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A Dissertation



Submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies of

Texas A&M University
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of


December 2000

Major Subject: Architecture

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A Dissertation



Submitted to Texas A&M University

in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of


Approved as to style and content by:

Mardelle M. Shepley Louis G. Tasamary

(Chair of Committee)

. Bame S. Haberl
(Member) (Member)

Thomas L. McKittrick
(Head of Department)

December 2000

Major Subject: Architecture

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Environmental Quality and Healing Environments: A Study of

Flooring Materials in a Healthcare Telemetry Unit. (December 2000)

Debra D. Harris, B.S., Southwest Texas State University;

M.IARC., University of Oregon

Chair of Advisory Committee: Dr. Mardelle Shepley

The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of flooring finish

materials on the environmental quality of patient rooms and explore the

relationship of environmental quality and human response. Specifically, this

research focused on the flooring finish materials in telemetry unit patient rooms

at a regional health center.

An interdisciplinary multiple methodology was used to build a protocol for

evaluating interior finish materials. The objectives are: (a) to measure physical

criteria of the flooring finish materials for the development of an Indoor

Environmental Quality (IEQ) index; and (b) examine the IEQ index as it relates

to patient and staff perceptions, preferences, comfort, and biological responses

to their environment.

The results found that healthcare staff preferred V C T over carpet for the

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flooring choice in patient rooms citing ease of maintenance as their reason.

Patients preferred carpet in their patient rooms citing comfort, slip-resistance,

and less noise as the reasons for their choice.

Healthcare staff perceived patient rooms with V C T to be more clean and

attractive, have better odor, ventilation, air movement, and fresher air. Staff

perceived rooms with carpet to be more comfortable and have less noise and

glare, fewer temperature shifts, and better temperatures. Patients perceived

patient rooms with V C T to be more clean, have better ventilation and fresher air,

but rooms with carpet to have better temperatures.

The results of the indoor environmental conditions indicated that V C T

had a higher level of glare and a higher level of bacteria in the air samples. No

significant differences were found in the levels of noise, temperature, carbon

dioxide, and total volatile organic compounds.

The study determined whether the indoor environmental conditions of the

patient rooms were consistent with patient and staff preferences, physical

comfort, biological response, and satisfaction. The specification of appropriate

flooring materials in patient room environments depends on the composition of

the material, its impact on the environmental conditions of the room, and the

comfort and satisfaction of the patients.

Additional research should focus on the materiality of flooring products,

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the effect of carpet on the indoor relative humidity, and exposure to volatile

organic compounds and microorganisms.

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This dissertation would not have been possible without the collective help

and support from many people. First, I would like to thank Dr. Mardelle Shepley

for her guidance, patience, and nurturing spirit that so many students have

benefited from over her years at Texas A&M University. W hen I met Mardelle at

a conference in New York in 1995 after her research presentation, I knew that I

had found my mentor.

It is with great gratitude that I thank my other committee members. In

addition to her experience and expertise in healthcare research, Dr. Sherry

Bame provided her unwavering support, ethics, and guidance during my pursuit

of an academic future. Dr. Louis G. Tassinary deserves many thanks for many

reasons. I appreciate his guidance and instruction on matters relating to the

design and analysis of my study, but his gentle support at those times when the

process became overwhelming will forever leave me indebted to him. Dr. Jeff

Haberl is appreciated for his expertise and guidance in environmental building

analysis, but also for his practical knowledge, honesty, and sense of humor.

Finally, I would like to thanks to Dr. James Christiansen for agreeing on short

notice to substitute as my Graduate Council Representative. His commitment

and dedication as an academic and educator is appreciated.

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Thanks also to Dr. Donald Sweeney, who opened the door for me with an

introduction to the administration at St. Joseph Regional Health Center. A

special thanks goes to Dan Buche, Executive Vice President at St. Joseph

Regional Health Center for providing access and financial support for this study;

Al Smith and Tim Roberts for providing information and access to the facility

systems and maintenance. In the beginning, the architecture firm of record,

Watkins Hamilton Ross, provided plans, specifications, and support for setting

up the research study. The project team included Mark Heitkamp, AIA, Amy

Bezecny, IIDA, and Mark Vaughan, AIA.

Access to the equipment needed to monitor the environmental conditions

of the patient rooms was a big concern. With limited financial resources, this

study would have not been possible without the generosity of those who

entrusted their equipment to me. I am indebted to the following people for the

loan of their equipment: Jeff Haberl, Lou Tassinary, Jim Long from SKC

Incorporated, and Homer Bruner and Charles Darnell from the Physical Plant at

Texas A&M University.

The financial support from St. Joseph Regional Health Center, the

International Interior Design Association, and the Texas A&M University

Wom en’s Faculty Network provided the necessary resources for the completion

of this project. I am deeply grateful for their support.

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A special thanks goes to the participants in this study. Healthcare staff

worked around the equipment and answered my many questions. Patients

genuinely seemed to enjoy participating in the study. In addition to the

participants, I had two assistants to help with the Behavioral Mapping Study. I

would like to send a heartfelt thanks to Clara Norton and Kristy Walvoord for

helping me with data collection and helping me to keep my sanity.

I would also like to thank a few friends and family for going beyond the

call of duty: Dianne Kett and Matt DeWolfe for their encouragement and

brownies; Denise Sechelski for her knowledge, guidance, and especially her

friendship; Tammy Elliott for her patience and assistance with learning to love

Adobe Pagemaker; Robin Abrams for her friendship and her generous offer of

her home when I need a place to stay; Sheri Smith for her friendship and

encouragement; Vannapa Pimviriyakul, a new friend who enriched my

experience at Texas A&M University; Ward Wells for providing opportunities,

opinions, and humor; and finally, my parents for their support, prayers and

generosity of spirit.

Last of all, I would like to thank my husband, Matthew Harris, for his

encouragement, love, patience, and support. His editorial comments, wisdom,

and wacky ideas kept this experience lively and interesting.

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ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................................... iii

ACKNOW LEDG M ENTS.................................................................................................... vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................................... ix

LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................................xii

LIST OF FIGURES............................................................................................................ xiii


I INTRODUCTION AND LITERATURE R E V IE W ...................................................1

1.1 Introduction........................................................................................... 1
1.2 Human Behavior and Healthcare Environments......................... 5
1.2.1 General Background......................................................... 5
1.2.2 Healthcare Staff..................................................................7
1.2.3 Patients.............................................................................. 11
1.3 Environmental Quality...................................................................... 16
1.3.1 Flooring Materials............................................................ 17
1.3.2 Lighting..............................................................................32
1.3.3 Acoustics.......................................................................... 40
1.3.4 Indoor Environmental Quality........................................49
1.4 Theory and Methods......................................................................... 71
1.4.1 Applied Research.............................................................74
1.4.2 Indoor Environmental Quality Index............................. 77
1.4.3 Behavioral Mapping.........................................................78
1.4.4 Survey Design.................................................................. 80
1.4.5 Multi-method Research Design...................................... 82
1.5 Sum m ary........................................................................................... 84

11 RESEARCH M E TH O D O LO G Y ..........................................................................87

2.1 Research D esign.............................................................................87

2.1.1 Ethics................................................................................. 88
2.1.2 Research Hypotheses..................................................... 89
2.1.3 Variables........................................................................... 90
2.1.4 Setting................................................................................93

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2.2 Patient Survey and Healthcare Staff Survey................................95

2.2.1 Participants.......................................................................96
2.2.2 Design and Procedure..................................................97
2.3 Patient Medical Chart Records....................................................101
2.4 Behavior Mapping Study.............................................................. 102
2.4.1 Participants.....................................................................103
2.4.2 Design and Procedure................................................103
2.5 Indoor Environmental Quality Index...........................................104
2.5.1 Design and Procedure................................................106
2.6 Summary...........................................................................................126

III ANALYSIS AND R E SU LTS .............................................................................. 127

3.1 Analyses...........................................................................................127
3.1.1 Behavioral Mapping Study........................................... 128
3.1.2 Healthcare Staff and Patient Surveys........................ 128
3.1.3 Indoor Environmental Quality Study.......................... 130
3.2 Descriptive Results.........................................................................130
3.2.1 Properties and Characteristics of the
Flooring Materials..........................................................131
3.2.2 Description of the Patient Rooms...............................133
3.2.3 Characteristics of the Patients.................................... 136
3.2.4 Characteristics of the Healthcare Staff......................138
3.3 Hypotheses Results........................................................................141
3.3.1 Hypothesis 1: Environmental Conditions and
Floor Type........................................................................141
3.3.2 Hypothesis 2: Patient Preferences............................158
3.3.3 Hypothesis 3: Patient Perceptions............................ 159
3.3.4 Hypothesis 4: Healthcare Staff Preferences..........162
3.3.5 Hypothesis 5: Helathcare Staff Perceptions........... 164
3.3.6 Hypothesis 6: Amount of Time Staff and
Visitors Spent in Patient Rooms..................................164

IV DISCUSSION OF TH E RESULTS................................................................... 167

4.1 Summary of the Findings...............................................................167

4.1.1 Indoor Environmental Quality Indix............................ 167
4.1.2 Patients' Preferences and Perceptions...................... 176
4.1.3 Healthcare Staff Preferences and Perceptions..........178

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TABLE OF C ONTENTS (continued)


Amount of Time Healthcare Staff and Visitors
Spent in Patient Rooms................................................ 180
4.2 Implecations of the Findings.......................................................... 181
4.3 Practical Applications..................................................................... 187

V C O NCLUSIO NS..................................................................................................... 191

5.1 Summary of the Conclusions..........................................................191
5.2 Limitations of the Research........................................................... 192
5.3 Future Directions............................................................................. 195

REFERENCES................................................................................................................ 200

APPENDICES.................................................................................................................. 209

APPENDIX A ................................................................................................................... 210

APPENDIX B................................................................................................................... 213

APPENDIX C ................................................................................................................... 226

APPENDIX D ................................................................................................................... 228

APPENDIX E ................................................................................................................... 230

APPENDIX F.................................................................................................................... 232

APPENDIX G ...................................................................................................................234

APPENDIX H ................................................................................................................... 239

APPENDIX 1.....................................................................................................................250

APPENDIX J .................................................................................................................... 254

VITA................................................................................................................................... 256

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1.1 Advantages and limitations of sheet vinyl and vinyl

composition tile...................................................................................................... 23

1.2 Human biological (or psychological) needs for

visual information...................................................................................................36

1.3 Recommended illuminance categories and illuminance

ranges for hospital patient rooms....................................................................... 38

1.4 Temperature limits for typical flooring materials, bare feet...........................63

2.1 Research hypotheses..........................................................................................89

2.2 Ataxonomy of dependent variables................................................................... 91

3.1 Flooring material properties rating comparison............................................132

3.2 Patient room interior finish specifications...................................................... 135

3.3 Lighting conditions for December 1 5 ,1 9 9 8 at 2 p.m.................................... 142

3.4 Ventilation air changes per hour for the six patient rooms............................ 146

3.5 Means and standard deviations for patient ratings of physical

attributes of their patient rooms.........................................................................160

3.6 Means and standard deviations for healthcare staff ratings

of patient rooms’ physical attributes................................................................. 163

4.1 Summary of findings............................................................................................190

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1.1 Example reflective surfaces............................................................................. 33

1.2 Percentage of people dissatisfied as function of vertical air temperature

differences between head and ankles, and floor temperature, degrees
Fahrenheit (ASHRAE, 1997)............................................................................. 64

2.1 Example of patient rooms with VC T and carpet flooring materials.......... 94

2.2 Flooring materials used in the study of environmental quality

in hospital patient rooms....................................................................................95

2.3 Tektronix Lumacolor II Photometer used to measure luminance

and illuminance in patient rooms.................................................................... 109

2.4 Quest Technologies Precision Integrating Sound Level Meter

used to record sound levels (dBA) in the patient rooms............................111

2.5 Alnor Velometer used to measure air flow rates in the patient rooms....115

2.6 Recordaire and lock-box used to record interval data for

temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide, and total
volatile organic compounds............................................................................. 117

2.7 YES-204 IAQ monitor used in controlled experiment to verify

the validity of the Recordaire monitor equipm ent...................................... 118

2.8 Controlled experiment to verify reliability for the Recordaire

monitoring equipment used for patient room IAQ interval

2.9 Raytek ST-8 Enhanced Laser infrared thermometer used

to measure surface temperatures in patient rooms....................................122

2.10 Sample sites located on the floor and reflected ceiling p la n s ................125

3.1 Frequency of traffic in patient rooms by healthcare staff and

non-staff visitors..................................................................................................134

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LIST OF FIGURES (continued)


3.2 Healthcare staff and non-staff visitor traffic in patient room s............... 134

3.3 Patient range of age......................................................................................... 137

3.4 Patient demographics...................................................................................... 137

3.5 Healthcare staff job description..................................................................... 139

3.6 Healthcare staff demographics.......................................................................140

3.7 Reflected glare on vinyl composition tile and carpet in

patient rooms near the window.......................................................................142

3.8 Level of illuminance (incident illuminance) in patient rooms................... 143

3.9 Level of illuminance (incident illuminance) in patient rooms

categorized by flooring material.....................................................................143

3.10 Reflected glare from the floor in patient rooms........................................... 144

3.11 Reflected glare from the floor in patient rooms categorized

by flooring material. NOTE: Recommended range for reflected
glare from floor is 20%-30% (Egan, 1983).................................................. 145

3.12 Temperature boxplot showing the median and range

categorized by flooring type............................................................................147

3.13 Temperature timeline for patient rooms and outdoor conditions

categorized by flooring type............................................................................148

3.14 Relative humidity boxplot showing the median and range

categorized by flooring type............................................................................149

3.15 Relative humidity timeline for patient rooms and outdoor

conditions categorized by flooring type............................................................149

3.16 Inside/outside temperature and humidity displayed on

the psychrometric chart during December 14-21,1998
for patient rooms with vinyl composition tile.................................................... 150

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LIST OF FIGURES (continued)


3.17 Inside/outside temperature and humidity displayed on the

psychrometric chart during December 1 4 -21 ,1 9 9 8 for
patient rooms with carpet....................................................................................151

3.18 Carbon dioxide boxplot showing the median and range

categorized by flooring type............................................................................152

3.19 Carbon dioxide timeline for patient rooms categorized by

flooring type.........................................................................................................153

3.20 Total volatile organic compounds boxplot showing the median

and range categorized by flooring type...................................................... 155

3.21 Total volatile organic compounds timeline for patient rooms

categorized by flooring type............................................................................156

3.22 Bacteria count of colony forming units categorized by flooringtype..... 157

3.23 Bacteria count of colony forming units at each sample site

categorized by flooring type............................................................................158

3.24 Patient preference for flooring material in their patient room.................159

3.25 Healthcare staff preference for flooring material in the patientrooms...162

3.26 Differences between the means of paired samples for healthcare

staff perceptions about flooring materials in patient rooms......................165

3.27 Average number of minutes healthcare staff and visitors spend

in patient rooms..................................................................................................166

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of finish materials

on the human response and qualitative experience of an interior environment.

The investigation’s specific context was the healthcare architecture in six patient

rooms of the Telemetry Unit at a regional health center located in central Texas.

As administrators and hospital designers strive to create facilities that support

the psychological and physical health of its inhabitants, it is imperative to

identify, specify, install, and maintain safe and sustainable products that support

places for healing.

The primary objectives of this study were: (a) to measure physical

characteristics of the flooring finish materials towards developing an Indoor

Environmental Quality (IEQ) index for flooring finish materials; and (b) examine

the flooring finish material IEQ index as it relates to patient and staff

perceptions, preferences, comfort and biological responses to their environment.

Criteria for measuring flooring materials included durability ratings, maintenance

and acoustics.

This dissertation follows the style and format of the Journal of Environment and Behavior.

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This study focused on the changes in the environmental quality of patient

rooms based solely on flooring material selections. The investigation of

environmental quality of flooring materials within the hospital setting will provide

beneficial information to the healthcare industry, design professions, and

manufacturers of material goods. This research utilized a multifaceted

methodological design for measuring the impact of materials on the

environmental quality of the interior and its relationship to those inhabiting that

interior environment.

A major goal of the study was to provide insight into the complexity of the

physical environment in a hospital and the importance of implementing design

strategies that captures the essential experiential quality of interior architecture.

Design guidelines developed from this study provides the design professional

with improved programming criteria for creating a healthy environment, with

consideration for environmental quality, aesthetics, cost, user preference, and

satisfaction. By identifying the impact interior finish materials may have on

environmental health and the quality of the built environment, designers,

architects, and administrators can make informed decisions when specifying

appropriate materials for safe and healthy indoor environments.

Recent literature tends to focus on one variable associated with

environmental quality and its effect on human response. Any particular

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environment is a complex system with multiple variables, each affecting and

being affected by the actions and reactions of changes within that environment.

W hile research is growing in the area of environmental quality of healthcare

architecture, there is a need for continued research.

During a search of the literature related to health facility design, it became

clear that many published studies were methodologically flawed or, in the case

of light and noise studies, focused only on infant reactions to treatments (e.g.,

Ackerman & Sherwonit, 1989; Blackburn & Patteson, 1991). This infant-only

focus does not readily translate to other patient groups from children and

adolescents to the elderly. Previous research focusing on materials have been

produced by organizations with conflicts of interest, specifically, flooring studies

with links to the flooring industry. (Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI), 1992; Tarkett,

1997). In contrast, studies addressing issues related to indoor air quality

generally had competent research designs and were strongly supported by

professional associations committed to the research of environmental quality

(i.e., Bame & Wells, 1995; and Fanger, 1970).

After a general introduction to the objectives of the stated problem, the

literature review is divided into three general sections: 1) the complexity of

multiple end-users in healthcare facilities; 2) the quality of the physical indoor

environment of healthcare settings and its relationship to the occupants; and 3)

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theory and methodologies used in field research design and its application for

user-focused research.

The first section focuses on the human behavior toward the indoor

environment. Topics discussed include studies regarding healthcare facility

design and healthcare and studies focusing on patient and healthcare staff

perceptions, preferences, and assumptions. The review of this section conveys

the state of research in healthcare environmental design. Many of these studies

focus on one element, for instance, noise, in a particular unit within a hospital.

While generalization of the results may be limited, it provides a context for the

design of methodology for this research. This study used a multi-method

research design, including physical measures, to compare responses to

recorded measures of the patient room environment.

The next section, environmental quality, addresses studies pertaining to

flooring materials, lighting, acoustics, and indoor air quality. The final literature

review section discusses research theory and methodology, and indicates how

utilizing multiple methods will strengthen this research design by comparing

results within the methods (i.e., patient and healthcare survey) and between the

methods (i.e., surveys, behavioral mapping, and the indoor environmental

quality index for flooring materials).

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1.2.1 General Background

Health facilities are complex interdependent systems housed in a

multifunctional facility. Health facilities are programmed to accommodate

technological and practical requirements. Four design objectives- wayfinding,

indoor environmental quality, personal space and symbolic meaning - affect the

environmental quality of the built environment (Carpman & Grant, 1993). In the

1800s, Florence Nightingale (1859) wrote about the importance of fresh air,

cleanliness, order, natural light, and flowers to the recovery of the patient.

Design decisions should no longer be based solely on aesthetic criteria,

nor on budgetary concerns, but also consider the emotional and physical well­

being and on participative processes that reveal the diverse needs of those in

the healthcare setting. Davidson (1995) discusses a theory developed by

Martha Rogers entitled “science of unitary human beings.” She believed that

humans and the environment are a unitary phenomenon and that the

relationship between human beings and the environment are systemic: both the

human being and the environment can be viewed as energy fields (of dynamic,

continuous motion); change in one integrates a reactionary change in the other;

and the process moves toward increasing diversity and is irreversible.

Davidson (1997) adds that order and complexity are qualities of both entities

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and through choice, harmony can be produced between the human and

environmental fields, with therapeutic results.

W hat constitutes a healthy hospital facility? It is a place contributing to

the health of its occupants by a physical design supportive of the qualities of the

environment and health care delivery that reduce stress and enhance the quality

of life (Shepley et al., 1997). Minimally, it is a “no harm done" environment. In a

report investigating whether the built environment affects patients’ medical

outcomes (Rubin, Owens & Golden, 1997), the authors identified research

studies focusing on the effects of design elements on the healthcare

environment. Rubin, Owens, and Golden (1997) state that the design of

healthcare environments may have an effect on the occupants, supporting the

allocation of resources used to improve patient health and well-being, promote

employee efficiency, reduce employee turnover, and avoid wasteful spending.

While their report found that many of the research studies meeting their criteria

for inclusion had significant methodological flaws that weakened the validity of

their conclusions for patient outcomes, it proposes a research agenda for

identifying environmental features to be included in the scope of research and

patient groups most likely to benefit from changes in their patient environments.

The study concludes that improvements in outcomes may be available through

design interventions guided by sound scientific inquiry. Limitations of the

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research indicate that many aspects of the healthcare environment and

numerous patient population types have not been used in this area of research.

The Rubin et al. literature review (1997) is significant to this study

because it identifies other research that focuses on the environmental conditions

in healthcare environments. The majority of studies surveyed in Rubin et al.

(1997) focus on one specific design element tested for significance. Rubin e t al.

(1997) also provides useful information regarding methods employed for data


This research likwise focuses on one design element, flooring materials,

and its impact on other physical characteristics within the setting (i.e., noise,

glare, and indoor air quality). The literature on healthcare staff and patients

within the hospital facility are reviewed in the following sections.

1.2.2 Healthcare Staff

The designed environment can facilitate or hinder healthcare staff in the

process of care-giving. In a post-occupancy evaluation survey of a women’s

medical center, interviews and behavioral mapping methodologies were used to

complete a post-occupancy analysis and develop design guidelines for a

women’s center nursing station (Shepley, Bryant & Frohman, 1995). Twenty-two

healthcare administrators, physicians and nursing staff participated in the

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research study. The behavioral mapping study documented periodic data to

record activities and the location of staff members in five minute intervals. This

method of data collection provided a series record of behavior and activity. For

both events and states, continuous recording gives true frequencies, true

latencies and durations if an exact time base is used (Martin & Bateson, 1993).

Shepley et al. (1995) found that the labor delivery recovery postpartum (LDRP)

unit design was viewed favorably with noted concerns about security, quantity of

space, maintenance, and functionality. The methods used in the Shepley et al.

study (1995) of data collection constitute a multiple methodological research


This study will utilize a multi-method research design for collecting data

from the participants including surveys, behavioral mapping, and secondary data

collection from the patient medical charts.

In a case study of intensive care unit (ICU) nursing stations (Davis, 1994),

staff retention and satisfaction were found to be influenced by the amount of

control and choices within the work environment. Davis recommended that

design should encourage participation and reinforce the principle of team work

among the healthcare staff, patients and their visitors. Common complaints from

the staff participants included the quality of design elements pertaining to

acoustics and lighting. Additional comments suggested that space allocation for

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personal belongings for staff was a factor in their job satisfaction. Statistical

analysis was not conducted on the data collected, which compromises the

validity of the conclusions.

Healthcare staff participants in this research study were asked about their

perceptions, preferences, and satisfaction with the patient rooms. The survey

used in this study provides more detail than the Davis (1994) study by asking

specific questions about individual elements within the interior environment.

Jules Horton (1997) states that people under stress react more strongly

to environmental variables so healthcare facility design should strive to satisfy

the often contradictory needs of multiple users of the space. Healthcare

personnel have varying lighting requirements for different activities but common

needs include good task visibility, freedom from glare, and adequate contrast in

the field of vision to assist concentration and minimize visual fatigue. W ayne

Ruga (1997) defines environmental needs of medical staff and other user

groups as functional needs (appropriate space, equipment, and proximities

related to the effectiveness of their task performance); and perceptual needs

(data from the environment that creates the sensation of an experience). The

complexity of a space that accommodates multiple end-users with varying needs

suggest the importance of the environment as an indicator of quality within a

healthcare institution.

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Common themes in studies focusing on staff issues in healthcare

environments focus on satisfaction with their workspace. By understanding the

issues effecting staff satisfaction, administration can employ a strategic plan for

staff retention and productivity. These studies addressed physical requirements

including space allocation, maintenance, functionality of the space, and

concerns about security. Often, nursing staff work twelve hour shifts and divide

that time between patient rooms and the nursing station. A common complaint

of the physical space is design that is insensitive to the needs of the staff as it

pertains to acoustics and lighting. All of these examples are design elements

that can affect stress and fatigue.

Research limited to the physical environment may not take into

consideration other variables affecting staff moral and satisfaction. In healthcare

delivery, change and complexity are constants; these factors often create

confounding and contradictory scenarios for healthcare professionals. While

healthcare delivery is not a brick and mortar problem, it is part of the

environmental complex and has an effect on the perception of staff. Regardless

of the external variables, the design of the healthcare environment should

support the delivery of healthcare services.

This study employes uses multi-methods, similar to the post-occupancy

evaluation of the women's medical center (Shepley, Bryant & Frohman, 1995).

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In addition to the data collection of human interaction with the environment,

physical measures will be taken to use as the foundation for the analysis of the


1.2.3 Patients

Hospital patients and visitors are vulnerable user groups for whom the

physical environment can be a source of stress, impeding the patients' abilities

to recover from their illnesses. Stressors in the environment can also increase

hospital costs and decrease the quality of life for both patients and visitors

(Carpman & Grant, 1993). Qualities of the environment most likely to contribute

to stress for patients are (Volicer, Isenberg, & Bums, 1977): 1) physical threat

(i.e. filth, heat or cold, exposure to the elements); 2) psychological and social

(i.e. messages that convey feelings of social worth, security, identity, and self­

esteem); 3) environmental demands (i.e. control of one’s environment or lack of

control, issues related to the effort, energy and resources required to interact

with the environment); and 4) information deprivation (i.e. isolation, deficit of

contrasts that provide tension and challenge).

The experience of hospitalization is a source of psychological stress for

most patients, regardless of the nature of the illness. The interior design of

healthcare facilities can contribute to a more effective, satisfying experience for

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patients, if healthcare and design professionals focus on the physical,

psychological, social and spiritual needs of the patient (Orr, 1993).

In a study investigating how patients are disturbed by hospital noise, Topf

(1985) evaluated whether patients who have the added stress of being ill or

older were more sensitive to noise levels. The study population consisted of 150

male postoperative patients in a large metropolitan Veterans Administration

hospital over an eight month period. Each participant completed a survey

measuring their sensitivity to noise, their objective level of noise exposure based

on the average number of machines running in their rooms, and the degree to

which they were disturbed by hospital noise. At the same time, a research

assistant collected specific medical chart data. Personal control over noise was

found to be correlated with the patient spending more time out of bed, but no

difference was noted in self-rated report of recovery. Another study (Topf, 1994)

focused on noise level and personal control over noise studying 105 women

volunteers with an average age of 35 in a simulated hospital environment. Noise

was associated with subjective stress, but not physiological stress. In this study,

personal control over noise did not affect stress. The causal relationship

between noise conditions and poor sleep efficiency and efficacy as measured by

polysonmograph equipment and self-reports. These volunteers were not

patients, limiting the generaiizability of the results.

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Bame (1993) conducted a study on dialysis treatment room design

focusing on four features: 1) noise, 2) light, 3) temperature, and 4) spatial

arrangement and privacy. Fifty-five facilities participated in the study. Two

trained observers visited each facility to collect physical data. The study found

that all facilities exceeded recommended levels of noise for this type of

treatment environment and that patients had little ability to control the sources of

noise. It would be expected that this higher level of noise would interfere with

the patients’ ability to rest, relax, and communicate. In contrast, light levels were

below recommended standards in a majority of the facilities. Patients and staff

had no control over focused task lighting and approximately one third of the

facilities had no direct control over general lighting within the treatment area.

Temperature levels in the treatment rooms tended to be cooler than

recommended for these dialysis patients. Patients controlled their comfort level

by using blankets that they brought from home. Adjustable thermostats were

available for less that half of the facilities. Generally, spatial arrangements

provided adequate space for staff to maneuver and circulate among patients to

deliver care, but did not offer much privacy for patients. The author concludes

that greater control by patients and staff of their environment may result in

greater compliance by the patient in following treatment plans, and reduce

fatigue, burnout and dissatisfaction in staff. If the design of the treatment

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environment would have this effect, it would improve quality and contain costs of

dialysis care.

Another major concern for patients is the potential risk for falling. In

hospitals, the risk of a patient falling, cleanliness, and mobility (patient, staff, and

equipment) are often contradictory considerations in flooring material decisions

(Weinhold, 1988). Examining the hospital records of 76 elderly patients who had

documented falls within the previous year and 76 elderly patients with no

documented falls (Lund & Sheafor, 1985), two environmental factors that

significantly related to falling were identified: 1) the season (September through

November); and 2) the patient having three or more unit transfers. Three patient

characteristics that correlated with increased risk for falling included: 1) use of

assistive ambulatory devices; 2) taking certain medications; and 3) cognitive

impairment. Falls tended to occur more frequently in the evening and night shifts

and were associated with patients attempting to get out of or into bed.

In another study, (Willmott, 1986) fifty-eight elderly hospital patients were

randomly selected to test one of two flooring surfaces for gait speed and step

length. Statistical analysis showed that gait speed and step length were

significantly greater on carpet than on vinyl (i.e. walking was more efficient on

carpet). After the flooring test, some patients indicated a fear of walking on vinyl,

but were confident on carpet. None of the patients studied expressed difficulty in

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walking on carpet. This study demonstrates that the criteria for flooring

selections should include user preferences in addition to cost and maintenance

factors when selecting floor materials for elderly and infirm patients.

In Topfs study (1985), there was no mention of physical measures (i.e.

sound levels) taken during the course of the study. The data relied on self

reported measures and patient chart data. Bame's (1993) study of dialysis

treatment room design benefits from the use of multiple methods which includes

physical measures of the environment and the dependent patient population.

This is an important example of applied research in that it respects the multifacit

nature of the healthcare environment. The use of physical measures (i.e.

temperature, noise levels, light levels) and observation are strong components

for understanding the patients’ comfort physical needs and perceptions. One

limitation of the data is the lack of additional factors other than temperature that

effect thermal comfort and indoor air quality.

This research study intends to identify the design elements effecting

patient comfort and satisfaction by considering the variables affecting thermal

comfort and indoor air quality in addition to factors including noise, lighting,

reflected glare, and the physical characteristics of the materials. The analysis of

the data will contribute to the research design as part of the multi-method

research, supporting or refuting self-reported measures from the survey data.

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This section discusses the environmental elements relating to this

research study. Environmental quality is the totality of many singular elements in

an environment. Often, a change in one element will have an effect on one or

more of the other elements. For instance, room temperature will affect the

surface temperature; natural light from a window may cause reflected glare on a

hard surface; and the noise from the corridor or nursing station may be

uncomfortable for patients attempting to rest in their rooms. The first subsection

discusses flooring materials and the impact on environmental health, global

environmental concerns, material composition, maintenance, and life-cycle costs

of flooring materials.

Flooring materials were selected as the independent variable for this

research study because in a patient room, the three largest areas of interior

finishes are the walls, the ceiling, and the flooring. While the wall and its finish

treatments cover more area, flooring is exposed to a complex set of

environmental factors - foot traffic, spills, exposure to the sun, consideration of a

range of acoustic properties, and contamination from organic and chemical

sources. As a finish material, it is often considered the most important

specification in the interior design scheme. Flooring choices create an

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opportunity to expand a color palette and specify a product that is conducive to

the type of activities and purpose of the building.

1.3.1 Flooring Materials

Environmental Health

Flooring material selection is concerned with a range of issues related to

the environmental health of the building and its impact on the patient, family,

and medical staff populations. A wide variety of flooring materials are available

for specification in healthcare facilities. In hard surface flooring, choices include

resilient materials (vinyl composition tile, sheet vinyl, rubber flooring, and cork),

ceramic tile and other masonry, and wood. Carpet is available in rolls or tiles,

with various construction, design, and performance standards. Each type of

flooring offers a different aesthetic appeal with advantages and disadvantages in

maintenance (Coffin, 1993).

Environmental factors associated with flooring are indoor air quality,

acoustic properties, lighting and reflected light, and physical comfort. Malven

(1990) defines the seven threats to user well-being: 1) mechanical - injury from

falls; 2) chemical - exposure to harmful substances resulting in superficial

irritation, internal irritation, allergic reaction or toxic effects; 3) emotional -

exposure to environmental “stressors”; 4) organic - injury resulting from

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exposure to harmful organisms; 5) thermal threats - comfort, exposure to the

elements; 6) electrical threats - accidental grounding; and 7) physiological

threats - sensory stress. Each of these factors are potential threats to the health

and well-being of the occupants in healthcare facilities. Threats of this nature

should be considered when specifying flooring materials.

Ulrich (1996) states that healthcare environments will support coping with

stress if they are designed to foster a sense of control with respect to physical

surroundings, access to social support, and access to positive distractions.

Determining the functional needs and psychological objectives associated with

each area of the hospital, appropriate flooring selections and maintenance

program can ensure a long-term contribution to an attractive and safe

environment (Coffin, 1993).

