Safely Navigating Around The Fac Ial Ner Ve in Three Dimensions

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Safely Navigating

Around the Facial Nerve

in Three Dimensions
John Q. Owsley, MD, FACSa,b,*, Cori A. Agarwal, MD, FACSc

 Facial  Nerve  Facelift  Anatomy  SMAS

Facial nerve injury during facelift surgery is a rare Where the nerves remain protected at a plane
but real occurrence, with a reported incidence deep to the dissection and where the nerve tran-
ranging from 0.5% to 2.6%.1–6 The danger zones sits to a superficial plane in locations that dissec-
of the various facial nerve branches have been tion must and can avoid has been learned from
well described in the literature1,2,7–16 but usually surgical dissection. From this clinical information,
from a two-dimensional perspective, which can the transit path of the facial nerve branches can
be difficult to translate to surgical technique. In be inferred without actually exposing them to
many of these classic descriptions, emphasis is injury.
on nerve trajectory in relation to surface anatomy This article describes in three-dimensional
and bony landmarks, with sparse and often con- accurate surgical terms where the facial nerve
flicting information on the nerve’s transition point branches are located and how they can be
between fascial planes. In the temporal region in protected while dissecting above and below the
particular, the literature reflects confusion regard- superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS)–
ing the naming of fascial planes and their relation- platysma plane.
ships with the frontal branch of the facial nerve. Although a sub-SMAS–platysma facelift is
Some of the confusion about the anatomy of the believed to put the facial nerve at a higher risk
facial fascia and the facial nerve branches can be for potential injury,6,17–20 the authors have found
explained by the uncertainty of the anatomist extensive dissection of this plane to be safe if
working with the indistinct definition of the subcu- performed with a clear understanding and respect
taneous fascias in cadavers. The superficial and for the facial nerve danger zones (Fig. 1). The ana-
deep fascial layers in the cheek tend to be fused, tomic descriptions and surgical technique are
particularly in preserved cadavers. Earlier anato- based on the senior author’s observations from
mists who wrote the standard text books were more than 2500 SMAS–platysma facelifts.
not really concerned with the significance of the
transit of the facial nerve branches in relation to FRONTAL BRANCH
cosmetic surgery. Only in the operating room
with live patients can the superficial and deep fas- The classic descriptions of the frontal branch of
cial planes be readily distinguished and separated the facial nerve by Furnas,8 and later by Pitanguy
with dissection. and Ramos,7 describe the trajectory of a single
In surgery, the motor nerves are sometimes ramus in relation to the tragus and the lateral
exposed but mostly remain hidden beneath the brow. The presence of multiple frontal branch
deep facial fascia. The general course of the facial rami and the variable region over which these

nerve branches is known from cadaver dissection. rami cross the zygomatic arch was observed

Division of Plastic Surgery, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA
California Pacific Medical Center—Davies Campus, San Francisco, CA, USA
Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
* Corresponding author. California Pacific Medical Center—Davies Campus, 45 Castro Street, Suite 111, San
Francisco, CA 94114.
E-mail address: (J.Q. Owsley).

Clin Plastic Surg 35 (2008) 469–477

0094-1298/08/$ – see front matter ª 2008 published by Elsevier Inc.
470 Owsley & Agarwal

