOD5 (lb/d per capita) 1 Inf TSS (lb/d per capita)
Data Wastewater
Period of Record ADF (mgd)

Jan 1990 - Dec 1990 3,000 0.50 617 1084 922 2214 200 638 584 1393

Inf TP (lb/d per capita) Inf TKN (lb/d per capita)

Data Wastewater
Period of Record ADF (mgd)

Jan 1990 - Dec 1990 3,000 0.50 16.7 33.4 41.7 54.2 100.1 166.8 191.8 216.8

Data Source 1

Data Source 2
To calculate the per capita flow and loads, divide the values in Table 6-4a by the Historical population (Table 6-4a). Record these per capita values in Table
6-4b. For example, with an Inf BOD5 of 540 lb/d and a population of 3,000, the Inf BOD 5 per capita would be 0.18 lb/d per capita (calculated by dividing 540
by 3,000).

Note: Sources for per capita information include Section 3 of this guide, monthly DMRs, typical values for residential population, etc.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Oklah
Table 6-4c: Wastewater Load Projections - Selected Historical Mass Loads Per Capita Table 6-4c: W
System Name If this table appears to be System Name
Selected Historical among
Mass multiple
Loads Per Capita Selected Historical Mass L
pages, simply changed the
Page Layout size to Letter Inf BOD5 (lb/d per capita) 1 Inf TSS (lb/d per capita) 1
Data Wastewater
size andPopulation
Period of Record Landscape ADF (mgd)
orientation. ADF 30-Day ADMM MinD MD ADF 30-Day ADMM MinD MD

Inf TP (lb/d per capita) 1 Inf TKN (lb/d per capita) 1

Data Wastewater
Period of Record ADF (mgd)

Data Source 1

Data Source 2

If any of the values based on historical data need to be modified for future planning and include list values selected for future planning provide an If any of the values based on h
explanation below. explanation below.

To calculate the per capita flow and loads, divide the values in Table 6-4a by the historical population (Table 6-4a). Record these per capita values in Table 6-4b. For example, with 1
To calculate the per capita flow and loa
an Inf BOD5 of 540 lb/d and a population of 3,000, the Inf BOD 5 per capita would be 0.18 lb/d per capita (calculated by dividing 540 by 3,000). an Inf BOD5 of 540 lb/d and a population

Note: Sources for per capita information include Section 3 of this guide, monthly DMRs, typical values for residential population, etc. Note: Sources for per capita information
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 6-4c: Wastewater Load Projections - Selected Historical Mass Loads Per Capita (Example)
System Name

Selected Historical Mass Loads Per Capita

Inf BOD5 (lb/d per capita) 1 Inf TSS (lb/d per capita) 1
Data Wastewater
Period of Record ADF (mgd)

Inf TP (lb/d per capita) 1 Inf TKN (lb/d per capita) 1

Data Wastewater
Period of Record ADF (mgd)

Data Source 1

Data Source 2

If any of the values based on historical data need to be modified for future planning and include list values selected for future planning provide an
explanation below.

To calculate the per capita flow and loads, divide the values in Table 6-4a by the historical population (Table 6-4a). Record these per capita values in Table 6-4b. For example, with
an Inf BOD5 of 540 lb/d and a population of 3,000, the Inf BOD 5 per capita would be 0.18 lb/d per capita (calculated by dividing 540 by 3,000).

Note: Sources for per capita information include Section 3 of this guide, monthly DMRs, typical values for residential population, etc.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Oklah
Table 6-4d: Wastewater Load Projections - Projected Flow and Mass Loads Per Capita Table 6-4d: W
System Name System Name

Projected Flow and Mass Loads Per Capita

Inf BOD5 (lb/d per capita) 3 Inf TSS (lb/d per capita) 3
Population Wastewater
Period of Data 1
ADF (mgd) 2

Inf TP (lb/d per capita) 3 Inf TKN (lb/d per capita) 3

Population Wastewater
Period of Data 1
ADF (mgd) 2

Data Source 1

Data Source 2

Record this information from Table 6-2 1
Record this information from Table 6-2
Record this information from Table 6-3 2
Record this information from Table 6-3
To complete the Inf BOD5, Inf TSS, Inf TP and Inf TKN, take the projected population and multiply it by the per capita numbers in Table 6-4C. 3
To complete the Inf BOD5, Inf TSS, Inf
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 6-4d: Wastewater Load Projections - Projected Flow and Mass Loads Per Capita (Example)
System Name Anytown, Oklahoma

