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San Carlos University of Guatemala

Group Number
Faculty of Engineering
School of Sciences

Technical English: ___3__

Section: ___A____

Name of the assignment:


ID Number Name

In the organization of a work you have to take into account several aspects that
are important, such as the planning of the construction of access roads to the
work, soil studies, topography, etc. Although all these aspects are a planning
that will be carried out before the execution of the work, there are also other
aspects that also have to be planned, but unlike the previous ones, these will be
carried out during the execution of the work itself and the quality control in the
construction of the work. The increasing demand on the part of the inhabitants
and owners of buildings, of a higher level of quality in terms of functionality and
durability of the constructions, makes the quality control in all phases of a work,
from the phase of the project until it is put into service, becomes more important
as time passes. Thus, the quality control in construction, can be summarized as
follows: Project control, Quality control of materials. Execution control, Control
of facilities., Study of construction pathologies

General Objective
Understand the importance of quality control in the career of civil engineering
for the development of buildings.

Specific Objectives:

 In which stages of a construction quality control can be applied.

 Determine the importance of correctly applying a quality control process

of construction materials.

 Know the technical words that involve quality control in a construction in

civil engineering.


is the process of defining, coordinating and determining the order in which the
activities in order to achieve the most efficient and economic efficiency of the
equipment, Elements and resources available to it and to eliminate unnecessary
diversification of efforts, a process that establishes or defines a work plan,
which must be controlled throughout the work to know if this is fulfilling or if it
should be submitted to a revision or modification in order to fulfill the final
objective set. For this, a system must be established to measure the progress
that can be made and compare it with the process that was scheduled or
planned; that also allows to control the employee in labor, equipment and
materials in relation to the program. The controlled asthenic program

1) Know what activity is not being developed according to the program.

2) Be able to make a decision at the right time.

3) Show order and work discipline.

4) Provide a means of communication both vertically and horizontally.


In the development of a construction project it is essential that the quality

control contemplates certain activities that must be carried out in the work.

 Select a qualified concrete sample taker, who will be the person in

charge of carrying out all the concrete tests in fresh state: Sampling of
concrete, Temperature of fresh concrete, Concrete settlement, Unitary
mass and Volumetric performance, Production and Curing of concrete
 Selection of a suitable laboratory.
 Quality processes duly documented.


As already mentioned, the quality control of concrete must be preventive rather

than curative, so it is of vital importance to carry out tests on fresh concrete with
which it is sought to guarantee compliance with specifications in hardened
state. The main tests that must be carried out are:

 Temperature of the concrete

 Workability or manageability
 Segregation
 Exudation
 Unitary mass and performance volumetric
 Slump test
 Preparation and curing of concrete specimens.

The concrete after mixing is stiffened with time, a phenomenon that should not
be confused with cement setting. What happens is that the mixing water is lost,
because the aggregates absorb part of it, it evaporates, especially if the
concrete is exposed to the sun and the wind and another part is eliminated by
the initial chemical reactions.

Concrete is more important than ambient temperature, since it controls the

chemical reactions that occur in the mixture and therefore

modifies the properties of concrete in a fresh and hardened state. Standard

sets the temperature limits for fresh concrete. The measurement of the
temperature is made when the concrete is received in the work, while it is
placed, with glass thermometers or with armor, which must have an accuracy of
1ºC and must be introduced into the representative sample for at least two
minutes or until the reading stabilizes. It is also possible to determine the
temperature by means of electronic temperature meters with precision digital


It is the capacity of the concrete that allows it to be properly placed and

compacted without any segregation occurring. The workability is represented by
the degree of compatibility, cohesiveness, plasticity and consistency.

 Compatibility: The ease with which concrete is compacted or

consolidated to reduce the volume of voids and, therefore, trapped air.
 Cohesiveness: The ability of concrete to maintain itself as a stable mass
without segregation.
 Plasticity: Condition of the concrete that allows it deform continuously
without breaking.
 Consistency: Ability of fresh concrete to flow, that is, the ability to acquire
the shape of the Formworks that contain it and fill spaces empty around
embedded elements.

Properties such as cohesion and adhesion are those that determine the degree
of workability and are usually evaluated by visual examination and concrete
manipulation with finishing tools, because until now there is no known test that
measures them directly; However, a series of tests have been developed with
which the properties of concrete in plastic state can be determined or correlated
in terms of consistency, fluidity, cohesion and degree of compaction in others.


An important aspect of workability and that generally considered as another

property, is the tendency to segregation, which is defined as the tendency of
separation of coarse particles from the concrete mortar phase and the collection
of those deficient particles of mortar in the perimeter of the concrete placed, due
to lack of cohesiveness, of such way its distribution and behavior stops be
uniform and homogeneous. This leads to the fact that segregation is an implicit
condition of concrete for maintain adequate workability

Segregation can occur in two ways. The first occurs when poor mixtures are
used and

too dry, in such a way that the particles thick tend to separate either because
they are move along a slope or because it they settle more than fine particles.
The second type is presents particularly in wet mixtures, and manifested by the
separation of a part of the aggregates.


It is a form of segregation or sedimentation, in which part of the mixing water

tends to rise to the surface of a freshly placed concrete mix. This is because the
solid constituents of the mixture can not retain all the water when it settle during
the setting process.
The exudation of concrete is influenced by the proportions of the mixture and
the properties of materials, the air content, shape and texture of the aggregates,
cement quality and the use of additives.