parotid–masseteric fascia below the zygomatic

arch is analogous to that of the superficial layer
of the deep temporal fascia (intermediate temporal
fascia, superficial lamina, innominate fascia)
above the arch. Whether these deeper fascial
layers are contiguous structures or are separate,
inserting on the periosteum above and below the
arch, is complicated and a matter of
However, from a surgical perspective, these
superficial and deep layers of fascia clearly
become adherent to each other and the underlying
zygomatic arch periosteum across the central re-
gion. The level and location of the firm attachment
between the superficial and deep fascia begins at
the arch and becomes firm at the superior border
of the central arch. This firm adhesion extends
2 to 3 cm above the arch into the anterior temporal
region. This adhesion has been termed the inferior
temporal septum (Fig. 2).24,35
Because the nerve is beneath the parotid–
masseteric fascia below this area of adhesion,
Fig. 1. Danger zones of the facial nerve. Green indi- and within the superficial temporoparietal fascia
cates a safe area, yellow indicates where cautious above it, the transition of the frontal branch likely
dissection is required, and red indicates where occurs at some point within this area of dense
extreme caution is necessary. fascial adhesions. The authors believe that the
frontal branch maintains its position beneath the
continuation of the parotid–masseteric fascia,
more recently by Zani and colleagues10 and
Gosain,2 who describe an area spanning nearly
two thirds of the central arch over which the rami
Although this two-dimensional frontal nerve
danger zone is well understood, reports conflict
as to the fascial level of the frontal rami as they
cross the zygomatic arch.1,21–33 Inferior to the
zygomatic arch, the frontal branch travels within
the substance of the parotid gland, deep to the
parotid–masseteric fascia, while in the temporal
region it is located within the superficial temporo-
parietal fascia close to its deep surface. Its point
of transition between deep and superficial planes
and its fascial level as it crosses the zygomatic
arch are not well described. Although Stuzin and
colleagues23 stated that the frontal branch is
located within the temporoparietal fascia as it
crosses the arch, compelling evidence shows
that it travels in a deeper plane at this location.
To accurately describe the path of the frontal
branch, the anatomy and terminology of the fascial
layers in the temporal region must be clarified Fig. 2. The dotted line depicts the area of adhesion
between the superficial and deep fascial layers overly-
because the nomenclature has tremendous vari-
ing and above the mid-zygomatic arch. In this region,
ability in the literature.22–34 It is well accepted the frontal branch crosses between the fascial layers.
that the SMAS below the zygomatic arch is analo- The blue dot represents the sentinel vein, routinely
gous to and in continuity with the temporoparietal encountered when separating the fascial layers in
fascia (superficial temporal fascia, galeal ex- the temporal region just before the area of adhesion
tension) above the arch. The plane of the begins.
Safely Navigating Around the Facial Nerve 471

while crossing the arch at a subfascial plane over- dissection. Over the posterior third of the zygo-
lying the periosteum. Recent cadaver dissection matic arch, the plane between the superficial
suggests that the parotid–masseteric fascia above (SMAS) and deep fascia can be easily separated
the arch merges into the fibroareolar innominate up to and often beyond the superior arch border.
fascia that overlies the superficial layer of the At a point 1 to 2 cm above the lateral arch in the
deep temporal fascia at 2 or 3 cm above the preauricular lateral temporal region, the deep and
mid-anterior arch in the area of dense interfacial superficial fascia become fused and cannot be
adhesion. Initially, the nerve lies just above the dissected further. This location is the transition of
insertion of the superficial layer of the deep tempo- the superficial temporal artery from beneath the
ral fascia into the arch. Within the area of dense superficial layer of the deep temporal fascia to
adhesion containing the innominate fascia, the reach the undersurface of the temporoparietial
frontal branch gradually passes upward to enter fascia.
the deep surface of the superficial temporoparietal In the middle and anterior third of the arch, the
fascia where it continues forward (Fig. 3). planes become densely adherent at the superior
In performing the senior author’s facelift opera- arch border and further blunt separation is pre-
tion, the SMAS is divided over the entire length vented. When dissecting from above the arch in
of the body of the arch to the origin of the zygoma- the temporal region, a safe plane of easy cleavage
ticus muscle. No frontal branch injuries have exists between the superficial temporoparietal fas-
occurred. The level of division is determined by cial and the deep temporal fascia, with the nerve
the point of resistance to blunt elevation of the contained within the superficial fascia. Blunt
SMAS over the arch. The fact that the nerve dissection can be performed safely and without
does not cross to a superficial plane until it is resistance until the area of fascial fusion is encoun-
above the arch is further demonstrated by the tered in the mid and anterior temporal region,
safe performance of the high-SMAS operation, in typically 2 to 3 cm above the arch and heralded
which the SMAS is divided along the superior bor- by the sentinel vein, which runs between the two
der of the zygomatic arch, where the nerve is planes in this location.
safely protected beneath the deep fascia.36,37 Within this area of dense interfascial adhesion,
Additional evidence of its deep position on the the frontal branch rami are in jeopardy as they
periosteum across the arch is the high rate of cross from deep to superficial fascial planes
reported frontal branch injuries after subperiosteal (see Fig. 3).24 As this area is approached, careful
dissections over the arch, ranging from 11% to subcutaneous dissection or an atraumatic subper-
20%,32,33 although refinements in technique have iosteal approach will protect the nerves from
allowed this rate to be reduced to just 1%.38 injury. Blind scissor subcutaneous dissection in
Protection of the facial nerve branches during the temporal region and over the mid arch can
sub-SMAS elevation in the cheek is facilitated by penetrate the temporoparietal fascia and result in
dissecting the sub-SMAS plane first. During injury to the frontal branch. Indiscriminate applica-
a sub-SMAS dissection of the cheek, the caudal tion of electrocautery can also cause frontal
zygomatic arch should be approached using blunt branch injury.