Projected Flow and Mass Loads Per Capita

Inf BOD5 (lb/d per capita) 3 Inf TSS (lb/d per capita) 3
Population Wastewater
Period of Data 1
ADF (mgd) 2

Inf TP (lb/d per capita) 3 Inf TKN (lb/d per capita) 3

Population Wastewater
Period of Data 1
ADF (mgd) 2

Data Source 1

Data Source 2

Record this information from Table 6-2
Record this information from Table 6-3
To complete the Inf BOD5, Inf TSS, Inf TP and Inf TKN, take the projected population and multiply it by the per capita numbers in Table 6-4C.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 6-5: Design Flow/Load as it Relates to Facility/Process
System Name If this table appears to be divided
among multiple pages, simply changed
Design Flow Type Wastewater Component or Process Type
the Page Layout size to Letter size and
Maximum Day (MD)Landscape
and Peak Hour (PH) Sizing for secondary clarifiers, filters, disinfection processes
Sizing for all hydraulic elements (examples include pumping,
Peak Hour (PH) screening, weirs) including lift stations located within collection

Sizing for all hydraulic elements (examples include pumping,

Minimum Day (MinD)
screening, weirs)

Annual Average Day Flow (ADF) or Maximum Month (ADMM) Design capacity of wastewater treatment plant

Design Load Type Wastewater Component or Process Type

Sizing for biological reactors (BOD5) and nutrient (nitrogen,

Maximum Month (ADMM)
phosphorus, etc.) removal processes

Maximum Day (MD) Sizing for aeration system, solids processing system

Minimum Day (MinD) Check for turn down on aeration system, trickling filter recycle
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Ok
Table 6-6: Future Permits 1
System Name System Name
Future Discharge Permit Notes

Existing Anticipated
Constituent Notes
Permit Limit Future Limit 2

BOD5 (mg/L)

CBOD5 (mg/L)

TSS (mg/L)

pH (s.u.)

DO (mg/L)


TKN (mg/L)

TP (mg/L)

E. coli Bacteria (number/1000 ml)

Chlorine (mg/L)

Temperature (oF)

Talk to DEQ about any upcoming changes that may happen
Refer to DEQ 525:656 for anticipated project limits
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 6-6: Future Permits (Example)
System Name Any Town Oklahoma (ATO)
Future Discharge Permit Notes

Existing Anticipated
Constituent Notes
Permit Limit Future Limit

BOD5 (mg/L) 30 20

CBOD5 (mg/L) N/A N/A

TSS (mg/L) 30 20

pH (s.u.) 9-Jun 9-Jun

DO (mg/L) 2 2


TKN (mg/L) N/A 5 Anticipated 2025-2035

TP (mg/L) - 0.5 Anticipated 2025-2035

E. coli Bacteria (number/1000 ml) 200/400 200/400

Chlorine (mg/L) N/A N/A

Temperature (oF) N/A N/A

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 7-1: Capacity Analysis To-Do List

System Name

Task Person Responsible Target Completion Date






Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 7-1: Capacity Analysis To-Do List (Example)

System Name

Task Person Responsible Target Completion Date

1 Investigate capacity and pump condition/flow J. Smith 2011-2013

2 Meter upstream locations from pump stations J. Smith 2011-2013






Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Water Supply Planning Guide Ok
Table 7-2: Wastewater System Capacity Challenges
System Name System N

List specified year System Capacity Challenges List spe

and known data for that year below. (For the specified year, identify any concerns in meeting projected demands.) and known data

List collection system operation or capacity concerns.

Year1 1

Discharge Permit

Selected Population List treatment ability to meet discharge requirements concerns.


Selected Wastewater
Flow Projection4
List treatment capacity concerns.

Selected Wastewater
Load Projection5

Collection System
(existing and
planned projects)6 List aging infrastructure concerns.