Community and Global Environmental Concerns

Making appropriate choices as a design professional is fundamental to

the building of healthy communities. The design of the built environment impacts

those who occupy the space, the surrounding community, and the global

environment. Materials and finishes can be rated for environmental sensitivity

based on the following criteria (LeClair & Rousseau, 1992):

1. production - sustainable or renewable resources, factory energy

efficiency, recycling, and low emissions plant operations;

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2. packing and shipping - recycled, recyclable packaging or indigenous

material procurement and minimum transport energy;

3. installation and use - minimum installation hazards, low-toxic

emissions in use, durability, and simple nontoxic maintenance;

4. resource recovery - reusable, salvageable and recyclable; and

5. social responsibility - fair business practices, along with research and

education programs.

While there are authors attempting to document a constructive plan for

the rating and specification of interior finish materials that limit the impact on the

environment in commercial and residential buildings, it is clear that the research

is in its infancy and supported guidelines have not been established. For

instance, in LeC lair& Rousseau’s (1992) compilation of data, they relied on self-

reported surveys and Material Safety Data Sheets (M SDS) as their primary data

collection tool. Criteria was based on their expectations for environmentally-

aware materials and it was successful in generally defining and meeting their


Radke (1997), a specialist in the carpet industry, addresses the issues

relating to the use of carpet in health facilities and patient environments.

However, the text does not include other flooring choices that are considered

appropriate for hospitals and other health facilities. Fuston & Nadel’s (1997)

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chapter on creating nontoxic health-enhancing environments is a good

introduction to the issues, but not substantial in creating a method for


Material Composition

Excepting aesthetics, flooring material choices in healthcare facilities are

typically determined by performance, maintenance, and flammability (Standley,

1987). However, it is important to consider other environmental factors in

determining appropriate finish selections. For example, biological contaminants

and levels of volatile organic compounds may effect the environmental health of

a facility as well as the respiratory health and chemical sensitivity of patients and

staff with ongoing exposure (Anderson, Mackel, Stoler & Millison, 1982). Other

environmental quality factors include health and safety factors (biological

control, flame resistance, electrostatic propensity, and slip resistance),

environmental factors (acoustics, comfort, ambience, and wheeled vehicle

mobility), and wear life of the flooring (durability, appearance retention,

maintenance) (Weinhold, 1988).

An elastic or resilient property in a flooring material is used to define a

family of products that includes cork, linoleum, sheet rubber, sheet vinyl, and

vinyl composition tile (VCT). This product family is manufactured by 1) mixing

various resins, fibers, plasticizers, and fillers; 2) forming them under heat and

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pressure into sheet goods; and 3) cutting into tile shapes, if applicable. (Ballast,

1992). Typically, an adhesive is used to bond the flooring to the subfloor

(Weinhold, 1988).

Cork products are made from the bark of cork trees harvested primarily

in Portugal and Spain. It is a sustainable natural material that requires very little

processing. Cork is considered to be a durable material with good thermal and

acoustic properties; it is shock-resistant, dissipates static electricity and is

nonconductive (LeClair& Rousseau, 1992).

Linoleum is a composition material made from natural, renewable

ingredients (linseed oil, cork, wood dust, and dyes). It has natural antibacterial

properties, and is resistant to grease, oil, and diluted acids as well as low

flammability. It is flexible, nonconductive, non-static, and extremely durable

(LeClair & Rousseau, 1992).

Newly manufactured rubber is a synthetic petroleum product and by

existing industry practices, causes air and water pollution (LeClair & Rousseau,

1992). Rubber made from recycled materials (shredded post-consumer sources

such as tires), has two environmental benefits over new rubber: 1) it is utilizing

an already manufactured material which lessens the additional processing; and

2) it reduces the waste of discarded tires. Rubber is very resilient, shock

absorbing and sound-deadening. However, it is highly flammable and produces

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a continuous off-gassing which produces an unpleasant nonhazardous odor

(LeClair & Rousseau, 1992).

Vinyl is manufactured from petroleum and is available in sheet goods or

rigid tiles. Rigid tiles or vinyl composition tile, is more chemically and

dimensionally stable than sheet vinyl, making it more durable and less of a

health risk. Sheet vinyl contains plasticizers and foam which adds serious

environmental and toxic health impacts (LeClair & Rousseau, 1992).

Vinyl composition tile (VCT) is composed of the same ingredients as

sheet vinyl with the addition of mineral fibers and may possibly include asbestos

(Weinhold, 1988). Asbestos is considered safe when encapsulated within the tile

as long as the tile is properly handled. Environmental concerns in the

manufacturing process are driving manufacturers to seek nontoxic alternatives

in the manufacture of V C T and sheet vinyl (Weinhold, 1988).

Resilient flooring materials as a general rule are installed with a flooring

adhesive. Linoleum sheets, laid dry, without adhesives, would be a notable

exception. V C T is installed with adhesive and has exposed seams. Sheet vinyl

seams are joined using one of two methods: 1) solvent welding, whcih requires

the use of a toxic solvent to soften the material so it may be joined to seal the

edges; and 2) heat welding, where an edge is heated and fused with a thin strip

of material. Natural linoleum seams may be joined by heat welding only. Heat

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welding may produce hazardous fumes, especially in vinyl installation (LeClair &

Rousseau, 1992).

In spite of ecological concerns, vinyl continues to be a popular

specification for health care facilities. Sheet vinyl and V C T similarities and

differences have been summarized, and performance carefully considered in

T a b le ! 1.

Qualifying factors for flooring specifications differ based on the activity

and expected health conditions of users within a particular space. For instance,

heat welded solid sheet vinyl meets the criteria for the activities and need for

sterility in a surgical suite, however, general inpatient rooms do not have the

same requirements and therefore, V C T or carpet are often specified based on

the criteria for selection such as cost or comfort.

Table 1.1

Advantages and Limitations of Sheet Vinyl and Vinyl Composition Tile (adapted from Weinhold,


M ranagss Advantages
1) good abrasion resistance I) good abrasion resistance
2) very good resilience 2) resistant to adds, alkalis, oils and grease
3) add, alkali, oil and grease resistance 3) easy installation and flexible application
4) excellent moisture resistance 4) initial cost is relatively inexpensive
5) easy installation and flexible application
6) dear bright colors

Limitations Umitarions
1) not resistant to cigarette bums 1) low resilience
2) initial cost is relatively expensive 2) semi-porous compared to solid sheet vinyl, rubber
3) poor noise absorption 3) poor noise absorption
4) dulls under heavy traffic (wear-life)

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Carpet flooring for commercial use is typically made of synthetic fibers

from petroleum sources or natural fibers made from wool. Synthetic fibers are

made on continuous looms, bonding a fiber to a backing with a latex glue

(LeClair & Rousseau, 1992). These materials are not renewable or

biodegradable, and off gassing emissions of new materials can effect the indoor

air quality. Proper specification for use extends the life and performance of

carpeting. Through research and development, carpet has evolved to meet

health and safety criteria and provide acoustic, comfort, and aesthetic qualities.

It is slip resistant, and has excellent durability and appearance retention.

Maintenance procedures, if followed, assist in achieving a longer wear life

(Weinhold, 1988). Disadvantages include control of maintenance procedures,

soiling from dry, wet or oily sources, repair and replacement, and initial cost.

The changes in materials and manufacturing processes indicate that

more research is needed to support or contradict the findings of previous work.

The latest revision of the Center for Disease Control guidelines for protecting

healthcare workers from infectious disease states (Garner & Favero, 1985):

There is no epidemiological evidence to show that carpets

influence the nosocomial infection rate in hospitals. Carpets,

however, may contain much higher levels of microbial

contamination than hard surface flooring and can be difficult

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to keep clean in areas of heavy soiling or spillage; therefore,

appropriate cleaning and maintenance procedures are

indicated (p. 18).

In one carpeting evaluation study, the researchers (Anderson e ta l, 1982)

found that carpets do become heavily contaminated but did not find statistically

significant differences in infection rates between patients in carpeted room and

those in rooms with a smooth surface flooring. The Anderson et al. (1982) study

also supported the CDC conclusion that contamination levels are affected by

floor cleaning procedures.

Detractors of carpet installations state that the environmental impact is

caused by the use and disposal of petroleum based products, and the off

gassing that occurs with new installations. In LeClair & Rousseau (1992), it is

stated that carpeted floors always require more maintenance than other floor

types and supports growth of bacteria and fungi. The authors advocate a return

to natural materials, but also mention new advances in the synthetic fiber

industry such as recycling programs and lower toxicity carpets. The LeClair &

Rousseau text (1992) attempts to articulate the advantages and limitations of a

variety of building and finish materials in reference to environmentally-aware


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In one study, a typical manufacturers’ recommended maintenance

program for resilient flooring included washing and rinsing the floor, and then

buffing dry. In the case of vinyl composition tile, the flooring will require also

require sealing and coating program (Linttell & Roth, 1994). Proper maintenance

of V C T requires daily care, washing, and polishing and stripping (Weinhold,

1988). In many healthcare facilities, the standard maintenance procedure is to

wash the floor and apply one or more (up to six) coats of wax. This process

results in a finish buildup that adds shine, discolors overtime, and must be

removed by stripping (Linttell & Roth, 1994).

In addition to the reflectivity, waxing vinyl flooring makes the floor more

slippery, and shows traffic patterns. Many hospital facilities do not follow the

recommended maintenance program in favor of waxing because: 1) the

perception of “shiny is clean"; 2) contracted services determine their own

procedures, using their own products; 3) janitorial equipment and supply

companies encourage a wax program; and 4) since VCT has exposed seams,

current thought is that wax provides a sealed floor.

Advances in technology have made carpet a viable alternative to resilient

and hard surface floorings by developing methods for soil and stain resistance

(IIDA, 1995). It is imperative that a planned schedule of cleaning procedures be

employed to keep the carpet investment looking good and providing excellent

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performance (Radke, 1997). Minimum maintenance recommendation from the

Carpet and Rug institute (CRI) suggests that high traffic areas be vacuumed

daily, medium traffic areas should be vacuumed twice weekly and light traffic

areas should be vacuumed once a week (Radke, 1997). Dupont (1997)

recommends a dual-motor vacuum as the type of machine needed to thoroughly

clean heavy and moderate traffic areas. One motor drives a beater-brush bar

that knocks dirt loose and the other motor provides suction that pulls dirt up into

the vacuum bag. For light traffic areas, Dupont suggests daily vacuuming with a

single-motor commercial vacuum. The use of a vacuum cleaner with a high

efficiency particulate air filter (HEPA) will restrict dirt and particle dust from

blowing back into the room (IIDA, 1995).

Long term maintenance procedures should specify the use of water

extraction equipment and notes that the key to successful carpet maintenance is

to use less detergent so as to limit the residue left on the carpet and do not

over-wet the carpet. Another periodic cleaning method is the use of dry

absorbent compound which is sprinkled on carpet to attract and absorb soil and

to break down oil bonds. The compound is assisted by mechanical agitation and

then vacuumed. Two shampoo methods can be used during scheduled

maintenance. One is a cylindrical foam shampoo machine that uses a dry foam

by air compression and agitation. The other is a rotary shampoo that uses a

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detergent solution and water. The most typical cleaning method used in

hospitals is the bonnet pad machine. In this procedure, a solution of detergent

and water is sprayed onto the carpet. A rotating absorbent pad agitates the

carpet tufts and collects soil (Dupont, 1997).

Proper and consistent maintenance of any flooring material prolongs its

life and maintains its appearance. The life of the materials chosen for healthcare

environments are reliant upon the maintenance program and its execution.

Hospitals often have contractual agreements with cleaning companies to provide

a managed maintenance program. W hile hiring outside service providers may

be a effective strategy, it may be beneficial to have operational procedures

supervised by a specialist charged with environmental quality management and

informed by physical samples of the air, materials, equipment and building

systems (Haberl, 1997).

Cost Analysis

Life cycle costing is defined as a method of calculating the total cost of a

material or component, including its maintenance and replacement costs over

the life of a building. Recently, this definition has been expanded to include

methods of qualifying ecological costs (LeClair & Rousseau, 1992). Ecological

cost is an assessment of the effects of an action on the environment and all

living things. Examples of such costs are: 1) resource depletion; 2) air, water

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and solid waste pollution; and 3) disturbance of habitats (LeClair & Rousseau,


In the Carpet Specifier’s Handbook (Carpet and Rug Institute, 1992),

studies were compiled that compared carpet and other flooring materials. The

cost considerations included material cost, installation, and maintenance costs

on an annual and twenty-year basis (Weinhold, 1987). In comparing carpet and

VCT, the total annual cost for carpet was significantly less than VCT. For the

comparison of twenty year costs, carpet cost about 35% less than VCT.

According to these studies, maintenance costs were defined as: 1) cleaning

labor; 2) purchase cost of cleaning equipment; 3) expendable supplies; and 4)

equipment maintenance (CRI, 1992).

Weinhold (1987) states that most comparison studies are conducted by

advocates associated with the carpet industry and therefore may be suspect.

She further indicates that the validity of these studies may lie in the fact that the

resilient flooring industry does not publish studies contrary to the results. In a

study of cost analysis for V C T (Tarkett, 1997), it was estimated that standard

V C T flooring and maintenance for an 86,500 square foot facility would cost

$827,055 for a ten year period. Though this study was verified by an outside

consultant, it is unclear how this study is useful since the frequencies of care

specified for the study does not meet minimum recommendations for

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maintenance of hospital flooring and the comparison does not include carpet as

a flooring material. According to Linttell and Roth (1993), it is difficult to

ascertain the exact cost per square foot of maintaining a floor since

housekeeping staff are not dedicated just to maintaining floors. Also, there is a

discrepancy between the manufactures’ recommendation for VC T maintenance

protocol and the protocol used by many hospitals.

Carpet has a higher initial cost for the product which can be offset by a

lower financial outlay in terms of maintenance, labor, time, and equipment. In

cost comparisons of maintenance of V C T and carpet, on an annual basis and in

a fifteen year comparison, carpet was consistently lower (CRI, 1992). This

compilation of studies included initial costs of materials, installation, cleaning

labor, capital equipment, expendable supplies and removal cost (CRI, 1992).

Repair costs of vinyl cleaning equipment are higher than the repair costs of

carpet maintenance equipment due to the high-speed moving parts on the vinyl

cleaning equipment (CRI, 1992).

Value is not necessarily the same as cost when it comes to choosing

appropriate flooring materials in a healthcare facility. Specifiers of flooring

material in health facilities must make a judgement regarding the value of the

product where cost is balanced against the inherent qualities of the material.

Qualities of carpet include a nonslip surface, cushioning, acoustic benefits, and

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regarding thermal comfort, a potential for higher surface temperatures. VC T

provides a surface that is easy to negotiate for gurneys, wheelchairs and other

wheeled equipment typical in health facilities; ease of cleaning liquid spills rates

high as well. Regardless of the flooring material choice, maintenance plays a

large role in the longevity, appearance, and the added quality to the facility.

How does the designer decide the appropriate material choice for a

particular type of space? Research on finish materials has typically concentrated

on durability, maintenance protocols, and environmental conditions such as

acoustical quality, light reflectance, and comfort. The body of knowledge needed

in making choices between one kind of material and another is complex. An

understanding of the inherent qualities of the space, the needs of the users, and

how to balance the choices of materials and their impact on the space

determines the expected end result.

Many studies on flooring materials are conducted by industry-interested

parties, leaving a question of objectivity. These studies have focused on

durability, life-cycle costs, and maintenance. Costs associated with flooring are

hard to calculate, again rendering the available literature either flawed or

suspect. Maintenance protocols are on record in healthcare facility management

offices and procedure manuals are available from the manufacturer, yet the

management of ongoing maintenance is difficult to document.

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This research will use a timeline for comparing two flooring materials

focusing on physical properties, maintenance, costs, and environmental impact

on lighting, acoustics, and air quality within the study site.

1.3.2 Lighting

The standards for lighting measurement procedures, calibration, and use

of equipment are maintained by national standardizing laboratories (IESNA,

1993). The Lighting Handbook, edited by the Illuminating Engineering Society of

North America (IESNA), provides detailed explanations of protocols for the

measurement, documentation and analysis of lighting (IESNA, 1993).

According to IESNA (1993), studies that have focused on illuminance and

luminance typically combine the use of a photometer as the physical

measurement instrument and subjective surveys to measure participant

responses to the environment. The quantity of light, or illuminance levels, are

measured by footcandles (Egan, 1983). Afootcandle is defined as a unit of

illuminance, a luminous incident upon a surface (Trost, 1999). When a meter is

used to measure luminance, it is measuring the number of lumens per unit area

diffusely leaving a surface (ASHRAE, 1997).

Reflectance is the percentage of incident light that is reflected from a

surface, with the remainder absorbed, transmitted, or both (Egan, 1983).

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Surfaces that are “matte” or rough, diffuse the reflected light in multiple

directions, lowering the incidence of reflected glare (Egan, 1983). Polished or

smooth surfaces, such as glass, enamel paint and marble, can reflect light like a

mirror, where the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflectance and can

create a situation for a higher incidence of reflected glare (Egan, 1983). Of

course, there are exceptions to this rule. Light reflectance of surface materials

plays an important role in determining the level of artificial lighting needed to

make a room bright enough for its intended use. Surfaces with light colors tend

M ans (or diffuse) Glossy (or specular)

Brick, rough Aluminum, polished

Concrete Enamel paint
Flat paint, low gloss Glass
Limestone Marble, polished
Plaster, white Plastics, polished
Plastics, low gloss (ABS, M F , PVC) Stainless steel
Sandstone Terrazzo
Wood, unfinished Tin
Wood, oiled


Rough surface Polished surface

(where t i ' i r )

Note: Specular materials can have high reflectance (e.g., polished aluminum) o r low re­
flectance (black tinted glass), and matte materials can also have high reflectance (flat
white paint) or low reflectance (flat black paint).

Figure 1.1
Example reflective surfaces (Egan, 1983).

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to reflect more light than they absorb, whereas dark color surfaces absorb more

light than they reflect. Smooth materials can have low reflectance, such as black

tinted glass; and matte materials can have a high reflectance. An example

would be flat white paint, where the color is effecting the level of absorption from

the incidental light (Egan, 1983). As seen in Figure 1.1, reflectance is dependent

on the type of surface material and the angle of the source. IESNA (1995)

recommends that hospital floors have a reflectance value between 20% and


Visual performance begins to decrease when one’s age reaches the late

twenties (Egan, 1983). Aging eyes have reduced visual acuity, require longer

time for adaptation to variations in light level, and have increased sensitivity to

glare (Egan, 1983). As age increases, a normal sighted person needs a higher

level of illumination and stronger contrast to reach optimal visual performance

(Egan, 1983). Another visual problem for the elderly is glare, an uncomfortable

or disabling brightness in the visual field (Moran, 1990). Direct glare is caused

by a bright source directly in the field of vision; reflected glare comes from a

glossy or polished surface which reflects the image of the light source (Egan,

1983). Visual information that is inadequate or inaccurate, such as levels of

light that do not meet the need of the activity or reflected glare, can be

distracting and possibly dangerous (Lam, 1977).

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Lighting for visual information that satisfies human survival, protection

and sustenance requirements affect the perceived comfort level within one’s

environment (Lam, 1977). Defined areas of informational needs include:

1. orientation,

2. security,

3. time,

4. weather,

5. the presence of other living things,

6. territory,

7. opportunities for relaxation and stimulation, and

8. places of refuge.

These categories provide information in regard to basic human needs (food,

water, and shelter), environmental conditions, spatial boundaries, and the

presence of danger (Lam, 1977). Table 1.2 represents basic human biological

needs for visual information in regard to the built environment.

The design of health facilities, with multiple end-users performing a

variety of activities, requires special attention to meeting the objectives of

lighting design. Lighting should serve the needs of the medical staff without

interfering with the comfort and lighting needs of the patient (IESNA, 1995). The

primary users of the patient room are the patients, healthcare staff, doctors, and

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Table 1.2___________________________________________________________
Human Biological (or Psychological) Needs for Visual Information (Egan, 1983).

The table below presents basic human biological (or psychological)

needs for visual information along with example lighting objectives.

Visual information fo r Examples and lighting conditions

Physical orientation and location 1. Level horizontal lines of reference (e.g.,

moldings, wainscots, expansion joints)
2. Emphasis on dangerous edges in stairs and
3. Clear definition of circulation intersections

Physical security 1. Light gradients to complement structure

(e.g., scallops of light coordinated with wall
2. Clearly visible egress routes with well-lighted
exit signs

Relaxation 1. Nonuniform lighting layouts with control of

2. Emphasis on walls rather than overhead
3. Interesting visual rest centers (e.g., illumi­
nated sculpture, paintings, plants) as occu­
pants periodically scan environment

Time orientation Awareness of day-night cycle through dear

windows and skylights

Contact with nature and people 1. Openings to allow daylight penetration (and
distant views to relax aye musdes)
2. Avoidance o f visual noise from solar-shading

Definition of personal territory 1. Task-ambient lighting such as torcheres and

furniture-integrated fixtures
2. Large ceiling coffers or columns in open

housekeeping personnel. Each of these users have specific activities that

require different illuminance levels (IESNA, 1995).

General lighting for patient rooms should provide a soft, comfortable light

with variable controls located at the door of the patient room for easy access by

medical staff entering the room for observation (IESNA, 1995). Luminaires

should have low luminance and, if fluorescent lamps are used, they should have

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a high color-rendering index (CRI). The color-rendering index is a number

obtained by comparing light sources to standard reference sources by

measuring color shifts on eight color test samples. A CRI of 100 means the

tested source exactly matches the reference source (Egan, 1983). This

becomes essential during observation of patients where the light should reveal

the patient’s appearance (IESNA, 1995). Lighting should be located at each

patient bed and the floor area so the nurse can observe the patient and

monitoring equipment during the night (IESNA, 1995). Examining patients

requires task lighting with a color quality that will not cause a misdiagnosis and a

directional quality that permits careful inspection of surfaces and cavities without

the nuisance of shadows (IESNA, 1995). IESNA (1995) defines examination

lights as luminaires used for minor medical procedures in areas other than the

operation room.

Activities associated with a patient’s use of light include reading, visiting,

self-care, television viewing, and other similar tasks. In private rooms, patients

can control the use of light as long as it is accessible (Davis, 1994). In double

occupancy or multiple bed wards, consideration for the other patients may limit

the use of lighting by an individual (IESNA, 1995). Lighting levels for

housekeeping services must be sufficient to see dirt, which requires oblique

lighting over horizontal surfaces (IESNA, 1995). Table 1.3 shows the

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recommended illuminance categories and activities in patient rooms for target

lighting levels.

In 1991, a study of 55 dialysis facilities (Bame & Douglass, 1994)

measured architectural design characteristics of the outpatient treatment

environment for adult, chronic hemodialysis patients. Lighting levels were

measured during this study. The researchers found that average lighting levels

exceeded the range recommended for patients’ visual comfort, but was below

the recommended levels for task lighting, needed by the staff to effectively

monitor patients, an example of the multiple-user needs in this facility (Bame &

Douglass, 1994). In addition, reflected glare was cited as a problem for elderly

patients who would have more difficulty adjusting their eyes to the changes in

light levels.

Recommendations for the design of this particular type of facility included

Table 1.3
Recommended illuminance categories and illuminance ranges for hospital patient rooms
(Adapted from IESNA,1995, pp. 4- 6).


General B General Lighting 50-75-100 5-7.5-10
Observation A General Lighting 20-30-50 2-3-5
Critical Examination E Illuminance on Task 500-750-1000 50-75-100
Reading D Illuminance on Task 200-300-500 20-30-50
Toilets D Illuminance on Task 200-300-500 20-30-50
*FC is abbreviated forfbotcandles.

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consideration for the selection of materials and equipment; location and size of

window; facility maintenance and operations; and interior finish selections. The

flexibility of a lighting design which provides variations of lighting options, such

as providing task specific light and individual environmental control, may

improve the quality of the treatment environment, addressing the requirements

of comfort for the patients and task lighting for staff (Bame & Douglass, 1994).

Veitch, Hine & Gifford (1993), conducted a study focusing on the general

population’s knowledge of the technical aspects of lighting, beliefs about the

effects of lighting on people, individual preferences, and the perceived

importance of lighting. The researchers used a survey to gather data from the

subjects. The results showed that lighting is important to lay people, though their

understanding of the technology of lighting may be limited. The study also

revealed that the subjects had a desire for more control over lighting.

Additional lighting studies conducted in healthcare facilities include: Blackburn &

Patteson (1991); and Gifford, Hine, & Veitch (1997).

The dichotomy of the lighting needs for patients and staff in dialysis

facilities (Bame & Douglass, 1994) is not an uncommon situation. The various

end-users involved in the daily routine of providing and receiving care in a

hospital face similar conflicts. The end-users may include the patients, nurses,

specialists, physicians, and healthcare facility service staff.

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Methods for data collection in this study are not unlike the methods used

in the Bame and Douglass study (1994), which also focused on the needs of

patients and staff.

This study employs the use of an indoor environmental index to quantify

the environmental conditions and evaluate the responses from participants.

Lighting is one area addressed in the index as well as the surveys for patients

and medical staff.

1.3.3 Acoustics

Sound is a sensation induced through the ear by airwaves of varying air

pressure emerging from a vibrating source (Allen, 1995). Human response to

sound is subjective and varies with age, health, and other factors (Ballast,

1992). Sound is capable of traveling in air, water and other solid materials such

as steel, wood, concrete, and masonry (Allen, 1995). Generally, soft, porous

materials absorb sound, and hard rigid ones reflect it (Kilmer & Kilmer, 1992).

Noise is defined as any undesirable sound. There are three ways to control

unwanted sound: 1) isolate it at its source; 2) relocate the source away from the

desired quiet environment; and 3) eliminate the paths of airborne or material

bome sound waves (Kilmer & Kilmer, 1992). Sound becomes noise when it is

(ASHRAE, 1997): 1) too loud, 2) unexpected, 3) uncontrolled, and 4)

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unpleasant. Noise can also be characterized as sound that: 1) happens at the

wrong time, 2) contains pure tones, 3) contains unwanted information, 4)

suggests unpleasant experiences, or 5) is a combination of these examples.

Building materials and furnishings can affect the acoustics of a building

by: 1) sound absorption - lowering background noise levels and reducing

reverberation within a room; 2) airborne sound transmission - the ability of

partition walls and objects to resist sound waves and vibrations, thereby

reducing transmission of sound between rooms; and 3) impact sound

transmission - reducing the transmission of impact sound from one room to

another below or adjacent (Ballast, 1992).

A basic knowledge of acoustic design concepts and units of measure can

assist in determining appropriate choices in the construction and design of

interior spaces. Fundemental acoustic design concepts include noise reduction

coefficient (sound absorption within a single room), and sound transmission

class (sound transmission between rooms). The basic units of measure are

decibels (sound pressure on the human eardrum), and hertz (frequency of

sound vibration, which determines tone, high or low).

The noise reduction coefficient (NRC) is the average of a material’s

absorption coefficient at the four frequencies of 2 5 0 ,5 0 0 ,1 0 0 0 , and 2000 Hz.

Most rooms have several materials with different areas. The average absorption

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coefficient of a room should be at least 0.20 (Ballast, 1992). To make an impact

on the acoustic quality in a room, the total absorption must be increased by at

least three times to change the reduction by 5 dB, which is noticeable (Ballast,


The sound transmission class (STC) is a single number rating used to

rate the transmission loss of construction. The higher the STC rating, the better

the barrier is in stopping sound (Ballast, 1992). The STC ratings represent the

ideal loss of sound through a barrier under laboratory conditions (Allen, 1995).

Decibels (dB) are units of sound pressure levels, as in pressure upon the

human ear drum(DiNardi, 1997). The normal range of human hearing is from 0

dB (the approximate threshold of hearing) to greater than 120 dB, near the

threshold of pain (DiNardi, 1997).

Sound frequency is the rate of repetition of a periodic event; frequency is

measured in cycles, or repetitions, of sound waves per second, which are

designated by the unit of hertz (Hz) (Egan, 1988). Most people can hear sounds

ranging from frequencies slightly below 30 Hz, such as the low rumble of the

largest organ pipes to very high frequencies near 15,000 Hz, like the shrill tone

of a whistle (DiNardi, 1997). For measurement purposes, this range of

frequencies is divided into nine octave bands. An octave is defined as a range of

frequencies extending from one frequency to exactly double that frequency

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(DiNardi, 1997).

The frequency range can be further divided for more detailed acoustical

analysis. For detailed analysis of sound energy, sound level meters with a

narrow-band filter should be used. A common division of the frequency range is

one-third octave bands (Egan, 1988). Frequency analysis of sound is important

because human response to sound and noise control by absorption and

isolation are frequently dependent (Egan, 1988).

The instrument used for measuring sound is a sound level meter

(ASHRAE, 1997). It is an electromechanical meter which converts sound

pressure at a point to sound pressure level (ASHRAE, 1997). The sound meter

generally consists of a microphone, a preamplifier, an amplifier with an

adjustable and calibrated gain, frequency weighting filters, meter response

circuits, and an analog meter or digital readout (DiNardi, 1997).

Sound level meters record sound energy at multiple frequencies and

analyze data for level and frequency (Egan, 1988). Most sound level meters

provide filters for weighting the combined sound at all frequencies (DiNardi,

1997). T h e most common single-number measure is the A-weighted sound level

(dBA), which simulates the sensitivity of the human ear at moderate sound

levels (DiNardi, 1997). The C-weighted response simulates the sensitivity of the

human e a r at high sound levels (DiNardi, 1997). Three levels of precision are

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available, classified by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as

Type 0 (laboratory standard); Type 1 (precision measurements in the field); and

Type 2 (general purpose) (DiNardi, 1997).

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

recommended exposure limit (REL) for occupational noise exposure is 85

decibels, A-weighted, as an 8-hour time-weighted average. With a forty year

lifetime exposure at the 85-dBA REL, the excess risk of developing occupational

noise-induced hearing loss is 8% - considerably lower than the 25% excess risk

at the 90-dBA permissible exposure limit (PEL) currently enforced by the

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Workers exposed to

noise levels in excess of this limit are at risk of developing material hearing

impairment, hypertension, and elevated blood pressure levels (OSHA, 1999).

According to Egan (1988), the background noise criteria for hospital patient

rooms should have an approximate range of 34 dBA to 42 dBA to support an

environment conducive to sleeping, resting, and relaxing. In contrast, Sound

Research Laboratories recommends a range of 20 dBA to 30 dBA.

Concerns about environmental noise and its adverse physical effects on

patient populations have brought attention to noise levels, noise type

(annoyance), and individual sensitivity to noise. Topf (1985) investigated

disturbance due to hospital noise with 150 postoperative patients who

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completed a self-report survey measuring their sensitivity to noise, their

objective level of noise exposure based on the average number of machines

running in their rooms, and the degree to which they were disturbed by hospital


Sensitivity to noise was found to significantly influence the level of patient

disturbance. The results from this study suggest that well-being may effect a

patient’s sensitivity to environmental stressors in addition to the stressors

themselves. The findings indicated that acoustic modifications in the design of

the hospital, furniture, and equipment should be a consideration in limiting stress

from noise (Topf, 1985).

Hospital noise, exceeding levels recommended by NIOSH, has been

cited as a factor in sleep deprivation, sensory overload, and reduced comfort

levels of patients (Griffin, Myers, Kopelke, & Walker, 1988). Noweir and al-Jiffry

(1991) found that noise levels in patient rooms significantly exceeded the

recommended standard. In their study of six hospitals, noise from equipment

and general noise associated with patients, attendants and hospital employees

significantly contributed to indoor noise (Noweir & al-Jiffry, 1991). The results of

the study indicated that proper site location, building construction, equipment

selection, and maintenance could reduce the level of hospital noise (Noweir &

al-Jiffry, 1991).

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Stress is the psychological and physiological discomfort produced when

the demands of the environment exceeds one’s coping abilities. Topf (1996)

suggests altering the acoustic environment of patient areas by introducing an

alternative paging system to reduce equipment alarms and the ring of

telephones; providing private patient rooms; selecting carpet for high; traffic

areas; and designing equipment with quieter moving parts.

Noise levels in healthcare settings and its effect on the occupants is one

area of the literature that is well documented (e.g., T o p f, 1 9 8 5 ,1 9 9 4 ,1 9 9 6 ;

Bame, 1993; Bame & Wells, 1995; Bayo, Garcia, & Garcia (1995); and Gast &

Baker, 1989).

A study designed to describe the level of sound in acute patient care

areas used continuous decibel levels (dBA) and equivalent continuous sound

pressure levels (LEQ) for a period of 24 hours (Hilton, 1985). Twenty-five

patients from four intensive care and two general care units from three hospitals

in a large metropolitan area served as the sample. In addition to real-time

monitoring of the physical area, observations were made to verify sources of

sound and the participants were interviewed to determine their perceptions of

sound effects (Hilton, 1985).

Noise levels ranged from high (48.05-68.5 dBA) in the larger hospital’s

open heart recovery room and intensive care units (IC U ) to low (32.5-57.0 dBA)

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in the smaller hospital’s ICU, with varied levels in the general ward areas (34.25-

62.5 dBA). The research showed that equipment noise reached as high as 90

dBA in some instances (Hilton, 1985). Patient’s perceptions ranged from

contentment to frustration. The author notes that some sources of noise were

not easily eliminated, but other sources of noise could be reduced or prevented

(Hilton, 1985).

A study focusing on acoustical treatments associated with different noise

levels in dialysis facilities (Bame & Wells, 1995), measured the decibel level

from a sample of patient stations in 56 facilities, documented sources of noise,

and the ability of staff and patients to control loudness. Findings showed that

the noise levels in all facilities exceeded levels appropriate for patient care

environments and the only design feature associated with differences in noise

level was the layout of patient stations, not the window coverings, the size of the

room nor other design variables associated with the space.

