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‘ The mermaid and the boy’

Once a pon a time ,there is a boy leave in the sea he jump on the big rock ,then
he swim and swim in the deep sea he find out that he see a treasure ,but he sees
other, it was a mermaid ,then the mermaid cary the boy in the mermaid’s palace
he find out too that the mermaid is the queen of this palace he was very surprised
about it ,then the mermaid ask the boy your be the king of these palace, then the
boy think about that the mermaid ask about it but the boy did not decided ,then
the mermaid said follow me the boy said OK’ the mermaid said to the boy this
two patt’s are for you I’think that you have not decided ,here your gonna decide
here in the two pat’s that I let you see said the mermaid queen thise left patt
goes to your home then the right patt are for the palace that you may king soon
in this deep sea ,suddenly her family walked out to there home they find out that
there son is missing ,the boy is actually decided he take the left patt so he could
finally see here family the mermaid let the boy go,the boy swim and swim until
he reached ther house ,ther parant’s thought that there son are missing forever
but the boy not missing the boy is back ,said the boy to him self I could ever
forget my family once and for all, then they leave happily ever after………

‘’ THE END’’

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