Treatment System
(existing and
planned projects)7

1. Include as many years as appropriate, using a

List receiving water quality concerns.
separate form for each year. Selection of years may
be based on permitted schedule of use, planned
water supply improvements, dates for demand
and/or population projections, etc. 1. Include as many y
2. See your system's 208 WLA. a separate form for e
3. Use Table 6-2. years may be based
4. List projections selected in Section 6. use, planned water s
5. List projections selected in Section 6. for demand and/or p
2. Acre Feet per Yea
about 325,850 gallon
6. List capacity of major wastewater collection
List future effluent limits concerns. 3. List capacity of ma
system components such as lift stations, components such as
interceptors, collection lines, etc. The system may stations, transmissio
choose to show the limiting capacity (for example if choose to show the
the lift system has pumping capacity of 2 mgd but system has groundw
only 1 mgd of transmission capacity, the limiting mgd but only 3 mgd
capacity for getting wastewater to the treatment the limiting capacity
plant is the transmission capacity) or identify system is the transm
capacity for all components. Please include capacity for all comp
additional notes as appropriate. additional notes as a
Information on existing equipment may have been 4. List wastewater flo
recorded in Section 4 as part of the system’s Wastewater Facilities Inventory. Information on planned projects may have been recorded in Section 5. 5. List wastewater lo
7. List capacity of the wastewater treatment facilities. The system may choose to show either limiting capacity or identify capacity for all major components. 6. List capacity of m
Information on existing facilities may have been recorded in Section 4 as part of the Wastewater Facilities Inventory. Information on planned projects may show the limiting cap
have been recorded in Section 5 for getting wastewat
appropriate. Informa
Information on plann
7. List capacity of th
components. Informa
planned projects ma
8. As mentioned in t
Examples of concern
enough treatment pr
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Water Supply Planning Guide
Table 7-2: Wastewater System Capacity Challenges (Example)
System Name Any Town Oklahoma

List specified year System Capacity Challenges

and known data for that year below. (For the specified year, identify any concerns in meeting projected demands.)

List collection system operation or capacity concerns.

Year 2013
Some system blockages with minor overflows

Discharge Permit

Selected Population List treatment ability to meet discharge requirements concerns.

Projection Most of the time the system is adequate

Selected Wastewater
Flow Projection
List treatment capacity concerns.

Selected Wastewater
Load Projection

Collection System
(existing and
planned projects) List aging infrastructure concerns.
Pumps are getting old.
Treatment System
(existing and
planned projects)

List receiving water quality concerns.

1. Include as many years as appropriate, using

a separate form for each year. Selection of
years may be based on permitted schedule of
use, planned water supply improvements, dates
for demand and/or population projections, etc.
2. Acre Feet per Year. One acre foot (AF) is
about 325,850 gallons of water.
3. List capacity of major raw water system List future effluent limits concerns.
components such as wells, well fields, pump
stations, transmission lines, etc. You may
choose to show the limiting capacity (e.g., if the
system has groundwater pumping capacity of 8
mgd but only 3 mgd of transmission capacity,
the limiting capacity for getting water to your
system is the transmission capacity) or identify
capacity for all components. Please include
additional notes as appropriate.
4. List wastewater flow projections selected in Section 6.
5. List wastewater load projections selected in Section 6.
6. List capacity of major wastewater collection system components such as lift stations, interceptors, collection lines, etc. The system may chose to
show the limiting capacity (for example if the lift system has pumping capacity of 2 mgd but only 1 mgd of transmission capacity, the limiting capacity
for getting wastewater to the treatment plant is the transmission capacity)or identify capacity for all components. Please include additional notes as
appropriate. Information on existing equipment may have been recorded in Section 4 as part of the system’s Wastewater Facilities Inventory.
Information on planned projects may have been recorded in Section 5
7. List capacity of the wastewater treatment facilities. The system may choose to show either limiting capacity or identify capacity for all major
components. Information on existing facilities may have been recorded in Section 4 as part of the Wastewater Facilities Inventory. Information on
planned projects may have been recorded in Section 5.
8. As mentioned in the text, the purpose of this table is not to determine the exact amount of shortage or excess, but to facilitate internal discussions.
Examples of concerns are: not enough transmission capacity for peak flows, not enough treatment capacity to handle future wastewater flows, not
enough treatment processes to treat existing loads or to meet future water quality limits, aging infrastructure unable to handle existing flows, etc.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 7-3: System Capacity Analysis

System Name

Describe below system capacity concerns indentified in Table 7-2. Supplemental Information Source(s)1

Describe below any regional strategies identified to address these concerns. Supplemental Information Source(s)1

If no regional strategies were identified to address these concerns, explain below. Supplemental Information Source(s)

List below the most significant concerns and rank them in order of importance.
OCWP Regional Reports (available at specific to your area may be helpful.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 7-3: System Capacity Analysis (Example)

System Name

Describe below system capacity concerns indentified in Table 7-2. Supplemental Information Source(s)1

Pump run time by operator. Odor at plant in summer months None known

Describe below any regional strategies identified to address these concerns. Supplemental Information Source(s)1

None yet OCWP Regional Reports

If no regional strategies were identified to address these concerns, explain below. Supplemental Information Source(s)

Continue to monitor system.