Researchers (Bayo, Garcia, & Garcia, 1995) conducting a study at a

major hospital in Spain, found that noise levels were perceived by medical staff

to interfere with their work activities and affect patients’ comfort and recovery.

This study measured noise levels inside the main building of a major university

hospital, with most sound levels exceeding 55 dBA. Those participating in the

self-administered survey indicated that they thought it was feasible to reduce

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noise levels in the hospital (Bayo et al., 1995).

In the design of hospital patient rooms, construction and material

selections appear to be the most practical methods for the designer to control

noise. When considering surface materials, a specification of a high NRC would

be most appropriate. If selecting a carpet, one must keep in mind that the noise

reduction bears a relationship to pile height (Weinhold, 1988). A designer must

consider other factors in choosing a floor material such as comfort and the effort

it takes to roll carts and gumeys across that floor. A high density carpet with a

lower pile height would be less effective in reducing noise, but would favor the

comfort of the patient, while attending to the needs of medical staff (Davis,


As previously mentioned, noise studies regarding healthcare

environments are well represented by published research. Some of these

studies rely on self-reported measures and techniques for quantifying the level

of noise without the benefit of a sound meter which weakens the research

design. The strongest research designs used sound meters, observation, and

surveys, triangulating the methods to strengthen reliability. Most of these studies

recommended strategies for eliminating or reducing sources of noise.

In the literature, there is very little mention of flooring as a variable for

noise studies. It is the intent of this study to consider the acoustical properties of

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flooring as one factor in making appropriate choices of flooring materials for

patient rooms.

1.3.4 Indoor Environmental Quality

Indoor environmental quality is defined as the interrelated variables within

the physical setting that effects the physical, psychological, and emotional well­

being of the inhabitants (Fuston & Nadel, 1997). In healthcare settings, these

environmental elements and factors center on the needs of patients, families,

and medical staff (Fuston & Nadel, 1997). Healthcare facilities are programmed

to accommodate technological and practical requirements for healthcare

delivery, ironically often with a loss of consideration for those who inhabit and

use the building (Carpman & Grant, 1993).

Seltzer (1994) claimed that indoor environmental problems cause more

widespread health problems than all the outdoor environmental problems

combined. Most Americans spend 90% of our time indoors. Patients, the elderly,

and young children may spend close to 100% of their time indoors, maximizing

their exposure to indoor contaminants. These vulnerable populations in a health

facility have a reduced ability to resist contaminants and they are considered a

captive audience since they are in the hospital environment for 24 hours per day

(Seltzer, 1994). Hospitals provide a necessary service to assist in treating the

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sick, but the nature of their business exposes the patients and staff to risk of

cross-contamination unless stringent environmental control measures are in


A 1984 World Health Organization (W H O ) Committee report suggested

that up to 30% of new and remodeled buildings may be the subject of

complaints related to indoor air quality. Often, this condition is temporary, but

long term problems result when a building is operated or maintained in a manner

that is inconsistent with its original design or prescribed operating procedures.

Sometimes indoor air problems are the result of poor building design or

occupant activities. Common sources of indoor air pollution are: 1) construction

and finish materials, and furnishings; 2) electrical and computing equipment; 3)

cleaning and maintenance products; and 4)heating and cooling systems

(Carron, 1993). Health symptoms include nose and throat irritation, nausea,

headache, dizziness, fatigue, and sensitivity to odors.

As stated previously, the United States Environmental Protection Agency

(EPA) estimates that Americans spend as much as 90% of their time indoors. A

growing body of scientific evidence has indicated that indoor air can be more

seriously polluted than the outdoor air. Increased rates of respiratory illnesses in

people at work and at school demonstrate the need to improve the quality of

indoor air. Asthma rates have nearly doubled in the past 15 years in America;

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projected estimates suggest 30 million tuberculosis (TB) deaths may occur over

the next decade, a high percentage of which will be attributed to the

transmission of the disease due to poor ventilation. Teachers are especially

susceptible to respiratory and other health consequences of long deferred

maintenance in aging school buildings (Nardell, 1997).

In the past ten years, a large percentage of research in commercial and

institutional buildings has focused on office environments. Studies focusing

primarily on productivity in the workplace show findings on the ill-effects and

productivity losses due to poor indoor air quality. Headaches, fatigue, itchy eyes

and respiratory distress were cited as some of the complaints from those

surveyed about their work environment (ASHRAE, 1997). The repercussions of

these symptoms were lost efficiency on the job and the possible increased use

of paid sick days.

In a healthcare setting, material selections directly relate to the health of

the building. Most of the research to date has focused on pollutants and hazards

that are generated because of the nature of the hospital, an environment where

toxic materials are used and infectious patients are treated (Shepley et al.,

1997). Volatile organic compounds (VOC) released in the air from building and

finish materials, chemical cleaning compounds used to disinfect the specified

materials, the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) system, and

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microbiological contamination are cited as the most common causes of indoor

air pollution (Fuston & Nadel, 1993).

In an article describing emerging health concerns related to the indoor

environment, Danko, Eshelman and Hedge (1990), cite the environmental

design research that may link health concerns to interior design decisions that

ensure the health and well-being of the occupant. The main point of the authors’

conclusions is to propose a framework that makes the consequences of interior

design decision-making more evident to practitioners and educators while

providing structure for future research. The integration of applied research and

practical application will be essential to creating a maximization of resources in

ensuring the health, safety, and well-being of the individual.

Many issues related to indoor air quality remain controversial. Ongoing

research about the nature of indoor air pollution and its related health effects are

providing data, though no definitive data are available to guide interpretation of

results (DiNardi, 1997). Acceptable indoor air quality is air in which the

concentration of known contaminants are not harmful and with which 80% or

more of the people exposed do not express dissatisfaction with the air quality

(ASHRAE, 1989).

The indoor environment is the collective whole of all the physical

properties in a room which effects a person’s physical state via heat loss and

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respiration (Fanger, 1970). Indoor air quality depends on many factors, including

thermal regulation, control of pollutants, supply of acceptable air and the

removal of unacceptable air, as well as occupant’s activities and preferences

(ASHRAE, 1997). Maintaining an environment that has acceptable indoor air

quality relies on the monitoring, assessment and strategic implementation for

individual situations and building types.

In spite of the W HO and other organizations’ efforts in examining these

topics, the development of necessary design tools is impeded by an absence of

useful knowledge, theory, and practice regarding building-environment-occupant

interactions. These design tools could be helpful in creating and operating low-

pollution, energy-conserving buildings (Levin &Teichman, 1991). Designers

must achieve a proficiency beyond simple awareness of environmental health

and safety threats. Only through commitment to the issues, expanded personal

inquiry, repeated experimental applications, and gradual refinement will indoor

environmental health become an inherent part of the design professional’s

practice (Malven, 1990).

The study of indoor air in nonindustrial environments is relatively new and

many studies have inconclusive results. Ongoing research in field study

experiments and laboratory experiments offers the most promising protocol for

understanding indoor air quality and the health and comfort of the building’s

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occupants (DiNardi, 1997).

Thermal Comfort

Thermal comfort is defined as that condition of mind which expresses

satisfaction with the thermal environment (ASHRAE, 1997). Thermal comfort

occurs when body temperatures are held within narrow ranges, skin moisture is

low, and the mental effort of maintaining comfort is minimized (ASHRAE, 1997).

Means normally available for voluntary regulation of human thermal

comfort can be divided into passive means and active means which require the

artificial release of energy. An individual can control body temperature by

reducing or raising the level of activity and by altering clothing to accommodate

the desired effect of cooling or warming the body (Allen, 1995).

Methods for regulating thermal comfort in buildings are thermal radiation,

air temperature, humidity, air movement and the thermal properties of surfaces

contacted by the body. These five factors are interdependent; it is impossible to

change one factor without affecting the others to some extent (Allen, 1995).

While passive means of manipulating these environmental conditions, such as

natural ventilation, seem employable for most residential applications, the use of

passive means for cooling or heating the interior of an institutional building

without operational windows is limited. Many commercial and institutional

buildings rely completely on mechanical systems for thermal comfort.

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Temperature and humidity. In patient rooms, the temperature must be

controlled between 70°-75° F, according to the guidelines for hospital and

medical facilities (AIA, 1993). In addition, the guideline suggests that a lower

temperature may be used when the patients’ comfort and medical conditions

make lower temperatures desirable. In Fanger’s study (1970), a comparison

between elderly subjects and college-age subjects showed no difference in the

neutral room temperature for thermal comfort, suggesting that elderly subjects

do not require a higher room temperature to maintain comfort. However, the fact

that age does not effect preference for thermal comfort does not necessarily

mean the elderly are not more sensitive when exposed to heat or cold. Often,

the ambient temperature level in the homes of older people is set higher than

that of younger people. This may be due to a lower activity level, accounting for

the decreased metabolism in older adults (ASHRAE, 1997).

Relative humidity has an important effect on the interaction between the

environment and human thermal comfort. In warmer temperatures, a lower

humidity level allows faster sweat evaporation from the skin, removing larger

amounts of heat from the body (DiNardi, 1997). However, a low humidity level

can lead to drying of the skin and mucous membranes. Comfort complaints

about dry nose, throat, eyes, and skin occur in low humidity conditions, typically

when the temperature is less than 32° F (ASHRAE, 1997). Conversely, high

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humidity increases discomfort due to an abundance of skin moisture.

Temperature, in this case, has less an effect on comfort, since the discomfort

appears to be due to the feeling of moisture itself, and increased friction

between the skin and clothing. ASHRAE (1997) recommends that the relative

humidity level not exceed 60% on the warm side of the comfort zone.

Increasing air movement is another way to control thermal comfort. Lack

of minimal air movement can lead to complaints of stuffiness and poor indoor air

quality (DiNardi, 1997).

Computerized measurements of temperature and humidity are

technologies commonly available to the general public (Haberl, Lopez, &

Sparks, 1992). The main types of thermometers are liquid-in-glass (mercury or

alcohol), resistance temperature detectors (RTDs), thermistors, integrated circuit

temperature (IC) sensors, and thermocouples (Haberl et al., 1992). Depending

on the methods used for taking measurements, the same type of thermometer

can be used to measure dry bulb, psychrometric wet bulb, natural wet bulb, or

globe temperature (DiNardi, 1997).

A hygrometer is any instrument capable of measuring humidity. One such

instrument, a psychrometer, provides an affordable and simple method of

measuring humidity (ASHRAE, 1997). A psychrometer consists of two mercury-

in-glass thermometers, one measuring dry bulb temperature and the other

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measuring wet bulb temperatures. The relative humidity is determined from

these measures using a psychrometric chart. Methods for precise applications

include dew point, electrolytic, electronic, and chemical hygrometers (DiNardi,

1997). The psychrometric chart is the graphic representation of the relationship

between relative humidity, the dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature,

vapor pressure, and dew point temperature (ASHRAE, 1997). By obtaining the

measurement of any two of these components, the other three can be obtained

from the chart (DiNardi, 1997).

Ventilation. The standard for the minimum ventilation rate (ASHRAE,

1989) is 15 cubic feet per minute (cfm) per person. Patient rooms require a

minimum of one air change of outdoor air per hour and a minimum of two total

air changes per hour. The guidelines for hospital and medical facilities (AIA,

1993) does not specify that 100% of exhaust air be eliminated to outdoors.

According to the American Industrial Hygiene Association (DiNardi,

1997), maintaining the minimum standard for ventilation can be problematic. The

quality of the outside air may change which could have an effect on the indoor

air quality as it is mixed and dispersed through the system. Another confounding

factor for hot and humid climates is management strategies for cutting

operational costs by reducing the intake of fresh air (cooling less hot, humid

outdoor air lowers cooling bill). This type of cost-cutting can impact an otherwise

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well-designed system. Ventilation system contamination is a potential problem

that is linked to other factors in the overall quality of the indoor air environment.

Finally, occupants may block air ducts in an effort to control the temperature for

their personal comfort (DiNardi, 1997).

W hile ASHRAE 62-1989 does provide a minimum standard for the

outside air supply per occupant, it is not always sufficient in the control of the

indoor air quality. ASHRAE 62-1989 addresses this deficiency by continuing

with a protocol for consideration of occupant activity, the types and strengths of

contaminant sources, the ventilation system distribution scheme, and the

volumetric dimension of the space within the building (ASHRAE, 1989). Air

intakes should be placed away from any exhaust vents from the same or other

buildings, motor vehicles emissions, or any other point sources of comprimised

air quality. The specification of appropriate air cleaning and filtration are needed

to reduce particulate matter and gaseous contaminants. Adequate distribution of

air to building occupants requires careful placement of the supply diffusers and

return air registers (Levin and Teichman, 1991).

Controlling for biological contamination in the ventilation system requires:

1) equipment selection to minimize the absorption of dirt and moisture that

provide a habitat for microbial colonization; 2) eliminating the use of exposed

fibrous acoustic materials inside the ductwork; and 3) sealing thermal insulation

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from the circulating air (Levin and Teichman, 1991). In addition, new products

with antimicrobial properties are commonly being used for added protection

against the proliferation of biological contaminants. Cooling towers should be

located away from operable windows and from any area where people might be

exposed. Cooling towers have been shown to harbor several types of

pathogenic microorganisms that can cause Legionnaire's disease and other

respiratory illnesses (Allen, 1995).

Air movement affects the mechanism of exchange of convective and

evaporative heat between the human body and the environment (DiNardi,

1997). Air velocity or wind speed is measured by a velometer (Fanger, 1970). In

occupied zones, air velocities are usually small (0-100 feet per minute) but have

an effect on thermal comfort. Typically, a measure of three minutes is suitable

for determining a mean value in accounting for fluctuations in the air velocity

(ASHRAE, 1997). A velometer directly reads the average air flow rate, either

intake or outflow, at ceiling, wall or floor diffusers.

Carbon dioxide. Carbon Dioxide (C O 2 ) is related to thermal comfort as an

indicator of appropriate ventilation for indoor spaces based on actual

occupancy. ASHRAE Standard 62-1989 states that “maintaining C O 2

concentrations below 1000 parts per million (ppm) usually results in conditions

conducive to comfort and the removal of odor from human generated pollutants.”

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Carbon dioxide demand controlled ventilation (DCV) is a process that modulates

building ventilation based on actual occupancy (Schell, 1998). Ventilation based

on actual occupancy rather than maximum occupancy can save energy while

maintaining indoor air quality (Schell, 1998). As long as outside levels of CO 2

remain at a fairly stable rate, the C O 2 concentration can provide an indication of

how outside air is being used to dilute the production of CO 2 by the occupants.

The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers

(ASHRAE) recommends a maximum level of CO 2 for “safe” buildings at 1,000

parts- per-million (ppm) (ASHRAE, 1989). Demand controlled ventilation does

not necessarily resolve air quality problems, however it can maintain the

ASHRAE ventilation rates and save energy by not over ventilating or under

ventilating for current occupancy levels (Schell, 1998).

Measurement of CO 2 criteria for the demand controlled ventilation

system has been established by ASHRAE. Sensor location and control strategy

should be selected to maintain the recommended ventilation rates based on

ASHRAE standard 62-1989. To benefit from this technology in existing buildings

with single zone systems, the sensor can be placed in the return air duct

(Schultz & Krafthefer, 1993). The control strategy should ensure that the

delivery of ventilation is responsive to changes of occupancy within the time

frame established by the standard. In addition, a strategy to control and reduce

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buildup of contaminants that might occur during unoccupied hours in the

building should be developed (Schell, 1998).

In an evaluation of building ventilation and indoor air quality using carbon

dioxide, factors for consideration include the ventilation system configuration,

occupancy patterns, non-occupant carbon dioxide sources, time and location of

air sampling and instrumentation for concentration measurement (Persily &

Dols, 1990). Carbon dioxide does not provide information related to other

contaminant sources and is limited for indoor air quality assessment. However,

it can be useful as part of a protocol for measuring indoor air quality.

The nondispersive infrared (NDIR) sensor is the technology most widely

used for indoor air quality applications (ASHRAE, 1997). NDIR sensors

calibrated between 0 and 5000 ppm are typically accurate within 150 ppm, with

more accuracy dependent on a more narrow range (ASHRAE, 1997). These

sensors are available with direct-reading digital displays, with varying response

times (ASHRAE, 1997).

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) provides

standard reference materials for calibrating CO 2 monitors and other types of

calibrated equipment. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has

guidelines for EPA monitoring of HVAC systems not to exceed recommended

levels of C O 2 . Another standard developed by NIST is for ambient air monitoring

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of CO 2 to calibrate for stability and predictability. According to NIST, there is no

singular source for calibration standards in the United States (B. Dorko, May 14,


Surface temperature. Thermal comfort relies on the concept of thermal

neutrality for the human body. While a person may feel thermally neutral overall,

he or she may not be comfortable if one or more parts of the body are too warm

or to cold (ASHRAE, 1997). In rooms where people are likely to be barefooted

such as patient rooms and patient bathrooms, comfort is dependent on the floor

temperature and the flooring material (Fanger, 1970). Materials that are warm to

the touch, such as wood, cork and carpeting, are those that are low in thermal

capacity and high in thermal resistance (Allen, 1995). By means of conduction,

the body quickly warms the surface layer of the material to a temperature

approaching the temperature of the skin, which makes the material feel warm to

the touch. Materials that feel cold to the touch, like metal or ceramic tile, draw

heat from the body for an extended period of time resulting in a cold feel to the

touch (Allen, 1995).

The radiant temperature in a room is significantly influenced by the

temperature of the floor, which is affected by the way a building is constructed

(ASHRAE, 1997). Results from previous studies conducted by Olesen in 1977

and cited in the ASHRAE Handbook (ASHRAE, 1997) investigated the

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influence of floor temperature on feet comfort and recorded the temperature of

various flooring materials (Table 1.4). For floors occupied with normal footwear,

the flooring temperature is insignificant (ASHRAE, 1997). However, according to

Fanger (1970). since the foot temperature is a function of the thermal state of

the whole body, the temperature of the floor will influence the possibility for

discomfort, even if the individual generally feels thermally neutral. With

calculated estimates based on skin temperatures, Fanger (1970) cautiously

estimated temperature limits for bare feet in contact with different flooring


The research conducted by Olesen studied subjects that were in thermal

neutrality at a temperature of 77° F for sedentary and 73.5° F for standing or

walking persons. The results showed the percentage of dissatisfaction related to

the discomfort due to cold or warm feet (Figure 1.2). At the optimal temperature,

Table 1.4
Temperature limits for typical flooring materials, bare feet.

Typical Flooring Materials Temperature Range Comfort Range of Pain Limits

(without surface finishing) Floor Temperature
_____________________________________________________ °F___________ Lower °F Upper °F
Pine wood 72.5 to 82° F 62-103 -63 184
Oak wood 76 to 82° F 71-95 -4 166
Linoleum 75 to 82° F 75-95 10 153
Concrete 79 to 83° F 80-94 39 130

The data in column 2 are from The ASHRAE Handbook (Fundamentals) 1997 (p. 8.14), by
ASHRAE, Atlanta, GA: ASHRAE. The data in columns 3 and 4 are from Thermal Comfort
Analysis and Application in Environmental Engineering, by P.O. Fanger, 1970, New York, NY:
McGraw-Hill Book Company.______________________________________________________

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Figure 1.2
Percentage of people dissatisfied as function of vertical air temperature differences between
head and ankles and floor temperature, degrees Fahrenheit (ASHRAE, 1997).

only 6% of the occupants felt warm or cold discomfort in the feet (ASHRAE,


Air Contaminants

Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC). Volatile organic compounds

(VOC) are air pollutants found in all nonindustrial as well as industrial indoor

environments (ASHRAE, 1997). Total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) is the

sum of all individual VOCs. Primary sources ofV O C s include automobile

exhaust, continuous emissions from building materials and furnishings, carpet,

and cleaning products (ASHRAE, 1997). Some materials may act as a sink for

emissions and then become secondary sources as they re-emit adsorbed

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chemicals in the air (An, Zhang, & Shaw, 1999). Sink materials include carpet,

fabric, ceiling tiles, and wallboard.

Formaldehyde (HCHO) is worth mentioning as a standout VOC because

it is used in typical building products such as particle board, some adhesives,

and carpeting (ASHRAE, 1997). HCHO is a suspected carcinogen; chronic

exposure to levels above 1 ppm may cause headaches, eye irritation, sore

throat, and asthmatic reactions, to name a few (DiNardi, 1997). The Occupation

Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has determined an eight hour

workplace exposure limit of 1 ppm (ASHRAE, 1997). The American Conference

of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) recommends a shortterm

exposure limit of 0.3 ppm (AIHA, 1997). ASHRAE (1997) states that the

standard short term limit of HCHO for providing a comfortable indoor

environment is 0.1 ppm.

The effects of low level exposure to mixtures ofVO C s over long periods

of time are still unknown (DiNardi, 1997). Evidence suggests that accumulation

of VOC mixtures may play a major role in sick building syndrome (SBS), the

case in which building occupants experience acute health and comfort effects

that are apparently linked to the time spent in the building, but in which no

specific illness or cause can be identified (EPA, 1991).

According to the American Industrial Hygiene Association (DiNardi,

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1997), there are three basic approaches for reducing VOC levels: 1) Dilution

ventilation (increasing ventilation rates); 2) air cleaning; and 3) source

prevention or removal (selecting low emission materials; treating high emission

materials before installation). Advances in product formulation and emission

testing are leading to products claiming to be low-polluting, nontoxic, and

environmentally safe (Levin & Teichman, 1991). Manufacturers are responding

to requests for better emission testing data for building products, which will allow

the designer to limit or eliminate potential sources ofVO C s from the project

specifications (ASHRAE, 1997).

Biological Contamination. Bioaerosals are airborne microbiological

particulate matter derived from viruses, bacteria, fungi, pollen, mites, and their

cellular or cell mass components (ASHRAE, 1997). Bioaerosals reside in both

indoor and outdoor environments. Floors in hospitals can be reservoirs for

organisms that eventually become airborne. ASHRAE states that carpeting

appears to trap microorganisms firmly, though conditions within the carpet may

promote their survival and dissemination (ASHRAE, 1997).

Infectious diseases can be divided into three categories. The first

category consists of contagious diseases from viruses and bacteria. These are

transmitted from one person to another (DiNardi, 1997). Examples include

influenza, measles and tuberculosis.

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The second category, virulent environmental source infections are

commonly found in wet soils enriched with bird droppings, or mechanical heating

and cooling system reservoirs, such as cooling towers. An example of a virulent

environmental source infection is Pontiac Fever (DiNardi, 1997).

The third category is opportunistic infections; sources include water

systems, natural water supplies, dry bird droppings. An example of an

opportunistic infection is Legionnaire’s disease. Currently, there are no methods

readily available for routine monitoring or sampling the air for contagious or

virulent infectious agents (DiNardi, 1997). Typically, monitoring is considered

inappropriate unless there is a reason to suspect the presence of a particular

organism (DiNardi, 1997).

Air contaminants can be measured by total number, projected area or

mass (ASHRAE, 1997). Particles are counted by capturing them in impingers,

membrane filters, impactors, or precipitators. Analysis is completed by counting

with the use of a microscope (ASHRAE, 1997). Electronic particle counters can

provide data on particle size distribution and concentration, but accuracy

depends on careful calibration, maintenance, and proper application (ASHRAE,

1997). Projected area determinations are usually made by sampling onto a filter

paper; the light transmitted or scattered is compared to a standard filter

(ASHRAE, 1997). Other materials used are membrane or glass fiber filters. To

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determine mass, air is pulled through the filters and then compared to the mass

before sampling (ASHRAE, 1997). In addition to air sampling, other methods to

employ include observation and the collection of bulk or surface samples

(ASHRAE. 1997).

A research team from the University of Colorado at Denver conducted a

study of their campus’s indoor air quality. The study consisted of chemical

monitoring, sampling the indoor air quality, and a survey on the occupants’

perception of the comfort parameters (temperature, humidity ,dust),

environmental health and safety, and job satisfaction (Wormington, Lanning, &

Anderson, 1996). The results of the study indicated that the indoor air quality did

not violate occupational exposure limits. The perception of the IAQ did vary from

office to office and the researchers felt that management should attempt to

alleviate complaints (Wormington et al, 1996). A strength of the research design

was performing the perception study in conjunction with the sampling of indoor


In 1982, a research study was conducted that obtained specific microbial

and epidemiological data in a healthcare unit to determine whether microbes

were transmitted between carpets and patients (Anderson, Mackel, Staler &

Madison, 1982). In this study, two pediatric patient rooms, one with and one

without carpeting, were studied for about 11 months. Patients were randomly

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admitted to the two rooms and medically and microbiologically studied. Material

selection, installation and maintenance were controlled. Samples from the floors,

patient specimens and microbial air sampling comprised the data collected for


The investigators found that levels of microbial contamination for the hard

surface flooring showed variance more than the contamination on the carpet

during the study period. Patient infections did not seem to correlate with the

association of rooms with carpet compared to rooms without carpet. More

significant was the transmission of patient organisms to the patient environment.

Not all organisms found in the carpet were airborne. Organisms associated with

hard surface flooring correlated more closely with airborne contaminants.

The results from this study (Anderson, et al., 1982) reinforce the fact that

carpets eventually become heavily contaminated with and may harbor

microorganisms. However, this study did not find statistically significant

differences in infection rates between patients in carpeted rooms compared to

patients in hard surface flooring rooms. The authors do suggest that the varying

levels of contamination in their study probably resulted from differences in floor

cleaning procedures. Recommendations from this study discusses areas that

should not have carpet. Those areas include intensive care units, nurseries,

pediatric patient care rooms, operating and delivery rooms, kitchen, laboratories,

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autopsy rooms, and bathrooms.

Multi-method research provides understandings of the relationship

between the quantitative assessment of the environment and the perception of

the occupants. Recent studies focusing on biological contamination of indoor

environments (Wormington et al, 1996; Anderson et al, 1982) have used a multi­

method research design to investigate the physical space and the inhabitants.

One of these studies (Wormington et al, 1996), which focused on office building

environments, provides a strong research design applicable to other building

environments. The Wormington et al. research incorporated physical measures

with office occupant surveys that focused on the occupant’s perception of

comfort parameters. This example of multi-method research is important

because research guidelines are developed based on research precedent.

This study’s most significant influences can be found in the research of

Wormington, Lanning and Anderson (1996) and Anderson, Mackel, Staler and

Mallison (1982). W hile the variables and details may differ, these two studies are

strong field research designs with evaluations of the physical environment and

its effect on the participants in the study.

This research uses methods similar to these studies to evaluate the

patient room setting and the effect of flooring materials on indoor air quality.

Physical measures include temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide and total

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volatile organic compounds. Additional measures include air samples and

surface samples for biological contaminants. Finally, surface temperatures are

measured for consideration of its impact on patient comfort and satisfaction. A

survey administered to patients and medical staff will focus on their perception,

preferences, and satisfaction of the environment. The analysis focuses on the

interconnection of man and his environment. More precisely, the impact of the

physical environment on the occupants of patient rooms in healthcare facilities.


This study is a multi-method field study. The measure of the physical

environm ent, behavioral mapping, and responses from participants about their

perceptions, preferences, and satisfaction levels for patient room environments

triangulate to explain how the quality of the environment impacts the occupants.

The following is an argument for the multiple method approach, the theory for

applied research, and the importance of field research.

Cooperation among researchers and designers grows out of the

variability of social reality (Zeisel, 1981). Situations change and new problems

arise. W hen researchers and designers work together to use the each other’s

disciplines as tools for problem solving, a cooperative arrangement is created

(Zeisel, 1981). In this study, interested parties include the researcher, designer,

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hospital administration, and the end-users - patients, medical staff, and visitors.

With the cooperation of all interested parties, a study design using qualitative

and quantitative methodologies is used to determine the impact of the treatment

on the physical space and those participating in the study.

This study utilized three specific approaches to research. First, a field

study is a type of research particularly suited for the study of physical space and

its influences on behavior. Fieldwork or field study is the method of working with

people for long periods of time in their natural setting (Fetterman, 1998). The

strength of field research is conditional on the methods for estimating the

relative effects, methods that are not vulnerable to selection problems and do

not lead to estimates that are biased in unknown ways (Boruch, 1998). Even

though this is not a controlled environment, many of the same measures and

methods of design are used in the development of a research agenda.

Triangulation is a method of testing one source of information against

another to prove a hypothesis, reduce or eliminate alternative explanations, and

test reliability and validity of the research methodology (Fetterman, 1998). The

use of multiple methods strengthens the field research design by maximizing the

validity of the entire research endeavor (Leedy, 1993). Triangulation is the

procedure designed to reconcile qualitative and quantitative methodologies by

using elements from each to contribute to the solution of the major problem

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(Leedy, 1993).

Finally, applied research is a method involving hypothetical predictions,

evaluation of outcomes, and organization of information to respond to the needs

of those who can use it (Zeisel, 1981). Applied research is the attempt to answer

questions to help solve practical problems (Graziano & Raulin, 1997). The

relationship between potential health outcomes and environmental design

suggests that decisions made during the design process may impact the value

of the building, which may in turn, have an effect on those inhabiting the space.

However, factors that can influence a particular behavior may not influence the

same behavior in the general population (Martin & Bateson, 1993). In applied

research, the researcher has the responsibility of determining statistical

significance of the study and to provide information that is transferable to

practical application.

Levin (1951) distinguished two different levels in the concept of

environment. At the first level, environment is seen in its material, geometrical

form, and defined objectively. At the second level, it is seen in its psychological

form as it exists for an individual; it is not only defined by its objective

characteristics, but also by the qualitative properties linked to an individual’s

behavior in space (Levin, 1951).

This construct for research design strengthens the study by

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acknowledging the lack of control in field research, designing a research study

that incorporates triangulation as a method of reducing error, and producing

results that can be applied to a design problem. The following section describes

the benefits of using a multiple methodology in a field experiment and how the

results can be applied by practitioners in solving design problems associated

with interior environments.

1.4.1 Applied Research

Applied research uses scientific methodology to develop information that

will assist in solving complex problems and is often conducted in a setting

outside of the laboratory (Boruch, 1998). Applied research focuses on

contributing to the solution of a particular problem, whereas basic research ( i.e.

controlled experiments), is intended to expand knowledge that contributes to

our understanding of how the world operates (Boruch, 1998). The nature of

applied field research makes it difficult for the researcher to eliminate competing

explanations (Boruch, 1998). For that reason, rigorous assessment of the

research design is necessary to understand the significance of the results.

Sensitivity is defined as the ability to detect a difference between the

experimental and control conditions on some outcome of interest (Lipsey, 1998).

To maximize sensitivity, one must assess the factors that determine statistical

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power (Lipsey, 1998): 1) sample size; 2) effect size; 3) reliability; and 4) validity.

Sampling error is smaller with larger samples, which is an advantage for

statistical power. However, other factors may affect the sample size. The effect

size between the treatment and control can be adjusted to accommodate the

sample size and preferred level of alpha; a conventional method of

standardization for differences between means is used to adjust for arbitrary

units of measurement (Lipsey, 1998). A possible alternative is to raise the alpha

level and lower the effect size to maintain a consistent subject size range.

Confounding variables are a potential threat to internal validity. A strategy

for isolating the variables that may have a possible effect on the patient's level

of satisfaction or health outcomes is needed in the research design (Graziano &

Raulin, 1997). Confounding variables may impact the construct validity of the


Construct validity of the effect is the mislabeling of the outcome variable

(Reichardt & Mark, 1998). The effect size may be affected by the strength of the

treatment implemented in the experiment (Lipsey, 1990). In other words, the

effect of a patient room with carpeting may be strong enough to determine

significance on the outcome variables.

External validity is the ability to generalize the results to other subjects,

conditions, times and places (Reichardt & Mark, 1998). To make general

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statements about the overall population based on the findings of a particular

sample, the sample must be representative of the population (Graziano &

Raulin, 1997).

Statistical conclusion validity is an aspect of sensitivity (Lipsey, 1998).

The main concern is whether the degree of uncertainty is labeled correctly. The

determination of statistical power will assist in validating the results of a study,

as well as determining the range of probability (Reichardt & Mark, 1998).

Research design factors that increase statistical power are: (1) the independent

variable (uniform application of treatment to recipients and uniform control

conditions for recipients); (2) consistency in measurement procedures; (3) the

selection of one-tailed directional tests; and (4) multiple methodologies to

increase confidence in the findings (Lipsey, 1998).

Field research is an appropriate research methodology for exploring

environmental effects on participant behavior in settings where natural events

occur, such as hospitals and schools. Experiments in the field are useful in

situations where the researcher wants to be able to draw causal inferences, but

doing so can prove to be difficult (Graziano & Raulin, 1997). Field research may

compromise validity because of the experimenter’s lack of complete control

(Campbell & Stanley, 1963). Research outside of the controlled environment

may be more difficult to validate, but extend the opportunity to assess how the

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built environment affects those experiencing the space.

1.4.2 Indoor Environmental Quality Index

Developing an indoor environmental quality index (IEQ) is a method for

assessing the quality of the interior based on industry standards. Using an

index, the researcher can consider multiple measures according to a value scale

to understand the nature of a particular environment. The most common

example of an environmental index is the effective temperature (ET). This useful

index combines temperature and humidity into a single index (ASHRAE, 1997).

