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Algebra and Algebraic Topology

Modules, homomorphisms and exact sequences, free modules and vector

spaces, projective and injective modules, hom and duality, tensor products,
modules over principal ideals domain(Chapter IV or Text 2). Fields and Ga-
lois theory: Field extensions, the fundamental theorem, splitting fields, alge-
braic closure and normality, Galois group of polynomial, finite fields, sepa-
rability cyclic extensions, cyclotomic extensions, radical extensions(Chapter
V of Text 2)
Cohomology and homology: De Rham cohomology and Jordan curve
theorem- Definitions of the De Rham croups, the cohomology map, the
Jordan curve theorem, applications and variations(Chapter 5 of Text 1).
Homology- Chains, cycles and H0 U , boundaries, H1 U and winding numbers,
chains and grids, maps and cohomology, first homology group for general
spaces(Chapter 5 of Text 1). Covering spaces- Definitions, lifting paths
and homotopies, G-coverings and coverings transformations(Chapter 11 of
Text 1). The fundamental group-Definitions and basic properties, homotopy,
fundamental group and homology(Chapter 12 of Text 1)
Text Books

1. W. Foulton, Algebraic Topology, Springer international edn. New

Delhi, 1995

2. T W Hungerford, Algebra, Springer verlag, New York, 1980


1. N Jacobson, Basic Algebra Vol 1 and Vol 2, Hindustan Publishing

corporation, New Delhi, 1980

2. S Lang, Algebra, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1970

3. M Artin, Algebra, Prentic Hall of India, New Delhi, 1999

4. J R Munkers, Elements of Algebraic Topology, Addison Wesley, 1994

5. F H Croom, Basic concepts of Algebraic topology, Springer Verlag,

New Yourk

6. WS Massey, A basic course in Algebraic Topology, Springer Verlag

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