Task 2: Diego Sandoval Calderón / A07106264 / Alix Moyron / 18/06/2018

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Diego Sandoval Calderón / A07106264 / Alix Moyron / 18/06/2018

Lee este texto sobre la ciudad de México. Utiliza a lot of, few o little según corresponda de acuerdo
al contexto (el sustantivo en negritas es el que determina cuál de las tres expresiones utilizar). Para
las palabras cuyo significado no comprendas, utiliza el diccionario en
línea: http://www.wordreference.com/

Mexico City is an important city because it has many historic

museums and buildings. There are _a lot of night clubs, theaters
and cultural centers and there are _few restaurants with different
types of foods. The city is very busy and people do not have _a
lot of time to rest. There is also _little pollution and noise, and
unfortunately _a lot of traffic and crime. The climate is nice, but
sometimes there is _little rain.

Task 2

De las siguientes ciudades, elabora enunciados, puedes tomar

como ejemplo el párrafo anterior.


 London
o There is a lot of traffic
o There are many cars.
o There is little time.


There are very hot

There are lots of nature

There are a lot of culture

Los Angeles

There is little pollution

There are many restaurants

There is a lot of traffic

Diego Sandoval Calderón / A07106264 / Alix Moyron / 18/06/2018

My city

There are a lot of traffic

There is a lot of trees

There is little pollution

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