Recall that the concrete is dosed by weight and supplied by volume, therefore it
is important determine the unit mass of the concrete to calculate the volume or
the volumetric yield produced by the known weights of each of the materials
that constitute and to determine the cement content per cubic meter of


The settlement is a measure of the consistency of the concrete, which refers to

the degree of fluidity of the mixture, that is, it indicates how dry or fluid it is when
is in a plastic state and does not constitute same a direct measure of

The characteristics of the Abrams cone are presented in Figure 1 and the test
method that is described in the standard ASTM C143-78 in general terms
consists of what following:

The mold is placed on a horizontal, flat Surface and non-absorbent, pressing
with the feet the handles so that the concrete does not come out bottom of the
mold. Then, the cone is filled in three layers each of approximately equal
volume, ramming each layer with 25 hits given with a Rod of 16 mm in
diameter, 60 cm in length and with minus one of its rounded ends. The
introduction of the rod should be done in different places of the surface and up
to one depth such that it penetrates slightly into the layer lower with the object
that the compaction is distributed uniformly on the cross section.

Setting of concrete


The setting of concrete corresponds to the process of hardening the concrete

mixture, where a state transition is experienced plastic to hardened state under
certain conditions of time and temperature.

Setting time influences other properties of concrete, as are the manageability

and resistance, therefore your determination is important to know if it is
necessary to use Additives that control the setting speed (retardants or
accelerators), and thus be able to regulate times of mixing, transport and
placement of concrete, in such a way that neither the manageability nor the
strength of the concrete.


Concrete compression tests are carried out to determine the general quality of
the concrete. Whether allows the curing conditions to vary, taking samples and
methods of filling and finishing the test tubes, the results obtained lack value,
because you can not determine if a low resistance it is due failure in the making
of the test tubes
Preparation of samples

Molding location: Shape samples as close as possible from the place where
they will be stored during the first 24 h. If it is not feasible mold the samples
where they will be stored, take to the storage place.

Placement (cast): Place the concrete in the molds using a ladle or blunt trowel.
Choose each spoonful, palustrated or shovel of concrete mixing vessel to
ensure that this is representative of the bachada. It can be necessary remixing
the concrete in the mixing vessel with a trowel or shovel to prevent segregation
during the molding of the samples. Move the bucket or the trowel around the top
of the mold when the concrete is discharged in order to ensure a symmetrical
distribution of the concrete and minimize the segregation of the coarse
aggregate inside the mold. Also, distribute the concrete using the rod
compaction before starting the consolidation. He Sampler should try to add,
when placing the last layer, a quantity of concrete that will fill exactly the mold
after compaction. Do not add samples of non-representative concrete mold
during filling


The purpose of the execution control is to guarantee that the work conforms to
the project and the requirements of this project.
It is the responsibility of the Property and the Construction Management to
ensure the
realization of the external control of the execution, which will necessarily be
adapted to the
corresponding, depending on the value adopted for γf in the project.
The following three levels are considered for execution control:

- Control of execution at reduced level.

- Execution control at normal level.
- Control of execution at an intense level.


Project Review
Documentary coherence: The documentary coherence between planes,
memory, specifications, units and budget is checked.

Definition: It is verified that the technical specifications describe and define all
the materials and work units of the project, as well as the execution system.

Regulations: The application of all project regulations is verified.

Revision of reception protocols and tests according to technical specifications of
the work for the provisional and final reception of the work
Supervise and control the tests of correct integral functioning of the systems of
Supervision of possible modifications or adaptations that have to be made
Supervision of warranty tests
Checking the recommended modifications during the execution, and the correct
operation of equipment and facilities as well as the functionality of the work
carried out
It consists of the planning of the legalizations of the installations according to
the security regulations that apply to it: high voltage, low voltage, etc.

A list of equipment or facilities is generated to monitor the planning of

legalizations. It is required, as a previous step to the different companies that
participate in the development of the project, the necessary accreditations
(business qualification document, installer card, etc).

 The stages where quality control is applicable in a work is from its

planning to its final delivery to the client.

 In the works, it is known that they must comply with international

standards that involve the testing of the materials before their use, for
this the materials must be legitimately correct for the proper functioning
of the work.

 know the words that are commonly used in civil engineering during a
work is useful for all personnel close to the construction field.

A positive declaration intended to give confidence; a promise.

an official examination and verification of accounts and records, especially of
financial accounts.

the quantity of material prepared or required for one operation

to determine, check, or rectify the graduation of (any instrument giving
quantitative measurements).

the quality of being competent; adequacy; possession of required skill,
knowledge, qualification, or capacity

a person who contracts to furnish supplies or perform work at a certain price or

a chart on which observations are plotted as ordinates in the order in which they
are obtained and on which control lines are constructed to indicate whether the
population from which the observations are being drawn is remaining the same:
used especially in industrial quality control.

it is a requirement that establishes the bases to elaborate, maintain and update

the documentary support of the quality management systems.

an act or instance of evaluating or appraising.

the act of expending something, especially funds; disbursement; consumption.

a mechanical tool or implement, especially one used for delicate or precision

the act of interpreting; elucidation; explication
International Standardization Organization.

a just-in-time method of inventory control, originally developed in Japanese
automobile factories


all actions that aim to preserve an item and restore it to a state in which it can
be carried out

the act of measuring

a procedure, technique, or way of doing something, especially in accordance
with a definite plan


Group of people and media organized for a specific purpose.

a person who is equal to another in abilities, qualifications, age, background,
and social status

a person who is equal to another in abilities, qualifications, age,background, an
d social status

the state or quality of being precise.

an essential or distinctive characteristic, property, or attribute


includes those activities carried out by a company, institution or organization in

general, to know the quality in this


is the set of planned and systematic activities applied in a quality management

system so that the quality requirements of a product or service are satisfied.
the act or process of selecting a sample for testing, analyzing, etc.


 web page,

descripcion.html view to 20/12/17 22:55 hours.

 Marco Antonio Higueros, 1996, MATERIALES DE CONSTRUCCION



ADVISORY , Industry ARGOS. Pag 8, technical magazine

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