List below the most significant concerns and rank them in order of importance.

Meeting treatment regulations quickly, eliminating overflows, future nutrient limits.

OCWP Regional Reports (available at specific to your area may be helpful.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Okla
Table 8-1: Preliminary Alternatives To-Do List

System Name System Name

Task Person Responsible Target Completion Date

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 7

8 8

9 9

10 10

11 11

12 12

13 13

14 14

15 15
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 8-1: Preliminary Alternatives To-Do List (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma

Task Person Responsible Target Completion Date

Investigate treatment alternatives for Nitrogen and

J. Smith 3/14/2014
phosphorus removal

Talk with Oklahoma Water Resources Board and

Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality J. Smith 7/6/2014
about technical and financial resources available.

Update collection system map J.Smith 2/1/2014

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 8-2: Wastewater Management Challenges and Alternatives
Factors to Consider When Developing Alternatives
Service Area

• Are there plans to expand or modify the existing service area? Are there plans to add new customers or bulk service treatment?
• Does consolidation with other facilities (in the service area or geographic region) make sense for providing overall treatment?
• Would connecting to nearby systems for emergency or other supply be feasible?

• What is the anticipated wastewater flow based upon residential and commercial connections? How does the anticipated flow
Inflow & infiltration

differ from actual dry-weather and wet-weather flows?

• Do pump stations or the plant experience significant variations in flow throughout the day and following wet-weather events?

• What is the overall condition of the collection and transmission system and are repairs able to be readily made?
• Is the system configured in such a way as to be able to distinguish the areas with higher peaking factors (and potentially
higher I/I)?
• Will reduction in I/I make a positive impact on overall system capacity or reduce system overflows?
• Can high efficiency pumps be installed?
Piping & transmission

• Are there known bottlenecks in the system?

• Are there areas of future potential development that are served by pipes and pump stations of limited capacity?
• Can some pipes be re-routed to relieve areas that have capacity constraints?
• Are some pump stations impacting the system due to limited capacity or equipment malfunction?
• Is it feasible to add in-system storage or change pump system operations to more effectively use wet-wells for storage?
• Will I/I reduction eliminate capacity problems in the system?
• Can high efficiency pumps be installed?
Capacity increase

• Does the influent flow following a wet-weather event result in hydraulic capacity limitations at the treatment plant? Would
on-plant storage eliminate this impact?
• Are there treatment unit processes that are capacity limited resulting in a lower overall treatment plant capacity?
• Does the condition of any unit process impact the overall capacity of treatment (i.e. bar screens in poor condition limit ability to

pass inflow flow through preliminary treatment unit)?

• Is the overall plant capacity adequate to treat current and future loads based upon permit effluent limits?
• Do potential future effluent limits result in the plant being undersized (i.e. nutrient limits, anticipated change in TSS or BOD5
limits, etc.)?
• Are there anticipated changes in the customer base that will result in a change in flow to the plant (characterization or volume)?
• Is there a likely change in sludge disposal that will result in the need for increased treatment (i.e. moving to Class B or Class A
solids or change in disposal location)?
• Does projected solids generation exceed processing or disposal capacity?

• Will the current treatment processes allow compliance with the existing permit? Will the current process provide adequate
Treatment Type

treatment for compliance with anticipated future permit limits?

• Is the current treatment technology reasonable for the anticipated flows and loads?
• Is the current plant operating effectively and resulting in permit compliance? Would changes in the process help with permit
• Should alternative processes be considered to provide more effective and efficient treatment?
• Does the existing plant and process unit configuration allow for easy upgrade or process change?

• Are there other potential methods of effluent disposal? What regulatory steps will be required to implement an alternative

disposal plan?
• Is the effluent disposal method sized consistent with the plant capacity or will changes be required.
• Will new regulations or permit changes make the current method of effluent disposal possible?
• Is wastewater reuse a possibility? Are there customers available? Are there potential industrial customers for reuse?

