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Section 8-2 and 8-3: Average and Complex Power

Problem 8.9 Determine the complex power, apparent power, average power
absorbed, reactive power, and power factor (including whether it is leading or
lagging) for a load circuit whose voltage and current at its input terminals are given
(a) v(t) = 100 cos(377t − 30◦ ) V,
i(t) = 2.5 cos(377t − 60◦ ) A.
(b) v(t) = 25 cos(2π × 103 t + 40◦ ) V,
i(t) = 0.2 cos(2π × 103 t − 10◦ ) A.
(c) Vrms = 110∠60◦ V, Irms = 3∠45◦ A.
(d) Vrms = 440∠0◦ V, Irms = 0.5∠75◦ A.
(e) Vrms = 12∠60◦ V, Irms = 2∠−30◦ A.

100 ◦
Vrms = √ e− j30 V,
2.5 − j60◦
Irms = √ e V.
100 ◦ 2.5 ◦ ◦
S = Vrms I∗rms = √ e− j30 × √ e j60 = 125e j30 (VA)
2 2
S = |S| = 125 VA
Pav = Re[S] = 125 cos 30◦ = 108.25 W
Q = Im[S] = 125 sin 30◦ = 62.5 VAR
φs = φv − φi = −30◦ + 60◦ = 30◦ (hence pf is lagging)

pf = cos 30 = 0.866.

25 ◦
Vrms = √ e j40 V,
0.2 ◦
Irms = √ e− j10 A,

S = Vrms I∗rms = 2.5e j50 (VA),
S = 2.5 VA, φs = 50◦ (lagging)
Pav = 2.5 cos 50◦ = 1.61 W,
Q = 2.5 sin 50◦ = 1.92 VAR,
pf = cos 50◦ = 0.64 lagging.

◦ ◦ ◦
S = Vrms I∗rms = 110e j60 × 3e− j45 = 330e j15 VA.
S = 330 VA,

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Pav = 330 cos 15◦ = 318.76 W,
Q = 330 sin 15◦ = 85.41 VAR,
pf = cos 15◦ = 0.97 (lagging).

◦ ◦
S = Vrms I∗rms = 440 × 0.5e− j75 = 220e− j75 VA.
S = 220 VA,
Pav = 220 cos(−75◦ ) = 56.94 W,
Q = 220 sin(−75◦ ) = −212.50 VAR,
pf = cos(−75◦ ) = 0.26 (leading).

◦ ◦ ◦
S = Vrms I∗rms = 12e j60 × 2e j30 = 24e j90 VA.
S = 24 VA,
Pav = 24 cos 90◦ = 0,
Q = 24 sin 90◦ = 24 VAR,
pf = cos 90◦ = 0 (purely inductive with I lagging V by 90◦ )

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Problem 8.11 In the circuit of Fig. P8.11, is (t) = 0.2 sin 105 t A, R = 20 Ω,
L = 0.1 mH, and C = 2 µ F. Show that the sum of the complex powers for the three
passive elements is equal to the complex power of the source.

is(t) _ R L C

Figure P8.11: Circuit for Problem 8.11.

Is _
20 Ω j10 Ω −j5 Ω

Is = 0.2∠0◦ A
ZL = jω L = j105 × 10−4 = j10 Ω
−j −j
ZC = = 5 = − j5 Ω.
ωC 10 × 2 × 10−6
+ + = Is = 0.2
20 j10 − j5

V = 1.79e− j63.4◦ V.

V 1.79e− j63.4
IR = = A.
20 20
1 (1.79)2
SR = VI∗R = = 0.08 VA.
2 2 × 20
V 1.79 − j153.4◦
IL = = e
j10 10
1 1.79 − j63.4◦ 1.79 j153.4◦ ◦
SL = VI∗L = e × e = 0.16e j90 = 0 + j0.16 VA.
2 2 10
V 1.79 j26.6◦
IC = = e A.
− j5 5
1 1 ◦ 1.79 − j26.6◦ ◦
SC = VI∗C = 1.79e− j63.4 × e = 0.32e− j90 = 0 − j0.32 VA.
2 2 5
ST = SR + SL + SC = 0.08 + j0.16 − j0.32 = 0.08 − j0.16 VA.

For the source,

1 1 ◦ ◦
Ss = VI∗s = 1.79e− j63.4 × 0.2 = 0.179e− j63.4
2 2

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= 0.179 cos 63.4◦ − j0.179 sin 63.4◦
= 0.08 − j0.16 VA.

ST = Ss .