Basically, regardless of a variance in temperature and humidity, if two

environments have the same ET, then they should evoke the same thermal

response. Use of this index is conditional on the two environments having the

same air velocities (ASHRAE, 1997).

As a method employed in a multi-method research design, defining the

physical environment provides a base for determining environmental factors

affecting behavior, preferences, and attitudes about how that space is

experienced (Zeisel, 1981). In review of the current literature, research designs

focusing on environmental quality tend to address one aspect of the physical

space, which does not provide criteria for an environmental assessment. Many

of the studies examined for this literature review employ multiple methodologies

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whether the study focused on lighting, noise, or indoor air quality. Typically, a

study will take physical measures of the interior environment and follow with

interviews or surveys of participants in the study (e.g., Topf, 1985, 1994; Bayo et

al, 1995; Bame & Douglass, 1994; and Anderson, et al., 1982).

1.4.3 Behavioral Mapping

T h e value of behavioral mapping lies in the development of a set of

principles concerning the use of space that apply to a variety of settings

(Proshansky, Ittelson, & Rivlin, 1976). Recording people’s behavior in their

environments has practical relevance for the design professions and other fields

concerned with people’s locations and movements (Sommer & Sommer, 1991).

Behavior maps may be place-centered or person-centered (Sommer & Sommer,

1991). A place-centered map shows how people arrange themselves in a

particular location; a person-centered map records people’s movements and

activities over a specific period of time (Sommer & Sommer, 1991).

Behavior mapping involves the location and time of observed behavior.

One technique of sampling is the instantaneous time-sampling, where all areas

of a setting are observed at timed intervals with little variation of time

(Proshansky et al., 1976). Continuous observations over longer periods of time

involve recording the duration of activities in a particular location (Proshansky

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et al., 1976). Continuous observations may provide focused information that

relates to a particular problem.

Reliability of behavior mapping can be measured three ways. Split half

reliability is high when there is consistency of comparable observations; inter-

observer reliability is high when two or more observers independently report on

the same setting and there is a high consensus of reporting; and reliability for

repeated observations of the same situation at different times or repeated

observations of different but similar situations is high when a comparison of the

data yield almost identical behavior maps (Proshansky et al., 1976). Behavior

maps that meet this criteria for reliability are within the limits of accepted

scientific practice (Proshansky e ta l., 1976). The question of validity is not clear.

In behavior mapping, the observation categories are designed to be directly and

easily observed and identified. According to Proshansky et al. (1976), rigorous

assessment of the validity of behavior maps is closely connected to the level of

reliability (Proshansky et al., 1976).

Behavioral mapping allows the researcher to understand the effects of

environment on psychological and social behavior. The researcher can vary the

intrusiveness in a research setting, allowing the observer to choose to be an

outsider or a participant at various levels (Zeisel, 1981). Self report methods,

such as questionnaires, do not necessarily compare to the actual actions of the

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participants. Environmental behavior descriptions can be used to report events

and compare to self reports as a tool for the evaluation of the environmental

elements that affect relationships between participants and the environment

(Zeisel, 1981).

There are limitations to using behavioral mapping as a research tool.

Proshansky et al. (1976), state that the presence of the trained observers may

or may not affect behavior in a setting. Behavior mapping can be tiring and

intrusive; and generally, additional research is needed to explain the behaviors

observed (Sommer & Sommer, 1991).

1.4.4 Survey Design

The use of interviews and questionnaires to solicit information from

participants in a research study is one of the most universal tools for data

collection for research in the natural environment (Graziano & Raulin, 1997).

The purpose of survey research is to discover relationships among variables

(Graziano & Raulin, 1997). For example, in 1976 Campbell, Converse, and

Rodgers conducted a large scale survey to measure perceptions, evaluations,

and satisfactions of Americans to assess the quality of American life. Though

the researchers collected demographic data in addition to questions regarding

preferences and satisfaction, they were not primarily interested in the status of

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the variables measured, but in the relationships among the variables (Graziano

& Raulin, 1997).

The quality of data from a survey is dependent on: 1) the size and

population representation of the sample; 2) the techniques used for collection;

3) the quality of the interviewing, if interviewers are used; and 4) whether the

questions are good measures. The most important criterion for survey design

are the sampling methods used to ensure a representative sample (Graziano &

Raulin, 1997). A heterogeneous sample is required when the sample needs to

represent at diverse population; a homogeneous population is one where the

members are similar to one another. If the population is homogeneous, then

smaller sample sizes may be possible (Graziano & Raulin, 1997).

Survey instruments focusing on the physical environment of healthcare

settings provide a broad and complex view of issues suspended between the

quality of the facility and the quality of care. Devlin (1998) discusses the merits

of various questionnaires encompassing satisfaction, well-being, preferences,

spatial organization, and the physical environment. Of those discussed, three

surveys are of particular interest.

The first survey is entitled, “Multiphasic Environmental Assessment

Procedure” (Moos & Lemke, 1984). This survey assesses relationships between

a facility’s design elements, policies, staff, and residents. The second survey is

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the Environmental Evaluation Questionnaire. It measures physical features in

eight distinct areas within a hospital ward. Finally, Holahan’s Physical

Environment Scales, is an instrument which measures the physical environment

by four subscales: 1) positivity-negativity; 2) stimulating-not stimulating; 3)

attractive-unattractive, and 4) cleanliness-uncleanness. Additional survey

instruments for healthcare environments are published and available for use

(e.g., Davidson, 1995; MacDonald, Sibbald, & Hoare, 1988; and Ittelson,

Proshansky, & Rivlin, 1970).

Questionnaires are useful when you know what you want to find out and

plan to quantify the data (Zeisel, 1981). With the use of closed-ended questions,

the researcher can devise a method that is controlled and meets criteria for

reliability. The main limitation of an otherwise well designed survey is the

intrusive nature of the method, which may distort the data (Zeisel, 1981).

1.4.5 Multi-method Research Design

Multiple research techniques are often needed for researchers to gather

sufficient data about different aspects of the subject or object. The use of

multiple techniques enables researchers to understand the interaction between

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participants and the environment, linking together a complex combination of

factors influencing the experience of place (Zeisel, 1981). No single method is

completely free from threats of validity (Maxwell, 1998). According to Maxwell

(1998), the objective of the multi-method research design is to reduce the risk of

systematic distortions inherent in the use of only one methodology.

Using multiple research methods to study a problem can increase

reliability and decrease the chance of falsely constant results. Collecting

different kinds of data about the same phenomenon with several techniques is

likely to counterbalance bias inherent in any one technique with the biases of

the others (Zeisel, 1981). Triangulation of methods to increase reliability

assumes, of course, that techniques are not biased in the same way.

A triangulation of methods and measures is designed to compensate for

the fallibility of any single method of measure and will enhance validity by

developing converging lines of evidence (Yin, 1998). Four categories for

triangulation are 1) theoretical triangulation - the use of several frames of

reference or perspectives in the analysis of the same set of data; 2) data

triangulation - the attempt to gather observations through the use of various

sampling strategies to ensure that a theory is tested in more than one way; 3)

investigator triangulation - the use of multiple observers, coders, interviewers,

and I or analysis in a particular study; and 4) methodological triangulation - the

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use of two or more methods of data collection procedures within a single study

(Leedy, 1993).

The use of several methods to inquire about a single problem strengthens

the research design because each method has its own bias and using several

methods should improve the chance that the bias of one method is canceled by

the others (Zeisel, 1981). The appropriate combination of methods will enable

the researcher to maintain the greatest level of control over data collection, and

later use the results to affect the physical environment. Research is an

intentional, systematic way to improve and contribute to knowledge (Zeisel,

1981). Designers can also contribute to a body of knowledge by approaching

design problems as opportunities and by making design decisions that

contribute to inquiry (Zeisel, 1981).


Healthcare administrators, design professionals, and related professions

have a shared interest in understanding the nature of interior materials and their

impact on the environment, the health of the building, and the occupants.

Patient preferences and satisfaction with their immediate environment are used

to measure the success of healthcare facilities and to plan future projects. The

design professional’s interest is the knowledge to make informed decisions

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when designing and specifying healthcare interiors. The flooring industry and

other interior material industries are striving to develop and manufacture

products that surpass the recommended guidelines for health and safety while

providing aesthetics, comfort, and durability. The literature discusses research

that has addressed all of these issues and user groups.

For this research study, participants were either assigned to a room with

vinyl composition tile or carpet. Does a change of flooring in a typical patient

room impact the overall quality of that room? Does the type of flooring in a

typical patient room affect the air quality? The data collected from the physical

environment assists in answering these questions.

Do patients and staff respond similarly to this environment? W hat are the

potential differences in their response? Surveys collected from the participants

(patients and staff) and behavioral mapping are methods used to analyze the

similarities and differences between the user groups. Can this research study

provide a protocol for measuring environmental quality? How does one decide

what is most appropriate when specifying floor materials in a typical patient

room? This dissertation attempts to answer these questions.

The three most important points from the literature review are:

1. flooring is a large surface area in a patient room that may affect the

variables associated with environmental quality - acoustics,

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reflectance of light, indoor air quality, and thermal comfort;

2. patient and staff perceptions may not correlate with the actual physical

measures of their environment; and

3. additional research is needed to understand the relationship between

environmental variables and its impact on the occupants.

This study used an interdisciplinary multi-method research design to build

a protocol for evaluating interior finish materials. Triangulation of research

methods strengthened the overall research design and assisted in eliminating

alternative explanations of the results. Research is needed in this area to

understand the materials, the physical space, the variables affecting the interior

environment, and to contribute to knowledge for practical applications.

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This chapter describes the research methods used for data collection of

this study. A multi-method research design provided a rich description of the

studied phenomenon and increased confidence in the validity of the findings.

This was a comparative study of hospital patient room environments. The

independent variable was the floor finish material. Three patient rooms had the

hospital standard vinyl composition tile. The other three patient rooms had

carpet. The methods of data collection include: 1) patient and healthcare staff

surveys, with additional patient information from medical records; 2) behavioral

mapping; and 3) the measured data that led to the development of the Indoor

Environmental Quality index (IEQ). The following chapter describes the study

design and the details associated with data collection. Also discussed are the

sampling, instrumentation, administration procedures of the surveys, and results

of pilot tests.


The use of multiple research techniques is a way of obtaining sufficient

data about the different aspects of an object being investigated. The patient and

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healthcare staff surveys focus on preferences, satisfaction, and perceptions

about the patient rooms. The behavioral mapping study addresses the amount

of time spent in the patient rooms by medical staff and visitors. The Indoor

Environmental Quality index developed in this thesis incorporated a multi­

method research design for data collection pertaining to the physical space.

Data included documentation of the spaces from floor plans, building

specifications, and measures of thermal comfort and indoor air quality of each

patient room for 48 hours at 10 minute intervals. The triangulation of these

methods provides strength in the research design and enhances the validity by

compensating for any inadequacies of individual methods or measures

presented in this study.

2.1.1 Ethics

This study has been approved by the Institutional Review Board of Texas

A&M University (Appendix A) and the Institutional Review Board (Appendix A) of

the hospital where the study takes place. In addition, this research adheres to

the ethical principles and guidelines for the protection of human subjects as set

forth in The Belmont Report, written by The National Commission for the

Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research and

dated April 1 8,1979 (Dept, of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1979).

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2.1.2 Research Hypotheses

The effect of flooring materials on the environmental quality of the patient

room environment is the premise of this study. The use of a multi-method

research design necessitates the formation of additional hypotheses related to

each data set and the relationship between the data sets. The following

hypotheses are tentative, informed guesses (Leedy, 1993) based on the current

literature and typical hospital standards.

The premise states that there is a relationship between the independent

variable, flooring finish material, and the dependent variables related to: 1)

physical attributes (color, cleanliness, attractiveness, and window view); 2)

indoor air quality (temperature, relative humidity, ventilation, carbon dioxide,

Table 2.1__________________________________________________________________________
Research hypotheses.

Hypothesis 1: Flooring finish materials have an impact on the indoor

environmental quality of the patient rooms.

Hypothesis 2: Patients prefer carpet to vinyl composition tile (VCT)

in their patient rooms.

Hypothesis 3: Patients perceive carpet as being: 1) a contributor to poor air

quality; 2) more attractive; 3) less noisy; and 4) less clean than VCT.

Hypothesis 4: Healthcare staff prefer VCT to carpet for the flooring

in patient rooms.

Hypothesis 5: Healthcare staff perceive carpet as being: 1) a contributor to poor air

quality; 2) more attractive; 3) less noisy; and 4) less clean than VCT.

Hypothesis 6: Visitors and healthcare staff spend more time in patient rooms
with carpet compared to time spent in patient rooms with VCT.

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levels of volatile organic compounds and bacteria); 3) sensory qualities (odor,

noise, lighting, and reflected glare); and 4) environmental controls (personal

control of temperature, lighting, and noise) of the hospital patient rooms. This

study investigated the impact that the indoor environmental conditions had on

the preferences, perceptions, and behavior of healthcare staff, patients, and

visitors. Six hypotheses address relevant concerns for the appropriate selection

of flooring materials in patient room environments (see Table 2.1).

2.1.3 Variables

The independent variable is the flooring material in the patient rooms.

The three patient rooms with V C T served as the control and the three patient

rooms with carpet served as the treatment. The dependent variables are

elements of the environment experienced by the patients, staff, and visitors in

the patient rooms (Table 2.2).

Patient and staff preference of flooring material and physical attributes of

patient rooms were based on the patients’ perception of aesthetics, comfort ,and

safety (Willmot, 1986; Davis, 1994; Anderson, et at.. 1982; Garner & Favero,

1985; Weinhold, 1988), the physical and psychological benefits of the

environment (MacDonald, Sibbald, et at.; Malkin, 1992; Orr, 1993; Ulrich, 1984),

and the healthcare staff perception of aesthetics, comfort, and cleanliness

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Table 2.2

A taxonomy of dependent variables.

Category Dependent Variable Citations for Methodology Development

Preference Floor preference Orr, 1993; Willmot 1986; Davis, 1994; LeClair
& Rousseau, 1992; MacDonald, Sibbald, etal.,
1988; Malkin, 1992; Schomer, 1993; Scott,

Physical attributes Color Davis, 1994; Malkin, 1992

Cleanliness Anderson et al„ 1982; Gamer & Favero. 1985;

Weinhold, 1988; Coffin, 1993; DiNardi, 1998

Attractiveness Weinhold, 1988; Davis, 1994; Orr, 1993;

Malkin. 1992

Window view Ulrich, 1984

Thermal comfort Temperature ASHRAE 62-1989; ASHRAE 62-1999;

Temperature shifts ASHRAE, 1997; Womnington, Lanning &
Air freshness Anderson, 1996; AIA 1993; Fanger, 1970;
Ventilation comfort Habert, Lopez, et at, 1992; Persily & Dols,
Air movement 1990; Schell, 1998; Schultz & Krafthefer, 1993;
Seltzer. 1994; Sieber, Schoenau, etal., 1993:
EPA, 1991

Sensory Odor Anderson, et al, 1982; ASHRAE 62-1999

Sound levels (noise) Bame & Wells, 1995; Baker, Garvin, et al.
1993; Bayo, Garcia, etal., 1995; Egan, 1988;
Gast& Baker, 1989; Topf, 1985a, 1985b,
1992a, 1992b, 1993

Lighting & Egan, 1983; IES, 1995; Gifford, Hine, et al.,

Reflected glare 1997; Glass, Avery, etal., 1985; Moran, 1990

Environmental control Temperature control Saegert, 1970; Volicer& Isenberg, 1977;

Bame, 1993; ASHRAE, 1997

Lighting control Bame, 1993; Egan, 1983; IES, 1995

Noise control Bame, 1993; Egan, 1988

(Davis, 1994; Coffin, 1993; Garner & Favero, 1985).

ASHRAE 62-1989 and ASHRAE 62-1999 recommend measurement,

analysis, and interpretation for thermal comfort measures. For this study, data

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collection methods were employed based on previous studies of indoor air

quality, and flooring materials in healthcare environments (Wormington, Lanning

& Anderson, 1996; Anderson e ta l., 1982; Haberl, Lopez, etal., 1992; Persily&

Dols, 1990).

Sensory variables include odor, sound levels and noise, and lighting

levels and reflected glare. Odor is an indicator of problems associated with the

indoor air quality (ASHRAE 62-1989; ASHRAE 62-1999; ASHRAE 1 9 9 7 ). The

Anderson, et al. (1982) study focused on comparing resilient flooring and wool

carpet in patient rooms by conducting epidemiological and microbiological

studies. Sound levels were measured from a hand-held monitor according to

the dBA scale (Egan, 1988). Other studies provided support for the chosen

methodology (Bame & Wells, 1995; and Topf, 1 9 8 5 ,1 9 9 4 ,1 9 9 6 ).

Lighting levels and reflected levels were measured according to the

IESNA (1995) recommendations and calculated to acquire the percentage of

reflected glare (Gifford, Hine, e ta l., 1990; Moran, 1990). Egan (1983) suggests

acceptable ranges for reflected glare of floors in healthcare facilities.

Environmental control (i.e. control of the temperature with access to the

thermostat; control of the level of light; and control of noise) affects the comfort

and psychological well-being of the patient and the worker satisfaction of the

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healthcare staff (Volicer & Isenberg, 1977). Survey questions inquired as to the

level of control that patients had in their patient rooms. Each room was

monitored to compare the level of perceived control to the range of comfort set

by industry standards (Bame, 1993; ASHRAE 62-1999; ASHRAE, 1997; IESNA,

1995; Egan, 1988).

The new patient rooms were built and completed with the specified

flooring materials on December 5 , 1 9 9 7 . Data collection began in November 3,

1998, nearly a year after installation, to lessen the probability of the Hawthorne

Effect (Krippendorff, 1986). By delaying data collection, the newly expanded

telemetry unit was allowed to return to normal business. W hile patients were not

effected by the new rooms since they were only exposed to either a control or

treatment patient room, the staff might have been effected by the newly

constructed patient rooms or the attention of the observers.

2.1.4 Setting

The setting is located within the Telemetry Unit, a step-down unit

primarily for heart patients, in a medium size regional health center in central

Texas. The patient rooms are either single or double occupancy with the same

materials and design in each room with the exception for the flooring material

(Figure 2.1).

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Patient room with VCT Patient Room with Carpet

Figure 2.1

Example of patient rooms with VCT and carpet flooring materials.

Three of the patient rooms had the hospital’s standard flooring material,

vinyl composition tile (VCT) and three of the patient rooms had carpet flooring

(Figure 2.2). In many hospitals, V C T is considered to be the standard material

choice for patient room floors due to the perceived ease of maintenance, price,

durability and cleanliness. The other 3 rooms had carpeting specified by the

researcher. The carpet specification was chosen based on performance criteria

such as the solution dyed yarn (reduces the risk of fading due to sun or

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VCT Carpet
Figure 2.2
Flooring materials used in the study of environmental quality in hospital patient rooms.

chemical exposure), antimicrobial additive (a fungistat and bacteriostat for

carpets), and product construction (24 oz./sq. yd. tufted loop with thermoplastic

composite polymer backing). The pattern and color choice was selected based

on a comparison with the V C T flooring standard in regard to the existing color

palette and light reflectance value. All other finishes in both sets of patient

rooms are controlled.


Though there were differences in the surveys for patients and medical

staff, the methodology is very similar. Therefore, the survey methodology for

both participant groups is discussed. In addition, any variances between the

methodologies are described.

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2.2.1 Participants

Thirty-six patients completed the survey. Participation was limited to

patients assigned to the Telemetry Unit in the hospital. The typical profile of a

patient in this unit was a Caucasian male or female with a heart related illness.

Other types of patients were included for sampling with the exclusion of suicide

attempts and those too sick to respond to the request for participation.

Staff participation was limited to staff assigned to the Telemetry Unit in

the hospital. A request for participation was sent through the in-house computer

messaging system and through the distribution of a paper copy in the nursing

station. This request described the project and the expectations for those

choosing to participate. There were 90 eligible participants that were notified in

this manner. Criteria for exclusion included all employees who were not

assigned to this unit.

Each patient and staff member that met inclusion and decided to

participate were asked to sign a Statement of Informed Consent (Appendix B)

that had been approved by the Texas A&M University Institutional Review Board

and the hospital’s Institutional Review Board.

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2.2.2 Design and Procedure

Two surveys (Appendix B), one for patients and the other for staff, were

similar in the questions asked about the interior environment, their preferences,

and satisfaction. Patients were asked questions about their preferences of the

flooring in the hospital patient room. They were also asked to rate factors of their

patient room such as color, cleanliness, attractiveness, and odors. Seven factors

related to thermal comfort were rated as well as noise and lighting. At the end of

the survey, there were six personal history questions about health history and

occupation. Healthcare staff were asked to rate the same factors under the two

conditions. W hile patients were only exposed to one condition because of room

assignment, the staff worked in both conditions on a daily basis. Questions that

were only asked of the staff were: 1) related to how may spills occur on the floor

of the patient room; 2) whether the patients or family members complain of

noise; and 3) questions regarding their work history.

Before distributing to the patients and medical staff, the questionnaires

were tested by volunteers (Appendix B). Four patient surveys were tested by

architects who have had recent hospital stays for medical treatment. Four

medical staff surveys were tested by registered nurses from a different local

hospital. Each volunteer was asked to fill out the survey and comment on clarity

of the questions, the graphic layout and color of the form, and a place to add

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open comments. This exercise assisted in the development of the final survey

instruments used for this study.

The surveys were distributed and collected daily between October 1,

1998 and December 23, 1998. Patient surveys (N=36) were collected out of

thirty-eight patients that met the inclusion requirements. Two surveys were

excluded due to the patients’ lack of interest. The return rate for healthcare staff

surveys (N=41) was fifty-two percent. Due to rotation schedules, there were 90

staff members that met inclusion requirements. Twelve were lost to attrition (no

longer working for the hospital). O f the seventy-nine remaining, forty-five

participants completed the survey. One of those participants did not complete

the questionnaire, and therefore that survey was eliminated from the total. Three

of the participants were eliminated due to an answer of “no preference" to

question number nine. This question asks for the preference of flooring material

in patient rooms and those who answered “no preference" were considered as

having no opinion or nonresponsive.

On the patients’ third day in the assigned room, the patients were asked

to complete a survey based on their experience in the room to which they have

been assigned. Each patient only experienced one of the two conditions (VCT or

carpet). The protocol for participation required that the researcher approach

each patient and asked if they would participate in the study by filling out the

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survey. Typically, after the Informed Consent form was signed, the researcher

allowed the patient time to read and respond to the questions on the survey.

The survey was provided to the patients with an abbreviated explanation

of the purpose of the research. The survey clearly states that the intention is to

evaluate the patients’ preferences and levels of comfort and satisfaction in their

patient room. There were thirty-three questions; twenty-nine multiple choice and

four open-ended. The survey was designed to take 15 minutes or less.

Patients were not randomly selected for placement in these rooms. The

healthcare staff who scheduled patient placement assigned patients to rooms

based on availability. Data collected during the Behavior Mapping Study on this

unit showed that the unit had 41 beds and was typically over 90% occupied. The

9 beds located in the six rooms for this study were occupied 88% of the time

during data collection. This would indicate that room selection by the medical

staff was based on availability, not for reasons connected to this study.

The staff participants were asked to complete a survey about the 6

patient rooms included in this research study. There were two ways that a staff

member could participate in the survey, both of which were designed to provide

anonymity. The first option was to download the survey from the computer

messaging system, complete the survey and place it in a box provided as

containment for the completed surveys. The second option was to pick up a

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printed survey from a disclosed location in the nursing station, answer the

questions, and place it in the same box provided for completed surveys.

The survey was provided to the staff with an abbreviated explanation of

the purpose of the research. The survey clearly states that the intention is to

evaluate the medical staff preferences and levels of comfort and satisfaction in

their work environment based on the selection of flooring materials. There are

43 questions, 32 multiple choice, 5 open-ended, and 6 fill-in-the-blank questions

that inquired about their occupational status. As with the patient questionnaire, it

was expected that it would take 15 minutes or less to answer.

The initial intention of the protocol for the staff survey was to leave the

surveys available for three weeks with a reminder message sent through the

computer messaging system. Due to a low participation rate, a second collection

was initiated through personal contact with the potential participants. Since there

might have been differences in the samples, the two sets of surveys were

segregated and labeled “batch 1” for the first set and “batch 2” for the second

set. Analysis was planned to determine if there was a significant difference that

could effect the outcome of the study.

The healthcare staff survey asked questions about demographic data

including job title, shift assignment, age, gender, and questions about the staff

member’s work history within the profession and within this particular hospital

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and unit.

White these surveys have not be used in previous studies, sections of

questions regarding the health of participants and rating of physical attributes

were based on a NIOSH Working Climate Questionnaire provided by Dr.

Rosemary Wormington, a professor at the University of Colorado, Denver.


In addition to the patient survey, data were collected from the patients’

medical chart. The patients were informed that the information gathered from

medical records would remain confidential. The patients gave consent for

access to their patient records when they signed the consent form for the

survey. Collection of data was approved by the health facility and recorded

according to their guidelines. The director of medical records required that

anyone gaining access to patient records must sign a confidentiality policy


Medical chart data collected included: 1) room number; 2) admittance

date; 3} discharge date; 4) type of medical treatment; 5) date of birth; 6) gender;

7) race or ethnic background; and 8) fall assessment rating. The room number

and dates were used to reference medical chart data to the patients’ surveys.

The admittance dates and discharge dates were used to track the amount of

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time that patients were in the telemetry unit. Type of medical treatment helped to

identify trends for how the unit was used, while providing information that could

test for inclusion or exclusion. Date of birth, gender, and ethnic background are

demographic data not requested on the survey form to limit the number of

questions asked of the patients while filling out the survey. Each patient, when

admitted to the hospital, had a fall assessment form (Appendix C) prepared by

the nurse assigned to that patient. This toot was used to determine, based on a

scoring system, a risk of falling. The types of information collected in this

assessment are 1) age; 2) mental status; 3) history of falling within the past six

months; 4) impairments; and 5) medications used. On this particular form, a

score of 10 or above indicates a risk of falling.


This study was conducted in two phases. The first phase consisted of a

three-hour pilot study to verify that the information collected was adequate and

to verify the validity of the procedure. The second phase was conducted

between November 3 ,1 9 9 8 and December 1 9 ,1 9 9 8 . Data were collected from

the six rooms between the hours of six o’clock in the morning and nine o’clock in

the evening. Each observation period was exactly three hours in length; rooms

randomly selected until each room had been monitored for a total of 15 hours.

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Hours of observation totaled ninety.

2.4.1 Participants

There were three observers participating in this study. One was the

primary investigator, who trained the other observers to document the traffic in

and out of the patient rooms. All three observers tested a three-hour segment to

determine the reliability of the measure. There were no discrepancies in the

documentation. The simplicity of the data collected and the form designed for

data collection assisted in the stability of data collection among the three


Observed participants were anonymous. Documentation did not require

specific information that was not self evident to the observers. Participants were

classified as visitors or medical staff. Patients were excluded. During the three

weeks of data collection, forty-two patients were assigned to the six patient

rooms. The limited time frame for data collection and potential confounding

factors that may have affected visitor and medical staff traffic (i.e., health and

social condition of the patient) may have threatened the validity of the results.

2.4.2 Design and Procedure

This was an unobtrusive procedure. A researcher sat in the corridor

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outside of the patient rooms to document traffic patterns using a Behavioral

Mapping Study Data form (Appendix D) prepared for this research study. The

gender and age of the visitors and medical staff were recorded anonymously.

There were three categories of age: adult (over 18), do not know/adolescent,

and child (12 and under). Time was marked for each time the patient room was

entered and exited. Additional comments were marked to stipulate the reason

for entering or leaving, such as an emergency, scheduled procedure, reason not


The day and time of observation for each three-hour segment of the

patient rooms was randomly assigned. Statistical analysis determined whether

there was a significant difference in the time visitors and medical staff spent in

patient rooms with carpet compared to the standard hospital resilient flooring,

VCT. This behavioral mapping study provided data for evaluation to test the

difference of time spend in patient rooms (Shepley, Bryant, et al., 1995).


The development of the Interior Environmental Quality index (IEQ )

requires a method for building a profile of the setting. There are five primary

components to building a profile of the interior environment: 1) material

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composition; 2) lighting; 3) acoustics; 4) thermal com fort; and 5) air quality.

Data pertaining to material composition indicate how the material can effect the

overall quality of the room and, therefore, the occupants. Lighting and acoustics

data supported the theory of interaction between factors within the space (i.e.

natural light through the window or fluorescent lights from the ceiling may have

produced a reflection from the flooring material that could have created

discomfort for the occupant).

Air quality was one of the main design factors for this study. Methods of

construction and material fabrication are becoming important as issues of global

sustainability and environmental health come to the foreground. Baseline

readings of indoor air quality is one of the methods for identifying possible

environmental hazards to the respiratory tract (Nardell, 1997). Methods for

collecting data for thermal comfort and air quality included interval monitoring to

document the condition of each room for a designated period of time in regard to

temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide, and total volatile organic

compounds. Other types of data included bacteria samples and surface


Some of the previous research studies focused on one aspect of the built

environment and the effects on human response. This study respected the

complexity of physical space. W hen one variable is manipulated, there is a

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reaction and possibly a series of reactions within the environment. This

research study identified factors of flooring material choices in healthcare

settings based on interior environmental quality. The study determined whether

perception and actual measures are consistent or in conflict based on the

comparison of the IEQ index with patient and staff data, which focused on

preference, physical comfort, biological response, and overall satisfaction.

This section of the methodology focuses on the physical environment and

measures used to build the Interior Environmental Quality index. Recommended

limits for patient room environments are listed for environmental elements

included in the data collection.

2.5.1 Design and Procedure

Data collection of the physical environment relied on objective measures

for the building of the Interior Environmental Quality index. Subjective measures

were employed in this study, through the use of surveys and behavioral

mapping, and are discussed in sections 2.2 and 2.3. Reported measures are

evident through data collection of the patients’ records. Objective measures

include secondary data from: a) the hospital; b) the construction documents;

and c) industry sources. Primary data are measures recorded during the course

of this study and focused on environmental conditions.

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The design of the unit was documented via a diagram (Appendix E) of the

unit that shows the orientation and distance of the patient rooms to the nursing

station. Upon completion of construction, each room was photographed, in

color, to document the finishes and status of room condition (Appendix F). In

addition to the construction drawings, data about the hospital and this particular

nursing unit were collected. Documentation included the strategic planning

process of the hospital and the revenue table of recorded and projected use

due to the expansion of the unit (Appendix G). The revenue table provided the

number of inpatient days, average daily census, and the average length of stay

days for years 1997, 1 9 98,1999, and 2000.

Material Composition

Material composition was one factor of the indoor environmental quality

index. The specification and use of materials in hospital patient rooms are

generally concerned with performance and cost. Documentation of the

independent variable, the flooring materials used in this study, as well as the

other finishes in the patient rooms included: a) finish specifications; b) material

samples; c) Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for the finish materials and the

cleaning supplies; d) the contents and methods of maintenance for the cleaning

carts used on the unit; e) cost of material, installation and maintenance (life­

cycle); and f) data related to the manufacture, installation, and testing of the

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floor products.

The hospital supplied a checklist for stocking the housekeeping cart, and

maintenance and restoration procedures for specific materials and room types.

Cost of the flooring materials included installation and were provided by the

manufacturers. Maintenance costs can be, at best, estimated based on the floor

material type, quantity (square footage), and industry standard procedures and

costs. The hospital out-sourced management for maintenance, therefore life­

cycle costs were not available. Manufacturers provided data about each flooring

material: a) the content and fabrication of the material; b) packaging and

shipping; c) installation and use; d) resource recovery; and e) the companies’

statement of social responsibility. Finally, test data were collected from the

manufacturer and outside testing agencies, such as the Carpet and Rug

Institute and the American Society for Testing and Materials.

Lighting and Reflected Glare

Lighting levels and reflected glare are indicators of environmental quality.

In this study, measures were recorded for comparison to the recommended

lighting levels and reflected glare for patient rooms.

The photometer used for this study was a Tektronix LumaColor II

Photometer, Model J18 (Figure 2.3). The J18 is a digital photometer with

interchangeable sensors, providing the ability to make a variety of light

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measurements. This photometer takes real-time measures. Two sensors were

used in this study, one for luminance and the other for illuminance. The sensor

for luminance, Model J1803, has a range of 0.1 to 100000 fL with an accuracy of

1% of reading +/- 2 counts. The sensor for illuminance, Model J1811, has a

range of 0.001 to 500 fc with an accuracy of 5% of reading +/- 2 counts.

Complete specifications and the performance verification procedure used to

verify that the photometer and the sensors were functioning properly can be

found in Appendix H.

In preparation for taking lighting measures in each patient room,

specifications of the two flooring materials were acquired to verify the

manufacturers’ reflectance value. Recommended illuminance ranges and

reflectance values for hospital patient rooms were documented to use as a

/ - = - - - - - - L -= J Q
| ornrujMacoLO** o

tp M

Figure 2.3_______________________________________________________________________
Tektronix LumaColor II Photometer used to measure luminance & illuminance in patient rooms.

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comparison for the recorded light levels and reflectance values of each patient

room. IESNA (1993) recommended that hospital floors have a reflectance value

between 20% and 30%; IESNA (1995) recommended that light levels for

general activities range between five and ten foot candles lighting levels for

reading range between twenty and fifty foot candles.