• Endangered species or their habitat nearby? (common for OK – Least Tern, American Burying Beetle, Whooping Crane,

Leopard Darter)
• Near a High Quality Water, Scenic River, Nutrient Limited Watershed, or other sensitive areas?
• TMDL for the watershed? What constituent(s)?
• Will project involve undeveloped property?
• Near natural or archeological landmarks?
• Project in the floodway or floodplain?
• Substantive increase in volume or loading of pollutants?
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 8-3: Evaluation and Implementation of Water and Energy Conservation Efforts

System Name

Planning Methodology Yes No

Project is a comprehensive planning effort that includes other public and/or private sector organizations

Project alternatives analysis explores the most cost-effective solution at a regional level

Project incorporates at least one planning methodology1

Rate structures will support ongoing operations and maintenance for this project

Energy Efficiency Yes No

Facility has performed a professional energy audit

Facility has developed an Energy Conservation Plan

Equipment is properly maintained, operating as close to nameplate voltage as practicable, and the connection
on switches on all major power-driven equipment is checked at least annually

Facility uses variable frequency drives to improve pump efficiency

Pump operations are automated

Facility uses variable and multiple staged single-speed blowers

Facility uses digester gas to fuel engine-driven blowers

Facility uses two-speed mechanical aerators where applicable

Facility implements continuous DO monitoring

Facility uses digester gas to fuel engine-driven blowers

Automated aeration control systems are installed

Facility uses natural light to the greatest extent possible

Facility uses programmable thermostats

Facility has assessed building insulation R-values and sealed leaks

Water Efficiency Yes No

Facility has developed a Water Conservation Program

Facility has taken measures to implement pressure management controls throughout collection system

Facility utilizes leak detection equipment and protocols to address leaks, collapses, and I/I issues

Facility has developed and employed mechanisms to recycled gray water

Facility produces Class II treated effluent for agricultural/industrial/fire protection/groundwater recharge, etc.
Facility produces Class I treated effluent used for landscape irrigation, fire protection, or groundwater
System design allows for water reuse treatment and distribution

Project uses stormwater best management practices, exceeding permit requirements

System planning involved consultation with potential water reuse and land application customers

Project planning involved consultation with potential water reuse customers

Planning methodologies include: Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Fix-it First Methodology, Asset Management Plan, Watershed Management Plan,

Nutrient Management Plan, and/or Open Space Preservation Plan

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 8-3: Influent Wastewater Challenges and Preleminary Alternatives

System Name

Influent Wastewater Challenges Preliminary Alternatives1
Time Frame


See Appendices C and D.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 8-4: Influent Wastewater Challenges and Preliminary Alternatives

System Name

Influent Wastewater Challenges Preliminary Alternatives
Time Frame

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 8-3: Influent Wastewater Challenges and Preleminary Alternatives (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma

Influent Wastewater Challenges Preliminary Alternatives1
Time Frame
High BOD and TSS IFAS, Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor 9/30/2014

High BOD and TSS Additional aeration basin 12/20/2014

High BOD and TSS Add a roughing trickling filter 9/8/2015


Due to a new meat processing plant

See Appendices C and D.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 8-5: Wastewater Collection Challenges and Preliminary Alternatives

System Name

Wastewater Collection Challenges Preliminary Alternatives
Time Frame

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 8-6: Wastewater Treatment Challenges and Preliminary Alternatives

System Name

Wastewater Treatment Challenges Preliminary Alternatives
Time Frame

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 8-7: Wastewater Effluent Disposal/Reuse Challenges and Preliminary Alternatives

System Name

Wastewater Effluent Disposal/Reuse Challenges Preliminary Alternatives
Time Frame

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 8-8: Sludge Management Challenges and Preliminary Alternatives

System Name

Sludge Management Challenges Preliminary Alternatives
Time Frame

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide Ok
Table 8-9: Conceptual Alternatives

System Name System Name

Conceptual Conceptual Alternative Will this alternative be

Alternative Name Description given further consideration?

