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Project Based Learning

Rationale/ Abstract
PBL is a great way to approach learning in social studies, as it allows students to

formulate their own opinions about the concepts we’re exploring. It also connects what they’re

learning to real life problems, which is crucial. I was first introduced to project-based learning

during my PS I practicum. My TA engaged his students in PBL for all subjects that he taught. It

was interesting to watch students struggle through finding solutions for the problems they were

presented. I also found that students better remembered the information they learned when they

actively engaged with the content.

In this project, students will first be given an opportunity to gather information. Based on

the information they gather they will create their own countries, before being faced with the

problem at hand. In project based learning, it is important that students are engaging with real

world problems. In order to achieve this, students will be given a list of issues that the Canadian

government faces. As a group they will be given the opportunity to pick an issue then derive

their question from there. At the end of the project, students will present their solutions to the

class via the platform they choose.

I believe that students having a choice in which issue they tackle, makes the problem

more “real.” In my experience, students engage better with problems they are interested in.

However, because they are working in groups, it is highly likely that not all students in a group

will want to work on the same issue. In this situation, perhaps students will be able to put into

practice what they’ve learned from the research period into their decision making.
Background Scenario

This project is for a grade 6 Social Studies class. In this unit, students will be

learning about government, specifically democracy. The students will be in groups, where they

will be making up their own countries. Prior to creating their countries, students will be

researching types of government. Once that is done, students will be presented with a situation

and they will present how their government will go about solving this issue. This project can be

modified as needed.

At this point in the school year, students would have had prior exposure to the technology

being utilized, the roles they’ll be assigned and how to go about formulating their question.

Although reminders and sheets with guidelines will still be given.

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