Illuminance and luminance values were recorded on December 1 5 ,1 9 9 8

at 2:00 in the afternoon. The time was chosen because it was the time of day

with the highest level of staff and patient activity. Documentation for each patient

room described the condition of the room at the time of measurement.

Information included: 1) occupancy level; 2) number of patients assigned and

present; 3) window condition; 4) types of electric light sources and which lights

were turned on; and 5) whether or not the television was turned on and other

factors relating to noise levels.

Using the Tektronix Photometer, illuminance levels were recorded in foot-

lamberts (fL) at the floor and at 42” above the finished floor, which is the general

height of activities such as reading and eating for patients in bed and at floor

level. Luminance levels were recorded in footcandles toward the floor. The

reflectance factor is the luminance level divided by the incident illuminance level.

Analysis will determine whether the patient rooms met the criteria for

recommended levels of light and reflectance values, and determine if the

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difference of the reflected values for the flooring is significant.


The purpose of recording sound levels in this study is to determine

whether sound levels exceed the recommended range for noise that supports

an environment conducive to patient restoration. The recommended range for

noise in patient rooms is 34 dBA to 42 dBA (Egan, 1 9 8 8 ).

The sound meter used in data collection was a Quest Technologies

Precision Integrating Sound Level Meter, Model 1800 with Model OB-300 1/1 -

1/3 Octave Band Filter (Figure 2.4). The controls were set to “A” weighted

decibels (dBA) with a range of 20 dBA to 80 dBA. The “A” weighted response

Figure 2.4
Quest Technologies Precision Integrating Sound Level Meter used to record sound levels (dB A ) in the
patient rooms.

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emulates the response of the human ear and is for most industrial and

community noise environments. The octave filter is a plug-in module containing

a selectable set of filters. For this study, the octave filter was set to 1/1 octave

which is the average sound levels for noise criteria (NC). An explanation of the

“A ” weighting (dB) showing frequencies used in this study are shown in Table

2.3 and the specifications are shown in Appendix H.

A certificate of compliance and calibration was completed by the

manufacturer on April 6 ,1 9 9 5 . This certificate states that the sound meter used

in this study meets or exceeds the requirements of the American National

Standards Institute. The calibration was performed using certified laboratory

standards whose accuracies are traceable to the National institute of Standards

and Technology (NIST). In addition to the manufacturer’s calibration certificate,

an on-site calibration procedure was performed. First, a battery check was

performed. Then, the calibrator was turned on to produce 94 dB at 1 kHz. The

calibrator was attached to the microphone and the meter was set to the modes

Table 2.3
“A” weighted (dB) scale (From Egan, 1988, p. 31).

63 Hz 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz 4000 Hz 8000 Hz

-25 -15 -8 -3 0 +1 +1 -1

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specified by the manufacturer’s instruction book. If the display had not matched

the calibration level, then it would have been adjusted. No adjustments were


In preparation for recording sound level measures in each patient room,

the NRC rating for the two flooring materials were acquired from the

manufacturers’ specifications. Real-time sound levels were recorded on

December 15, 1988 a t 2:00 in the afternoon. The time was chosen because it

was the time of day with the highest level of activity.

Sound levels were recorded using the Quest Technologies Precision

Integrating Sound Level Meter in each room for a series of three readings with

an A-weighted scale. An average for each frequency, range, and overall

average in each room was compared to the recommended range for noise

levels in hospital patient rooms.

Thermal Comfort

The indoor environmental factors that effect a person’s physical state of

thermal comfort include thermal regulation, control of pollutants, supply of fresh

air and exhaust of unacceptable air, as well as the occupant’s activities and

preferences. This section will describe data collection relating to thermal

comfort. The types of data collected include: 1) specifications of the HVAC

system; 2) measures of air supply and exhaust rates; 3) temperature; 4) relative

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humidity; 5) carbon dioxide levels; and 6) surface temperatures. Each of these

properties are interdependent, creating an environment with a measurable level

of indoor environmental quality.

Ventilation. ASHRAE 62-1989 (1989) requires a minimum ventilation rate

of 15 cubic feet per minute (cfm) per person. In patient rooms, there must be a

minimum of one air exchange of outdoor air per hour and a minimum of two total

air changes per hour. According to the AIA (1992), the air changes do not have

to exhaust to the outdoors, depending on individual circumstances. In order to

assess the overall level of thermal comfort for each patient room in this study, air

supply and exhaust rates were recorded.

The instrument used to record the ventilation rates was an Alnor

Velometer (Figure 2.5). This instrument directly read average air flow rates,

either intake or outflow, at ceiling, wall or floor diffusers. Accuracy is + /- 3% of

full scale. According to the Alnor Velometer Owner’s Manual, the instrument

should be returned to the factory for calibration at least once a year, depending

on how it is used. This velometer was sent to the factory in the fall of 1998 for

calibration. For each use, it should be adjusted so that the pointer of the

velometer is at zero by manipulating the zero adjustment screw. The manifold

should be clean with no debris clogging the sensing holes, and checked for

leaks. The hood should be free of holes and the gasket in good repair.

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Figure 2.5________________________________________________________________________
Alnore Velometer used to measure air flow rates in the patient rooms.

The velometer was placed against each diffuser and return vent in each

of the six patient rooms. The single occupancy rooms had one supply and one

exhaust vents. The double occupancy rooms had two supply and one exhaust

vents. At times, the velometer did not register any reading. When this occurred,

the range selector was adjusted and noted. The reading from the velometer was

in “standard” cfm (cubic feet/minute). To determine the true flow rate, the

recorded measure was multiplied by the correction factor as specified by the


Temperature, relative humidity, and carbon dioxide. Comfortable

temperatures in general conditions within the United States of America usually

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range from sixty-eight to seventy-eight degrees Fahrenheit and a 60% relative

humidity with a 36 degrees F dewpoint. For patient rooms, the AIA (1992)

recommends that temperatures range between seventy and seventy-five

degrees Fahrenheit. It is reasonable to have lower temperatures when it is

desirable by the occupants. Patient rooms do not have additional guidelines for

relative humidity. Other areas such as recovery rooms, critical care, and

intensive care require relative humidity to range between thirty and sixty percent.

A SHR A E suggest, in the warm zoned area, that relative humidity should be

maintained between 30% and 60% with a dewpoint of 36 degrees F.

Carbon Dioxide (C O 2 ) is used as an indicator of appropriate ventilation

for indoor spaces based on actual occupancy. ASHRAE 62-1989 recommends a

maximum level of CO 2 at 1000 parts per million (ppm) for “safe" buildings.

Expected outdoor readings should equal approximately 360 ppm.

Outdoor weather data were downloaded from the NCDC Climate Radar

Data Inventories for College Station Easterwood Weather Station. Outdoor

Carbon Dioxide levels were downloaded on-line from the Energy Systems

Laboratory at Texas A&M University.

The instruments used for data collection of indoor temperature, relative

humidity, and CO 2 were part of a measurement system manufactured by

Engelhard Sensor Technologies (Figure 2.6). The base component is the

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Recordaire datalogger. The Recordaire has four channels to accommodate the

carbon dioxide, temperature, and relative humidity sensors, as well as a sensor

for total volatile organic compounds, which will be discussed under the

subsection for air contaminants. The datalogger can record continuous real-time

data at specified intervals. Information can be downloaded and graphed using

software provided by the manufacturer.

The datalogger and all four sensors were calibrated and monitored by the

manufacturer, with testing completed on June 1 5 ,1 9 9 8 . The calibration was




Figure 2.6______________________________________________________________________
Recordaire and iock-box used to record interval data for temperature, relative humidity, carbon
dioxide, and total volatile organic compounds.

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performed using certified laboratory standards whose accuracies are traceable

to the National institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Specifications for

each sensor and the datalogger are shown in Appendix H.

Before commencing with the data collection from the hospital patient

rooms for this study, a test was performed in a controlled environment to learn

how to use the equipment, test the sensitivity of the sensors, and test the validity

of the recordings against another monitor, the YES-204 IAQ Monitor (Figure

2.7). This datalogger is manufactured by Young Environmental Systems and

records temperature, relative humidity, and carbon dioxide. Technical

specifications for this instrument is shown in Appendix H.

Figure 2.7___________________________________________________________________
YES-204 IAQ monitor used in controlled experiment to verify the validity of the Recordaire
monitor equipment.

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The controlled experiment tested for temperature, relative humidity, CO 2 ,

and TVO C levels. The Recordaire and sensors were compared to the YES-204

IAQ Monitor, which recorded temperature, relative humidity, and CO 2 . The

equipment was placed in a cardboard box, eighteen inches square, with two

holes cut on opposite sides. The holes were three inches square and located in

the lower left corner and the upper right comer for ventilation. To meet the

objectives of the test, a procedure was developed to create atmospheric

changes within the box.

The equipment was placed in the box and allowed to run for

approximately four hours. Base measures were taken after the equipment had

been allowed to run for a few moments. During the next four hours, items were

added and removed from the box to promote changes that would register with

the monitoring equipment. W hile the comparison of measures showed numerical

differences, more often than not, the measures were congruent within the range

of accuracy for each sensor, according to the specifications of the equipment.

Figure 2.8 shows the timeline, conditions, and the measurements of each

sensor. The results of the pretest show that the temperature and relative

humidity recorded by the Recordaire were changed by the addition of hot water.

To confirm that the C O 2 monitor was functioning properly, the observer blew

into the monitor to verify an increase in the CO 2 level. The total volatile organic

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- Recordaire Mxiitor
YES-204 \fiQ Mxttor
100 100
90 90
u_ 80 80
§ 70 70
S’ 60 60
® 50 50
15 40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
a21 ft45 9:46 9:53 9:54 11:1011:11 11:27 1:40 9:21 9:45 9:46 ft53 9:54 11:1011:11 11:27 1:40

2500 200



2 100
I 1000

U 25

ft21 9:45 9:46 ft.53 ft54 11:1011:11 11:27 1:40 ft21 9:45 9:46 ft53 ft54 11:1011:11 11:27 1:40

Time and treatment:

9:21 PM Base readings on Recordaire placed in test box.
9:45 PM YES-204 IAQ datalogger placed in test box for comparison.
9:46 PM Placed 1/4 c. household cleaner in test box.
9:53 PM Removed 1/4 c. household cleaner.
9:54 PM Placed paper napkin sprayed with household cleaner 14" aff. in test box.
11:10 PM Removed paper napkin sprayed with household cleaner.
11:11 PM Blew on C 02 monitor to measure expected increase in level of C02.
11:27 PM Placed 3 c. of hot water in test box.
1:40 AM Removed 3 c. of hot water from test box and stopped experiment.

Figure 2.8
Controlled experiment to verify reliability for the Recordaire monitoring equipment used for patient
room IAQ interval measurements.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

compounds were only monitored by the Recordaire. The most apparent change

in the TV O C readings came during the exercise of blowing into the CO 2 monitor.

To do this, the box had to be opened. W hen the test box was exposed to the

open room environment, the TV O C level dropped.

In preparation for running the datalogger in the hospital, a secure box

made of aluminum was fabricated to hold the datalogger, sensors, and laptop

computer. Each room was monitored for forty-eight hours. The data were

downloaded through the use of the software provided by the manufacturer. This

raw data were then imported to Microsoft Excel. At this point, the data were

converted from 10 interval data to 30 minute interval data. In this format, the

data were graphed using timelines, box-whisker plots, and psychrometric charts.

Through analysis, this study compared the patient room conditions against the

guidelines and standards for temperature, relative humidity, and carbon dioxide.

Surface temperature. In indoor areas where the occupants are likely to be

barefooted, comfort is dependent on the flooring temperature and flooring

material. Materials with high thermal resistance, like wood or carpeting, are

expected to be warmer than materials with low thermal resistance, such as

concrete or vinyl.

Surface temperatures of the six patient rooms in this study were recorded

on May 2 7 ,1 9 9 9 . Measures were taken at ten o’clock in the morning and again

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at two o’clock in the afternoon. The instrument was a Raytek ST8 Enhanced

Laser, Model D:S 30:1 (Figure 2.9). This was an infrared thermometer that

measured the surface temperature by sensing its emitted energy, reflected

energy, and transmitted energy. This energy information is collected, directed

onto a detector, and translated by a microprocessor into a temperature reading

displayed on the unit. The temperature range is -25 to 1000 degrees Fahrenheit.

This Raytek equipment is calibrated by computer by the manufacturer. Complete

specifications are shown in Appendix H.

The recorded surface temperatures in the patient rooms indicate

differences in the flooring materials and the effects on the comfort level of the

Figure 2.9_____________________________________________________________________
Raytek ST-8 Enhanced Laser infrared thermometer used to measure surface temperatures in
patient rooms.

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Air Contaminants

Air contaminants are foreign materials in normal air that can be classified

as: 1) particulate or gaseous; 2) organic or inorganic; 3) visible or invisible; and

4) submicroscopic, microscopic, or macroscopic; 5) toxic or harmless; and 6)

stable or unstable (ASHRAE, 1997). This study focused on biological

contaminants and total volatile organic compounds as a method of investigating

how flooring materials affect the quality of the indoor air.

Total volatile organic compounds. Indoor environments have a variety of

different compounds present on a daily basis. While an argument could be

made to test for three or four obvious potential VOCs, it is the combined total of

all VOCs that present a problem to the indoor environment. According to the

EPA (1991), the accumulation of VO C s may play a role in sick building

syndrome and have adverse affects on people with chemical sensitivities.

The apparatus used for data collection was the PSI-10 datalogger, which

provided an analog signal proportional to TVOCs (Appendix H). This product

was part of the system using the Recordaire by Engelhard. The sensor was

calibrated in clean air at seventy-two degrees Fahrenheit and twenty-five

percent relative humidity.

This sensor was attached to a channel on the Engelhard datalogger used

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to measure temperature, relative humidity, and carbon dioxide. Each room was

monitored for forty-eight hours. The data were downloaded through the use of

the software provided by the manufacturer. This raw data were then imported to

Microsoft Excel and converted from 10-minute interval data to 30-minute interval

data. Graphing the data using timelines and box-whisker plots provided a venue

for comparing rooms with vinyl composition tile and rooms with carpet and to

determine if a change in flooring material is a significant factor in assessing

potential problems associated with TVOCs.

Biological contamination. The method of data collection used

triangulation between samples from the floor, HVAC air supply and air exhaust

vents, and the air to test for total bacteria counts.

Sampling for bacteria occurred on February 1 6 ,1 9 9 9 . Seven samples

were collected from each room: 1) three samples from the floor; 2) three

samples from the HVAC vents; and 3) one air sample (Figure 2.10). In addition,

clean samples were collected from the sealed flooring materials from the lots

used for installation and an outdoor air sample was collected. The floor and

HVAC vent samples used the swab-sampling method. Each swab test site was

marked by a sterile 2 ”x2” template. A sterile swab with a liquid media was used

to collect bacteria samples from the designated areas. The air samples used an

aerobic plate count. The procedure required an eight-hour exposure to the

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; t = — = : |

T - l

7 1 :
“ =-
i j :
■' 4 — -

/ < I I

! I ! _

Sample site locations for floor, air supply and return, and air sample:
FA = Floor A - medical side of bed near the door.
FB = Floor B - medical side of bed near the window.
FC = Floor C -1 ’ on center from entry.
VA = Air Supply A - medical side of bed near the door.
VB = Air Supply B - medical side of bed near the window.
VC = Air Return - centrally located in patient room.
AIR = Air sample located at 6’ aff. (not shown).

Figure 2.10_______________________________________________
Sample sites located on the floor and reflected ceiling plans.

media in the petri dish. Each sample was coded for room number, location,

occupancy, and flooring type. The test samples were processed by a local

environmental laboratory; the results were made available on February 24, 1999

(Appendix H).

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Materials have properties that affect the amount of light absorbed or

dispersed. Its composition determines whether it absorbs or reflects sound and

establishes the acoustic value of the material. Thermal comfort is determined by

multiple factors, including temperature, relative humidity, the appropriate amount

of fresh air, air movement, and surface temperatures. The composition of a

material determines thermal resistance, defining its role in surface temperature

and thermal comfort. The properties of the materials used to build indoor

environments affect the quality of the air through the off-gassing of man-made

products and the potential effects from harboring biological contaminants. The

flooring materials influence the indoor environmental quality.

The triangulation of the methods, incorporating: 1) patient and healthcare

staff surveys, 2) the behavioral mapping study, and 3) the Indoor Environmental

Quality index, determine how perception, preference and satisfaction compare

to the physical space and how that space is used. The surveys show the

similarities and differences between the healthcare staff and patients; the

behavioral mapping study determines whether there was a significant difference

in the amount of time spent in the two conditions. The IEQ index (combined

measures of lighting, sound levels, thermal comfort factors and air quality) show

the conditions of the space and its relationship to industry standards.

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This study utilizes multiple methodologies to investigate the impact of

flooring materials on the quality of patient room environments and the

experience of patients and healthcare staff. The premise states that the

environmental conditions of the hospital patient rooms impact the preferences,

perceptions and behavior of healthcare staff, patients, and visitors. In all, there

are six hypotheses that address relevant concerns for the appropriate selection

of flooring materials in patient room environments (to review the hypothesis,

refer to Table 2.1, p. 89).

This chapter begins with a description of analysis for each data set. The

second section, explains the flooring materials, the setting, and the participants.

The last section presents the findings for each of the 6 hypotheses.


This section describes the method of analysis for each data set: 1) the

behavioral mapping study; 2) patient and healthcare staff surveys; and 3) the

analysis of the environmental conditions.

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3.1.1 Behavioral Mapping Study

The behavioral mapping study data were first analyzed qualitatively

based on descriptive statistics. The purpose was to document the activity related

to the patient rooms and learn about the daily experience of the patients,

visitors, and healthcare staff. In addition, Independent Samples t-Tests were

used to compare differences in the time staff and visitors spent in the carpeted

patient rooms and the patient rooms with V C T flooring.

3.1.2 Healthcare Staff and Patient Surveys

The healthcare staff and patient surveys were analyzed based on a .10

confidence interval (unless otherwise noted) due to the exploratory nature of this

research, potential applied importance of the findings, and sample size of the

surveys. Each data set was reviewed for accuracy by using descriptive statistics

and frequencies to verify the total count of the sample, the minimum values, and

maximum values. The means were compared to the standard deviations and

medians. Finally, the data were re-coded as needed to finalize the process of

verifying the accuracy of the data.

Chi-square tests were used to assess potential confounding factors. The

Fisher’s Exact Test was used for data that did not have missing cells in the

tables and did not result from missing rows or columns in a larger table that had

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cells with the expected frequency of less than five. The Pearson chi-square was

used for tables with any number of rows and columns that did not meet the

criteria for the Fisher’s Exact Test. The same set of variables were tested

against floor preference for potential confounding factors. The patient survey

was tested for connfounding factors associated with floor type and preferences.

The staff survey was tested for confounding factors associated with preferences.

Healthcare Staff Survey

No confounding factors were found during the chi-square analysis of

healthcare staff preferences. Independent Samples t-Tests were used to

determine that there were no differences between batch 1 and batch 2 of the

surveys collected. Paired Samples t-Tests were used to determine significance

of dependent variable ratings. The significance level was adjusted using the

Bonferroni to account for multiple comparisons.

Patient Survey

A two-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to test between

subject effects of rated dependent variables . The Levene statistic tested for the

equality of group variances (i.e. homogeneity-of-variance). This test was not

dependent on the assumption of normality. The between subject factors were

floor type and bed assignment.

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3.1.3 Indoor Environmental Quality

Each patient room was monitored for 48 hours at 30 minute intervals for

temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide, and total volatile organic

compounds. The data were analyzed graphically using psychometric charts,

time series line graphs, and box-whisker plots. The graphic analysis described

the environmental conditions of each patient room and illustrated any

differences between rooms with carpet and rooms with VCT.

Levels of illuminance, luminance, and sound were recorded to measure

ambient environmental qualities within the patient room. A reflectance factor (the

ratio of reflected light on a surface) was calculated to compare the flooring

materials in the patient rooms for reflected glare. Surface temperatures were

tested with a paired samples t-test and compared to recommended limits as a

factor for thermal comfort (ASHRAE, 1997). Bacteria samples were analyzed by

an independent laboratory for comparison of the bacterial colony counts in

rooms with carpet and VCT.


This section begins with a explanation of the flooring materials used in

the study (the independent variable), followed by a description of the patient

rooms. The characteristics of the participants, both patients and healthcare staff,

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conclude this section.

3.2.1 Properties and Characteristics of the Flooring Materials

The vinyl composition tile (VCT) specified for the three control patient

rooms was the typical flooring installed in this hospital for patient rooms. Each

tile was 12” by 12" with a gauge of 1/8”. The tile color was teal with multi-color

specs and manufactured by a leading resilient tile company. The V C T specified

for the control rooms cost $471.00 installed ($ 1 .57/sq.ft.).

The carpet was an 18” by 18” modular monolithic loop tile with a moisture

resistant backing, antimicrobial, soil and stain protecting finish. This carpet is

made from a DuPont Antron fiber with a yam weight of 24 oz. The color was

selected to match the color and light reflectance of the standard VCT. The

carpet tile specified for the treatment rooms cost $984.00 installed ($3.28/sq.ft.).

A comparison designed to numerically compare the carpet and V C T used

in this study was based on Interior Finish Materials for Health Care Facilties

(Weinhold, 1988) and Environmental by Design: A Sourcebook of

Environmentally Aware Material Choices (LeClair & Rousseau, 1992). A numeric

scale was developed to rate the floor finishes for material properties using the

average of the rating scale index (1=unknown, 2=poor, 3=fair, 4=good,

5=excellent). On a rating scale of 1 to 5, the carpet rating was 3.52 and the VC T

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Table 3.1
Flooring material properties rating comparison.


(specified in this study) (specified in this study)
Inherent Qualities Inherent Qualities


Slip resistance Excellent Poor
Bacteria & mold resistance
Abrasion resistance Excellent Good
Appearance Retention
Resilience Excellent Fair
Soil Resistance Excellent Fair
Stain resistance Good Poor
Fade resistance Good Fair
Static load resistance Poor Fair
Moisture resistance Poor Good
Chemical resistance
Adds and alkalis Poor Good
Oil and grease Poor Good
Cigarette bum resistance Poor Excellent
Ease of maintenance Fair Fair
Cleanability Excellent Excellent
Control of Protocol Poor Poor
Dying flexibility Excellent N/A
Styling versatility Excellent Fair
Comfort underfoot Excellent Fair
Sound Absorption Excellent Poor
Production Poor Poor
Packing & shipping Fair Fair
Installation & use Good Fair
Resource recovery Excellent Poor
Ease of installation Excellent Excellent
Flexibility Excellent Fair
Life-cycle cost
'Undetermined at this time.
Note: Primary source is Interior Finish Materials for Health Care Facilities Ch. 2 and 3,
by Virginia Weinhold, 1988, Columbus Ohio, Charles C. Thomas. The secondary source is Environmental
by Design: A Sourcebook o f Environmentally Aware Material Choices (Vol. 1), by LeClair and Rousseau,
1992, Point Roberts, W A, Hartley & Marks, Inc.

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rating was 2.92. Carpet rated excellent for slip resistance, soil and abrasion

resistance, and cleanability. For sustainability, carpet rated excellent for

resource recovery, good for installation and use, fair for packaging, and poor for

production. V C T rated excellent for cigarette burn resistance, cleanability and

ease of installation. It is considered to be moisture resistant, but porous. It is

chemical resistant, and has good abrasion resistance. For sustainable effort,

V C T rated fair for packing, shipping, installation, and use. The rating for

production and resource recovery was poor (see Table 3.1).

3.2.2 Description of the Patient Rooms

The telemetry unit was a step-down unit for heart patients that required

constant monitoring. This unit had 41 beds with a daily average of 37 beds

occupied. Six patient rooms with 9 beds were included in this study and an

average of 8 beds were occupied daily. Forty-two patients were assigned to the

6 patient rooms during the course of the study. Of the 490 times the patient

rooms were entered during the study, 45% of the entries involved carpeted

rooms and 55% involved rooms with V C T flooring (see Figure 3.1). Most of the

healthcare staff and visitors were female adults. Non-staff visitor traffic

accounted for 25% with the remainder of the traffic individuals employed by the

hospital. Nurses accounted for 50% of the healthcare staff entering the patient

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150 -

125 -

% mo -
© 75 -
-3 .. •
£ ■Vi 1
50 -

25 - *7 ■ Visitors
□ Staff
o -

RM268 RM269 RM271 RM272 RM273 RM287

Rooms with VCT Rooms with Carpet

Figure 3.1

Frequency of traffic in patient rooms by healthcare staff and non-staff visitors.

25% Nurse

1% Doctor
Administrator J

Kitchen Staff_ / '

6% Technician

Rgure 3.2
Healthcare staff and non-staff visitor traffic in patient rooms.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

rooms (see Figure 3.2).

The typical patient room (single or double occupancy) was approximately

275 sq.ft. (Appendix J). The patient beds in the double occupancy patient rooms

were separated by a 4 ft. wing-wall for privacy. There was a connecting

bathroom for patients assigned to each patient room. Each patient had a

television, shelf, and personal space for clothing. There was a window in each

Table 3.2

Patient room interior finish specifications.

Type Specification Contact

Flooring Carpet tiles Interface

Pattern: Leader
Color. 1426 Performer

Carpet Adhesive Grid Set Interface

Flooring VCT Armstrong

Imperial Texture
Standard Exceton
51906 Teal
1ZVI2" Gauge 1/8T

VST Adhesive LowVOC Armstrong

Rubber Base Rubber Base Armstrong

Color Integated

Laminate Wisonart
1. Countertops 1. #4170-60 Beige Pampas
2 Mllwcrk-vertical 2 #097-60 Haze

Laminate (Doors) ARF-Plus Nevamar

#WM-1-017T Rose Renaissance

Comer Guard #866 Doeskin Acrovyn

Paint Shetwn Wiliams

1. V W Paint 1. Batitaus Buff SW1081 (LR/71%)

2 Door Frame Paint 2 Coral Sand SW1064 (LRV45%)

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room, but the person assigned to the bed near the door did not have easy

access to the window. Each room had a thermostat that the patients or staff

could adjust at their discretion. The finish materials were the same in each

patient room except for the flooring specification (see Table 3.2).

3.2.3 Characteristics of the Patients

Thirty-six patients participated in the study by completing a survey about

perceptions, preferences, and satisfaction with their patient room. Patients were

assigned to rooms with either vinyl composition tile (44% ) or carpet (5 6 % ). Nine

of the surveys were collected from patients assigned to single-occupancy patient

rooms. Of those nine, only one patient assigned to a patient room with V C T

flooring completed the survey.

To determine whether surveys from patients assigned to single

occupancy rooms for the analysis of the environmental quality questions should

be excluded, the variables were tested for independence of patients from single

and double occupancy patient rooms. Floor type and external noise were the

only variables found to be confounding. Floor type was expected to be

significant, as this was the primary reason for excluding the surveys from

patients in single-occupancy patient rooms. The difference between the means

for external noise was significant when tested against occupancy, but was not

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.


o 20
3 15
u_ 10
40-59 60-79 80-99
I Floor Type Carpet
I Floor Type V C T

Patient Years of Age

Figure 3.3
Patient range of age.

■ F k x x T ^ e V C T I F to cr Type Carpet



^/He Ferrde Caxascn NxvCaLcascn

PaiertGertfer F%fatF^oe/Etftidty


FSsk N ttffsk Heart Related Non-Heart Related

Pdient Riskof Faffing Diagnosis

Figure 3.4
Patient demographics.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

significant in the analysis of the double occupancy patient room surveys for floor


The average length of stay was 5.7 days. Over 50% were between the

ages of 60 and 79 (see Figure 3.3). Most of the patients were diagnosed with

heart-related illness. Once a patient was situated in their room, a nurse

completed the “Risk of Falling” form for their charts. Fifty-six percent of the

patients met the requirements for risk for falling. Seventy-eight percent of the

patients were Caucasian of non-Hispanic origin and 70% of the patients were

male (for additional information, refer to Figure 3.4).

3.2.4 Characteristics of the Healthcare Staff

Healthcare staff were defined as registered nurses, licensed vocational

nurses and non-nursing staff such as nurse aides, technicians and physical

therapists (see Figure 3.5). Nurses, nurse aides, and technicians may be full or

part time, working all or part of a 12-hour shift from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. or

7:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. Physical therapists and other specialists are assigned to

patients as needed and spend limited amounts of time on the unit.

O f 91 possible participants, 12 were lost to attrition (no longer worked at

this hospital). Of the remaining 7 9 ,4 5 participants completed the survey. Four

were excluded; 3 because they had no preference for flooring material in the

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

1 f
® 40% *' vvj/.M*
•;v ,:c r r .* ^
Njsing Staff Nn-NLrsingStrff
Figure 3.5
Healthcare staff job description.

patient rooms and one because the survey was incomplete. Therefore, there

was a total of 41 completed surveys from the healthcare staff participants.

Eighty-three percent of those participating in the study were nurses. Forty-

two percent were over 40 years of age. Males accounted for 12% of the sample

Most of the healthcare staff reported that they did not suffer from allergies,

migraines, or asthma.

Forty-two percent had worked in the field of health care for five years or

less. Seventy-eight percent of participants had worked at this hospital for 5

years or less. The remaining 22% had worked between 6 and 20 years at this


Most of the participants had worked on the telemetry unit for 5 years or

less and worked between twenty-one and forty hours per week. O f those who

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.



C 60% I ®%
® 40% a> 40P/o

20% — — SB— —
OP/o B I B
Male Female 20-29 3039 4CH-
Gender (-teetttrareSteff/^ge



c 60%
£ 40%


0% I ■ ■
0 to 5 6 to 10 11+ 0 to 5 6 to 10 11+

Years Worked in Healthcare Reid Years Worked at this Hospital

100% 100%

80% 80%

S 60% I 60%
I o
S . 40% j? 40%

20% 20%

1 to20 21 to40 41+ 0 to 5 6to10

N rrter of H u s Wbked in a Wfeek Years Wbrked in Telemetry Unit

Figure 3.6
Healthcare staff demographics.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

completed the survey, 32% worked the day shift and 51% worked the night shift.

The remaining participants account for 17% who were not assigned to the 12-

hour shift schedule, such as physical therapist or technicians. For additional

information on healthcare staff participants, refer to Figure 3.6.


This study focused on six hypotheses based on the differences between

flooring materials in hospital patient rooms.

3.3.1 Hypothesis 1: Environmental Conditions and Floor Type


The lighting sources were identical in each patient room. It was expected

that the levels of light would be adequate for the activities expected in the

patient room environment. A main consideration for the selection of flooring

materials is the issue of reflected glare (Figure 3.7). The measurements for

illuminance and luminance were taken without control of the lighting conditions

(Table 3.3). The recommended range for lighting levels (incident illuminance) in

patient rooms for general activities is between 5 footcandles (fc) and 10 fc. The

recommended range for reading is 20 fc to 50 fc. Figure 3.8 shows the level of

illumination for each patient room. Figure 3.9 represents the average level of

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
VCT Carpet
Figure 3.7
Reflected glare on vinyl composition tile and carpet in patient rooms near the window.

Table 3.3

Lighting conditions for December 15,1998 at 2:00 pm.

Room 268 Lighting Conditions:

2’x4’ fluorescent in bathroom - on; T.V. - on; window blinds - closed

Room 269 Lighting Conditions:

2’x4’ fluorescent at ceiling above patient bed(s) - indirect on; window blinds - open

Room 271 Lighting Conditions:

T.V.(s) - on; window blinds - open

Room 273 Lighting Conditions:

2’x4’ fluorescent at ceiling above patient bed(s) - on; 2’x4’ fluorescent at ceiling at entry - on;
T.V.(s) - on; window blinds - open

Room 272 Lighting Conditions:

1) 2'x4’ fluorescent at ceiling above patient bed(s) - indirect on; window blinds - closed

Room 287 Lighting Conditions: T.V.(s) - on; window blinds - open

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.


Patient Rooms

Figure 3.8

Level of Illuminance (incident illuminance) in patient rooms.

NOTE: Recommended levels of illuminance for reading (20-50 fc) and general activities (5-10 fc)
(Egan, 1983).


VCT Carpet

Figure 3.9

Level of Illuminance (incident illuminance) in patient rooms categorized by flooring material.

NOTE: Recommended levels of illuminance for reading (20-50 fc) and general activities (5-10 fc)
(Egan, 1983).

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

illumination categorized by the flooring materials. This information is relevant for

understanding the calculated percentage of reflected glare. The recommended

range of reflected glare for flooring materials in healthcare environments is 20% -

30% (Egan, 1983). The ratio of vertical illuminance to the vertical luminance was

consistently higher in rooms with V C T than rooms with carpet (Figure 3.10). The

mean and standard deviation for the ratio of vertical illumanance to the vertical

luminance in rooms with V C T was 210% (163.89) which was more than 6 times

higher than the 32% (8.5) for rooms with carpet (Figure 3.11).