Will be considered further

This alternative involves continued ✘ Will not be considered further (explain decision below)
operation of the existing wastewater
system without modifications to
1 No Action 1
collection, transmission, treatment,
effluent disposal, or residuals

Will be considered further

Will not be considered further (explain decision below)

2 2

Will be considered further

Will not be considered further (explain decision below)

3 3

Will be considered further

Will not be considered further (explain decision below)

4 4

Will be considered further

Will not be considered further (explain decision below)

5 5

Will be considered further

Will not be considered further (explain decision below)

6 6

Will be considered further

Will not be considered further (explain decision below)

7 7
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 8-8: Conceptual Alternatives (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma

Conceptual Alternative Will this alternative be
Description given further consideration?
✘ Will be considered further
This alternative involves continued Will not be considered further (explain decision below)
operation of the existing wastewater
system without modifications to
No Action
collection, transmission, treatment,
effluent disposal, or residuals

Convert existing aeration basins to ✘ Will be considered further

provide anaerobic and anoxic zones Will not be considered further (explain decision below)
for biological phosphorus and
BNR nitrogen removal

Add chemical for nutrient removal, ✘ Will be considered further

may require clarifier upgrade Will not be considered further (explain decision below)


Send flow to South Town’s ✘ Will be considered further

wastewater plant Will not be considered further (explain decision below)

Pump Station

Will be considered further

Will not be considered further (explain decision below)

Will be considered further

Will not be considered further (explain decision below)

Will be considered further

Will not be considered further (explain decision below)
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 8-10: Project Prioritization Matrix

Important Not Important

Not Urgent
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 8-11: Project Prioritization With Timeline Matrix

Funding Funding
Critical Non-Critical
Sources Sources

1 Year

1 to 3 Years

3 to 5 Years

5 to 10

10 to 25

Beyond 25
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 9-1: Evaluate Alternatives To-Do List

System Name

Task Person Responsible Target Completion Date






Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 9-1: Evaluate Alternatives To-Do List (Example)

System Name Any Town Oklahoma

Task Person Responsible Target Completion Date

Learn more about operating costs associated

1 J. Smith and Engineering Consultant 2011-2012
with alternatives

H. Sparks Last quarter of 2012

2 Talk to South Town about possible connection

J. Smith and Engineering Consultant 2012-2013

3 Review process options with vendors

J.Smith Last quarter of 2012

4 Get chemical costs for addition

N. Drew 2012-2013
5 Look at impacts to residuals and disposal site






Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 9-2 (page 1 of 2): Example Primary and Secondary Objectives
IfObjective Name
this table appears to be Objective Description Secondary Objectives Performance Measure (units)
divided among multiple pages,
simply changed the Page Layout Provide system redundancy (equipment, Number of trains and N redundancy
treatment trains) to keep system For N: 0=none, 1=single equipment back-up, 2=full equipment
size to Letter size and operating during component failure back-up
Use of proven technology in alternative
Use proven technology for treatment Qualitative 1-5 where 1 represents least proven technology
Minimize risk of overflows in and 5 represents most proven
collection system and ensure ability to
treat organic loads with variable
1 Improve Reliability wastewater flows. Each alternative Ability to change flow path through valve, gate or piping
will be evaluated based on system Maximize flexibility in operations (flow control
redundancy, ramifications of system path changes, ability to change process) Qualitative 1-5 where 1 represents least flexibility and 5
failure, and use of proven technology. represents most flexibility

Susceptibility to pump failure or treatment problems resulting

Reliability of lift stations and collection in violations to discharge permit
system. Qualitative 1-5 where 1 represents most impact from failure
and 5 represents least impact

Capital construction cost for improvements

Manage capital costs Qualitative 1-5 for initial screening where 1 represents highest
cost and 5 represents lowest cost

This objective evaluates both capital

and life cycle costs of each Degree to which improvements can be phased
Phase implementation to defer capital
2 Minimize Cost alternative. Ease of phasing Qualitative 1-5 where 1 represents few or no phasing and 5
improvements while deferring capital represents the most phasing opportunities
costs is also assessed.

20-year –public sewer cost for improvements

Manage life-cycle costs Qualitative 1-5 for initial screening where 1 represents highest
cost and 5 represents lowest cost

Perceived construction impacts

Minimize construction impacts to
Qualitative 1-5 where 1 represents most impact and 5
environmentally sensitive areas
represents least impact

This objective will evaluate permit

compliance of each alternative. This Perceived reduction in carbon footprint or energy demand
3 objective also will evaluate the ability Increase energy efficiency Qualitative 1-5 where 1 represents the least reduction in
to minimize construction impacts to carbon footprint and 5 represents the most reduction
environmentally sensitive areas.
This objective will evaluate permit
compliance of each alternative. This
3 objective also will evaluate the ability
to minimize construction impacts to
environmentally sensitive areas.