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Problem 8.14 Determine S for the RL load in the circuit of Fig. P8.14, given that
Is = 4∠0◦ A, R1 = 10 Ω, R2 = 5 Ω, ZC = − j20 Ω, R = 10 Ω, and ZL = j20 Ω.

R2 a

ZC R1 Is

Figure P8.14: Circuit for Problem 8.14.

V I R2 a

ZC R1 Is

1 1 1
V + + = Is
ZC R1 R2 + R + ZL
1 1 1
V + + =4
− j20 10 5 + 10 + j20

Solution gives

V = 31.6 − j4.6 = 31.93e− j8.28 V.
For RL load:
S= Vab I∗
1 (10 + j20) V
= V×
2 15 + j20 15 + j20
|V|2 j63.4◦ (31.93)2 ◦
= (5 + j10) 2
= 11.18e × = 18.24e j63.4 VA.
|15 + j20| 625

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Problem 8.20 The apparent power entering a certain load Z is 250 VA at a power
factor of 0.8 leading. If the rms phasor voltage of the source is 125 V at 1 MHz:
(a) Determine Irms going into the load
(b) Determine S into the load
(c) Determine Z
(d) The equivalent impedance of the load circuit should be of the form
Z = R + jω L or Z = R − j/ωC. Determine the value of L or C, whichever
is applicable.

(a) From

S = Vrms Irms ,
S 250
Irms = = = 2 A.
Vrms 125
(b) pf = 0.8 leading means φz is negative. Hence,

φz = − cos−1 0.8 = −36.87◦ .

S = S cos φz + jS sin φz
= 250[cos(−36.87◦ ) + j sin(−36.87◦ )] = (200 − j150) VA.

Pav = Irms R
Pav 200
R= 2
= = 50 Ω.
Irms 4

Q = Irms X
Q −150
X= 2
= = −37.5 Ω.
Irms 4

Z = R + jX = (50 − j37.5) Ω.
(d) = − j37.5, or
1 1
C= = = 4.24 nF.
37.5ω 37.5 × 2π × 106

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Section 8-4: Power Factor
Problem 8.22 The RL load in Fig. P8.22 is compensated by adding the shunt
capacitance C so that the power factor of the combined (compensated) circuit is
exactly unity. How is C related to R, L, and ω in that case?


Figure P8.22: Circuit for Problem 8.22.

Solution: For the combined load, the impedance is

Z = (R + jω L) k
jω C
(R + jω L) ω−Cj
R + j ω L − ω1C

ω L − jR
ω RC − j(1 − ω 2 LC)
(ω L − jR)[ω RC + j(1 − ω 2 LC)]
[ω RC − j(1 − ω 2 LC)][ω RC + j(1 − ω 2 LC)]
[ω 2 RLC + R(1 − ω 2LC)] j[ω L(1 − ω 2 LC) − ω R2C]
= +
ω 2 R2C2 + (1 − ω 2 LC)2 ω 2 R2C2 + (1 − ω 2 LC)2
For the pf to be unity, the imaginary component of Z has to be zero, which is realized
ω L(1 − ω 2 LC) − ω R2C = 0.
C= .
R2 + ω 2 L2

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Problem 8.23 The generator circuit shown in Fig. P8.23 is connected to a distant
load via a long coaxial transmission line. The overall circuit can be modeled as
in Fig. P8.23(b), in which the transmission line is represented by an equivalent
impedance Zline = (5 + j2) Ω.

10 Ω a c

Vs _ ZL = (50 + j40) Ω

Transmission line
b d

(a) Transmission-line circuit

10 Ω a 5Ω j2 Ω c

Transmission line
Vs _ C ZL = (50 + j40) Ω

b d
(b) Equivalent circuit

Figure P8.23: Circuit for Problem 8.23.

(a) Determine the power factor of voltage source Vs .

(b) Specify the capacitance of a shunt capacitor C that would raise the power factor
of the source to unity when connected between terminals (a, b). The source
frequency is 1.5 kHz.

(a) The power factor of the source is the same as the phase of the impedance
representing the entire circuit connected to Vs . Thus,

ZT = 10 + (5 + j2) + (50 + j40) = (65 + j42) Ω,

φZ = tan−1 = 32.87◦ ,
pf = cos φZ = 0.84, lagging.

(b) For the circuit to the right of terminals (a, b), the impedance—with a shunt
capacitance C—is:
Zab = k (55 + j42)
− jXC (55 + j42)
55 + j(42 − XC )

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where XC = ω1C .

