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Group Project Testbed

Project URL:

Note: Procedures can’t be run by code (We used GUI).

Group project:

201400257 – Fadhulalla Ismaeel

201400445 – sadeq kadhem

201501553 – sayed hasan mahfoodh

Admin Login:
Username: admin

Password: 123

Test bed:

In the home page the user select the cars and click reserve
Add accessories if wanted
Add client information and review the order before payment
Proceed the payment and generate the reservation code in order to modify it in the future
To add new car the admin have to add it in new car model and insert it information. To present the car
in the home page we have to add the chassis number in Add new Car page.
Admin can review the sales report for a specific period

The user can amend the order and add new accessories.
The user can modify his personal information.
Extra features:

1- Bootstrap

In our project we used Bootstrap as extra feature to improve our project design and make the
website more responsive to provide for the user the best experience in renting a car. In addition, the
bootstrap is easy to use which help us in saving time to improve our PHP code.

2- Rent more than one car

In our project the client can rent more than one car in single process which will help the user to save
time during the renting process.

3- Adding more than one accessory

The client can add more than one accessory for each car which will provide for the user the variety
of choices to select from.

4- Safe SQL Queries

We have make sure that our Queries are safe and protected from SQL injection which will improve
our page security and provide safe experience for the user.

5- SQL procedures

We used two procedures in the admin report.


We used the AJEAX in the project

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