8 400
II 350

| 300

£o 250
S 200
| 150
5 100

268 269 271 272 273 287

Patient Rooms
Figure 3.10
Reflected glare from the floor in patient rooms.
NOTE: Recommended range for reflected glare from floor is 20%-30% (Egan, 1983).
Each patient room has identical lighting sources: 1) 2’x4’ fluorescent at ceiling above patient
bed(s); 2) 4’ fluorescent overhead light above head board for reading (direct), general (indirect);
3) 2’x4’ fluorescent at ceiling near entry; 4) 2’x4’fIuorescent in bathroom; 5) T.V.; 6) window with
white metal mini-blind shades. Lines indicate recommended ranges of reflected glare.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Figure 3.11
Reflected glare from the floor in patient rooms categorized by flooring material.
NOTE: Recommended range for reflected glare from floor is 20%-30% (Egan, 1983).


Incident sounds levels were recorded for each patient room. There was

no significant difference between the sound levels in rooms with V C T and rooms

with carpet. Both types of rooms exceeded the 34 dBA - 42 dBA recommended

range for sound levels in patient room environments (Egan, 1988).

Thermal Comfort

Ventilation. Ventilation rates for hospital patient rooms require a minimum

of 2 total air changes per hour. The patient rooms in this study were retrofitted

with new fan coil units (FCU). Rooms 268, 269, and 287 have independent fan

coil units with an average air supply of 250 cfm on high, 175 cfm on medium,

and 100 cfm when set on low. The bathrooms have an average 50 cfm of

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

exhaust. Each fan coil unit has in excess of 10% fresh air supplied to it. Rooms

271, 272, and 273 are supplied by a rooftop mounted air handling unit system

serving multiple areas. Supply air to each room is an average of 355 cfm with

150 cfm of exhaust in the bathrooms. The air handling unit is supplied in excess

of 10% fresh air intake. Each FCU has a cooling and reheat coil couple

controlled by a local pneumatic thermostat to control room temperature (not

humidity). Based on the cubic feet of the rooms and the velocity of air in the

exhaust vents, total air changes per hour were calculated using a multiplication

correction of 1.02 (Table 3.4). The three rooms with independent fan coil units

(268, 269, 287) had less that 2 air changes per hour but were within the margin

of error for the measuring equipment. The remaining three patient rooms

exceeded the minimum air changes per hour. The ventilation rates were not

Table 3.4
Ventilation air changes per hour for the six patient rooms.

Patient Room Flooring Material Exhaust A ir Air Changes/hr

268(1,920 cu.ft.) VC T 58 CFM 1.813 A C H

269 (2,496 cu.ft.) VC T 55 C FM 1.322 ACH

271 (2,016 cu.fl.) VCT 282 C FM 8.393 ACH

272 (2,304 cu.ft.) Carpet 622 C FM 16.198 ACH

273 (2,352 cu.ft.) Carpet 718 CFM 18.316 ACH

287(2,112 cu.fl.) Carpet 60 C FM 1.705 A C H

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

affected by the choice of flooring material, but the airflow rates may have driven

down the carbon dioxide levels in the patient rooms.

Temperature and relative humidity. Temperature levels differed minimally

in rooms with V C T and rooms with carpet. In addition, there was limited

variability in the range of indoor temperatures for all of the patient rooms (Figure

3.12). The mean and standard deviation for temperature in rooms with V C T was

75.71 degrees F (2.21) and the mean and standard deviation for rooms with

carpet was 77.68 degrees F (1.39). The temperature in the patient rooms do not

appear to be related to by the outdoor temperature. The timeline (Figure 3.13)

represents 48 hours of real-time measured data for inside and outside

temperatures. The rooms were typically warmer than the recommended


(/) 00-


VCT Carpet
Figure 3.12_____________________________________________________________________________
Temperature boxplot showing the median and range categorized by flooring type.
NOTE: Shaded area represents the recommended range for temperature in hospital patient rooms by
ASHRAE 62-1999, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, and A SH R A E Handbook o f
Fundamentals, 1997.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

u_ L i.

Q 0 D -'

f ~ " ■- r U1----------------r ------

13m Vpm 12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm
10am 10am 10am 11am 11am 11am
12/7-9/98 12/12-14/98 12/21-23/98 12/14-16/98 12/16-18/98 12/18-20/98
Rm 268 Rm 271 Rm 269 Rm 272 Rm 273 Rm287
Vinyl Composition Tile Carpet
NOTE: Shaded area represents the recommended range for temperature in hospital patient
rooms by ASHRAE 62-1999. Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, and ASHRAE
Handbook of Fundamentals. 1997.
Figure 3.13__________________________________________________________________
Temperature timeline for patient rooms and outdoor conditions categorized by flooring type.

temperature range of 70-75 degrees F (AIA, 1993). In addition, data for rooms

with high of air flow rates (271, 272, and 273) indicate no change in indoor

temperatures effected by the outside temperatures. For additional information

regarding thermal comfort of each patient room, refer to Appendix I.

The indoor relative humidity was low for all 6 rooms. The mean and

standard deviation for relative humidity in the patient rooms with VCT was

23.48% (15.03) and the mean and standard deviation for carpeted rooms was

32.41% (10.19). The relative humidity in the patient rooms did vary overtim e

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10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
VCT Carpet
NOTE: Shaded area represents the recommended range for indoor relative humidity by ASHRAE
62-1999, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, and ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals,
1997, for thermal comfort for winter range (clothing value .9), dewpoint at 36 F.
Figure 3.14________________________________________________________________________________
Relative humidity boxplot showing the median and range categorized by flooring type.


30- <D


13pm l^ m 13m t^ m 13m 13m 12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm
10am 10am 10am 11am 11am 11am
12/7-9/98 12/12-14/98 12/21-23/98 12/14-16/98 12/16-18/98 12/18-20/98
Rm 268 Rm 271 Rm 269 Rm 272 Rm 273 Rm 287
Vinyl Composition Tile Carpet
NOTE: Shaded area represents the recommended range for indoor relative humidity by ASHRAE
62-1999, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, and ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals,
1997, for thermal comfort forwinter range (clothing value .9), dewpoint at 36 F.
Figure 3.15_______________________________________________________________________
Relative humidity timeline for patient rooms and outdoor conditions categorized by flooring type.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

I t I 'TCTk*
j i ! !-
! ! i -r
! | ' i
002 I

: I ..***! ” ii
...... r * " ..............

r........... V ‘" ! !
SO «0 ^0 mo
O r r ^ l * T m p tfM B T t ( f l

Rexam 268-Outside Conditions Room 268-Inside Conditions

oo: 3 .

t -tr

bo «o so «o BO BO
rtmparMvr* fty b o Tiw pw airmen

Room 269-Outside Conditions Room 269-Inside Conditions

Data Not Available

.- t —
-TTTT^—f ---- ~
4 :— ! i
O y H O T m iir a W t ff)

Room 271-Outside Conditions Room 271-Inside Conditions

NOTE: The shaded box represents the range of temperature (70-75 degree F) and humidity
(30%-60%) for hospital patient room environments. Winter range (clothing value .9), dewpoint 36
F as recommended by ASHRAE 62-1999, Ventilation for Acceptable Air Quality. Dry-bulb tem­
perature range 35-95 F. Humidity ratio range 0-.03 pounds moisture/pounds dry air.
Figure 3.16_______________________________________________________________________
Inside/outside temperature and humidity displayed on the psychrometric chart during
December 14-21,1998 for patient rooms with vinyl composition tile.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
« '■ ■ i ■—«0
i 350 < 0 AO AO *0 AO AO 350 AO AO AO ^ 0 AO AO
f t y erffc Ttm parm rm (f) O y B tffc T im p m M t* * ( f t

Room 272-Outside Conditions Room 272-Inside Conditions

AO AO ^0
A 0 AO
O yO ulb T i w p w w i (f)
O r r - M b T «m p«ra*ur* Jf)

Room 273-Outside Conditions Room 273-Inside Conditions


.< m '

: -" - i I
.... ........................J
i ..... — L ..——r—
— ............... .

Room 287-Outside Conditions Room 287-Inside Conditions

NOTE: The shaded box represents the range of temperature (70-75 degree F) and humidity
(30%-60%) for hospital patient room environments. Winter range (clothing value .9), dewpoint 36
F as recommended by ASHRAE 62-1999, Ventilation for Acceptable Air Quality. Dry-bulb tem­
perature range 35-95 F. Humidity ratio range 0-.03 pounds moisture/pounds dry air.
Figure 3.17_______________________________________________________________________
Inside/outside temperature and humidity displayed on the psychrometric chart during
December 14-21,1998 for patient rooms with carpet.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

(Figure 3.14). The variability reason for the variability is inconclusive, however,

the high air exchange rates in rooms 271, 272, and 273 appeared to be

correlated with the low levels of relative humidity while the low air exchange rate

in room 287 caused a higher level of relative humidity (Figure 3.15).

Temperature and relative humidity data graphed on a psychrometric chart

(Figure 3.16 and Figure 3.17) indicated that the room conditions did not fall

within the range for thermal comfort. All six patient rooms were considered to be

too warm and too dry. The outdoor conditions indicate variable temperature and


a) 1000

1 800

VCT Carpet

F loorin g
NOTE: Dashed line represents the maximum level of Cartx)n Dioxide (parts per million) that
usually results in conditions conducive to comfort and the removal of odor from human generated
pollutants as stated by ASHRAE 62-1999, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality. Outside
carbon dioxide levels did not exceed 360 ppm.
Figure 3.18_______________________________________________________________________
Carbon Dioxide boxplot showing the median and range categorized by flooring type.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

relative humidity.

Carbon dioxide. There were no significant differences in the levels of

carbon dioxide in patient rooms with VCT or carpet. The mean and standard

deviation for the level of carbon dioxide for rooms with V C T was 805 parts per

million (p p m ) (135.86 ppm); the mean and standard deviation for rooms with

carpet was 777 ppm (152.49 ppm). These levels of carbon dioxide are well

below the maximum level of 1000 ppm that is the accepted level conducive to


- 1200

s 1000



200 - - VCT
— Carpet

12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm

Room 268-VCT Room 271 -VCT Room 269-VCT

Room 272-Carpet Room 273-Carpet Room 287-Carpet
Monitored Patient Rooms (48 hrs at .5/hr)
NOTE: Dashed line represents the maximum level of Carbon Dioxide (parts per million) that
usually results in conditions conducive to comfort and the removal of odor from human generated
pollutants as stated by ASHRAE 62-1999, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality. Outside
carbon dioxide levels did not exceed 360 ppm.

Figure 3.19
Carbon Dioxide timeline for patient rooms categorized by flooring type.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

comfort (Figure 3.18). The levels increase during mid-day and decrease during

the night, as one would expect. The events (high-points) occur during lunch time

and the early afternoon, when the unit has a higher rate of visitors (Figure 3.19).

The data for rooms with high of air flow rates (271, 272, and 273) indicate that

the carbon dioxide levels were effected byt the air exchange rates by lowering

the carbon dioxide levels in patient rooms with the high air exchange rates

(rooms 2 7 1 ,2 7 2 , and 273) compared to the rooms with lower air exchange rates

(rooms 268, 269, 287). The outside carbon dioxide levels did not exceed 360


Surface temperatures. The mean and standard deviation for floor surface

temperature in the patient rooms with V C T was 73.52 (2.52) degrees F. The

mean and standard deviation for the floor surface temperature in the patient

rooms with carpet was 74.75 (2.21) degrees F. The difference between the

means was not significant. However, neither flooring averaged a temperature

within the recommended range. The rooms that averaged a surface temperature

within the recommended range were room 268 (VCT) and room 287 (carpet).

Air Contaminants

Total volatile organic compounds. At this time, guidelines or standards

have not been established for exposure to volatile organic compounds (TVOC)

in non-industrial indoor environments. The mean and standard deviation for

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.




*g 110

o 100
P 90



VCT Carpet

NOTE: Guidelines or standards have not been established for exposure to volatile organic
compounds in non-industrial indoor environments.
Figure 3.20________________________________________________________________________
Total volatile organic compounds boxplot showing median and range categorized by flooring type.

TVOC in patient rooms with VC T was 85.36 ppm (10.49 ppm) and patient rooms

with carpet was 84.43 ppm (8.76 ppm). The variability of the recorded total

volatile organic compounds was similar between rooms with carpet and rooms

with V C T (Figure 3.20). Events (highpoints) overtime indicate that the level of

TVO C is associated with activities in that environment (Figure 3.21).

Surprisingly, the air exchange rate differences in the patient rooms did not effect

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1 50-
(0 - -VC T
— C&rpet
12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm
Room 268-VCT Room 271 -VCT Room 269-VCT
Room 272-Carpet Room 273-Carpet Room 287-Carpet
Monitored Patient Rooms (48 hrs at .5/hr)
NOTE: Guidelines or standards have not been established for exposure to volatile organic
compounds in non-industrial indoor environments.
Figure 3.21______________________________________________________________
Total volatile organic compounds timeline for patient rooms categorized by flooring type.

the levels of total volatile organic compounds.

Biological (bacteria). Surface and air samples were collected for each

patient room and cultured for colony forming unit (CFU) counts. For analysis,

two events (highpoints) were excluded. The remaining samples demonstrated

that the overall bacteria count was higher and more varied in the rooms with

V C T (Figure 3.22). The mean and 69.72 (54.64) while the mean and standard

deviation for rooms with carpet was 55.90 (33.71).

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.


£ 150 ■

VCT Carpet

Figure 3.22

Bacteria count of colony forming units categorized by flooring type.

The small number of samples limit the interpretation of the bacteria

counts. However, the data does show how random and varied the samples at

the sample sites can be (Figure 3.23). The floor samples indicated that VC T

floors had lower levels of bacteria. The inside air samples indicated that

carpeted rooms had lower levels of bacteria in the air. The air supply samples

were consistently higher in the rooms with VCT, indicating that the air exchange

rates for the patient rooms may have effected the levels of bacteria in the air.

The air return samples revealed that the exhaust vent in the rooms with carpet

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

Floor A - bedside A
Floor B - bedside B
Floor C - entry
Air Supply A - bed A
Air Supply B - bed B
o Air Return-central
o Inside A ir-a t 6’aff.

(0 Flooring

□ vcr

\M Carpet
Floor A Floor C Air Su ppty B hs tie Air
Floor B Air Supply A Air Return

Sample Site
Figure 3.23_________________ _______________________________________________
Bacteria count of colony forming units at each sample site categorized by flooring type.

had more bacteria colonies than the rooms with V C T .

3.3.2 Hypothesis 2: Patient Preferences

Sixt-nine percent of patients surveyed preferred carpet as their flooring

choice for their patient rooms. W hen Patients w ere asked their reason for

selecting carpet as their preference, they cited comfort, slip resistance, and

lower noise levels as factors that attributed to carpet in patient rooms.Though

patients assigned to rooms with V C T had a tendency to select V C T as a

preference, the majority of patients assigned to those rooms selected carpet as

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.



S 10
$ I . BPaferts Assigned to Hocms
wth Carpet
□Patierts Assigned to Rocrrc
- withVCT
VCT Carpet


Figure 3.24
Patient preference for flooring material in their patient room.

their preference (see Figure 3.24). Patients who selected V C T as their choice of

flooring for their patient rooms cited cleanliness as their reason.

3.3.3 Hypothesis 3: Patient Perceptions

Patients perceived the rooms with V C T to be more clean, better views,

have fresher air, and better ventilation than rooms with carpet. However, the

rooms with carpet were perceived to have more comfortable temperatures.

Patients rated the physical attributes of their patient room on a scale of 1

(low) to 6 (high). The means and standard deviations are listed in Table 3.5.

Bed assignment significantly effected the patients’ rating of room

cleanliness F(1)=3.34,p<.10. The patients’ rating indicated that the patients

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

Table 3.5______________________________________________________________________
Means and standard deviations for patient ratings of physical attributes of their patient rooms.

Dependent Flooring Standard

Variable Material Mean Deviation
R oot preference VCT 1.53 .53
Carpet 1.81 .52
Color VCT 4.60 1.12
Carnet 4.75 .75
Cleanliness VCT 5.28 .91
Carpet 4.67 1.44
Attractiveness VCT 3.69 1.44
Carpet 4.42 1.31
Odor VCT 5.53 1.06
Carpet 5.17 1.03
Window view VCT 3.79 1.81
Carpet 2.92 1.93
Temperature VCT 4.47 1.60
Carpet 4.58 1.24
Temperature Shift VCT 5.21 1.05
Carpet 5.08 1.24
Air freshness VCT 5.07 .96
Carpet 4.17 1.27
Ventilation comfort VCT 5.36 .93
Carpet 4.45 1.51
Air movement VCT 5.07 1.03
Carpet 4.17 1.34
Noise (internal) VCT 4.87 1.55
Carpet 4.67 1.50
Noise (external) VCT 5.27 .96
Carpet 5.25 .97
Lighting VCT 5.60 .63
Carpet 5.55 .69
Reflected glare VCT 5.13 .99
Carpet 4.92 1.08
Temperature control VCT 3.50 2.10
Carpet 4.00 1.79
Lighting control VCT 4.57 1.74
Carpet 4.33 1.92
Noise control VCT 3.50 1.99
Carpet 3.58 1.51
Roor condition VCT 5.00 .96
Carpet 5.17 1.11
Wall condition VCT 4.21 1.37
Carpet 5.42 .67
Ceiling condition VCT 5.00 1.30
Carpet 5.58 .67
Millwork condition VCT 4.77 1.10
Carpet 5.10 1.14

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

located near the window perceived their room to be less clean than the patients

assigned to the bed near the door (p<.10). Regardless of bed assignment,

patients in the carpeted rooms rated the cleanliness of their rooms lower than

patients in rooms with VC T.

Bed assignment significantly effected the patients’ rating of window view

F(1)=5.33,p<.05. Patients assigned to beds near the window rated the window

view as better than the patients assigned to beds near the door. Regardless of

bed assignment, patients in rooms with V C T flooring did not differ notably in

their rating of window view. In the carpeted rooms, however, patients assigned

to beds near the window rated the window view as better than patients assigned

to beds near the door. Analysis indicated that floor type and bed assignment

significantly effected the rating for window view F(1)=4.35,p<.10.

The floor type and bed assignment had a significant effect for room

temperature F(1)=4.0,p<.10. In rooms with VCT, patients near the door rated the

room temperature as more comfortable than patients near the window. In rooms

with carpet, patients near the door rated the room temperature as less

comfortable than patients near the window.

Patients rated the quality of air to be fresher in the rooms with VC T than

in the rooms with carpet. The type of flooring in the patient rooms significantly

effected the patients’ perception of air freshness F(1)=4.291,p<.05.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

The floor type significantly effected the patients’ rating of ventilation

comfort F(1)=3.302,p<.10. Patients in rooms with VC T rated their level of

ventilation comfort higher than patients in rooms with carpet.

3.3.4 Hypothesis 4: Healthcare Staff Preferences

Healthcare staff preferred V C T to carpet, though 17% listed carpet as

their preference and cited comfort as their main reason (see Figure 3.25). Those

who chose V C T stated that it was easier to clean spills, blood, and urine.



S 60%



if VCT Carpet
Healthcare Staff Flooring Material Preference
Figure 3.25
Healthcare staff preference for flooring material in the patient rooms.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

Table 3.6

Means and standard deviations for healthcare staff ratings of patient rooms’ physical attributes.

Dependent Variable Floor Material Mean Std. Deviation

Pair 1 Color VCT 4.53 1.04

Carpet 3.63 1.50
Pair 2 Cleanliness VCT 4.59 1.00
Carpet 2.66 1.37
Pair 3 Attractiveness VCT 4.02 1.13
Carpet 3.83 1.70
Pair 4 Odor VCT 4.88 0.95
Carpet 2.78 1.27
Pair 5 Comfort VCT 3.88 0.97
Carpet 4.43 1.43
Pair 6 Temperature VCT 3.63 1.16
Carpet 4.59 1.00
Pair 7 Temperature Shift VCT 3.82 0.91
Carpet 4.46 0.88
Pair 8 Ventilation VCT 4.56 0.75
Carpet 3.90 0.99
Pair 9 Air Freshness VCT 4.55 1.06
Carpet 2.75 1.24
Pair 10 Air Movement VCT 4.68 0.97
Carpet 3.35 0.92
Pair 11 Noise (internal) VCT 3.59 1.12
Carpet 4.78 1.11
Pair 12 Noise (external) VCT 3.56 1.27
Carpet 4.83 0.97
Pair 13 Lighting VCT 4.25 0.95
Carpet 4.25 1.13
Pair 14 Reflected Glare VCT 3.68 1.25
Carpet 5.08 1.05
Pair 15 Floor Condition VCT 3.90 1.19
Carpet 3.35 1.49
Pair 16 W all Condition VCT 3.69 1.36
Carpet 3.69 1.38
Pair 17 Ceiling Condition VCT 3.92 1.20
Carpet 3.67 1.28
Pair 18 Millwork Condition VCT 3.82 1.16
Carpet 3.45 1.29

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3.3.5 Hypothesis 5: Healthcare Staff Perceptions

Healthcare staff rated the patient rooms with carpet and the patient rooms

with V C T on a scale of 1 (low) to 6 (high). Means and standard deviations are

listed in Table 3.6.

Healthcare staff perceived the rooms with VC T as better than carpet for

color, cleanliness, and odor (p<.006). These rooms were also rated higher for

ventilation comfort, air freshness, and air movement (p<.006). Patient rooms

with carpet were perceived as having more comfortable temperatures and fewer

temperature shifts (p<.006). The carpeted patient rooms were also perceived as

more quiet, both with regard to noise within the room and noise from the corridor

(p<.006). Staff perceived rooms with carpet to have a reduced problem with

reflected glare than rooms with VCT (p<.006) (for differences between the

means, see Figure 3.26).

3.3.6 Hypothesis 6: Amount of Time Staff and Visitors Spent in Patient Rooms

The amount of time staff spent in patient rooms with carpet compared to

patient rooms with V C T was not significant. However, the flooring material in

the patient rooms significantly affected the amount of time that non-staff visitors

spent in patient rooms f(122)=2.32, p<.05. Non-staff visitors spent an average of

21 minutes and 17 seconds (SD 22:13) in patient rooms with carpet and an

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2.5 2 1.5 1 .5 0 .5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Less glare

F H Light ng (no differei ice)

Less noise from


Less noise n roorr

Better«lir movement

Fresher air

Bet er ventilation

Fewer tempei ature s

Better tempeii ature

More connfortabl i


Mon i attractive

t More


Carpet MCT

□ffereraes Baweentte (teens

Rgure 3.26

Differences between the means of paired samples for healthcare staff perceptions about
flooring materials in patient rooms.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

average of 13 minutes (SD 17:30) in rooms with V C T (see Figure 3.27).


VCT Carpet VCT Carpet

Staff Visitors
Figure 3.27
Average number of minutes healthcare staff and visitors spend in patient rooms.

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This chapter summarizes the results of this study, discusses the

relationships between the environmental conditions and participant responses,

and considers the implications of the findings.


This section reviews the advantages of carpet and VC T to determine the

criteria and discuss the relative merits of both flooring materials. The summary

begins with a discussion of the Indoor Environmental Quality index, followed by

the preferences and perceptions of patients and healthcare staff, and the impact

of flooring material on the amount of time that visitors and staff spent with

patients. The section concludes with a review of the indoor environmental

conditions and the impact on patients, staff, and visitors.

4.1.1 Indoor Environmental Quality Index

The Indoor Environmental Quality index is comprised of eleven factors: 1)

material composition; 2) light levels; 3) reflectance values; 4 ) sound levels; 5)

ventilation; 6) temperature; 7) relative humidity; 8) carbon dioxide; 9) surface

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temperatures; 10) total volatile organic compounds; and 11) bacteria.

Material Composition

The composition and inherent properties of the flooring materials used in

this study were compared against factors of health and safety, wear life,

environmental quality, and installation. Based on the numerical rating for flooring

material properties developed for this project (Table 3.1, p. 132), the overall

rating for carpet was higher than VCT. The advantages of carpet compared to

V C T is 1) slip resistance; 2) abrasion resistance; 3) soiling resistance; 4) fading

resistance; 5) staining resistance; 6) design opportunities; 6) lower indirect

reflectance levels; and 7) the implementation of sustainable practices. V C T has

the following advantages over carpet: 1) moisture resistance; 2) static

resistance; 3) chemical resistance; 4) bum resistance; and 5) lower initial cost

for installation.

An important property of flooring material in healthcare facilities is slip

resistance. Carpet is an excellent slip resistant flooring product. VCT, typically

waxed when specified in hospitals, is not slip resistant. In a study of 58 elderly

hospital patients selected to test two flooring surfaces, the analysis

demonstrated that gait speed and step length were greater on carpet than on

vinyl (Willmott, 1986). W hen interviewed, the patients expressed the fear of

falling on vinyl, but felt confident walking on carpet. Based on the medical

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records of participants in this study (N=27), nurses were twice as likely to assign

a patient as a “risk for falling” in rooms with VCT compared to the patients

assigned to rooms with carpet. The increased number of patients designated as

at risk for falling in rooms with VC T indicated that the nursing staff perceived the

floor as a factor in determining the level of risk for their patients.

The properties of the flooring products used in this study indicate that the

carpet is resistant to the daily effects of wear while V C T is more effective in

resisting long term effects of a variety of spills. While resistance to cigarette

burns is a performance characteristic of VCT, it should not be considered in the

criteria for selecting flooring for patient room environments because smoking

was not allowed in the hospital nursing units. The initial cost of the VC T was

much better than the carpet; however, caution must be used in assessing cost

as a factor because the initial cost does not include the cost of the product over

its lifetime. The life cycle cost of the product includes material, installation and

the ongoing maintenance program, which may have surprising outcomes. While

this study did not have access to the life cycle costs, some of the factors to

consider include the costs associated with replacement, cleaning materials ,

equipment, and labor.


Maintenance was a controlling factor in the success or failure of patient

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flooring. W hile waxing provided extra protection to the VCT, an otherwise porous

flooring product, there are additional factors to consider. Waxing added to the

cost of maintenance, the risk of falling, and the reflectance of light. Maintenance

protocols are difficult to control regardless of the flooring type. Many hospitals,

including this one, chose to subcontract maintenance management.

Maintenance staff were employed by the hospital and trained by the

management company. Maintenance staff were responsible for their assigned

cleaning carts and the materials used to clean the patient rooms. The

maintenance staff were assigned a territory of rooms within the unit. The

management company set the protocols for cleaning, but depended on each

maintenance staff person to follow through with the proper cleaning methods.


Sustainability was rated based on production, packing and shipping,

installation and use, and resource recovery. The VCT was produced from

petroleum and plasticizers, which have serious environmental and health

impacts (LeClair & Rousseau, 1992). To minimize the exposure to the installers,

the V C T in this study used a low-toxic adhesive. The carpet in this study was

made of synthetic fibers from petroleum sources and was easily installed without

an adhesive. In comparing the sustainable practices of both industries, it is clear

that there is still room for much improvement. The carpet industry, and this

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manufacturer in particular, has implemented resource recovery programs,

specifications for resource recovery, and minimized the problems associated

with installation and use by developing nontoxic adhesives and carpeting that

does not require adhesives for installation. No documentation is available that

shows the resilient flooring industry working toward more sustainable practices.


The levels of incident illuminance was not significantly different. The

recommended range for lighting levels depends on the activities. General

activities require a range of 5 to 10 footcandles (fc) (Egan, 1983). The

recommended range for reading and other similar activities is 20 to 50

footcandles (Egan, 1983). Patients had individual control of the lighting in their

patient rooms. At the time patient rooms were measured, the mean level of

illuminance in rooms with V C T was 12 fc and the mean level of illuminance in

rooms with carpet was 18 fc. W hile more than adequate for general activities,

both types of patient rooms had average illumination levels lower than

recommended for reading and other task-oriented activities.


The mean levels of indirect reflectance from the flooring materials were

significantly different. The recommended range for reflectance from flooring

materials in healthcare environments is 20% to 30% (Egan, 1983). The mean

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reflectance level from the floor in the rooms with V C T was more than 6 times

higher than the mean reflectance level of the floor in the rooms with carpet. Still,

at 32%, the patient rooms with carpet exceeded the recommended range by


Sound Levels

The incidental sound levels in the patient rooms with carpet and VCT did

not differ significantly. The average sound levels in rooms with V C T or carpet

exceeded the recommended range of 34 dBA to 42 dBA (Egan, 1988).


Ventilation rates in rooms 268, 269, and 287 were inadequate and did not

meet the minimum air changes per hour for patient rooms (AIA, 1993). The

remaining rooms, 271, 272, and 273, exceeded minimum ventilation

requirements for patient room environments (AIA, 1993). The HVAC system was

not controlled in this study. Flooring did not have an effect on ventilation rates.

Temperature and Relative Humidity

Temperature and relative humidity in the patient rooms did not have

significant differences. Temperature levels showed little variability in all six

patient rooms. The mean for temperature in rooms with V C T was 75.71 degrees

F with a standard deviation of 2.21. The rooms with carpet had a mean

temperature of 77.68 degrees F with a standard deviation of 1.39. The

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temperatures did not appear to be influenced by the rise and fall of outside

temperatures. W hile the recommended range of temperatures was 70 to 75

degrees F, it is noteworthy to mention that the patients assigned to these rooms

had access to the thermostat and chose to maintain a higher temperature for

their comfort.

The average relative humidity was within or near the low end of the

recommended range of 30% to 60% for rooms with V C T and carpet. Relative

humidity data were not available for one of the patient rooms with VCT, number

271, but the timeline for the remaining 5 patient rooms showed that the indoor

relative humidity was influenced by the outdoor relative humidity. However, it

appears that the influence of the outdoor relative humidity was minimized by the

use of carpet in patient rooms 272, 273, and 287.

The psychrometric charts for the six patient rooms indicated that none of

the rooms fell within the range for thermal comfort for patient rooms as defined

by ASHRAE (1997) and the AIA (1993). The rooms were too dry and warm,

creating conditions conducive to making the patients uncomfortable and

susceptible to airborne particulates.

Carbon Dioxide

The mean levels of carbon dioxide did not significantly differ in the rooms

with V C T and carpet. In addition, the mean levels of carbon dioxide were well

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below the recommended maximum level of 1000 ppm. Events (high-points)

occurred during the afternoon that coincided with heavier visitor traffic. These

events were short lived, though consistent throughout the time that rooms were


Surface Temperatures

The mean levels of surface temperature were not significantly different.

While the mean for rooms with V C T and the rooms with carpet were slightly

below the recommended comfort range of 75 to 95 degrees F (AIA, 1993), the

variance of the recorded temperatures indicated that the flooring was near

comfort levels. The average surface temperature of the carpet was 74.75

degrees F with a standard deviation of 2.21 degrees F and the mean for VC T

was 73.52 degrees F with a standard deviation of 2.52 degrees F. W hile not a

significant difference, the carpeted rooms had a warmer floor surface

temperature, which correlates with the warmer room temperatures of the

carpeted patient rooms.

Total Volatile Organic Compounds

The mean level of TV O C in patient rooms with V C T was higher than the

mean level of TVO C in patient rooms with carpet, though not significantly. It was

surprising that the mean was higher in rooms with VC T because so much focus

had been placed on the off-gassing of carpet. Based on the information

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collected about TVO C levels in the patient rooms for this study, the contribution

of the flooring materials to the levels of TVO C could not be isolated.

Biological (Bacteria)

The mean and standard deviation of the overall bacteria counts of colony

forming units (CFU) demonstrate that the rooms with V C T had a higher number

of bacteria CFU and showed greater variability than the rooms with carpet,

similar to the findings of a study that obtained specific microbial and

epidemiological data in patient rooms (Anderson, Mackel, Stoler & Mallison,

1982). Caution should be used in extrapolating meaning from these data due to

the limited number of samples.

When comparing the mean and standard deviations of the samples

organized by flooring type, the samples indicated that: 1) the number of bacteria

CFU from the floor samples varied from room to room with no apparent pattern;

2) the air supply vents in rooms with V C T consistently showed a higher mean of

bacteria CFU than rooms with carpet; 3) the exhaust vents showed a higher

mean of bacteria CFU in patient rooms with carpet than the rooms with VCT;

and 4) the number of bacteria CFU that were airborne were considerably higher

in rooms with V C T than the rooms with carpet.

These findings suggest that: 1) the ventilation system may have

influenced the level of bacteria CFU that were removed from the rooms but may

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also be delivering bacteria to the rooms; and 2) the carpet acted as a sink,

holding the bacteria and keeping it out of the air. The rooms with VCT did not

have such a mechanism to reduce the number of airborne bacteria. The

Anderson et al. study (1982) reinforced that carpets become heavily

contaminated with and may harbor microorganisms. In spite of this, their study

did not show that the infection rates differed between patients assigned to

rooms with carpeted floors and patients assigned to rooms with resilient floors.

4.1.2 Patients’ Preferences and Perceptions

Significant differences in the perceptions of patients included: 1)

cleanliness; 2) window view; 3) air freshness; 4) ventilation; 5) temperature.

Patients preferred carpet as the flooring material for their patient rooms. They

cited comfort, slip resistance, and lower noise levels as their reasons for

choosing carpet. Patients who selected VC T as their preference cited

cleanliness as their main reason.

Patients perceived the rooms with VCT to be cleaner, have better views,

fresher air, and better ventilation than rooms with carpet. However, the rooms

with carpet were perceived to have more comfortable temperatures. Even

though patients perceived VC T to be advantageous regarding the stated indoor

environmental quality factors, they still preferred carpet to V C T as their flooring

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material choice, indicating that comfort and the fear of falling are strong

predictors of preference for flooring material selections.