Ease of maintaining compliance

Maintain compliance with permit limits Qualitative 1-5 where 1 represents most difficult to maintain
compliance and 5 represents least difficult
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 9-2 (page 2 of 2): Example Primary and Secondary Objectives

Objective Name Objective Description Secondary Objectives Performance Measure (units)

Match system with existing operational Staff training requirements

procedures and capabilities, experience Qualitative 1-5 where 1 represents most training required and
of staff 5 represents least training required
This objective will evaluate similarity
to existing operational procedures
Operability and Degree of overall simplification of O&M
and capabilities, compatibility with
4 integration with Reduce system complexity Qualitative 1-5 where 1 represents most complex O&M and 5
staff experience, system complexity,
existing facilities represents least complex O&M
and complexity of individual unit
processes or system components.
Degree of simplification of process operations
Reduce complexity of individual unit
Qualitative 1-5 where 1 represents most complex and 5
processes or system components
represents least complex

Reduction in overall maintenance impacts and individual

Reduce/simplify overall maintenance equipment maintenance requirements
requirements Qualitative 1-5 where 1 represents most maintenance and 5
This objective will evaluate the represents least maintenance
5 Maintainability maintenance requirements of each
Ease with which improvements can be maintained
Increase ease of maintaining facilities
Qualitative 1-5 where 1 represents most complex and 5
and equipment
represents least complex

Level of system disturbance

Minimize disruption to existing system
Qualitative 1-5 where 1 represents most disruption and 5
This objective will measure the ease during construction
represents least disruption
of constructing each alternative,
6 Constructability
including the level of disruption to the
existing system during construction. Perceived difficulty of actual construction, Perceived ease of construction
considering access, tie-ins and physical Qualitative 1-5 where 1 represents most difficult construction
limitations and 5 represents least difficult construction

Perceived public safety

Minimize handling hazardous substances
Qualitative 1-5 where 1 represents most risk and 5 represents
This objective will assess the public and storage quantity of chemicals onsite
least risk
acceptability of each alternative by
7 Public Acceptance
evaluating perceived public safety
and discharge water quality. Provide collection and wastewater Perceived level of receiving water quality
treatment that is affordable and maintains Qualitative 1-5 where 1 represents lower effluent quality and 5
receiving water quality. represents higher effluent quality

Ability to implement required Implementation schedule

8 improvements with minimal technical None Qualitative 1-5 where 1 represents the longest implementation
and regulatory difficulty time and 5 represents the shortest
This section describes a method called paired comparisons, which can be used to weight each of the objectives. Similar to the
brainstorming session in Section 8, it may be helpful to have several stakeholders in the organization participate.

As the name suggests, essentially the system is comparing two objectives at a time to determine which of the pair is more important.
For example, is objective 1 or 2 more important? Is objective 1 or 3 more important? Using the example objectives in Table 9-2, the
sample chart below was developed. Each box in the chart compares 2 objectives. There is no priority implied in the objective's
numbering assignment - the numbers simply facilitate the exercise. Each objective will be compared to each of the other objectives
selected for use in the chart. For this sample (see Example A ), we have chosen to compare four objectives, however the number of
objectives used and the issues addressed should be based on their relevance to the individual utility.

Once the objectives have been determined and selections have been made for comparison, the participant would:
1. Determine which objective (representatied by numbers) in each box is more important (excluding all other objectives) and circle
that number. For example, in the first box the objective "Improved Reliability" is compared to "Minimize Cost". The option, "Minimize
Cost" was elected as the more important objective of the two. Continue this process for all 6 boxes.
2. Tally the number of times each objective was selected (circled). Notice that objective #2, "Minimize Costs" was circled three times
in example A.
3. Divide the number of times each objective was selected by the total number of selections (6) among all the objectives to
determine the objective weighting. Multiply the results by 100 to determine the weighting in percent. The total percentage should be
near 100 (rounding considered). For example, since objective #2, "Minimize Costs" was selected a total of 3 times in the chart
among all comparisons and the total number of selections (circles) in the chart is 6, therefore the result is: 3 divided by 6 = .50 x 100
= 50%.

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide

Table 9-3a: Sample Objective Weighting using Four Example Objectives
Sample Objective Weighting using Four Example Objectives If this table appears to be
Objective's assigned number > 1 2 3 4
divided among multiple
pages, simply changed
Operability and the Page Layout size to
Name of selected objective > Improve Reliability Minimize Cost Integration with
Existing Facilities
Public Acceptance Letter size and Portrait
Total number of times objective was
1 2 2 1
selected >

Total number of possible choices > 6 6 6 6

Weight in percentage > 17% 33% 33% 17%

Example A- Comparing Four Objectives

If multiple stakeholders are participating in the exercise, gather the completed weighting grid from each participant then total the
number of times each objective is chosen by all the participants and divide by the number of squares in all the grids combined.