Fig. 3. The course of the frontal

branch of the facial nerve as it
crosses the zygomatic arch. The
frontal branch emerges from
the substance of the parotid
gland and travels beneath the
parotid–masseteric fascia, then
crosses the arch at a deep plane
overlying the periosteum. Above
the arch the parotid–masseteric
fascia merges into the innomi-
nate fascia within the area of
dense adhesion between the
temporoparietal fascia and
superficial layer of the deep
temporal fascia. The frontal
branches course through the
innominate fascia to reach the undersurface of the temporoparietal fascia. The sentinel vein is encountered
lateral and cephalad to the location of the nerve.
472 Owsley & Agarwal

ZYGOMATIC BRANCH of nerve vulnerability exists at the anterior–

cephalad edge of the parotid gland deep to the
The zygomatic branch of the facial nerve travels origin of the zygomaticus muscle. This location
forward within the cephalic portion of the parotid has been described as MacGregor’s patch,44
gland along with the transverse facial artery. where strong ligaments run from the body of the
Here, the parotid gland lies in proximity to the zygoma through the masseteric fascia, SMAS,
zygomatic arch and the body of the zygoma and and subcutaneous fat and insert into the dermis.
extends into the buccal space at and sometimes When dissecting beneath the SMAS in this region,
beyond the anterior superior edge of the masseter careful perpendicular scissor spreading using
muscle. The zygomatic branch exits the parotid loupe magnification is performed to avoid damag-
gland in association with the parotid duct at a level ing the zygomatic branches as they exit the
deep to the parotid–masseteric fascia and travels parotid–masseteric fascia to pass into the buccal
forward into the buccal space beneath the origin space. Here, among dense perpendicular fascial
of the zygomatic major muscle. The zygomatic bands, a perforator from the transverse facial
branch emanates rami to innervate the deep sur- artery is routinely encountered accompanied by
faces of the levator muscles and orbicularis oculi a zygomatic sensory nerve that supplies sensation
(Fig. 4). The terminal medial branches of the zygo- to the skin of the malar region (Fig. 5).45
matic branch, together with crossover innervation
from the buccal branch, have primary functional
significance in terms of involuntary blink, eyelid
position, tear pump movement, and orbicularis The buccal branch rami travel within the mid-
tone, whereas the proximal lateral branches are portion of the parotid gland, which is considerably
responsible for voluntary tight squeezing of the narrower than the cephalic portion, ending 2 to
eyelid fissure.10,39–43 4 cm lateral to the anterior border of the masseter.
When dissecting in a sub-SMAS plane in the The buccal branch rami exit the parotid and travel
cheek, the zygomatic branch is initially protected forward on the surface of the masseter muscle
by its position within the parotid gland. The area deep to the investing masseteric fascia. At the

Fig. 5. After release of the cephalic zygomatico–mas-

Fig. 4. The zygomatic branch is depicted exiting the seteric ligaments in a sub-SMAS plane. The dissection
parotid gland in association with the parotid duct at extends to the zygomatic arch on the left side. A zygo-
a level deep to the parotid–masseteric fascia and trav- matic branch (right arrow) is seen exiting the parotid–
eling forward into the buccal space beneath the masseteric fascia to enter the buccal space beneath
origin of the zygomatic major muscle. Note the trans- the zygomaticus muscle. A perforator from the trans-
verse facial artery perforator located above the zygo- verse facial artery is also visualized cephalad to the
matic nerve. nerve (left arrow).
Safely Navigating Around the Facial Nerve 473

