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Brian Streit

Math 2451

Section 1.4 Selected Solutions

2. (a) This is a re‡ection about the xy plane.

(b) This is a clockwise rotation by an angle of about the z axis and a
re‡ection about the xy plane.
(c) This is a re‡ection about the origin and a counterclockwise rotation by
an angle of 4 about the z axis.

4. (a) The surface de…ned by r = constant is a hollow cylindrical pipe

along the z axis of in…nite height and radius r. The surface = constant is
an in…nite half plane that makes an angle of with the positive x axis and has
boundary the z axis. The surface z = constant is the plane parallel to the xy
plane through the point (0; 0; z).
(b) The surface = consant is the surface of a sphere centered at the origin
of radius . The surface = constant is the half plane with boundary the z
axis and that makes an angle of with the positive x axis. The surface ' =
constant is an in…nite cone whose surface makes an angle of ' with the positive
z axis and with tip the origin if ' 6= 2 . If ' = 2 then our surface is the xy

6. (a) p
We choose our vectors so that the orientation agrees with the diagram.
Since r = x2 + y 2 and we want ker k = 1 we let
xi + yj
er = p :
x2 + y 2
Then we let er = k and clearly er ez = 0. Next we have

i j k
p x p y
0 yi xj
er ez = x2 +y 2 x2 +y 2 =p p :
x + y2
2 x + y2
0 0 1

Clearly ker ez k = 1 and er ez is orthogonal to er and ez so let e = er ez .

(b) Using the "bac cab" identity (see exercise 21 in section 1.3) and part
(a) we compute
e j = (er ez ) j = ez (j er ) er (j ez ) = p k.
x + y2

Geometrically, we see that e j must be normal to the plane spanned by e

and j and therefore must be a scalar multiple of k. Also

ke jk = ke k kjk jsin j = jsin j

is the area of the parallelogram with adjacent sides e and j. We see that
e j xj
projj e = 2 j= p
kjk x + y2

so that
jsin j = kjk ke projj e k = p :
x2 + y 2
We choose the orienation for e j to agree with the right hand rule so that
e j =p k.
x2 + y 2

8. (a) Since z = z and x = r cos in cylindrical cooredinates the plane

z = x is z = r cos :
(b) In spherical coordinates we have cos ' = sin ' cos or cos ' =
sin ' cos since this equation implies is free to range over all of R.

10. The surface de…ned by = 2f ( ; ') is a re‡ection about the origin

and an expansion (or stretching away from the origin) by a factor of 2 of the
surface de…ned by = f ( ; ') :

15. Since the graph of r = cos 2 is





-1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
-0.2 x




we see that the graph of = cos 2 is

-0.5 -1.0
z 0.00.0 0.0
y 0.5 x
1.0 -1.0

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