Patients in rooms with VC T rated their rooms as cleaner than the patients

in rooms with carpet. The high polish of the waxed floors, mopped daily may

have influenced this perception. Also, the patients near the window indicated a

lower level of confidence in the cleanliness of their patient rooms. Perhaps those

patients did not feel that the cleaning crew cleaned the entire rooms while the

patients were there.

The views from the patient room windows were not particularly attractive.

Rooms 271,272, and 273 had a view of the top of the first floor roof. Rooms 268

and 269 had a view of a brick wall. Only room 287 had a view with interest; the

window faced a landscaped area with a tree and had a clear view of the

emergency helipad. The perception of better views from the rooms with V C T are

not supported by the data collected for this study.

Fresh air and good ventilation are factors of indoor air quality. Based on

the ventilation air changes per hour (ACH), the mean ACH for rooms with VCT

was 3.84 while the mean ACH for rooms with carpet was 12.07. More air pushed

into the patient rooms does not necessarily equate to fresher air and better

ventilation. The quality of the air pulled from the source of fresh air, the filtering

of the recirculated air, and the air exhaust were factors related to the indoor air

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quality in the patient rooms.

The patients’ perception of carpeted rooms having more comfortable

temperatures is related to the room temperatures recorded for the IEQ index.

Patients tended to keep the temperature levels higher than recommended levels

regardless of the flooring material. A higher temperature would indicate that the

patients were not comfortable at the recommended range for patient rooms (70

to 75 degrees F).

4.1.3 Healthcare Staff Preferences and Perceptions

Significant differences in the perceptions of healthcare staff include: 1)

color; 2) cleanliness; 3) odor; 4) ventilation; 5) air freshness; 6) air movement; 7)

noise levels; 8) glare; 9) temperature; and 10) temperature shifts. Healthcare

staff preferred V C T as their flooring choice, commenting that hard surface

flooring provided easier cleaning of spills, blood, and urine.

The rooms with V C T were perceived to be better than carpet for color,

cleanliness, odor, ventilation comfort, air freshness, and air movement. The

carpeted rooms were perceived to be more quiet and have fewer problems with

reflected glare. In addition, staff perceived the carpeted rooms to have more

comfortable temperatures, and fewer shifts in the temperature.

The patient rooms had identical interior finish materials, except for the

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flooring, which was specifically selected to control for color. The perception of

better color in the rooms with V C T was not supported. The perception of

cleanliness may have been derived from the experience of the nursing staff in

resolving problems with spills. Several incidences were observed by the

investigator in regard to spills. W hen a spill occurred on the VCT, a yellow sign

was posted to warn of the risk for falling. The spill was removed in a timely

manner, eliminating the risk. A spill on carpet did not illicit the same response.

There was no warning sign since the “slippery when wet" did not apply to the

carpeted floors. It was the belief of the nurses that spills on the carpet may not

be properly removed as the safety threat was nonapparent.

Odor, ventilation comfort, air freshness, and air movement are indoor air

quality factors. T h e nurses’ perception of these variables being better in rooms

with VC T suggest that the perception of clean waxed hard surface floors equate

to better conditions for air quality. In contrast, the healthcare staffs’ perception of

consistent comfortable temperatures in patient rooms with carpet, suggest that

inherent properties of the carpet affect the overall temperature of the room. The

perception of less noise was not supported by the findings, which showed no

difference in the levels of noise. The perception of lower levels of glare was

supported by the IEQ index findings showing that the levels of glare for the

rooms with VC T was more than 6 times as high as the rooms with carpet.

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4.1.4 Amount of Time Healthcare Staff and

Visitors Spent in Patient Rooms

The flooring did not have an effect on the amount of time that healthcare

staff spent with patients in their patient rooms. Nurses on this unit were assigned

an average of 8 patients on their shift. Patients residing in the Telemetry unit

were continuously monitored and required constant attention. It is not surprising

that the flooring material did not impact the amount of time that healthcare staff

spent with their patients.

In contrast, visitors spent significantly more time in patient rooms with

carpet than in patient rooms with VCT. Like the patients they were visiting, they

may have felt that the carpeted rooms were more comfortable than rooms with

VCT. The size of the patient rooms allowed for one patient/guest chair for each

patient. Often, patients would have multiple adult and/or adolescent visitors.

Visitors would have to sit on the bed with the patient, on the floor, or remain

standing. Visitors were not surveyed and future research may provide more

insight to support this observation.

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This study utilized a synthetic fiber carpet, designed to retain its

appearance and resist abrasion, soiling, staining, and fading. The VC T has good

abrasion resistance, fair soil and fade resistance, and poor stain resistance

(Weinhold, 1988). Waxing V C T floors provides extra protection, increasing the

resistance to abrasion, soiling, and staining of the floors. However, having a

floor that requires a protocol for waxing adds material and labor costs for


Weaknesses of the carpet material used in this study include the lack of

resistance to static, moisture, chemicals, and burns. V C T is more successful in

resisting static, moisture, chemical spills, and is excellent in resisting bums

(Weinhold, 1988). W hether the material is V C T or carpet, both require consistent

cleaning methods and appropriate maintenance procedures to insure the

longevity of the product (G am er & Favero, 1985).

Carpet has few limitations for the design of patterns and colors. In

addition, carpet is a sound-absorbing material, commonly used to enhance the

acoustic quality of the indoor environment. V C T has limited pattern designs in

limited colors. It is a product that is attractive primarily for its price and durability.

Vinyl flooring products are available with a cushion underneath for padding,

though adding the cushion also adds to the cost of the product. In comparison,

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carpet flooring cushions the feet with or without a pad installed.

The manufacturing of petroleum-based carpet products shares the same

environmental and health impacts as V C T (LeClair & Rousseau, 1992).

However, the manufacturer of this carpet material has a resource recovery

program and has implemented changes to their business strategy to provide a

life cycle loop that includes recycling for their products.

Another concern with the installation of the carpet is the off-gassing that

occurs with new installations. Proper handling and staged off-gassing can

minimize the impact when installed, but it requires time and a well ventilated

place, which equates to more time for job completion and a rise in the cost of

installation. Monitoring the levels of TVO C in this study occurred about a year

after the installation of the flooring materials. The levels of TVO C were the result

of continuous off-gassing by the products and other materials introduced into the

patient rooms. Remarkably, the patient rooms were insensitive to TVOC,

possibly due to the air flowthrough the supply and exhaust.

As previously mentioned, the maintenance protocol for the installation of

V C T floors at this hospital is to apply three coats of wax, which enhances the

protective qualities while increasing the level of reflectance. Changing the

protocol to the manufacturer-recommended cleaning and maintenance would

lower the cost of maintenance and the reflectance factor, but the flooring would

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lose the protective coating provided by the wax.

The recommended range of temperature for patient rooms is 70 to 75

degrees F (AIA, 1993). The patients had control of the temperature in their

rooms and chose to maintain a temperature higher than the recommended

range. While the AIA guideline suggests that a lower temperature is acceptable

for patient comfort, the higher temperature is not addressed. The mobility and

activity levels of recuperating heart patients are limited, which may affect the

metabolism and body temperature. A lower body temperature indicates a

potential need for compensation by higher room temperatures. This finding

implies that the guidelines may need to be adjusted to address the desire of

patients to keep the room temperature levels above the recommended levels.

Indoor spaces that are below the recommended range for relative

humidity may have higher levels of particulates in the air such as dust mites,

pollen (in this region, pine and cedar), and other particulates that can be

airborne. In addition, low levels of relative humidity can lead to the drying of skin

and mucous membranes, which may cause discomfort and leave the patients

susceptible to airborne particulates (ASHRAE, 1997).

The influence of the outdoor relative humidity on the indoor relative

humidity is an indication that the rooms are not adequately conditioned to

control for relative humidity. Carpet may act as a stabilizer, limiting the impact of

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the outdoor relative humidity to control the changes in relative humidity levels

indoors. The decrease of significant changes in indoor relative humidity

increases the comfort level of the occupants.

The comfort range for floor surfaces depends on the finish material.

Based on the comfort range for linoleum (Fanger, 1970), which is a resilient

material similar to vinyl composition tile, the surface temperature should be

between 75-95 degrees F to be comfortable for barefooted feet. While the

differences in flooring temperature were not significant, the higher surface

temperature in the carpeted rooms suggest that carpet may respond to room

temperatures, supporting thermal comfort conditions.

At this time, guidelines have not been established for exposure to volatile

organic compounds in nonindustrial environments. The differences in TVOC

levels between patient rooms with carpet and V C T were minimal. The

fluctuations in the data suggest that TVOC levels were affected by the

introduction of other sources besides the flooring. While materials such as VC T

and carpet continually off-gas, the levels are low and not considered harmful.

There are many arguments against measuring TVOC levels. Typically, an indoor

air quality protocol would suggest identifying possible sources and testing for

each one. Because the exposure is not isolated to individual sources, but the

composition of the air, guidelines for exposure to TVO C levels in nonindustrial

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environments would assist in an ongoing indoor air monitoring program.

The ventilation system for patient rooms impacts the indoor air quality

more than any other single factor. The amount of fresh air, air movement, the

conditioning of air for temperature and relative humidity, and the sanitary

conditions of the supply affect the thermal comfort of the occupants and the

exposure levels of microorganisms and other particulates. The bacteria samples

from this study suggest that the ventilation system affected the levels of bacteria

colony forming units. W hile the data were inconclusive, the samples indicated

that bacteria were present in the supply and exhaust of the ventilation system.

The ventilation system modulates the levels of airborne bacteria based on the

number of air changes per hour. The capability of the air system to remove

bacteria from the air through the exhaust indicates that a higher number of air

changes per hour would benefit the indoor air quality.

The carpet appears to have acted as a sink for microorganisms. Carpet

becomes contaminated, creating an environment conducive to harboring

microorganisms. The Anderson et al. study from 1982 compared a resilient

flooring with a wool carpet. The properties of wool carpeting are different than

the synthetic carpeting used in this study; however, the carpet from the previous

study and the carpet used in this study showed a higher level of contamination

when compared to the resilient flooring. The most important factor in reducing

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the number of microorganisms in carpet flooring is the quality of proper

maintenance. During the course of this study, unoccupied rooms were rare,

leaving few opportunities for rigorous cleaning. The combined effort of

maintenance and healthcare staff could rectify the problem. If standard

procedure for prepping a room for new occupancy was for healthcare staff to

notify maintenance when patient rooms were vacated in a timely manner, then

maintenance could perform the proper cleaning protocols (similar to identifying

contaminated rooms that must be sanitized).

Since the beginning of this study, when the V C T and carpet materials

were specified, new flooring products have entered the market. One product is

being marketed as a resilient textile flooring material. It is recyclable, durable,

and manufactured with renewable energy (solar). It is a flat weave of a synthetic

fiber attached to a high-density urethane backing with recommended cleaning

procedures similar to manufacturer recommendations for VCT. Installed in the

waiting areas at Dallas Children’s Hospital, the carpet has maintained well under

heavy use. It has the acoustic properties of carpet and the durability of vinyl

composition tile. The manufacturer states that the life of the product is expected

to exceed 10 years. This product is targeted toward schools and hospitals -

institutional facilities with serious maintenance and cleanliness issues.

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The Indoor Environmental Quality factors tested in this study support the

healthcare staffs and patients’ perceptions that carpet is more slip resistant and

provides more cushioning than VCT. The perception that temperature was better

in rooms with carpet was not supported. The surface temperatures of the

flooring materials did show a small difference, suggesting that carpet was

warmer to the touch than V C T which correlates with the warmer air

temperatures in the carpeted patient rooms.

The bacteria samples suggest that the patients’ perception of V C T as

being cleaner is supported by the study; however, the impact of the smooth

surface flooring in patient rooms adversely affect the amount of airborne


The differences in ventilation were not affected by the flooring and did not

support the perceptions of the patients and staff. The perception of lower noise

levels was not supported by the findings; however, the perception that carpeted

rooms had fewer problems with reflectance was strongly supported.

Perhaps the most dramatic finding of participant response was the

significant difference in the amount of time visitors spent in rooms with carpet

compared to the time spent in rooms with VC T. Providing comfortable

surroundings for visitors may have an effect on the physical, emotional, and

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spiritual well-being of the patients.

The flooring material specified in patient rooms should enhance the

indoor environmental quality. W hen considering factors pertaining to the IEQ, it

is essential that the maintenance and care of the flooring be controlled and


The comparison of the properties of flooring materials rest with the

objectives and priorities of the facility and design team. The advantages of

carpet are primarily better design, perception of comfort, and the safety benefits

of a slip resistant surface. The risk associated with slipping include bodily injury

which can result in higher healthcare and legal costs. Limiting the liability by

selecting carpet as a flooring material should be a consideration. The recent

change in industry standards regarding sustainability is an advantage to using

carpeting in patient rooms. The dramatic difference in indirect reflectance values

show carpet to have the advantage over VCT.

The advantages of VC T are influenced by the addition of multiple coats of

polished wax. Moisture resistance is a major advantage; however, the synthetic

composition of the carpet is technically moisture resistant as well. Static

resistance is not a known problem for patient room environments. Chemical

resistance is another advantage of VCT. Cigarette bums are not a known

problem in this hospital as it has a nonsmoking policy. Cost is an advantage of

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VC T, but the initial material and installation cost does not begin to consider the

long-term maintenance, materials, and labor for maintaining waxed floors.

Finally, consideration for the lack of differences in carpet and V C T floors

is just as provocative as the statistical differences. In this study, there were no

significant differences in the: 1) lighting levels; 2) sound levels; 3) temperature;

4) relative humidity; 5) surface temperatures; and the 6) total volatile organic

compound levels. The differences described for the bacteria samples are

inconclusive. At first glance, one might dismiss the lack of significant differences

as of no concern since the differences are small; however, determining that the

flooring materials did not influence the previously mentioned environmental

conditions indicates that these conditions should not be included in the criteria

for selecting flooring material. In other words, no differences indicate that the

performance of carpet in patient rooms is not better or worse than VCT.

The advantages of carpet revolve around complex issues of patient

preferences, perceptions of comfort, slip resistance, lower reflectance, and

sustainable practice. The advantages of V C T are based on performance with

the addition of polished wax. VC T showed no advantages for indoor

environmental quality or sustainability. This study suggests that the

environmental quality of the patient rooms would benefit from having carpet

specified for the floor finish material in patient rooms (Table 4.1). Whether carpet

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or VC T is specified for patient environments, the quality o f maintenance impacts

the material composition and longevity of the flooring.

Table 4.1
Summary of findings.


Floor Preference 17% preferred carpet 69% preferred carpet Visitors spent
Reason: comfort Reasons: comfort, slip- significantly more time
resistance, and less noise in patient rooms with
83% preferred VCT carpet than in patient
Reason: easier to dean 31% preferred VCT rooms with VCT.
Reason: deanliness
Perceptions about rooms Better color
with VCT More dean More dean
More attradive
Better odor
Better ventilation Better ventilation
Fresher air Fresher air
Better air movement
Perceptions about rooms More comfortable
with carpet Better temperatures Better temperatures
Fewer temperature shifts
Less noise in room
Less noise from corridor
Less glare


Glare 6 times higher in rooms
with VCT compared to
rooms with carpet
Noise No effect
Ventilation No effect
Temperature No effect
Surface temperature No effect
Relative humidity lncondusive
Carbon dioxide No effect
TVOC No effect
Bacteria Rooms with VCT had
lower floor levels; rooms
with carpet had lower air

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In summary, the patient rooms did not differ significantly for

environmental factors including: 1) temperature; 2) relative humidity; 3) carbon

dioxide; 4) total volatile organic compounds; 6) illuminance; and 7) noise levels.

Temperature and relative humidity did not differ statistically, though the graphic

display of the data suggested that the outdoor relative humidity levels influenced

the indoor levels of relative humidity.

The significant difference between the reflectance value of the flooring

materials indicated that the waxed V C T flooring had a reflectance value

considerably higher than the carpet. The bacteria samples were not statistically

analyzed, but the graphic display of the results suggests that the patient rooms

with VC T to have fewer counts of bacteria CFU on the floor, but higher counts of

bacteria CFU in the air sample. Carpeted rooms had higher counts of bacteria

CFU on the floor with fewer counts of bacteria CFU airborne. The sink effect

traps the bacteria in the carpet, which causes contamination but effectively

holds the bacteria out of the air.

The results of this study include signficant differences in the measures of

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some physical attributes while showing no significant differences in others.

W hile significant results are important to consider, the lack of differences in

other physical attributes should not be discounted. When selecting appropriate

flooring materials, one should consider the differences and similarities between

the properties of the materials as that may impact the overall quality and cost of

the patient room.

The most important external factor is the most difficult to control.

Maintenance procedures can add years to the life-cycle and protection to the

flooring material. Inappropriate maintenance can contribute to the level of

contamination, undermining the inherent characteristics of the flooring. If

carpeting products or the newly introduced resilient textile flooring products are

maintained properly, either product could safely be installed in patient room



Caution must be taken in generalizing the findings from this study

because the study was limited to one hospital telemetry unit in a geographically

circumscribed area. Therefore, the findings cannot be generalized to other types

of nursing units or other hospitals. Results from this study concerning the

measurement of environmental factors and participant responses must be

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limited to the facility and participants in this study. In addition, the findings for the

patient room environments were based on difference in flooring materials. This

study used vinyl composition tile and a synthetic carpet tile. Generalizability

cannot be extended to other types of resilient flooring or carpet.

The size of the participant sample was smaller than planned, limiting the

statistical power of the study. The limited amount of time for data collection

contributed to the small number of patient surveys. Healthcare staff were not

motivated to participate in this study, which contributed to a low response rate.

Bed assignment was identified as a confounding variable. Bed

assignment was controlled during analysis by excluding patients assigned to

single occupancy rooms. Ironically, the confounding variable could have been

avoided if the study had selected only patients in single occupancy patient

rooms. Significant results would have been based solely on the independent

variable, simplifying the explanation of the results.

One of the most interesting sets of data were the bacteria samples. Due

to the small number of samples collected, the location of sample sites, and the

complexity of indoor environments, problems in attributing causality to the

flooring material surfaced with the variation of ventilation rates (air changes per

hour). Without control of the air supply and exhaust, caution is suggested with

the interpretation of the data.

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In review of the patient surveys, one obvious question failed to be asked:

“On a rating scale of 1 (not comfortable) to 6 (most comfortable), what is your

rating of comfort in your patient room?” Environmental factors were considered

when questions were developed for the survey but the overall comfort level was

never addressed. In addition, the surveys contained some confusing language

that needs to be changed before using the surveys in another study. For

instance, asking separate questions about ventilation and air movement is

confusing. Also, the rating scale was designed so that on a scale of 1 to 6, the

number 1 was always the negative or less than best response and 6 was always

the positive or best response. There is some level of inconsistency that could be

altered to make the survey easier to understand and complete.

An additional concern related to patient and healthcare staff participants

was the obtrusive nature of the IEQ monitoring equipment and laptop computer

residing in a metal lock-box sitting in patient rooms. It seems like there was a

risk of patients being fearful that the box had something to do with their

treatment. W hen the box was set up and placed in the patient rooms, the

patients were told what the equipment was measuring and offered a chance to

ask questions. Healthcare staff appeared to be annoyed with the presence of

the equipment.

With the exception of the relative humidity sensor not recording correct

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measurements in room 271, the equipment used to monitor the patient rooms

met calibration requirements and recorded consistent data. Deciding to measure

total bacteria CFU was a decision based on consulting with an environmental

laboratory. In retrospect, mold might have been more appropriate, especially

considering the potential effect of the outdoor relative humidity on the recorded

measures of indoor humidity. Also, total bacteria does not differentiate between

good bacteria and harmful bacteria, which limits the use of the results.

Another issue with the environmental conditions data were the technique

used for analysis. Not all of the data were analyzed statistically. While this may

limit the interpretation of the results, graphic analysis through the use of

timelines and box-whisker plots told a story of the patient room that would not

have otherwise been known.


The findings of this research clearly point to the need for further research

on flooring materials for patient room environments. Studies using the same

flooring products under similar conditions may provide additional insight to the

properties of the materials. The comparison of resilient products would indicate

differences between the flooring types. One comparison of particular interest

would be the differences between V C T and linoleum. Another useful comparison

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would be the differences between the specified carpet in this study and the new

textile resilient flooring product. Additional studies regarding flooring should

consider slip-resistance and recorded falls within the hospital environment.

One surprising result was the influence of the outdoor relative humidity on

the indoor relative humidity and the impact of the carpet to minimize the

changes in the indoor relative humidity. Using carpet to modulate the indoor

relative humidity may be effective, but it would indicate that the flooring was

holding moisture which would be counter productive for managing the growth of

microorganisms. Additional research is needed to investigate the potential for

regulating the influence of outdoor conditions on indoor environments.

Temperature levels in the patient rooms were higher than the

recommended range. The consistent temperatures above the recommended

range in the patient rooms indicate that the comfort range does not accurately

account for the loss of body temperature due to lack of activity or physical state.

Additional research is needed to find evidence supporting a change in the

comfort range that takes into consideration a higher room temperature.

Research focusing on volatile organic compounds is needed to develop

guidelines for nonindustrial environments. Future research should focus on data

that would identify healthy limits to long term exposure to common VOC and

total volatile organic compounds.

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The bacteria sampling in this study was incidental. Future studies should

consider consistent sampling over a longer period of time. The findings based

on the mean of samples collected from patient rooms with V C T and patient

rooms with carpet support previous research on the sink effect. More research is

needed to understand the potential benefits and pitfalls of the use of carpet and

the sink effect in healthcare environments.

The benefits of friends and loved ones visiting a patient recuperating from

a heart-related illness is not known, but to embrace the possibility of

environmental conditions having a positive effect on the patient is reason

enough to pursue additional research on environmental design, visitors, and


The perceptions of patients and healthcare staff were similar. For

example, both groups perceived carpet to have acoustical properties that would

reduce the amount of noise and both samples perceived V C T to be cleaner.

These perceptions are rooted in our past. In spite of changes in product

development, educated people from a variety of backgrounds have similar views

that may not necessarily be correct. Additional research is needed to address

the differences between perception and environmental conditions.

The protocol for future studies should include the use of triangulation

(theory, data, investigators, and/or methodology). Ideally, the study would test

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two patient rooms, the control and the treatment. The research design should

include physical measures of the environment. Continuous monitoring of indoor

air quality, lighting and glare, noise, bacteria sampling over a long period of time

would strengthen the study by increasing the number of patients assigned to the

rooms during data collection and providing larger samples. The surveys for

patients and healthcare staff would also benefit from a longer duration of the

study. Minor modifications to this study’s surveys would clarify and limit the

questions, lessoning potential problems in analysis. Behavioral mapping of the

time visitors and staff spent in patient rooms was successful in this study.

However, future studies should consider other methods of data collection for

more precision in determining the reason for visit and demographic data.

Overall, the methodology for future studies should maintain the triangulation of

data collection and use different types of data for understanding the

environmental health and its impact on the users.

The existing body of knowledge related to this research study is

meaningful and provocative. The suggestion that we can manipulate and create

built spaces that consistently enhance the lives of those interacting with that

space is intriguing and uplifting for designers. The systemic nature of our

existence brings meaning to man’s environmental impact and the environment’s

effect on mankind. During the industrial era, technology provided new ways of

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procuring raw materials and manufacturing goods to support a wealthy society.

In the post industrial era, society began to see the consequence of too much

consumption. As we enter a new era, we have the means through technology

and knowledge to make informed choices that will have a positive impact the

quality of our lives.

This study contributes to the body of evidence for healthcare

environmental design by focusing on interior finish materials for patient room

environments. The importance of a full understanding of flooring finish materials,

the impact on environmental quality, and the effect on the occupants increases

the designers’ knowledge and awareness of the decisions made during the

design process. Comprehension of the processes under investigation will

improve design theory, research, and practice.

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Wormington, R. L., Lanning, J. A., & Anderson, L. (1996, June 2 3 -2 8 ,1 9 9 6 ).

Perceptions of Indoor Air Quality. Paper presented at the Air & W aste
Management Association Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Nashville,

Yin, R. K. (1998). The Abridged Version of Case Study Research: Design and
Method. In L. Bickman & D. J. Rog (Eds.), Handbook o f Applied Social
Research Methods (pp. 229-260). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Publications, Inc.

Zeisel, J. (1981). Inquiry by Design: Tools for Environment-Behavior Research.

New York: Cambridge University Press.

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Office of the Vice President for Research and Associate Provost for Graduate Studies
CoBege Station. Texas 77843-1112
(409)845-8585 FAX (409)845-1855

May 7, 1998


TO: Debra Harris

Department of Architecture

SUBJECT: Review of Protocol Entitled, T h e Impact of Interior Finish Materials on

Environmental Quality of the Built Environment*

The above referenced protocol has been:

X Approved May 6, 1998 to May 5, 1999

Conditionally approved (see remarks below)
Tabled for future considerations
Disapproved (see remarks below)
Not Considered

by the Institutional Review Board - Human Subjects in Research in their meeting of May 6, 1998.

The study is approved for one year. As stipulated in the IRB. Guidelines all protocols are subject
to annual review and any changes must be approved by the Board.

t . Murl Bailey, Chair

Institutional Review Board -
Human Subjects in Research

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St . Jo s e p h R e g i o n a l H e a l t h C e n t e r
'90! it Or. • 1Yx;i> 1/uni-T>-S- • •’to’j'

July 29, 1998

TO: Debra Harris. TAMU

RE: 'Environmental Quality & Healing Environments: A Study of Flooring Materials in a

Healthcare Telemetry Unit'

The above referenced protocol and informed consent have been:

X Approved
Conditionally approved (see remarks below)
Tabled for future consideration
Disapproved (see remarks below)
Not considered

by the Institutional Review Board of St. Joseph Regional Health Center effective July 29,


Sr. Gretchen Kunz, CEO

Chair, Institutional Review Board


,L Gxirii.Tico.T !’■ Cjw iu i : ; '; SYt\-

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P u rp o s e :
The purpose of (his study is to enable architects and designers to better understand the needs of patients,
medical staff and families in a hospital setting. This study will take place at St. loseph Regional Health Center
beginning in April 1998 and concluding in May 1999.

I understand that two procedures will take place:

1. A questionnaire will be distributed evaluating the patient's comfort and satisfaction with the patient
room; and
2. Medical data will be collected by a healthcare employee of St. Joseph Regional Health Center and
coded for confidentiality. Information will include: type and frequency of pain relievers, nurse
comments about the state of the patient, admittance, type of medical treatment and discharge date. This
data will be provided to the researcher in accordance with the policy and guidelines of St loseph
Regional Health Center.

The collection of this data will be analyzed to see if the choice m finish materials affects the quality of the
interior environment and record patient levels of comfort and satisfaction with the interior environment.
Analysis will also show if there is a correlation between the type of finish specified and patient medical
outcomes. This study focuses on measurable environmental elements, specifically air quality, lighting and
acoustical quality. The results will be used to develop criteria for architects and designers in selecting interior
finish materials in healthcare settings.

I understand that I am one of approximately 100 individuals who will participate in this study. I may refuse to
answer any questions. Participation is voluntary and may be refused at any time If I withdraw my
participation during the study, this will have no impact on my employment status or healthcare protocol.
This study is confidential. Records and data will be coded to protect the confidentiality of each participant
and placed in a secure storage. My name will not be used tn resulting publications. Any new findings
developed duhng the course of the research which may relate to my willingness to continue participation will
be provided to me.

I have read and understand the explanation provided to me. I have had all my questions answered to my
satisfaction, and I voluntarily agree to participate in this study.

I have been given a copy of this consent form.

Signature of Participant Date

Signature of Investigator Date

Debra D. Harris, Principal Investigator

Department of Architecture
Texas A4M University
College Station, TX 77843-3137
(409) 862-2234

This Research study has been reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board of St Joseph Regional
Health Center (SJRHQ in Bryan, Texas and the Institutional Review Board of Human Subjects in Research,
Texas A4M University. For research-related problems or questions regarding subjects' right, the Institutional
Review Board may be contacted through Alice Luttbeg, Vice President of Quality & Risk Management at
SJRHC at (409) 776-2443 or Dr. Richard E. Miller, IRB Coordinator, Office of Vice President for Research and
Associate Provost for Graduate Studies at TAMU at (409) 845-1811.

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The purpose of this study is to enable architects and designers to better understand the needs of patients,
medical staff and families in a hospital setting. This study will take place at St. Joseph Regional Health Center
beginning in April 1998 and concluding in May 1999.

t understand that one procedure will take place:

1. A questionnaire will be distnbuted evaluating the staff's comfort and satisfaction with the patient room.

The collection of this data will be analyzed to see if the choice in finish materials affects the staffs levels of
comfort and satisfaction with the interior environment This study focuses on measurable environmental
elements, specifically air quality, lighting and acoustical quality. The results will be used to develop criteria
for architects and designers in selecting interior finish materials in healthcare settings.

I understand that I am one of approximately 100 individuals who will participate in this study. I may refuse to
answer any questions. Participation is voluntary and may be refused at any time. If I withdraw my
participation during the study, this will have no impact on my employment status or healthcare protocol.
This study is confidential. Records and data will be coded to protect the confidentiality of each participant
and placed in a secure storage. My name will not be used in resulting publications. Any new findings
developed during the course of the research which may relate to my willingness to continue participation will
be provided to me.

I have read and understand the explanation provided to me. I have had all my questions answered to my
satisfaction, and I voluntarily agree to participate in this study.

I have been given a copy of this consent form.

Signature of Participant Date

Signature of Investigator Date

Debra D. Harris, Principal Investigator

Department of Architecture
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-3137
1409) 662-2234

This Research study has been reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board of St. Joseph Regional
Health Center (SJRHQ in Bryan, Texas and the Institutional Review Board of Human Subjects in Research,
Texas AAM University. For research-related problems or questions regarding subjects' right, the Institutional
Review Board may be contacted through Alice luttbeg, Vice President of Quality & Risk Management at
SJRHC at (409) 776-2443 or Dr. Richard E. Miller, IRB Coordinator, Office of Vice President for Research and
Associate Provost for Graduate Studies at TAMU at (409) 845-1811.

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Patient Questionnaire

The purpose of this questionnaire is to evaluate your preferences and levels o f com fort and

satisfaction with your hospital room. Studies like these help architects and designers to leam

about what you want for hospital design. There are 33 questions that should take 10-15 minutes

to answer. If you provide a mailing address at the end o f the questionnaire, we will send you the

results when the study is complete. Thank you for your help with this research study.

Patient Room No.:

Today's Date: Time: am pm (circle)


1. Several patient rooms have vinyl flooring and several patient rooms have carpeting.

Given a choice, which do you prefer? (circle)





2. Why?

Please rate the following by circling the best number between 1 and 6 that best describes your

experience in your patient room.

3. Colors 1 6


Cleanliness 1 6


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5. Attractiveness 1 2 3 4 5 6


6. Odor 1 2 3 4 5 6


7. Window view (outside) 1 2 3 4 5 6


8. Temperature comfort 1 2 3 4 5 6


9. How cold it gets 1 2 3 4 5 6


10. How hot it gets 1 2 3 4 5 6


11. Temperature shifts 1 2 3 5 6


12. Ventilation comfort 1 2 3 4 5 6


13. Air freshness 1 2 5 6


14. Air movement 1 2 3 4 5 6


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15. Noise Distractions 1 2 5 6


16. Background hospital noise 1 2 5 6


17. Electric Lighting 1 6


18. Glare from lights 1 2 3 5 6


Based on your experience in your patient room, how much control do you have oven

19. Temperature 1 2 3 4 5 6


20. Lighting 1 2 5 6


21. Noise 1 2 5 6


Based on your experience in your patient room, please rate the condition (state o f repair or

disrepair) of the:

22. Flooring 1 2 5 6


23. Walls 1 2 5 6


24. Ceilings 1 2 5 6


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25. Counters & Cabinets 1 2 3 4 5 6


26. What do you like best about your room?

27. What would you most like to change about your room?


In the past three years, have you had:

28. Migraine Headaches YES

29. Asthma YES

30. Allergies-Respiratory related (e.g. Smoke, pets, flowers YES

31. Allergies-Non-respiratory related (e.g. Food) YES

32. Allergies from insect bites YES

33. What is your occupation?

ADDRESS (optional for those requesting results at the end of this study):





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Telemetry Staff Questionnaire

The purpose of this questionnaire is to evaluate medical staff preferences and levels of comfort
and satisfaction in their work environm ent Studies like these help architects and designers to
leam about what you want for hospital design. There are 43 questions that should take 10-15
minutes to answer. If you provide a mailing address at the end o f the questionnaire, we will send
you the results when the study is complete. Thank you for your help with this research study.

Today’s Date: Time: am pm (circle)


1. Job title:

2. Your age: <20 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 >60

3. Gender. MALE FEMALE

4. How long have you worked in health care? YEARS: MONTHS:

5. How long have you worked a t S t Joseph Regional Health Center?


6. How long have you worked in the Telemetry Unit a t S t Joseph Regional Health Center?

7. How many hours per week do you work in the Telemetry Unit?

8. Which shift do you typically work in the Telemetry Unit?


9. Several patient rooms have vinyl flooring and several patient rooms have carpeting.
Given a choice, which do you prefer? (circle)

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10. Why?