anterior margin of the masseter, the buccal rami of the mandible at a level deep to the parotid–
perforate the fascia and enter the buccal fat com- masseteric and deep cervical investing fascia. In
partment where they innervate the facial levator most instances, the nerve continues forward
muscles from their deep surface. above the inferior border of the mandible deep to
During a sub-SMAS dissection of the cheek, the the masseteric fascia. In those cases in which it
buccal branches become vulnerable at the ante- exits the parotid below the inferior mandibular bor-
rior extent of the parotid gland, where they can der, it runs anteriorly and crosses the surface of
be seen running deep to the masseteric fascia. the posterior digastric muscle and then the cap-
At the anterior margin of the masseter muscle, sule of the submandibular gland, lying deep to
a line of fibrous attachments between the masse- the investing cervical fascia and curving a variable
teric fascia and the SMAS is encountered, which distance below the mandible. The nerve pene-
constitute the supporting ligaments of the mid- trates the deep cervical fascia at the inferior border
cheek.22,46 Once the anterior edge of the parotid of the mid-mandible near the anterior margin of the
is reached, the safest and most efficient method masseter muscle, where it then crosses superficial
for separating the SMAS from the underlying mas- to the facial artery to enter the buccal space lying
seteric fascia is blunt dissection using a peanut beneath the platysma, ultimately innervating the
sponge. This blunt dissection is facilitated by major lip depressors and the mentalis muscle
dissecting in the sub-SMAS plane before subcuta- (Fig. 7).51
neous undermining. At the anterior border of the During a sub-SMAS cheek dissection, the great-
masseter, where the buccal rami emerge from est danger zone for the marginal mandibular nerve
beneath the fascia to enter the buccal space, is in the lower anterior cheek as the buccal space
limited and cautious blunt dissection can be is approached. Blunt dissection using a peanut
used to accomplish adequate mobilization of the sponge can be performed over the masseteric
SMAS–platysma flap (Fig. 6). fascia to mobilize the SMAS–platysma flap
adequately, but extreme caution should be used
MARGINAL MANDIBULAR NERVE at the lower anterior border of the masseter mus-
cle, because this is the region where the anterior
The classic descriptions of the mandibular branch facial artery and crossing marginal mandibular
of the facial nerve, most notably by Dingman and branch are encountered (Fig. 8). Injury to a low-
Grabb,9 focus on nerve trajectory rather than lying mandibular branch can occur below the man-
fascial plane.1,47–50 The mandibular branches dible only if the dissection inadvertently extends
have been found to remain above the inferior deep to the cervical investing fascia.
border of the mandible, except in 19% of cases Dissection beneath the platysma in the neck
where they can dip 1 to 3 cm below the mandible should be initiated several centimeters below the
before crossing the anterior facial vessels. angle of the mandible where the correct plane
The mandibular branch exits the caudal edge of can be established. The subplatysmal areolar
the parotid gland anterior to or just below the angle tissue can then be bluntly swept away from the

Fig. 6. After exiting the mid–parotid gland, the buccal Fig. 7. The marginal mandibular nerve emerges from
branch rami travel deep to the masseteric fascia. At the parotid gland at or below the angle of the mandi-
the anterior margin of the masseter muscle, amidst ble and runs anteriorly, remaining deep to either the
the masseteric retaining ligaments of the cheek, the masseteric or deep cervical investing fascia. It transi-
buccal rami perforate the fascia and enter the buccal tions to a subplatysmal plane as it crosses the facial
fat compartment. artery at the inferior border of the mandible.
474 Owsley & Agarwal

mandible. It immediately penetrates the deep cer-

vical fascia, protected by adjacent interfascial
fibrous bands, and travels within the fibroareolar
connective tissue to the undersurface of the
platysma, where it arborizes and sends principle
branches anteriorly and caudally (see Fig. 9;
Figs. 10 and 11).
When dissecting beneath the SMAS and platys-
ma, the cervical branch is at greatest risk anterior
to the angle of the mandible, where it emerges
from the parotid gland. Dissection at the inferior
border of the mandible, in front of the angle, at
Fig. 8. When dissecting in a sub-SMAS plane, the mar- a level deep to the platysma should be performed
ginal mandibular nerve is at greatest risk in the lower carefully, using only blunt dissection and gentle
anterior cheek as the buccal space is approached. This vertical scissor spreading to obtain adequate
location is where the nerve crosses the anterior facial mobility of the SMAS–platysma flap.
artery and travels in a more superficial subplatysma The danger zones for the cervical branch and
location. The facial artery is seen pulsating near the
the mandibular branch are adjacent and can be
tip of the forceps.
treated as a single zone during a SMAS–platysma
platysma toward the deep cervical fascia until the facelift. This area, depicted in red in Fig. 1, encom-
inferior border of the mandible is reached, allowing passes the angle of the mandible laterally, a line
a mandibular branch coursing below the inferior 1 cm above and parallel to the inferior border of
mandible to remain protected by the deep cervical the mandible cephalically, a line 2 cm below and
fascia (Fig. 9). During a subcutaneous facelift parallel to the mandibular border caudally, and
dissection along the mid-mandibular border, blind the oral commissure medially. To achieve ade-
push dissection with scissor tips, traumatic manip- quate mobilization of the SMAS–platysma flap,
ulation of a liposuction cannula, or the misplaced fascial attachments running between the platysma
use of electrocautery can result in nerve injury, be- and deep fascia in this zone will often need to be
cause inadvertent penetration of the platysma into released to some degree. Once the sub-SMAS
the masseteric fascia or buccal space can occur. plane has been developed in the cheek and the
subplatysmal plane has been established in the
CERVICAL BRANCH neck, the mandibular border can be cautiously
approached using a peanut sponge to extend the
The cervical branch exits the parotid gland at its planes of dissection toward the mandibular border
caudal border at or below the angle of the from above and below. In doing so, a mobile soft