42XC − j55XC
Zab = · [55 − j(42 − XC)]
552 + (42 − XC)2
[42 × 55XC − 55XC(42 − XC )] − j[552 XC + 42XC(42 − XC )]
3025 + (42 − XC )2

For a pf of 1, the imaginary part of Zab should be zero,

552 XC + 42XC (42 − XC ) = 0.

Solution gives
XC = 114.02,
1 1
C= = = 930.5 nF.
ω XC 2π × 1.5 × 103 × 114.02

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Problem 8.25 Use the power information given for the circuit in Fig. P8.25 to
(a) Z1 and Z2
(b) the rms value of Vs .

0.6 Ω 1.2 Ω j0.4 Ω

_ Vs Z1 Z2 Vrms = 440 0o V

Load Z1 : 24 kW @ pf = 0.66 leading

Load Z2 : 18 kW @ pf = 0.82 lagging

Figure P8.25: Circuit for Problem 8.25.

0.6 Ω V1 1.2 Ω j0.4 Ω

Is I1 I2 +
Vs _ Vrms = 440 0o V
Z1 Z2

(a) For load Z2 :

φZ2 = cos−1 0.82 = 34.9◦ .
Since φZ2 = φv2 − φi2 , and φv2 = 0, =⇒ φi2 = −34.9◦ .

Pav2 = Vrms I2rms cos φZ2

18 × 103 = 440I2rms cos 34.9◦ ,

I2rms = 49.88 A,
S2 = Vrms I2rms = 440 × 49.88 = 21.95 kVA.
Also, I2rms = 49.88∠−34.9◦ A.

If Z2 = R2 + jX2 ,

18 × 103
Pav2 = I22rms R2 =⇒ R2 = = 7.23 Ω
Q2 = S2 sin φZ2 = 21.95 × 103 sin 34.9◦ = 12.56 kVAR

12.56 × 103
Q2 = I22rms X2 =⇒ X2 = = 5.05 Ω.
Z2 = (7.23 + j5.05) Ω.
To determine Z1 , we first determine the voltage across it, V1rms :

V1rms = (1.2 + j0.4 + Z2 )I2rms

= (1.2 + j0.4 + 7.23 + j5.05)49.88e− j34.9
= 500.8∠−2◦ V.

For load Z1 :

φZ1 = − cos−1 0.66 = −48.7◦

Pav1 24
S1 = = = 36.36 kVA
cos φZ1 0.66
S1 36.36 × 103
I1rms = = = 72.6 A
V1rms 500.8
φZ1 = φv1 − φi1
−48.7◦ = −2 − φi1 =⇒ φi1 = 46.7◦ .
I1rms = 72.6∠46.7◦ A.
24 × 103
Pav1 = I21rms R1 =⇒ R1 = = 4.55 Ω
Q1 = S1 sin φZ1 = 36.36 × 103 sin(−48.7◦ ) = −27.32 kVAR
Q1 −27.32 × 103
X1 = = = −5.18 Ω
I12rms (72.6)2

Z1 = (4.55 − j5.18) Ω.
(b) Given I1 and I2 , we can now determine Is :

Isrms = I1rms + I2rms

◦ ◦
= 72.6e j46.7 + 49.88e− j34.9
= (90.7 + j24.3) A
Vsrms = V1rms + 0.6Isrms

= 500.8e− j2 + 0.6(90.7 + j24.3) = (554.9 − j2.9) V.
Problem 8.27 For the circuit in Fig. P8.27, choose the load impedance ZL so that
the power dissipated in it is a maximum. How much power will that be?

−j2 Ω

1Ω V1 j2 Ω
6 0o
V _ ZL 2Ω

Figure P8.27: Circuit for Problem 8.27.

Solution: To determine Vs of the equivalent source circuit, we remove ZL and

calculate Voc at terminals (a, b).
−j2 Ω

1Ω I 1 V1 j2 Ω

+ +
6 0o V _ Voc 2Ω

At node V2 :
V2 − 6 V2 V2 − 6
+ + =0 =⇒ V2 = 0.6(3 + j) V.
− j2 2 1 + j2
V2 − 6 V1 − 6
I1 = =
1 + j2 1
V2 − 6 0.6(3 + j) − 6
Vs = V1 = +6 = + 6 = 5.7∠18.4◦ V.
1 + j2 1 + j2
To determine ZTh at terminals (a, b), we suppress the 6-V source and simplify the
circuit. The process leads to:

Zs = ZTh = (0.6 + j0.2) Ω

For maximum power transfer:

ZL = Z∗s = (0.6 − j0.2) Ω,

1 |Vs |2 1 (4.9)2
Pav (max) = = × = 6.78 W.
8 RL 8 0.6

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