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chapter (7 Vecter Funckons ond Space Carves Pagel Section 13:1 From Math 24, jew rmember ‘that we deLned. a finchion as a mle that assigns te erch elemant cn fhe domein on element cn the fenge A Veber Valued Rmchion eravector funckion 's simply 4 fumehion whose domain cs a Set of real numbers and whose fouge ts set of vectors. Thine about veehor famchion Mt) whese Values are Three dimensional vechors. Therefore for every number £ in the doman, thers a uieqre vector th Vy (three dimensional SPace) dehtofed by Tee). Assoming Fe), gcc, ond Kit) ore the Gmporents of vector Kt), Then Py, ond A are real-valred Punchons called 1% Gmponeat fan chiens of Fit) ond we com whte Fied= < Pir, glo, Rey = Po b+ Bog + heer We Wormelly use te independent Variable t because in mest Vector funckion applicahions, it represents time - Example: Tf vector famckon ftt)= <7, a(t), VE > then Prud The demas of the fnckine- Solum: £0). t? me domain IR (Al The Ral numbers) GCE) = In(3-t) ap 3-tyo =p t<3 domes oes ROVE po = dome Eye =p Domam of th. vector pnchion Pte) is [0,3) chapter 13/ Vector Functions end Space Curves Page 2, Section 13-1 Brits & Cokinaity The Linch of a vector function 7 és dePined by bkig th Amite of ts Compo nant funchions . i he He TF wer. € Peer, er, MO thn Bon Fore him fer, engi), Lin tara tra - to tra Provided ho limits of The Component funchions exist. i? vector Pimchian is Cukinuous at a if bn HO) = To) = at Se Exonple: find — where Utye(ut )es te g +S K 5 2 -t int Aan Fe)» (dim (wae? Vi alba te ls: plore! kK to coe dim \re3 ABE Bo bee ol Aen Sint = 2 UHosprtel to bove tre F Se eke = (ial = eee Seis 2 ek tro Space Curves: there is a close CGunechion behseen continuous, Vecke Pnchons oad nee carves. suppose that f, 3, ond h are Conhinuous real-valued funckons on interval LT. Thantthe Set C of all Points in space (xs ¥,2), where xefltl, Jogtt), Z- Rit) Por at values of £ on enterval T ‘S Called a Space Curve- Chapter \3 J Vector Finchsns and Space Curves Page 3 Sechon {3-1 TP we Consider the vector famokirn Tey =< Pier, ge), RY » Thee Ut) ce the position Veebr oP the point P( Pie, ge, RC) on Space awe C. & Therefore» anes Cenkinucus veeke Finck on fia defnes a space carve © thet cs traced out by the Hp ef the vector tt. Ln Simple words, Components of. « vector funckon (They ove alse Componsnts of th pesition Veet) trace Th space Curve 1S the set oP at (xeg,2) Points sach That ee ne Pee) Jaw ee heey ee Etample: Describe the curve defined by the vechr Panchen Tt) = igt, Ae5ty -le6t >- Solubion: the peramebric equation We l+t , g=245t and 2=-146l fepresoy Th povemeliie Exomple: sketch the Curve whese vector 2fuakion ¢s ME) = cost ¢ +S tg aek- Solukton : the Parametric equahorsfor th. Curve és R= Ost 1 gedint » Bot Since Ke 47> Cos te Sint =\ 1 then for att values of ty the curve must be om the Cireular Cylinder ( pay attention! a Cylinder not a Gycle) w/ te equehion x+y =! Z Conbinucd (4 The next Prge. chapter B/ Vector Fumekions and Space Guves Denes Seclion 13-1 epee Kit ts importint & note That The Projection of thes Space curve has & vector equation 5 TL) << Gast, Smtyo>- Smuce Zot, The Curve spirals “pword around The Gyluder 4s]t increases - pregection om mre Example: Find « vector equation and Pacometric 9 Vy 2d 2,-',3> ae nb) = oh 3-8? 4 £<2,-37 SP Mele The Cortes Pondiy. Pavamctiicc equehions ace Ms let g- 3-4t 2=-ar9t chapter IZ Vector Functions ond Space Cusves Seohion 13.1 Exempla: Find 0 vector funchon That represents the cove of intersection of fhe cylinder x2 42) ond The Plane ee eae 2, Page 5y z oe ¢ Th Projection eP © one te X-Plane os The circle with x7497- |, 2-0 =o x2 Gost, Ge Sin Es and ogtgar from Th emation of Th Phare we have: Fea a 2-smt Therefore, Th. Poramelric equahion for Curve © is : "the Cost Crsmt Fr (A-St)k Le gag Ce This Pricess 5 Called pramcbtization of Curve C-

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