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LEVEL 9 – Unit 6 – Extra ex – Gram

Obligation- Permission – Prohibition

Circle the correct answer.

1. You must / don’t have to / take the full course of medication or it won’t work.
2. He’s not allowed to / bound to start later, he’s done so much overtime already.
3. You have to / are allowed to wear protective clothing in the lab.
4. You aren’t required to / shouldn’t ask people how much they earn.
5. You cannot / don’t have to be late for your interview.
6. You are supposed to / bound to give your seat up for elderly people.
7. You must / don’t have to do what he says if you don’t want to.

Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. You _d__ come to the meeting today, but please come next week.
2. You _a__ park here.
3. He __f_ arrive late. He usually does.
4. You _b__ fill out this application form before you come, but do it now.
5. You _e__ have an hour for lunch every day if you want.
6. You _c__ be here an hour before the exam, and please bring some ID.

a) Are not allowed to

b) Are supposed to
c) Are required to
d) Are not required to
e) Are allowed to
f) Is likely to

Circle the correct answer.

1. When need / must / can / allowed I have a break?

2. You really require / bound / allow / should listen to her.
3. You can / can’t / must / mustn’t be here by nine o’clock.
4. When I was young I was allowed / had to / must / mustn’t do my homework before I could
watch TV.
5. You don’t have to / mustn’t / shouldn’t / are not allowed get up early on the weekend.
6. An athlete can’t / isn’t allowed to / has to / needn’t train very hard.

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