While considering the patient rooms with carpet and vinyl flooring, please rate the following by circling
the best number between 1 and 6 that best describes your experience:

11. Colors BAD GOOD

VINYL 1 2 4 5 6
CARPET 1 2 4 5 6

12. Cleanliness BAD GOOD

VINYL 1 2 3 4 5 6
CARPET 1 2 3 4 5 6


V INYL 1 2 3 4 5 6
CARPET 1 2 3 4 5 6

14. Odor BAD GOOD

VINYL 1 2 3 4 5 6
CARPET 1 2 3 4 5 6

15. Physical comfort level BAD GOOD

VINYL 1 2 3 4 5 6
CARPET 1 2 3 4 5 6

16. Temperature comfort BAD GOOD

VINYL 1 2 3 4 5 6
CARPET 1 2 3 4 5 6

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

17. How cold it gets TOO COLD COMFORTABLE

VINYL 1 2 3 4 5 S

CARPET 1 2 3 4 5 6

18. How hot it gets TOO HOT COMFORTABLE

VINYL 1 2 3 5 6
CARPET 1 2 3 5 6

19. Temperature shifts TOO OFTEN CONSTANT

VINYL 1 2 3 5 6
CARPET 1 2 3 5 6

20 . Ventilation comfort BAD GOOD

VINYL 1 2 3 5 6

CARPET 1 2 3 5 6

21 . Air freshness STALE AIR FRESH AIR

VINYL 1 2 3 5 6

CARPET 1 2 3 5 6

22 . Air movement STUFFY CIRCULATING

VINYL 1 2 3 5 6
CARPET 1 2 3 5 6

23. Noise Distractions TOO NOISY NOT NOISY

VINYL 1 2 3 5 6
CARPET 1 2 3 5 6

24. Background hospital noise TOO NOISY NOT NOISY

VINYL 1 2 3 4 5 6
CARPET 1 2 3 4 5 6

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25. Electric Lighting BAD GOOD

VINYL 1 2 3 5 6
CARPET 1 2 3 5 6

26. Glare from lights HIGH GLARE NO GLARE

VINYL 1 2 3 5 6
CARPET 1 2 3 5 6

While considering the patient rooms with carpet and vinyl flooring please rate the condition of:
VINYL 1 2 3 5 6
CARPET 1 2 3 5 6


VINYL 1 2 3 5 6
CARPET 1 2 3 5 6


VINYL 1 2 3 5 6
CARPET 1 2 3 5 6

30. Counters & Cabinets POOR EXCELLENT

VINYL 1 2 3 5 6
CARPET 1 2 3 5 6

31. How many times per week during your shift are there spills on the floor of the patient

32. How often do you have to clean the floor from a spill or treatment in the patient rooms?
1 2 3 4 5 6

33. How satisfied are you with the level o f noise inthe patient rooms?
1 2 3 4 5 6

34. How often does the patient or family members complain of noise?
1 2 3 4 5 6

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35. How often do you have problems with inadequate lighting in the patient rooms for your
medical tasks? NEVER ALWAYS
1 2 3 4 5 6

36. W hat do you like best about the patient rooms?

37. W hat would you like to change about the patient rooms?

38. Please use this space for additional comments about the design of the Telemetry U nit


In the past three years, have you had:

39. Migraine Headaches YES NO

40. Asthma YES NO

41. Allergies-Respiratory related (e.g. Smoke, pets, flowers) YES NO

42. AlIergies-Non-respiratory related (e.g. Food) YES NO

43. Allergies from insect bites YES NO

ADDRESS (optional for those requesting results at the end of this study):




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October 13, 1998

Dear Cart Lintner:

I am finalizing the patient questionnaires for my dissertation study. I am collecting data

at St. Joseph Regional Health Center. I will be conducting a building analysis for environmental
quality (indoor air quality, acoustics, lighting) and will compare that with patient and staff data
on perception, comfort and preferences. I need to test" the surveys to make sure that the
questions are understandable. I am asking you to participate because you have some level of
experience with patient rooms.
Would you please fill out the survey as if you were located in this unit? The questionnaire
will have a handwritten note with the type of floor finish material in ‘your room*. After
answering the survey, please respond to the following questions:

1. Are any of the questions confusing? If so. please explain: K £ A l L-'~S R J 'T
u; Afa'KVfiiti? tF'fiPU T ' l C ^ ' Xc f o g T

\F /{ A 0 \7 o Z C A i \j i

2. Is the color of the survey appropriate (not too dark, easy on the eyes)? Please explain:____
.! U K S
’ \ T . _______________________________________________________

3. Is the layout of the survey confusing? If so, please explain: I CyC‘\ j T M-,<' -9d>,

4. Any additional comments are appreciated: [,0 0 ^ A frc O ,

l<'s O o < f r h h £ £ l A Y O 'O T
i s g > t g I hi MttJp ~ T > A r j i i l Y 6

o rra ^ l w \7i FoR. E - b a t

US-F'h'c- : r Yu'Q ''iSZP / { i O Y OTlrsEk? \tB Lp, __________________

Please return this survey to my mailbox located outside the Department of Architecture
office on the 4* floor of Building L I would like to have it back by Tuesday. October 20.1998.
If you have questions, please call. Thank you for your assistance.


Department of Architecture

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S t Joseph Regional Health Center

Bryan, Texas



Date of initial assessment_____________________ Follow up assessment

Prepared by:_________________________ Dale ___________

INSTRUCTIONS. This assessment a to be I. Check appCcasle items, indicate pom s J l ngnt completed on HI patients
completed on ad paoentx. 2. Add perns and note total scone oenw
Refer to definitions on back
c f INS street
L AGE O (1 p t) SO o r m ore years o ld Q (2 p i) 70-73 years o ld Research indicates the younger ig e group (70-79
years old) is le u lAefy to request
nursing assistance before
arising, therefore, biey am at granter n tk of fating.

II. MENTAL STATUS 0 10 p tx ) Onented at all tunes Q (2 p ts ) Corrfm nn at Q (4

p ts) Intermittent confusion
______________________________ or comatose________________ s i limes g (2 cts.l Head rsury________

III. DAY NUMBER OF STAY Q (2 p tx) Over J days Q i t p ts ) 1-3 days □ i O p i) Initial assessment
ft t case of fall)
□ (4 pts.iCemplete bedrest O (0 p ts ) Independent Q (1 p t) Catheter Q (3 p ts ) Eim naton 0 (5 p ts ) Independent i
and conenert and/or ostomy with assistance A nccntmant ; pts

QIC pts.) No history 0 (2 pts.) Has falen 1 or 2 tm es before Q (5 pis.) Multiple history of fating

VI. VISUAL IMPAIRMENT (1 p t) _____ pt*

VII. CONFINES TO CHAIR OR BED Restrains: Q y e s (3 p ts ) Q no (0 p ts ) _____ pt*-

VII). BLOOO PRESSURE le u than 80150 Q 12 p ts ) _____ pts.


Q (1 D l)'A id e base o f suoport Q (1 p t) Liuchmg. swaying o r slapping gad
Q (1 p t) Loss c f balance w hin standing Q (1 p t) G a t pattern changed when w aiting through doorway
Q (1 p t) Balance pcotXems when walking Q ( I p t) Jerking o r « stsM ty when rnafcnq turns
Q (1 p t) Decrease m m uscular ccordmscon Q il p t) Use o f assistive devces (cane, 'walker, fUmeure. e tc ) ______?»


Q Alcohol Anesthetic Q AntUustamme Q Anhhycettensrues Q AnttsemirefAnttepileotic

Q Seiuodlaaecmes Q Cathartics Q Diuretics Q htypoglycamc agents
Q Narcchcs Q Psychotropic* Q Sedspves Q Other (specify)

F*om me adore medication groups, nmcate how many the patient is curentty taking, cr tock prior lo aemission. _____ o ix
□ (0 pts.) No medicatton Q (1 p t) t medication Q (2 p tx ) 2 o r more medications
Q w ith a Change of m edication andror dosage ui me past five Cays, add 1 pomt lo tie m edoeoo score

A score o fte n (10) o r above indicates a nek o f fa llin g :


Rev. 1797

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Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

BEHAVIOR MAPPING STUDY DATA FORM______________________________Ream#;

No. of beds In unit: 41 Date:
No. of beds occupied: __________________ Start Time:
No. of beds In study: 9 End Time:
No. of beds In study occupied:_____________ Observer:
Ref No Tim e In Tim e O ut Sender N » Nurse D « O odor Comments
00000 0 0 0 00 T • Technician V * Volunteer Purpose lo r visit, reason lo r leaving special
VA • V isitor Adult H • Housekeeping circum stances, em ergency, procedure, hesitates
VB ■ V isitor Age Unknown VC ■ V issor Child upon entry, etc



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ROOM 269


T R A V E L D I S T A N C E _______________ ROOM
RM 268 46 FT. R° ° M

RM 269 42 FT. — ------------ 1

RM 271 28 FT. 273

RM272 38 FT.

RM273 52 FT.

RM 287 76 FT.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.




Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

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Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.



Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

Table 4—1: Warranted Electrical Specifications

Characteristic Standard
Accuracy i% of 'eaarnq si! count
«£jc:udirg senso» ncrline.wry.
Err kSsi005 EN -0082*1 used w«tr» ^Mront* power *>upply .ind
RS-232 cade
EMI immunity EN-5GOA2 1
ESO lmmur«ty up to a *v

Table 4-2; Typical Electrical Specifications

Characteristic Standard
Pcwer Atkal-m* Dd'Tery. 7 to TOV
rti.**juif cmti it»: »EC L-flFi 1
NECA »d04
E»t»*»rvil Power Supply 1'•> ‘b VO*"
0.iU«.**y L4« 30 route
(Typical) ilEC oLPyl t) UT6fy wtir. t.icMiqM .ft jnc
RS-2-J2 t*nclu«n**,f>
Low Battery 72 V
Table 4-3: Warranted Environmental Specifications
Characteristic 1Standard
r»*trcer.Hur*» j NcrccflMtn1; -55 C to C
| C U -55 3
|r 7'}k 5tJ i>'»J Jl'4.'
j Norv»£tar V -*7*» - ;C **:*- C
, .I*'3- -10 Cf-3 -55 -

Table 4-4: Typical Mechanical Specifications

Characteristic i Standard
Dimensions 1rteujnt 198 mm f0 .ncnes/
. Wicth 93 mm *3 7 .nchesi
Depin 34 mrn »t 3 inches i
Wetgn: 1 4 %g (3 pcunasi

Table 4 -5 : Warranted Sensor Ranges

Sensor Range
J1803 0 3 to 300 000 Cdm*! iNit)
J1805 0 Ot mcd to TO cd
J1806 0 0 0 1 to 200 W. m- ar
J1810 0 001 to 0 999 *y and uv coordinates
0 3 to 1000 cd/rTr2 (Nit)
0 t to 300 IL
J1811 0.01 to 5000 Lux (Irrvrm)
0 001 to 500 tc
jta i2 0 001 to 2000 mw.'m*
0 t nW to 0 2 m'.V
J1823 3 to 30.000 cdr'nt2 (Nit)
(Standard version)
t to 10.000 IL
J1823 30 to 30.000 cdrm2 tNitl
1Option 01)
TO to 10.000 IL

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

Table 1-13: J1811 Performance Characteristics

Characteristic Standard

Accuracy 5% of reading ± 2 courts (Uluminant A at lOOOcdrr2

I'ncuding ncr-lineanty) 20 ~ C to 20 ’ C, <75% relative humidity)

Spectral Response CIE pholoptc (See Figure A -l on page A-4)

Spectral Accuracy 1,' = <3% (DIN class A)

ncvcptoi n.c nt yic CoS»n€ CCTcCtcu (12C'

Table 1-14: J1811 Typical Physical Characteristics

Characteristic Standard

Dimersicns Height: 1 4 .riches (35 nm)

(not including lens Z20 \
Width: 25 inches (63 mm)
Length: 2 5. inches (63 nmi
Cable ength 6teet (13m)

Table 1-15: J1811 Environmental Characteristics

Characteristic | Standard

'empe'ature ‘ Meets Mi Stj 2B30CE Class 3

; Nor.operalmg: - 62; C tc - 85; C

: Operating: -15 : C ID C

Humidity 143hours al 97% relative hurciiry

j ;3C;: C (c 50’ Ci

j Vcdif e l MIL Sid 288C0E

Electrostatic :mmun;p/ i Complies .vit iEC 801-2

Sectrcmagre’ic Com­ i Meets CISPIR 22B. FCC Class A and 7D£ Class B

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Standards: M e e t s or e x c e e d s A N S I S I . 4-1983, T y p e 1 a n d relevant

sections of I E C 6 5 1 - 1 9 7 9 , T y p e 1(1) a n d I E C 8 0 4 - 1 9 8 5 .

Display: 3 1/2 D i g i t L i q u i d C r y s t a l D i s p l a y w i t h a n a d d i t i o n a l
Q u a s i - A n a l o g u e 60 d B i n d i c a t o r in 2 d B i n c r e m e n t s . Level display
indicates to 0.1 dB resolution. Time display indicates either
MinrSec or Hr:Min. A n n u n c i a t o r s a r e in c l u d e d for B a t t e r y Check,
Hold, a n d O v e r l o a d Indication.

Printout: Wh e n used with a printer, a one page p r i n t o u t is

produced. It c o n s i s t s of th e f o l l o w i n g : Heading; W E I G H T I N G and
R E S P O N S E s e t t i n g s ; LE Q , MAX, MIN , a n d S E L l e v e l s ; R U N T I M E a n d O L
T I M E ; E X C E E D A N C E L E V E L S (dB) w i t h 1 d B r e s o l u t i o n ; a n d F i l t e r D a t a
f o r e a c h f r e q u e n c y (LEQ, MAX, M I N , a n d SEL) a l o n g w i t h t h e R U N T I M E
7L T I M E f o r e a c h f r e q u e n c y .

Hoaaa of Operation: Sound Pres su re Level ( S P L ) , M a x i m u m Level

(MAX), M i n i m u m Level (MIN), Sound Exposure Level ( S E L ) , and
E q u i v a l e n t L e v e l ( L E Q ) . P e a k L e v e l (PEAK) a n d I m p u l s e L e v e l (IMP)
can also be measured.

Minimum Measurement: Meter only; With Model QE4146 Microphone —

27 dBA. Using Linear Weighting with an O c ta ve Filter Set; See
F i g u r e 17. T h e min i m u m measurement varies depending on the filter
frequency selected.

Maximum Measurement: W i t h M o d e l Q E 4 146 M i c r o p h o n e — 120 d B with

20 d B C r e s t F a c t o r . (140 d B if m e a s u r i n g a s i n u s o i d a l s i g n a l . )
O v e r l o a d i n d i c a t i o n w i l l o c c u r if u p p e r r a n g e is e x c e e d e d .

Frequency W e i g h t i n g Networks: A, B, C, a n d L i n e a r . When using a

f i l t e r set , a n y o n e o f the w e i g h t i n g s m a y b e s e l e c t e d .

Meter Response: Slow, Fast, I m p u l s e , a n d P e a k . (The Peak onset

t i m e c o n s t a n t is l e s s t h a n 50 m i c r o s e c o n d s ) . P e a k m e a s u r e m e n t s m a y
b e m a d e i n e i t h e r A, B, C, o r L i n e a r W e i g h t i n g .

Microphones: R e m o v a b l e p r e c i s i o n 1/2 in c h p r e p o l a r i z e d c o n d e n s e r
(el e c t r e t ) m i c r o p h o n e is s t a n d a r d . O p t i o n a l 1/2 inch, o n e inch,
and other mic r o p h o n e s are available.

Preamp: Removable. T h e i n p u t i m p e d a n c e is g r e a t e r t h a n 1 G o h m in
p a r a l l e l w i t h 2 pF. T h e p r e a m p w i l l d r i v e u p t o 100 f e e t o f c a b l e
w ith no loss. ( S e e F i g u r e 14.)

Polarisation: R e g u l a t e d 2 0 0 V D C w i t h i n 2t w h e n u s i n g c o n d e n s e r
microphones. The voltage must be manually switched off w h e n using
p r e p o l a r i z e d c o n d e n s e r (electret) m i c r o p h o n e s .

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Meter Input: The input impedance is 1 Megohm in series with 0.1

HFD. The maximum sinusoidal input voltage is 10V RMS.

AC Output: 3.16 V RMS at full scale (60 d B ) . (3.8 V RMS maximum)

The output impedance is 3.2K ohms. Connected equipment should be
at least 10K ohms. The output can be shorted without damaging the
meter or changing the meter reading.

DC Output: 0 to 1.00V DC; 60 dB span. Each 0.167V change equals

10 dB. Connected equipment should be at least 10K ohms. The
output can be shorted without damaging the meter or changing the
meter reading.

Print Output: Serial output to printers or computers using RS-232

voltage levels. Selectable baud rates of 300, 600, 1200, or 2400.
ASCII character format.

Data Output: Output transmission of real-time digital data occv

at a rate of 16 times per second using RS-232 voltage levels.

Frequency Range: 4 Hz (-3dB) to 50 kHz (-3dB) on linear weighting,

meter only. (Subject to microphone limitations.)

Reference Range: 60 to 120 dB Range setting

Reference SPL: 94 dB

Reference Frequency: 1 kHz

Reference Direction: 0 Degree when using a Free Field Microphone.

Sound is arriving from directly in front of the microphone
diaphragm. (A Normal Line extending from the center of the
microphone diaphragm.)

Detector: True RMS

Detector Pulse Range: 63 dB

Detector Measuring Range: From 0 dB to 40 dB on the painted scale

(when measuring a signal with a 20 dB Crest Factor) . The extra 20
dB (40 to 60) on top of the measuring range produces the 20 dB
Crest Factor capability .

Primary Indicator Range / Linearity Range: 60 dB (The range as

indicated by both the dB RANGE switch and the painted 60 dB scale.)
Tested with a sinusoidal signal input.

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Level Linearity: I n s i d e the Primary I n d i c a t o r Range. It i s t e s t e d

o n the R e f e r e n c e R a n g e (60 t o 120 dB) with a sinusoidal input
signal. T o l e r a n c e is * ■ / • 0 . 7 d B r e f e r e n c e d t o 94 dB.

Overload Indication: The display annunciator (OL) indicates

o v e r l o a d o n t h e L CD.

Attenuator Accuracy: R e f e r e n c e d from the R e f er en ce Rang e a n d the

R e f e r e n c e S P L (+34 d B o n t h e p a i n t e d m e t e r s c a l e ) . w i t h i n 0.5 d3
f r o m 31.5 K z t o 8 kHz. W i t h i n 1.0 d B f r o m 20 H z t o 1 2 . 5 k Hz.

Warm-up Time: 30 seconds.

I n t e g r a t i o n T i m e (Set t l i n g Time) : 1 m i n u t e w h e n m e a s u r i n g a sho r t

impulse. 5 s e c o n d s w he n integrating a constant input signal.

'ur a e y : W i t h i n 0 . 5 d B a t 2 5 ”C; W i t h i n 1.0 d B o v e r t h e t e m p e r a t u r e

,ge o f -10-C t o + 50°C.

Temperature Range: O p e r a t i o n T e m p e r a t u r e Range: - 10°C t o ► 5 0 ,’C.

Accuracy over the O p e r a t i o n T e m p e r a t u r e is w i t h i n * / - .5 dB.
S t o r a g e T e m p e r a t u r e R a n g e ( l es s b a t t e r i e s ) : - 2 0 ‘’C t o *60"C
D o not e x c e e d t h e S t o r a g e T e m p e r a t u r e R a n g e b e c a u s e p o s s i b l e d a m a g e
to the u n i t m a y result.

Operating Humidity: O v e r a r a n g e of 30 to 90* r e l a t i v e h u m i d i t y ,

the a c c u r a c y is w i t h i n * / - 0 . 5 dB. Do not e xc ee d 95* relative
h u m i d i t y b e c a u s e p o s s i b l e d a m a g e to t h e un i t m a y result.

Effect of M a g n e t i c Fields: A m a g n e t i c f i e l d o f 1 O e r s t e d (80A/m)

at 60Hz p r o d u c e s a m a x i m u m r e a d i n g of 40 d B o n L i n e a r W e i g h t i n g .

Effect of Electrostatic Fields: Negligible as long as the

protection g r i d is k e p t o n t h e m i c r o p h o n e .

Batteries: T w o 9 - v o l t a l k a l i n e b a t t e r i e s ( N E D A 1604A) w i l l p r o v i d e
approximately 16 h o u r s of c o n t i n u o u s o p e r a t i o n . (8 h o u r s w i t h
o p t i o n a l f i l t e r se c . )

Tripod M o u n t : A threaded insert on back of the meter accepts a

standard 1/ 4 - 2 0 tr i p o d m o u n t i n g screw.

Size: 3 . 3 x 8 . 2 x 1. 8 inches (84 x 2 0 8 x 47mm) not including the

height of the preamp.

Weight: 24 oz. (680g) including the preamp and batteries.

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♦ 3% o f C u l l a c a l a , e x c e p t a b o v e 13CC
A C C U R A C Y (See note, below) CfH on e x h a u s t ( f l o w fr o m b a s s t o
hood) w h ic h is -4 4 o f f u l l s c a le
SUPPLY A N D E X H A U S T RANGES 250, 500. 1000, 2000 CFM lull
(425. 850, 1700, 3400 Cubic
M A X IM U M USABLE L IM IT 2000 CFM (3400 Cubic
R E A D -O U T T IM E 4 to 8 seconds
S TA N D A R D O P EN IN G S 2X2. 2X4, 1X4, 1X5, 3X3 feet
DIM EN S IO N S Heighi 40 in.
Width, Depth—variable depend­
ing on cloth hood size. Up to 5
ft. wide, 3 ft. deep at top open­
Base 17X17 in.
NOTE: Corrections may be required in two situations, to achieve
specified accuracy:

I — When using the LoFlow adapter to measure exhaust

volume (air movement from base to vent) above 150 CFM
(250 cubic meters/hr) multiply the reading bv 1.02 to
obtain measurement within tolerance.
2— Figure 9 can be used to determine the backpressure which
the Balometer introduces. For systems without
individually-controlled constant volume outlets, this cor­
rection may be factored into the system equation if

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Gas Sampling Mode: Internal Pump or Diffusion
Measurement Range- 0-10,000 ppm • Accuracy: ±5% reading
Repeatability: .±20ppm • Response Time:45 sec
Output (Linear, Programmable): 0-5 VDC
User InterfaceMBM Compatable Communication Software
Calibration Adjustments: Zero and Span
Data lnterface:RS-232 Serial Port
Recommended Cal Interval: One year
Number of Channels: 4 • Input Range: 0-5 VDC
Sampling Interval.:Selectable 10 sec, 60sec, 5 min, & 10 min
Pump:0.5 liter/min • Data Polnts:14,000 data points
Battery Type.Sealed lead-acid • Battery Operations hour
IBM compatible, DOS 5.0 or higher required.

6H1058RH Relative Humidity Sensor. 20-95% RH * 5 accuracy
with 10 sec response time. 0-1 VPP cu'dui includes cnw**- *'-r
interconnection, 3.1" x 2.1* x 1.6
6H1058T Tem perature Sensor. ... ... _ r
minute response time. 0-1 VDC oufout. ;nci,;der c-i^'e'-
interconnection. 3.8" x 2.4" x 1.0"
6HP9PS110 Sensor, VOC. 1-500 p ^ i . i inyciuwutLijn c , —
± 5% accuracy. Metal oxide semiconductor sensor, self-cleaning
with 5 -y e a r service i r . , - i , c a b l e (or in»ercon~e.-».-e
4.5 x 3.1 X 1.4'
C A L IB h A f ION M A f t h l A Lb
6H60794 r, OS Cnni'ifer. nn-i moo -.nm I <vv rre-i^ure 1d
6H607au bdtnc i4tUOUt-"' Lu-

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Relative Humidity 1058T

M e a s u re m e n t Itan e e
2 0 -9 5 % RH
A ccuracy (@ 2 5 * Q
= 5% RH
S tability
* ! % R H per year
Response T im e
10 sec
P o w er R equ irem ents
1 2 -2 8 V O C
O u tp u t (lin e a r)
0-1 V O C (10 m V/% RH)
A verage T em peratu re Range
= 0 .1 1 % R H T C
O p e ra tin g Tem peratu re Range
-4 0 * 1 29“r { -4 (r to -t-54*Q
Storage T em peratu re Range
-4 0 “ to 1 5 8 * F (-4 0 to + 7 0 rQ
C u rre n t R equirem ents (@ 1 2 V O O
I mA
D im e n s io n s (Ix W x D )
3 ' x 2“ x 1 .5 ’ ( 8 . 0 x 5 0 x 4 . 0 )
W e ig h t
3 oz. (85 gm)
W a rra n ty
18 months

Temperature Sensor 1058T

M e a s u re m e n t Range
(sensing elem ent)
-t-r*to -riitrc
Accuracy ( @ 2 5 * 0
= 1.0“C
S ta b ility (1 ,0 0 0 hrs @ 1 1 0 * 0
= 0 .0 8 “C
Response T im e (@ 1 ft/sec a ir flow )
< 1 imn
P o w e r R e q u ire m e n t
9 V O C alkaline battery
O u tp u t (lin e a r)
10 m V /*Q
Storage T em p e ra tu re Range
-4 0 * TO 1 J0 * r M 0 * To + 6 C O
C u rre n t R equirem ents (@ 9 V D Q
60 pA
D im e n s io n s (LxW xD )
4* x 2 .5* x 1 . 0 * ( 1 0 x 6 x 1 cm )
W e ig h t (w ith battery)
4 o z.
W a rra n ty
18 months

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D a ta Sam ples A c c u ra c y
O User-defined sample intervals, configuable 8 seconds to o NDiR CO , sensor is S% of the reading and is
once a week heated to 5CTCfor temperature stabilization
O Eitner continuous firsl-m first-out o r fiH-and-
stoo datalogging O p e ra tin g Ranges
O Memory capacity stores up to 32.768 samples ® Display o f C 0 2 0-1999ppm
O Logs all lour channels
O Recording o f CO2 to SOOOppm
® 5-95% non-condensing
Softw are (in clu d ed )
O Windows 3.1 8 Windows 95 Environment C h ara cte ristic s
O Allows for complete graphing, export, and
© Rugged metal enclosure
colour printing O Dimensions - 8 39" x 5 72" t 2 10’
Features Include: o Weight - 2 .9 lbs
O zoom, delayed start, and fast downloading.
O p tio n a l
Power Source O 18 hour battery
O 12V. 400mA
O 120V AC adapter I Included)
o On board sealed lead acid battery. 4 hour operating time.
- RechargedOvernight -

Sensor CCh Tem perature R/H

Type NCHR Neg. Temp. Thin Rim

Co-efficient Thermisor Capacitive
Range 0-5000 ppm •0 4 to 70'C 0-100%
Resolution 0 5 ppm 0.4’C @ 251C 0.4% RH
Response-lime > I min. N/A 5 min.
Warm-up Time 5 min. N/A 5 mm.
Est. Operating Ufe 15 years in air N/A N/A

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VDFCnns Tffrrt ■mi taMtWTMM btantftMtaota ! StandM m* (MW)

Emmr fitartcMttsr mfJOBOCOntBm jMponobcotter (OSIM)
AM* AMOcomoar 4/riaoxt)an ter j UfaaoMi awter(05377/
Start/ Start)MCO
S*r ArtMMCtar ; ta m tM c trn (& $ m
Antml opvttngmgt 3»S£TCl32to120*0
rtangoopeaocnaroertt 0a5Q
ftn dstwpmtifl arncwte 0isrci32»rarF)
flagitfutisatcnarcane 0isrci32iiarP
| MftfwhumidHy 10-95%AHnonoroensq 6 u>toX X W F)
! Hmdadrtfata tOa95%* HRsnconoraaoon. aona.lasta3(TCST*!
Uhxtaoi rtoma 10-95%UR.semcanOensaoio. 9 ate30*C(36’R
Hurts(Save 10-95%HRsaracontagion, nanMXI56T)
Stnjiinpnui •25*toWCl-ty isWf) «tai tscery
Impadnaanameno •aaTtrCI-UalSffBsnpia
rwautanraora^n -25a70*C(-13aI58^isemC
Tmperaueoeacoage -2S37irC(-t3iiS8'Rarapfc

WtfghtJOimmiora 270gmt95aitt37t*t«'96mm 54it6«77n|

| ArtiQrrwwns
9VMaw orNodbatay jm>trie, oater-asi
- ruerwoeadrwocof
i MmenBgfe

I B«taryIU«(Alkafint)* MUooeH 33nfsibaatgniwt>£8(»-4iserUooets.''rnttas8(uMi]50Voacu9rtuse<i50%!

Alaoeaw rodstomooete33hns(snw * J39crccM*x»osconaser 11rcrascase*«nuse50%. U * trasfcnooanu»ST.i
i Ouagij as Catenas' Todososfnodeios33taras(semuse* recoiunripct-Vodewcomaser n noasitaserusaooSPie•wortwacao

! krtedeUcrte’ feuslasrodetes:33hares(remecaragenonuafceHtooeiesuser 11neires(t/serutsa 50%. woecarageustseS7V

ftS ~ It li It 301

' BMrydtrfaniosMQnBufclRaidasarusap. SptcdoKRiansuatassanjem o t nact

' U M U M iiM m a K M ttia a ta a o n a a M R H O R ia tn a iy M 'M r EsKtaooresum3am sn(imm sa
’ AviaEtfflaBfaoosmw.sWitt^KCBusjirwrica.wouTwoai Esccofcapnesacsu«al aunosenoweaeo
’ uoiMa**igta«gwir>«aRttt fuefaaot&ttHcaaptt&tisw la cancansaquKoeuwnaswmk sarsowns

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Appendix 1.1______________________________________________________________________________
Temperature box-plot for patient rooms showing the median and range categorized by flooring type.


j __

C a rp et

r~ i vct
27t 272 273 287

P a tie n t R o o m s

Note: Shaded area represents the recommended range for temperature in hospital patient rooms by
ASHRAE 62-1999, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, and ASHRAE Handbook of
Fundamentals, 1997.

Appendix I.2_____________________________________________________________________________
Relative humidity box-plot for patient rooms showing the median and range categorized by flooring


40 ■

I 30 •
20 a

F lo o r in g
1 C a rp e t

268 269 272 2 73 287

P a tie n t R o o m s

Note: Shaded area represents the recommended range for indoor relative humidity by ASHRAE 62-1999,
Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, and ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, 1997.
Additionally, for thermal comfort for winter range (clothing value .9), dewpoint at 36 F.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

Appendix 1.3________________________________________________________________
Carbon Dioxide box-plot for patient rooms showing the median and range categorized by
flooring type.
■g 1200a J=L
8 . 1100.
H 1000-
I 9001
^ aoo.
O 700a
F lo o n n g
600a fr« a |C J ip «

268 260 271 272

P a tie n t R o o m s

Note: Dashed line represents the maximum level of Carbon Dioxide (parts per million) that usually results
in conditions conducive to comfort and the removal of odor from human generated pollutants as stated by
ASHRAE 62-1999, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality.

Appendix I.4__________________________________________________________________
Total volatile organic compounds box-plot for patient rooms showing the median and range
categorized by flooring type.

F lo o rin g
Eos 1 C a rp et

266 269 271 272 273

P a tie n t R o o m s

Note: Guidelines or standards have not been established for exposure to volatile organic compounds in
non-industrial indoor environments.

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Appendix 1.5

Bacteria count of colony forming units in each patient room categorized by flooring type.

O 100

F lo o r in g
R S I C a rp q t

271 272

P a tie n t R o o m s

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Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

Typical Single and Double Occupancy Patient Rooms

J Single Occupancy □

Double Occupancy

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Debra D. Harris

611 East 46th Street Tele: 512.453.3117

Austin, Texas 78751 E-mai:


Registered Interior Designer State of Texas No. 9153
NCIDQ Certified No. 013690
Certificate for Indoor Air Quality Testing, Texas Engineering Extension Service

2000 Doctor of Philosophy, Architecture, Texas A&M University
1994 Master of Interior Architecture, University of Oregon
1986 Bachelor of Science, Interior Design,Southwest Texas State University


1998 International Interior Design Association Lester Johnson Fellowship
1998 Texas A&M University Women’s Faculty Network Graduate Scholarship
1998 A Carter Manny Award Nomination, Graham Foundation
1997 St. Joseph Regional Health Center, Grant: Material Specifications for
Healthcare Interiors Impact on Environmental Health.
1997 AIA, Grant: The Impact of Design of Interiors on Productivity.
1994 American Hospital Association/American Institute of Architects Graduate
Fellowship in Health Facility Planning & Design.
1993 Institute of Business Designers Foundation/Lackawanna Leather Com­
pany Professional Fellowship Award, Graduate Fellowship.

1/97 to 7/00 Design Consultant, Austin, TX
4/95 to 12/96 Design Consultant, Seattle, WA
2/90 to 10/92 Project Manager, Mitchell & Mitchell, Houston, TX
10/88 to 2/90 Project Manager, Trammell Crow Company, Houston, TX
9/87 to 10/88 Interior Designer, KSD Architectural Associates, Ft. Walton Beach, FL
3/83 to 6/87 Contract Interior Designer, Austin, TX

8/99 to 12/99 Lecturer, University of Texas, School of Architecture
8/97 to 5/99 Assistant Lecturer,Texas A&M University, College Of Architecture
8/94 to 5/95 Assistant Professor, University Of North Texas, School Of Visual Arts
9/92 to 3/94 Graduate Teaching Fellow, University Of Oregon, School of Architecture

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