In the following sample, we presume 3 participants are considering 6 objectives which results in 15 squares or possible choices
each (see Example B) the number used for weighting would be 45, (3 x 15 = 45). Therefore, since objective #2 was selected a total
of 7 times, (7 divided by 45 = .1555 x 100 = 15.55) would result in a weighted value of 16% for this objective.

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide

Table 9-3b: Sample Objective Weighting using Six Example Objectives

Sample Objective Weighting using Six Example Objectives with Three Participants

Objective's assigned number > 1 2 3 4 5 6

Operability and
Name of selected objective > Improve Reliability Integration with Maintainability Constructability Public Acceptance Timely Implementation
Current System

Total number of times objective was

9 7 5 7 8 9
selected >

Total number of possible selections

45 45 45 45 45 45
from all participants >

Weight in percentage > 20 16 11 16 18 20

Example B - Three Participants Comparing Six Objectives

Sample Tally Sheet for Multiple Participants

Participant 1 Participant 2 Participant 3 Total number of times the
Selections Selections Selections objective was selected

1 3 4 2 9

2 3 1 3 7

3 0 3 2 5

4 2 3 2 7

5 3 2 3 8

6 4 2 3 9
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 9-3: Weighting of System Objectives

System Name

Paired Comparison Method for Weighting Objectives (Use additional forms for more objective comparisons)

Objective's assigned number >

Name of selected objective >

Total number of times objective was

selected >

Total number of possible selections >

(Total from all participants if

Weight in percentage >

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 9-4: Alternative Cost Rating Tableappears
If this table 9-5: Alternative
to be Timeline Rating
Cost Range 1 Alternative Rating 2 divided among
Time for multiple 1
Implementation Alternative Rating 2
pages, simply changed the
$5,001 to $25,000 5 Page
than 1 size
year to Letter size 5
and Portrait orientation
$25,001 to $100,000 4 1 to 3 years 4

$25,001 to $100,000 3 3 to 5 years 3

$100,001 to $500,000 2 5 to 10 years 2

Greater than $500,000 1 More than 10 years 1

The cost range should reflect the relative cost differences between the alternatives. For example, if all projects have estimated costs of less than $25,000,
then $5,000 cost windows may be used to better distinguish between the projects.
Note that the higher ranking indicates a lower cost.
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 9-6: Sample Rating Table with Scores

Objective Sub-objective Alternative 1 Alternative 2

Relative Alternative Sub-Objective Alternative Sub-Objective

Weight Objective Sub-Objective
Weight Rating Score Rating Score
### Improve 25% Provide system 0 0 1 0.0425
Reliability redundancy (equipment,
treatment trains) to keep
system operating during
component failure
25% Reduce ramifications of 1 0.0425 3 0.1275
failure of all or part of
25% Use proven technology for 3 0.1275 3 0.1275

25% Maximize flexibility in 2 0.085 4 0.17

operations (flow path
changes, ability to change
33% Minimize 33% Manage capital costs 5 0.5445 3 0.3267
33% Phase implementation to 5 0.5445 3 0.3267
defer capital costs

34% Manage life-cycle costs 5 0.561 3 0.3366

33% Operability 33% Match system with existing 5 0.5445 3 0.3267
and operational procedures
integration and capabilities,
with existing experience of staff
34% Reduce system complexity 3 0.3366 3 0.3366
33% Reduce complexity of 3 0.3267 3 0.3267
individual unit processes
or system components

17% Public 50% Minimize handling 3 0.255 3 0.255

Acceptance hazardous substances and
storage quantity of
chemicals onsite
50% Provide collection and 1 0.085 1 0.085
wastewater treatment that
is affordable and maintains
receiving water quality.

Alternative Score: 3.4528 2.7875

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 10-1: Preparing an Engineering Report To-Do List
System Name

Task Person Responsible Target Completion Date






Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan - Public Wastewater Utility Planning Guide
Table 10-1: Preparing an Engineering Report To-Do List (Example)
System Name Any Town, Oklahoma
Task Person Responsible Target Completion Date

1 WWTP influent flow date smith 2015

2 WWTP units maintance log david 2015

3 WWTP permit Violations smith 2015







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