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Fran’s Science Review

Levels of organization
1. What is the smallest living being?

2. What is the sequence of living beings?

Animal Cells
3. What is the characteristic structure of an animal cell?

4. Animal cells have no _______________________ and no _______________________.

5. What do animal cells contain?

6. What happens during cell division?

Animal Tissues
7. What are tissues?

8. How are tissues different in more complex animals?

9. How is animal tissues classified?

10. What is it important to consider about tissues?

11. Why do tissues integrate at times?

12. What the types of connective tissue explain each one.

Bone Tissue:

Cartilaginous Tissue:

Adipose Tissue:

Blood Tissue:
13. Fill in the chart below:
Type of tissue / Other names How are they formed Feature / Function

14. What are the 3 types of muscle tissue :

Smooth Tissue:

Cardiac Tissue:

Skeletal Tissue:

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