Fig. 9. Dissection beneath the SMAS and platysma

with preservation of a tissue bridge over the inferior
edge of the mandible to protect the mandibular and
cervical branches. In the neck, the platysma has been
elevated from the deep cervical fascia to the level of Fig. 10. The cervical branch exits the parotid gland at
the inferior mandibular border. The marginal mandib- or below the angle of the mandible and immediately
ular branch is located deep to the masseteric and penetrates the deep cervical fascia to travel on the
deep cervical investing fascia in this location. undersurface of the platysma, where it arborizes.
Safely Navigating Around the Facial Nerve 475

tissue bridge is preserved to protect the path of temporoparietal fascia. For the zygomatic, buccal,
the mandibular and cervical nerve branches, as and most mandibular branches, this transition
seen in Figs. 9 and 11. occurs at the anterior border of the masseter mus-
cle, where they exit from beneath the masseteric
DISCUSSION fascia to enter the buccal space. In cases where
the mandibular nerve arcs below the mandibular
Although much literature discusses the anatomy border, it pierces the deep cervical fascia just
and injury of the facial nerve branches, the fascial before crossing the border of the mandible and
plane of the nerves, particularly where they change the anterior facial artery, after which it runs
from one plane to another, is rarely emphasized beneath the platysma in the buccal space before
and often contradictory. All five motor branches of innervating the lip depressor muscles.
the facial nerve exit from the peripheral margin of Because of its early transition from beneath the
the parotid gland, lying deep to the parotid fascia, deep fascia to a subplatysmal plane, the cervical
which continues as the masseteric fascia, which branch is the motor branch most susceptible to
is in continuity with the deep temporal fascia above injury during a facelift. Fortunately, cervical branch
and the investing deep cervical fascia below. injury is usually inconsequential and therefore has
Only one branch, the cervical, immediately not been a major concern during facelift surgery.
penetrates the deep fascia after exiting the parotid In most patients, loss of platysma function has
gland and travels to the undersurface of the no effect on the lip depressors.
platysma, which it innervates. The other branches However, in approximately 2% of the popula-
continue beneath the deep fascia for a variable tion, typically those who exhibit a ‘‘full denture
distance after exiting the parotid gland before smile’’52 in whom the cervical branch probably
they pass to a more superficial plane or enter the innervates the depressor anguli oris in continuity
buccal space to reach their respective target mus- with the platysma, the platysma is a contributing
cles. For the frontal branches, this point is above lip depressor, and injury to the cervical branch of
the mid-anterior zygomatic arch, where they cross the facial nerve results in ‘‘pseudo-paralysis of
to a more superficial location to run within the the marginal mandibular nerve.’’53 The authors
suspect that many if not most of the marginal man-
dibular nerve injuries reported in the literature
actually represent pseudo-paralysis caused by
platysmal dysfunction secondary to cervical
branch injury. They observed this in their own
series of 2000 consecutive cases, in which all but
one case of lip depressor weakness after a facelift
were caused by a cervical nerve injury rather than
a mandibular nerve injury.54
Clinical distinction between these injuries may
be difficult because of variable overlapping func-
tion and interconnections of nerve supply to the
lip depressors. Injury to the marginal mandibular
nerve typically causes paralysis of the depressor
labii inferioris, depressor anguli oris, and mentalis
muscles, resulting in an inability to move the lower
lip downward and laterally and to evert the vermil-
ion border of the lower lip. The deformity appears
as an elevation of the lip on the affected side and
a relative retraction downward on the normal
side. Mentalis function has only recently been
acknowledged to distinguish cervical branch injury
from marginal mandibular dysfunction. The pres-
ence of lower lip eversion indicates a functioning
mentalis and therefore suggests an intact mandib-
Fig. 11. The cervical branches can often be seen cours-
ing upwards within the fibrous bands between the
ular branch. In the authors’ experience, cervical
parotid–masseteric fascia and platysma in the region branch injury is always associated with spontane-
anterior to the mandibular angle. The cervical branch ous recovery without special treatment.
extends forward on the undersurface of the platysma, In multiple anatomy texts and surgical articles,
which it innervates (arrows). the course of the marginal mandibular branch of
476 Owsley & Agarwal

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